City of Bologna - useful information for tourists. Bologna: how to get, where to stay and what to see Bologna how to get

Bologna - main city Emilia-Romagna region with a population of about 375 thousand people. It is a city of universities whose students bring turmoil and fun, enliven its cultural and public life. In addition, Bologna is known for its towers and long arcades. The historic center of the city is well preserved and is considered one of the largest in Italy - all this thanks to a powerful policy for its preservation and restoration, which began in the 60s. last century. This is a city whose origins date back to at least a millennium BC. e. Bologna has always been an important center of culture and art - its artistic and monumental fame is based on a homogeneous array of architectural monuments and works of art (medieval towers, historic houses, churches).

In 2000, Bologna was recognized as the European Capital of Culture, and in 2006 it was awarded recognition by UNESCO as a creative city of music, the first in Italy and the second in Europe after Seville.

How to get to Bologna

By plane

Bologna International Airport is 6 km from the city centre. You can get there by Aeroflot direct flight from Moscow Sheremetyevo in 3.5 hours, the cost of a round-trip ticket is from 280 EUR. Austrian Airlines departing from Domodedovo offer tickets 1.5 times lower in price, but with an intermediate transfer in Vienna. It’s even cheaper to fly from Vnukovo by Pobeda low-cost airline to Venice (3.5 hours) and from there get to Bologna by train.

It is convenient to fly from St. Petersburg (Pulkovo) to Bologna by Aeroflot with a transfer in Moscow.

From airport to city

A shuttle bus runs between the airport and the centrally located Bologna Centrale railway station with the abbreviation BLQ instead of a number. Travel time is 20 minutes, the first flight is at 5:30, the last one is at 0:15, the traffic interval is 10-20 minutes. A ticket (6 EUR) can be bought from the driver or from a vending machine next to the bus stop.

One of the travel options is railway: by train No. 017B Moscow - Nice to Milan (42 hours, 300-360 EUR one way), then transfer to the train to Bologna. Bologna is an important transport hub of the country, which is called the railway hub. On the trains of the TrenItalia company (off. site), it is easy and convenient to get here from Rome (2 hours 15 minutes, 40 EUR), Venice (1.5 hours, 20 EUR), Milan (1 hour 10 minutes, 18 EUR), Florence ( 35 minutes, 19 EUR) and other Italian cities.

By bus and private car

There will be enough road impressions in abundance from a trip on the Moscow-Naples bus from Intercars Europe (off. site), going through Bologna. True, you will have to spend a lot of money and time - 54 hours and 200-270 EUR one way. The car route from Moscow to Bologna with a length of 2700 km passes along the roads of Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Italy. You will need to spend about 30 hours behind the wheel, plus you will have to lose some time at the border crossing in Belarus. To cross the border by car, you must have a Green Card - an international analogue of the Russian OSAGO.


Over the 2000 years of its existence, Bologna has managed to acquire almost all possible modes of transport. Today, you can travel along it in a carriage and on a bicycle, or you can use the metro, bus or taxi.

This is the most popular mode of transportation in Bologna. A convenient and well-thought-out transport network covers the city and its environs, routes are divided into urban, suburban, intercity. An ordinary tourist is quite capable of understanding them. Route maps are sold at the kiosk, there is a schedule at the bus stop, and friendly Italians will explain in colors how to get there (however, you can’t do without knowing the language). The ticket price is from 1.3 EUR, it must be composted, after which it is valid within 60-70 minutes on any city route. If you plan to ride more, you can purchase a day pass for 8.50 EUR. Night buses also run in Bologna. The famous red tourist double-decker buses finally appeared in Bologna. Modern, comfortable panoramic City Red Bus with audio guides make a 10-kilometer circle around the city in about an hour, making about 14 stops along the way, including the Church of Chiesa di San Michele in Bosco. In summer, tourists can admire the beauties of Bologna from the top open floor, and in winter, this majestic convertible turns into a cozy warm pullman with 20 comfortable seats. Departure from Station Central Station at 10:00, price: 3-22 EUR depending on the route. The ticket is valid for the day, but after leaving one bus, you can board the next one only if there are empty seats.

The second popular mode of transportation is the subway. It is impossible to get lost - the train goes along one line to 24 stations. Tickets are sold at kiosks with the appropriate marks or vending machines, they are priced the same as bus tickets, the rules are the same.


