Disposal of single-use injection syringes. How to process and dispose of disposable syringes Process and dispose of disposable syringes

Used medical syringes and needles must be disposed of. This is done to prevent infection of other patients and medical personnel. Syringes and needles for single use, which are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, are medical waste. Disinfection, destruction and disposal of disposable syringes and needles is carried out according to a specific algorithm.

Disinfection is the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from medical instruments. It is carried out in two stages: cleansing and disinfection.

During the disinfection process, most harmful bacteria are destroyed, with the exception of spores, which can only be removed through sterilization.

It applies to instruments that are being disposed of: syringes and needles that have had contact with blood, saliva, and wounds.

Rules for handling used syringes

Used syringes and needles should be handled with care. When in contact with them, you need to wear protective clothing, gloves, an apron, a mask and spare shoes. Used items must be immediately returned for disinfection and recycling.

If it is impossible to immediately send used syringes for disinfection, they are treated with a cotton ball with potassium permanganate. It will destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Disinfection stages

Used medical instruments are subject to sanitation, regardless of their further destruction or processing. The procedure is carried out in a medical facility.

Medical instruments must be sanitized immediately after injection.

Before you carry out the procedure you need to:

  • treat hands;
  • wear protective clothing (robe, mask, gloves and apron);
  • Prepare a container for disinfectants. It should close tightly and be marked.

Syringe disinfection:

  1. Physical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Temporary storage and transportation.

Physical method

Cleansing is carried out using physical and chemical methods. Physical cleansing:

  • boiling;
  • dry steam;
  • wet steam under pressure.

The physical processing method is safer. Before boiling, the instruments are washed under running water to wash away dirt.

Dry steam treatment refers to air sterilization, before which it is necessary to rinse the devices from contamination. Wet steam sanitation involves the use of a steam sterilizer (autoclaving). In this case, pre-treatment with running water is not required. The reorganization process is as follows:

  1. Autoclave: processing of devices with wet steam under pressure of 120 degrees.
  2. Syringes are disinfected in a microwave oven at 140 degrees.

Chemical method

The chemical method of disinfecting needles involves using a container with a special solution. A special container is used to separate the needle from the syringe. If there is no such device, then the needle can be removed only after disinfection. In this case, containers with a disinfectant solution are used, where used injection syringes are placed.

Filled containers are taken to a special room where further disinfection is carried out. Only after this, needles are removed from unassembled syringes, and the syringes are placed in class B or C bags.

If it is impossible to immediately disinfect, then the used instruments are placed in a container where they are stored until they are disinfected.

Temporary storage and transportation of used syringes

After disinfection and placement of waste materials in labeled bags, they are stored in a medical facility for some time.

They are transported by special transport with a closed body. Such machines are used only for these purposes. After flights, they are processed and thoroughly washed.


Disposal is carried out by liquidation or burial.

Burial involves storing waste in a specially equipped area in cesspools. This also includes storing waste in a warehouse. Liquidation – destruction of used medical syringes by burning, first using pressure testing carried out in a specially designated area. This is done in order to reduce the amount of waste.

Incinerator ovens are used to dispose of vaccine residues, used syringes, needles and scarifiers. With their help, carpule syringes are disposed of. However, this method has disadvantages, including the release of many harmful substances.

Plasma ovens are a safe option that destroys needles and syringes together, as well as dressings.

A sterilization and grinding method is used for class B and C waste. After the used instrument is crushed, it is sent for sterilization using hot steam. After this, the instrument is considered cleaned. Class A waste is removed and placed underground.

Safety precautions when disposing of syringes

Used disposable syringes should be handled with care. Personnel who work with medical syringes and needles must:

  1. Be vaccinated against hepatitis B.
  2. Undergo special training.

When working with used medical instruments it is prohibited:

  • pour their container into another container;
  • place near heating appliances;
  • touch them without personal protective equipment (gloves, clothing);
  • reuse.

If any personnel are injured while handling used syringes, immediate medical attention is required. All this must be recorded in injury reports indicating all the necessary data.

