Catch phrases about dancing. Dance aphorisms. Live dance music

The collection includes quotes about dances and dancers:

  • I want to dance until I'm 100. And if you are not lazy, then you will not last more than forty. Maya Plisetskaya
  • Ballet is hard labor in flowers. Faina Ranevskaya
  • I see the roots of dance in the richness of nature. Kazuo Ono
  • Ballroom dancing is a kind of demonstration of the mastery of plasticity and sensual dynamics. Vyacheslav Zaitsev
  • The couple flashes by the couple. A. S. Pushkin
  • Ballroom dancing brings only positive emotions. Alexander Peskov
  • Learn to save movement until you develop automatism. Robert Heinlein
  • It was natural as a turn. Leonid Pletnev
  • Whoever said "stupid as a tenor" apparently didn't know the dancers. Jerzy Villefort
  • In a good dance there is not a single unnecessary movement. Fred Astar
  • The way people move is their biography in motion. Jerry Spence
  • You always need to figure out what you really want. Boris Moiseev
  • Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires. George Bernard Shaw
  • The second is the first of the losers. Tarasova, figure skating coach
  • Dancers are the athletes of God. Albert Einstein
  • Looking at the beer, it's good to dance. Russian proverb
  • Dance is a kind of wordless rhetoric. Canon Toyota Arbu

  • Discipline is one of the most necessary qualities of a dancer. Boris Moiseev
  • Dance is the only art form in which we ourselves are the instrument. Rahel Farnhagen
  • They danced that they were left without bread. Russian proverb
  • Tango is a bed where you are not ashamed to bare your soul. Sergei Pichurichkin
  • If you invited a girl to dance, and she agreed, do not rejoice: at first you still have to dance. Vyacheslav Berendakov
  • Striptease is first of all a mood. "Cosmopolitan"
  • If a girl dances badly, she scolds the orchestra. Jewish proverb
  • Russia; hundreds of miles of fields and ballet in the evenings. Alan Hackney
  • Art performs the task of preserving, as well as some embellishment of extinguished, faded ideas. Nietzsche
  • The audience needs to be kept in suspense, to dance with feelings. Boris Moiseev
  • How can you dance "Rumba" without knowing true love. Editorial
  • Imitate the wind when it breaks out of its mountain gorges: it wants to dance to the sound of its own flute, the seas tremble and jump under its feet. Nietzsche
  • When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy. Stanislav Popov, President of RTS
  • Dance in three legs. Russian proverb
  • Whoever knows how to dance, he dances anyway, and whoever does not know how, will not learn from a book. Edition of "Dance Klondike"
  • A partner is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Vitaly Leshchenko
  • Castrati are the best dancers. Vladimir Kolechitsky

  • A lot of ballets would be amazing if not for the dance. "Evening Standard"
  • Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.
  • You can judge a king by the way they dance during his reign. Chinese proverb
  • Folk dance is valuable because it reveals the character, experiences, culture, temperament of the people. Igor Moiseev
  • You should never think that your partner is in any way worse than you. Moreover, it cannot be shown on stage. Maris Liepa
  • Real education includes the ability to sing and dance well. Plato "Laws"
  • No sane person would dance. Cicero
  • Don't feel sorry for the heel, go trepak! Beat the trepak, do not spare the heel! Russian proverb
  • Once dance was erotica, now it has become gymnastics. Sydney Rome
  • Don't get carried away with food. Boris Moiseev
  • Independence is one of the most significant and valuable acquisitions for a true artist. Boris Moiseev
  • You don't have to love yourself in art, you have to love art in yourself. Stanislavsky
  • You can't rest on what you've achieved. Boris Moiseev
  • Our life can be full of loneliness, hateful monotony, and only in dance can we transform into fairytale kings and princesses. Dmitry Fateev, "Gala Waltz"
  • Never criticize your partner. Brave Combo
  • Real art survives in any situation. Yuri Bashmet
  • Never dance with a partner who has more problems than you. Vyacheslav Berendakov
  • Everything on the stage should sparkle, amaze, bewitch. Boris Moiseev
  • The foundations are laid by the teacher. Igor Moiseev
  • Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing. James Brown
  • A couple is a kind of painting that moves across the dance floor. Tatiana Kostina
  • Better than ballet is only the corps de ballet. Gennady Malkin
  • The first appearance on the floor must have an effect: you need to be remembered once and for all. Whether they love you later or not, it doesn't matter, but you will be remembered. Maris Liepa
  • After a two-hour TV ballet, it's nice to watch the traffic controllers at street intersections. How calming is the sight of movements that have some meaning. Gabriel Bertel
  • Every tango is a goodbye. Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • Isn't it obvious that dance is a continuous metamorphosis? Paul Valerie
  • Dancing is an exciting action that requires dedication, effort and time. Lev Leshchenko
  • Standard dances are a discipline of the back. Leonid Pletnev
  • If you can talk, you can sing; if you can walk, you can dance. African proverb
  • A talented dancing couple is a capricious cactus that blooms once a year, and God forbid you mix up something in the composition of the soil or watering regime during the remaining 364 days - it will die. Rauf Salakhutdinov
  • If it is ordained by God that you can dance, then you must give it away. Alexander Peskov
  • Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material. Ted Shawn
  • You don't have to dance well to win the competition. Enough to dance better than others. Dassi
  • Dance is the mother of all languages. Collinwood
  • The day was wasted if I didn't dance. Nietzsche
  • To dance is to assert. Bayard Call
  • Listen to everyone, listen only to yourself and the coach. Leonid Pletnev
  • Dancers are instruments, like a piano played by a choreographer. George Balanshine
  • The whole field of dance has now expanded so much that it is diversity that is of interest, and not some particular phenomenon that someone calls dance. Merce Cunningham

