The passive voice rule in English. About English with love. English sentences in passive voice

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We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice – that is, until we have stopped saying “It got lost,” and say, “I lost it.”

Sydney J Harris

We didn't cross that fine line between childhood and adulthood until we moved from the passive voice to the active voice, namely, we stopped saying "It's lost" instead of "I lost it."

They have such a grammatical category as voice ( voice). It shows whether the subject itself performs the action or whether it is the object of the action. It is for this purpose that all English verbs are used either in the real or active voice ( active voice), or in the passive or passive voice ( passive voice). If the subject itself produces the action, then we use the verb in the active voice. For example:

They often join me at the meetings. They often go to meetings with me.

Our relatives presented us with a bouquet of flowers. Our relatives gave us a bouquet of flowers.

Passive Voice in English

A familiar situation: for a long time you promise yourself to take up the study of the topic “Passive Voice in English”. The school stock of knowledge is probably forgotten, and the articles that you so diligently searched for on the Internet are written more for philologists and connoisseurs of English grammar. Quite expected questions arise: “Maybe I can do without using this intricate pledge? Can I chat without using it?

Theoretically you can. A native speaker will be able to understand the general meaning of your statement, but your phrases will not sound quite natural and logical. Sometimes, instead of one concise phrase (in the passive), you will have to explain the situation with the help of a whole group of sentences in the active voice. Therefore, let's finally deal with this mysterious passive voice, so that in the future you can easily use it both in speech and in writing.

The passive (or passive) voice in English is used in cases where the fact of an action is much more important than its performer.

The towels were not used yesterday. – Towels were not used yesterday = The towels were not used yesterday.

In this sentence, the subject denotes an object (towels) that is subject to action by some person (the performer is not specifically known to us), while he himself does nothing. The fact that towels were not used is much more important to the speaker than who exactly did not use them.

Remember, if the action is carried out with the help of any object, tool, material, then the preposition is used with.

The streets are covered with snow. - The streets are covered with snow.

If the performer of the action is a person or a group of people, we will put a preposition by.

He was asked about the accident by the police yesterday. Yesterday the police asked him about the accident.

The formation of the passive voice in different tenses

In childhood, many of us loved to collect the designer. We can easily master the rules for using the passive voice in English if we present our proposal in the form of various constructor blocks. We need 2 elements:

It is(verb to be) made (irregular form of the verb from the third column) of glass. - This made from glass.

They were(verb to be) not invited (regular verb ending -ed). - They are not were invited.

We will consider the most commonly used passive forms with you using examples from your favorite English cartoons.

Present Simple Passive Voice (statement of fact or ordinary, constant, regular action)

In one of the episodes of this Disney cartoon, the main character Rapunzel shares the secret of her golden hair with her new friend and travel companion Flynn Ryder. The touch of the magical hair of a young princess heals from all diseases and restores youth.

Once it 's cut, it turns brown and loses its power. - as soon as they cut off, they become chestnut and lose their power.

Past Simple Passive Voice (completed action in the past)


Let's remember the lovely and naive Princess Anna, who on the day of the coronation of her sister Elsa met Hans at the reception. The thirteenth prince of the Southern Isles offered her his hand and heart, and the girl agreed. In this episode, a young beauty tells her chosen one about a white strand of hair in her hairstyle. The girl does not know that this is the result of her older sister's magic.

I was born with it, although I dreamed I was kissed by a troll. - I was born with her, although I imagined that I kissed troll.

Future Simple Passive Voice (an action that will happen in the future)


It is impossible to ignore such a colorful cartoon about the Pacific Islands. At the very beginning of this story, the grandmother of the main character Moana tells the children of a tribe living on an exotic island the legend about the heart of the goddess Te Fiti. When it is found, the former balance and order will be restored in nature.

But one day the heart will be found by someone who would journey beyond our reef. - But one day, the one who swims over our reef, will find heart.

Present Perfect Passive Voice (the action happened recently, its result is important)

The Boss Baby

If you have already watched this cartoon, then you certainly have not forgotten how the main character Tim Templeton decides, together with his unusual younger brother, to act against the director of the corporation PuppyCo. In the course of their joint adventures, Tim becomes attached to a phenomenal baby, and in one of the episodes he tickles him during a funny photo shoot.

What? You 've never been tickled? - What? You never tickled?

