A short course in history. Liberation of the death camp. The history of liberation from evaluation dependence

Four years ago we decided to leave our Egypt. Back then we had no idea what we were about to experience. And what result will it bring?

What helped us? This is my story.

I open the Bible. Exodus. The history of the liberation of the Israeli people. How often I read it and discussed it with my colleagues in class. How stupid they were -
these Israelis! How could they yearn for Egypt when the Lord Himself led them through the desert to a fertile, flourishing land? To their land?

Wait. Isn’t that what we do ourselves today?


What is Egypt? Why does he hold us so tightly in his arms?

What was life like for slaves? Why did they agree to return to their overseers?

What were the duties of a slave? Carry out all the orders of your master without question. Work and fulfill your responsibilities 100%.

The slaves were different. There were laborers. All the dirtiest work was done by them. The hardest work was done by them.

There were slaves as managers. There was more intellectual work here. The stories of Daniel and Joseph tell us that able and gifted slaves received a good place in life. They had the opportunity to advance their careers. Climb the corporate ladder.

Slaves were treated like objects. They weren't worth anything. While they were nobody. However, a good slave also had good price. And it was an investment.

The owners provided the slaves with housing, clothing and food. Slaves worked, they were fed, clothed and provided with a roof over their heads. Or a place where they could build a home for themselves. It was an honor to be the slave of a famous master, influential and respected in society.

Not long ago, the barracks where the slaves who built the pyramids lived were excavated. The best specialists of their time worked here. They were well fed. They brought water. They provided everything necessary.

Then something changed. The Bible says that Pharaoh decided to destroy the Israelites as a nation. All the boys were to be killed.

While Moses was growing up, and this was 40 years, the authorities were destroying the Jewish people. While Moses lived abroad (another 40 years), the authorities tried to curb the birth rate of God's people.

God came with Moses to Egypt and showed great wonders and signs. The Egyptian gods were amazed. Pharaoh and the Egyptians drove the Israelites out of their country.

And here it is - the long-awaited freedom. The people are rejoicing. For the first time, many of them woke up not from the warden's scream, but from the light of dawn. God was with them. A pillar of fire and a cloud constantly guarded them. No more whips. There are no more evil Egyptians. They can give birth to sons. Their line continues. The end of hard, exhausting, health-damaging work. Freedom!

However, there was a problem. Those who did not know how to take care of themselves, who did not want to take responsibility for their lives, began to cry. They grumbled. They wanted to go back. They almost killed Moses. For them there was nothing surprising about the Pillar. It was not their God, but the God of Moses.

This category of people yearned for cauldrons of meat. Because the humble food of manna did not suit them. They wanted security. There was desert all around. And we had to solve everyday problems ourselves. There was no longer an owner who thought about everything. You had to turn on your brain.

Now everyone was equal in their freedoms. And no one will think for you. No one will control you, your every step. You have a lot of opportunities. You can be a cattle rancher. Craftsman. When you come to the promised land, you will be a farmer. You are learning the laws of freedom that will make you part of a great people.

However, before our eyes there were jugs of spring water, cauldrons of meat, and delicious vegetable salads. A variety of tastes against the backdrop of desert water and monotonous manna.

Four years ago, my husband and I started thinking. Isn’t this similar to our time?

The husband left home at dawn to go to work. Arrived after dark. He didn't see how our little son grew up. Because my tired body desperately needed rest. The work was hard. Carpentry. Heaviness. Incredible noise. Trauma. Constant complex calculations, because elite, highly artistic products were made.

He did not have the right, as a worker, to spit on everything and lie down at home, regain strength when it was really necessary. He worked for two weeks to pay for housing, and for two weeks to pay for all our other expenses. If he got sick or injured, he had a choice: either not to eat, or not to have a roof over his head.

It was necessary to go and ask the boss for any reason. And he was thinking whether to give a day off or not.

After some thought, we decided to leave our personal Egypt.

We created our own workplace. We created our own income. We were looking for our own place to replace our rented one. We prayed to God about all this, recognizing only Him as our Master.

