Animal world of goa. Precautions in goa and general information about goa Types of snakes in Goa

Often we do not even think about how dangerous a trip to a certain country or country can be. city. Everyone carefully considers their vacation, paying attention to the hotel room and the type of food. If you visit a travel agency in your city, you will hear a lot of praise about how good a certain country is and what positive features it has. But for some reason, rarely does anyone tell us what are the possible dangers and how to avoid them?

Home problem in this matter is that the desire to make money prevails, and the story about the shortcomings of the country that the tourist wants to visit can simply repel. That is why you should look for information on your own in order to be fully equipped. In this article, you will learn the features of a holiday in Goa, and the possible dangers that every tourist needs to know. You can find yourself suitable options solving a certain trouble if you are informed in advance.

1. Low quality water in Goa. This problem is relevant for many resort countries, so India is also no exception to this rule. If you want to spend your vacation with benefit and without any troubles, then you should not drink tap water. Please note that drinking bottled water also does not protect you one hundred percent from various diseases, poisonings and infections. In India, fake water is quite common, so always pay attention to how the bottle is closed to protect yourself and your loved ones. High quality water is tightly sealed and the edges of the lid are in no way damaged. If possible, give preference to well-known companies that sell mineral water.

2. Taxi scammers in Goa. In Goa, many taxi drivers seek to make money on tourists by fraudulent means. Of course, he will take you to the desired point, but not the fact that for the price that was agreed at the beginning of the journey. In any case, this is not the only opportunity to make money dishonestly. Today, many tourists go to Goa on their own: without the help of a travel agency. This method allows you to profitably save money and get the most out of real India, but the search for housing in any case will become important point during rest. Taxi drivers are well aware of this, so they recommend hotels and rooms that, according to their stories, can please even the most demanding tourists. However, in this way tourists are deceived: they charge much higher fees or even rob their rooms. In order not to waste your time and money in vain, book rooms in advance on popular sites around the world. Be sure to keep an eye on the online reviews of the hotel in which you want to check in.

3. The sanitary condition of the beaches in Goa. As sad as it may sound, most people in Goa don't answer. sanitary standards. If you do not want to get some kind of infection or injure the skin of your legs, then buy in advance summer shoes with a dense sole especially for the beach. Such a trick will allow you to get rid of troubles and consequences. And in order to look stylish, pick up shoes under a hat or swimsuit. Holidays in Goa have always been exotic and incredible atmosphere, but the basic rules of hygiene must always be followed.

4. Poisonous snakes and annoying insects in Goa. In Goa, the climate is tropical, so the inhabitants here are very specific. For example, this state is rich in an incredible amount poisonous snakes and insects that can carry the infection. In order to protect yourself from such a danger, always cover your legs when you go hiking or unfamiliar terrain. In no case do not go to those places that are prohibited for tourists to visit. And do not forget that in the hotel you have every right to ask for a special net for windows from insects and a fumigator.

5. Local cuisine in Goa. Tourists always want to try as many new dishes as possible during their vacation. In the case of Goa, you should pay attention to basic hygiene rules and be careful about what you eat. Firstly, it is worth noting that all the ice offered for drinks is made from local water, so it is better to refuse to use it. Also, do not forget to take wet antibacterial wipes with you on vacation, which should be used to process dishes even in an expensive restaurant.

In fact India has never been distinguished by sterility and cleanliness, therefore they must take care of themselves and their health. Fruits that are sold everywhere in Goa must be thoroughly washed with bottled water and peeled. If you have a weak stomach or intestines, refrain from eating fruits that do not have a peel.

6. Local mentality in Goa. Women who go on vacation to Goa should remember that their revealing outfits will only be appropriate on the hotel premises. Try to visit local attractions with a group of other tourists or in the company of people with whom you came. Thus, you will protect yourself from unnecessary attention and rude harassment from the local population.

