Technological College 24 admissions committee. Trainings by nominations

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Latest reviews

Anonymous review 21:51 10/05/2014

I studied in Perovo, graduated with a degree in fashion design, it has its pros and cons, the basic subjects in the specialty were given at a good level, later at the university it was easy, and in general the environment is conducive, this is my second home, I miss it very much


general information

State autonomous professional educational institution Moscow city "Technological College No. 24"


No. 3634 valid indefinitely from 07/16/2015


No. 3793 is valid from 08/19/2018 to 03/03/2026

About the college

Technological College No. 24 today is a multidisciplinary educational institution in which more than one and a half thousand students receive professional qualifications. The college provides training in sixteen specialties, preparing employees for companies in the light industry, small and medium-sized businesses.

For ten years the college has been experimental site for testing innovative projects and research ideas. Modern complexes are used in the learning process pedagogical technologies, developed by college staff. Self-developed educational and methodological complexes are used in all courses taught. In addition, seminars and open lessons, including in the Internet space. Teachers themselves take part in specialized competitive events and stimulate student endeavors.

The teaching staff includes both experienced and young teachers. Graduates of the educational institution have the opportunity to find employment in teaching positions, in this they are facilitated by the structural unit of the college - the School of Mentoring, thanks to which the college forms a stable and highly professional team of teachers who are interested in modern trends in the industry.

Students and staff of the educational institution regularly take part in industry conferences and research events. For young teachers and successful students Internships are organized at the largest enterprises in the region, as well as abroad.

Issues of educational and practical training, as well as temporary employment and employment of students are dealt with by a special service within the educational institution.

The college is distinguished not only by its qualified approach to educational activities, but also serious attention to educational work with students. Patriotic and local history events, exhibitions and excursions are organized, as well as charity balls and quizzes. There is a psychological service ready to help students who find themselves in difficult situations.

The sports life of the college is rich and interesting. There are sections for volleyball, athletics, all-around, paintball, and football. Regular victories in competitions are an indicator of students’ desire to achieve all possible goals.

Working not only with students, but also with applicants, the college regularly holds career guidance meetings and takes part in events organized by other institutions.

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State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of Moscow `Technological College No. 24`

College majors

▪ Designer, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Accountant, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Accountant, part-time (evening), based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Accountant, part-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Technician information systems, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Information systems technician, full-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Information systems technician, part-time (evening), based on 9 classes, 4 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Information systems technician, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Sales manager, full-time, based on 11 classes, 1 year 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Sales manager, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Sales manager, part-time (evening), based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Sales manager, part-time (evening), based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Sales manager, part-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Design technologist, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Design technologist, part-time (evening), based on 9 classes, 4 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Design technologist, part-time (evening), based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Design technologist, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Master in digital information processing, full-time, based on 11 classes, 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Technologist, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Technologist, part-time (evening), based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Technologist, part-time (evening), based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Technologist, part-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Tailor, full-time, based on 11 classes, 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Seamstress, full-time, 2 years, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Makeup artist-stylist, full-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Makeup artist-stylist, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Makeup artist-stylist, part-time (evening), based on 9 classes, 4 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Makeup artist-stylist, part-time (evening), based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Tourism specialist, full-time, based on 11 classes, 1 year 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Tourism specialist, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Tourism specialist, part-time (evening), based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Tourism specialist, part-time (evening), based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Tourism specialist, part-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

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105484, Moscow, Parkovaya street 16th, 17

At the beginning of 2014-2015 school year the school is equipped with 13 sports: badminton, boxing, handball, judo, wrestling (women's freestyle), wrestling (Greco-Roman), athletics, table tennis, taekwondo, archery, artistic gymnastics, trampolining, rhythmic gymnastics. Since 2007, a specialized children’s and youth center has been operating within the structure of the school. sport school Olympic reserve in which the departments of artistic gymnastics and trampolining are cultivated. The main form of the educational and training process is daily twice-daily training in sports.

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    I came to this college for a day open doors, everyone liked it, they praised this sharaga as if it was a golden place, but in reality everything is just terrible. I applied for the correspondence course, passed the exam, was accepted, and was told they would call me at the end of August and tell me when to come pay and receive training manuals. At the end of August I called myself, because... no one called, they told me not to rush things and they would contact me in mid-September. After mid-September I called myself, here they rudely told me not to bother me and that they would contact me themselves, and I “not to call them again and not to distract them.” It's already February and no one has contacted me. As a result, I went to pick up the documents, it turned out that they had lost the tab with the grades from the certificate, the certificate was also lost somewhere, the secretary who was issuing the documents began to be rude even before I crossed the threshold of her office, addressed me on a first name basis, although I older than her, and in general she spoke very boorishly, in my opinion, such behavior is not acceptable. But what do I want from a lousy sharaga?