And the desert began here. We walked through our desert hand in hand with God.

Was there a murmur? To be honest, I often asked God questions: Why? Why?

It was scary.

At such moments, sometimes you felt like you were standing on the edge of a cliff. Going forward is empty. Abyss. And there is no turning back now.

Scary. Because there was no guaranteed salary. Because the amounts were received in small fractional parts. Because we had to get used to running our household in a completely different way. Because there was a four-year-old child in the house. Because the house consisted only of walls and a roof. Everything else needed to be done. And we already lived in it.

Was everything smooth? No. It was difficult. Very hard. When I was hungry and in the house +8 all winter.

At this time we needed to learn to think like free people think. There was no longer a boss. I had to turn on my brain and think. Search. Find. Apply.

God led us. He gave us our home. Our land. He gave us a source of income.

Now my husband works 2-3 days a week and has an income that exceeds his previous salary.

Now he is raising our son. The boy travels with his dad and learns his business. He sees how money is made. He learns to manage them. At the age of 4, he already knew how to use almost all of his husband’s basic household tools. He knew how to saw off a branch and hammer a nail.

Today everything is completely different. God blesses and lifts. He leads us out of our desert to still waters. We just had to endure it and not give up. We paid our price.

Today we have freedom of movement. Today, only we decide what is more important: staying at home or going for money. If on a certain day it is more important to set aside time for the family, the husband does not hesitate or regret setting aside that day.

Maybe we have rich relatives or we live in a super-rich country? No. My parents are ordinary pensioners who raised four children. Today, my younger sister is just finishing school. My husband’s parents are also ordinary hard workers who gave their lives and health to production.

Maybe we have super-education? Again, no. We don't have higher education.

Then how did we manage to do this?

Four years ago we had nothing. The husband started with the fact that someone threw a broken vacuum cleaner into the planting area. The motor turned out to be working. My husband took this motor and cut a knife out of an old shovel. The handle from the hoe became a handle. It turned out to be a braid. Electric. Which even mowed the bushes.

It was with this braid that our free life began. Services such as sharpening knives, repairing electrical outlets, and household appliances etc. Then they started advertising in the newspaper.

Maybe the husband is doing something that is completely unattainable for an ordinary person? Again NO. He does only the work that most men do at home.

We accepted firm decision Never in the world should we return to our Egypt. No matter how difficult it may be.

Freedom is never given for free. It must be endured, defended. We need to change. Change your thinking. And this is a serious breakdown. This is a bulldozer that tears down previous installations to the ground. And you need to rebuild everything again.

Why are there so few who really want freedom? Because the fear of losing Egypt’s guarantees lives in my soul. Freedom doesn't guarantee anything. And this is scary.

Fear is paralyzing. Fascinating. Makes you go back to where you so desperately don't want to be.

Is it worth going to freedom? I think it's worth it. I don’t regret at all that everything was exactly like that.

When I say that there is freedom, many are offended. Because they are accustomed to their slavery. It is very difficult and even scary for them to think about losing the shackles of guarantees. Imaginary guarantees.

For many it is easier to be martyrs, weeping slaves. Because it doesn't require special effort. Everyone knows how to cry. But changing something for the better is rare.

Where are you going? Where are you? What do you choose? Egypt, which does everything to make your family degenerate, to plow like a slave, bringing income and profit to its owners, or the Promised Land? A land that must be possessed, where one must study, where one must leave everything that one knew before and with clean slate write your life?

Slavery or Freedom?

Defeat or Success?

Guarantees or Freedom?

Only you can choose. And only you yourself will be responsible for your choice.

I know that not everyone agrees with the Bible. This is my personal opinion. And this is my personal choice. Everyone has the right to their own path. Each person has his own worldview. If our story helps someone get up and move towards their freedom, I will consider my mission accomplished.

