Learn to read English 1 lesson. Lion cubs learn to read, or books in English for beginners. How to Read Different Vowel Combinations

The method of reading in English described below is universal and depends only on the complexity of the text. If you can't read English at all, try starting with fairy tales.

First, you will need to spend time overcoming the entry threshold: to understand and get used to the programs and services presented. But after this you will understand how effective and convenient everything is.

This is what this technique looks like:

  1. Choosing the right book to read in English.
  2. We get unfamiliar English words before reading a book.
  3. We add these words to the simulators and teach them.
  4. We read the book in English correctly.
  5. Listening to a book (listening).
  6. We do interval repetitions of words.

If you understand 90% of the words of the text, then points 2 and 3 can be omitted - immediately start reading the book.

1. How to choose the right book to read in English

The most important thing is to choose a book that interests you. Read in English what you would like to read in Russian.

2. How to get unfamiliar English words before reading a book at WordsFromText.com

Import the text from the chapter you are about to read into the service. At first you will need to click a lot. But the more extensive the database, the fewer words you will have to mark.

3. How to add these words to Lingualeo simulators and learn them

Everything is simple here. Install the Lingualeo extension, open the printable version in WordsFromText.com and click on unfamiliar words.

The advantage of the Lingualeo simulator is the automatic linking of pictures to words. This further stimulates memory.

4. How to read a book in English correctly

Now you have learned unfamiliar words. This means you can read without being distracted by the translation of words. Pay special attention to the words you just learned. Read aloud periodically.

If you are using Android

On Android, a combination of Moon+ Reader and Google Translator is perfect for this purpose. To make these applications work together, install them, launch Moon+ Reader and set the translator to call when you tap on a word. To do this, select any English word in the book and click “More” → “Customize” → “Dictionary 1” → “Google Translate”.

In the future, to see the translation, it will be enough to highlight unfamiliar words and click “Dictionary”.

Please also pay attention to the service. It allows you to highlight unfamiliar words (or words that you did not learn in step 2) and add them to the built-in dictionary. They can be taught in the same service. There is a unique exercise for this - you need to insert the missing word into the text from which you yourself added it. Unfortunately, the application interface looks hopelessly outdated.

If you are using iOS

An excellent option for reading on iOS would be a pair from the Marvin reader and the ABBYY Lingvo dictionary. Install both programs and link them: launch Marvin, click the gear icon → General settings → Dictionary → Presets → ABBYY Lingvo (app).

After this, you can quickly open the translation of any word from Marvin in the ABBYY Lingvo dictionary by highlighting it in the book and clicking abc in the context menu.

5. How to listen to a book

After you read a few chapters, watch the film adaptation of the same book in English without subtitles or listen to the audio version of the book. It will be easier for you to hear and understand, because you already know all the words and have an idea of ​​what it is about. This will help you develop your listening skill.

There is also a good service, LearnatHome, with free and premium listening tools.

6. How to repeat words in Anki

The spaced repetition technique is a prerequisite for learning anything. In this case, the firmware of the brain actually occurs.

One of the most popular services that help memorize words using spaced repetition is. Unfortunately, it does not allow you to add words from texts on the fly and does not attach pictures to them, as Lingualeo does. But there is a way to export a dictionary from one service to another. The Anki-leo Chrome plugin will transfer your chosen words from Lingualeo to Anki with pictures, context, transcription and audio recordings of pronunciation (see.

Write in the comments about how you read books in English, what services do you use and why?

Among all foreign languages, the most popular and necessary is English. This is due to the fact that it is popular in many countries around the world. Knowing English, you can communicate in almost any country. People must master this language well in order to be able to work and communicate with it. It is important not only to be able to speak, but also to read well. The question arises: how to learn to read English, what is needed for this? The most important thing is the desire to constantly learn and perseverance, which will allow you to continue studying despite any difficulties.

