Tarot spread for meeting love. Will I get married? Fortune telling online

A new acquaintance is always so exciting, one’s fantasies are more beautiful than the other, unclear dreams, or vice versa, a frightening, unpleasant acquaintance. Fortune telling on Tarot cards “New acquaintance” will help you find answers about the person who has appeared in our lives and find out how further communication will develop.

Principles and rules of fortune telling

What to expect from him? How to behave? What are the dangers of this new acquaintance? Questions that are not so easy to find answers to. Fortune telling can help if meeting a new person has “sunk” into your soul, or you are tormented by fears. For the layout, a full deck is taken.

Online option

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to do a live reading, you can try free online relationship fortune-telling New acquaintances using Tarot cards.

Layout diagram

This fortune telling with Tarot cards will help you find out what your new acquaintance is like and why he appeared in your life.

The meaning of the cards

  1. First card: what a new acquaintance is;
  2. Second card: what he intends to do towards you;
  3. Third card: what all this can lead to;
  4. Fourth card: wise advice;
  5. Fifth card: what will happen in the end.

Positions three and five refer to the probable future: three is the near future and five is the distant future. An arcana in the fourth position can show an action or attitude towards a situation. Pay close attention to the energy component of the card. Positions two and four are interconnected.

If the overall layout is positive, but in position five there is a sharply negative card - the person is not your destiny, no matter how offended you are, give up plans for him. In such a situation, you can view the karmic structures, choosing the optimal fortune-telling. Perhaps you can work out a karmic lesson in another way.

If the fortune telling “does not work,” it means that the information is closed. Situations when you cannot help a client are very difficult both morally and energetically. On the one hand, you understand that you need to step back, on the other hand, you pass everything through your own energy field, otherwise you cannot work efficiently with the cards.

In such cases, do not forget the golden rule - do no harm! Incorrect correction of karmic, fateful structures is an irreparable evil and the person guilty of this cannot escape punishment. It’s a little scary, and no one said that reading Tarot is easy.

Often we cannot find our soul mate for a long time, and it happens that there seems to be a person nearby, but the wrong one, there is no flight of the soul and no feeling of closeness. Love fortune telling will help you quickly find out when your betrothed or betrothed will meet!

We must remember that in order for fortune telling to really predict your fate, and not be a random chance, like online fortune telling, certain conditions must be met.

The first condition is the correct formulation of the question. You need to concentrate and clearly imagine what you are looking for in love, when you are waiting for a meeting, what kind of relationship it will be - creating a strong family or passionate flirting. The second important condition is the correct adjustment to the process.

Fortune telling is interaction with external forces, for which the future and past are equally open. Our own wise subconscious is also capable of looking into the future. Often the subconscious and external forces work together.

If you want to entrust the prediction to your subconscious, then you can approach this process creatively. Before you begin, try to listen to yourself, feel the silence. Here are some methods that you can easily try.

Find out the answer by random items

There is a very simple way, but you shouldn’t write it off. Just ask a question that has two possible answers, for example, will you be lucky in love this year.

And then count how many birds there are in the tree that can be seen from the window, or how many buttons there will be on the shirt of the first person you meet. That recounting is not so important, the main thing is that you should not know the answer before starting the divination.

  • If zero, there is no answer yet.
  • If the number is odd, yes.
  • If it's even, no.

If you listen to yourself well, your subconscious will tell you what to count to get the desired answer. You can also ask how many months or years to wait to meet your love.

Prediction from a book

Having formulated a question, without looking, open the selected book on any page, point your finger at the place, read the answer from the beginning of the paragraph. You can guess the paragraph number on the page at the top or bottom in advance.

Any book will do, you can even take it from the shelf at random, or you can use one specific book that suits the context. For example, a classic novel. And it’s better to use a real book and give your subconscious the opportunity to make a choice, since in similar online fortune telling the answer is given by chance.

Tarot card spread

If you decide to turn to external forces for an answer, then remember that you must first establish a dialogue with them. There are many beliefs aimed at tuning into the channel that spirits or egregors (whichever you prefer) use to transmit information.

A good fortune teller has her own signs and signs; she, of course, will pay attention to a card that accidentally fell out of the deck. That is why it is much preferable to tell fortunes not online, but to use specially designed paraphernalia, because it stores a charge of your energy, sets you up for fortune telling, and serves as a conductor for the signal that external forces transmit through cards.

So, if you decide to find out when fate is preparing a meeting for you, you can use a simple layout on Tarot cards.

Take a deck, shuffle the cards, asking your question mentally. Start taking out cards one at a time until you hit the major lasso, then begin the interpretation.

The fewer minor arcana, the sooner you will find your soulmate. Well, if there are none at all, then the path towards love is open and devoid of obstacles. The more there are, the longer the wait will be in your subjective understanding, because some are calmly ready to wait for years, while for others, every month without love will seem like torture.