January 27, 1945of the year Soviet troops entered concentration camp Auschwitz (Auschwitz) and released the prisoners. In 2005, the UN issued a resolution declaring January 27 International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

death camp

Auschwitz, or Auschwitz, is understood not as one Nazi concentration camp, but as a whole complex of death camps, which became one of the main symbols of the Holocaust. The Germans used the name “Auschwitz”, and it also became common practice around the world. The Polish name “Auschwitz” entered the Soviet lexicon, corresponding to the name of the city near which this death camp was located. Camp Auschwitz I was founded in 1940 on Polish territory taken by German troops in 1939; Auschwitz II and Auschwitz III were subsequently founded.

Inhuman conditions

At Auschwitz, prisoners were forced to survive in inhumane conditions, with grueling work schedules, meager food, unsanitary conditions and abuse. In the fall of 1941, tests were carried out here for the first time on poisoning people with Zyklon B, a poisonous gas based on hydrocyanic acid. When new prisoners entered the camp, they were briefly examined by doctors; three quarters of the prisoners were immediately sent to the gas chambers - usually these were old people, children, weak or sick people. The bodies of those killed were burned in special ovens. Also in the camp, experiments were actively carried out on living people, including under the leadership of the notorious doctor Joseph Mengele, nicknamed the Angel of Death. For comparison: camp service dogs were kept in a specially designated large area with a lawn; a veterinary hospital and a separate kitchen were built for them.

After release

The exact number of Auschwitz victims is difficult to determine; According to various estimates, it varies from 1.1 to 4 million people. Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, in the face of the advancing Red Army, gave the order to evacuate able-bodied prisoners to German territory and destroy ovens with gas chambers, as well as many other evidence, including documents and warehouses with the belongings of the dead. However, the camp guards did not have time to fully carry out the order. After Soviet troops entered Auschwitz, they freed about 7 thousand prisoners, despite the fact that in August 1944 there were about 130 thousand prisoners in the camp and it was the largest concentration camp of the Third Reich. After the liberation, part of the Auschwitz buildings were equipped as hospitals for former prisoners, and then were used as a prison by the NKVD of the USSR and the Ministry of Public Security of Poland. Subsequently, the Polish authorities created a museum on the territory of the camp, preserving the memory of the horrors of Nazism.



noun, With., used compare often

Morphology: (no) what? liberation, what? liberation, (see) what? liberation, how? liberation, about what? about release; pl. What? liberation, (no) what? exemptions, what? liberations, (see) what? liberation, how? exemptions, about what? about exemptions

1. Liberation of a person is his acquisition of personal freedom.

Release of hostages. | Release from captivity. | The good behavior of the prisoner allows us to hope for his early release. | Negotiations are underway to pay a ransom for the release of the television crew.

2. Liberation of some territory or people living on it is the expulsion of the enemy from the land he has captured and the deliverance of its inhabitants from enslavement.

Liberating the land from aggressors, the country from occupiers. | Liberation of Moscow. | Liberation of the fortress.

3. Liberation country, homeland, fatherland from tyranny, dictatorship, etc. - this is its deliverance from overly harsh rule, from political oppression.

4. Liberation a person or group of people from bondage, slavery, serfdom, etc. - this is their acquisition of personal and economic freedom.

Liberation of peasants from serfdom.

5. Liberation a person from any debt obligations is freeing him from the need to bear responsibility associated with the performance of civil, professional, etc. duties.

Exemption from tax, from contract obligations. | Exemption from criminal liability.

6. Committing liberation from any things, you throw them away, donate them or destroy them, removing them from your home.

Getting rid of old books and unnecessary clothes.

7. Liberation the mind, consciousness of a person is his acquisition of the ability to sensibly and adequately perceive the surrounding reality, his emancipation.

Freeing the mind from delusions. | Liberation from the inferiority complex. | Experience the joy of spiritual liberation.

8. Liberation a person from some official duties is his removal from their performance by a superior person.

Removal from the position held, post, from the duties of the director, from the management of the department; from working on an order.

9. Liberation someone from death, danger, suffering, etc. - this is delivering him from something that threatened his life or caused severe torment.