  • So, to quickly learn to read English, first of all, you need to learn all the letters and their correct pronunciation. In English, the names of the letters often do not coincide with the pronunciation, this is important to know. In addition, the pronunciation of letters often depends on their location; you also need to always remember this and know the rules of pronunciation of each letter of the English alphabet. Without knowing the rules of pronunciation, it will be simply impossible to read the text and understand it by ear.
  • No less important in reading is the ability to separate words into syllables. You need to know which syllable is open and which is closed. The rules of consonance, publicity and pronunciation of letters must be taught at the very beginning. You can find these rules in textbooks on reading in English.
  • While studying, you should keep a good English dictionary with you. This will allow you to look at the transcription of the word at the right time, which will help you read the words correctly. The dictionary should be easy to use and contain as many words as possible. In fact, learning to read English correctly is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner. But to achieve results, as elsewhere, you need a lot of practice and the help of a mentor. It is better to read together with a teacher, lecturer or person who knows English very well. He will be able to show you errors and ways to solve them.
  • You need to read as much and often as possible, doing it regularly. Significant gaps in learning will lead to inhibition, and, ultimately, you will stagnate in one place, making the same mistakes. Now there are many services on the Internet that allow you to learn to read English online, there are even programs that check the correct pronunciation. Such opportunities have appeared quite recently. If previously you had to turn to professional teachers, now you can get by with a computer and the Internet.
  • When you can read most words in English fluently, you can move on to studying intonation, which can rise or fall while reading text. Lowering and raising intonation can occur in exclamatory, declarative and interrogative sentences.

If you firmly told yourself: I want to learn to read English quickly and correctly, then you should plan in advance the time at which you will study. You need to do this every day, for at least 20 minutes. Everyone can allocate this amount of time; of course, it is better to devote as much time as possible. Then the result will be achieved faster. But even 20 minutes a day will be enough to learn to read English well and understand the text by ear. Reading classes are best done before bedtime, then the information will be absorbed better.

Modernity requires knowledge of a foreign language. As before, English remains popular. To quickly learn to read, you must follow a clear sequence of lessons described below.

Modern parents have learned from their own experience that knowledge of English is a necessary thing. And this is necessary not only for work, because in the age of open borders and tempting tours, travel is becoming a part of our lives, and the English language will help you explain yourself in almost any country. That is why many people think about the question: “How to teach a child to read in English?” After all, it is by learning to read that the baby will gain the ability for self-education and self-learning. The learning process must begin as early as possible, since young children absorb information faster.

To begin learning to read, parents must first prepare. Don’t be alarmed, because for children, reading is a feasible activity if the training is properly organized. Engage with your child, showing interest in his successes, and support him during failures. You should not mock your child and compare his successes with the neighbors’ kids. This can instill in your child a dislike for the English language. It wouldn’t hurt to remember the rules of reading yourself and update your vocabulary.

The next stage is a sincere conversation with the child. It is necessary to tell the child about the need to learn to read in English, to interest him by demonstrating colorful educational material, and to encourage him to learn.

Of course, you can involve a tutor in teaching, but reading with parents is more preferable: a trusting atmosphere is created, the child feels your support and strives to please you with his successes. In addition, this is a wonderful leisure activity, since learning at home can be done in a playful way.

To achieve quick results, we present to your attention a number of tips that will help you achieve success in reading.

Achievable goals as the key to success

You can start learning English from the age of 5. At school, English is taught from 2nd grade, that is, the child is already 7–8 years old. When moving to 3rd grade, the child should already have a knowledge base that will allow him to read foreign words with the ease of his native language.

When starting to learn to read, do not give your child tasks that are too difficult. Easy classes with gradually increasing complexity of tasks is the path to success. At this stage, the child should be prepared for the school curriculum. To do this, it is enough to teach him to read short texts about everyday life.

Learning to read should begin with learning the alphabet. To do this, at home you need to purchase a visual English alphabet with letters and words. This could be a poster, cubes or cards.

Organize your activities by repeating the pronunciation of letters. The parent says and the baby repeats. It is also necessary to show how letters are written and practice penmanship.