Trolleybus routes stretch from the suburbs and cover the center of Bologna in a ring, bypassing some sights, so you won’t be able to get with their help, for example, to the National Gallery. The fare starts from 1.15 EUR, it is obligatory to validate the ticket.

One of the most expensive pleasures for a traveler. The official taxi service offers a fare from 1.30-1.40 EUR / km, a private trader will take even more, on average, get ready to pay 20-40 EUR per trip. If you are late, you will pay extra, plus the driver will slightly round the amount in his favor, and at night, trips will rise by another 20%. To avoid cheating, it is better to order a car via the Internet.


The municipality is actively developing this type of transport, so today there are no less bicycles in Bologna than tourists. There are numerous rental points (from 0.80 EUR for half an hour), there are paid and free parking lots, dedicated lanes.

Rent a Car

Bologna is located at the intersection of highways E35, E45 and A13, which allows you to get to Florence, Siena, Padua, Verona, Venice, Milan in 1-2 hours. You can rent a car at the airport or at the Central Railway Station, where there are offices of international (Sixt, Hertz, Avis) and Italian (EcoVia, Sicily By Car) car rental companies. But freedom of movement has a downside. Morning and evening traffic on weekdays puts Bologna in 9th place in the ranking of Italian cities with the most traffic jams. In addition, street parking in the city center is paid from 8:00 to 20:00, and parking time is limited. Covered car parks are open 24/7.

Italian cordiality is fully inherent in the local police. They are condescending to unintentional violations of traffic rules and, if necessary, even guide a lost motorist in their car.

Almost all Old city declared a “Restricted Traffic Zone”, entry to which is allowed for cars of residents and those who stay in hotels located there. The boundaries of the zone are marked with a white sign with the inscription "Zona Traffico Limitato". The license plates of incoming cars are automatically captured by the camera, and fines cannot be called humane.

Bologna Hotels

There are a lot of hotels in the city: from budget, but nice "three rubles", to pretentious "five-stars". The most luxurious is the royally majestic Grand Hotel Majestic gia "Baglioni in an 18th-century palace with antique furniture, unique frescoes, a regional restaurant, a stunning wine cellar and a fitness center. You also have to pay royally for the pleasure of living in it - 410 EUR in season for a double room.From those who arrived in their own "carriage", they will take another 40-45 EUR for parking.In the 4 * category, there are hotels of international hotel chains Best Western, Mercure, Novotel, etc. A room in them costs about 150 EUR 3* hotels usually don't have a restaurant, swimming pool and sauna, but they are more willing to let guests with pets, and their prices start from 60 EUR. -450 EUR - for apartments They do not pretend to be any "star", but allow a large company to stay with real home comfort.

Shopping and stores

Bologna is the second most famous wholesale shopping destination in Italy after Rimini. It can be called the commercial center of the country. This is where it is concentrated a large number of wholesale drains, showrooms, warehouses where they buy clothes from factories, made in Italy, stores from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus. And it is in Bologna that various exhibitions of shoes, pasta, fur, cosmetics are often held, where manufacturers present their products and novelties.

Cuisine and restaurants of Bologna

“La grassa, la rossa, la dotta,” the great Dante, who studied here, aptly described Bologna. “Fat, red, learned,” the Italians repeat after him to this day. One of the oldest universities in the world, the red roofs of houses and the hearty and rather heavy meat food traditional for the Emilia-Romagna region became the basis for this characteristic. You can eat, have a bite or sit with a cup of cappuccino at every step - the city fully justifies the title of the gastronomic capital. Catering establishments are concentrated mainly in the historical center. However, connoisseurs of Romanesque cuisine are also advised to visit one of the family restaurants in the suburbs. Bologna is off the beaten track, so there are relatively few restaurants aimed at foreigners. A significant part of the institutions are trattorias and osteria (wine bars).

The local restaurateurs do not even remove the portable tables even for the winter - the climate in Bologna is warm, and visitors are protected from precipitation by terraces, without which it is impossible to imagine the capital of Emilia-Romagna.

