Sports quest game at school. The scenario of the sports and health quest game "healthy nation". "Health Journey"

Scenario of the quest game "In search of the key to health" for children 4-5 years old

Target: consolidation of motor skills and knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
- to form the need for conscious physical activity, physical improvement as the basis of health;
- to promote the harmonious development of children;
- to educate children about the value of health;
- develop motivation to save your health.
Location: the territory of the preschool educational institution.
Driving route: sports ground No. 1, vegetable garden, knowledge corner, sports field No. 2, ecological corner.
Equipment: route map, envelopes with tasks and parts of the health key, 2 baskets, 10 hoops, useful and harmful products meals (dummy), 2 hedgehogs, throwing rings, health track, tent, rugs.

Progress of the quest game

The sports ground is decorated balloons, music plays, the children enter the playground and are built in a circle.
FC instructor:- Hello guys! How many of you know why people greet each other and say: “Hello!” ? (wish you health)
What is health and what does it mean to be healthy? (children's answers)
- All people want to be healthy. No one wants to get sick, lie in bed, drink bitter medicines. Therefore, today I invite you to search for the key to health. When we find all the constituent parts, we can learn the secrets of health.
Zdorovyachok enters the site:
- Hello guys! I heard that you are going in search of the key to health. But you need to know where and what to look for. That's why I brought you a map with a route to follow. By completing tasks, you can find the key of health. I will go with you and help you.
FC Instructor:- Thank you, Healthy. I suggest doing a warm-up before you go in search.
1. Warm-up "If you like it, then do it."
FC instructor: - Well done guys! Is everyone ready? Let's hit the road.
2. Walking the path of health:
- on stumps;
- by pebble;
- on the sand;
- on wooden sticks;

By pebbles;
- on stumps.
“Now we need to go faster and run.”
3. Running along the edge of the site.
4. Walking at a calm pace.
FC Instructor:- Guys, so we found the 1st envelope with you, it contains part of the health key. Let's see what is shown on it (charging).
What is the secret of health? (during morning exercises)
- Let's see in which direction we need to move on.
(everyone goes to the garden)
big guy: - Guys, why do you think the path to the garden is indicated to us?
What is there that helps us to be healthy? (children's answers)
- A wat and an envelope with a task for you.
5. Relay "Disassemble healthy and unhealthy foods."
big guy:- Well done boys! For the correct completion of the task, you get another part of the health key. Let's call her proper nutrition).
FC instructor: fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that strengthen our body and help maintain health.
- And we are going further along the route!
(Come to the playground)
FC instructor: - children, why do you think we stopped here? What can you do on the sports ground? What helps a person to be healthy? (physical education)
- And here is the envelope with the next task for you.
6. Relay "Hit the target." You need to throw rings on the hedgehog's needles.
7. Jumping from hoop to hoop on 2 legs.
FC instructor: - well done and completed this task, for this you get one more part of the health key. What is on this part? (physical education).
(Children move on the map to the next point)
big guy:- Here we are in the corner of knowledge. Now look how well you know what to do and when to do it. (takes questions out of the envelope and reads them to the children).
What should you do after waking up from sleep? (wash, brush teeth)
What do children do in the morning? (charging)
When should you wash your hands? (before a meal, after a walk, as it gets dirty)
Do children need to sleep during the day?
When to walk fresh air?
Can kids stay up late?
Zdorovyachok: - you are smart! Here is the next part of the health key. What is this? (observance of the daily routine)
FC Instructor: - So we came on our map to our last destination Corner of Nature. I suggest everyone to sit on the rugs and relax after a long journey.
8. Relaxation. Let's close our eyes, imagine that you and I are in the forest. Let's sit quietly. Let's listen to the chirping of birds, how the leaves rustle in the wind. Perhaps you will hear some more sounds ... Now slowly open your eyes. Have a rest?
9. Facial massage "Washer"
Kittens washed their eyes and noses,
And cheeks and foreheads, even mustaches.
And a kind word to each other
Meowed in clean ears.
10. Breathing exercises"Scent of Flowers"
Children take a slow breath. On the exhale, a long: "A-a-ah."
- What is the last part of the key of health? (camping)
FC instructor: - Guys, we found with you all the parts of the health key. Let's collect the key and remember what components the key of health consists of (charging, proper nutrition, physical education, observing the daily routine, outdoor recreation.
big guy:- guys, did you like our adventure? And what is your mood now? Good mood This is also a guarantee of health. I really hope that you will always remember all the components of the key to health and observe them. You will also remind your parents of this.
FC Instructor:- Thank you, Zdorovyachok, for your help. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.
big guy:- do, children, physical education and be healthy! Goodbye!