Methods for detaching a needle from a syringe, depending on the availability of special devices

You can remove the needle from the syringe using a special device:

  1. A needle remover is a container that has a device for fixing and detaching needles after they have performed a procedure.
  2. Needle cutter - has a device that quickly and safely disconnects the needle from the syringe.
  3. Needle destruction is a device designed to burn or process needles under high temperatures. Destruction occurs immediately after injection.

The needle cutter is used in treatment rooms, operating rooms, and dentistry. This allows doctors to avoid infection in emergency situations.

Waste management has always been important topic. Single-use needles and syringes pose a serious danger to people and the environment and must be destroyed immediately. Disinfection and disposal is a complex, multifaceted process that can be used to dispose of waste or send it for recycling.

Disinfection of syringes and needles according to sanitary standards is carried out in heat-resistant plastic bags and puncture-proof special containers using microwave radiation or autoclaving. When autoclaving, medical waste is treated with steam at 121°C for half an hour. The quality of disinfection is controlled by biological or litmus indicators.

To ensure that the syringes and needles that melt during the autoclaving process are completely destroyed, their remains are placed in a mill or crusher.

Microwave irradiation medical waste is the most reliable and universal disinfection method. It is less energy-consuming, its control system is automated, and environment not exposed to environmental hazard. Syringes and needles are treated with microwave radiation for an hour, after which they are crushed, compressed and disposed of without the formation of toxic gases, smoke or other waste.

Disposal of syringes and needles

Dispose of auto-disable syringes and disposable injection needles safely and conveniently using a waterproof, puncture-proof container. It is placed on a stable surface and treated medical waste is lowered inside, filling the container to ¾ of its volume (or completely). After the container is completely filled, the container is hermetically sealed with a lid, a seal is applied with markings corresponding to the waste class, and it is moved to a temporary storage room that is closed to unauthorized persons. The containers are then disinfected and destroyed.

One liter safety container can hold twenty syringes and needles, while a five to ten liter container can hold one hundred to two hundred syringes and needles.

In addition to safe containers, a separation method is also used - with a special needle cutter, needles are removed from used syringes and placed in a sealed container, which is integrated into the needle cutter. The syringes themselves are placed in heat-resistant plastic bags, which, together with containers, are transported by special transport with a closed body, and then disposed of. After disposal, the transport is disinfected. When collecting, processing, packaging and disposing of waste, medical workers must wear special clothing and rubber gloves, and also comply with all sanitary standards and safety rules.

1. Rinse the syringe in a container with disinfectant No. 1 - “wash water”.

2. Fill the needle channel with disinfectant from container No. 2 - “for disinfecting needles”, remove the needle from the needle cone and place it in container No. 2 (for the time specified in the instructions for use of this product).

3. Disassemble the syringe and place it in container No. 3 - “for disinfection of syringes” (for the time specified in the instructions for use of this product)

4. Make a mark on the tags of containers No. 2 and No. 3 about the start time of disinfection, put your full name. nurses.

5. After disinfection is completed, put on gloves.

6. Remove the products from the disinfectant and place the cylinders and pistons in different disposable bags, make a mark on the tags of containers No. 2 and No. 3 about the end of disinfection.

7. Fill disposable bags to ¾ of their volume, remove air, tie, put in a second bag, tie.

8. Place the needles in disposable hard packaging.

9. Label bags and solid packaging “waste”, indicate the date of disinfection, full name.

10. Hand over the bill to the senior nurse for disposal.

Disinfection of disposable systems

1. Release the contents of the system into container No. 1 - “wash water”.

2. Remove the needle from the system and rinse it with a syringe in container No. 1 - “wash water”.

3. Fill the needle channel with a syringe with disinfectant from container No. 2 - “for disinfecting needles” and place it in this container.

4. Cut the system into pieces no more than 10 cm.

5. Immerse the sections in a container with disinfectant No. 4 - “for disinfection of systems” until completely immersed using a weight.

