How much do they earn from renovating apartments? We work for ourselves: apartment renovation business

The market for renovation and design services is extremely saturated. Licensed companies that have the right to carry out this type of activity are faced with competition from numerous teams of coven workers, the cost of whose services are usually low, but the quality of their work is at the same level. The demand for construction services is stable, which means this business is profitable. Not everyone knows how to open an apartment renovation company, but there are many who want to start this one. And it’s not surprising: with a competent approach, this type of activity will bring considerable income.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to decide on the right form of activity. There are two options here: if you plan to work mainly on your own or with a small number of assistants, then it would be wiser to register as an individual entrepreneur. If you have large-scale plans and the goal is to cover as wide a spectrum of the market as possible, then it is recommended to register as an LLC (limited liability company). This will make it possible to work with legal entities: conclude contracts and make payments both in cash and non-cash.

Next, you will need to take care of obtaining a license to perform repair and finishing work. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities" in the section "Finishing Works" the following list is indicated:

  • plastering and molding works;
  • decorative and finishing;
  • glass works;
  • facing;
  • installation of suspended (stretch) ceilings, panels and slabs with front finish.

The license can be obtained for a period of 2 months and 5 years. This is not a difficult matter, you just need to collect the entire package of necessary documents. Large customers prefer to work with licensed companies, as this indicates their reliability and seriousness of intention to stay in the company for a long time. As of October 2013, the cost of a license for the simplest type of finishing work (plastering) is 1,300 rubles. Another 1500 thousand rubles. you need to pay for a consultation with a specialist who will explain what documents you will need to provide and when to expect to receive permission to carry out the work. As the list of services provided increases, the cost of the license also increases.

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Search for personnel and formation of teams

In the early stages of establishing a company, you can get by with a minimum number of specialists. Just four are enough: plasterer, electrician, plumber, carpenter. It is highly desirable that half of them have higher education. The fact is that a mandatory condition for obtaining a license is the presence of such specialists on the company’s staff, and their number must be at least 50% of all company employees. There are also certain requirements for the qualifications of workers. If he is a young specialist, and no more than 3 years have passed since he graduated from university, then he does not need to confirm his qualifications. In all other cases, you will have to take courses to improve it.

In relation to the members of your team, you need to be a demanding, but at the same time democratic leader. It is considered bad manners to withhold money or skimp on workers' salaries. It should be understood that such an attitude will not give the company good reputation. And rumors about a dishonest manager spread quickly, and soon you may find yourself faced with the fact that only mediocrities and unprofessionals agree to work for you. A good specialist will not come to work for such a company. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is important to develop the right policy in relation to those who work for you, and to fulfill all promises regarding the payment of earned money.

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How to look for clients

The most effective way to find someone who needs repairs is to post advertisements directly at the entrances of residential buildings. It needs to be done regularly, as these pieces of paper tend to disappear quickly. To prevent the company from having any claims from housing and communal services companies, recently it has become possible to enter into agreements with them to place advertisements on special notice boards that are located at each entrance. The amount needed to pay for the permit will be small, but it will save a lot of nerves.

Another effective way to find clients is to rent advertising posters in public transport. This method of attracting people interested in home renovation services has two goals at once: finding a client and advertising your company. Over time, the name of the company will be remembered, and it will gain some fame. But you can’t rely only on apartment owners. There are many businesses and institutions that need cosmetic or major renovations. It makes sense to pay attention to schools, kindergartens, canteens, shops, offices. It will be more relevant to leave booklets and business cards there.

In this material:

Laying laminate flooring in a room, tiles in a bathroom, leveling walls are a small part of the procedures typical for renovating an apartment. And if earlier people tried to do everything with their own hands, saving on work, today preference is given to construction and repair teams. When deciding to engage in this type of business, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for apartment renovation, which provides not only the staff and scope of work, but also answers all questions of interest to clients, takes into account the requests of the target audience and analyzes possible risks.

Apartment renovation as a business: description of the idea

The best option for an apartment renovation business is to open a company that provides the relevant services. The staff consists of 3-4 general-purpose teams, as well as a foreman, a designer and a telephone operator. In this case, serious investments are required both in organizing the business and in its promotion.

The second option is for the entrepreneur to lead the finishing work team, personally accept applications from clients, inspect the premises and announce the cost. In the future, this type of business develops into a company, because as the volume of work increases, the businessman will have to hire new workers and switch to management himself.

The third option is when an entrepreneur does not go beyond the scope of situation No. 2 described, i.e. he works for himself, but has 2-3 people as partners. In this case, the number of orders is limited by the capabilities of the team and time. On the other hand, with a large flow of orders and a good reputation, a businessman has the right to choose the most advantageous offers from several dozen orders.

Opening an apartment renovation business is not difficult if you start with the simplest tasks, doing the work yourself. However, if a legal entity is initially opened to provide a wide range of construction services, then a business plan and financial calculations are necessary.

Reference. The main difference between the activities of an entrepreneur as an employee and the functioning of a company is that in the first case, minimal investments are provided. Organizing a legal entity requires serious financial costs and correct calculations.