Often, 7 to 10 lessons are enough to learn the alphabet. Patience at this stage will also be useful. Focus on a few letters each lesson. From the second lesson, include repetition of the completed letters in the program. The next 5 lessons need to reinforce the material learned.

  • oo=u (look, book)
  • ee=i (feet, meet)
  • all=ol (all, fall)
  • igh=ai (bright, light)

Then you can start reading. To begin, prepare cards with short words. These words are: cat, book, lamp, mouse, house, small and others.

Each lesson, read seven new words and then memorize them. Thus, the vocabulary will quickly expand and there will be no difficulties when reading texts, since most of the words will be known to the baby.

Do not rush to start reading directly. It is very difficult. First, do some exercises to improve your pronunciation. After that, move on to reading short texts. Let it be 2 - 3 sentences that the child will not understand at first, but in the process of work the child will learn them.

These can be cards with pictures, supplemented with texts, for example:

  • I have a mouse. My mouse is white. It is very fat.- I have a mouse. My mouse is gray. She's very fat
  • My name is... I have a cat. My cat is black and white. - My name is... I have a cat. My cat is black and white.

During classes, the child learns nouns and adjectives and learns pronouns. After 10–15 lessons, you can move on to more complex texts. We remember that the information should be simple and on an everyday topic, so that the child associates the text with his everyday life. Later, the baby will be able to independently compose short stories or dialogues.

Simple activities will make learning the language at school easier. Simple goals and their gradual achievement will allow you to teach your child to read from scratch. Do not overload your child with information, do not try to start reading from the first lessons, do not introduce a large number of words in one lesson. Graduation and moderation will help you achieve much greater success than hasty learning of the English language.

Game-based learning

Play is an effective form of learning for children. In the game, the child gets acquainted with the world around him, gets to know himself, learns and develops. Therefore, the question of how to teach a child to read English can be solved in a playful way. During the game, you can not only learn new material, but also successfully repeat what you have covered.

The best assistant for learning will be a game cube, or rather a set of them. It is worth purchasing several different sets. These can be cubes with the alphabet, pictures, associative images.

You can also use cards or two or three piece puzzles. The baby’s visual memory will allow him to subsequently write the words presented on the cards without errors. You can also form learned words from cubes.

Reviews from parents who have gone through the thorny path of learning with their children testify to the benefits of board games. Let this be a treasure map. The main treasure is a word made up of letters opened on the way to the finish line.

It wouldn’t hurt to organize a puppet theater, which will allow you to quickly learn the names of animals. When teaching at school, the class can be involved in a whole production. Each child can have their own role and a short text. This will amuse everyone and the information will be imprinted in the child’s memory.

Talking toys will also help enrich your vocabulary. For example, by pressing on a specific part of the body, the toy pronounces its English name. The advantage of the toys is the singing option. Children will easily remember the tune and words, which will allow them to sing the song on their own later.

Take care of purchasing educational coloring books. The baby will be able to remember the names of colors while playing independently. Having colored the sky, sun, grass, flowers and animals, the baby will easily remember their spelling in English.

In their spare time, it is useful for parents to read books in English to their children. The baby will perceive information by ear, associate it with pictures in the book and remember the text. After some time, the child will be able to tell his favorite fairy tales from memory.

How to quickly teach a child to read? To do this, it is necessary not only to gradually complicate the tasks, but also to work out some points. Among them, it is worth noting the discrepancy between pronunciation and spelling. The English language textbook suggests starting reading with monosyllabic words with a gradual transition to more complex variations.

General reading comprehension is important. The child must be able to translate the text, but it is not easy to read memorized words put together in a sentence. If the child does not understand the meaning of what he read, then start translating it word by word. This will allow you to understand the rules for composing sentences in accordance with foreign grammar. Over time, the child will easily translate within his vocabulary, both from English into Russian and from Russian into English.


