Mantras for a device for a good job reviews. Powerful Mantras to Attract Good Luck, Money and Wealth

Mantras are most useful for workaholics who do not know how to fully relax, in addition, for such people, chanting mantras often becomes a habit after the first time, as it has a significant beneficial effect on the body.

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Job attraction mantra

We can say that mantras are "relatives" of spells and prayers, but there is still a difference (and a very significant one!) In some cases, some Higher forces “from outside” are called for help, in others, the sound vibrations themselves turn out to be in the role of a “magic wand” that changes reality. In particular, the mantra to attract work can bring the desired result closer and help achieve the cherished goal.

Looking for the right resonance

Different forces are responsible for success in certain areas of life, so mantras can differ significantly. Interestingly, their performance does not directly depend on the size. Some consist of just one short word, others resemble a rather voluminous poem. Since they are not translated from Sanskrit, each line should be memorized exactly. It is absolutely not necessary to comprehend the meaning of what is being said - this, perhaps, is the main difference from traditional conspiracies.

Sometimes you have to experiment to find an effective formula. A job mantra that works perfectly for one person may not work for another. But this can only be found out by experience, and not in one day. By repeating the “key phrase of success” in a strictly defined amount over several days, you can start a program of positive changes. However, it will take time for the results to show.

How long does the formula work for? Exists general principle: The longer the mantra for job search is recited, the longer its effect. For example, reciting the universal Gayatri mantra one hundred and eight times a month can make it easier to resolve career issues for the next six months.

Eliminate the cause of failure

How much did the question of looking for a job interest a person in principle? What prevents him from succeeding without special conspiracies and mantras? There are many reasons - and each has its own way out of the crisis.

  • Often an insurmountable obstacle appears on the path of career growth - fear of error, failure, loss. A person who is not confident in himself usually does not achieve too much. In this case, the mantra will help, which normalizes the emotional background, stabilizes the state of mind. In particular, the key Ja - Jaya - Sri - Nrisemha».
  • Sometimes difficulties with employment are a consequence of the insufficiency of the intellectual level. Applying for a certain position, you must meet the requirements that the employer puts forward. Therefore, it is necessary to “pull up” oneself, relying on rapid development, mastering the necessary skills. There are a lot of mantras with a similar effect.
  • The reason that the career "slips" is sometimes the machinations of ill-wishers. Accordingly, the harm caused should be somehow neutralized. There are quite a few mantras that help in this case. For starters, you can try the rather short phrase " Om - Namo - Bhagavate - Vasudevaya»

What is a mantra? Mantra is an ancient sacred formula that carries a powerful charge of positive energy. Each mantra is chanted 108 times unless otherwise indicated. Thanks to the connection to the sources of Divine grace, human life is harmonized, luck is activated, prosperity and well-being are manifested.


a. Sit quietly where no one will disturb you.
b. Take a deep breath, imagining that you are breathing light into yourself.
c. Say: "Let there be light!"
d. Say out loud clearly and confidently: “I am creating a new level of my well-being. I receive (specify the specific amount). With the words of the mantra, the strength of my intention grows. Powerful energy fills me. The powerful energy grants my desires.”
Read the mantra - the one you read in given time. The intention can be anything, here is an example.
e. Say: “Done! Done! Done!"
f. Thank you next Higher power, for the fact that material goods go into your hands

Ritual to attract wealth
Previously, mantras and rituals that caused material wealth were kept in deep secrecy and were transmitted only to the initiates and the elect. With the onset of the Age of Aquarius (according to most experts, it came on the night of March 21-22, 2003), the Higher Powers gave permission for the nationwide dissemination of some layers of ancient knowledge that had previously been kept in deep secrecy. Now received the blessing of Buddhist teachers to spread the mantra and ritual. The more wealthy people there are in the country, the richer the country itself will be.