Modal verbs with Passive Voice (function determined by modal verb)

Kung Fu Panda 3

The legendary adventures of the panda named Po continue in this cartoon. He has an important battle with the evil spirit Kai. Only a true hero can stop him and prevent trouble. Grand Master Shifu finds ancient scriptures and says the following phrase:

He can only be stopped by a true master of Chi. - His can stop only a true Qi master.

Other modal verbs can also be used in the passive voice: may, must, could, ought to, should. Here are examples of their use:

The lessons should be attended regularly. - Classes should visit regularly.

All the traffic rules must be obeyed. – Need to follow all traffic rules.

As it turned out, even in cartoons one cannot do without the passive voice. And we continue to collect our "constructor" and offer you a table with those temporary forms of the passive voice that we have not mentioned yet.

Time Education When we use Example
Present Continuous am/is/are being ed) the action takes place at the moment of speaking Their plan is being considered by the members of the committee.

Their plan is being considered by committee members.

Past continuous was/were being+ III form of the verb (or regular verb with the ending - ed) the action was in progress at some point in the past While we were having lunch, the room was being cleaned .

While we were having dinner, the room was being cleaned.

Future Continuous
past perfect had been+ III form of the verb (or regular verb with the ending - ed) past action preceding another past When her parents arrived, the problem had already been solved .

When her parents arrived, the problem had already been solved.

Future Perfect will have been+ III form of the verb (or regular verb with the ending - ed) an action that will be completed before a certain point in the future This document will have been sent by 6 o'clock.

This document will be sent by six o'clock.

present/Past/Future Perfect Continuous This form is not usually used in the passive voice.

Negative and interrogative forms of the verb in the passive voice

It is important to note that the negative form of the verb in the passive voice is formed using the particle not. It follows the auxiliary verb:

Rome was not built in a day. - Moscow was not built in a day. (proverb)

If there are several auxiliary verbs, then not placed after the first:

The annual budget has not been adopted. – The annual budget has not been adopted.

But to form an interrogative sentence in the passive voice, the first auxiliary verb is placed before the subject:

Is Kimberly Accused of stealing the money? Is Kimberly accused of stealing money?

Verbs not used in the passive voice

Verbs that indicate the state of the face or subject, not an action or process, not used in the passive voice: have(have), resemble(be similar) become(become), fit(correspond), suit(suit), lack(lack) and others.

As an example, consider sentences that are used in the active voice. It is not possible to apply passive voice in this case.

I resemble my father. - I look like my father.

Her job has become her life. Her work became her life.

So, does the passive voice of the English language no longer seem so complicated to you? Let's add a few more arguments in his defense.

Without knowledge of this material, it is extremely difficult to understand advertising texts, instructions and newspaper headlines. It is simply necessary in discussing controversial and unpleasant situations when they do not want to blame someone specifically or try to relieve themselves of all responsibility. Passive constructions also make the statement more polite. They are often used in business communication and in various documentation.

If you need to work with a description of rules, laws or scientific processes in English, this topic is indispensable, since the information is presented objectively and regardless of the speaker's personal opinion. It is extremely undesirable to report conclusions on your own behalf.

And finally, when passing international exams TOEFL And IELTS the use of passive constructions will add such important points to the answer, especially to its written part.

Why don't we watch a video from the teacher Emma and not find out a few more interesting details on this topic?

To make it easier for you to remember how the passive voice is formed at different tenses, we have compiled a table that can be downloaded.

(*.pdf, 188 Kb)

And now we offer you to take a short test to consolidate your knowledge of the passive voice of the English language.


Active and passive voice in English

We would like to start this article by telling you that the passive voice in English is not as difficult to understand as you might think. We actually sympathize with this poor passive structure, as many people hate it.
All you need is a good command and knowledge of the past participle in order to build a beautiful sentence using Passive voice in English.

In this article, you can independently study the passive voice in English (passive voice). You will also learn how the passive voice is formed in English and how to use it. Understand the difference between active and passive voice. Consider a table to compare the active voice and the passive voice, using the appropriate tense.

Active Voice in English

Let's first find out what is a pledge in English?

Pledge is a form of the verb that indicates whether the subject action performs (= active voice) or affects it (= passive voice).

The active voice is the most commonly used in English. And when you think about it, it tends to be much simpler than passive sentences.
We must see the characteristics of this form.

active voice:

  • The active subject is at the beginning of the sentence.
  • The subject is followed by a verb and an object.
  • We can say that the verb is active.
  • Active voice clearly tells us who performed the action.