In a medium-sized establishment, you can eat in the amount of 25-30 EUR per person, a check in a restaurant is more than high class- from 50-60 EUR. Despite the fact that Bologna is a student city, the standard of living here is very high, there is practically nowhere to eat on a budget - a snack with a glass of wine in a bar will cost 10-15 EUR, and even street fast food will not be cheaper than 7-10 EUR. During an evening walk along old Bolognese tradition, order an aperitif in one of the student bars on via Zamboni. For 8-10 EUR you will get not only a glass of wine, but also unlimited access to a table with snacks: pizza, cheese, ham, salads, vegetables and fruits. From wines it is better to choose local ones - a light white pignoletto with a fruity flavor, the famous sangiovese. And, of course, sparkling red lambrusco, which is presented here not only in the usual semi-sweet version, but also in dry or semi-dry versions. The local cuisine is based on pork and beef dishes, pasta with various sauces and toppings, and it's really damn delicious to visit and rarely anyone manages to leave without a couple of extra pounds. In restaurants (and they are literally everywhere!) You can try traditional dishes for the region - lasagna stuffed with pork knuckle zampone, boiled sausage spiced pork mortadella, miniature tortellini dumplings stuffed with meat or cheese, parmesan, prosciutto Parma ham and much more. It is better to book a table in advance - most establishments are closed on Sundays and holidays. Lunch falls on the interval from 13:00 to 15:30, dinner from 20:00 to 22:30, and the Italians maintain these limits very strictly: at 16:00 there is nowhere to eat, and at 23:00 the eateries will be completely closed . If you did not have time to reserve a table, try to come to the cafe half an hour before the start of the meal time - there is a great chance to find free place.

Bologna is home to the Italian Culinary Academy - L'Accademia Italiana della Cucina.

The service here is typically Italian: in bars and cafes there is a relaxed, almost homely atmosphere, but at the same time, the service will be leisurely, and sometimes completely lazy. This may seem strange for residents of megacities, but the discomfort is completely offset by a friendly attitude and a sense of peace. You came here to rest, didn't you?

Entertainment and attractions

Like any beauty, Bologna has many nicknames. For the ocher color of the walls, it is called red, plump - for the best cuisine in Italy, hundred-towered - for the towers propping up the sky. In the Middle Ages, there were about 100 such residential skyscrapers, now there are no more than 10. The highest ones were built, competing with each other, by the two richest Bolognese families - Azinelli and Garisenda. The buildings stand on the Porta Ravenna square, touchingly leaning towards each other. It is because of the slope that one of them - the tower of Garisenda, had to be shortened to the current 48 m in the 15th century. Asinelli, 97 m high, can be climbed by overcoming 498 steps. The view from there to the historic center of the city is worth the effort. A truly unique look of Bologna is given by its arcades, stretching along the houses for a record 38 km. It is pleasant to walk under them even in the rain, without opening an umbrella, admiring the old times and looking at the sights. The finest hour of Bologna struck in 1188, when the first university in Europe was founded here. Everyone can enter its main building - Palazzo Poggi to admire the frescoes and sculptures, look into the library, into the wooden anatomical theater and see the world's largest collection of heraldic coats of arms (more than 7000) belonging to students and teachers of the university.

Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Copernicus and four popes studied at the University of Bologna, and among the teachers was the future Saint Anthony of Padua.

Like other Italian cities, Bologna has its own heavenly patron - St. Petronius. The Basilica of St. Petronius on Piazza Maggiore began to be built 600 years ago. According to the plan of the conceited Bolognese, it was supposed to surpass St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome in size. And only the intervention of the pope prevented these plans - the monumental facade of the church remained unfinished. On the opposite side, the Palazzo Podestà, where the city government met, overlooks Piazza Maggiore. His appearance it is due to the architect Rudolfo Fioravanti, a native of Bologna, whose son, Aristotle Fioravanti, is known as the builder of the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. Close to Piazza Maggiore, Neptune Square adjoins the fountain of the same name. The muscular god of the seas half-turn looks at the palace of King Enzo, built in 1245. The King of Sardinia was imprisoned in this palace for a long 23 years, which later began to bear his name. The captive's father, the German emperor Frederick II, offered a huge ransom for his son, but the proud Bolognese refused the money.


The climate in Bologna is continental. Winters can be quite cold, with snowfall, sometimes even quite heavy. Summers are usually hot and stuffy as a result of high humidity, and can be long and dry. The middle seasons (autumn, spring) are warm and rainy, but short.

