Card games for drunken company. How to have fun getting drunk: seven drinking games for companies

New Year's alcohol games. Since then, you and your friends (or cellmates) have probably tried them all several times. So find new ways to get drunk and look as stupid as possible while doing it.

Note. We do not pretend to be those who have the right to tell you how much to drink, but we still must warn you: if you plan to play all 11 games and not get drunk right away, we recommend setting standard “penalty” portions the width of your index finger.
Yes, and don’t forget to grab a stapler from the office - it will play a very important role in your gatherings!

1. Ring of Fire

Or more.
deck of cards, empty beer glass, stapler.

Players sit in a circle with an empty beer glass proudly standing in the center. A “ring of fire” is laid out around the glass - a deck of cards face down. Players take turns taking one card and doing one of the following actions according to the value of the card.

Black Ace - force another player to drink a “penalty” portion.
Red Ace - drink the “penalty” yourself.
2,3,4 - drink the “penalty” in two, three or four “fingers”, respectively, independently.
5 - the player who chose the card raises his hand in the air. The last participant to follow his example drinks the penalty drink.
6 - the player carefully places his thumb on the table. The last participant to follow his example drinks the penalty drink.
7 - the player sitting on the left drinks a penalty drink.
8 - the player sitting on the right drinks a penalty drink.
9 - the player names a word, and each participant must quickly name a rhyme for it. The player who is the first to think or make a mistake drinks a penalty drink.
10 - force another player to drink a penalty.
Jack - the player completely drinks the contents of his own glass.
Lady - everyone drinks to beautiful ladies.
The king - the player pours the contents of the glass into an empty beer glass in the center of the circle (for some reason we needed it).

The player who gets the last, fourth king in the deck also pours the contents of the glass into a beer glass, then climbs onto the table and shouts loudly: “I am the king of the world!” - and drains the glass.

2. I made it!

Or more (the more the better).
What you'll need besides snacks: Card deck. And the stapler - we got it mixed up: it is needed in this game, not in the first one.

Participants choose a dealer. He lays out card after card from the deck face down, loudly calling the value of each card laid out. At the moment when the dealer pulls out two cards of the same value in a row (for example, two “tens”, two “jacks”, etc.), the remaining participants must put their hand on the pile of cards as quickly as possible and say “Successful!” Whoever does this first gets the right to nominate any player (except the dealer) for a penalty. The volume of the penalty in the fingers is equal to the value of the last card. When the dealer's deck runs out, dealer responsibilities pass to the player on the left.

3. Horse racing

What you'll need besides snacks: deck of cards, stapler (wrong again, sorry).

First, remove all the aces from the deck (there is no need to snack on them, we will need them later). Lay out the “track”: from five to ten cards in a row, face down, so that they touch each other with narrow edges - the more cards, the longer the game lasts. Then place it on the side of the first “track” card below exactly the height of one “horse” ace card so that you get a broken letter L. The number of aces corresponds to the number of players.

Players choose their ace “horse” and place bets on victory: the bet is equal to the number of fingers in the penalty box, so the larger the participants bet, the more the losers will have to drink. It is better to write down your bets before the start of the race. The dealer then takes the remaining deck and removes the top card. The “horse”, the ace of the suit that owns the top card from the deck, moves one card forward. For example, if the dealer has drawn the Jack of Hearts, the Ace of Hearts advances. The dealer continues to draw cards until one of the aces passes the entire “track”, reaching the last card.

The player whose Ace wins assigns a “penalty” in the amount of the bet he made in full to one of the losers (or distributes it among several participants).

4. Across the bridge

Or more.
What you'll need besides snacks: a deck of cards, a stapler (don’t pay attention, it’s just someone’s stupid joke).

Place ten cards face down in a row with your drinking buddies so that their wide edges touch - this will be a “bridge”. Players take turns turning over cards. If the card is numbered, the player is safe and passes the turn to the next participant.

If the card is a jack, queen, king or ace, the player "falls" from the "bridge": he must drink the "penalty" in the following quantities.

Jack - one penalty finger, one card.
Queen - two “penalty fingers”, two cards.
King - three “penalty fingers”, three cards.
Ace - four “penalty fingers”, four cards.

And then add new cards to the “bridge”.

The game ends when all bridge cards are turned over or when the deck runs out.

5. Spoons

Or more.
What you'll need besides snacks: deck of cards, spoons (one less number of players). Oh, and a stapler.

