Presentation of the first man in space. Presentation "The first manned flight into space. Exit to open space

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and dreamed of flying like birds. Some daredevils tied homemade wings and jumped from bell towers or rocks, others invented Balloons, and finally, airplanes and airplanes.

But it was only in the 20th century that it was possible to fly to the stars, into airless space, overcoming the gravity of the earth. And it happened in Russia (then the country was called the USSR - the Soviet Union).

There is no clear boundary between the Earth and space, and the International Aviation Federation has adopted a boundary height of 100 km from the Earth's surface.

Only 100 km up and you are in space, but…

In order for the aircraft to take off from the Earth, it must be accelerated to the first cosmic speed - 7.9 km per second. Nobody in the world could do it. And October 4, 1957. Russian scientists led by General Designer Sergei Korolev

launched into orbit (into space) the first artificial Earth satellite PS-1. The launch date is considered the beginning of the space age of mankind, and in Russia it is celebrated as a memorable day for the Space Forces.

In addition to Gagarin, there were also contenders for the first flight into space; there were twenty of them in all. Candidates were recruited precisely among fighter pilots by the decision of Korolev, who believed that such pilots already had experience of overloads, stressful situations and pressure drops. Six out of twenty applicants were selected

Detachment of cosmonauts: Yu.A. Gagarin, G.S. Titov, A.G. Nikolaev, P.R. Popovich, V.F. Bykovsky, V.V. Tereshkova, K.P. Feoktistov, V.M. Komarov, B.B. Egorov. Star City, 1963

The one who will fly into space was determined at the last moment, they were Yuri Gagarin and his understudy German Titov (after 4 months he became cosmonaut No. 2).

It was on April 12, 1961 that a man made the first flight into space in history. This flight was performed by Yuri Gagarin. It became possible only thanks to the selfless work of Soviet scientists and engineers.

On April 12, 1961, an event took place that will remain in the memory of all subsequent generations of people.

This flight was performed by Yuri Gagarin. It became possible only thanks to the selfless work of Soviet scientists and engineers. Yuri Gagarin's flight into space was made on the Vostok spacecraft, whose weight was 4730 kg. Vostok was launched into space using a three-stage launch vehicle.

The maximum distance of the ship's orbit from the Earth's surface was 327 km.

Vostok-1 descent module

Vostok-1 became the first spacecraft of the Vostok program aimed at manned flights.

The question is often asked about how long Gagarin's flight lasted. It did not last long at all - only 108 minutes. However, the air and food supplies on board the Vostok would allow spending 10 days in space. During this flight, some of the most important tasks were resolved:

  • testing of all ship systems;
  • study of the impact of weightlessness on the human body;
  • study of the impact of flight on the psychological and physiological state of a person.

Before the flight

The only stage of the flight that went as planned was the ejection of the cosmonaut and his subsequent successful landing at a short distance from the spacecraft.

During the flight, many difficult situations arose. There was a failure on the communication line, the tightness sensor did not work, for a long time there was no

the aggregate compartment was separated, the suit jammed.

When Vostok-1 went into orbit, Gagarin said: “I see the horizon, the horizon of the Earth is floating up. But there are no stars in the sky. earth surface, earth's surface seen through the porthole. The sky is black, and along the edge of the Earth, along the edge of the horizon, there is such a beautiful blue halo, which is darker away from the Earth.

What the first cosmonaut saw when he went into orbit is evidenced by the full transcript of his conversations with the Earth.

Due to a failure in the braking system, the descent vehicle with Gagarin landed not in the planned area 110 km from Stalingrad, but in Saratov region near the village of Smelovka. The astronaut was wearing a bright orange spacesuit to make it easier to detect, because the fields were still covered with melted April snow.

The first people who met the astronaut after the flight were the forester's wife Anna Akimovna Takhtarova and her six-year-old granddaughter Rita. Soon the military from the division and local collective farmers arrived at the scene. One group of military men guarded the descent vehicle, while the other group took Gagarin to the location of the unit.

From there, Gagarin reported by phone to the commander of the air defense division: “Please tell the Air Force Commander-in-Chief: I completed the task, landed in a given area, I feel good, there are no bruises or breakdowns. Gagarin.

The first cosmonaut of the planet was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, and the day of his flight became a national holiday - Cosmonautics Day, starting on April 12, 1962.

108 minutes of flight forever changed the life of Yuri Gagarin. The pilot of a fighter aviation regiment overnight became one of the most famous and beloved people in the world. With the mission of peace and friendship, he visited many countries of the world.