6. Make a mark on the tags of containers No. 2 and No. 4 about the start time of disinfection, put your full name. nurse

7. After disinfection is completed, put on gloves.

8. Remove the parts of the system from the disinfectant with tweezers and place the sections of the system in disposable bags and the needles in a box.

9. Fill the bags to ¾ of the volume, remove the air, tie and place in a second bag, tie.

10. Make a time stamp indicating the end of disinfection, put your full name. nurse

11. Label the bags and box “Waste”, put the date, full name. nurse

12. Remove gloves, wash hands.

13. Hand over the needles to the senior nurse for disposal.

Medical waste is generated as a result of the activities of various healthcare institutions in the process of performing preventive, health-improving and other procedures. Since raw materials may come into contact with contaminated blood and secretions, such waste is classified as hazard class “B” and is recognized as epidemiologically dangerous.

When is it necessary to dispose of used syringes?

As a result of activities medical organizations There is often a need to collect and remove needles used for vaccination.

Also, such waste may belong to class “B” if it was used for treatment infectious diseases posing a clear threat to public health. The following companies use the needle and syringe disposal service:

  • hospitals,
  • clinics,
  • health centers,
  • sanatoriums and health centers,
  • and other organizations, including veterinary clinics.

How is disposable syringes and needles disposed of?

All work on the neutralization and destruction of raw materials can be carried out exclusively by those organizations that have received the appropriate license from local sanitary control authorities. In this case, the company must have all the necessary equipment and have a staff of qualified employees.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  • collection of material, during which the syringes are disassembled using needle cutters and needle pullers; it is strictly forbidden to perform this operation manually;
  • carrying out disinfection in case of working with less hazardous material using autoclaving;
  • packaging in sealed containers, marked in accordance with the hazard class. (all containers must have sufficient strength and heat resistance, personnel involved in collecting raw materials must have special protective clothing and rubber gloves);
  • removal and transportation to the place of destruction;
  • direct disposal of syringes.

All of the above work is carried out in accordance with the adopted legislation and is regulated by established standards (SanPiN “Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions”).

To destroy the neutralized material, crushers and mills are used, converting the raw material into a homogeneous mass of small fractions.

How is disposable syringes disposed of?

There are several ways to process hazardous medical raw materials:

  • burial in a special landfill equipped with anti-filtration screens;
  • warehousing and storage in specially designated areas is carried out only after mandatory disinfection;
  • burning in various ways.

The safest are combustion in special incinerator furnaces and plasma installations. They also often resort to pyrolysis - the oxygen-free decomposition of raw materials at extremely high temperatures.

Fast and inexpensive disposal of single-use syringes from the EKOUMVELT company

The EKOUMVELT company collects, removes and disposes of waste of various hazard categories in the shortest possible time. We work promptly with any requests, while strictly complying with the sanitary and environmental standards established by law.

We provide all the necessary documentation regarding waste disposal, and also, if necessary, take photos and videos.

Care about tomorrow- our work.

MU 3.1.2313-08



Requirements for the disinfection, destruction and disposal of single-use injection syringes

Date of introduction: from the moment of approval

1. DEVELOPED by: Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (G.F. Lazikova, A.A. Melnikova); Federal State Health Institution Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor (A.A. Yasinsky, E.A. Kotova, N.Z. Osipova); Main military clinical hospital named after. N.N. Burdenko (V.G. Akimkin); FSUE "Irkutsk Disinfection Station" (P.S. Oparin); GOU DPO "Ural State medical Academy additional education" (N.P. Efremova); Federal State Institution "Central Research Institute of Epidemiology" of Rospotrebnadzor (I.V. Mikheeva), taking into account the suggestions and comments of the Federal State Institution Research Institute of Disinfectology, Moscow Department of Health, bodies and institutions of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow, Ryazan , Moscow, Oryol regions.

2. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL by the Commission on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards under the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Minutes No. 3 of December 6, 2007).

3. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, Head Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being G.G. Onishcheiko January 15, 2008.