Relief from stress.

10. Liberation a person from some negative feelings - this is his finding peace of mind.

Liberation from fear, from sadness, anxiety, doubt, jealousy, from guilt.

11. Liberation is a medical document that gives a person the right not to work, not to attend classes, etc. for some reason good reason(usually for health reasons).

Get liberated. | Exemption from physical education and physical activity. | Liberation from the army.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



See what “liberation” is in other dictionaries:

    Liberation: Liberation is an illegal magazine published from July 1902 to October 1905. Liberation is the newspaper of the Communist Renaissance Party (Italy). Liberation is a film. Liberation in religion. Liberation of the village in Lipetsk... ... Wikipedia

    Deliverance, remission, salvation; exit, outcome. Overthrow Mongol yoke. Women's emancipation. . See dismissal... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. liberation ... Synonym dictionary

    LIBERATION, liberation, many. no, cf. 1. Action under Ch. release release. 2. Action under Ch. free yourself free yourself. “...The liberation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves.” Lenin. ❖ Liberation of the peasants (historical) name of the reform... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Dictionary of business terms

    - (discharge) Release of a person from a legal obligation binding him by agreement by fulfilling this obligation or by law. For example, paying off a debt frees you from debt; similarly judgment that the contract... Financial Dictionary

    liberation- LIBERATION, liberation, emancipation, book. emancipation LIBERATE/LIBERATE, release/release, liberate/liberate, let go/let go, unchain/unchain, liberate/liberate, book., nonsense. and owls... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    liberation- charge carrier; liberation The appearance of a conduction electron or a conduction hole as a result of excitation of a lattice defect... Polytechnic terminological explanatory dictionary

    Journal of Russian Liberals, 1902 05, Stuttgart Paris, 79 issues. Editor P. B. Struve. Prepared the creation of the Liberation Union... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    RELEASE, wake up, release; expected (yon, ena); owls Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “LIBERATION”, USSR, Mosfilm, 1968 1971, color, 477 min. War epic. Historical chronicle in five films (“Arc of Fire”, “Breakthrough”, “Direction of the Main Strike”, “Battle of Berlin”, “Last Assault”) about the events of the Great Patriotic War... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    liberation- Termination of resource use for its subsequent transfer to other programs. [Hypertext encyclopedic dictionary of computer science by E. Jakubaitis] Topics information Technology overall EN deallocation… Technical Translator's Guide

According to the chief coordinator of the process for the release of brothers in Iran, Alexander Neretin, the release of ministers from Iranian prison may look sudden, but it is more than 4 months of painstaking work, reports .

As we wrote, Iranian authorities have released three Christians from Azerbaijan who were arrested in June and accused of propaganda against the regime.

On October 29, they were released from prison on bail. On Sunday, November 6, Iranian authorities allowed Azerbaijani Christians to return to their homeland. The brothers hope that they will be acquitted of all charges brought against them.

Below are the words of Alexander, who, during a conversation with, told what these 4 months were like:

“We tried to use all the opportunities that we had, all the connections, ways and means in order to reach the Iranian government and prove that the brothers did not do anything illegal.

First of all, we found good lawyers and they did a great job Good work. We also collaborated with international human rights organizations. After the work of the lawyers, the two most serious charges were immediately dropped, namely a crime against security and against the state of Iran. They were eventually accused of creating a network of house churches. And, since they are foreigners, it was possible to release them on bail. We are now awaiting a trial, and we believe that the brothers will be acquitted, but even otherwise, they will be given a lenient punishment.”

According to Alexander Neretin, one of the main reasons why they decided
release the brothers on bail, because “you can wait 2-3 or even 4 years for trial in an Iranian prison.”

Let us recall that the church ministers were in Iran visiting fellow believers. It was during one of these meetings that they were arrested.

« Now they are home, joyful, because after 128 days of imprisonment they are finally home, their families are reunited,- says Alexander. — During these days, two of the brothers were in solitary confinement for about 70 days, and the third stayed in solitary confinement for 47 days».