Active voice sentence structure:

Subject + Verb + Object

Example with explanation:

- My daughter has won the prize - My daughter won the prize.

In the above sentence we have subject(my daughter) verb(has won't) addition(prize).

What sentence would you use in everyday speech?

- I ate breakfast / the breakfast was eaten by me - I ate breakfast / breakfast was eaten by me.

- They will buy a yacht / the yacht will be bought - They will buy a yacht / the yacht will be bought.

The answer is obvious. However, in some cases it is better to use passive voice. A little later, you will learn exactly when to use the passive voice in English.

What is the passive voice in English?

The passive voice in English is used when the person or thing taking the action is more important than the person or thing doing the action.

Simply put, when we say what a person or thing does, we use Active verb forms. When we say what happened to a person or thing, we often use passive verb forms.

Let's start with how the passive voice is formed.

Formation of the passive voice

The passive voice is formed with the verb in the right tense to be + past participle(past participle or regular verb with -ed ending). Let's look again at how the passive voice is formed.

The passive voice formula in English:

Passive voice — Table

The table shows the active and passive voice in English. Compare the two examples, paying attention to the underlined words.

Active Voice Passive Voice
present simple They take the photos in Belarus. The photos are taken in Belarus.
Present Continuous They are taking the photos in Belarus. The photos are being taken in Belarus.
past simple They took the photos in Belarus. The photos were taken in Belarus.
past continuous They were taking the photos in Belarus. The photos were being taken in Belarus.
Future Simple They will take the photos in Belarus. The photos will be taken in Belarus.
Present Perfect They have taken the photos in Belarus. The photos have been taken in Belarus.
past perfect They had taken the photos in Belarus. The photos had been taken in Belarus.
Future Perfect They will have taken the photos in Belarus. The photos will have been taken in Belarus.
Infinitive + to They used to take the photos in Belarus. The photos used to be taken in Belarus.
Perfect Infinitive They should have taken the photos in Belarus. The photos should have been taken in Belarus.
-ing form They talked about taking the photos in Belarus. They talked about photos being taken in Belarus.
Modals + be + p.p You must take the photos in Belarus. The photos must be taken in Belarus.

The windows have been broken Not(the windows have broken).

  • 3. Use Present Participle instead of Past Participle

— Someone has broken the windows —>
- The windows have been broken NOT (the windows has been breaking).

  • 4. Confuse the plural and singular.

Someone- unit h so after it comes the verb has reported.
The windows is plural so we have to say have been broken Not(the windows has been...).

Verbs that cannot be used in the passive

Not all verbs are used in the passive voice. Passive structures are not possible with such as die, cry, arrive which do not have padding (object).

- She died last year - She died last year.
- My baby cried - My baby cried.

Some are also rarely used in the passive. Most of these verbs express a state, not an action.

Examples: have, resemble, lack, etc.:

- I have a flat in the countryside - I have an apartment in the countryside. ( Not A flat is had by me).
- My jacket doesn't fit me - My jacket doesn't fit me. ( Not I'm not fitted by my jacket).

Some prepositional verbs are more commonly used in the asset.

Examples: agree with and walk into:

- I walked into the room Not The room was walked into by me).
- He agreed with his mother ( Not He was agreed with his mother).

When not to use Passive voice in English?

Many students of the passive begin to ‘abuse’ the passive. Here is the important point:

Don't use the passive voice unless you have a reason to.
Here, for example, if you use a passive, especially when writing, think about why you will use passive. Do you need to use it to highlight the beginning of a sentence? Or sound polite and formal? Do you want to highlight the action, and no one performed it? If not, then don't use Passive Voice.
By using the passive, your sentences will be long and complex.

Watch the passive voice video and listen to how the passive voice is used in TV shows.

We have analyzed what the real and passive voice is in English and when exactly to use it in speech. As you understand, the active and passive voice in English has its own characteristics.
Of course, active voice is more common, but having learned the rules of the passive voice, now you can easily understand any text. Learning the passive voice will be difficult if you leave it aside for a long time. But if you repeat the table from time to time and use this rule in speech, then the rule will have no choice but to obey you and stay with you forever!

