New turn. How will bus routes change in Tver? All public transport in Tver

Correspondents of "KP" clarified the changes that have occurred in the schedule and route numbers

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No. 2 "vill. Migalovo - Mr. South - University"

settlement Migalovo - st. Gromova - ave. 50 years of October - ave. Lenin - Komsomolskaya Square - ave. Kalinina - Golovinskogo Val Val - st. Spartak - pl. Kaposvara - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Comintern - Oktyabrsky Ave. - st. Mozhayskogo - the road through the maternity hospital - Burashevskoe highway - st. South - st. Lugovaya - st. Linear - Burashevskoe highway - st. Ordzhonikidze - pl. Tereshkova - ave. Victory - sq. Kaposvara - Tverskoy Ave. - Komsomolsky Ave. - brr. Schmidt - st. Z. Konoplyannikova- st. Mussorgsky - st. Krasin - st. S. Tyulenina - University.

No. 3 "z-d. Happyland - 109 branch "

zd. Happyland - st. P. Savelyeva - pl. Constitutions - Petersburg highway - nab. A. Nikitina - Tverskoy Ave. - sq. Kaposvara - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Comintern - 109 branch.

No. 4 "vill. Mamulino - pos. Zavolzhsky"

settlement Mamulino - st. Osnabrückskaya - st. Druzhinnaya - st. Liberation - Volokolamsk highway - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave. - st. Comintern - Ave. Tchaikovsky - pl. Kopashvara - Tverskoy Ave. - Komsomolsky pr-t - st. Gorky - Petersburg outpost - Petersburg sh. - pos. Zavolzhsky.

No. 5 "Southern - D - pos. Litvinki"

Yuzhny-D - st. Starting - Burashevskoe highway - st. South - st. End - st. Turgenev - Burashevskoe sh. - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave. - st. Comintern - Ave. Tchaikovsky - pl. Kaposvara - Tverskoy Ave. - Komsomolsky Ave. - st. Gorky - st. Blagoeva - st. Crystal - st. Ring - st. Dimitrov - pos. Litvinki.

No. 6 "Mr. Youth (MZhK) - pos. Mamulino"

mr. Yunost (MZhK) - st. Khromova - st. 1st Vagonnikov - ave. Fiberglass - st. P. Savelyeva - pl. Constitutions - Petersburg sh. - Petersburg outpost - st. Gorky - Komsomolsky prospect - Tverskoy prospect - st. Novotorzhskaya - st. Bebel (back Bragin street) - Kalinin avenue - Komsomolskaya square - st. M. Konev - st. B. Field - st. Builders - Blvd. Trade unions - st. Karbysheva - st. Light - st. Warehouse - st. Liberation - st. Druzhinnaya - st. Osnabrück - pos. Mamulino.

No. 7 "Mr. Southern - st. Traktornaya 78"

st. Levitan - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave. - Volokolamsky Ave. - Smolensky per. - st. Soviet - st. Novotorzhskaya - st. Bebelya (back street Bragin) - ave. Kalinina - st. M. Konev - st. B. Field - st. Builders - Blvd. Trade unions - st. Tractor.

No. 8 "CHP-3 - m-n. South»

CHPP 3 - st. Crystal - st. Ring - st. Telman - st. June 26 - 1st per. Vagonnikov - st. Khromova - DSK - Petersburg highway - Petersburg outpost - st. Gorky - Komsamolsky avenue - Tverskoy avenue. - sq. Kaposvara - ave. Victory - sq. Tereshkova - st. Ordzhonikidze - Burashevskoe sh. - st. Linear - st. Levitan - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave. - brr. Tsanova - st. Ordzhonikidze (further in the opposite direction).

No. 9 "pos. Migalovo - Mr. Youth"

settlement Migalovo - st. Gromova - ave. 50 years of October - ave. Lenin - Komsomolskaya Square - ave. Kalinina - st. One-way - st. Bragin (back Bebel street) - st. Novotorzhskaya (back to Sovetskaya St.) - Tverskoy Ave. - Komsomolsky pr-t - st. Gorky - Petersburg outpost - Petersburg sh. - sq. Constitution - st. P. Savelieva - zad. Centrosvar

No. 10 "st. 3rd International - pos. Institute of Chemistry"

st. 3rd International - st. Korobkova - st. Makarova - st. Komintern - Volokolamsky pr-t - Smolensky lane - st. Vagzhanova - Moscow sh. - VNIISV.

settlement Migalovo - st. Gromova - ave. 50 years of October - ave. Lenin - Komsomolskaya Square - ave. Kalinina - st. S. Perovskoy - st. Soviet - Soviet square - st. Vagzhanov - East Bridge - st. Mayakovsky - st. Tupolev - May 1st.

No. 12 "d. Village - CHPP-3 "

d. Village - Staritskoe highway - st. B. Field - st. Builders - Blvd. Trade unions - st. Machinistov - st. Karbysheva - st. Light - st. Warehouse - st. Liberation - Volokolamsk sh. - st. Mozhaisky - st. South - st. Lugovaya - st. Lineynaya, (in the opposite direction, Lineynaya St. - Levitan St. - Korolev St. - Gusev Boulevard - Mozhaisky St. - Oktyabrsky Ave. - Lermontov St. - Volokolamskoye Highway), Burashevskoye Highway - st. Ordzhonikidze - pl. Tereshkova - sq. Gagarin - st. Vagzhanova - st. Soviet - st. Novotorzhskaya - Tverskoy Ave. - Komsamolsky Ave. - st. Gorky - pl. Mira - st. Mussorgsky - st. Krasin - st. Khrustalnaya - CHPP-3.