Mantra for the Moon Goddess.
Through the Moon all female energies of all Goddesses of all religions of the world are manifested. Only two material energies are possible in our physical layer. The energy of the Mother of the Worlds (it is favorable, some idea of ​​it is given by such concepts as many flowers, a bountiful harvest, a happy family, healthy children, prosperity, luck) and demonic energy (poverty, illness, ruin, aging, shortcomings). The presence of failures is due to the presence of demonic energy in the human body and in the things surrounding it. The state of things can be changed only by expelling demonic energy and attracting maternal energy. To do this, you need to choose the time of the full moon and go outside. Feet should rest on the ground, arms extended with palms towards the moon. We say the mantra AUM SHRI GAYA ADI CHANDRA AYA NAMAH for 12 minutes. By the end of 12 minutes, the body will buzz like a swarm of bees. So repeat 12 full moons. On the thirteenth, a stream of money will fall upon you. In all cases, luck will go. The body will heal. But 12 full moons are hard to endure. There will be nightmares, and unusual phenomena and unwillingness to perform the ritual. These unfavorable forces do not want to be expelled. But if you reach the end - everything works out. In principle, a steady increase in wealth begins after the third full moon.

Mantra to the Deity of Jupiter.
The Gods of Heaven act through Jupiter. They are responsible for the growth of wealth and friendship with the mighty of the world this. To attract these energies of Jupiter, Thursday, the time of sunrise, is chosen. Meditating on the deep blue color mantra DZAYAN DZAYACHI KOCH KOHEN TO. So every week on Thursday for four months. Then once a month until the desired level is reached. If the material result is needed faster, then any of these mantras are recited to oneself many, many times, until the subconscious mind remembers them and begins to constantly reproduce them automatically. Then the result can come in a matter of days. The mantra begins to be read during the days and nights of Jupiter.
For reference. Magic Day - the time from sunrise to sunset. Magic night - the time from sunset to sunrise. Magic Day of the Moon - Monday, Jupiter - Thursday. Magic Night of the Moon - from Thursday to Friday, Jupiter - from Sunday to Monday.
Jupiter and the Moon are also well combined with Venus, her day is Friday, night - from Monday to Tuesday.

a mantra that helps to escape obstacles in all matters
OM SRI RAMA JAYA RAMA JAYA JAYA RAMA is repeated 108 times, starting on the waning moon, clearly formulate the intention, for example: All obstacles in business are transformed into good luck!

There is a very powerful mantra for improving health.
OM TRYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHE SUGANDHIM PUSHI VARDHANAM URVARUKAMIVA BANDHANAN MRITYOR MUKSHIA MAMRITAT One of the main mantras of Supreme Happiness. Gives health, protects from diseases and accidents. Brings a joyful mood, happiness, love, improves relationships. Helps to find a life partner. It is also useful to repeat it for healing and on your birthday. If you need to get rid of the disease, then it is better to start the mantra on the waning moon. And if you just improve your health, then on the increase.

Second mantra. OM BHAIKANADZE BHAIKANADZE MAHA BHAIKANADZE RATNA SAMU GATE SVAHA. When you take medicines, they help revitalize the medicines, enhance the effect of the medicines. The mantra of health, it is very useful to imagine how the disease resolves when you chant this mantra.
Third. mantra. CHUNE-DO ALMA RUNG-NINT Tibetan mantra for health

AUM JAYA JAYA SRI SHIVAYA SVAHA This mantra helps to find tenderness, love, communication with guardian angels. As you meditate and read it, think of your deepest desire and imagine that a golden thread connects you to heaven. In return, you will receive joy, good luck, divine intuition and fulfillment of desire. You can pronounce it to pleasant, melodic music.