I approve:

Director of MOSH І-ІІІ Art. No. 50


Sports quest - "Health of the nation!"

Goals and objectives:

1. Development of mass sports work at school, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Increasing interest in the physical improvement of your body.

3. Comprehensive development of students by the game method.

4. Involving students of all health groups in an active lifestyle.


Teams from grades 5-8 take part in the competition. The form is sports.

Decor: balloons, healthy lifestyle posters.

Equipment: tables, signs with station names, route sheets, summary table, envelopes with questions and assignments.

Competition guide:

The leadership of the competition is entrusted to teachers: physical education, obzh, technology, military and medical training.

Competition preparation plan:

1. Work out the position of the competition;

2. Hold a meeting of class teachers;

3.Develop questions on stations;

4. Conduct training sessions with classes.

Plan of the event:

1. Parade opening competitions.

2. Competitions by stations: morning exercises; hardening; aibolit-64; green pharmacy;“Morning gymnastics”, “It's fun to walk together!”, “A sharp shooter”, “Always ready for work”, “In case of fire, we recruit 101 as one”, “Designer”.

3. Summing up, rewarding.

Ch. judge

Scenario sports quest"Health of the Nation"

dedicated to health day

1 Opening parade of the competition:

Fanfare sounds.

Deputy director for construction and installation works« Parade on the line of the opening of the competition step march !!!»

The sports march sounds Competitors enter a column of three.

Parade stop 1,2 Left!

presenter : Right to raise the flagDonetsk People's Republicprovided: (name F.I.) Parade, equalize, at attention! Alignment with the flag, raise the flag! the anthem soundsDonetsk People's Republic.

Leading: Health is the main thing that needs to be protected and strengthened. However, sometimes we do not know how to do it, or do not pay attention to it. Health to a greater extent depends on the person himself, on his lifestyle and behavior style.


To drive away longing and laziness,

Rise every day

You need it exactly at 7 o'clock.

Opening the windows of the bolt,

Do some light exercise

And clean your bed!

Take a shower and eat breakfast.

And then sit down at the desk!


But remember guys

It's very important to know this

Going to school, on the road

Don't you dare play!


Sit in class

And listen quietly.

Follow the teacher

Prick up your ears.


After dinner, you can sit down

To complete tasks.

It's ok if there is

Will and effort.


We always comply

Daily schedule.

We go to bed at the appointed time

We get up at the appointed time

We don't care about sickness!


Rest after school

Just don't roll.

Help mom at home

Play, get hot!

Presenter: We invite you to go to the country of "Health". On the way you will meet stations: "Hardening", "Aibolit -64", "Green Pharmacy", "Morning Exercises", "Walking together is fun!» , "A sharp shooter", "Always ready for work", "In case of fire, as one we recruit 101", "Designer".

Leading . Introducing the judges and jury of the game….. .

Oath of the Judges : “On behalf of all judges and officials, I promise that we will carry out our duties in these competitions with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held, in a truly sporting spirit.And may the strongest win».

INissue route sheets. Teams go on a journey through the stations.

1. Station "Hardening"

teacher : I am glad to welcome you to this station. Remember the slogan: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!"

What a shame man

A little something to run to the pharmacy!

You take at least a hundred pills

All the same health - zero!

But mother nature

Full of other gifts.

Accept forests, fields and waters,

And mountain ranges, and vaults of the sky -

And you are practically healthy!

Yu. S. Entin

Children are invitedanswer question s.


  • Give an example of common tempering procedures. (Shower, bathing, sunbathing)
  • Give an example of local hardening procedures. (Washing with cool water, foot baths, walking barefoot)
  • At what age can hardening start? (From birth)
  • What time of yearCanstart tempering? (It is possible at any time of the year, but warm time is preferable)
  • How can the ability to dress help in hardening? (Clothes should correspond to the season of the year, you can’t “wrap up”)
  • What are the principles of hardening - three P. (Constantly, consistently, gradually)

2. Station "Aibolit-64"

teacher :

To get health
You don't have to go far.
We need to try ourselves
And everything will work out.