No. 13 "Mr. Southern - Mr. Youth"

st. Levitan - st. Queen - br. Guseva - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Prospekt - Volokolamsky Prospekt - Smolensky Per. - st. Soviet - st. Novotorzhskaya - Old Volzhsky bridge - emb. A. Nikitina - Petersburg highway - pl. Constitution - st. P. Savelyeva - st. Frunze.

No. 14 "CHPP-3 - pos. Migalovo"

CHPP-3 - st. Crystal - st. Krasin - st. Mussorgsky - pl. Mira - st. Gorky - Komsomolsky avenue - Tverskoy avenue. - st. Novotorzhskaya - st. Bebel (back to Bragin St.) - Kalinin Ave. - Komsomolskaya Sq. - sq. Lenina - ave. 50 years of October - st. Gromov.

No. 16 "z-d. Tsentrosvar - KSM"

zd. Tsentrosvar - st. P. Savelyeva - st. Khromova - st. Petersburg highway - st. Gorky - st. Tupolev - KSM

No. 18 "settlement. them. Krupskaya - per. Talvinsky (st. Doroshikha) "

settlement them. Krupskaya (street Konechnaya, a / c) - st. Linear - Burashevskoe sh. - brr. Tsanova - st. Fadeeva - st. Comintern - Ave. Tchaikovsky - pl. Kaposvara - Tverskoy Ave. - Komsomolsky pr-t - st. Gorky - st. Skvortsova-Stepanova - st. Krasin - st. S. Tyulenin - st. Griboyedova - st. Skvortsova - Stepanova - st. Ring - st. Telman - st. June 26 - 1st per. Vagonnikov - st. Khromova - st. P. Savelyeva - pl. Constitutions - Petersburg highway - per. Talvinsky (st. Doroshikha).

No. 19 "settlement. Sakharovo - fd. Centrosvar"

os. Sakharovo - st. Marshal Vasilevsky - Sakharov highway - KSM-2 - st. Tupolev - River Station - st. Gorky - Petersburg outpost - Petersburg sh. - sq. Constitution - st. P. Savelieva - zad. Centrosvar.

No. 28 "settlement. Avvakumovo - Mr. Yuzhny, pos. Avvakumovo - KSM - 2 - st. Tupolev - st. N. Dawn (back Shishkov st.) - Tretyakovskiy lane - st. Krasin - st. Z. Konoplyannikova - st. Gorky - Komsomolsky pr-t. - Tverskoy Ave. - sq. Kaposvara - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Comintern - Oktyabrsky Ave. - st. Mozhaisky - Gusev Boulevard - st. Queen - st. Levitan - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave - Volokolamsky Ave. - Ave. Victory - sq. Kaposvara (further in the opposite direction).

No. 22 "d. village - st. Artyukhina 17.

st. Artyukhina, 17 - DSK - Petersburg sh. - emb. A. Nikitin - Old Volga Bridge - st. Novotorzhskaya - Tverskoy Ave. - sq. Kaposvara - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Comintern - Oktyabrsky Ave. - st. Lermontov - st. Machinists - Blvd. Trade unions - st. B. Field - Staritskoe sh. - d. Village.

No. 23 "settlement. Chemistry Institute - Perinatal Center "

VNIISV - Moscow highway - pl. Gagarin - st. Vagzhanova - st. Soviet - st. Novotorzhskaya - Tverskoy Ave. - Old Volga bridge - emb. A. Nikitina - Petersburg sh. – OKB – village Nikolo-Malitsa

No. 24 "Metro shopping center - st. 1st behind the Line "

TC Metro - ave. Victory - sq. Tereshkova - st. Ordzhonikidze - st. Fadeev (back Tsanova blvd.) - Volokolamsky pr-t - st. Comintern - Ave. Tchaikovsky - pl. Kaposvara - st. Novotorzhskaya - st. S. Perovskoy (back Bragin street) - ave. Kalinina - Komsamolskaya sq. - st. M. Konev - st. B. Field - st. Builders - Blvd. Trade unions - st. Tractor - st. 1st behind the Line.

No. 25 "Yard of the Proletarka - the village of Red Banner"

Yard Proletarka - st. Bolsheviks - st. Barrikadnaya - st. Goncharova - st. Makarova - st. Comintern - Ave. Tchaikovsky - pl. Kaposvara - Tverskoy Ave. - Komsomolsky Ave. - emb. A. Nikitina - Petersburg sh. - sq. Constitution - st. P. Savelyeva - st. Communes - the passage of fiberglass.

No. 27 "settlement. Migalovo-Energoremont »

settlement Migalovo - st. Gromova - 50 years of October avenue - avenue. Lenin - Komsomolskaya sq. - Ave. Kalinina - Golovinskogo rampart - st. Spartak - pl. Kaposvara - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Comintern - Oktyabrsky Ave. - st. Mozhaisky - Blvd. Guseva - st. Queen - st. Levitan - st. Turgenev - st. Lugovaya - st. Lineynaya (in the opposite direction, Lineynaya St. - Korolev St. - Gusev Boulevard - Mozhaisky St.) - Burashevskoe Highway - Zeleniy pr-d. - st. Ordzhonikidze - pl. Tereshkova - pl. Gagarin - st. Industrial - Energoremont.