There is no need to talk about the demand and demand for apartment finishing. This is especially noticeable now, when the majority of the population does not spend time, effort and money on repairs on their own, but turns to specialized companies or finds a team through an advertisement. Paying for the work, naturally, costs a lot, but the homeowner receives:

  • professional repair;
  • original design;
  • work guarantee;
  • minimum deadlines;
  • discounts on next orders.

The relevance of the apartment renovation business is also explained by:

  • the growing number of new buildings that are sold without finishing;
  • regular resales of secondary real estate, the new owners of which are trying to give their apartment a “fresh” look;
  • frequency of repairs, which is recommended every 5 years.

Thanks to the above points, the relevance of the business not only does not fade, but, on the contrary, it grows every year, regardless of competition.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Positive sides:

  • No difficulties in organizing the work process, be it a personal team or a large company.
  • High income. Renovating an apartment or even one room is an expensive pleasure. It is worth considering that the material is purchased at the client’s expense or included in the estimate. The crew's expenses are just a tool.
  • High demand - after completing several orders, the entrepreneur automatically acquires an initial customer base. If the work is good, the homeowner will recommend the finishers to relatives, friends and acquaintances.
  • The only negative aspects include controversial issues that arise with clients regarding the quality of work, as well as minor difficulties in finding employees. Problems are resolved by concluding a contract for the provision of services, which specifies the nuances of future events. The search for employees is carried out on specialized construction portals. It is advisable that the applicant has education or recommendations from a previous place of work.

    Reference. It is not recommended to hire or organize a business with close relatives, since if controversial issues arise, the chance of losing an employee and a good relationship in one person is extremely high. The solution is to draw up an employment contract and exclude family ties in the workplace.

    How is the workflow organized from the client’s call to the delivery of the object?

    Algorithm of actions when providing apartment renovation services:

  • Client call - in 60% of cases, people call several organizations to obtain information about prices, list of services and speed of work. At this stage, it is necessary to interest the client as much as possible by describing the capabilities, work criteria and cost.
  • Meeting – the homeowner personally visits the office, if there is one, and examines the company’s portfolio. Another option is for a foreman to go to the site and draw up a preliminary estimate.
  • Agreement – ​​with the client’s consent, a service agreement is drawn up, which specifies all the necessary actions and their cost. If the work is urgent, the date of completion of the object is indicated.
  • Work – within the allotted time, the team carries out the repair activities specified in the contract.
  • Delivery of the object - the client accepts the work if there are no inaccuracies.
  • Payment – ​​the amount and frequency of payments is specified in the contract. The client can make an advance payment and pay the rest upon completion of the repair. Or deposit the entire amount of funds initially.
  • Reference. The owner of the property does not have the right to refuse payment just because he “didn’t like it”, but at the same time all the clauses of the contract were complied with. In this case, the businessman needs to go to court to resolve the conflict.

    Market analysis in this niche

    Proposals for apartment renovations are found everywhere:

    • announcements on the entrance and pillars of the residential area;
    • newspapers, magazines, advertising brochures;
    • commercials on TV and radio;
    • TV tickers;
    • contextual advertising;
    • banners, streamers and electronic displays in the city;
    • announcements on social networks;
    • spam via email and SMS messages.

    Businessmen build up a client base, which can never be many. However, you shouldn’t think that people don’t have work and are trying to somehow find clients.

    The target audience

    50% of the target audience are property owners in new buildings. It is there that a good half of the apartment finishing activity is in full swing. The remaining 50% is successfully divided between:

    • owners of secondary housing;
    • tenants of non-residential real estate on the first floors of apartment buildings;
    • real estate agencies.

    The average age of clients is 30–55 years old, mostly men.

    How much competition is there?

    Competition in the apartment renovation industry is enormous. But it is almost impossible to analyze the activities of other companies or individual teams, except for the cost and list of services.

    This is explained by the fact that more than 50% of all finishers work illegally or semi-legally, hiding their real income. In the repair industry, this is quite simple, especially for those who work without registering a business activity.

    Important: for tax evasion or illegal conduct of business activities in Russia, both administrative and criminal liability are provided.

    On the other hand, huge competition does not in any way prevent you from successfully joining this business, since the demand for finishing work in large cities exceeds supply. Repair is not one day, or even a week, which still depends on the amount of work. And people never want to wait in line. This leads to the conclusion that repair teams are almost always busy, and clients have to look for more and more specialists. The demand for services is growing exponentially.