Passive voice exercises

Do passive voice exercises. Your task will be to open the brackets in the passive voice, if you find it difficult to answer, do not hesitate to look at the table.

Since many people may forget to put dots in the test, we did not use them, so they do not need to be put. If you put a dot, then the score will not be counted.

There is an active and passive voice - Active Voice and Passive Voice, respectively. In the first option, you do an action or someone else does it himself, that is, it is an active action. For example: Masha goes to school - Masha goes to school. Petya drives a car - Petya drives a car.
In the passive voice it would be different - Masha is taken to school. That is, an action is performed on a subject or an inanimate object. I was invited - I was invited - that is, I was not invited, but I was invited.

How Passive Voice Is Formed

Let's see how the Passive voice is formed according to the scheme: Creatures. + Be (am, is, are) + V3. That is, the verb to be and the third form of the verb are put.


affirmative sentences

I'm invited- action above animate object and time Present Simple. In English it will be like this: I am invited.
You are invited— You are invited.
She is invited— She is invited.
He is invited— He is invited.
Important to remember that only the third form, V3, is always used in Passive Voice. Or, the ending -ed is added to the verb if it falls into the category of regular ones. For convenience, we have a table of irregular verbs - Irregular Verbs, which you can see here:. Just in the Participle II column is the third form - V3.
Also important that in the passive voice the pronouns do not change. For example, her invite - she is invited. That is, it is not HER, but SHE.

Interrogative sentences

To ask a question in the passive voice, you need to use the following formula:
To be + Creatures. +V3?
Are the houses built every year? Are houses built every year?
Are you invited everywhere? Are you invited everywhere?

Negative sentences

Creatures. + Be + not + V3
German is (to be) not spoken (V3) everywhere. German is not spoken everywhere.

It is important to know that Future Perfect Continuous Passive, Present Perfect Continuous Passive and Past Perfect Continuous Passive do not exist - Perfect forms are used instead. And instead of Future Continuous Passive, Future Simple is put.
Timestamp in Passive Voice
For convenience, we suggest that you look at the table using tenses in the passive voice.

Lots of examples to reinforce:

Present Simple Passive

He is called every day. They call him every day.
Homework is done. Homework done
Tickets are bought. Tickets are booked.

Present Progressive Passive: to be (is, are, am) + Ving + V3

A new big house is being built now. A new big house is being built now.
I am being given a glass of milk now. Now they give me a glass of milk.

Present Perfect Passive: Have/has + been + V3

This work has just been started - The work has just been started
I have just been invited - I have just been invited

Past Simple Passive: Was/were + V3

The book was written by Alisa. The book was written by Alice.
These apples were bought by Julia. These apples were bought by Julia.

Past Continuous Passive: Was/were + being + V3

I was being asked a question when you came home - I was asked a question just
when you came home.
The car was being washed when I arrived. The car was washed just when I arrived.

Past Perfect Passive: Had + Been + V3

When we came home breakfast had been cooked already. When we got home, tomorrow was already ready.
Had the song been sung by the time she returned? Was the song written by the time it came?

Future Passive: Will + have/has + V3

They will be met by me. They will be welcomed by me.
I will be wondered. I will be surprised.

Future Perfect Passive:

By the time we return the shop will have been opened yet. By the time we arrive, the store will already be open.
Will everything have been prepared by 7 p.m.? Will everything be ready by 7 pm?

If the subject denotes a person or object that performs an action, then the verb-predicate is used in the form active voice (Active voice). In other words, we know who is performing the action:

  • He (who?) helped (what did he do?) me.
  • Workers (who?) Are repairing the bridge.

If the subject denotes a person or object that is being acted upon by another person or object, then the verb-predicate is used in the form passive (passive) voice (Passive voice). That is, for some reason, the person performing the action is omitted:

  • They helped me (who? - not known).
  • The bridge is being repaired.

The passive voice is used:

  • When it's obvious or vice versa, it doesn't matter who does the action: The food was cooked. (We don't know who cooked the food.) The skirt is being washed. (It doesn't matter who washes the skirt.)
  • When the action itself is more important than its performer: The criminal will be arrested. - The culprit will be arrested.
  • When the speaker wants to avoid responsibility for what happened, or when the event being discussed is unpleasant and we don't want to mention the culprit: Hundreds of people were injured in the bus crash. Hundreds of people were injured in the bus accident.
  • When the emphasis is on the performers of the action: The flowers were sent by the Queen herself. The flowers were sent by the Queen herself.
  • To make the statement more polite or formal: My umbrella was ruined.- My umbrella was broken (a more polite phrase in relation to the broken one.)