No. 35 "m-n. South - pos. Sakharovo"

st. Queen - st. Levitan - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave. - st. Comintern - Ave. Tchaikovsky - ave. Victory - st. Ordzhonikidze - st. Vagzhanova - Tverskoy avenue - New Volzhsky bridge - Komsomolsky avenue - st. Tupolev - KSM-2 - Sakharov highway - st. Marshal Vasilevsky - pos. Sakharovo.

No. 51 "Metro shopping center - pos. Litvinki"

Shopping center Metro - pl. Tereshkova - Victory Ave - Volokolamsky Ave. - Smolensky per. - st. Soviet - st. Novotorzhskaya - Tverskoy Ave. - Komsamolsky pr-t - st. Gorky - pl. Mira - st. Blagoeva - st. Khrustalnaya - CHPP-3 - Litvinki settlement.

No. 52 "st. Nakhimov house number 62 - Fish processing plant "

st. Nakhimova, d. No. 62 - st. Z. Konoplyannikova - st. Michurin - st. Mussorgsky - pl. Mira - st. Gorky - Petersburg outpost - Petersburg highway - Ring road - 50 years of October - ave. Lenin - Komsomolskaya sq. - Ave. Kalinina - st. S. Perovskoy - st. Sovetskaya (in the opposite direction, Novotorzhskaya St.) - Tverskoy Ave. - sq. Kaposvara - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Komintern - Volokolamsky pr-t - st. Sklizkova - st. Ordzhonikidze - Fish processing plant.

No. 54 d. Lebedevo - Dm. Cherkasy

v. Lebedevo - Ring road - ave. 50 years of October - ave. Lenin - ave. Kalinina - pl. Revolutions - Old Volzhsky Bridge - emb. A. Nikitina - Petersburg highway - d. Dm. Cherkasy


No. 1 “Railway. station - CRH "

railway station - st. Comintern - Volokolamsky Ave. - Smolensky per. - st. Vagzhanova - Moscow sh. - village Elevator - Central District Hospital

Start and end of the movement from the station: 6.15 - 19.10. Start and end of the movement from the Central District Hospital: 7.00 - 19.55.

No. 15 "vill. Litvinki - md. Gull"

Litvinki village - CHPP-3 - st. Crystal - st. Blagoeva - st. Gorky - River Station - st. Soviet - Smolensky per. - Volokolamsky Ave. - sq. Gagarin - st. Ordzhonikidze - pl. Tereshkova - ave. Victory - Seagull

Start and end of the movement from Chaika: 6.34 - 19.15. Start and end of the movement from Litvinki: 5.50 - 19.45

No. 20 "Energoremont - pos. Migalovo"

Energoremont - st. Industrial - pl. Gagarin - st. Vagzhanova - st. Soviet - st. S. Perovskoy - ave. Kalinina - Komsomolskaya sq. - Ave. Lenin - pr-t 50 years of October - st. Gromova - Migalovo

Start and end of movement from Migalovo: 5.50 - 22.02, weekends: 7.06 - 20.38 Start and end of movement from Energoremont: 5.43 - 21.48, weekends: 7.06 - 19.22

No. 21 "m-n. South - pos. Migalovo"

Southern - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave. - Volokolamsky pr-t - Smolensky per. - st. Soviet - st. S. Perovskoy (Bragin St.) - ave. Kalinina - Komsomolskaya sq. - Ave. Lenin - ave. 50 years of October - st. Gromova - Migalovo

Start and end of movement from Migalovo: 6.50 - 21.14, weekends: 7.00 - 21.04 Start and end of movement from Yuzhny: 6.45 - 20.43, weekends: 7.27 - 20.56

No. 30 "Mr. South - wd. Centrosvar"

Tsentrosvar - st. P. Savelyeva - S. Petersburg highway - nab. A. Nikitina - Old Volzhsky Bridge - Tverskoy Prospekt - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Comintern - Oktyabrsky Avenue - st. Mozhaisky - st. Levitan (terminal) - st. Queen - br. Guseva - st. Mozhaisky - further along the route

Start and end of traffic from Yuzhny: 6.00 - 21.07, weekends: 6.40 - 20.21 Start and end of traffic from Tsentrosvar: 6.21 - 21.02, weekends: 7.40 - 20.33

No. 31 “Railway. Station - Perinatal Center»

Zavolzhsky village - St. Petersburg highway - emb. A. Nikitin - New Volga Bridge - st. Novotorzhskaya - st. Soviet - Smolensky per. - Volokolamsky prospect - st. Comintern - railway station

Start and end of the movement from the railway station: 5.50 - 20.15, on weekends: 6.50 - 20.15 The bus leaves on weekdays from the Perinatal Center: 5.50 - 20-15, on weekends: 6.50 - 20.15

No. 34 "pl. Constitutions - Railway. railway station"

sq. Constitutions - St. Petersburg sh. - District road - ave. Lenin - ave. Kalinina - st. S. Perovskoy - Tverskoy Ave. - Ave. Tchaikovsky - Zh.d. railway station