The participants of the game are seated in a circle, in the center of which there is another circle of spoons, “looking” with their hands at the players. Players receive four cards. (Need I say that it is necessary to limit the participating cards to a set of several cards of the same value - for example, tens, jacks, and queens if there are three of you? Probably necessary). The objective of the game is to collect four cards of the same value.

Everyone checks the cards received, chooses the most unnecessary one and puts it face down to his left; then picks up the same card left by the player on the right. This continues until one of the participants has four cards of the same value.

This participant takes one spoon from the center and continues the game, but now each time getting rid of the card he just received in order to maintain his winning combination.

The loser is the one who does not end up with a spoon. He drinks the entire contents of his glass and skips the next round. Players start over again, this time without the loser's set of cards and without one spoon. And so on until there is only one winning player left.

6. Pruha

Or more.
What you'll need besides snacks: dice, six disposable cups, marker, jug. Look like that's it. However, a stapler won't hurt.

Number the disposable cups from 1 to 6 and place them on the table. Fill the jug with alcohol.

Players take turns rolling the dice; Each participant pours as much alcohol as he wants into the glass whose number corresponds to the number he rolled on the dice. The turn passes to the next player.

If there is already alcohol in the glass with the number rolled, the player who rolled the number drinks the contents to the bottom and rolls the dice again. So, when you pour into your glass, don’t forget: you may be the one who drinks from it.

7. Mexicali

Or more.
What you'll need besides snacks: a mug, two dice, a stapler (where would we be without it?!).

Players take turns shaking the cubes in the mug, then turn the mug over onto the table and carefully look under it so that no one else can see. The goal of the game is to beat the previous player's score. By the way, the result is not the sum of two numbers, but simply their combination, with the larger number always coming first: for example, five and three give “53.” (A two and a one make a mehicali, a combination that beats any other.)

If your score is lower than your opponent's, you either take a penalty or start bluffing. If they don’t believe you, you must reveal your combination to the other players. If it turns out that you were lying, drink the “penal drink”; If you didn’t lie, then the one who accused you of bluff is drinking. If you're bluffing "mexicali", you drink to the bottom.

For fun, you can add the following rules to the game.

Combination “61” - everyone drinks.
Combination “31” - the game changes direction.

8. Crazy

Or more.
What you'll need besides snacks: a coin, an empty glass, some kind of stapler.

Players sit in a circle (if you're tired of sitting in a circle, stand up. Or lie down (you're picky, eh!). There is an empty glass in the center of your circle. The first player picks up a coin, and the player sitting on the right pours some alcohol into the glass - the more, the more dangerous. Then the player who poured the alcohol chooses “heads or tails”. The first player throws a coin: if the pourer guessed right, he takes the coin, and the responsibility for pouring passes to the player to his right. If he is wrong, he empties the glass until bottom, and the first player tosses the coin again.

If you have never tried playing this game at parties with alcohol, now is the time to try it!
The King's Cup (also known as the Ring of Fire or Circle of Death - a very dramatic name!) is likely to be one of the most fun drinking games games that you have ever tried to play. And although the rules are quite simple, the game turns out different every time. But one thing remains unchanged - a lot of fun. All you need for the King's Cup is a deck of cards, a rules sheet (attached below) and a large beer glass.
The rules of the game proposed by us are universal. In fact, if you want, you can change them at your discretion.
Progress of the game:
· Place a large glass in the middle of the table.
· Place the cards around the glass and seat the guests in a circle.
· Now everyone must take turns drawing cards from the card circle.
· The game begins and ends with kings - when the player takes out the king, he must pour his drink into the glass in the middle.
· The player who gets the last king must drink the entire resulting alcoholic mix. This is especially disgusting if guests drink different drinks.

Rules of the game "King's Cup"
2 - Two for you
Two drinks per participant at your discretion.
3 -- Three for me
The player must drink three drinks.
4 - Four for temptation
All ladies must drink.
5 - Sleight of hand
As soon as a player reveals this card, all players must hit the table with their palms. Whoever ends up last drinks.
6 - Six for gentlemen
All the men drink.
7 - Finger Master
The one who rolls a seven becomes the master of the finger. He or she must place his or her thumb on the table in any way he or she pleases. The rest must repeat his movement. The last one to do this drinks.
8 - Yes, I never...
Say a true statement about something you have never done. And those who did this should drink.
9 - Rhyme
Say a short sentence. The next player must say a sentence that rhymes with yours. This will continue until no one can come up with a rhyme anymore. The penalty is drinking. (Rhyming words cannot be repeated).
10 Topic
Choose any topic according to which all participants must name a word. Anyone who fails to do this must drink. (Example: Chocolate bars: Snickers, Twix, Milky Way, etc.)
Jack - Rule
Probably the funniest card. When you get this card, you get the right to come up with any new rules for the game. Every time someone breaks this rule, they must drink.
Lady - Master of Questions
The one who drew the queen is declared the master of questions until someone else gets a queen. He or she can ask any questions at any time. If the one to whom the question was asked answers, then he must drink.
King - King's Cup
The first three to receive kings must cast one alcoholic drink which they are in this moment drink into a glass in the center of the table. The last one to pull out the king must drink it all accordingly. The game ends when the last fourth king is drawn.
Ace - Waterfall
Everyone drinks. The player who draws the Ace starts the waterfall. No one should stop drinking until the player sitting in front of him stops. (That is, the one who got the ace stops drinking first, then the one sitting after him, etc.)