Bologna (Italy) - the most detailed information about the city with a photo. The main attractions of Bologna with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Bologna

Bologna is a city of students, scientists, culinary specialists, a city of towers and arcade buildings, one of the main intellectual centers of Italy. It will certainly charm with its extraordinary atmosphere, where creativity and science, youth and old age, emotions and sober calculation are intertwined.

Bologna is located in the region of Emilia-Romagna in northern Italy, not far from Florence and Rimini. Thanks to its favorable location and developed industry, it is one of the richest cities in the country with a high standard of living. Bologna is the color of the old Italian city: fortress walls, narrow and crooked streets, ancient buildings, porticos and arcades, numerous historical and cultural monuments - magnificent churches, luxurious palazzos, high towers. The architecture of the historical center of the city belongs to the 13th - 14th century.

The main squares of the city are Piazza Nettuno (Neptune Square) and Piazza Maggiore (Great Square), where interesting historical monuments are located. Other interesting historical objects are high towers - the pride of the rich families of the city. There used to be over a hundred. At present, there are much fewer towers, but they still stand out in urban architecture.

Also here is the oldest University in Europe, which was founded in the 11th century. Now 90,000 students study at the University of Bologna (almost 1/3 of the city's population).

Practical Information

  1. The population is over 380 thousand people.
  2. Area - 140 km².
  3. The language is Italian.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, summer +2.


Scholars believe that Bologna was founded by the Etruscans around 510 BC. e. Then the city was called Felsina and was built around an ancient sanctuary. In the 4th century BC. the city was captured by the Celts, renaming the city to Bonnonia.

In the second century Bologna became a Roman colony. During the heyday of the power of the Roman Empire, the city turned into one of the largest and richest cities, beautiful buildings and monuments were built in it, which, unfortunately, have not survived to this day.

With the collapse of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the Middle Ages, Bologna came under the rule of the Greek Exarchate of Ravenna, then the Lombard king Luitprand. Until Emperor Charlemagne granted the settlement the rights of a free city. From that time to the present, the word “libertas” - freedom - flaunts on the coat of arms.

In the 11th century, the University was founded in Bologna - one of the oldest in Europe, in the 13th century - serfdom was abolished.

In the second half of the 12th century, the city became part of the Lombard League, which was an opponent of Frederick Barbarossa. Despite the desire for democracy, Bologna has always zealously supported the power of the Pope.

In 1512, the city was again annexed to the Roman possessions.

In the 17th century, Bologna became the intellectual center of all of Europe. Famous scientists come here, University graduates make important discoveries (for example, Copernicus studied here). In modern times, the city became part of the Cisalpine Republic.

In 1860, Bologna, along with the entire Romagna, joined the Italian kingdom.

Food and drink

Bologna is the culinary center of Italy, the birthplace of bolognese sauce, tortellini, salsiccia and mortadella sausages. You should definitely try traditional dishes here: Tagliatella Bolognese, Tortellini, Spuma di Mortadella, Lasagne Verdi alla bolognese, Raviole Bolognesi, Friggione.


One of the most important and largest churches in Bologna - 132 meters long, 66 meters wide, 47 meters high. The basilica is located in the historic center of the city on Piazza Maggiore.

The construction of the basilica began in 1390. Later, the structure of the building was changed to the shape of a Latin cross. The roof of the nave and the apse were completed only in 1663 according to the design of Girolamo Rainaldi. It should be noted that the church has an organ built at the end of the 15th century.

Opening hours: Daily from 8:00 to 18:30 (until 18:00 in winter).

Cost: Free. Group tour 8 euros.

A beautiful old church built in the early 13th century by the founder of the Dominicans, the Spaniard Dominic Guzman. His remains are kept here in a beautiful chapel in a marble reliquary. The interior of the basilica is decorated with frescoes by Guercino, Lippi, Caracci.

Address: Piazza San Domenico, 13 40124 Bologna

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:30 to 18:00. Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:30 to 17:00. Sunday from 15:30 to 17:00.

Cost: Free

(TORRE DELL'ARENGO) is a tower in the historic center of Bologna, in Piazza Neptune, unique in its history and structure. The tower creates a single ensemble with the Palazzo Podesta. The tower was built at the beginning of the 13th century. In the middle of the 15th century, a bell tower with a 47-ton bronze bell was installed here.

Address: Piazza del Nettuno, 40124 Bologna

12th century brick tower in Bologna, built rich family Guelphs. The height of the tower is 60 meters. One of the oldest towers in the city. In the middle of the 18th century it was turned into a prison.