Start and end of traffic from the railway station: 7.00 - 20.00, weekends: 7.00 - 20.05 Start and end of traffic from DRSU-2: 7.30 - 19.30, weekends: 7.35 - 19.30

No. 55 "m-n. South - pl. Constitution"

st. Mozhaisky - Blvd. Guseva - st. Queen - st. Levitan - st. Mozhaisky - st. South - Burashevskoe sh. - Zeleny Ave. - st. Ordzhonikidze - st. Vagzhanova - st. Sovetskaya - Tverskoy Ave. - st. Gorky - st. S. Stepanova - st. 2nd Krasina - st. S. Tyulenin - st. 2nd Griboedova - st. S. Stepanova - st. Ring - st. Telman - st. June 26 - 1st per. Vagonnikov - st. 1st Vagonnikov - pr-d. Fiberglass - st. P. Savelyeva - pl. Constitution

The beginning and end of the movement from the South and pl. Constitution: 6.00 – 23.00

No. 102 Tver (River Station) - d / c "Birch" (via Balamutovo)

Start and end of the movement from the river station: 7.30 - 19.00. Start and end of the movement from the Bus Station: 8.10 - 19.40.

No. 104 Tver (Central Market) - p. Metalworkers

st. Efimov - st. Bragin - Novotorzhskaya st. (back: Zhelyabova street - embankment of the Tmaka river) - Tverskoy pr. - New bridge - - st. Gorky - st. Mussorgsky - st. Krasina - Tretyakovsky per. - st. New Dawn - Zatveretsky bull. (back: Shishkov st.) - Bezhetskoye sh. - Zhernovka - Metallistov settlement

Start and end of traffic from the central market: 6.00 - 19.25, weekends: 6.25 - 19.10 Start and end of traffic from Metalist: 7.01 - 19.30, weekends: 7.45 - 20.15

No. 121 "settlement. Mamulino - pos. Sakharovo"

settlement Mamulino - st. Osnabrückskaya - Volokolamsk highway - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave - st. Comintern - Ave. Tchaikovsky - Tverskoy Ave - Komsomolsky Ave. - st. Tupolev - Sakharov highway - pos. Sakharovo

Start and end of the movement from Mamulino and Sakharovo: 6.30 - 20.10

No. 123 Tver (River Station) - Chernogubovo (no number)

Start and end of the movement from the river station: 5.55 - 18.50, weekends: 6.30 - 19.30 Start and end of the movement from Chernogubovo: 6.30 - 19.15, weekends: 7.15 - 19.55

No. 124 "Borovlevo - the village of Zavolzhsky"

Burashevskoe sh. - Lugovaya st. - Linear st. - Burashevskoe sh. (back: Burashevskoe sh.) - st. Mozhaisky - st. Levitan - st. Koroleva - blvd. Guseva - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky pr. - Volokolamsky pr. - Sovetskaya st. - Novotorzhskaya street - Old bridge - Afanasy Nikitin embankment - St. Petersburg sh.

Opening hours: 7:00 - 20.00.

No. 127 Tver - Ryabeevo - Prudishche

Start and end of the movement from Tver: 6.00 - 18.20. Start and end of the movement from Prudishchi: 7.00 - 19.30.

No. 202 109th branch - Dmitrovskoye village

Industrial Ave. - st. Comintern - Tchaikovsky Ave. - Darwin Ave. - st. Spartak - Kalinin Ave - Lenin Ave - 50 Years of October Ave - Cherkasskaya st. - d.Dmitrovskoe

Opening hours from 7.00-19.00.

No. 207 Borovlevo - Dmitrovo-Cherkassy

Borovlevo - Burashevskoe highway - Lugovaya st. - Lineynaya st. - Burashevskoe sh. (back: Burashevskoe highway) - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky pr. - Volokolamsky pr. - Sovetskaya st. - st. Sophia Perovskoy - Kalinina Ave. - Lenin Ave. - 50 Years of October Ave. - highway m10 - Dmitrovo-Cherkassy

Start and end of the movement: 6.40 - 20.10.

No. 213 Tver (Central Market) - Danilovskoye (in summer to Danilovsky-2)

The movement started from the Central Market at 6.07, from Danilovsky 6.43. The end of the movement from the Central Market at 19.18, from Danilovsky 19.50.

No. 601 Emmaus (boarding school) - Tver - Emmaus (boarding school)

Start and end of the movement from Emmaus: 6.05 - 21.30. Start and end of the trip from Emmaus: 6.20 – 21.30

Important! The last bus trips, as a rule, pass through the River Station and further to the park.


No. 1 Chemistry Institute - zad. Centrosvar"

Institute of Chemistry - Moscow highway - pl. Gagarin - st. Vagzhanova - Smolensky lane - st. Soviet - st. Novotorzhskaya - New Volzhsky bridge - emb. A. Nikitina - S. Petersburg highway - pl. Constitution - st. P. Savelieva - zad. Centrosvar

The trolleybus leaves the line on working days at 4.54, finishes work at 23.30. There are 9 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 16 to 28 minutes.

On weekends at 4.57, finishes work at 20.49. There are 6 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 23 to 47 minutes.