7. Poor quality medicine in Goa. On the Internet, you can find a lot of reviews of those tourists who are far from being in the most pleasant situation due to the fact that medical care in Goa leaves much to be desired. Learn to value yourself and your health, so do not take risks on trifles. Talk to your doctor about what kind of medicines to throw in your bag in case of an unpleasant situation. Unfortunately, even in expensive hotels in Goa, unpleasant situations often happen to tourists due to the unprofessionalism of local doctors. Stock up on everything you need and follow basic safety rules.

8. Poor quality of recreational conditions for children in Goa. If you want to enjoy a quiet, safe family vacation, then Goa is not for you. This state is more suitable for those who love new experiences and emotions, appreciate the exotic and tropical climate. Leave your children at home and then feel free to go to one of the most popular and interesting places in India - Goa. It is not worth risking the health of children, therefore, for family vacation choose other countries and resorts.

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The Goan coast on the avenues for travelers looks like a real paradise. However, there are enough dangers and there are subtleties that need to be studied before the trip. It is impossible to ignore the vegetable and animal world: for example, are sharks or snakes dangerous in Goa.

The burning question, what do you need for a trip to Goa? What facts and holidays deserve special attention? And, of course, purely practical issues: tips, taxis in Goa, diseases, medicines, sockets and the right to drive the ubiquitous scooter.

Plants in Goa

The coast, on which the former Portuguese colony is located, is covered with tropical jungle. The vegetation is lush and vibrant. Toward the end of the season, she withers, but does not lose her attractiveness. There are several spice plantations and national parks where you can see not only birds and animals, but a rich flora.

Tourists are attracted by thickets of banyan trees and the impressive neighborhood of tropical palm trees and lianas with assorted conifers in Goa.

Holidays in Goa

Going to the former Portuguese colony, you need to be prepared that the holidays in Goa are held on an enchanting scale. Hindu rites are intricately intertwined with medieval Catholic traditions and have shown the world endless carnivals and processions.

Noisy processions accompany installations of images and sculptures of deities, saints, and talismans. Fresh flowers, fire shows and paints are required. It is necessary to go on holidays in clothes that you do not mind. Take an old T-shirt - it will be completely covered or filled with paint.

What you need to travel to Goa

It is impossible to give comprehensive advice to tourists in Goa. Travelers are different, everyone has their own needs and characteristics. If money is available, problems can be solved locally, but a supply of first aid medicines should be on hand.

What medicines to take to Goa

The difficulties of acclimatization are solved in Goan pharmacies. Usually there is an exhaustive list of Indian-made drugs, which is dispensed on the recommendation of a doctor. It is much more important to bring emergency supplies with you:

  1. Antihistamines. Medicines must be carried with you. In case you suddenly develop a food allergy to some spices or you are exposed to jellyfish.
  2. Painkillers and antispasmodics. No-shpa or citramone should be at hand.
  3. Disinfectants: iodine, peroxide, brilliant green. Better in special pencils.

If there are children on the trip, then the list of what to take from medicines is wider. Definitely added antipyretic and dyspeptic drugs.

Reviews about Goa insist that while traveling you need to use sunscreens high sensitivity. But you can buy them locally.

How much money to take with you to Goa

580*400 goa 13 block

Everyone has their own budget. A full-fledged vacation in Goa for one traveler is enough for $ 800-1000 per month, provided that you are not the king of glamorous parties and have not made a decision to provide work for all taxis in Goa. With a reserve, you can expand the program and look at neighboring states or dispose of them in your own way.

When paying for a trip to a tour operator, ask separately how much the fuel surcharge is and whether it is included in the price of the tour. Otherwise, there will be an unpleasant surprise before departure - additional expenses or refusal to travel with big losses. Fuel surcharge can be $50-75.

What do they wear to Goa

Reviews of Goa are full of the word "shanti". This is an indescribable atmosphere of absolute calmness and joy, which permeates everything around. Therefore, do not be surprised: tourists walk here in all sorts of things. Considering that the season on the coast is an eternal summer, you can take with you:

  • swimwear;
  • spacious shirts with long sleeves;
  • shorts;
  • hats.

Glamorous outlets are accepted only in South Goa, and even then night life there is not particularly popular and any dress code is acceptable.