The characteristics of the minor arcana will tell you whether the wait will be filled with annoying obstacles or whether it will be a smooth road to the goal.

The Major Arcana will tell you the circumstances under which you will find your soulmate. Don't be immediately alarmed when an unfavorable card comes up. For example, the lasso “Death” can mean the end of your loneliness or previous unsuccessful relationships.

If you find it difficult to interpret the card, mentally ask a question about the circumstances that will accompany the meeting, then take out three more additional cards.

  • It’s very good if the lasso “Peace” falls out, this will mean the highest harmony and full realization of all expectations.
  • The arcana “Hierophant” (can mean marriage), “Lovers”, “Moderation”, “Star”, “Sun” also promise a favorable outcome.
  • The Wheel of Fortune can warn about the karmic significance of a possible relationship. “Devil” – temptation, forbidden love.
  • Cards such as “The Hanged Man”, “Tower”, “Hermit”, especially in combination with unfavorable minor arcana, can mean great difficulties or unavailability of relationships at this stage. In this case, it is better to select additional cards for clarification.

Choose the option that suits you and find out when the meeting with the One will take place! Author: Anastasia Tetereva

All unmarried girls and women who are not in a relationship want to know how soon this bright and beautiful, and most importantly, mutual, feeling will appear in their lives. Fortune telling for a meeting can help a lot with this, the features of which we will talk about later in this article.

  1. To predict the future, you should first of all prepare your own deck of cards. Today, Tarot cards can be purchased at any esoteric store or placed an order on the appropriate online resource. When choosing a deck, do not rely on logic, but be guided by the voice of your intuition - it is important that you really like the deck.
  2. Before you start fortune telling, study the cards more closely - familiarize yourself with their meaning, as well as the combination with each other. It is advisable not to guess on a deck you just bought, but to keep it with you for several days so that the cards absorb your energy and are ready to tell you the truth. To do this, you should place the deck under the pillow or near the head of the bed at night.
  3. It is important to treat Tarot cards with respect - they should be kept wrapped in a piece of silk or velvet. And the best thing is to store them in a bag specially made for them.
  4. Never let cards lie anywhere; it is also important to ensure that other people do not touch them. And under no circumstances agree to lend cards to other fortune tellers.
  5. You may hear the opinion that you should not guess for yourself, but in reality this is nothing more than a myth. The main thing is to be able to correctly interpret the falling arcana.
  6. Don't be afraid of cards! Contrary to popular belief, they cannot impose fate on you, but can only push you in the right direction, help you find the right answer to a question that troubles your soul.
  7. But it is also not permissible to use Tarot cards regularly! Resort to fortune-telling only when you vitally need help (you feel that you have reached a dead end, you cannot choose one of several options, and so on).
  8. Pay special attention to the correct wording of the question - it is important to ask it as clearly as possible, detailing the situation. At the same time, it is not necessary to do this out loud - a correctly asked question in your thoughts will be enough.

Examples of fortune telling for a meeting with a loved one

Simple fortune telling for love

This is a very easy option for telling fortunes about whether a meeting will take place. With its help, you will find out whether a loved one will appear in your life in the near future, as well as what factors will contribute to this or, conversely, hinder it.

For prediction, ordinary playing cards are taken (new deck, 36 cards).

First you need to think about your question, then shuffle the cards and move them with your left hand towards you. And after that, lay out the cards one at a time in rows (so that there are no more than seven cards in one row).

The cards are laid out until an Ace appears. It is he who will help you make a forecast of the future in love:

  • Aces of Hearts - symbolize love and indicate that a real, mutual feeling will appear in your life in the near future;
  • Aces of Spades - the meeting will not take place;
  • Clubs and Aces of Diamonds indicate the likelihood of a meeting (but there is no 100% guarantee of this).

The same cards that are in front of Ace in the layout will tell you about the reasons for love failures or about circumstances that, on the contrary, will help you find your happiness.

In the process of interpreting the cards located before the Ace, in addition to the traditional meaning of each of them, it is also necessary to pay attention to the “neighboring” cards, which greatly influence the overall picture.

Fortune telling “When will I meet my soulmate?”

If you want to know how soon a loved one will appear in your life, you can use the following layout option.

You must select the Queen of Hearts from the deck (even if you are a young lady with dark hair, your card will only be the Queen of Hearts) and place it in the central part of the table.

Then shuffle the deck and lay out twelve cards in a circle so that their backs face up. Each card will be associated with one of the months of the year. But the countdown begins not from January, but from the month in which you performed the fortune telling. The remaining cards are moved aside - they are no longer used in this fortune-telling.

And all the dropped cards must be turned over one by one and you can begin to interpret them:

  • Jack (regardless of its suit) - predicts the appearance of suitors who are interested, however, in easy relationships and flirting. You will not feel much interest towards them.
  • Kings are accomplished, successful men in real life who show their interest in you. But it is impossible to say now what the further development of relations will be.
  • Clubs, Diamonds and Spades - are associated with those representatives of the opposite sex who would like to marry you. They have very serious intentions.
  • Ace of Hearts - this card symbolizes true, pure and sincere love. If you get the Ace of Hearts in fortune telling, it means that very soon you will meet a man who will make you happy, he is your soul mate, an ideal life partner.