Mantras for fear.
1. JAYA JAYA SHRI NRISIMHA Mantra helps to get rid of fear. 2. NIRBHAO NIRVER AKOL MORT Mantra helps to gain strength to fight fear. It is better to start working with mantras on a waning moon. Read mantras 108 times. You can start both at once - one in the morning, the other in the evening, or you can start the first one, a month later the other. What is best for you, no one can tell except you.
Warning: While working with mantras, depression may appear, since fear is the cause of depression. This is a sure sign that the mantras are working. At this moment, one should not stop reading mantras, as the situation can be aggravated, but depression can be alleviated with violet fire. Violet fire will gently cleanse your aura and alleviate the condition, you can immediately start working with fire and not take it to extremes. To work with violet fire. The Great Spell is the clarification of Karma with the Name, Power and Presence, Love, Mercy and Participation, Purity of the Heart of the Great Archangel, We Conjure You, Spatial Fire, Carrying the Strength and Power of Freedom and Transmutation, Purify, Clarify and Transform (3 times) All negative information in our Causal bodies, in the Causal Bodies of our relatives and friends and all members of our Individual Family, Generic and Karmic Trees , in the Causal Bodies of the Demiurges of Nations and the Causal Body of the Planet. We ask! We Call! We Order! In the Name and Name of Christ and Our I Am Presences, In the Name of the Evolution of the CREATOR, Harmony and Beauty of the Universe Transmute and Transform (3 times) Darkness - into Light, despondency - into Joy, Hatred - into Love, death - into Life! We Call Life (3x)! We Call on the Light (3 times)! We Call Fire (3 times)! All-encompassing, All-Penetrating, Transmuting Violet Fire! And here we stand in the Stream of the Perfect Flame, the Light of our Chalices merges with the Fire of Transfiguration! O Beloved Lord Saint Germain! Oh Beloved Archangel Zadkiel! O Beloved Elohim Arcturus! O Beloved Omritas, Ruler of the Violet Planet! O Beloved Prince Oromasis, Lord of the Element of Fire! Great Divine Flame of Eternal Life, Blaze in our Chalices! With All Essence Forces We Absorb Violet Fire! We are Expanding this Blessed Flame! We project Him: - on our beloved relatives in the flesh, because we are connected with them karmically; - to all the Humanity of the Earth, for the Children of the One GOD; - to the beloved Earth, in order to clarify all the negative, created out of ignorance and consciously throughout the evolution of the Planet in all Its worlds and spheres! Strengthen the Light of our Chalices and the Transmuting Flame in response to the Call addressed to You - 100 times! Amplify the Light of our Chalices and the Transmuting Flame in response to the Call addressed to You - 1000 times! Amplify the Light of our Chalices and the Transmuting Flame in response to the Call addressed to You - 10,000 times! We are the Violet Fire of Freedom and Transmutation! We are the Pure Light that transforms the worlds! We AM Love, Creative Life! Amen! OUM - RAM!

There are several mantras for opening a new business.
1. Mantras dedicated to Ganesha - the patron of business, the god of wealth, who removes obstacles from the path of those who strive for success.
OM GAM GANAPATAYE SARVE VIGHNA RAYE SARVAYE SARVE GURAVE LAMBA DARAYA Hrim Gam NAMAH It is considered the mantra of Great Wealth. One of the most powerful mantras for attracting and gaining wealth.
2. OM GAM GANAPATHAYE NAMAHA This is the main mantra dedicated to Ganesha. She bestows purity of intention, good luck in business and removes obstacles from the path.
3. OM Hrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Lakshmi MAM GRAHE PURAYE PURAYE CHINTA DURAYE DURAYE SVAHA Mantra for social success. This is the only mantra that can be repeated for only two days. To achieve success in business projects, you need to work with her once a month.

Mantra works very well to sell an apartment
OM SRI RAMA JAYA RAMA JAYA RAMA just start on the waning moon, the intention is better to choose this: All obstacles to selling an apartment are transformed into luck! Thank you You can still fumigate the apartment with incense on the waning moon for 9 days, I have the same intention

Ritual to attract the ideal partner.
Before that, do meditation and a one-day fast. In a darkened room, say in a whisper 4 times the mantra TO-DO-SI, RO AN-VAT, MONO-RAN. It doesn't work instantly. It is necessary to repeat the procedure within a month. And it should start with full moon. Before reading the mantra, it is recommended to say the intention 9 times: I THANK THE LIGHT FORCES OF THE UNIVERSE FOR MEET MY IDEAL PARTNER

Mantra for enjoying love, tender and trusting relationships OM SHRI KRISHNAYA GOVINDAYA GOPIJANA VA LABHAYA NAMAH

Mantra for boosting self-confidence and charm

Another mantra for a successful business start-up:
To gain good luck in all undertakings OM NAMO DHANADAYE I AM EMITTING LIGHT!