The movement never lies. (Martha Graham, quoting her father) We must consider lost every day in which we did not dance at least once. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Dance first. Then think. This is the natural order. (Samuel Beckett)

Dance is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire. (Bernard Show)

Everything in the universe is rhythmic. Everyone is dancing. (Maya Angelou)

Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material. (Ted Shawn)

Only those who dance with their bare feet on thorny grass really love to dance. (Thomas Fuller)

The body never lies. (Martha Graham)

Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion (Martha Graham)

Dance is the secret language of the soul (Martha Graham)

Than to stomp your feet in anger, it is better to learn the tap dance. (Fred Astaire)

I don't want to prove anything with this. It is neither self-expression nor a way to release anything. I'm just dancing. (Fred Astaire)

I discovered the art of dance, an art that was lost two thousand years ago. (Isadora Duncan)

Dance: Higher Mind in the Freest of Bodies (Isadora Duncan)

If you could explain anything in words, there would be no point in dancing it. (Isadora Duncan)

The dancer's body is just a luminous manifestation of his soul (Isadora Duncan)

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself. (Mikhail Baryshnikov)

Those who do not hear the music think that the dancers have gone crazy (proverb)

Dancing with your feet is one thing, dancing with your heart is another (proverb)

I would only believe in a God who can dance (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word (Mata Hari)

All the diseases of mankind, all the tragic misfortunes that fill the history books, all the political mistakes, all the failures of great leaders arose only from the inability to dance (Jean Baptiste Molière)

Dancing is a great workout for girls, it's the first way to learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it. (Christopher Morley)

They don't stop dancing because they get old, they get old because they stop dancing (Jesse Newbern)

I dance - because I'm happy. I dance - because I'm free. (Tosha Brown)

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. This is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy (Jacques d'Amboise)

To dance means to be outside of yourself, bigger, stronger, more beautiful. In the dance - power, in the dance - the greatness of the Earth, it is yours - take it entirely. (Agnes deMille)

There is a bit of madness in dancing that is of great benefit to everyone (Edwin Denby)

Life is not choreographed. That's why I often fall. (Sasha Duncan)

Dance for yourself. If someone understands - good, if not - it does not matter, continue to do what you love. (Louis Horst)

Dance is the world's favorite metaphor (Christie Nilsson)

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. (Elvis Costello)

Dance is movement, action, and like any action, it opens us to ourselves in doing. (Gabriella Roth)

When we give ourselves entirely to the spirit of the dance, it becomes a prayer (Gabriella Roth)

Dance like nobody's watching (Dirty Dancing)

-Dance is the most sublime, the most beautiful of all arts, since it is not just a reflection of life or a distraction from it, but life itself.

Dancing differs from insanity only in that it cannot go on for so long.

Only those who dance with their bare feet on thorny grass really love to dance.

Love is the most beautiful, most bewitching dance.

Dance is intimacy, and intimacy is love. You can love each other by dancing.

Dance is what you have inside. Either it exists or it doesn't.

Dance is the language of body and soul!

Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material.

Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word!

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.