Provide first aid for abrasions (1,2 class);

a cut on the palm (3,4, class);

with bleeding from the nose (5-6th grade);

in case of a fracture of the wrist bone - apply a splint (7-9 th class)

  • Which medicines used to disinfect wounds and bruises?

(Zelyonka, iodine, hydrogen peroxide)

  • What drugs are used for heart pain?

(Corvalol, valerian, motherwort)

  • What drugs are used as antipyretics?

(Paracetomol, aspirin, etc.)

  • What medicines are used for disorders of the stomach, intestines?

(Activated carbon, etc.)

  • What medicines are used to treat boils?

(Ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, etc.)

3. Station "Green Pharmacy"

teacher :

"Take a closer look at something - at least to a blade of grass - and it turns into a whole world, mysterious, amazing and indescribably beautiful."
Henry Miller

Questions :

Witchcraft is attributed to this grass, and a bunch of dry grass was supposed to be hung in front of the entrance to the house in order to protect the home from wild animals and ghosts. It has a pronounced astringent, antimicrobial, and hemostatic effect. (St. John's wort)

Healing properties This plant has been known to man since time immemorial. Its root tincture is a good sedative. IN traditional medicine used for hysteria, migraine, pain in the heart, epilepsy. (Valerian)

It is said that in the thickets of this bush, forest gnomes hide their wealth. And in fact, its berries are not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy. They are especially good for eye diseases. (Blueberry)
In medicine, juice, kidneys, leaves of this tree are used. Infusion and decoction of the kidneys have diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic properties. An infusion of young leaves is used as a diuretic and for nervous system. Juice is used for gout, arthritis, rheumatism, scurvy. (Birch)
He's a weed, he's a flower
Helped me from my illness.
How to sit on the sofa
I remember yellow ... (Dandelion)

4. Station "charging"


Every day in the morning
We do the exercises
We like it very much
Do it in order.
So that we don't get sick
And don't catch a cold
We are always charging
We'll be doing.

« You need to do morning exercises with the whole class. ABOUT valued: dactions of the commander; synchronicity,O originality » .

5. Station "Accurate shooter"

teacher : This station is for those who loveaccuracy. The team needs to choose 10 participants who will perform throws basketball ball into the ring. Everyone has one attempt, the score at this stage depends on the number of hits.

6. Station "It's fun to walk together!"

Various combat commands are being executed. ABOUT valued: d command actions s; With synchronicity .

7. Station "Always ready to work"

Introduction by the teacher.

M. Gorky said: "No other power makes a person great and wise, as does the power of labor - collective, friendly, free labor."

“You need to love what you do, and then work, even the roughest, elevates to creativity.”

And from my words, you guys probably understood that we will not only talk about work, but work.

Guys, hard work is magic. Modern work requires from a person not only skills, but also knowledge. It is impossible to manage complex machines, work at machine tools without knowledge.

If you want to build a bridge

Watch the stars move

drive the machine in the field,

Or drive the car up

Study well!

I know that each of you has a cherished dream: one wants to become a carpenter, another - a tiler, the third - a cook. To become a good specialist, a person must know and be able to do a lot, and for this you need to study. And for us now with you study is the main work.

Today we will check who we have the most hardworking.

Exercise. Stolyarov street.

Without a tool, a carpenter is not a master, guess what tool I'm talking about.

Who helped fix my door lock

He is my diligent friend ... / hammer /.

At home, who helped to fix the hanger

He is my good friend ... / hammer /

But before checkingakYou owns eWith this tool, we need to remember the rules for working with a hammer so as not to injure ourselves and others.

Exercise : from three bars of different sizes you need to make a bed for a doll.

While our craftsmen are working, let's remember what other tools are needed for carpentry work.

    Bowing, bowing

Will come home - stretch / ax /

    Chewing, chewing, she does not eat

Doesn't give to others. /saw/

    iron someone

Hit him hard.

And he's gone

There was a cap. / hammer, nail /

    The fat one will beat the thin one -

Thin something will beat. /hammer, nail/.