Prosperity and success mantras are one of the most popular spells in Hinduism. They are often used before starting a new business, as well as in the morning, so that luck would accompany a person throughout the day. There are many mantras that attract good luck and remove obstacles.

In the article:

Mantras for good luck and success

Among the Buddhist mantras of success, there are several that are still actively practiced by local residents. This is a prayer to attract success, as well as spells that can bring peace and a sense of happiness and good luck. The last texts are called mantras of harmony.

Among the Hindu prayers that help to gain well-being, prayers stand out in particular. The famous elephant-headed god symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

Ganesha, or Ganapati (Skt. गणेश; Gaṇeśa IAST) - in Hinduism, the god of wisdom and prosperity. One of the most famous and revered throughout the world gods of the Hindu pantheon.


The Vedas also contain a special morning mantra, which sets up the body and consciousness in a positive way for the whole coming day. It refers to the Sun as the source of life, light and prosperity.


For those who strive for happiness and success, it is advised to use the well-known. This appeal will help convey your desire to the very krishna.

Hare Krishna (Skt. हरे कृष्ण, Hare Kṛṣṇa IAST) is a Hindu mantra in Sanskrit, which is also called the “mahamantra” (“great mantra”). It consists of 16 words that are the names of God in Sanskrit: Hare, Krishna and Rama. Since the 1960s, it has become widely known outside of India thanks to the preaching of the Krishna guru Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the followers of the religious organization he founded, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.



To receive a blessing before doing an important deed or a significant event, read the following text:


Mantras for success at work

Interestingly, Indians turn to the Universe not just for abstract happiness and success, but also with very specific requests for promotions at work and professional growth.

The Vedas mention prayers that are great help in matters related to work, such as the mantra of Jupiter:


If you are just looking for a job or decide to change the old one, then in this case the following spell is advised:

Om namaha kali kankali mahakali mukha sundara jaya biali chara vira bhairava chaurasi vira to pujam mama he mithai aba bolo kali ki duhai

Some texts are read on the eve of important events at work, for example:


To consolidate the result already achieved, the following mantric words are sung:


Mantras for Success and Prosperity

Here, first of all, it is worth mentioning Lakshmi, the goddess of fertility,

Lakshmi (Skt. लक्ष्मी, lakṣmī IAST) is the goddess of abundance, prosperity, wealth, good luck and happiness. She is the embodiment of grace, beauty and charm. It is believed that its adherents will be protected from all kinds of misfortune and poverty. Lakshmi is the eldest wife of Vishnu, married to Rama (in the incarnation of Sita) and Krishna (as Radha, and later Rukmini).


In one of the most famous appeals to Lakshmi, people ask her blessings and good luck.

But there are also a number of Indian prayers in which the appeal is not to a specific deity, but to the Universe.

For example, the following mantric words attract money and prosperity to the house:


Another spell looks like this:


And if you are already rich and want to securely protect your savings with the help of mantras? In this case, the following text is suitable, which will not only provide reliable protection, but also help to increase what has already been accumulated:

OM Namo Bhagavate Glaum Mach Ganapatai Raran Jaytaya Om Khim Khima Sarva Sarva Samra Kshakaia Sarva Lakshmi Pradaia Sarva Loka Krom Krom Krom A Am Am ​​Am ​​Am ​​Am ​​Am ​​Am ​​Am ​​Ama Klim Saka Dalama Dalaya Vasha Saka Saku Shadi Kuri Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Rame Zre Krym Khum Ksham Sakala Bhuta Pischach Brahma Rakshasa Yakshini Mojini Shulini Chati Shagi Yoga Nyadi Lave Tala Graich Dryha Dhhr San Kurr Kurrom Phrom Saka Saka Bhaim Tham Shatm Saya Dhima Glaum Glaum Glam SAKA LAVI GHNA NIDHVAM SAYA NIDHVAM SAYA SAUM SHREEM MAMA MANO RADHAM SADHAH YASAD HAYA OM SHRIM HRIM KLIM SCHRI MAHA GANAPATHAYE HUM PHAT SVAHA