Formation of the passive voice

The passive voice is formed with a verb to be (at the right time) + 3rd form of the semantic verb(if the semantic verb is correct, the ending -ed is added to it).

present simple

(Present Simple)

Ann cooks super.

Ann cooks dinner (usually, always)

Supper is cooked by Ann.

Dinner is being prepared by Ann.

Present Continuous

(Present Continuous)

Ann is cooking super.

Ann is cooking dinner (right now).

Supper is being cooked by Ann.

Dinner is being prepared by Ann (right now).

Present Perfect Simple

(Present Perfect)

Ann has cooked super.

Ann cooked dinner (the action is related to the present)

Supper has been cooked by Ann.

Dinner was prepared by Ann.

Present Perfect Continuous

(Present Perfect Continuous)

Recently, Ann has been cooking super.

Ann has been cooking dinner lately (she still cooks it)

Does not exist

past simple

(Past simple tense)

Ann cooked super.

Ann cooked dinner.

Supper was cooked by Ann.

Dinner was prepared by Ann.

Past continuous

(Past long tense)

Ann was cooking super.

Ann cooked dinner (the process took some time in the past).

Supper was being cooked by Ann.

Dinner was prepared by Ann.

Past Perfect Simple

(Past perfect tense)

Ann had cooked super.

Ann cooked dinner (she did it before another action in the past took place, for example, guests came after Ann cooked dinner).

Supper had been cooked by Ann.

Dinner was prepared by Ann.

Past Perfect Continuous

(Past Perfect Continuous)

Ann had been cooking supper for two years before she moved to London.

Ann cooked dinner for two years until she moved to London.

Not used. Instead of this form in the passive voice, the form is used Past Perfect.

Future Simple

(Future Simple)

Ann will cook super.

Ann will cook dinner.

Supper will be cooked by Ann.

Dinner will be cooked by Ann.

Future Perfect Simple

(Future perfect tense)

Ann will have cooked super.

Ann will cook dinner (up to a certain point in the future, dinner will be ready).

Supper will have been cooked by Ann.

Dinner will be cooked by Ann.

Future Perfect Continuous

(Future Perfect Continuous)

Ann will have been cooking supper for three hours by the time it is finished.

Ann will cook dinner for three hours until dinner is ready.

Does not exist


(Future tense in the past)

I knew David would finish the work at 7:00 pm.

I knew that David would finish the job by 7 pm.

I knew the work would be finished at 7:00 p.m.

I knew the work would be finished by 7 pm.

Future-in-the-Past Perfect

(Future perfect tense in the past)

Ann mentioned that they should have taken me to the party.

Ann remembered that they were supposed to take me to the party.

Ann mentioned that I should have been taken to the party.

Ann remembered that I was supposed to be taken to the party.



Ann has to cook super.

Ann has to cook dinner.

Supper has to be cooked by Ann.

Dinner must be cooked by Ann.

modal verbs

(Modal verbs)

Ann can cook super.

Ann can cook dinner.

Supper can be cooked by Ann.

Dinner can be cooked by Ann.

Design John used to pay the bills.

The bills used to be paid by John.


would always

My grandmother would always make the cakes. The cakes would always be made by my grandmother.

to be going to

Phoebe is going to make a beautiful supper tonight.

Phoebe is going to cook a wonderful dinner tonight.

A beautiful supper is going to be made by Phoebe tonight.

A wonderful dinner will be prepared by Phoebe tonight.

turnover to be going to+ perfect infinitive

(have + 3rd form of the verb)

Our team is going to have completed the project before the deadline.

Our team is going to complete the project before the end of the deadline.

The project is going to have been completed before the deadline.

The project is scheduled to be completed before the end of the appointed time.

  • In order to form negation, put a negative particle not after the auxiliary verb: Supper was not cooked by Ann. – Dinner was not prepared by Ann. Formation of negative and interrogative forms in the passive voice
  • In order to form question in the passive voice, put the auxiliary verb first: was supper cooked by Ann? Was dinner prepared by Ann?


