New season of "Battle of psychics". Who is Nicole Matveeva? Nicole Kuznetsova: biography, personal life, family, photo What makes Nicole Kuznetsova sick from the battle of psychics

- an extraordinary and bright personality, a psychic, the widow of the crime boss Yaponchik.

A native Muscovite, was born on 09/15/1988. However, both the date of her birth and the fact that her family belongs to the criminal world still remain unproven. There are many unsolved secrets and various inconsistencies in the biography of this woman.

Childhood and family

According to some reports, Nicole's mother was a police lieutenant colonel, but her father is really one of the crime bosses. Other sources say that Nicole generally grew up in a criminal environment. Nicole herself does not deny either fact. In general, she does not like to tell the details of her biography too much.

Nicole Kuznetsova herself writes that she was born not in 1988, but in 1985, not in September, but in August. And now she is not 30 years old, but 33 years old. She also writes that her parents took her from the baby house, where her biological parents left her due to a congenital respiratory disease.

She was quite a problem child - she was even expelled from school for bad behavior. But the love and patience of foster parents helped her endure all the hardships of her illness. Due to her illness, Nicole fell into a clinical coma twice.

There are also rumors that Nicole was brought up in a foster home, because the real ones abandoned the girl in infancy, when a difficult diagnosis was made and it became known that in order to cope with terrible diseases, a lot of time, effort and money would have to be spent .

One way or another, but the fact that her common-law husband was Yaponchik, with whom she had known since childhood and from whom she had a son, remains a fact. And the constant presence in the criminal environment, which is dominated by its own, rather tough laws, could not but leave its mark on the character and life principles of Nicole.

She is used to not being afraid of problems, making decisions herself and not retreating in the face of difficulties.

Silent Appearance

Nicole became known to the general public after participating in the 16th season of the mystical show "The Battle of Psychics", the permanent host of which is the famous skeptic Sergei Safronov. By the way, the very appearance of Nicole on the screens was already non-standard, because even when she first met the presenters, she spoke in a whisper.

Nicole almost always appears in a beautifully tied scarf or neckerchief and speaks exclusively in a whisper. To the question "why?" she replied that the reason for this was a serious incurable disease that required the constant intervention of doctors. And in the throat is a tube with which she can breathe and speak quietly.

In this talk show, Kuznetsova took third place. In the same year, she is opening her own school, which she called the "Center for Right Magic". There she teaches everyone who is interested to find in themselves the ability to see the future. The next year, Nicole goes on a "magic tour" of our country and neighboring countries.

In 2017, Kuznetsova again successfully passed the casting for participation in the project “Psychics are investigating. The battle of the strongest. And the most important news about Nicole - on July 3 this year, she shared the good news in social networks - she had a tracheostomy removed and everything was sewn up. Now she can breathe freely and speak in a voice, and not in a whisper.

white witch

Nicole discovered her psychic abilities quite early - at the age of about 15 years. Nicole herself believes that this is somehow connected with the states of clinical death experienced by her in childhood. Moreover, the very circumstances that caused clinical death, Nicole is also in no hurry to share with the general public.

However, she mentioned that she did not comprehend esoteric teachings on her own. She had her spiritual teacher, who had a strong influence on the formation of her as a magician. She does not reveal the teacher's name. She only talks about the fact that even at the first steps she decided to deal only with white magic and use her gift only to help people.

At the trials of the Battle, Nicole proved herself to be a talented psychic and with ease and confidence coped even with very difficult trials, which many participants were unable to do. In addition, the bright and interesting participant captivated the audience with her charm and directness of statements.

Criminal past

But long before Nicole appeared on television, she became widely known in her native criminal circles. In that world, she was known as the talented swindler Agata Matveeva, who carried out virtuoso operations and almost always went unpunished.