When choosing one or another mantra, it is important to clearly articulate your desires. You can imagine yourself while singing, visualizing yourself and your feelings, which, in your opinion, you will experience being lucky and prosperous. Don't forget about simple rules practices:

  • singing alone in a calm atmosphere: you should not be disturbed by extraneous sounds;
  • a comfortable position during practice: for successful and effective singing, it is important that you sit comfortably and be warm;
  • correct pronunciation of all sounds: since the sound of each syllable carries its own vibration, it is very important to pronounce them correctly;
  • for one practice, one mantra is sung: you should not type a list of prayers for each of your desires and sing everything, for example, ten pieces at a time;
  • while singing, you must be here and now: this rule implies constant control of consciousness and incoming thoughts.

Follow all the necessary conditions, believe in a positive effect, and you will definitely get it.

Every person at least once in his life asked himself the question: What is a mantra? And how can she help you achieve what you want?

A mantra is a combination of words that has a magical meaning. Possessing strong energy, it helps to achieve what you want.

Every person in our urban world needs a job, and the key to a successful job search and success in it can be the attraction of a mantra.

In order for a person to be able to provide himself with all the benefits, he must work hard. It is very important that the place of work where we spend most of our lives brings us joy, not stress and negativity. There are many varieties of conspiracies, there are also special mantras for work, with which you can get:

  • assistance in finding employment;
  • achieve some degree of success at work.

It will not only set you up for right thoughts, but it will also help to realize your plans and simply cleanse the aura of negative emotions.

Of course, it is foolish to think that after you say it, all employers around the world will start offering you a job. Or if you used a success spell at work, then you will be admired for the task you completed. For example, representatives of Eastern civilizations could pronounce monotonous texts for hours on their knees to fulfill their desire. It takes days to read a conspiracy in order to attract work and success, and a person who believes in its essence will open even the most secret door in his life.

While chanting the mantra, one should be in a state of complete calmness. Perception and attention to the text, which is pronounced inward. It is better not to lose that moment of calm, otherwise the conspiracy will stop working. The text is spoken in a quiet voice or whisper. But know it most effectively when it is read aloud or even hummed. After you say it a few times, it will settle into your mind.

In order to concentrate your attention on the words and not get lost in the count, it is better to have a rosary with you, on which the number of beads will be equal to the number of pronunciation of the sacred mantra. A combination of sounds will help to reveal internal resources, while parts of the brain work with the greatest activity.

There are different ways to achieve success with the help of mantras. Below are the most famous prayers for their effect, which will help you find the path to spiritual perfection and achieve success.

"Om Pram Prim Prum Sah Shanaya Nama" - to achieve maximum effect and get financial well-being. This prayer must be read one hundred and eight times.

“Om Hrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Lakshmi Mam Grahe Puraye Raruye Chinta Duraye Duraye Swaha” - this mantra can be used only twice a month, with the help of this prayer you can achieve business success and cope with complex projects.

"Om Hrim Kshim Shrim Shri Lakshmi Nrisinhaye Nama" - will help in any endeavors. For achievement best effect should be used every day with the addition of listening to themed recordings.

"Mangalam Dishtu Me Maheshwari" - a powerful prayer that teaches love for the whole world around us, gives happiness and joy.

"Om Shri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama" - helps to survive any life difficulties, gives peace of mind.

"Shrim Hrim Krishnaya Govindaya Svaha" - will help in any undertakings and also save you from the chopping block of karma.

"Om Namo Narayanaya" will change your life and show you the right path. Protects from evil.