    Possible risks

    The apartment renovation business involves the following risks:

    • Lack of mutual understanding with clients - there are often cases when, after the work is completed, the owner refuses to pay for the services. There is only one way out - official registration of business activities and drawing up an agreement, so that in the future you can provide documentation to the judicial authorities.
    • Lack of mutual understanding with subordinates - team members may complain about low wages, perform poor quality work, or deceive the entrepreneur. The solution is careful selection of personnel.
    • Associated risks associated with the purchase of low-quality tools or materials. And if the tools are purchased personally by the entrepreneur, then the client often buys the building mixtures himself. Wanting to save money, cheap, low-quality material is chosen. Workers are obliged to immediately warn about the possible consequences of repair actions, indicating this in the contract.
    Organizational plan

    Where to start an apartment renovation business is the most pressing question for young entrepreneurs. The choice consists not only in determining the status of the activity (individual entrepreneur or LLC), but also in the range of services, because the need to obtain a license to carry out construction work or the lack thereof depends on this.

    Registration of an apartment renovation company

    If an entrepreneur plans to personally furnish apartments in the company of several employees, then it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur.

    If the goal is to open a company with several finishing teams, an office and additional staff, then you need to immediately proceed to the establishment of a legal entity.

    Taxation system – simplified tax system or UTII. “Simplified” provides for a tax levy of 6% on income. “Imputation” – 15% of the estimated income, regardless of actual indicators.

    Drawing up a list of services

    The list directly depends on the type of activity. For companies that are going to provide a full list of construction services, it is necessary to obtain permission to work by joining an SRO (self-regulatory organization). The procedure is accompanied by additional expenses:

    • single contribution – from 300 thousand rubles;
    • entrance fee – 5 thousand rubles;
    • monthly fee – 5 thousand rubles;
    • insurance – 3 thousand rubles.

    SRO approval allows you to carry out any construction and repair work, including the elimination of load-bearing walls, dismantling of gas equipment, and reconstruction of floors.

    In the absence of SRO approval, the entrepreneur has the right to engage in the following types of work:

    • plastering;
    • carpentry;
    • painting;
    • finishing;
    • laying flooring.

    Simply put, a businessman without SRO permission can engage in all types of work that do not involve remodeling premises or changing load-bearing structures.

    Renting office space

    The need for office space arises when organizing several teams working in parallel. Considering that the building is required only for administrative work and, possibly, tool storage, the minimum requirements are:

    • area – 15–25 sq. m.;
    • location – in fact, it does not affect the work process, but if possible, it is better to choose the first floor of an apartment building in a residential area or closer to the central part of the city, so that it is easier for employees to get to;
    • rent is average for the city.

    An office is necessary for an operator who receives and processes applications, as well as for bookkeeping and accounting of work by a businessman.

    Purchase of equipment and tools

    The type of tools for repair work directly depends on the specifications of the company. If this is laying tiles, then the main working tool will be a tile cutter, a drill with a construction mixer, and spatulas.

    When installing windows - a hammer drill, a chisel, consumables (spray foam).

    Minimum set for any type of work:

    • hammer;
    • level;
    • drill;
    • screwdriver;
    • perforator;
    • pliers;
    • screwdriver.

    It would be useful to purchase a mini-concrete mixer, because mortar and building mixtures are required in many types of finishing work.

    Selection of craftsmen and laborers

    To achieve high-quality results, a business will need a considerable staff of employees:

    • plasterer;
    • painter;
    • electrician;
    • plumber;
    • tiler;
    • general workers;
    • foreman or estimator;
    • operator in the office.

    Hiring such a number of people for each team is a costly affair. However, construction professions almost always overlap, so the majority of craftsmen have 2-3 skills at the same time. This is exactly what you need to start from when selecting personnel.

    Thus, it is possible to form several full-fledged teams working in parallel.

    Help: to determine the level of knowledge of employees, it is necessary to pay attention to both the applicant’s education and previous places of work.

    Advertising of repair team services

    A marketing plan for apartment renovation does not include standard actions, such as launching a TV commercial, streamers, or banners. People don’t pay attention to such advertisements, which quickly flash on TV, but at the same time you need to have time to write down the phone number.

    You need to act purposefully:

    • placing free advertisements in newspapers and websites in relevant sections;
    • posting advertisements in the area of ​​new buildings;
    • sign on the office.

    After the first orders, rumors about the company will spread like word of mouth, but you should not stop using free resources. In the future, it is recommended to create your own website with a description of services, prices and portfolio.

    Financial plan

    The calculations described below are aimed at a businessman with the status of an individual entrepreneur without SRO approval. The number of teams involved is 4.

    Investments in the project

    Costs at the time of business organization (in rubles):

    • paperwork – 20,000;
    • office rent – ​​40,000;
    • purchase of equipment – ​​150,000;
    • advertising – 15,000;
    • renovation of the premises and ordering a sign – 40,000;
    • unforeseen expenses - 30,000.

    Result: 295,000 rubles.

    Current expenses

    After purchasing the necessary equipment and making an advance payment for renting office space, the only remaining costs are wages, maintenance of transport and tools.

    Expenses in the first month (in rubles):

    • Rent – ​​40,000.
    • Salary – 270,000 (4 teams of 4 people plus a telephone operator. Fixed salary of 30,000 each).
    • Payment for fuels and lubricants and consumables – 100,000.
    • Payment for office utilities – 7,000.

    Result: 417,000 rubles.