Beautiful and charming, she easily gained confidence in pensioners, then asked them to exchange a large amount, and after learning where the money was stored, she handed over information to bandits who easily carried out thefts. However, in 2005, luck turned away from the girl, and yet she ended up in a colony, from which she quickly got out thanks to the professional work of lawyers.

But, since Nicole appeared in these episodes under a different name, and she herself categorically denies her involvement in such events, this fact, like many other points in her biography, also remains unproven.

Personal life and husband Nicole Kuznetsova

After the tragic death of her first husband Yaponchik, Nicole was depressed for a long time and was very worried. She herself says that she foresaw his imminent death and repeatedly warned him about it. But firstly, no one paid attention to her words, and secondly, she herself knew that she was unable to change what was determined by fate.

After some time, she met and began dating sports TV presenter Alexander Sadokov, who soon proposed to her. In a new marriage, Nicole gave birth to a second son and found calm family happiness.

Today, Nicole is actively involved in helping people resolve difficult life situations. You can also turn to her for help - she makes various amulets and talismans, removes damage and curses, love spells. She immediately warns her clients that she does not perform rituals that can harm the physical or mental health of anyone.

The biography and moments from the life of a participant in the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Nicole Kuznetsova is full of secrets and mysteries. She went through a difficult path to fame and glory, fate prepared for her insidious trials and constantly put barriers in her way, but Nicole did not give up and came to fame.

Many skeptics claim that the image of Nicole is full of acting and falsehood, that all life's trials are a farce, with the help of which the clairvoyant came to her current position. But in fact, the woman paid too much for her popularity, because the higher powers rewarded her with a gift in exchange for health. Dozens of operations, clinical death, a constant feeling of sharp squeezing pain and tracheotomy tubes in the throat, loss of voice and unhappy family life- too high a price for fame.

Agata Matveeva (as she was called in criminal circles) was born in 1988 in Moscow. The woman does not know where she got the gift of foresight, because she does not even remember her family. The parents abandoned the child because the baby was born weak and the doctors had no doubt that he would live. But the great lust for life won A. Nicole grew up in a foster family, and this period was painful. After all, every day was given with difficulty, and health problems did not let go for a moment.

After she experienced clinical death at the age of six, the world of the other world opened up before the girl, and she began to see the fate of other people. Helping others did not extend to one's own life.

With age, the character and hobbies changed, then there was the criminal world, in which, according to Nicole herself, she met Misha Yaponchik and gave birth to a son from him. And although many talk about the complete discrepancy between age and dates, nevertheless, Kuznetsova's fans sincerely believe in these words.

Nicole herself also participated in thieves' schemes, handing over pensioners who had money at home to bandits. But the woman herself denies this and considers it a lie.

Now in the life of a psychic, everything is good and stable. Loving and TV-famous husband, sons and beautiful house surround her and make her happy every day.

IN early age Nicole unleashed her extrasensory abilities. She told her parents about the gift, and they believed her daughter.

At about the age of 15, she had a man who spoke about the possibilities of her mind and developed the makings of a "white witch". As Kuznetsova admitted, it was he who directed her thoughts in a good direction to help other people and taught her how to use extrasensory perception. The name of the mentor Nicole keeps a secret, but does not hide that it was thanks to him that she embarked on the path of goodness and changed a lot in her life.

On whether Nicole practices magical transformation rites fate or uses help higher powers to harm others, nothing is known, and the psychic herself considers herself to be a representative of good magic.

Appearance at the "Battle"

According to Nicole, she did not apply to participate in the show, as she never considered her abilities an opportunity to earn money or become famous. The red-haired beauty was not deprived of attention, but as for talent, not many people knew about it.

The application for participation was sent by the director Kuznetsova. And what a surprise it was when she passed. At the first casting, she managed to conquer everyone not only with a quiet voice, which was reduced to a whisper, but also with beauty and insight. Nicole easily coped with the tasks of the show and quickly completed all the tasks. And her image on the program was shrouded in a veil of secrets and mysteries.