"Om Namo Shivaya" - the prayer is set to clear your karma and eliminate a person from negative impacts who will meet on his way.

"Ja Jaya Sri Nrisemha" - relieves fears of indecision and gives peace of mind.

"Om Shri Maha Ganapate Nama" - destroys all obstacles that will meet on your way. It will help develop your intellect and mental abilities. It will bring success in material and spiritual activities and self-realization.

And finally, I would like to say that the word and its sound power is everything that unites prayers, conspiracies, slander. After all, a certain construction of words creates an ideal pronunciation of sounds that disappear in the Universe and listen to each of them.

Mantras for good luck are able to attract into a person’s life not only material wealth, but also good luck in all matters. Mantra is the magic of syllables, words or verses that affect the human mind, helping him to follow the path of self-knowledge and self-improvement. Listening, repeating and meditating on mantras is very useful not only for spiritual development.

If you keep practicing recitation of mantras can be cured of various diseases and ailments. You can attract the love of that person without whom you cannot imagine life. It is also possible to gain wealth and good luck, joy, happiness and harmony with your destiny. Mantra will help you in any life situation, will lead you to the desired solution, save you from evil.

It should be remembered that historically they first began to be practiced in India, so they are pronounced in Sanskrit. Mantra is essentially an ancient sacred formula. It charges both the body and the spirit in it with sacred energy through sound vibrations. Each sound of the mantra has a supernatural power, remember this and take them seriously.

The word "mantra" consists of two words from one of the oldest languages ​​- Sanskrit - "manas" (compare with English "mind"). That is, "thought", and "trai", which means "protect" or "save". Thus, the mantra is the salvation of the mind through its purification and concentration.

Mantras for good luck must be read constantly - at least 108 times. Usually, mantras are read for an odd number of days - 11 or 21. But there are also those that need to be read for two days or every day. This is necessary so that the vibrations that the mantra fills your body bring you into a state of complete harmony, peace and tranquility. It is in this state that a person achieves what he desires and sounds in unison with the Universal channels of abundance.

What are the mantras

Mantras were received by people long before you were born and have remained unchanged for many centuries and millennia. So do not take the liberty of changing something in them, adding from yourself and experimenting.

Traditionally, mantras are divided into three types:

  • Solar, otherwise they are called male
  • Lunar (another name is female)
  • Neutral (i.e. neuter mantras).

Remember that the endings "phat", "um" are the endings of male mantras. "Svaha", "tham" - the endings of female mantras. "Pamah", "namah" - the endings of neutral mantras.

Mantra repetition

Mantras for good luck must be repeated so that the number of repetitions can be divided by three. That is, three, six, nine, and so on up to one hundred and eight times. It is best, of course, to score 108 repetitions in a day - then the likelihood that you will achieve the desired result will be the highest.

The fact is that 108 repetitions were not chosen by chance. The number 108 is a sacred number.

  • The unit symbolizes the Divine,
  • Zero is the perfection of what the Divine Beginning has created
  • Eight is a symbol of the Infinity of Being.

You should not read the mantra and count which one you have today in the account. Buy yourself a rosary or make your own - it's not that difficult. One hundred and eight beads and a strong thread with a needle - that's all you need to create a rosary. The rosary not only helps to count how many mantras you have already read this time. They increase concentration, and while reading the mantras, they are energized and serve as a talisman all day long.

You should not focus on many mantras, just choose one or two that best suits your current needs. Choose something interconnected - health and peace, love and happiness, wealth and career. Then the mantras will complement and enhance each other's action.

How to read mantras

First of all, for this you must have a quiet and secluded place where you will be alone with yourself. Be sure to light incense or a scented candle
Close your eyes, focus, imagine that you are sitting in a column of bright light that penetrates you. You breathe it into yourself and feed on its energy.
Breathe this light for a while, reaching the desired concentration. Then tell the Universe about your problem or just about the current situation, about what you want to improve in it.