The oldest university in Europe, founded in 1088. Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca, Guinicelli, Nicolaus Copernicus studied here. Galvani, Alessandro Volta conducted research here. 90 thousand students study at the university.

Gate of the 17th century in the city of Bologna. They were also called the gates of the pilgrim, because. believers passed through them on the way to the monastery of San Luca.

Address: Piazza di Porta Saragozza - 40123 Bologna

- "little Venice" in the center of Bologna, a picturesque small canal between ancient buildings. The channel is an extension of the Reno channel.

Address: Via Capo di Lucca - 40126 Bologna (BO).

Cathedral of Bologna, built in the late 16th century by Pope Gregorio XIII. Although the origins of the first church on this site date back to the 10th century. Inside the temple is decorated with paintings by Prospero Fontana, Carracci, Franceschini and Donato.

In the architecture of the cathedral, a 70-meter bell tower stands out, which began to be built in the 11th century and completed at the beginning of the 15th century. The largest bell weighs 33 tons, while all the bells weigh 65 tons.

Address: Via dell "Indipendenza, 64 40126 Bologna

Opening hours: Daily from 8.00 - 18:45. Tourists may not be allowed to enter during services.

Vertical dominants of Bologna. Built from simple bricks.

The Asinelli Tower was built at the beginning of the 12th century. The height of the tower is 97.2 meters. To get to the top you need to overcome 498 steps. The tower is deviated from the axis by 2.2 meters.

The Garisenda Tower was built in the 14th century. Its height is "only" 47 meters, and the deviation from the axis is more than 3 meters.

At the top of the tower Asinelli works Observation deck with a stunning panorama of Bologna.

Address: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, 40126 Bologna, Italy

Working hours: From April 1 to September 30, 2016: from 9:00 to 19:00. From October 1 to October 31, 2016: from 9:00 to 18:00. From November 1, 2016: from 9:00 to 17:00

Cost: 3 euros

Piazza Maggiore or Great Square- one of the central squares in the historical center of Bologna. The main attractions of the area: the Basilica of San Petronio, Palazzo Accursio, Palazzo Podesta. It was formed at the beginning of the 13th century.

Square in the historic center of Bologna, founded in the second half of the 16th century. The main purpose of the square is to expand the existing space between the Palazzo Communale and the Palazzo Podesta. The fountain of Neptune, designed by Laureti between 1563 and 1566, is installed on the square.

Address: Piazza del Nettuno - 40124 Bologna

Religious building in honor of Holy Mother of God in Bologna, one of the symbols of the city. The building was built by Dotti in the middle of the 18th century. The way here from the city for 4 kilometers is decorated with more than 600 arcade arches.

Address: Via di San Luca, 36 40135 Bologna

Opening hours: From 6.30 to 17.00.

Cost: Free

Tower in the small Piazza Galvani in Bologna, one of the three "medieval skyscrapers" of the city. Belonged to an influential Guelph family. The height of the tower is 30 meters.

Address: Piazza Galvani, 4, 40124 Bologna

Their students bring turmoil and fun, enliven its cultural and social life. In addition, Bologna is known for its towers and long arcades. The historic center of the city is well preserved and is considered one of the largest in Italy - all this thanks to a powerful policy for its preservation and restoration, which began in the 60s. last century.

It is a city whose origins go back at least a millennium BC. e. Bologna has always been an important center of culture and art - its artistic and monumental fame is based on a homogeneous array of architectural monuments and works of art (medieval towers, historic houses, churches).

In 2000, Bologna was recognized as the European Capital of Culture, and in 2006 it was awarded recognition by UNESCO as a creative city of music, the first in Italy and the second in Europe after Seville.

How to get to Bologna

By plane

The oldest arcade-portico of the 13th century should be sought at the Grassi Palace on the street. Marsala. The longest stretches for 3,796 km to the sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca located on a hill.

The finest hour of Bologna struck in 1188, when the first university in Europe was founded here. Everyone can enter its main building - Palazzo Poggi, to admire the frescoes and sculptures, look into the library, into the wooden anatomical theater and see the world's largest collection of heraldic coats of arms (more than 7000) belonging to university students and teachers.

Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Copernicus and four popes studied at the University of Bologna, and among the teachers was the future Saint Anthony of Padua.