Today we will have fun, have fun and drink!

What do we need?

  1. A deck of cards, 36 pieces. first throw out all 6s.
  2. A cheerful, moderately loose, but creative company. This is the most important point, because in the wrong, unprepared company the game will be boring.
  3. Alcohol. Preferably weak. The best option is a cocktail. A budget option is beer.
  4. A beaker or any other vessel, taken as a unit volume that the players will drink. The best option serve 125 -175 grams. I recommend having at least a couple of these beakers, so that while one is being emptied, the other is on alert.
Have you prepared it? Gorgeous. Seat your group in a circle, take the container, fill the first beaker, and stir the deck.

Now we will analyze the rules of how, who and when to drink. Read on immediately and remember. The rules are not complicated, but they are there and they must be strictly followed.

To begin with, I’ll tell you about one point: if a controversial situation occurs - who should drink first (well, they screwed up at once or something else), then, as in Munchkin, the situation is decided by the opinion of the owner of the deck.

The theme is this - everyone sits in a circle and draws 1 card per turn. Each card means something:

card one - Seven: the report begins from one to infinity, everyone speaks one number in order (OTHERWISE YOU DRINK).. DO NOT name numbers that contain the number 7 and which are divisible by 7 (otherwise YOU DRINK).
card two - Eight: it’s immunity.. I took it out of the deck, it’s kept with you the whole game.. if you don’t want to drink, then you just put the card back and that’s it.. Attention, you can’t pass the card on to someone else (OTHERWISE YOU DRINK). And one more nuance: if you get a glass of eight, don’t forget that you have it, otherwise you’ll drink
card three- Nine: Hmm.. the most fun card of the game: you take out a nine and dictate the condition. What does the condition mean: the condition is what everyone will do before drinking, attention, as you know, there are 4 such cards in the deck, respectively, at the end of the game there will be 4 conditions that must be met before drinking and these conditions must be fulfilled in the same It's ok how they were taken out of the deck (ORICE YOU DRINK). If you drank and did NOT fulfill the condition - DRINK, and you drink with conditions... the conditions can be ANY, absolutely, whatever comes to mind first... here are some conditions for example: touch the neighbor on the right by the left breast (if you feel the right one, you will DRINK); slap Evgeniy Varganov on the head, etc. and so on.
card four - Ten: The name of the card is OUTGATE. If you draw a ten, then you are an outcast, it’s not scary, on the contrary, it’s a bonus. You remain an outcast until someone pulls out a ten.. Attention, if any of the players ANSWER ANY, absolutely ANY QUESTION, the outcast will DRINK. You can talk to an outcast, but the main thing is not to answer his questions. People usually get caught asking questions like "What time is it?" "Got a cigarette?" "Who's pulling next?" "What's the first condition?"
card five - Jack: aka TOPIC OF CONVERSATION. Those who do not support the topic DRINK. The topic can also be ANY. For example: the topic of conversation is “car brands”, everyone in turn names one brand of car that they know, if your stock of knowledge about cars has dried up, then DRINK.. you can’t repeat it.. also for example, “brands of cosmetics” “name of beer” “names of condoms” “brands” household appliances" etc.

card six - Lady: if you are already drunk like Dmitry Kharatyan, then this is your salvation :) .. the card means that you miss a move and do nothing.
card seven - King: pulled out the king and DRINK YOURSELF
card eight - Ace: Ooh! This is the Overlord card. You point your finger at any player (one player) and he obeys you and DRINS. Only eight will help him)).

King's Cup is a popular drinking card game that's great for small parties. There are many variations of this game, and it is known by several names, such as "Circle of Death", "Ring of Fire", or simply "Kings". This article describes the rules of the classic version of the game, as well as the main varieties and additional rules.