8. Station “In case of fire, we dial 101 as one”

1. What are the main causes of fire? Careless handling of fire, childish prank, violation of the rules fire safety.

2. What should be done in case of fire? Immediately inform the fire brigade, take measures for evacuation.

3. What should I say when calling the fire department? The exact address, last name, what is on.

4. What is the danger of a fire, besides fire? Smoke, carbon monoxide.

5. How can you extinguish a fire that starts? Fire extinguisher, water, sand, blanket.

6. Why can't you use the elevator during a fire? The elevator can stop, the elevator shaft is a chimney, the smoke will be pumped there.

7. What kind of fire cannot be extinguished with water? If electrical appliances are burning, combustible substances.

8. Why are forest fires dangerous? The forest, animals are destroyed, the fire can reach residential buildings, the fire can penetrate into peat layers.

9. What is the danger of a stove in a village house? A fire can start from the escaping coal.

10. Why can't dry grass and leaves be set on fire? The fire spreads very quickly, often spreading to residential buildings.

11. Is it possible to break glass in a house or apartment during a fire? No , because . extra airflow promotes the spread of fire.

12. How to put out a burning TV? Throw a blanket over.

13. Oil is burning in a frying pan. Your actions? Turn off the gas, throw a wet towel on the pan.

14. If the apartment smells of gas, there is a leak. Can the light be turned on or off ? Do not operate the switch, sparks may occur, resulting in a fire or explosion.

15. What is the worst thing in a fire for people? Panic.

16 . What precautions must be taken to prevent a fire? (In order to prevent fires in a room, it is necessary to strictly observe simple fire safety rules. Here are some of them:

Do not leave electrical appliances (iron, soldering iron, burner, etc.) on after working with them;

Do not connect several powerful consumers of electricity to one outlet;

Do not cover electric lamps and other electric lamps with paper;

When using candles, isolate them from the table with fire-resistant materials;

Do not use gasoline to kindle the stove;

Do not fill kerosene appliances (lamps, kerosene gases) during their operation;

Do not use sparklers, crackers and other pyrotechnics in apartments, even on New Year's holidays;

Do not play with matches, other burning objects (not extinguished coals, slag, ash, firebrands) and flammable materials).

Riddles to solve

The facilitator reads the riddles to the teams in turn. If the team cannot give the correct answer, then the opponents have a chance to get an extra point.


    What, barely touching, turns the house into firewood? (Fire)

    On the roof - a pillar, in the hut - a tablecloth. (Smoke)

    This is a cramped, cramped house:

One hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

Might flare up like a fire! (box of matches)

    Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water;

With a tongue, instead of barking Without teeth, but biting. (Fire)

    The electric ship floats - then back, then forward. (Iron)

    A hundred fires are kept in a small barn. (box of matches)

    Everything eats - does not eat up, but drinks - dies. (Fire)

    The red bull stands, trembles, the black one runs to the sky. (Fire and smoke)

    Small, remote, but brings big trouble. (Spark)

    The red cow ate all the straw. (Fire)

    I saw smoke - do not yawn, call us soon! (Firefighters)

    From little me you will not get rid of fire. (Spark.)

9. Station "Constructor"

The team is offered a word, from which the players try to make as many other words as possible. The more words, the more points the team gets.

Summing up, awarding the winners. Everyone gathers in the gym.

IN Lately parents often choose a quest as an entertainment for a children's holiday. And this choice is fully justified. After all, the kids most of all at the holiday are waiting for entertainment, they want active rest. And of course, children love to solve mysteries and riddles. Therefore, a series of tasks united by a single goal, theme, always delights children of any age.

Parents, on the other hand, want the quest to be simple in terms of its implementation, it required a minimum of props. This is especially true if the holiday takes place in nature and a quest game for children is planned on the street.

It is this scenario of the quest that we want to present to you. It is designed for preschoolers and elementary school students who know letters, numbers, can read and write. All tasks are simple, they can be solved by a preschooler or a first grader.

The theme of the quest is animals, and tasks are somehow connected with them.

The quest is designed for one team, that is, all participants go through it together, everyone has a common goal, there are no winners and losers, which means that no one will be offended.

Adventure can be organized in the forest, in the park. A prerequisite is the presence of trees, bushes, grass. Locations with tasks do not have to be far from each other, even if they are all in sight. Participants still do not know in advance in what order they will go through the stages

Preparation and necessary props

First stage

You will need: an envelope, a sheet of paper with crossword puzzle tasks, a sheet with the crossword puzzle itself, a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen.