Dance for yourself. If someone understands - good, if not - it does not matter, continue to do what you love.

To dance means to be outside of yourself, bigger, stronger, more beautiful. In the dance - power, in the dance - the greatness of the Earth, it is yours - take it entirely.

The whole life of a dancer is "one more time" and "one more time"

You can forget the movement, you can not forget the mood.
A good dancer can't be bothered by bad judges.

In the beginning there was a dance...

It’s like making love, but you’re not ashamed, but you enjoy the peeping.

If you can talk, you can sing; if you can walk, you can dance. (African proverb)

Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing.

To dance is to assert.

The power of music over the body, a radiant look, you can immediately tell from the dance what a dancer is like.

What are you dancing? (Greetings to the Bantu tribe)

You can judge a king by the way they dance during his reign. (Chinese proverb)

Dance is the only art form in which we ourselves are the instrument.

The day was wasted if I didn't dance.

A noble and correct dance is graceful geometry.

Dance is the mother of all languages.

Dancers are instruments, like a piano played by a choreographer.

Dancers are the athletes of God.

Dance with all the energy of your body and the fire of your soul to shake out all the longing from your livers, and do not hold back.

When you dance, you don't sweat: you glow.

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

In a good dance there is not a single unnecessary movement.

Dancing is an exciting action that requires dedication, effort and time.

Tell me what your favorite dance is and I'll tell you who you are!

When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is always happy.

Discipline is one of the most necessary qualities of a dancer.

The audience needs to be kept in suspense, to dance with feelings.

Everything on the stage should sparkle, amaze, bewitch.

Folk dance is valuable because it reveals the character, experiences, culture, temperament of the people.

To be easy and virtuoso on stage, you need to work hard, work up to a sweat.

You need to perfectly control your body so that it becomes obedient to every thought.

Everything in the dance should be as authentic as possible.

Do not pose in front of a mirror.

Do not spit into a drinking bottle. Do not exercise in dirty, stale clothes.

For a real dance, emotions and feelings are important.

The roots of dance are in the richness of nature.

Everyone has an innate talent, but only a few are born or instilled by education that measure of perseverance, endurance, energy, by virtue of which he really becomes a talent.

The dancer's body never lies.

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

Better than ballet is only the corps de ballet.

If it is ordained by God that you can dance, then you must give it away.

How you live is how you dance.

Our life can be full of loneliness, hateful monotony, and only in dance can we transform into fairytale kings and princesses.

Each dance is a unique story of your feelings.

Real art survives in any situation.

The stage is a deception, and people want to be deceived.

Words cannot convey the immeasurable feeling of joy, love for life, the charm of existence, which embrace a dancing person.

A dancer is not someone who just makes movements. A real dancer has a dancing soul.

Achieving complete coordination of all movements of the human body in dance makes it necessary to further inspire movements with thought, mood, that is, to give them that expressiveness that is called artistry.

Dance belongs to everyone. He gives joy and delight to all who dance and watch.

There are no people who can't dance. There are people who think they can't dance.

Dance sayings:

Louis Horst:

Dance for yourself. If someone understands, it's good, if not, it doesn't matter, keep doing what you love.

Edwin Denby:

There is a bit of madness in the dance that is of great benefit to everyone.

Maya Angelou:

Everything in the universe is rhythmic. Everyone is dancing.

Isadora Duncan:

· If you could explain something in words, there would be no point in dancing it.

· Dance: Higher Mind in the Freest of Bodies.

· The dancer's body is simply a luminous manifestation of his soul.

· Only a genius can become worthy of my body.

· Similarly, there are three types of dancers: first, those who regard the dance as a kind of gymnastic exercise, consisting of impersonal and graceful arabesques; the second are those who concentrate and betray their body to the rhythm of the desired emotions, transmitting learned sensations or experiences. And, finally, there are those who turn their body into a brilliant stream, an element completely subordinate to the movements of the soul.

· There must always be a movement that perfectly expresses a given individual body, a given individual soul.

· In my school, I will not teach children to slavishly imitate my movements. I'll teach them my own moves. In general, I will not force them to memorize certain forms, on the contrary, I will strive to develop in them those movements that are characteristic of them.

· All movements must be judged in terms of purity and naturalness, and blind adherence to tradition is meaningless.

Gabriela Roth:

· If you don't dance your own dance, who will?

· When we give ourselves entirely to the spirit of dance, it becomes prayer.