The psychic identifies four main character traits, which fully characterize it:

  • Willingness to take risks.
  • Craving for thrills.
  • Desperation.
  • Honesty.

Perhaps a serious illness and constant suffering, the secrets of parents and a difficult birth, a difficult life and criminal connections influenced the character, creating an aura of a firm and unshakable woman, devoted to her words and principles.

Decisiveness and faith in strength brought the psychic Nicole Kuznetsova to the semifinals of the show, where she gave way to the two strongest witches.

New life

Now Nicole Matveeva fully devoted herself to the development of the gift of divination and helping people. The psychic conducts techniques and helps others in solving problems, removes love spells, damage and other negative ways of binding and harm. But she herself claims that she does not do anything that could bring destruction or harm. It is difficult to get an appointment, after participating and practically winning the show, she became famous and popular. Nevertheless, on the Internet you can find a site with contact details and sign up for a specific date.

The woman plans a lot of work on self-improvement and helping other people.

Projects and plans

Now the magician is actively developing his school, where everyone can get acquainted with the basics of white magic, learn the power of nature, the interaction of man and higher powers. In addition, the psychic makes amulets and charms, charged with her positive energy and helping to attract good luck and success. Nicole herself is engaged in the manufacture of amulets, so it is difficult to purchase them, because the number is always limited. Most often, these things are made to order and for a specific person.

Needlework for a magician is not just another way to help people, but also a way of self-expression and realization of potential.

The red-haired beauty continues to appear on the screens, but not as a participant in the show, but as a strong and deep knowledge of the paranormal mystic. Thanks to her talent, more than one crime was solved.

In the plans of the adept:

  1. The development of the school of magic.
  2. Creating a project to help people.
  3. Charity work.

I have been looking for contacts for a magician for a long time, I tried to find Nicole Kuznetsova on VK, but there was no result for a year, fakes constantly came across. I have a sick brother, and I wanted to ask for the help of a psychic, because I think that the neighbor is to blame for the illness.

I really want an amulet for my brother, but how can I contact her?

I believe in horoscopes and astrology. I'm in a personal crisis right now, so I can't find a fiance. You can't even meet normal guys. No matter how much I try, nothing comes out. Because of this - problems in gynecology, she began to get seriously ill.

I don't know how to get rid of the wreath of celibacy. I think Nicole will help me. I watched all the performances and tests. She is a very strong and confident mage.

I have a sick father. Doctors give him a difficult diagnosis. I read on the Internet that Nicole helped many people get rid of health problems. I really want to help us, but I can not contact the magician. I’m even ready to come to Moscow or wherever you need it, if only they could help. There is simply no hope for a miracle.

Attention, only TODAY!

The biography of Nicole Kuznetsova (from the late 2000s - Agata Matveeva) is full of mysteries, like the heroine herself. According to some reports, Nicole is the daughter of Svetlana Ternova, who recently retired with the rank of police colonel. But Nicole herself reports that she is allegedly the daughter of an authoritative in criminal world a man and the widow of a thief in law Ivankov (known by the nickname "Jap") who died of peritonitis.

According to Nicole, she experienced clinical death twice in childhood, after which she manifested the gift of clairvoyance. Kuznetsova claims that from the age of 15 she had a mentor, whose name she cannot name. This man over the course of several years developed her psychic abilities and taught how to use them for the benefit of people.

The girl positions herself as a "white witch".


Nicole appears in public with a headscarf or scarf that covers her neck. The girl said that after a serious illness, a tracheotomy tube was inserted into her throat - a device that allows her to breathe. Due to her illness, she can only speak in whispers.

Many question the fact of Kuznetsova's illness, calling it a successful PR move for the show. Nicole simply reacts to such criticism: she opens her scarf and visually "destroys" all speculation.

"Battle of psychics-16"

Nicole Kuznetsova is one of the most prominent participants in the scandalous show "Battles of Psychics-16". Her mysterious biography, bright appearance and first successes on the show were remembered by many, causing an ambiguous reaction from the audience.