Experienced travelers generally do not take outerwear, but they buy what they need in the markets - the price / quality ratio allows. In terms of dollars, it's not very expensive.

Attention It is better for women, even when accompanied by a stronger half, not to neglect the elementary rules of decency and appear in in public places dressed. Swimsuits, transparent tunics and mini are more correct to leave for the beaches.

Dangers for tourists in Goa

Unpleasant and frankly dangerous situations are possible everywhere. There are many rumors about Goa: sharks, snakes, rays, poisonous jellyfish, tsunamis and all sorts of tropical scourges in the form of diseases. Although more injuries are caused by tourists who inadvertently hide under coconut trees during the wind or who think they know everything about Indian roads.

snakes in goa

When traveling to India, it is necessary to mentally prepare for a meeting with living creatures. Snakes in Goa are an unpleasant but inevitable phenomenon. There are marine and land species. On the coast and in nearby waters, tourists are interested in marine. However, there are not so many of them and they swim far from the coast. Indian fishermen fearlessly take snakes in their hands and assure that they are not poisonous. Reviews of tourists are periodically frightened with fearsome photographs, but not a single case of death from the meeting is reported.

Sharks in Goa

Sharks are also considered a danger in Goa. However, they, like snakes, do not swim close to the shore. Strong currents and natural instincts keep them away from noise and tourists. Activity is shown at night. They are found mainly on trays of fish markets. There are no cases of attacks on tourists, judging by the reviews. Shoals of dolphins often swim up to the shore.

Diseases in Goa

The tropics and unsanitary conditions in Goa carry the threat of intestinal infections - they develop here literally at lightning speed. What do you need to know? Maintain hygiene. Otherwise, you can do without even vaccinations. But insurance in case of force majeure must be issued. Faced with jellyfish or injuries, you will understand that she was not superfluous.

Tsunami in Goa

The west coast of India is in a relatively calm zone where the threat of tsunamis and tectonic instability is low. The last tsunami was recorded in 2004. The consequences were minor.

What you need to know about a tsunami: to disperse a high wave, you need deep water, suitable directly to the coast. The coastline in Goa is wide and gently sloping. The tsunami doesn't stand a chance.

The smallest state of India and a former Portuguese colony is interesting due to its many features:

  1. The wide coastline stretches for almost 100 km. The North will provide you with a lot of impressions and relative democratic prices. The south will delight you with peace and quiet. To find your Goa, you need to travel around it completely.
  2. Friendly Indians speaking an amazing mix of Konkani, Porto and English. The set is not complete without Russian and German. Therefore, for 100% understanding, you will have to master the sign language.
  3. Left side traffic. Roads where they are narrow and bad. Rules are a relative concept. Movement is often chaotic. Most participants prefer scooters and bikes.
  4. Cows and dogs. They are not accepted to drive or offend in any other way. Cows are sacred animals.
  5. Sunrise and sunset in Goa fascinate with beauty and transience. No more than half an hour and the night comes to change the day and vice versa.
  6. Indian cleanliness stands apart. And not in the the best place. Garbage bins and landfills are on every corner, and intestinal infections are waiting in the most unexpected places. Carry alcohol wipes with you.
  7. Attractions. In addition to the stunning richness of the natural landscape, Goa has many Hindu and Catholic temples.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What can you encounter in Goa?

The first thing an inexperienced traveler will have to face is a taxi in Goa. Acquaintance with cunning and often rude owners of cars and rights discourages you from using their services for a long time. Meanwhile, the secret mutually beneficial relationship consists in the rule of always haggling and firmly but benevolently refusing the imposed service. The rest of the questions are easy to solve.

How much do they tip in Goa?

According to reviews, the standard tip is about 10-20 rupees. It is customary to leave them for any services. Starting from the airport, you are literally attacked by locals in a sincere impulse to help with things. Next - maids. It is not customary to leave a standard dollar on a bed in hotels below 4 stars.

Even colorful Goans, who are enterprisingly selling various trifles on the beach, are much more willing to pose for money. In restaurants, they leave about 5% of the bill.