Like other Italian cities, Bologna has its own heavenly patron - St. Petronius. The Basilica of St. Petronius on Piazza Maggiore began to be built 600 years ago. According to the plan of the conceited Bolognese, it was supposed to surpass St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome in size. And only the intervention of the pope prevented these plans - the monumental facade of the church remained unfinished.

On the opposite side, the Palazzo Podesta overlooks Piazza Maggiore, where the city government met. It owes its appearance to the architect Rudolfo Fioravanti, a native of Bologna, whose son, Aristotle Fioravanti, is known as the builder of the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin.

Close to Piazza Maggiore adjoins Piazza Neptune with the fountain of the same name. The muscular god of the seas half-turn looks at the palace of King Enzo, built in 1245. The King of Sardinia was imprisoned in this palace for a long 23 years, which later began to bear his name. The captive's father, the German emperor Frederick II, offered a huge ransom for his son, but the proud Bolognese refused the money.


The climate in Bologna is continental. Winters can be quite cold, with snowfall, sometimes even quite heavy. Summers are usually hot and stuffy as a result of high humidity, and can be long and dry. The middle seasons (autumn, spring) are warm and rainy, but short.

Last year my friend and I flew to Italy. And we decided to start our journey from its "student capital" - Bologna. Since it seemed to us very interesting for its architecture, and we wanted to check whether it is true that it is a "student capital"!
Before each trip, I thoroughly study the information and draw up an approximate itinerary of the trip. And also on what, for starters, to get to the city center, without much adventure.
Bologna Airport is not far from the center, so it won’t take much time to travel if you know what to drive!

You can find more information about airport transport at this link. .

To the center by bus

Bus, the most economical way to get to the center. Transportation is carried out by the ACL bus company, the route you need is called BLQ Express. The first flight from the airport leaves at 5.55 am, and the last one at 12.15 am.
The trip to the city will take you about 20 minutes, with all stops.
Information about additional bus routes and their schedule, you can see on the website of the bus company, here at this link. Stops are also listed there. I can only say that the bus reaches the Bologna Stazione Centrale railway station (Piazza delle Medaglie d "Oro, 40121 Bologna), so if necessary, you can easily go where you need by train.

How much does the ticket cost

The ticket costs 6 euros. The interesting thing is that after buying a ticket, you have the opportunity to use it for an hour on any of the routes. That is, after arriving in the city, you still have approximately 40 minutes to use the purchased ticket.

Where can I buy a ticket

A ticket can be purchased at special machines that are installed at bus stops, but it is also possible in the bus, from the driver.

To the center by taxi

A taxi ride will take you less than 10 minutes. Unless, of course, you get during rush hour, which is accompanied by decent traffic jams. Taxi cars will meet you right at the exit of the Bologna airport terminal.

What is the price

A taxi ride will cost you 15-20 euros + 0.50 euros for luggage. At night, after 10 p.m., fares go up.


The big advantage of this airport is that it is one of the most comfortable and allows you to get to your desired point in the city, much cheaper, faster and easier.

Bologna International Airport named after Guglielmo Marconi or simply Bologna Airport (Aeroporto Guglielmo Marconi di Bologna or Aeroporto di Bologna) is the tenth international airport in Italy in terms of passenger traffic. The airport of Bologna is named after the engineer and Nobel laureate Guglielmo Marconi.

Bologna Airport is located 9 kilometers from the tourist center of Bologna and the central railway station of Bologna.

The airport regularly sends and receives flights from many cities in Europe, including direct flights connecting Bologna with Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, etc. Cheap flights to Bologna...

From Bologna airport to the center of Bologna and from the center of Bologna to the airport

Bologna Airport has a well-developed transport connection with the city center, making it easy to get from the airport to the center or from the center of Bologna to the airport.


Getting from Bologna airport to the center of Bologna, as well as other cities and resorts in Italy, is more convenient and faster than a taxi. You can order a taxi / transfer in advance, even from home. At any time of the day, at the airport, a driver will be waiting for you with a sign where your name and surname will be written. To order a taxi, it is enough to provide your flight data!

car rental

If you are planning to travel around Italy, then renting a car would be an ideal option. You can choose and order a car in advance, at the appointed time your car will be waiting for you near the airport. The cost of car rental starts from 21 Euro per day in high season.