Best of the day

Even the skeptic Sergei Safronov managed to surprise with his extrasensory abilities (or skillful play, as many say) the “white witch”.

Personal life

According to the girl, her first husband (civilian) was the well-known crime boss Vyacheslav Ivankov, from whom she gave birth to a son, Yegor. Kuznetsova met "Yaponchik" as a child, he was a frequent visitor to her father's house.

Many skeptics claim that this is a legend invented by Nicole. In addition, those who knew "Yaponchik" report that the last woman with whom he had a relationship was called differently. She, and not Kuznetsova, sat in a hospital bed until Ivankov's death.

Today, the personal life of Nicole Kuznetsova is filled with secrets no less than in the period of early youth. IN in social networks they discuss that her husband is Alexander Sadokov, who works as a sports news anchor on Channel One. There are many photos on the net confirming their relationship. According to the press, it was in marriage with Sadokov that the second son Stepan appeared, Yegor's younger son for 7 years.

The reason why Nicole Kuznetsova wears a scarf is a disease that manifested itself in her early childhood. She herself is already used to it and is not ashamed of her illness, and wears a scarf in order not to shock others.

In the article:

Nicole Kuznetsova - the disease haunts her since childhood

It is known that Nicole Kuznetsova has been suffering from an illness unknown to the public since childhood. It was she who caused her parents to abandon her. They decided that the child would not survive or would not live very long.

Nicole Kuznetsova tube in the neck

Nicole Kuznetsova claims she lived with a foster family. She was adopted despite serious illness. The clairvoyant herself says that she lived in the family of a crime boss, quite famous in certain circles. But there are sources, and they say that Nicole's parents did not refuse, and she grew up in the family of a police colonel.

The psychic suffered two clinical deaths in childhood. The first occurred at the age of one year, and the second at the age of six. Nicole believes that psychic abilities appeared after this. They became a reward for all the trials that she got. Nicole considers it right to use them for the benefit of people.

Nicole Matveeva - what's with the neck

Many viewers of the show "The Battle of Psychics" are interested in what is with the neck of, or Kuznetsova, and also why she always wears a scarf. In the very first episode of the TV show, you can see that she answered quite clearly to the host, who was interested in why Nicole Kuznetsova was speaking in a whisper. She took off her scarf and showed tracheostomy tube through which she breathes.

A well-known psychic underwent an unsuccessful throat operation, which resulted in a tube being installed. With her help, she breathes. Nicole cannot breathe without a tube. Without it, she is unable to survive. There is no chance for a favorable outcome of the disease and life without a tube. Nicole is sure that this is impossible.

Due to a sore throat and a failed operation, Nicole is unable to speak at full volume. During the filming of the "Battle of Psychics" there were difficulties associated with the fact that she was simply not heard. As a result, the clairvoyant was equipped with a microphone that allows you to hear and record everything she says.

Nicole Kuznetsova - disease of Jap's wife

It is known that a lot of videos have got into the network that can prove that Nicole Kuznetsova is, and these videos have recordings of her voice confirming the presence of the disease. Indeed, she can only speak in a whisper. There is a scandalous recording of a conversation with a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in which it was about some criminal agreements and proposals.

On this recording, you can hear that the clairvoyant cannot speak louder than now during the filming of the Battle of Psychics. Some believe that the voice of Nicole Kuznetsova is an innate feature, and the pipe is just a way to attract attention to yourself.

Indeed, on the basis of several photographs of the clairvoyant on the network, in which there is still no tube in the throat, one can form such an opinion. But in these pictures, Nicole looks much younger. Most likely, they were made before the unsuccessful operation, which led to the consequences in the form of a tube in the throat. In addition, there are newer photographs that clearly show both the pipe and the scar on the neck.