    The average cost of repair and finishing work varies from 5,000 rubles per square meter. The area of ​​a 1–2-room apartment is 40–60 sq. m. m. The cost of repairs is 250,000 rubles. Lead time 2 weeks.

    With rough calculations, it can be established that one team is capable of performing 2 full repairs per month, which is 500,000 rubles. Four teams will earn 2 million.

    The calculations are very approximate, but even if the work is carried out in a smaller volume, the time spent will be less. As a result, workload and profits will remain in place.

    Profit calculation

    Net income is calculated by subtracting monthly expenses from gross profit.

    2,000,000-417,000-15% (UTII) = 1,345,550 rubles.

    Naturally, at first you will have to make some concessions in order to get as many clients as possible, which is reflected in a reduction in the base rate for services. But in any case, income cannot be less than 1 million rubles.

    Is the apartment renovation business profitable and when will the investment pay off?

    Profitability is calculated using the formula:

    R=ratio of net income to gross income multiplied by 100%.

    Profitability is – 1,345,550/2,000,000*100=67%

    An apartment renovation business can break even in the second month.

    80% of entrepreneurs who organize a business for repairing and finishing apartments have construction professions. Some of them started by working independently, while others, if they had a budget, immediately opened companies providing a wide range of repair services. A competent business plan, financial calculations, responsible and friendly team are the key to a successful business.

    If you decide to start renovating other people’s apartments, then this article will be useful. I will tell you how to renovate apartments, what difficulties will arise, what you need to know and be able to do. I have been in this business for more than 13 years. I tried to break the article into several sections to try to touch on all aspects of organizing an apartment renovation business. Several articles written for your future clients are combined on this page.

    And so, you decided to start an apartment renovation business. The desire is great, but no experience is bad. If you have done renovations in your apartment, then this is not experience, or rather, almost no experience. Doing for yourself and doing for strangers are two very different things. My advice: work for a couple of years in companies that renovate apartments. As they say, “you’ll get your hands on it,” you’ll gain valuable experience, and you’ll also get to know specialists who will be useful to you, because... Renovating an apartment alone is difficult and takes a long time; customers rarely agree to long renovation periods.

    If you don’t want to work yourself, but want to act as an intermediary between the customer and the contractor (look for work and workers), then I can disappoint you. This method of earning money is effective if you have a regular large customer (chain of stores, etc.) who will supply you with orders. Otherwise, you will spend a long time looking for an apartment to renovate, and then find workers.

    As I said earlier, you need experience in renovating apartments, at least to know how, what is done, and in what time frame. You need to have 20-40 thousand rubles to buy a professional tool. To repair apartments, you need a professional tool; a household tool will not last long. To save money, it is better to buy the tool that is needed to perform specific types of work for which you can get money.

    It's always hard to start. Don’t think that you will have a lot of clients and there will be no end to them. You'll have to spend money on advertising. You can open a website on the Internet and order contextual advertising for it on Yandex or Google. Advertisements in newspapers and on TV are still effective. There is only benefit from putting up leaflets if you paste them in a new rented house. At bus stops and other places, leaflets about apartment renovations are not effective. The best advertising is “word of mouth” (when former customers with good reviews talk about you). The main thing to remember is that a good reputation is hard to earn and maintain, but a bad one is easy and lasts for a long time.

    At first, you can do apartment renovations unofficially; in the future, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. There is almost no difference between them, except that large customers like to work with LLCs rather than individual entrepreneurs; construction licenses and SRO approvals are not needed. People love official contractors and guarantees for the quality of work.

    And then you got a call and you came to look at the property. I don’t advise you to inflate prices, but also not to work for a nominal fee. You don’t have a reputation yet, you will have to convince the customer of your professionalism. Speak briefly, clearly and concisely. You must convince the customer that you are a professional.
    Discuss all types of work and what materials will be used. Set the deadline for completing apartment repairs by 10% more than the number of days in which you expect to complete it. Be sure to discuss payment methods. The most optimal thing (I like it) is to take a weekly fee for the types of work done. Small amounts of money are easier for the customer to give away.

    It is impossible to talk about all the subtleties and moments in apartment renovation. If you get into this business, you will soon understand that there is no “easy and fast money” here. And so success in this difficult work.

    What is the difference between cosmetic repairs and major repairs? Many customers confuse major repairs with cosmetic repairs, probably due to the fact that the prices for cosmetic repairs are much lower than major ones. However, the designation of types of repairs was not invented in vain, and I will tell you how they differ.

    It often happens that they call me on my phone:
    - Hello, do you do apartment renovations?
    - Yes.
    - How much does it cost per square meter, floor area, and redecoration of the apartment?
    - such and such a price.
    - When you can look.
    As a result, when you arrive at the apartment, you see that the customer does not need cosmetic repairs, but major ones. When the customer finds out the approximate cost of renovating the apartment, he refuses, because... I didn't expect to spend so much.
    As a result, my time and the customer’s time were wasted, and all because the customer believed that his work was easy and cheap, i.e. redecorating.