Game principle

Playing by classic rules

    Place a glass in the center of the table and place a deck of cards around it. Before the game, place an empty glass or plastic cup (the so-called “King's Cup”) in the center of the table. After removing the jokers from the deck of cards, place them face down around the glass. Surround the glass with cards on all sides.

    • Participants sit around a glass so that everyone can easily get a card during their turn.
    • If players drink from cans, instead of a cup or glass, an unopened can can be placed in the center of the table. This option is more hygienic, since players will not drink from a common glass, but from a freshly opened can.
  1. Give each participant their drink. Each player must have his own drink in front of him, which he will add to the king's cup during the game. Each card removed from the deck means that someone must take a sip of their drink, so if someone's glass or other container is empty, it should be filled or replaced with a new one.

    • It is not necessary that all participants have the same drink, although different drinks in the King's Cup will result in a mixture that will be more difficult to drink.
  2. Determine the duration of the “drink.” After each move, one of the participants must drink. This usually means taking one or more small sips. However, some players prefer to stipulate this with rules: for example, you should drink “within 3 seconds” each time, and the like.

    Define the rules for each card. The King's Cup game has a unique set of rules that each participant must familiarize themselves with in advance. With each move, a player draws another card from the deck, and each card means certain actions for one or more participants. You can change the rules of the game however you want, as there are an infinite number of possible variations; however, below is a list of the most common rules.

    Draw the first card. Choose the player who will draw the first card from the deck. He must quickly turn it over, showing it to the participants, after which everyone acts according to the rules. Then the player puts the drawn card aside, and the next participant gets the right to take out the card.

    • When using an unopened can as a goblet, the removed cards can be inserted under the ear of the can. As the stack of cards increases, the bank will open. The player during which the "opening of the king's cup" occurs will have to drink the entire contents of this "cup".
  3. Raise the stakes by introducing new rules. There are a ton of options for each card, but there are also some other rules that make the game more exciting. Most of these rules are aimed at getting participants to drink more often:

    • Ring of Fire: standard rules are used. Cards are placed so that adjacent ones overlap each other. In this case, the central glass is drunk by the one who “teared” the ring of cards.
    • Colored kings: for card numbers (all cards except jacks, queens, kings and aces), the drink is drunk within as many seconds as the number dropped on the card. A “red card” means that the person who draws it must drink for as many seconds as indicated on the card. The “black card” gives the player who drew it the right to choose who will drink for as many seconds as the value of the card.


  1. Remember that you can change existing rules and come up with new ones as you wish. It is the various “homemade” rules that give the game great interest. There are many versions of the game, and comparing them when playing in a new company often leads to changes in the old ones and the creation of new exciting rules. Below are 1-2 options for each card, and you can vary and combine them as you wish.

    Change the rules for aces. The Ace is a big card, and when it comes up, people usually drink the most.

    • Ace is a race. If a player draws an ace, they choose a partner and they drink the contents of their glasses at speed. Both players must empty their glasses completely.
    • Ace - get it in a watermelon. If an ace comes up, each participant slaps his hand on his forehead. The last person to do so must drink.
  2. Change the rules for 2. The deuce almost always assumes that the person who draws it will point to the player who should drink. However, some options are possible here too.

    • 2 – change places. If someone gets a deuce, everyone sitting at the table changes places with each other. The one who sits last in his new seat drinks.
  3. Change the rules for three-of-a-kind so that drawing it changes the direction of the game. As a rule, a three suggests some action by the player who got it. However, you can also assign it the role of "direction switch". If a three is rolled, the direction of the game changes, that is, players begin to move counterclockwise rather than clockwise.

    Change the rules for the foursome. Sometimes a four means "girls drink."

    • 4 – dinosaur. If a player draws a four, they can draw a dinosaur on another party's forehead with a temporary marker.
  4. Change the rules for the A's. The word "five" rhymes with verb endings, so there are many variations for this card, for example:

    Change the rules for the six. This card often means "the guys are drinking."

    • 6 – lord thumb. If a player draws a six, he becomes the "lord of the thumb." This means that every time he puts his thumb on the table, everyone must repeat after him. The last one drinks. This continues until someone else draws a six.
  5. Change the rules for seven. This card also has many options as per your choice. It is sometimes used for "lord of the thumb" or "never have I", depending on the meaning of the other cards.

    Change the rule for eight. There are also many options for this card.

    Change the rules for 9 and 10. Typically, these cards have actions left over that are not used for other cards. Here are some options:

    Replace the king's rule so there is no need to drink from the center glass. If desired (for example, in the case of a large variety of drinks or a motley group), you can do without this rule. There are many ways to do this:

"I never..."