· Dance is movement, action, and like any action, it opens us to ourselves in doing.

· Energy moves in waves. Waves become patterns. Patterns form rhythms. Man is only that - energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Nothing more, but nothing else. Dance.

Friedrich Nietzsche:

· We must consider lost every day in which we did not dance at least once.

· I would only believe in a God who can dance.

A. Maslow:

Dance training is a special kind of training, it is an effort not to try, it is a training in spontaneity, voluntary self-denial, captivity, naturalness, Taoistic passivity.

Samuel Beckett:

Dance first. Then think. This is the natural order.

Ted Sean:

Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material.

Jacques d'Amboise:

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.

Agnes deMille:

· To dance means to be outside of yourself, bigger, stronger, more beautiful. In the dance - power, in the dance - the greatness of the Earth, it is yours - take it entirely.

· The true essence of a people is in its dance and its music. Bodies never lie.

Fred Astaire:

I don't want to prove anything with this. It is neither self-expression nor a way to release anything. I'm just dancing.

Tosha Brown:

I dance because I am happy. I dance because I am free.

Alvin Nicholas:

The essence of dance - and I will have to define the concept of "essence" - consists mainly in movement. Of course, you will immediately object that basketball is also associated with movement. It is - but not connected in the first place. The actions of a basketball player are a means to an end beyond movement. In dance, in fact, movement is an end in itself, it has no purpose other than itself.

Vicki Baum:

There are shortcuts to happiness, and dance is one of them.

Doris Humphrey:

The dancer believes that his art can say something that is inexpressible neither in words nor in anything else but dance... There are moments when the mere dignity of movement replaces entire volumes of words. There are movements that affect a person with incomparable force, because movements have the only, of their kind, ability to awaken feelings and emotions. This alone justifies the existence of the dancer and is the reason for his desire to comprehend more, to look deeper into his art.1937

George Borodin:

Ballet is not a technique, but a mode of expression that is closer to the inner language of a person than any other.

Martha Graham:

· The movement never lies. This is a barometer showing the weather in the shower.(quoting his father)

· Dance is the song of the soul. A song of joy or pain.

· Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.

· Dance is the secret language of the soul.

George Balanchine:

I don't need people who want to dance, I need those who can't help but dance.

Pina Bausch:

I'm least interested in how people move, I'm interested in what moves them.

Adabella Radici:

Suppressing the need to dance is harmful to health - both the soul and the body rust.

Pamela Brown:

The child begins to sing before talking, to dance before walking. Music is in our hearts from the very beginning.

Ruth Saint Denis:

I understand dance as a means of communication between body and soul, a means of expressing what is inaccessible to words.

Christina Northrup:

We begin to heal our lives at the most deep levels when we begin to appreciate the body and its messages, and stop feeling like a victim of it.

R. J. Collinwood:

Any language is<…>a special form of bodily gesture, and, in this sense, we can say that dance is the mother of all languages.

Blanche Evan:

Honest improvisation is a direct path to the unconscious.

Trudy Shoop:

Words cannot convey the immeasurable feeling of joy, love for life, the charm of existence, which embrace a dancing person. 1974

Lewis Carroll:

If you don't let me dance in my own way, I won't dance at all.

Jane Austen:

Enjoying the dance is a sure step towards learning to love.

Moshe Feldenkrais:

Movement improvement is the best way to improve.

Jesse Newbern

They stop dancing not because they get old, they get old because they stop dancing)

Miranda Wise (New York City Ballet)

Be fearless so that fear does not interfere with your life.


· You can dance everywhere if dance is in your heart.

· You need to perfectly control your body so that it becomes obedient to every thought.

· Socrates learned to dance at the age of seventy because he felt that he had neglected an important part of himself all his life.

· Dance is a language that the whole world understands.

· Perfect dance - four legs, four arms, two heads - and one heart.

· Why don't you fall in love with the body if you sleep with it all your life?

· Dance like no one is watching. (film "Dirty Dancing")


· Dancing with your feet is one thing, dancing with your heart is another.