1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

1.1. These guidelines (MU) are intended for all medical and preventive institutions (HCI), organizations, enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, that use single-use injection syringes in sterile original packaging; engaged in the collection, transportation, disinfection, destruction and disposal of syringes, design and operation of plants for processing single-use injection syringes made of plastic; as well as for institutions supervising the provision of medical care, immunoprophylaxis, and compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in health care facilities.

1.2. The guidelines set out requirements aimed at organizing the work of a medical institution for the collection, storage, disinfection, destruction and disposal of single-use injection syringes, reducing the risk of infection of medical personnel while performing their official duties, and implementing basic safety rules when handling used injection syringes single use, as well as procedures for emergency situations.

1.3. The requirements of the instructions are aimed at protecting the health of medical personnel, personnel of organizations involved in the collection, transportation, disinfection, destruction and disposal of used single-use injection syringes, as well as ensuring environmental protection when carrying out diagnostic and treatment procedures in medical institutions.

2. Normative references

2.1. Federal Law dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" as amended from August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ.

2.2. Federal Law of September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases".

2.3. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens dated July 22, 1993 N 5487-1.

2.4. Federal Law of 08.08.01 N 128-FZ "On licensing of certain types of activities".

2.5. OST 4221-2-85 "Sterilization and disinfection of products medical purposes. Methods. Facilities. Modes".

2.6. SanPiN

2.7. SP 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and conduct of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures."

2.8. SanPiN " Hygienic requirements to the placement, arrangement, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals."

2.9. SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities."

2.11. "Guidelines for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical devices" dated December 30, 1998 N MU-287-113.

2.12. Instructions for the collection, storage and delivery of scrap medical devices for single use (approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on September 24, 1989).

3. General provisions

3.1. In order to prevent the spread of human infectious diseases and eliminate the possibility of infection of medical personnel, it is necessary to promptly and fully carry out preventive measures provided for by sanitary rules, incl. disinfection, destruction and disposal of single-use injection syringes.

3.2. Single-use injection syringes made of plastic, used in medical institutions for injections (manipulations), after therapeutic and diagnostic procedures are classified as medical waste, potentially dangerous in relation to the spread of infectious diseases, and are medical waste of classes B and C.

3.3. Measures for disinfection, destruction and disposal of single-use injection syringes must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation in all medical and preventive institutions, regardless of their profile.

3.4. Monitoring compliance with measures for disinfection, destruction and disposal of single-use injection syringes, and the quality of their disinfection is included in the program (plan) of production control of health care facilities.

4. Requirements for the collection and disinfection of single-use injection syringes

4.1. Single-use injection syringes are medical devices that provide injection and therapeutic and diagnostic procedures. After use, the syringes are dangerous (class B) or extremely dangerous (class B) waste from healthcare facilities due to contamination with infected or potentially infected biological fluids.

4.2. Single use injection syringes reuse are not suitable for injections.

4.3. Collection, disinfection, temporary storage, transportation, destruction and disposal of used single-use injection syringes are carried out in accordance with the “Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions” (SanPiN

4.4. To disinfect single-use injection syringes, chemical and physical methods are recommended.

4.4.1. Chemical method of disinfection. To disinfect used single-use injection syringes using a chemical method, a disinfectant solution is first prepared and poured into two special labeled containers with lids: “Container for disinfecting needles” and “Container for disinfecting syringes.” A needle remover can be used as a “Container for disinfecting needles” when filled with a disinfectant solution. The needle remover is a hard, puncture-proof, disposable plastic container that has a lid with a specially configured hole suitable for removing needles from syringes of different diameters. The “container for disinfecting syringes” must be equipped with a perforated tray and pressure. After the injection (manipulation) medical worker, without covering the needle with a cap, carries out separate disinfection of the used needle and syringe using a chemical disinfection method, for which he draws a disinfectant solution from the “Container for disinfecting syringes” into the syringe using a piston. Then the medical worker disconnects the needle from the syringe in one of the following ways, depending on the availability of special devices in the medical institution:

removing the needle using a needle puller;

needle cutting using a needle cutter with an integrated puncture-proof needle container;

destruction of the needle using a needle destructor - a device for burning needles by exposure to high temperature. After disconnecting the needle, the syringe body with the piston is placed in a container with a disinfectant solution, marked “for disinfecting syringes,” and the required exposure time is maintained according to the instructions for use of the disinfectant used. Then the disinfectant solution is released from the syringe body using a piston, after which the disinfected pistons and syringe bodies are placed in a bag attached to a trolley stand, or a disposable container with color marking corresponding to class B or C medical waste. Capacity (bag, container) after filling the volume, they are packaged, placed in a mini-container with color markings corresponding to the class of medical waste, and stored in a room for temporary storage of medical waste until the end of the work shift for the purpose of subsequent transportation to the place of destruction or disposal.

When the needle stripper is filled with needles to a volume and the required disinfection exposure time is observed, the solution is carefully drained, the container is closed with a lid, placed in a mini-container with color markings corresponding to the class of medical waste, and stored in a room for temporary storage of medical waste until the end of the work shift for the purpose of subsequent transportation to the place of neutralization or disposal. If the medical institution does not have devices for removing, cutting off or destroying needles (needle pullers, needle cutters, needle destructors), separation of the needle from the syringe should be carried out only after disinfecting the syringe with the needle. Disinfection is carried out by withdrawing the disinfectant solution through a needle into the syringe and immersing the syringe with the needle in the “Containers for disinfecting syringes” with a disinfectant solution for the required exposure time.

After the end of the disinfection time, the needle is separated from the syringe using tweezers and placed in a solid package (puncture-proof sealed container for single use) in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN "Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions."

The disinfectant solution is released from the syringes using a piston, then they are placed in a bag mounted on a trolley stand, or a disposable container with color markings corresponding to class B or C medical waste. The container (bag, container), after filling to volume, is packed and placed in a mini-container with color markings corresponding to the class of medical waste, and stored in a room for temporary storage of medical waste until the end of the work shift for the purpose of subsequent transportation to the place of destruction or disposal. To disinfect single-use injection syringes, use disinfectants that have a certificate of state registration, a certificate of conformity and guidelines (instructions) for their use. The concentration of the disinfectant and the exposure time are determined in accordance with the guidelines (instructions) for its use, taking into account the regime effective against pathogens of infectious diseases that the healthcare institution is focused on, and the regimes recommended for the disinfection of medical devices for viral infections.

The disinfectant solution in containers is changed at the end of the work shift. The frequency of changing the solution in containers can be determined in accordance with the guidelines (instructions) for using the disinfectant.

The container for storing the disinfectant solution must indicate its name, concentration, purpose and date of preparation (for ready-to-use products approved for repeated use, indicate the start date of use).

4.4.2.Physical methods of disinfection. Method for disinfecting single-use injection syringes saturated water vapor in steam sterilizers (autoclaves) used in accordance with the "Guidelines for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical devices" dated December 30, 1998 N MU-287-113 and the "Instructions for the collection, storage and delivery of scrap medical devices of single use", approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on September 24, 1989 .

When using this disinfection method, the syringe bodies and pistons are placed in a special, vapor-permeable, disposable bag that is resistant to high temperatures and intended for sterilization of medical products. This bag is secured on a trolley rack inside a disposable bag intended for collecting waste with color and text markings corresponding to hazard classes B and C, or placed on a disposable container (container with a lid) with color and text markings corresponding to waste class B and C .

After filling the bag by volume, it is sealed and delivered in a container (container) with a closed lid or in a bag intended for collecting medical waste of the appropriate color marking, using a trolley stand to the disinfection site.

After delivery to the disinfection site, a vapor-permeable bag with syringes without needles is removed from the container (container) or outer bag intended for collection, transportation and temporary storage of waste of classes B and C, placed in an autoclave and kept at a temperature of 121 ° C for 30 minutes.
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