The main thing is not to force the child, but to encourage his desire to quickly learn English. Showing educational cartoons outside of class will encourage your child to learn the language, because it is so interesting to watch the lives of funny characters speaking and writing in a language that is not yet understood. It is within the power of parents, without outside help, to teach their child to read English through consistent lessons and playful forms of learning.


The rules of reading in English are extensive and complex, because... There is a huge discrepancy between letters and sounds: there are 26 letters and 44 sounds, so different letters in different positions produce different sounds, which in English are conveyed by conventions called transcription marks. In this post, to make it easier to learn the rules of reading, we denote them partially in Russian letters.

4 Basic Types of Vowel Reading

First, let's learn the 4 main types of reading vowels E, A, Y, U, O, I in stressed syllables in English

Google shortcode

I reading type - open syllable ( a syllable ending in a vowel is considered open, even if it is not pronounced)

Pay attention to the first row of the table. The words same, note, he, fine, my, cube, like all words of this category, end in a silent vowel, and the reading of the vowels in the root of the word coincides with the name of the letters according to the alphabet. Thus, words with silent vowels at the end, i.e. words of type 1 reading same, note, he, fine, my, cube, will sound like “seim, note, hee, fine, may, cube”

Let's consolidate the reading of vowels in a stressed syllable with the following exercise:

Note, lone, mice, rice, type, tune, shy, lay, say, he, hay, name, same, nine, nice, game, came, make, Kate, Pete, five, tie, life, eve, me, size, no, cope, smoke, rose, nose, spine, sly, cry, vine, maze, home, tube, made, fume, cube, pace, lace, sky, hale, spine.

II reading type – closed syllable (a syllable ending in a consonant is considered closed). This is the second row in the table. Pay attention to the words rat, hot, red, bit, myth, run, which do not have a silent vowel at the end. These words sound like "rat, hot, ed, beat, miss, ran."

Cap, pen, bed, ten, not, spot, lot, bad, rat, sit, send, test, pit, in, send, spell, tin, less, ban, mad, fat, Sam, land, did, fit, sat, pet, tin, slip, sad, glad, bag, jam, gap, lag, can, kin, Jim, Jack, yes, ink, cup, run, cod, spin, not, doll, hop, hot, bank, rank, spin, up, us, bus, bun, cut, fun, vet, well, but, nut.

III type of reading – vowel + letter “r” , which affects the sound of the vowel at the root of the word, giving it some prolongation. So the words car, sort, term, fir, Byrd, fur sound like “ka: so:t, te:m, fe: be:d, fe:”.

stern , Far, curt, hard, hart, car, card, cart, fork, cork, work, sort, term, first, Byrd, furs, curl, her, curb, turn, girl, sir, burn, turn, word, born, torn, bird, form, serf, herb.

IVreading type – vowel + letter “r” + vowel. The letter “r” is also unreadable in this case; all three vowels together sound like this: care, store, mere, tire, cure - “kea, hundred:, mie, taie, kue.”

Fare, here, pure, rare, cure, during, mare, fire, bare, mire, stare, tire, sere, mere, store, core, more, care.

Video lesson: Rules for reading the vowel A in English

IN Idea lesson: Rules for reading the vowel E in English

Video lesson: Rules for reading the vowel U in English

Video lesson: Rules for reading the vowel O in English

Video lesson:Rules for reading vowels I,Y

Consonants with two reading options

*s m\z (interdental) – th – there is no such sound in the Russian language. This sound is dull and resembles the Russian sound “s”, but when pronouncing it, the tongue is located between the front upper and lower teeth, and a stream of air passes through the created narrow gap with force.

**we pronounce the interdental sound “z” in the same way.

Video lesson: Rules for reading English consonants

Reading chart for vowels combined with consonants

For high-quality assimilation of the sound system and the rules of reading the English language, we recommend repeating the above reading rules daily and trying to read monosyllabic words from the dictionary.

Video lesson: Rules for reading various letter combinations in English

Video lesson: Rules for reading English vowels in unstressed position

For rules for reading unpronounceable consonants, see

  • Tip: To check the correct pronunciation, you can use the audio function of online dictionaries.