According to the prisoners themselves, in the first weeks there were interrogations and very strong
pressure: “They said that they were not beaten,” continues Alexander Neretin. “And I think that was God’s protection over them.” However, there was very heavy psychological pressure, daily interrogations for a month, not knowing what would happen to them next. They were able to call home only two weeks after the arrest, and saw their relatives four months later. The brothers did not break down spiritually: they continued to pray and took fasts. They continued to hold on to the Lord, to believe, to stand, and, thank God, everything ended well.”

One of the prisoners, a minister of the Eldar Church, says that the arrest was a surprise for them: “When we went to Iran, we thought that if something suddenly went wrong, we would simply be deported back, but when the police burst into the service, we realized that everything: Iran is closed to us. When they handcuffed us in the car, we realized that we were going to jail. It’s not that we were afraid, but we were even ready for death.”

According to Eldar, when they returned home, until the moment the plane took off, tension was felt, because the Government could return them back to prison at any moment.

Alexander Neretin and everyone who was involved in this difficult process are confident that this is a miracle: “We understand that their release is a miracle, because this does not happen so often, and I believe that this is thanks to the prayers of thousands of believers in different churches and countries that supported us financially,” says Alexander. “From the very beginning, we had a word from the Lord from the book of Daniel “about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.”

And God gave us the word that just as these young men found themselves in the fiery furnace of testing and survived, so our three brothers will come out. Of course, we had our word, but believe me, in 4 months there were times when the situation looked like it was simply impossible. We felt despair coming over us that there was no chance, but God was faithful and His word was being fulfilled despite the circumstances. Step by step, the darkness dissipated and the corridor, which seemed to have no end, soon ended. Thank God, today it is already history. And what we are grateful for is the support of Christians, church pastors, leaders and all believers. For moral, spiritual and material help. And I think that the most important thing in this story is support. We have truly experienced that we are the Body of Christ. We did this together, through joint efforts."

Much has already been decided for a person. Someone is born in palaces and from childhood is provided with wealth and invested with power. Some are born into a family of musicians, from the cradle they move in bohemian circles and acquire musical literacy. And someone is born into a family of lazy people who drink alcohol, and all that he can bear that is good from his relatives is bad habits and bad inclinations. Can a person resist evil fate and radically change his life? Alexander's story will help answer this question.

Alexander was born into a family where alcohol was held in high esteem. Both grandfathers, father and uncle could not imagine their life without an abundance of alcohol. The boy grew up in such an environment. What was the norm for his relatives became ordinary and normal for him. In addition, Alexander was the only child in the family and grew up in permissiveness. Therefore, since childhood, he did not tolerate any restrictions and did almost whatever he pleased.

The boy grew up separately from his parents, there were problems with teachers, and difficulties in communicating with his friends arose. Sasha wanted to stand out somehow. But not everyone liked the methods he tried to achieve this. Then the guy tried to find himself in sports. However, at the age of 14, as a result of an accident, Sasha broke his arm. Due to illness there was a pause in classes. And Alexander and a group of his peers began drinking alcohol.

Quite quickly, alcohol became an integral part of life. young man. While the body was strong, the hangover did not suffer for a long time, and the mind was not very clouded, which preserved a certain sanity of thinking. So Sasha finished school well and went to continue his education in St. Petersburg.

Addiction is a disease that comes gradually. Inability to decide psychological problems makes you run away from yourself. A person begins by taking substances that seem harmless to him. In fact, it's just preparation for the next step down. If you drink alcohol, you are already in the drug risk zone.

Student life also encouraged frequent consumption of strong drinks. One day, Alexander’s friends suggested he try soft drugs. Sasha recalls that he was afraid of drugs, did not want to become a drug addict, but the state of alcoholic intoxication in which he was at that moment dulled the feeling of fear. How can you refuse? Who will they think I am? How will my friends treat me? What, I’m weak, but they’re not? And the student, embarrassed that, unlike others, he did not yet have this experience, demonstrated to his comrades his maturity... Gradually, drug use became part of the system. But the young man was not afraid. He was sure that he would quit any time he wanted.