We hide the crossword puzzle and tasks for it in an envelope. The envelope should be in the hands of the person leading to the beginning of the quest.

Second phase

You will need: a file, a printed image of a goat, printed and cut out words and syllables, clothespins or paper clips, on which words and syllables are attached to the bush.

We are looking for a suitable tree, next to which a bush grows, or just a separately growing bush. The file with the image of the goat and the text of the task are hidden in the file. We attach the file to a tree or to a bush with a rope or a button. We attach words and syllables to the bush with clothespins in random order. It is not necessary to hang everything in plain sight to make it more interesting, we hide several of them deep into the bush.

Third stage

Props: a file, a printed image of a fox, an envelope with a task, several matchboxes or capsules from a kinder surprise, printed tips and a few empty pieces of paper that are hidden in matchboxes.

In the file we put the image of the fox, the text of the task and attach it to the tree.

There should be more boxes than hints. Some will have pieces of paper with hints, and some will have blank pieces of paper. This will complicate the search process and make it more interesting. We hide the boxes carefully, for this it is advisable to look for tall grass. Matchboxes can be replaced with capsules from kinder surprises.

Fourth stage

We need: a file with a picture of a cat, an envelope with a printed task, several identical ropes, 9 figures of mice cut out of cardboard. Each mouse has a letter. From the letters you can make the word "treasure".

We attach the file with the image of the cat and the task to the tree. We string the figures of mice in random order onto the ropes - 2-3 pieces for each rope. We wind the ropes around the tree so that it is not too easy to unwind them.

And here is the mouse template:

Fifth stage

Props: a file with an image of mice and a task. You will also need a bucket of sand and a lockable box. Treasures will be hidden in the box. You can use sweets, small toys, souvenirs, stickers and other pleasant things as treasures.

We hide the key to the lock in a bucket of sand.

Well, now we are starting our quest for children in nature, the tasks have been prepared and are waiting for the participants.

Adventure start

The facilitator holds an envelope with the first task. The envelope contains a crossword puzzle that needs to be solved. There are only four riddles in the crossword puzzle, the answers to which fit into the cells, and as a result, in the gray cells we should get a key word. It is this word that will lead us to the next task.


  1. On the top of his ears, he sleeps on a pillow. Mice hunter, who is it? …….(Cat)
  2. Our grandmother is ready to give milk ...... (Cow)
  3. He jumps very deftly, he loves carrots (Hare)
  4. It barks loudly, guards, protects from villains. (Dog)

What word did we get? Goat! So we are looking for the next task where the goat is drawn.

Location Goat

The guys run to the tree, on which the file with the image of a goat is attached. The following task is found in this file.

The text of the task: “Dear children! When I was grazing in the forest, I noticed that unusual leaves appeared on the bush. Apparently, they were left here by forest animals. The leaves must be collected and unraveled what is written on them.

Participants collect pre-prepared leaves with words and syllables from the bush. In the words, some syllables are missing, they must be inserted.



We insert syllables into words and get the names of animals:

  • squirrel;
  • hamster;
  • chipmunk;
  • chinchilla;

Host: And now let's see if there is something in common between our animals? Maybe one of them is redundant?

Children should guess that almost all of the listed animals are rodents, except for the fox. If it’s hard for children to guess, the facilitator can ask leading questions: what do all these animals eat, what do they have in common? appearance etc. In the end, the children come to the conclusion that the fox is superfluous on this list. Here it will be the key to the next task. Children are looking for a tree with a picture of a fox.

Location Chanterelle

Host: Let's get the envelope and see what task the cunning fox has prepared for us.

The host takes out an envelope and reads the task: “Hello guys, I'm a fox-sister. Help me in my trouble! I had clues, but I ran, waved my tail and the clues fell apart. Help me collect them!”

Children look for matchboxes with clues in the grass. Then they open each of them and guess what is hidden in them.

And here are the hints:

  • not water, but liquid, not snow, but white (milk)
  • lives in the river, but not a frog (fish)
  • it can be for children, and cheesecakes (cottage cheese) are also made from it
  • small and gray, and everyone is afraid of her (mouse)

Presenter: Well, the children, we helped the fox with clues, but what is encrypted in them?