    Types of apartment renovation were invented to make it easier for customers and builders to navigate what kind of renovation they are talking about, i.e. difficulty of performing the work. It’s the same as buying meat in a store, until you know the price for 1 kg, you won’t understand how much the piece you like costs.

    A square meter of floor area is an approximate monetary unit of measurement. Few people will work based on the cost per square meter of floor space. After all, in this square meter, you can order many types of work. It's like buying sausage; poor quality is cheap, high quality is expensive.

    Now about the types of apartment renovations themselves:
    Cosmetic repair - When a woman wants to make her face more attractive, she uses cosmetics, for this she does not need to go to a plastic surgeon. Moreover, she can change her style every day. Cosmetic repairs are very similar to women's cosmetics, i.e. The apartment's wallpaper and linoleum are changed, pipes or walls are repainted. All types of work that change the appearance of the apartment only in color. Such repairs are also called Economy class, Budget option.
    A major renovation is when the walls of an apartment are leveled, new design elements are added, and redevelopment is done. Anything that will change the appearance of the apartment not only in the color scheme.

    Since major repairs are a flexible concept, i.e. you can make a simple, high-quality repair, or you can do it in the style of ancient Greece, then it is divided into classes, depending on the complexity of the work.
    European-quality renovation - This concept was popular in the late 90s and early 2000s. Because encouraged the use of Euro materials. Nowadays, Euro-standard materials are produced everywhere in Russia and are used in any type of repair. The very concept of European-quality renovation has long been outdated and does not carry a semantic load about the complexities of the work.
    Standard repairs - This type of repair includes work on high-quality leveling of floors, walls, and ceilings. It does not include complex work such as multi-level plasterboard ceilings and other complex elements.
    VIP, Luxury, Premium - These types of repairs are required to embody any ideas of the customer, if technically possible. The most expensive type of apartment renovation, because... It involves highly qualified specialists.

    What is urgent apartment renovation, when and why is it needed?
    The reasons for urgent apartment repairs can be different.
    You can’t vacate your home, you don’t want to rent an apartment or hotel during renovations, you don’t want to wait several months for the apartment to be renovated, etc.

    You must be prepared for the fact that urgent apartment repairs are more expensive than regular repairs; there is usually a 30% markup and I will explain why.

    Typically, construction teams and firms have a fixed staff of workers. There are usually not many such workers. This is due to the fact that it is easier to find work for 2-3 workers than for 4-5, because builders do not always come across volumes of work where 5 workers can be involved. If 5 workers can complete the renovation of your apartment in 1.5 months (for example), then 3 workers will do it in 2-2.5 months.

    So why is urgent apartment repair more expensive than usual?
    Everything is very simple. Workers will have to work longer on weekdays as well as on weekends. This affects their fatigue; you will have to pay extra for overtime. To increase the speed of repairing your apartment, builders can attract other teams that will jointly perform types of work, depending on the type of apartment renovation, with the main builders. And this entails additional time for searches and contracts with such subcontractors.

    It should be taken into account that urgent repairs of an apartment do not mean that it will be done in a week (figuratively). You can only reduce the repair time within reasonable limits.
    For example, an apartment will be completed not in 2 months, but in a month; some will just do the room, others the kitchen, others the bathrooms, etc.
    The screed must dry before the floor covering can be laid on it, and it dries 1 cm layer - a week, 2 cm layer 2 weeks, etc. After puttingtying the walls, it must also dry before gluing the wallpaper; if you glue the wallpaper without allowing the putty to dry, then over time fungus may appear on the wallpaper.
    There are many such moments in apartment renovation, so you need to take the timing of urgent apartment repairs seriously.

    What is included in the concept of turnkey finishing and renovation of apartments? This means complex work (as they say from A to Z). They will give you the key and you can live in your apartment. No matter what type of repair you need, turnkey work means that there will be no additional work that requires any specialists. Only one person (contractor) is responsible for all work, with whom you will decide all types of work required to repair your apartment, make financial calculations, demand quality, etc.

    Article from the website website

    Of course, this contractor will not be able to finish or renovate the apartment on a turnkey basis. Typically a contractor will have subcontractors that it may hire from outside, or it may have its own employees. In any case, the contractor is responsible for all work performed on your apartment (quality, timing) and he decides who will do what in your apartment. It is very convenient when one person is responsible for all types of repairs and you do not need to look for specialists for different types of work until the apartment renovation is completed. This is the pleasant advantage of finishing or renovating an apartment on a turnkey basis.

    There are situations when a conflict arises between the customer and the contractor (builders) about the quality of the construction work performed. When the customer thinks that the builders did not do the job well, and the builders think that the customer is too picky. SNiP helps resolve this dispute.