An unshakable classic

What you will need: strong alcohol, glasses

How many people: at least two

How to play: Players take turns telling themselves hot facts about things they've never done. There are no restrictions - from the banal “I have never robbed a bank” and “I have never been to France” to the frivolous “I have never slept with my sister” or “I have never been in love with an inanimate object.” When the presenter gives his “I have never...”, the participants in whose lives such actions have happened must drink. Usually the game begins with innocent statements, and ends with each round of drinking buddies shouting to each other: “Come on?! Did you do this?!” If the goal of the game is to win, then you can count the points, as in the video. The leader will be the one who has tried more than others in this life, however, as a rule, the winner is the one who stands stronger on his feet in the end.

Video instruction

"Beer Pong"

The favorite game of American students - now in Moscow apartments

What you will need: a lot of plastic beer glasses, a lot of ping pong balls

How many people: at least two

How to play: Players line up an army of their glasses in a joint. The classic position includes 15 containers. Each is filled approximately one-third with beer. You can experiment - instead of beer, take stronger drinks or fill different glasses with different alcohol. Your opponent's task is to throw a ping pong ball into one of your glasses. If it hits, the opponent needs to drink the contents of the glass. The goal of the game is to force your opponent to drink alcohol from all of his glasses, that is, simply hit all of his holes.

Video instruction

"Tequila Fall"

Another game about alcohol and drunken revelations

What you will need: a bottle of tequila (vodka or any other clear but strong alcohol), a bottle of water, glasses according to the number of participants

How many people: at least three

How to play: The presenter, while the participants in the process do not see this, pours water into the glasses and only one - tequila or vodka. The glasses look the same. If you are playing with tequila, please garnish the shots with lime and salt. On command, participants choose glasses from the table and drink at the same time. Whoever gets the alcohol must answer a frank question from the team. Questions can cause confusion, so it’s best to write them down on pieces of paper in advance and put them in a hat.

Video instruction

Drunk Tinder

The perfect game for bored girlfriends

What you will need: strong alcohol, glasses according to the number of participants

How many people: at least two

How to play: Participants (or female participants) set equal parameters for choosing a partner in the Tinder program, for example, in the area of ​​100 km, men from 18 to 40 years old - and begin their hunt. There is only one rule - always swipe to the right. Next, the conditions under which the participants in the process drink are introduced, and then there’s everything: one shot for each match, two shots in a row for a received message, three shots in a row for a compliment, 10 shots in a row for a sexual conversation, and so on. You set the rules yourself. For greater interest and greater intoxication, you can use several types of alcohol at once.

Video instruction

Bingo with Game of Thrones

How to rewatch your favorite TV series and get drunk

What you will need: alcohol of your choice (shots or mixed drinks - it doesn’t matter)

How many people: You can play at least one, but for the competitive moment you need two

How to play: The game requires some preparation - write down the most typical situations for the Game of Thrones with your friends and come up with rules. For example, drinking one shot (or taking a sip) when you see a raven on the screen, want to hit Joffrey, or call Daenerys the mother of dragons. Drink two shots when you see nudity on screen or Cersei makes a bitchy face. Drink three shots when someone is killed on the show or when they say winter is coming. The rules can be invented endlessly, and points for attentiveness are awarded to the one who quickly figures out how much to drink now because of what is happening in the film. If you think Game of Thrones is too bloody for the New Year holidays, then you can play a similar game with any other film.

Video instruction


Traditional Korean drinking game

What you will need: beer, vodka (in the original game - soju), beer glass, shot glass

How many people: at least two

How to play: A beer glass with beer is placed in the center of the table, a shot glass is carefully lowered inside it - it should be held in the glass by a float. Then each participant takes turns pouring a drop of vodka into the glass. The loser is the one through whose fault the glass drowns in beer. As punishment, he must drink the resulting Ruff cocktail in one gulp.

Video instruction

"Russian roulette"

Find vodka

What you will need: vodka (liqueur, tequila or any other clear alcohol), water, glasses according to the number of participants and a few more, a deck of playing cards.

Number of players: at least two

How to play: A battery of shots is placed in front of the players, one of them contains vodka or something stronger, the rest are filled with plain water. To avoid confusion, place a playing card under each glass. Then each player in turn chooses a card, for example, a three of spades, and takes the shot that is on this card. The game has a lot of variations - you can play for wishes, alcohol can be poured not into one glass, but into several at once. You can turn the game into a “Tequila Drop” if you also ask frank questions to those who are unlucky.