    A friend enrolled with me, but full-time and in a slightly different specialty. She is also very dissatisfied with the choice of college, because the program is explained as if everyone is not thinking well, you have to pay for practice, competitions and other events, participation in which they promised on the open day is also paid, in addition, there is also an age limit, and although on the open day they said that everything was free, there were no restrictions. She paid to participate in one of the competitions, and then it turned out that it was in vain, because she could not participate in the competition because she was out of the age group of the participants. The money was not returned, of course. In general, I lost a whole year in vain, my friend lost money and time. And although the teachers are very good, the organization of the college is simply disgusting.

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    Alexey Budko

    My son finished 9th grade and we were faced with a dilemma - go to 10th grade, with unknown prospects, or find a decent educational institution where you can get a special education and which will become a springboard for entering a university and provide a piece of bread young man. By chance on the Internet we came across the website of Moscow Technological College No. 24 ( We learned from other sources that the college is planning to hold an open day one of these days. My son and I came to college, fortunately there is a bus station and Shchelkovskaya metro station next to it, and getting to it from any part of Moscow or the nearest cities in the eastern direction is not difficult. The security at the entrance was surprisingly sympathetic to us. There was no open house that day, but one of the security guards took us to the admissions office. Here the head of the admissions committee met us and professionally told us about the college and answered all our questions. The son immediately decided on his specialty and chose the very popular profession of system administrator (specialty in college “Automated control systems”). Then the admission rules were brought to our attention. After 9th grade, students take the EG. Based on the results, a competition is held and study groups are recruited. For those who were unlucky at the EG, the college provides a chance, and such applicants take entrance exams. There is also training on a paid basis. Students are paid a monthly stipend of 400 rubles. There are surcharges for various social strata. My son comes from a large family and now he receives another 600 rubles. Collections “for the needs of the class” are not practiced in college.
    The college was formerly known as the College of Light Industry. Its main building is located at 16-ya Parkovaya, no. 20, building 1, but there are several more branches in Moscow. Currently, specialists are trained here in more than 30 qualifications of various levels. In college you can get an average professional education(increased and basic level), primary vocational education, undergo vocational training. Any young person can get a specialty according to their interests. Managers, makeup artists, accountants, system administrators, garment industry professions - this is not a complete list of areas of training. The college has its own driving school and advanced training courses. Paid services are provided to the population. The team of teachers, in my opinion, could easily teach at a prestigious institute. Among them there is a Doctor of Science, 10 people are Candidates of Science, and in total 67 people in the team have a higher education degree. qualification category, academic degrees and ranks. Before the start of the school year, the college administration gathered parents and freshmen in the assembly hall. You should listen to how these people talk! All are self-confident, with a high level of intelligence, a large vocabulary, and good diction. The information is presented to the point, without fluff, and questions are answered intelligibly. You can see professionals with the naked eye.
    Despite the fact that the college building is not new, it is very cozy inside. Everywhere is clean, tidy, and there are exhibitions of students’ work. Classrooms equipped with modern equipment. There are several computer classes with Internet access. I haven’t been to the classes, but I think they are conducted at a high methodological level using multimedia tools.
    Leisure time is wonderfully organized at the college, competitions for hairdressers and fashion designers are held, and there are many clubs and sports sections. During the holidays, excursions, tourist trips, and camps are organized. The research community of college students works effectively. One of the most important (in my opinion) of his achievements is the effective solution to the problem of teenage crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, aggressiveness and extremism. I cannot call my son a difficult child, but literally within a month of studying at college I began to notice that he was becoming more mature, more reasonable, more responsive and independent. Interests began to change from an empty seat in front of the TV to doing something useful. Even on the Internet, he began to visit pages of news, earnings, and youth art. He arrives from college late because he signed up for three clubs at once and with a sparkle in his eyes he tells how great he had the day. And before, when I came home from school, I would throw my satchel in the corner and, with a gloomy look, at ICQ.
    The problem of “Where to go next” has been solved in college. For those wishing to continue their education, the college can offer a choice of many Moscow universities with which strong ties have been established. And without exams and immediately into the third year! That is, after the ninth grade, my son practically entered college!
    For those who want to go to work, there is a wide choice of enterprises, public organizations, cultural centers and institutions with which the college also collaborates. One of the teachers told an interesting story. A girl studied with them, majoring in hairdressing. After graduation, she was employed, but she, showing strength of character, decided to organize her own business. Again, through the college, she was allocated from budget funds sum of money, for which she equipped her beauty salon in Moscow!
    I could still talk a lot about my impressions of this wonderful educational institution, but there is a lot of interesting information on its website. I highly recommend visiting it. Better yet, come to 16th Parkovaya, 20. you will be received here as a dear guest. In conclusion, I will say that having linked the fate of my son with College No. 24, I am not only satisfied, but happy that I made the right decision!
    P.S.: The other day my son was assigned to prepare an essay on computer science and one of his classmates advised him to look at the website As a result, the son received an “excellent” for the essay, and in addition discovered an interesting website , where he began to take part in distance Olympiads and competitions. Among his classmates, more than half participate in competitions at the Center for Creative Initiatives. Agree, this is better than wandering aimlessly along the evening streets or drinking beer in the gateway?! Center for Creative Initiatives – shortens the distance to high intelligence!