    SNiP is Construction Norms and Rules. Its task is to explain the permissible deviations when repairing and finishing apartments, offices and country houses. Here are the permissible deviations in the case of repair and finishing work in accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87.

    clause 3.67
    The distance between wallpaper joints should not exceed 0.5 mm.
    Air bubbles, stains, gaps, additional gluing and peeling, as well as wallpapering baseboards, switches and sockets are not allowed.
    Ensure precise fit of the pattern.
    Surface painting
    clause 3.67
    The surfaces to be painted must be plain and uniform, without stains, splashes, or smudges. Also, previous layers of paint are not allowed to show through.
    Ceramic tile cladding
    clause 3.62
    The deviation of the seam width from that specified in the project is (+/-) 0.5 mm.
    Deviation of seams from vertical and horizontal per 1 m length is 1.5 mm.
    Unevenness of the tile plane per 2 m - 2 mm.
    Deviations from the vertical per 1 m of length are 1.5 mm.
    Plastering works
    clause 3.12
    Deviation from the horizontal per 1 m of length is no more than 2 mm.
    Deviation from the vertical per 1 m of length is 2 mm.
    Irregularities of a smooth outline over 4 m with a depth of up to 3 mm no more than - 2.
    clause 4.24
    Screed for parquet, laminate, linoleum: clearance when checked with a 2-meter strip - 2 mm.
    Screed for other surfaces: clearance when checked with a 2-meter strip is 6 mm.

    First, let’s define what an SRO is, who needs it, i.e. Do you need an SRO permit?
    So. SRO stands for self-regulatory organizations, it came to replace construction licenses that ceased to be valid in 2010.
    SRO approval is required when constructing or designing buildings for various purposes.

    Nowadays, there are many places where you can get admission to an SRO; the cost of this “pleasure” varies everywhere, but it’s not cheap.
    Usually, in order to obtain admission to an SRO, you must be registered as a legal entity (LLC, OJSC, etc.).
    You must have a minimum authorized capital; all this can be found on websites that deal with the admission of SROs.

    There are 3 types of SRO: for builders, designers and surveyors. The very essence of an SRO is that with permission you can carry out serious construction and installation work. SRO controls and improves the quality of work. It has a clear mechanism for compensation for harm and damage to third parties from SRO participants, as well as financial costs (within the limits of the compensation fund) arising as a result of harm to third parties.
    In other words, other SRO participants vouch for you that you will perform the work properly and with quality.

    A business idea for decorating and renovating apartments is a business that has good development prospects and is suitable for people with good organizational skills.

    Where to begin?

    To start such a business, you need to have basic knowledge in the field of interior decoration of apartments.

    According to statistics, in our country, citizens make repairs with their own hands only in 7% of cases. Otherwise, each person tries to find an already verified repairman through his friends. That is, in the repair and finishing business, word of mouth works like nowhere else, so watch your reputation.

    Main types of repair and finishing:
    1) Electrical wiring work
    2) Replacement of pipes, installation of meters
    3) Insulation and repair of balconies,
    4) Wallpapering
    5) Tiling
    6) Flooring, laminate, parquet, linoleum
    7) Replacement of entrance and interior doors
    8) Installation of ventilation, hood
    9) Installation of ceilings, including suspended ones.

    The most profitable work can be called redevelopment of apartments.

    The story of one person.

    One of my friends has been renovating and decorating apartments for quite some time. Once he bought himself an apartment that required almost major renovations, but it was not difficult for him. He purchases materials at large discounts. Or directly through storekeepers at construction warehouses, where there is a 50% discount, you need to be able to negotiate. In total, about 120 thousand rubles were spent on materials. Two and a half weeks of work, the apartment turned into decent housing and was sold for a net profit of 200 thousand rubles. This is the average annual salary in our country. In such a business, the main thing is not to stay on money for a long time and immediately after selling one apartment, buy another; you should have an option in advance. You can also add that you constantly need to monitor the situation on the housing market and clearly understand what it costs. My friend’s wife works as a realtor, so it’s not difficult for him to find suitable options. It is best to buy one-room apartments for renovation; they are the most popular. But this approach to the business of finishing and renovating apartments is suitable for people who already have experience in renovation work and the capital to purchase an apartment.

    The average price for renovation and finishing of apartments is 5,000 rubles. per m2 but your profit is not limited to this. As a rule, the customer pays money and no longer wants to think about anything other than the final result, so the purchase and delivery of the material falls on your shoulders, you are only required to report on the funds spent.

    To make a profit, you must have friends in building materials warehouses, and you will find where to make a check.
    But don’t forget, it’s very important to do all the work responsibly and with the highest quality possible, so that they recommend you to their friends.

    You can start your own repair and finishing business without registering as an entrepreneur, but keep in mind that as soon as your interests intersect with your competitors, they will rent it out right away. Therefore, you will feel that the business has started then register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

    Repairman's tool.

    You will need a basic universal set of tools, such as hammer drills, grinders, drills, jigsaws, screwdrivers, hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, etc.
    Do you need a car for this business? It all depends on the volume of work. There are people like “husband for an hour”; they manage without their car, do minor repairs and earn an average salary by working for themselves. If you approach the issue more seriously, take on large volumes of work, including the purchase of material, then it is better to have a Gazelle-type car.

    Business development.