There are many ways to say mantras. You can say them alone or in groups, sitting, standing or lying down, in the house or in nature. Each practitioner of mantra reading finds the way that suits him best on his own. Just listen to yourself and you will understand everything.

Mantras are also not limited in time, despite the fact that different practitioners give different recommendations. Mantras can be read in the morning or on the growing moon, and so on. Recite the mantras whenever it suits you, even while washing the dishes. Listen to them while driving to and from work, or any other time that suits you.
The sounds of mantras perfectly cleanse the space of the house and office, infect the surrounding objects with light, creative energy.

A little advice! If one of your acquaintances is still fond of mantras, then it is best to conduct a session of joint reading of mantras. This practice will help you achieve your goals faster.

Mantras for good luck and success

In addition to understanding our essence, achieving harmony and inner balance, mantras help us achieve other life goals. For example, there are mantras that attract success and prosperity into our lives.
Below we give a series of mantras that are aimed at bringing wealth into your life. You can read them both separately and together:


Mantra to Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of blessings, abundance, prosperity, wealth, good luck and happiness. She is the embodiment of grace, beauty and charm. It is believed that its adherents will be protected from all kinds of misfortune and poverty. She always listens to those who ask her to improve her material well-being, success in work and career.
Below is one of the invocations to this generous goddess:


You can listen to Goddess Lakshmi mantra for good luck and money in this video:

Mantras for business success

These mantras for good luck and success need to be repeated only 2 days, 108 times. Thus, they will ensure you success and good luck in your affairs. If you want to have constant success, then read these mantras every month for 2 days:


Here is an example of another mantra for good luck and success:


Mantra for business

This mantra contributes not only to achieving success and good luck in business, but also helps to prosper and improve your business.


Repeat this mantra up to 108 times a day. Only then will you be provided with not only inner peace, but also success in any business:


Wealth Mantra

One who practices this mantra will surely gain wealth:


prosperity mantra

This mantra was created for those who want to increase what they have. It will help you find new opportunities and find your way to prosperity and material well-being:


Mantra of development and self-knowledge

If you are looking not only for money and prosperity, but also spiritual riches, then you are on the right track. Everything in a person should be in harmony. The truly rich is not the one who has more money, but the one who does not know the need and has a vast inner world.

Earthly wealth is nothing compared to spiritual poverty. No amount of luck and luck will help you become happier if you cannot even appreciate what you have. This mantra will give the reader joy of the soul, harmony with the world and success in everything. For best results, it is recommended to read or listen to this mantra 108 times daily from mid-April to mid-November:


mantra names of god

This mantra is a listing of the names of the ancient Indian gods, who, as the ancients believed, bring wealth to a person. The names of these deities are repeated in the mantra, and it promises fabulous wealth to the one who repeats it. In order to read it correctly, try to make the room mostly dominated by green color. To do this, buy incense from a mixture of oils that attract wealth and good luck. Tune in to the fact that your words will be sure to be heard, and begin the ritual:


Mantra for the soul

To read the next mantra, you need to dedicate a day to fasting and positive thoughts. Try to think about the good deeds that you will definitely do when you have wealth. When the day of fasting passes and the night of the full moon comes, you need to read this mantra, raising your hands above your head. Then repeat it once a week for 3 months:


Mantra amulet

In order for your success to be complete, and troubles to avoid, you need to know and practice protective mantras.

For example, this mantra amulet will help ensure that no one and nothing will harm your property:


Advice for those who are just starting to practice mantra recitation:

Be sure to find recordings of those mantras that you are going to read yourself, at first you can just listen to them - listening will replace reading at first. Pronunciation, melodies - all this you must remember in order to later reproduce the mantras yourself.

Universal mantra

There are also mantras for all occasions, that is, universal ones. They cleanse from diseases and prevent misfortune. They give harmony, love, self-confidence, success and prosperity. Here is one of those wonderful mantras:


Remember! When you recite mantras for good luck, you must be calm and focused! You should be filled with the light energy of creation, and then everything will work out for you! Happiness and prosperity to you!