Children try to guess on their own, if they fail, you can tell. All the clues are the food of some animal. Which one exactly? That's right, cat! So now we need to look for a tree with a picture of a cat.

Location cat

Host: Guys, let's see what kind of task the fluffy cat has prepared for us. We take out the text of the task from the envelope.

Text of the task: “Hello kids! I got lost in the forest and lost all my mice along the way. Help me find them. I know for sure that the mice should tell you something very important, but I don’t know what exactly ... ”

Kids unravel the rope on the tree, removing cardboard mice from it. When all the mice are removed from the rope, you need to make a word from the letters depicted on them. Participants make up the word “Treasure”.

Moderator: What did we get? Treasure! What does it mean? That the treasure is already somewhere close! And who gave us a hint about the treasure! Right! Mice! So the next task is looking for mice.

Mouse location

Children approach the tree with mice, the leader takes out a task from the file.

Text of the task: “Hello kids, we are mouse friends! The key to the treasure was hidden in our mink, but the mink fell asleep and now the key is under the sand. Help find the key, and as a reward you will receive treasures from a secret chest.

Participants together look for a key in a bucket of sand. If you want to complicate the task, take several different keys and hide them in the sand. Then the guys will have to sort through several keys before they find the right one.

When the key is found and the chest is opened, the kids are happy to take their treasure!


It is good to organize such a quest when the holiday comes to an end. Sweets found in the chest can complement the sweet table.

The duration of this quest is from half an hour to an hour. The duration of the event will depend on the participants themselves and on the facilitator, in particular, on whether he will prompt them, ask leading questions.

If desired, you can supplement the children's quest on the street with a map. Make such a map based on the location of locations in your area. Although the card does not play a special role in the quest itself, it is rather for the general surroundings.

Almost all the props can be found in any stationery store, which greatly simplifies the organization of the quest. The exception is a bucket of sand and a box with a lock. If it is not a problem to find a bucket and sand, then the box will have to be selected in size, it is possible to decorate it, because it is still a treasure. Well, you have to use dad to attach a lock to the box.

We wish you a happy children's holiday!

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Team building training "Rope course" from "Event Consulting Service" - efficient technology team building and leadership development, created on the basis of the classic American-British training "Ropes Course".

Game team building "Wild Wild West" or Wild wild West is a bright, cheerful and entourage fun team building program, a corporate themed game for rallying, raising team spirit.

"Historical Photo Lab" - a scientific and practical program about the history of the emergence and development of photography. The host is the famous photojournalist Sergey Shakhidzhanyan.

"Cruise"- classroom team building training with a "marine" legend, designed for one day. The training is carried out independently or as an addition to the street team building program.

Commercial offer for socially responsible companies: creation of a mini-park, green team building, corporate holiday, corporate volunteering.

A real adventure for a real team.
An adventure quest program for participants without special training, which is significantly different from the classic team building programs. Participants will have to go through many team tests in order to successfully complete the journey, the route of which runs on water and on land.
The basic route passes through the picturesque places of the Moscow region.

The Team Orientation sports team building program is learning and adventure, an excellent option for corporate outdoor recreation. During the program, participants learn to navigate the terrain using a map and compass. The task of the teams is to find the checkpoints marked on the map in a limited time on a vast territory. The program includes a master class. "Team orientation" can be carried out as one of the stages of corporate adventure programs, as an active corporate in nature or as a program that teaches useful skills.

Intellectual and adventurous team building with a historical bias, a corporate quest - this is how the Crossword Quest team building program can be briefly described.

The Dragon Boat is an unusual, very beautiful 10 or 20-seat rowboat that came to us from ancient China

Graffiti Party is an unusual creative team building program based on teamwork, exposure to street culture and activities that are usually prohibited.

The creative team building program "Music Festival" is difficult to describe in one or two phrases. Drive, positive, creativity, self-expression, revealing dormant talents - these are just a small part of the Festival. This is a cross between a rehearsal space, a recording studio and the backstage of the show "Become a Star". Your colleagues, immersed in the atmosphere of this action, turn into rock stars, prima donnas and pop idols, musicians and dancers. The program of corporate team building "Music Festival" will be an excellent basis for a bright and unusual corporate event.

Culinary team building from "Event Consulting Service" is an original corporate team building, a fun and spectacular culinary show in the format of a friendly competition between teams of participants.