    It’s possible to get used to the business of renovating and decorating apartments without rushing, but how?
    1) Stock up on the necessary hand tools, as well as tools for performing specific work: laying tiles - a tile cutter, etc.
    2) Make repairs in your apartment - gain experience.
    3) Help your friend - find out the best places to purchase building materials.
    4) Make budget repairs for picky people, for a small fee.
    5) Start looking for small orders through friends. They replaced the faucet quickly and inexpensively (self-promotion) next time they will definitely call you and recommend it to their friends.

    In a year, you will get comfortable and feel at ease, and most importantly, work not for the director (owner) but for yourself, and plus prospects for development.
    Your own business in finishing and renovating apartments can bring in up to 100 thousand rubles. per month, or even more, everything will depend on your efforts at work and your ability to please people. Good luck!

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    Although the essence of the work does not change: organizing finishing work, calculating and purchasing materials, finding workers, maneuvering between the customer’s wishes and one’s capabilities. The main difference between repair and construction is that you work for yourself, at your own peril and risk, under a contract. You must have your own individual entrepreneur, LLC, or at least have sources of orders and a certain reputation in order to start working - even if on your word of honor to begin with.

    Your own finishing team - where to start building a business

    Some new buildings are handed over with finishing, but municipal finishing, as well as landscaping of the territory, is done by the same builders on a salary; there is no opportunity to earn a lot there. It’s a completely different matter when your team is hired by a private owner to finish a newly built empty concrete block or renovate his apartment.

    Where can a finisher get his first order?

    No one starts working for themselves right away for two simple reasons:

    • you don’t have experience - you won’t be able to do anything efficiently and on time;
    • you have no experience - no one will simply give you an order for finishing.

    Moreover, you can invest in advertising, constantly answer calls and not receive clients - after all, they have a choice when they search using advertising. Or you can make someone’s apartment look good once and receive a constant flow of people who will come to you and listen to you with an open mouth as a specialist. A person who has a recommendation from friends always receives more trust than a foreman from the outside - pure professionalism may be the same or even lower. The client does not understand the specifics of construction, he only focuses on the sources of information available to him.

    How to get your first experience?

    All practicing foremen have a different answer to this question, but they have one thing in common - the experience must be practical. Private customers do not trust education without experience; moreover, many foremen do not have specialized education! Someone got their first experience by experimenting with renovations in their own apartment, then helped a neighbor, and then received their first orders through word of mouth, and there are many such foremen. Some started as a laborer at a construction site, rose to become a foreman and got tired of plowing for pennies “for their uncle.” Some received specialized education and worked as a construction foreman, or studied municipal finishing.

    To take on your first independent object, you, as a foreman-finisher, must have experience “from start to finish” on all fronts of both rough and fine finishing.

    If you think that you can simply hire qualified workers, advertise, draw up an estimate for the customer, and they themselves will figure out how and what to do - you are deeply mistaken. A worker who knows what to do in a turnkey apartment inside and out is a master who will assemble his own team and will not work for you, it is not profitable for him.

    The workers know their area of ​​work: one - painting, plastering, priming, another - electrician, third - plumbing, and so on.

    Your task is to check the quality of their work, and for this you need to know the right technology, and what should ideally be the “output”. It is not the worker who should teach you how to set up beacons, but you who should “poke his nose” into the curvature that the level shows. It’s not the worker who should answer the client’s question about which wall paint is best to buy - you should know everything about the properties of the paint and give professional advice on which one is better and cheaper.

    You must be able to draw up an estimate yourself, immediately give an approximate estimate of the cost, based on the area of ​​the apartment and the wishes of the client, clearly explain what your responsibilities are for this price, so that there are no complaints later: “ Why didn’t you assemble the kitchen, and should I pay extra for installing the door?" and so on. It is better to spell out all the points in detail in the contract to avoid disputes at the stage of acceptance of the work.

    Foreman girl

    The more understandable information you give the client, the more options with their pros and cons you “chew”, the less you pull him - the more he trusts you, the fewer complaints there will be and the more positive recommendations to friends and acquaintances. And, of course, it must be done well - after all, the apartment presents itself when a person invites friends for a housewarming party. If you do really well, they will take your contacts even without the owner’s initiative.

    Business management and team management

    Usually there are 3-5 people in a team. If we are talking about a super-economy renovation option, then it could be one “jack of all trades out of boredom”, usually a guest from Central Asia. The quality in this case can be either a blunder or good - it depends on his personal qualifications. As a rule, large teams assemble when there are a lot of orders, and start with small ones on recommendation; often a good master begins by doing all the finishing and rough finishing himself.

    Here it is important to grasp the economic component and correctly balance

    If you don't hire enough staff, you'll miss deadlines or deliver poor quality work.
    If you hire a lot of people, but you can’t provide them with work, they will run away or you will go broke paying for downtime.