· As a woman dances, so she loves. (Arabic proverb)

· If you can talk, you can sing. If you can walk, you can dance. (African proverb)

Aphorisms, quotes about dancing Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires (Bernard Shaw) Dancing is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and in motion, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy. Men are like that. It seems that they go to look at the belly dance - but they still stare at the boobs. Dance is a poem, every movement in it is a word. Dance is movement, and Movement is LIFE! Who does not dance, he complexes. It is not the place that makes the dancer beautiful, but the dance. Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's exercise. beautiful handwriting not given from birth - he needs to learn; and ease of movement distinguishing feature able to dance. One who cannot feel the music considers the dancers to be insane. Tell me what your favorite dance is and I'll tell you who you are! Dancing is about creating an image for yourself, where you are part of something bigger, where you splash out your emotions, feelings and passion. It’s not enough to learn to dance: you still need to remember to do it. I dance because I am happy. I dance because I am free. I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself. Love --- kiss, scream --- suffer! The world is not like hell and heaven! There are no illusions and no limit, there is only the sound and dance of the body! When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy. Grasshopper dances are complete nonsense from the point of view of a butterfly. Novice dancers walk from crooked to crooked, while experienced dancers walk from bent to bent. Aphorisms and quotes If you can speak, you can sing; if you can walk, you can dance. (African proverb) Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing. (James Brown) To dance is to affirm. (Bayard Call) You can judge a king by the way they dance during his reign. (Chinese proverb) Dancing is the only art form in which we ourselves are the instrument. (Rahel Farnhagen) The day was wasted if I didn't dance. (Nietzsche) Dance is the mother of all languages. (Collinwood) The way people move is their biography in motion. (Jerry Spence) Dancers are God's athletes. (Albert Einstein) Anyone who cannot feel the music considers the dancers crazy. (George Carlin) I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself. (Mikhail Baryshnikov) A talented dancing couple is a capricious cactus that blooms once a year, and God forbid you mix up something in the composition of the soil or watering regime during the remaining 364 days - it will die. (Rauf Salakhutdinov) A successful dance partnership is like the relationship of good relatives - a lot of patience and mountains of work. (Kay Gilley) A dancer's ears are in his tiptoes. (Nietzsche) Imitate the wind when it breaks out of its mountain gorges: it wants to dance to the sound of its own flute, the seas tremble and jump under its feet. (Nietzsche) O higher people, your worst thing is that all of you have not learned to dance, how to dance - to dance on top of yourselves! (Nietzsche) The gait reveals whether someone is already on his way - look how I walk! But whoever approaches his goal, he dances. (Nietzsche) I want to dance until I'm a hundred. And if you are not lazy, then you will not last more than forty. (Maya Plisetskaya) Perfection of dance technique is not enough. Without the soul of a dancer, it is an orphan. (Sylvia Guillem) The ability to dance gives you the greatest of freedoms: to express yourself to the fullest as you are. (Melissa Hayden) People express themselves most truthfully in dance. The body never lies. (Ange deMille) Only mediocrities dance with their feet. Geniuses dance with their hearts. (Dmitry Yemets) Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires. (Bernard Shaw) Than stomp your feet in anger, it's better to learn tap dance. (Fred Astaire) Dance was once erotic, now it's gymnastics. (Sidney Rome) There is no time for slow dancing!... (Vladimir Vishnevsky) If you are not invited to a white dance, do not worry - be a man... (V. Sumbatov) Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's exercise. (Dassi) You can forget the movement, you can't forget the mood. Dance with all the energy of your body and the fire of your soul to shake out all the anguish from your livers, and do not restrain yourself, fearing that your partner will be afraid that the force of your movements will shake something out of your brains. (Lola Montez) When you dance, you don't sweat: you glow. (Didi) If you know the names of all the moves you dance, then you are either a beginner or an international dancer. (Dassi) When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy. Everything in the universe is rhythmic. Everything is dancing. (Maya Angelou) Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion (Martha Graham) all political mistakes, all the failures of great leaders, arose only from the inability to dance. (Jean Baptiste Moliere) Dancing is a great workout for girls, this is the first way to learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it. (Christopher Morley) Stop dance not because they get old, they get old because they stop dancing. (Jesse Newbern) Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. This is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy. (Jacques d'Amboise) To dance means to be outside of oneself, more, stronger, more beautiful. In dance - power, in dance - the greatness of the Earth, it is yours - take it entirely. (Agnes de Mille) There is a little madness in dance that brings great benefits to everyone. (Edwin Denby) Life is not set by a choreographer. That's why I often fall. (Sasha Duncan) Dance for yourself. If someone understands, it's good, if not, it doesn't matter, keep doing what you love. (Louis Horst) Dance is the world's favorite metaphor. (Christie Nilsson) When we give ourselves entirely to the spirit of dance, it becomes prayer. (Gabriella Roth)