No. 2 "k-r Rosiya - Railway. railway station"

to-r. "Russia" - st. B. Field - st. M. Koneva - Komsomolskaya Sq. - Ave. Kalinina - st. One-way - st. Bebel (Bragin St.) - st. Novotorzhskaya - st. Soviet - Smolensky lane - Volokolamsky avenue. - st. Comintern - railway station

The trolleybus leaves the line on weekdays at 4.26, finishes work at 23.28. There are 15 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 7 to 12 minutes.

On weekends at 4.37, finishes work at 23.07. There are 14 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 8 to 14 minutes.

No. 3 "st. Levitan - sd. Tsentrosvar" st. Levitan - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave. - Volokolamsky Ave. - Smolensky lane - st. Soviet - st. Novotorzhskaya - New Volzhsky bridge - emb. A. Nikitina - S. Petersburg highway - pl. Constitution - st. P. Savelieva - zad. Centrosvar

The trolleybus leaves the line on working days at 4.30, finishes work at 23.28. There are 19 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 7 to 14 minutes.

On weekends at 4.47, finishes work at 23.00. There are 16 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 8 to 21 minutes.

No. 4 "K-r. Russia - Mr. Gull"

to-r. "Russia" - st. B. Field - st. M. Koneva - Komsomolskaya Sq. - Ave. Kalinina - st. One-way - st. Bebel (Bragin St.) - st. Novotorzhskaya - st. Soviet - Smolensky lane - ave. Victory - sq. Tereshkova - Mr. Gull

The trolleybus leaves the line on working days at 06.03, finishes work at 20.03. There are 8 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 13 to 18 minutes.

On weekends at 6.43, finishes work at 19.55. There are 6 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 13 to 18 minutes.

No. 5 "K-r. Rosiya - Chemistry Institute "

to-r. "Russia" - st. B. Field - st. M. Koneva - Komsomolskaya Sq. - Ave. Kalinina - st. One-way - st. Bebel (Bragin St.) - st. Novotorzhskaya - st. Soviet - Smolensky lane - st. Vagzhanova - pl. Gagarin - Moscow highway - Chemistry Institute

The trolleybus leaves the line on working days at 4.45, finishes work at 23.39. There are 9 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 15 to 28 minutes.

On weekends at 5.22, finishes work at 23.05.55. There are 6 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 22 to 46 minutes.

No. 7 "st. Levitan - sd. Centrosvar"

st. Levitan - st. Queen - br. Guseva - st. Mozhaisky - Oktyabrsky Ave. - Volokolamsky Ave. - Smolensky lane - st. Soviet - st. Novotorzhskaya - New Volzhsky bridge - emb. A. Nikitina - S. Petersburg highway - pl. Constitution - st. P. Savelieva - zad. Centrosvar

The trolleybus leaves the line on weekdays at 06.06 and ends at 19.34. There are 2 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 65 minutes.


No. 5 "DSK - Bus Station"

DSK - S. Petersburg highway - st. Gorky - River Station - Tverskoy Ave. - sq. Kaposvara - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Comintern - Bus Station

The tram leaves the line on weekends and working days at 5.03, finishes work at 23.00. There are 8 wagons on the route. The interval of movement is from 12 to 14 minutes.

No. 6 "pl. Konstantinovka - Bus station "

Konstantinovka - KSM-2 - st. Tupolev - River Station - Tverskoy Ave. - sq. Kaposvara - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Comintern - Bus station

The tram leaves the line on weekends and working days at 6.23, finishes work at 18.49 There are 4 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 23 minutes.

No. 10 "DSK - Tsanova Boulevard"

DSK - S. Petersburg highway - st. Gorky - River Station - Tverskoy Ave. - sq. Kaposvara - ave. Victory - sq. Tereshkova - st. Ordzhonikidze - Tsanova Boulevard

The tram leaves the line on weekends and working days at 5.15, finishes work at 22.49 There are 7 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 15 to 35 minutes.

No. 11 "Bus station - st. Ring"

st. Ring - st. Blagoeva - st. Gorky - River Station - Tverskoy Ave. - sq. Kaposvara - ave. Tchaikovsky - st. Comintern - Bus station

The tram enters the line on weekends and workdays at 4.55, finishes work at 23.07 There are 7 cars on the route. The interval of movement is from 10 to 16 minutes.

13 "st. Republican - Blvd. Tzanova"

st. Republican - ave. Lenin - ave. Kalinina - st. Spartak - Darwin Ave. - Sq. Kaposvara - ave. Victory - sq. Tereshkova - st. Ordzhonikidze - Tsanova Boulevard

The tram leaves the line on working days at 4.38, finishes work at 23.13. There are 11 wagons on the route. The interval of movement is from 8 to 11 minutes.

On weekends at 4.38, finishes work at 22.55. There are 7 wagons on the route. The interval of movement is from 11 to 18.

A little more than a month is left before the introduction of a new transport model in Tver, but residents still do not know what to expect from the reform. Which routes will remain and which will disappear?

While changes are waiting for Tver and the Kalininsky district, later the experience will be extended to the entire region. Until the end of December, officials will choose carriers, and from February, new buses will start running.

Flights until midnight

Problems in the passenger transportation market have been accumulating for years. Long after nine in the evening life stops in the regional center. At this time there are no buses, no trolleybuses, no minibuses. The situation with beneficiaries is outrageous: people have the right to free travel on a single social ticket, but minibuses, seeing an elderly person at the bus stop, often pass by.