The girl is not at all shy about her features and does not want to hide it. In the first issue of the “Battle of Psychics”, she demonstrated this when the presenter had suspicions that something might be hidden under the scarf that would help the clairvoyant to pass tests dishonestly.

Nicole Kuznetsova - what's with the throat now

It is known that a well-known clairvoyant and practitioner cannot breathe without a tube. The network says that once a month she is forced to undergo surgery in order to be able to breathe. It is unknown if this is true or not. Rumor has it that for medical reasons, she may be forced to leave the project ahead of time. It is impossible to rule out the possibility that Nicole will need another operation.

On the network there are assurances of people who showed a photo of Nicole to a specialist in the field of medicine. The doctor confirmed that participation in a TV show with such a tube is almost impossible. In his opinion, a serious illness is completely excluded, as well as the need to use a breathing apparatus.

There is a possibility that the pipe is a high-quality dummy that the psychic needs to attract attention and better match the image of the white magician. The latter often cannot cure themselves, but help others. Back in 2012, Nicole didn't have a tube in her neck, but her voice has always been the same as it is now. There is also a possibility that the pipe is indeed a dummy, and the voice is an innate feature. But the scar on the throat, visible in some photographs, partially excludes it.

In general, in the biography of Kuznetsova there are many inaccuracies and discrepancies, which, however, give her image a mystery and mystery. Only one thing is clear - only the clairvoyant herself and her relatives can know the truth.

The star of the last season of "Battle of psychics" Nicole Kuznetsova

former wife the late famous authority of Glory Jap. A fascinating biography of Nicole Kuznetsova is striking in its brightness.

They first learned about Nicole Kuznetsova in 1988 in the city of Moscow, since the late 2000s she has also been known in certain circles as Agata Matveeva. The real parents are not known to anyone, but Nicole-Agatha herself claims that she is the daughter of one of the crime bosses. However, it is known for sure that she was the wife of Slava Yaponchik, a thief in law who died of peritonitis. Now you know who Japanese wife.

The girl considers herself a "white witch" and claims that in childhood she experienced a clinical death, which later became the catalyst for the development of Nicole's psychic abilities. Nicole Kuznetsova says that when she was 15 years old, a mentor appeared in her biography who helped her develop her gift of clairvoyance.

Nicole Kuznetsova photo:

Nicole Kuznetsova and her biography are now of interest to many, because it has become a real find for the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics program. There are many doubts about whether Nicole was really the wife of Jap, why she speaks in a whisper and constantly wears a scarf. All these gossips are easily refuted, because this bright girl does not hide how she met and lived with Yaponchik and is now raising a 4-year-old son from the deceased. Nicole Kuznetsova met Yaponchik when she was still a girl, because the thief in law was a frequent visitor to the house of the girl's father, who, as she claims, was also a crime boss. Subsequently, Yaponchik became her future first husband.

Nicole's personal life is shrouded in secrets, like the girl herself. Many now believe that the current husband Nicole Kuznetsova- this is the host Alexander Sadokova, who covers sports news on Channel One. There are many photos confirming their connection, the press claims that it was in the second marriage that Nicole had a second son, Stepan, at the age of Yegor.

The clairvoyant also refutes rumors about why she speaks in a whisper. After all, there are reliable facts about the many surgeries undergone, after which doctors were forced to install a tracheotomy tube in the girl's throat with which she breathes. Unfortunately, because of this device in the trachea, the girl can only speak in a whisper. For the same reason, she constantly wears a variety of scarves and shawls around her neck. And for those who claim that all these are just a PR move, she silently shows her neck, which dispels all doubts.

Here she is the widow of the famous Yaponchik, Nicole Kuznetsova, she is Agata Matveeva, she is Nika Kuznetsova, she is Nina Matveeva. A bright personality, a charming girl, an impressive psychic and a mother of two wonderful boys.

Biography and photos of Nicole Kuznetsova, taken from his personal VK page.

Nicole Kuznetsova without a tube in her throat in the program on NTV emergency investigation Video.