  • Only transitive verbs(verbs with a direct object) can be in the passive voice. Active: Sarah swims every day. – Sarah swims every day (not a transitive verb, you can’t form a passive voice.)
  • Some transitive verbs - ( have, fit, seem, resemble, suit, lack) do not have a passive form: This color suits you. This color suits you. (This color is suitable for you.)
  • The performer of the action cannot be omitted if it is important: The novel was written by Agatha Christie. The novel was written by Agatha Christie.
  • In colloquial speech, when discussing unexpected events or incidents, the verb to get is used instead of the verb to be: He got hit by a car. - He was hit by a car.
  • By + action performer used to refer to the person who performed the action. With + tool/material/ingredient used to refer to what was used in an action: These photographs were taken by my friend. They were taken with a digital camera. These photos were taken by my friend. They were taken with a digital camera.
  • If the subject in the active (active) voice is expressed in words they, he, someone/somebody, people, one etc., then the noun denoting the performer can be omitted: People have discovered the truth. = The truth has been discovered. The truth has been revealed by the people. = The truth was revealed.
  • For verbs that have two complements - bring, tell, send, show, teach, promise, sell, read, offer, give, lend, two variants of the passive voice can be formed: Mark will send Mary a gift (Active). Mark will send Mary a present. Mary will be sent a gift. Mary will be sent a present. (more typical form). A gift will be sent to Mary by Mark. The gift will be sent by Mark for Mary. (less typical form)
  • In questions with interrogative words who, whom, which by not omitted: Who gave you this letter? Who were you given this letter by? Who gave you this letter?
  • After verbs hear, see, help and make followed by an infinitive with a particle to. He made me laugh (He made me laugh (laugh)). - I was made to laugh (I was made laugh).

In order to master the forms of the verb in the passive voice, they must first be mastered in the active voice. We wish you success!

Passive voice, it is also passive, not as painful as it seems at first glance. We offer to deal with him over dinner with a charismatic host Skyeng school YouTube channel- Briton Sir Zhora (a.k.a Jordan).

Difference between active and passive voice

In the active voice there is a person or thing that performs an action: « Jordan ate six shrims for dinner"("Jordan ate six shrimp for dinner").

In the passive voice, there is an object or person on whom an action is performed. He has no choice but to suffer, so the passive voice is called passive. In the case of shrimp, it is not known who performed the action, and it does not matter (although it may be important for shrimp - they want to take revenge on the offender): « Six shrimps were eaten for dinner"("Six shrimp were eaten for dinner").

Use the passive voice when you don't know who is doing the action, or the act itself is more important than the performer. The passive voice can also come in handy to soften the situation if you don't want to blame anyone directly. We know that it was Jordan who ate the shrimp, but he is our favorite Briton, and, perhaps, he had his own reasons for this - for example, the shooting was delayed, but he was not fed.

To refer to the performer of an action in the passive voice, use the preposition by: “Shrimps were cooked by our YouTube team to feed hungry Jordan”(“The shrimp were boiled by our YouTube team to feed a hungry Jordan”). Think carefully about whether you really need the passive voice if you mention the performer of the action - it is quite possible that it will sound better in the active voice: “Our YouTube team cooked some shrimps to feed hungry Jordan”(“Our YouTube team boiled shrimp to feed a hungry Jordan.”)

Sentences in the passive voice are built according to the following scheme:

I, we, Jordan, shrimps, …+to be + V3(regular verb ending -ed or an irregular verb from the third column)

Study the table with examples to understand how the verb changes depending on the tense in which the passive voice is used.

Why you should not get involved in the passive voice

The passive voice complicates everything and makes it more difficult to understand. Indeed, it is not necessary to make every second sentence in the text passive. But if you know how to use it wisely, the passive voice will help direct the reader's attention to important ideas.

Finally, study a couple of "vengeful" quotes from films irrevocably corrupted by the passive voice. From them you can understand what a deliberate tone he gives to words (and why this is best avoided):

- I'm called Inigo Montoya. My father was killed by you, prepare to die.
- They call me Inigo Montoya. My father was killed by you, prepare to die.
"The Princess Bride"

- Our lives may be taken by them, but our freedom will never be taken by them.
Our lives may be taken by them, but our freedom will never be taken by them.

Although there are good examples. For example, in this quote, pathos is just appropriate:

- Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us "Revenge is a dish that is best served cold"?
"Do you know the Klingon saying, 'Revenge is a dish best served cold'?"
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

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