Public transport

From public transport: shuttle buses and public city buses.

Shuttle Airbus

Regular shuttle Aerobus-BLQ - fast way to get from Bologna airport to the center of Bologna, as well as from the center of Bologna to the airport.

A shuttle bus connects Bologna airport with the center and the train station (Bologna Centrale). Final stops: Bologna airport - Train Station Bologna.

Airbus shuttle route and stops

Shuttle timetable: daily, with a regularity of every 11 minutes - the first trip from the airport at 5:30, the last - at 00:15; the first trip from the station is at 5:00, the last one is at 23:35.

Travel time about 20 minutes, depending on traffic. One-way fare is 6 Euro per person, luggage is included in the price. Children under 1 meter tall are free.

Shuttle tickets can also be used on the municipal public transport TPER of the urban area of ​​Bologna for 75 minutes. If the ticket is purchased online, then for use in other transports, in addition to Airbuses, the electronic ticket must be replaced with a magnetic one, using automatic machines located both at the airport and at the central railway station.

Tickets can be purchased online on the official website of the company, as well as at the airport or near the station, or at TPER ticket offices.

Where to buy a ticket at Bologna airport:

1. In vending machines located on the first floor near the exit, near the check-in for flights, or in vending machines located on the street (near the airport building), immediately in front of the Airbus stop.

2. Tickets can be purchased from the cigarette vendors at the Carrefour Express store located on the first floor of the airport building. We go into Carrefour and immediately at the counter on the left, where they sell cigarettes, lottery tickets, etc., we buy a ticket.

Where to buy a ticket at the railway station:

Near the Bologna railway station there is a stop with the inscription "Aerobus", here, at the stop, there are ticket vending machines. If you have any problems or questions, then there are employees at the bus stop who are always ready to help.

Public city buses

The cheapest way to get from Bologna airport to the center or from the center of Bologna to the airport.

From the airport to the center, as well as from the center to the airport, this transport will have to go with a transfer. There is no direct bus.

The fare will be 1.30 Euro.

Tickets at the airport are sold in the same Carrefour Express store as shuttle bus tickets. It is also possible to buy a ticket directly on the bus, from a vending machine, however tickets on the bus will cost 1.50 Euros and the vending machine only accepts coins.

The ticket at the entrance to the bus and with each subsequent change in the route must be validated. Travel time is 75 minutes after composting. So you can get to the center on one ticket with a transfer, the main thing is that the time does not exceed 75 minutes.

The airport stop is located to the left of the main exit from the airport. We leave, turn left and go to the end. Here is the bus schedule. We need bus number 54.

Traffic scheme and timetable for buses No. 54 from the airport

Traffic scheme and timetable of bus number 54 from the Birra stop to the airport

You can get off the 54 bus at four stops. The first from the airport is Birra, the next is Due Ponti, then Acquedotto Triumvirato and Triumvirato. Then the bus turns right, and if you need the center of Bologna, then we turn left.

Having got off at one of the four stops, without going anywhere, at the same stop, we are waiting for the next bus. Buses No. 81 and 91 will approach the center. Both buses make several stops in the center, the final one is the Bologna railway station. If you need to go to the historical center, it is better to get off at the Marconi stop.

Stop Birra, if you go from Bologna airport to the center

Stop Birra, if you go from the center of Bologna to the airport

Bus route number 81

Bus route number 91

From the center of Bologna, following the bus 81 or 91, you should only get off at any of the 4 stops listed above (Birra, Due Ponti, Acquedotto Triumvirato or Triumvirato).

If there is no time to wait at the airport for bus number 54, then you can walk to the Birra stop, the distance is approximately a kilometer.

Tickets for buses 81 and 91 and some other city routes are not sold in the bus (possibly because not all buses are equipped with automatic machines yet). In this case, tickets must be purchased in some cafe-bars and tobacco shops. At the Birra stop (the one towards the airport), tickets are sold at the bar.

If you intend to use public transport in the center of Bologna for 24 hours, you can buy a 24-hour pass for 5€. The ticket must be validated (validated) at the beginning of the journey and with each subsequent route change by inserting the ticket into the validator.

You can check the schedule of city buses and the cost of tickets on the official website of Tper-a.

Attention! Public transport schedules and fares are subject to change. Check before your trip.

If you need to spend the night near Bologna Airport .