Still a lot of complaints about the quality of driving. Minibus drivers drive, cut. Only this year due to their fault, according to the regional traffic police, there were 75 accidents in which more than a hundred people were injured. But even in such conditions, minibuses win competition from the same trolleybuses. The new scheme is designed to solve long-standing problems and improve the quality of transportation. The first buses will begin to leave at five in the morning, the last ones will return to the park after midnight. Waiting time - no more than fifteen minutes.

“People want to drive in comfortable conditions, with professional drivers. First of all, they ask to ensure the possibility of preferential travel, as well as to keep the previous numbering of routes in order to avoid confusion,” he said. Chairman of the Public Chamber of Tver Vadim Rybachuk.

The current directions in the city will be preserved. However, some will extend, some will cut - the prefix "k" will help to figure this out. For example, the existing route No. 177 will carry passengers from the village of Lebedevo to railway stations, Kaposvar Square and across the Vostochny Bridge to dachas. Its shortened version No. 177k will deliver from Lebedevo only to the railway station.

There will also be completely new routes. For example, number 116 will run in the direction "Krivtsovo - Globus - Tchaikovsky Ave - Stary Most - Perinatal Center". They will improve transport links with new buildings on Sominka, in Raduzhny, etc.

It is important that tariffs will become regulated from February. That is, the carrier will no longer be able to arbitrarily set the fare. It is assumed that when paying bank card the ticket will cost 25 rubles. The maximum level for one trip when paying in cash can be 29 rubles. At the same time, the possibility of introducing subscriptions is being considered. According to them, the fare can be 21 rubles. However, this is not certain, the tariffs are still being discussed.

There will be no trolleybuses

From next year there will be no trolleybuses in the regional center. Buses No. 42, 43 and 44 will also be allowed on their routes. environmental issues. However, the requirements for transport stipulate an environmental class: not lower than Euro 5. The buses themselves must be at the time of the conclusion of the contract no older than one year and equipped with video recorders, validators, climate control, etc.

In the future, the regional center plans to switch to electric buses, as well as restore tram traffic.

“Tram tracks are marked in the general plan of the city. This means that these territories are reserved for the development of electric transport. The budget includes money for the design of silent rubber-based tram tracks, - commented Governor Igor Rudenya. - Moreover, the issue of revival of the tram traffic has already been discussed with the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Finance and Vnesheconombank. Tver, as an exception, was taken into the project for million-plus cities on this issue.

The new model of passenger transportation will be introduced in stages over the next seven years. During this time in public transport Tver will invest almost 22 billion rubles.

How will the buses run?

New routes

Route number 42: Hypermarket "Globus" - Train Station

Route No. 43: University - Microdistrict "Southern-D" - University

Route No. 44: Shopping center "Metro" - microdistrict "Raduzhny"

Route No. 45: Green Street - Central District Hospital

Route No. 116: Krivtsovo - Perinatal Center

Route No. 154k: River Station - Dmitrovo-Cherkassy - Proletarka

Route No. 177k: Lebedevo (cemetery) - Railway station

Route No. 222k: Proletarka - Lebedevo

Municipal routes

Route No. 1: Railway Station - Central District Hospital

Route number 2: Yuzhny - Migalovo

Route number 3: 109 branch - Bezhetskoye highway (Kalinin road repair and construction department)

Route number 6: Yunost (youth residential complex) - Mamulino

Route number 7: Green Street - Raduzhny microdistrict

Route number 9: Yunost - Migalovo

Route number 10: 3rd International street - Chemistry Institute

Route No. 12: Derevnische village (ATP) - Thermal power plant-3

Route number 14: Litvinki - Migalovo

Route No. 15: Hypermarket "Globus" - Teploelectrocentral-3

Route No. 19: Sakharovo - Tsentrosvar Plant

Route number 20: Energoremont - Migalovo

Route number 21: Yuzhny - Migalovo

Route No. 24: Shopping center "Metro" - 1st street behind the line

Route number 27: Mamulino - Energoremont

Route number 30: Tsentrosvar plant - Levitan street

Route No. 31: Mamulino - Perinatal Center

Route number 33: Shopping center "Globus" - Migalovo

Route number 33k: Shopping center "Globus" - Migalovo

Route No. 35: Yuzhny - Sakharovo

Route number 36: Mamulino - Sakharovo

Route No. 41: Artyukhina Street - Chemistry Institute

Route No. 51: Shopping center "Metro" - Litvinki

Route No. 52: River Station - Terminal Street

Route No. 55: Yuzhny - Raduzhny microdistrict

Route No. 56: Tsanova Boulevard - Microdistrict "Raduzhny"

Intermunicipal routes (in the city)

Line 106: Metro Shopping Center - Emmauss

Route No. 154: Dmitrovo-Cherkassy - Proletarka - River Station - Dmitrovo-Cherkassy (ring)

Route No. 177: Lebedevo - Tver - Dachi

Route No. 202: Meat processing plant - Dmitrovskoe

Route number 204: pos. Mamulino - pos. Zavolzhsky

Route No. 205: Borovlevo-2 - Yuzhny-D - pos. Litvinki - PMK - village Gorodishche - children's sanatorium "Prometheus"