Note by Y. Gagarin, written to all of us

Internet resources

  • Astronaut -
  • man with wings
  • starry sky -
  • photo
  • flight information
  • photo by G.A. Titov
  • photo Vostok 1
  • flight pattern
  • photo Gpgarin Yu.A.

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Yuri Gagarin, the first person to conquer outer space, became a symbol of human power. He proved that any person, with proper training, can see the Earth from space.

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On April 12, 1961, a launch vehicle was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (USSR), which launched the world's first manned spacecraft, Vostok, into low Earth orbit. The spacecraft was piloted by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

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The flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. Having made a revolution around the Earth, the ship went to land. At an altitude of several kilometers above the Earth's surface, the cosmonaut ejected and landed on a parachute near the descent vehicle on the territory of the Saratov region.

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For the perfect flight, Yuri Gagarin was awarded the highest state award of the USSR - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and many other awards. He became an honorary citizen of 16 cities in different countries ah world.

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Yuri Alekseevich died during a training flight on an airplane. Educational institutions, streets and squares of many cities of the world, etc. bear the name of Gagarin. A crater on reverse side Moon.

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Thus began the era of manned astronautics on Earth. By the beginning of the 21st century, there were already more than 400 astronauts from different countries on the planet. Now we can say that this profession is no longer rare. There are people who have made five or six flights into space; cosmonauts and astronauts work at orbital space stations for several months.

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Commercial flights of space tourists have already begun, long-term expeditions to Mars and other bodies are just around the corner solar system. But for all current and future space explorers, this path was paved by the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

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Space vehicles.

Soyuz launch vehicle, which puts spacecraft into orbit. Spacecraft "Soyuz-19". Soyuz spacecraft are used for delivery to the International space station crews.

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The first Chinese manned spacecraft "Shenzhou-5" Launch of the shuttle "Discovery". In order for a spacecraft to overcome the force of gravity and rise into the air, huge energy is needed, which is obtained by burning fuel. Therefore, at the start, a column of flame escapes from the rocket nozzle, and everything around is hidden by a smoke screen. Docking spacecraft "Soyuz-19" and "Apollo".

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First flight to space.

Since ancient times, people have looked into the sky and dreamed of flying like birds. Some daredevils tied makeshift wings and jumped from bell towers or rocks, others invented hot air balloons, and finally airplanes and airplanes.

But it was only in the 20th century that it was possible to fly to the stars, into airless space, overcoming the gravity of the earth. And it happened in Russia (then the country was called the USSR - the Soviet Union).

There is no clear boundary between the Earth and space, and the International Aviation Federation has adopted a boundary height of 100 km from the Earth's surface.

Only 100 km up and you are in space, but…

In order for the aircraft to take off from the Earth, it must be accelerated to the first cosmic speed - 7.9 km per second. Nobody in the world could do it. And October 4, 1957. Russian scientists led by General Designer Sergei Korolev

launched into orbit (into space) the first artificial Earth satellite PS-1. The launch date is considered the beginning of the space age of mankind, and in Russia it is celebrated as a memorable day for the Space Forces.

In addition to Gagarin, there were also contenders for the first flight into space; there were twenty of them in all. Candidates were recruited precisely among fighter pilots by the decision of Korolev, who believed that such pilots already had experience of overloads, stressful situations and pressure drops. Six out of twenty applicants were selected

Detachment of cosmonauts: Yu.A. Gagarin, G.S. Titov, A.G. Nikolaev, P.R. Popovich, V.F. Bykovsky, V.V. Tereshkova, K.P. Feoktistov, V.M. Komarov, B.B. Egorov. Star City, 1963

The one who will fly into space was determined at the last moment, they were Yuri Gagarin and his understudy German Titov (after 4 months he became cosmonaut No. 2).

It was on April 12, 1961 that a man made the first flight into space in history. This flight was performed by Yuri Gagarin. It became possible only thanks to the selfless work of Soviet scientists and engineers.

On April 12, 1961, an event took place that will remain in the memory of all subsequent generations of people.

This flight was performed by Yuri Gagarin. It became possible only thanks to the selfless work of Soviet scientists and engineers. Yuri Gagarin's flight into space was made on the Vostok spacecraft, whose weight was 4730 kg. Vostok was launched into space using a three-stage launch vehicle.

The maximum distance of the ship's orbit from the Earth's surface was 327 km.

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Vostok-1 descent module

became the first spacecraft of the Vostok program aimed at manned flights.

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The question is often asked about how long Gagarin's flight lasted. It did not last long at all - only 108 minutes. However, the air and food supplies on board the Vostok would allow spending 10 days in space. During this flight, some of the most important tasks were resolved:

testing of all ship systems;
study of the impact of weightlessness on the human body;
study of the impact of flight on the psychological and physiological state of a person.