    In a real full-fledged finishing team, where there is an electrician, a plumber, a plasterer and an auxiliary worker, the foreman does not do any physical work at all - he only looks for clients, purchases materials, draws up and reports on estimates and checks the quality of work. In general, the foreman here acts as project manager, and not as a builder. If you are not a businessman by nature, you will not succeed in this field.

    It will be of great help to have your own work car - a station wagon, a “heel” or a Gazelle - a “workhorse”; you will have to transport people and cargo from site to site.

    On practice a young entrepreneur, in order to survive in the repair business, will have to set prices lower than competitors and do everything at lower costs. This means that the team will have 1-2 guests from Central Asia, whom the foreman will force to work seven days a week in extremely harsh conditions.

    What you need to get started

    And you will need:

    • buy a complete set of tools;
    • provide registration and work patents to your migrant workers;
    • pay for their arrival and arrange a meeting;
    • organize food, life, treatment and hygiene of workers;
    • make and place advertisements, be constantly in search of customers;
    • know all the prices for building materials in order to buy cheaper.

    Orders are easy to find directly in a new building, when you have already taken one object and are simply communicating with a bunch of owners who have just received the keys. Let's not talk about word of mouth and recommendations, let's consider a professional approach to advertising in the field of repair and decoration.

    Sketching a business plan - revenue, expenses, profit

    We cannot cover all aspects of business in a single article. The foreman, as a manager and businessman, can choose different niches - economical repairs, the middle segment or turnkey work.

    In 2015, prices for finishing in Moscow are as follows:

    economy class finishing: from 4000 to 6000 rubles per square meter;

    middle segment: 7000 - 15000 rubles per 1 m2 ;

    expensive turnkey renovation: from 15 thousand rubles and above.

    Thus, the revenue from finishing a one-room apartment will be 120-270 thousand rubles in the economy segment. Two-room apartment - 180-420 thousand. Treshki go from 250 thousand to a million rubles.

    In terms of time, work in one apartment will take 1-4 months, depending on the professionalism of the team and the number of craftsmen.

    Workers from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Belarus ask differently. In Moscow, you can focus on 25-40 thousand rubles per month.

    2 workers is a minimum of 50 thousand per month just for wages. We are not talking about any taxes, to be honest, how this is done in practice. In the beginning, the main thing is not to “burn out.” Often it is the foreman who pays for flights (and tickets to Uzbekistan are not cheap), treatment of workers, food for the team, etc.

    By taking one apartment, you can not only not earn money, not “recoup” the costs of tools, but also “burn out” - as in any business. This is the distinctive feature of working for yourself.

    If you undertake to work for the minimum price, pay workers monthly, then your task is to take on as many objects as possible for work. 2 workers will make one apartment for at least 2 months, you will give them 100 thousand rubles, all that remains is for current expenses (transport, tool depreciation, food, etc.) at best. Most likely, you will go into the red, so no one works below 4,000 rubles per square meter; even with established business processes, it is very difficult to make a profit at such a price.

    The more rooms there are in the apartment, the more profitable it is for the finishing foreman. After all, payment is per square meter, and the work is of the same type and is done faster than many small different works in a small studio apartment, for example. You should try to take several objects in one entrance, this also significantly saves time resources.

    How much can you earn by finishing apartments?

    As in any business, you may not earn anything except debts and headaches, but if it goes well, you’ve got recommendations and broken into the expensive segments of the apartment renovation market, you can earn from a hundred thousand to a million rubles a month, everything is individual here.

    If you take a “jack of all trades” finisher who works alone and takes on everything, then to calculate his income, it is enough to divide the cost of the object by the period of work in months. Roughly speaking, this is 200-400 thousand and three to four months, that is, your salary will be 50-100 thousand per month if you work in difficult conditions without days off and have a sufficient number of clients.

    So it would be beneficial to delegate work, if only there were objects. For example, a team takes 3 large apartments and rents them out in 3 months, that’s a million rubles or more in the pocket of the foreman, 300 thousand a month.

    Personal experience

    An IQ Review correspondent recently completed renovations in his apartment in a new building and observed the work of the foreman from the sidelines. A lot of conflicts arise due to misunderstandings on any basis. Mutual claims often break out over the quality of work, prices, and the necessary or unnecessary initiative of the parties in different cases. For example, you buy a bathtub while there are discounts, but there is nowhere to put it, it interferes with the work of the team. They promise to do it in two months, three months pass, you see that barely half is done, and everyone feeds you “breakfast” while you pay for rented housing.

    Not every team can quickly respond to emergency situations. The worker gets sick or quits, the work stops, the customer suffers, the foreman listens to all complaints.

    Defects in quality can be costly - a wire forgotten under the floor or a crooked wall threatens with alterations at the expense of the foreman, which can cost more than the potential profit, because the materials are not cheap.

    In general, the work is very dynamic and nervous, the results are unstable. To make money in this business, you need an established mechanism - a stable team, a stable influx of clients, good quality, a streamlined work process. All this comes with experience. And experience is gained through months and years of hard, thankless work. Working as a finishing foreman will be possible for those who really dream about it. If you dream of easy money, it is not here, despite the high price tags.