Sasha realized the danger of what had happened only two weeks later, when the guys were unable to get the next dose of drugs. For the first time, he felt what withdrawal was like: you can’t sleep at night, vomiting, your liver hurts, you feel dizzy, you feel like your whole body is falling apart... The guy was even surprised. If the body reacts this way to weak drugs, then what can we expect from hard drugs? But the young man could no longer stop, although the desire to “quit” periodically crossed his mind. However, as long as there was money, plans to think about it seriously were always postponed until tomorrow.

Over time, Sasha's value of his own life decreased. The thirst to use was much stronger than the instinct of self-preservation. Several drug addicts were crammed into one tiny room, with the same syringes passing through their hands. Alexander knew almost for sure that some of them were HIV carriers. But that didn't matter anymore. Even in this situation, Sasha justified himself. Like, there are complete drug addicts, but I’m not like that, I’m just a slave to temporary circumstances...

Four years passed in a drug haze. There were islands of relative calm in them when the guy went home to visit his parents. In order not to injure his mother, he replaced strong drugs with less effective pills and alcohol. But he also could not last long on such a substitute; his body needed stronger chemistry.

After experiencing frequent withdrawal symptoms due to the difficulty of finding a dose on time, the young man finally realized the problem and began making his first attempts to get rid of his addiction. Sasha switched to alcohol, hoping to replace his craving for drugs. But there was no result - Alexander lost his temper again. And if at first Sasha denied his problem, then the realization came: “I can’t live without drugs, but I can’t quit it myself!” By that time his dose was already large. The young man felt how his body was weakening, how life was barely glimmering in his body... He could only hope for a miracle, and only this supported him.

Sasha began to pray. Once in his childhood, he remembered a couple of prayers that an unfamiliar grandmother wrote down for him on a piece of paper, who wanted to take part in the boy’s life. And now the young man began to pray these words every day. He turned to God asking for help, since he could no longer stop himself.

And the Lord answered - Sasha met with his former comrades, with whom he began the path of a drug addict. At that time, they had already completed 12-step treatment at one of the Christian centers and had not used for a year. Friends shared their experiences with Alexander. Sasha listened, and that’s all. But when he was caught stealing, he had to remember the advice of his friends. In order not to end up in prison, the guy was forced to go to a release program at one of the Christian centers. At that time, his goal was simply to spend some time in the center and then return to drugs. He was sure that no one would convince him otherwise, because alcohol and drugs gave him false confidence in his super-wisdom. "I know everything! What new things can other people reveal to me?” - thought Sasha. In the third week of his stay at the center, Alexander began to realize: who he was, how he lived...

To resolve long-standing psychological problems, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups use the 12 Step program. It includes a step-by-step description and discussion in a group of your past and present, mistakes and victories. This helps to get rid of those feelings that have long tormented and destroyed the addicted person.

After his stay at the center, he continued to attend groups. Sasha did not yet realize the complete victory, but was glad that he did not use it and did not break it. Addicts know how valuable this feeling is. He could sleep peacefully, eat, walk, live...

Alexander quit drugs, but did not completely abandon his previous image. The guy began to replace alcohol and drugs with chifir and energy drinks, and spent his nights in clubs...

"But High power pushed me to fight such a life. And I succumbed to her,” recalls Alexander. So he continued his 12 Step program and, with God's help, found freedom. If earlier he had a choice - to inject himself or get drunk, now the young man has learned a different life. Sasha saw where he should move, how to live... This was a great achievement for him - real inner freedom.

Once in his youth, succumbing to the illusion of freedom, he lost it. Drugs and alcohol took away his right to manage his own life, the right to be healthy...

People caught up in addiction need to understand that they are not alone. Addiction is not the end! Everything can still be improved. The unknown, incomprehensible, but loving God is nearby!

God can lead you to the desired freedom - the freedom to be truly happy!