Before the flight

Slide #12

The only stage of the flight that went as planned was the ejection of the cosmonaut and his subsequent successful landing at a short distance from the spacecraft.

During the flight, many difficult situations arose. There was a failure on the communication line, the tightness sensor did not work, for a long time there was no

the aggregate compartment was separated, the suit jammed.

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When Vostok-1 went into orbit, Gagarin said: “I see the horizon, the horizon of the Earth is floating up. But there are no stars in the sky. The earth's surface, the earth's surface is visible through the porthole. The sky is black, and along the edge of the Earth, along the edge of the horizon, there is such a beautiful blue halo, which is darker away from the Earth.

What the first cosmonaut saw when he went into orbit is evidenced by the full transcript of his conversations with the Earth.

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Due to a failure in the braking system, the descent vehicle with Gagarin landed not in the planned area 110 km from Stalingrad, but in the Saratov region near the village of Smelovka. The astronaut was wearing a bright orange spacesuit to make it easier to detect, because the fields were still covered with melted April snow.

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The first people who met the astronaut after the flight were the forester's wife Anna Akimovna Takhtarova and her six-year-old granddaughter Rita. Soon the military from the division and local collective farmers arrived at the scene. One group of military men guarded the descent vehicle, while the other group took Gagarin to the location of the unit.

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THE FIRST MAN IN SPACE. Presentation made by the teacher primary school GBOU of the city of Moscow Secondary School "School of Health" No. 384 named after D.K. Korneev Smirnov oh D.M.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934, in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsky district, Western region of the RSFSR (now Gagarinsky district, Smolensk region).

Yuri Gagarin's childhood passed in the village of Klushino. On September 1, 1941, the boy went to school, but on October 12 the Germans occupied the village, and his studies were interrupted. For almost a year and a half, the village of Klushino was occupied by German troops. On April 9, 1943, the village was liberated by the Red Army, and schooling resumed.

In August 1951, Gagarin entered the Saratov Industrial College, and on October 25, 1954, he first came to the Saratov Flying Club. In 1955, Yuri Gagarin achieved significant success, graduated with honors and made the first solo flight on a Yak-18 aircraft. In total, Yuri Gagarin performed 196 flights at the flying club and flew 42 hours 23 minutes at the Saratov Industrial College.

October 27, 1955 Gagarin was called to Soviet army USSR Armed Forces and sent to Chkalov (now Orenburg), to the 1st Military Aviation School named after K.E. Voroshilov. He studied under the then-famous test pilot Ya. Sh. Akbulatov. In 1957, Gagarin graduated from college with honors. 1st Military Aviation School named after K.E. Voroshilov

In 1957 he married Valentina Ivanovna Goryacheva. In Orenburg, in the house where Valentina's family lived, the Apartment Museum of Yuri and Valentina Gagarin was subsequently opened.

On December 9, 1959, Gagarin wrote a report asking him to be included in the group of cosmonaut candidates. A week later, he was called to Moscow to undergo a comprehensive medical examination at the Central Research Aviation Hospital. At the beginning of the next year, another special medical board followed, which recognized Senior Lieutenant Gagarin as fit for space flight.

On March 3, 1960, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, Konstantin Andreevich Vershinin, he was included in the group of candidates for cosmonauts, and on March 11, Gagarin and his family went to a new place military service. On March 25, regular classes began under the cosmonaut training program.

On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on board was launched for the first time in the world from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Gagarin's call sign was "Kedr". For this flight he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and military rank major ahead of schedule (took off in the rank of senior lieutenant).

In orbit, Gagarin conducted the simplest experiments: he drank, ate, made notes with a pencil. "Putting" the pencil next to him, he accidentally discovered that he instantly began to float away. From this, Gagarin concluded that it is better to tie pencils and other objects in space. He recorded all his feelings and observations on the on-board tape recorder.

The ship "Vostok-1" made a revolution around the Earth, flying 40,200 kilometers, and then landed. True, at the moment of touching the ground, Gagarin was no longer in the cockpit of the ship. At an altitude of 7 km, in accordance with the flight plan, Gagarin ejected, after which the capsule and the astronaut began to parachute separately. Having completed one revolution around the Earth, at 10:55:34 at 108 minutes the ship completed its flight. Due to a failure in the braking system, the descent vehicle with Gagarin landed not in the planned area 110 km from Stalingrad, but in the Saratov region, not far from Engels near the village of Smelovka.

Vostok-1, capsule after landing

Meeting Gagarin on Earth after the flight.

Note by Yuri Gagarin, written after the flight around the Earth.

Thank you for your attention!

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