Team building program based on training in first aid and emergency care. Teams of participants are trained and get into a simulation of various emergency situations, where they have to provide "first aid", rescuing the "victims" and not forgetting about their own safety. It is carried out with the support of qualified doctors, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Special equipment is used. Certificates are issued. The program is held outdoors or indoors.

A dynamic program of children's game team building is held in the form of team relay races for children's groups or for children with their parents. The children's team building program can be organized and carried out outdoors or indoors. A variety of team building exercises are used for winter and summer, for outdoors and indoors. Filling tasks is selected individually. It is possible to carry out the program as an addition to a corporate event. Professional equipment, excellent animators, summer and winter, outdoors and indoors.

The corporate tour program begins with a short trip to winter forest on foot or on snowshoes, skis. It is possible to organize several routes for several groups that go to the same goal - the so-called tourist "asterisk".

Winter analogue of the program "Summer team games". This is a sports and entertainment program of winter team building, an active competitive program consisting of relay races, group games, intellectual tasks for an unlimited number of participants united in teams. The program is aimed at maintaining the team spirit - team spirit, emotional relaxation, creating positive attitude. Often, it is this winter team building program that becomes the basis of corporate festive events.

Game teambuilding "Winter team games"

Sports team building and quests - to unite a bright team

Team building is an integral part of any corporate activity. A team where understanding and a unified view of the development of the company reigns is more effective than experienced professionals who work in isolation. The team is first of all people with live emotions and experiences. Therefore, trainings should often be supported by active sports team building. "Event Consulting Service" offers a catalog of events with scenarios for professionals of all ages and fields of activity.

It is worth approaching the organization of events of the company competently. Sports team building and quests strengthen the team spirit and teach people not only to coexist, but also to successfully solve non-trivial tasks.

Possible Scenarios

We organize sports team building of any type:

  • tourlet (hiking trips through the winter forest/green mini-park with games and challenging but fun tasks; overnight stays in tent camps or camp sites);
  • office sports activities (emotional release with fictitious sports like racing in office chairs or in the unusual use of technology);
  • creative active team building (participation in an informative exhibition and an exciting master class for an ambitious team);
  • sports training (joint orientation and performance of tasks is especially useful for a team that has been formed recently);
  • children's team building quest (a game for "colleagues" of young age with the participation of professional animators and with special equipment);
  • sports corporate rafting (water activities are ideal summer holidays to raise the working mood of an already cohesive team).

Scenario of a sports quest for children 4-6 years old

"Fairy Paths"

Target: Engage children in healthy lifestyle life through sports entertainment-quest


contribute to the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system and the formation of correct posture.

to form motor skills and abilities;
to form children's ideas about the health impact
physical exercises on the body; teach team play.

develop speed, strength, dexterity, accuracy, memory.
develop interest in sports games;

to educate in children the need for daily physical exercises;
develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, interest in physical culture.

Educational areas: "Health", "Cognition", "Communication".
Types of children's activities: communicative, playful, cognitive, motor.

Whistle signal.

relay sticks. 2 pcs.

signals 2pcs.

big balls with ears 2 pcs.

cubes 4 pcs.

hoops 2pcs.

gymnastic stick-horses 2 pcs.

hint cards

gift prize



Hello dear guys! I am very pleased to see all of you today at our holiday! I invite you to take part in the exciting quest "Fairytale Paths". In order for us to come to the main prize, you will have to compete in strength, dexterity, ingenuity, speed!

Let's greet each other. (clapping)
now we will go on a short journey during which you will need to cope with the task. For each completed task you will receive a hint - a part of the picture, which at the end of our game you will have to collect in order to receive a prize. Which of the teams will be the fastest, the most agile, the most resourceful and, of course, the most friendly, we will soon see.

To achieve good results in competitions, you guys need to not lose heart and not be conceited. I wish you guys great success in our quest, I wish you victories, and all the teams: - Physical education!
Children: Hi!


Now for a little workout!

Every morning we do exercises!

We like to do everything in order:

Have fun walking (marching)

Raise your hands (exercises for hands)

Squat and stand up (squat)

Jump and jump (jump)

Health is in order - thanks to charging!

Well, now you can go on the road to victory. You are ready?

Children: Yes!

Host: Well then, go ahead!