In the case where there are no Jacks, Kings and Aces in the layout, you can perform it again after 30 calendar days (in no case neglect this rule, the minimum break between love fortune-telling is exactly four weeks, otherwise you risk receiving false information ).

Fortune telling “When will I meet my love” using the Lenormand method

Another method of predicting a fateful meeting, this method has its roots in the famous French fortune teller - Mademoiselle Lenormand. Lenormand herself used ordinary playing cards in fortune-telling, but her followers came up with the idea of ​​​​using special cards with symbols for the layouts she compiled.

When you complete the standard preparations (shuffle the deck, concentrate on your request), you can begin the layout directly.

Place the cards one at a time with their backs facing up as follows:

  • The 1st card is placed in the central part of the table, and the 2nd and 3rd cards are placed below it;
  • 4th card - placed on the left side of the 2nd, and even more to the left of it is the 5th card;
  • 6th card - must be placed on the right side of the 2nd, next to it place the 7th card (it turns out that the 4th, 5th, 2nd, 6th and 7th are placed in the same line );
  • The 8th card is placed on the left side of the 3rd, and the 9th on the right side (another line is formed by the 8th, 3rd and 9th cards);
  • 10th card - placed below the 5th (the 5th, 10th cards are located vertically, and there is a gap in the middle);
  • Place the 11th card under the 7th (there will be the 7th and 11th cards in the vertical row, and there is empty space between them);
  • The 12th card is placed not far from the 10th (below the 8th), and the 13th card is placed next to the 11th (below the 9th);
  • The 14th card is the final one in the row, it is located in the middle between the 12th and 13th (one row below). And the card that is personified by the fortuneteller (it will be the 28th or 29th) is located between the 12th and 13th in the remaining empty space.

Now you can turn to the interpretation of the layout, which will be as follows:

  • 1st card - says whether you will meet your love;
  • 2nd – will describe under what circumstances the meeting will take place;
  • 3rd – will tell about the further development of relations;
  • 4th card – will tell you about the general mood of your chosen one;
  • 5th – will tell about his emotional state;
  • 6th – describes his intellectual abilities;
  • 7th – will tell about financial opportunities;
  • 8th – about spiritual potential;
  • 9th – talks about what kind of relationship your loved one dreams of;
  • 10th – will tell you how best to proceed;
  • The 11th and 12th are indicators of past experience, personal relationships of the questioner;
  • The 13th card will tell about the further development of relations;
  • 14th – will tell you about what you should change in yourself.

Finally, we invite you to watch an interesting thematic video

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Layout Tarot for a new acquaintance“The Mirror of Venus” will help you get to know the person you’re meeting a little better, tell you about the prospects for a possible relationship and the likely surprises that a new meeting can bring; in addition, the cards will give advice on how best to proceed with a new acquaintance.

If you are worried or feeling anxious, do this.

Scheme and meaning of Tarot cards for dating “Mirror of Venus”

Card 1 – What characterizes a new acquaintance (what is he (she) like?
Card 2 – What a new acquaintance will bring you
Card 3 – What surprises may arise if the acquaintance develops
Card 4 – What is the best thing for you to do in the near future?

So... concentrate and watch the layout

What characterizes a new acquaintance (what is he (she) like?

The Six of Pentacles speaks of the interdependence and interaction of all participants in the relationship. The card indicates everyone’s contribution to the current situation, the inequality of positions, and the expectations placed on the “strong side” of the union. It can also mean a gift, a manifestation of generosity, magnanimity, a broad gesture.

What will a new acquaintance bring you?

The Three of Pentacles suggests that strong relationships between people can only be built through joint efforts. This is a map of like-minded people united by common goals. It also means the need for support, participation, advice, help. The card speaks of the advisability of planning your steps, of coordinating your plans with the plans and goals of your partner.

What surprises may arise if an acquaintance develops?

This lasso symbolizes strong family and social traditions, ceremonies, rituals, and folk wisdom. The Hierophant is also associated with the search for deep meanings, truth, consolation, and in layouts it can personify a person of mature age or a wise person who can help with advice. This lasso can also mean those who help people in difficult situations, share wisdom, and also conduct rituals and ceremonies (teacher, doctor, psychologist, priest, registry office employee, astrologer and other professions).

What is the best thing for you to do in the near future?

Map of success, recognition of merit and achievement of goals. In a relationship, it means a stronger position of one of the partners (depending on the position in the layout), the ability to influence the partner. The card also means a favorable chance for developing and strengthening relationships, an opportunity to achieve your goal. In a common cause, it means achieving joint important results.

We wish you love and happiness!