Route No. 207: Borovlevo-1 - st. Republican - d. Dm.-Cherkassy - Borovlevo-1 (ring)

Route No. 208: dacha cooperative Svetly - CHPP-3 - microdistrict "Yuzhny"

Route No. 222: Railway station - Lebedevo

Route No. 223: Borovlevo-1 - Yuzhny - Chernogubovo

Route No. 227: Globus shopping center - Ryabeevo - Prudishche

Route number 228: pos. Avvakumovo - Yuzhny microdistrict

Route number 233: pos. Institute of Chemistry (Tver) - village Nikolo-Malitsa

Inter-municipal routes (outer suburbs)

Route No. 101: Tver - Aleksandrovka

Route No. 102: Tver - Beryozka

Route number 103: Tver - st. Kulitskaya

Route No. 104: Tver-p. Metallistov

Route No. 107: Tver - Vasilyevsky Mokh

Route No. 108: Tver - Kvakshino

Route No. 109: Tver - Burashevo

Route No. 110: Tver - East

Route No. 111: Tver - Lyamovo

Route No. 112: Tver-Chupriyanovka (via the village of Krupskaya)

Route number 113: Tver - Danilovskoe

Route No. 114: Tver - Kumordino

Route number 115: Tver - Petrovskoe

Route number 117: Glazkovo - Kobyachevo

Route No. 118: Tver - Romanovo - Mednoe (ring)

Route No. 119: Tver (bus station) - Orsha

Route No. 120: Tver - Stary Pogost (via Krupskaya village)

Route No. 121: Tver - s/s Savvatievsky

Route No. 122: Tver - Stary Pogost (through the village of Khiminstituta)

Route No. 123: Glazkovo - Andrianovo

Route No. 125: Tver - Emmaus - Redkino

Route No. 125r: Redkino - Tver

Route No. 126: Tver-Zverosovkhoz (St. Melkovo)