Teams, together with the leader, travel around the sites kindergarten meeting heroes of cartoons and fairy tales.

Teams go to the first section to Shapoklyak.


Guys, do you recognize this lady?

Children: Shapoklyak!

Shapoklyak: Hello kids, girls and boys! How glad I am to see you all! I promise not to offend.

To become agile an athlete

Here is the relay for you!!!

Let's run fast together

You really need to win!

And for the victory, I will give you a hint that will lead you to the prize.

Relay number 1.

Inventory: baton.

The first participant picks up the baton, runs, runs around the signal and, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. And he gets a part of the picture with the cartoon character.

Shapoklyak (upset): Oh, are you leaving already?! And I want to travel with you, please take me with you, I will be good, I promise.

Host: Of course Shapoklyak, come with us.

The teams go to the second section to Masha (from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear").

Masha: hello guys! Do you like to jump on balls? And now we'll check it out!

Relay number 2.

Equipment: balls.

The first participant from each team sits on a large ball and jumps around the signal, then comes back. Passes the ball to the next player. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Masha: Dear guys, I suggest you take a break and play a game of attention with me. Let's get up from our seats. I will show you cubes of different colors.

What color is this cube? (Raises blue. Children answer)

When I pick up the blue - you need to clap, green - stomp, yellow - to be silent, red - cheers. (Game in progress)

Masha: Well done! Well, I wish you good luck!

Host: Thank you Masha, goodbye and thanks for the cherished hint.

Are the teams ready? Line up! (Whistle signal)

King: Hello guys, how nice to see you. I heard you are athletes, you can jump, run and jump. Play relay races. Do you know how?

Host: We can, dear King. Only we still need hints that will help us get the main prize. Really guys?! We are ready for the test.

King: well then I'll check you now!

Relay №3.

Equipment: hoops.

The first to pass the baton are the captains. The team captain stands in the center of the hoop, holding it with his hands. On command, the captains run around the signal, comes back, where the next team member clings to the hoop from the outside. Together they run until the signal runs around it, the second participant remains at the signal, and the first participant returns for the next one. The relay continues until the entire team is behind the signal. The fastest team wins.

King: well done! Here's a hint for you. (gives picture)

King: but I still have one more task! I really like riddles for everyone! Do you like riddles?

Children: Yes.

King: Well then, listen.

He gives them riddles. Whose team will name more answers, that gets the next part of the picture.

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,
I make my own bed
I quickly do ... (Exercise)

I don't look like a horse

And I have a seat.

There are knitting needles, they, to be honest,

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

And I'm calling, then you know. (Bike)

I'm not riding a horse

And the tourist on the back. (Backpack)

On an empty stomach

They beat me - unbearable!

Aptly pour players

I'm kicked. (Soccer ball)

When spring takes its toll

And the brooks run ringing,

I jump over it

Well, she - through me. (Rope)

Their feet are fast and agile.

That is sports ... (Sneakers)

King: well done, here's another card for you!

Host: Thank you dear King! And we guys are moving on.

Children go to the sports area, where they are waiting last task. Leading: Guys, you completed all the tasks, received parts of the picture, but one team has one part, and the other has the second. And to get one picture, we need to combine our efforts.

Children put the pieces together and get an image of Pinocchio.

Host: Guys, let's call him!

The children's name is Pinocchio. Pinocchio is riding a horse.

Hello guys, you called me?

Children: Yes.

Pinocchio: Well, here I am. I really want to play with you. Shall we play?

Children: Yes.

Runs a relay.

Relay №4.

“Riders” (teams stand in columns. The first two participants hold a gymnastic stick between their legs. On a signal, they start running until the signal, run around it, return and pass the gymnastic stick to the next pair).

Moderator: - Today there are no losers in our competitions - everyone won, because. competition helped you make friends with the sport. Friendship won. And friendship, as you know, begins with a smile. So let's give each other the kindest smile we can.

But after all, we completed all the tasks and passed all the tests. We collected the picture and became the winners. Pinocchio, we are waiting for the prize!!!

Pinocchio gives a gift.

Moderator: And here we sum up,

Whatever they are.

We will be friends with sports,

And cherish our friendship.

And then we'll be strong.

healthy, skillful,

Both smart and brave.

Go in for sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and endurance! Be healthy, see you soon!