Route number 127: Tver - Andreevskoe

Route No. 129: Tver (River Station) - Orsha

Route number 130: Andreevskoe - Brody

Route No. 132: Tver - Bolshie Gorki

Route No. 133: Tver - Turginovo

Route No. 135: Tver - Pushkino

Route No. 136: Tver - Panigino - Polubratovo

Route number 137: Tver - Nesterovo

Route No. 138: Tver - Knyazevo

Route No. 139: Tver - Lissitzky Bor

Route No. 141: Tver - Sukhoverkovo

Route No. 143: Tver - Emelyanovo - Gostenevo

Route No. 225: Tver - Novoe Semyonovskoe

A new model of passenger transportation will begin to operate. Currently, the relevant departments of the region are rapidly preparing for the implementation of the transport scheme: dozens of tenders have already been announced to determine carriers that will operate on routes at regulated rates for several years. In addition, the municipal and inter-municipal routes themselves are approved. And although the schedule and the number of buses operating in one direction or another are still being finalized, today it is possible to designate all regular routes in Tver and the Kalininsky district. The new model of passenger transportation in Tver and the region retains all existing bus routes. Moreover, some of them were extended for the convenience of residents, and several new routes were introduced, taking into account passenger traffic and the most popular destinations in the city (see the list of routes). The number of flights on suburban routes will grow by more than 30%. As for the time of public transport, it will be extended so that residents have the opportunity to get home in the evening or to remote neighborhoods. New system public transport will operate on the basis of regulated tariffs. At the same time, all the benefits provided by law on all routes will be preserved, and a subscription system will be developed. According to the concept of the transport model, the new buses will have a larger capacity, which will increase their carrying capacity by 10%, will be designed in a single style, and adapted to transport groups of citizens with limited mobility. According to the regional Ministry of Transport, the intervals along the route will average 4 minutes, in remote areas - from 5 to 15 minutes. However, with regard to buses, the requirements for transport are specified in the terms of reference for electronic tenders for the choice of carriers for the period from 2020 to 2026. So, at the time of the conclusion of the contract, the bus must be no older than 1 year. The capacity of large class buses is 82 people, including a wheelchair user, at least 19 seats, middle class - at least 64, seats for at least 18, small class - at least 17, seats for at least 13. The bus must be low-floor, three-door; equipped with navigation systems, smoke detectors, video recorders, information display boards, validators, a tachograph, a passenger flow monitoring system, etc. Auctions for the choice of carriers are called "Performance of work related to the implementation of regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road at regulated rates along the municipal routes of the city of Tver and intermunicipal routes providing transport services to the Kalininsky district of the Tver region." Let's say lot No. 8 includes 6 routes: Route No. 9: Yunost - Migalovo, Route No. 30: Tsentrosvar plant - Levitana Street, Route No. 36: Mamulino - Sakharovo, Route No. 107: Tver - Vasilyevsky Mokh, Route No. 177k: Lebedevo ( cemetery) - Railway Station, Route No. 222k: Proletarka - Lebedevo. The value of the contract is 2.9 billion rubles for seven years. The document lists the amounts for each route separately. The contract specifies the maximum cost of 1 km of run, the annual mileage of the bus, the maximum average driver salary (for example, in 2020 it is about 36 thousand rubles, and in 2026 - more than 44 thousand), as well as the price of one liter of fuel: it is fixed for all 7 years - 46.34 rubles. Among the requirements for the contractor in the tender documentation are: sale of tickets and a report to the customer on a monthly basis; providing drivers with uniforms, placing the current bus schedule at stops; ensuring the operation of navigation equipment and data transmission to the system operator, etc. New routes: Route No. 42: Globus Hypermarket - Railway Station Route No. 43: University - Yuzhny-D Microdistrict - University Route No. 44: Metro Shopping Center - Raduzhny Microdistrict Route No. 45: Zelenaya Street - Centralnaya district hospital Route No. 116: Krivtsovo - Perinatal Center Route No. 154k: River Station - Dmitrovo-Cherkasy - Proletarka Route No. 177k: Lebedevo (cemetery) - Railway Station Route No. 222k: Proletarka - Lebedevo Municipal routes: Route No. 1: Railway Station - Central District Hospital Route No. 2: Yuzhny - Migalovo Route No. 3: Branch 109 - Bezhetskoye Highway (Kalinin Road Repair and Construction Department) Route No. 6: Yunost (youth residential complex) - Mamulino Route No. 7: Zelenaya Street - Raduzhny microdistrict Route No. 9: Yunost - Migalovo Route No. 10: 3rd International Street - Khiminstitut Route No. 12: Village Derevnishche (ATP) - Thermal Power Plant-3 Route No. 14: Litvinki - Migalovo Route No. 15: Globus Hypermarket - Thermal Power Plant-3 Route No. 19: Sakharovo - Tsentrosvar Plant Route No. 20: Energoremont - Migalovo Route No. 21: Yuzhny - Migalovo Route No. 24: Metro Shopping Center - 1st Street behind the line Route No. 27: Mamulino - Energoremont Route No. 30: Plant Tsentrosvar - Levitana Street Route No. 31: Mamulino - Perinatal Center Route No. 33: Globus Shopping Center - Migalovo Route No. 33k: Globus Shopping Center - Migalovo Route No. 35: Yuzhny - Sakharovo Route No. 36: Mamulino - Sakharovo Route No. 41: Artyukhina Street - Chemistry Institute Route No. 51: Metro shopping center - Litvinki Route No. 52: River Station - Konechnaya Street Route No. 55: Yuzhny - Raduzhny microdistrict Route No. 56: Tsanova Boulevard - Raduzhny Microdistrict Intermunicipal routes ( around the city): Route No. 106: Shopping center "Metro" - Emmauss Route No. 154: Dmitrovo-Cherkassy - Proletarka - River Station - DmitrovoCherkassy (ring) Route No. 177: Lebedevo - Tver - Dacha Route No. 202: Meat processing plant - Dmitrovskoye Route No. 204: pos. Mamulino - pos. Zavolzhsky Route No. 205: Borovlevo-2 - Yuzhny-D - pos. Litvinki - PMK - village Gorodishche - children's sanatorium "Prometheus" Route No. 207: Borovlevo-1 - st. Republican - d. Dm. - Cherkassy - Borovlevo-1 (ring) Route No. 208: Svetly dacha cooperative - CHPP-3 - Yuzhny microdistrict Route No. 211: settlement. Migalovo - pos. May 1st - Otradnoe Route No. 222: Railway station - Lebedevo Route No. 223: Borovlevo-1 - Yuzhny - Chernogubovo Route No. 227: Globus shopping center - Ryabeevo - Prudishche Route No. 228: pos. Avvakumovo - Yuzhny microdistrict Route No. 233: pos. Himinstituta (Tver) - Nikolo-Malitsa village Intermunicipal routes (distant suburb): Route No. 101: Tver - Aleksandrovka Kulitskaya Route №104: Tver-p. Metallistov Route No. 107: Tver - Vasilyevsky Mokh Route No. 108: Tver - Kvakshino Route No. 109: Tver - Burashevo Route No. 110: Tver - Vostok Route No. 111: Tver - Lyamovo Route No. 112: Tver-Chupriyanovka (via Krupskaya village) Route No. 113: Tver - Danilovskoye Route No. 114: Tver - Kumordino Route No. 115: Tver - Petrovskoye Route No. 117: Glazkovo - Kobyachevo Route No. 118: Tver - Romanovo - Mednoe (ring) Route No. 119: Tver (bus station) - Orsha Route No. 120: Tver - Stary Pogost (via Krupskaya village) Route No. 121: Tver - s/s Savvatevsky Route No. 122: Tver - Stary Pogost (through Khiminstituta village) Route No. 123: Glazkovo - Andrianovo Route No. 125: Tver - Emmaus - Redkino Route No. 125r: Redkino - Tver Route No. 126: Tver-Zverosovkhoz (St. Melkovo) Route No. 127: Tver - Andreevskoye Route No. 128: Tver - May 1 Plant Route No. 129: Tver (River Station) - Orsha Route 130: Andreevskoe - Brody Route 132: Tver - Bolshie Gorki Route 133: Tver - Turginovo Route 135: Tver - Pushkino Route 136: Tver - Panigino - Polubratovo Route 137: Tver - Nesterovo Route 138: Tver - Knyazevo Route No. 139: Tver - Lissitzky Bor Route No. 141: Tver - Sukhoverkovo Route No. 143: Tver - Emelyanovo - Gostenevo Route No. 225: Tver - Novoe Semyonovskoye