What are the outlets in Goa?

Tourists recommend taking 2-3 tees with you to India, preferably with grounding. They will allow you to safely use electrical networks. The voltage is the same as ours - 220, but the sockets are often loose and it can be difficult to fix the plug in them. Used standard: C,D,M. The first is for ordinary and "euro" plugs without grounding.

If the outlet does not work, it may be turned off - the toggle switch is usually located at the entrance to the room.

Where is it unsafe to exchange dollars in Goa?

Of course, it is best to change money in official institutions with the inscription Exchange. They exchange dollars upon arrival, in hotels, in special bureaus and banks. But these are classic safe options. Such an inscription can be found in shops and shops.

Less safe options are from taxi drivers, in random shacks, or from hands. The Goans will gladly exchange dollars, but the safety of large sums will be doubtful. Although reviews of Goa say that the criminal situation is strictly regulated by religious dogmas, you can’t take someone else’s. Therefore, the Indians limit themselves to scams of various scales: they inflate prices and cheat.

Do you need a scooter license in Goa?

Taxi in Goa is not the last means of transportation. After looking closely, tourists change to scooters and bikes. Officially - you must have an international driving license with category "A". Unofficially - other solutions are possible. When renting, documents are not required, and if you are stopped by valiant police officers, then you should know: corruption in India is also an attraction. Bargain.

Before the trip, you need to know in advance what you can’t bring from Goa. Tips for tourists who love expensive souvenirs: don't buy antiques. It needs certificates and lots of permits. In addition, you cannot export:

  1. Indian currency.
  2. Precious metals in bullion.
  3. Representatives of the local flora and living specimens of the fauna.
  4. Craft items: feathers, fur, skins.

The former Portuguese colony in India beckons with picturesque nature and no less vivid impressions of the original culture and its bearers. Before the trip, you should carefully study all the available information and reviews about Goa.

Welcome to Goa! Surely you have heard about this piece of paradise on the coast of the Arabian Sea. But even in this tropical paradise, as elsewhere, you must remember to be responsible for yourself, your loved ones, as well as your property and money. What you need to remember and how to protect yourself from unpleasant situations in Goa, what dangers there may be in Goa, as well as just local features in Goa - read about this in this article below.

1. Transport in Goa and Traffic in Goa

The modes of transport in Goa are as follows: taxis, tuk-tuks (autorickshaws), motorcycle taxis, motorcycles, scooters, buses.

Visitors to Goa often rent scooters and motorcycles, less often cars. If you decide to rent a vehicle, then carefully study the following information:

Traffic in Goa, as in all of India, is left-handed. Drivers use horn signals all the time: when they drive behind, drive towards, overtake and just like that. At night, high beams are often turned on. Therefore, be prepared that while driving you will be honked during the day and blinded by high beams in the evening - just like that, these are road customs.

When renting a vehicle, in no case leave a deposit (no money, no passport) - all you need is a copy of your passport with a copy of the current Indian visa, as well as information about which hotel or address you live in and contact Indian phone number, if available. If you take a bike at a hotel, then they may not ask you for anything but money.

Be sure to agree with the owner of the bike that you are responsible for appearance bike. If your motor or horn or something else breaks down along the way, then these are the costs of the owner of the transport, and not yours. It is better to take a picture of visible external damage to the bike and point it out to the owner so that when you return the motorcycle, you will not have claims about old scratches.

Be sure to check your brakes.

In Goa, you can ride without a helmet only in local villages. When leaving the track, the presence of a helmet on the driver's head is mandatory, on the passenger's head it is optional.

Transport has two types of numbers - yellow and white. Yellow numbers are for rental vehicles, white numbers are for personal use. Accordingly, the rental of vehicles with yellow numbers is in accordance with the law, but with white ones it is no longer. But the police on the highway or in large cities can find fault with this.

There are many speed bumps in Goa, some of them are not marked with signs or markings. Therefore, not knowing the way, you run the risk of jumping unexpectedly.

There is a joke about Indian drivers that they drive on karma. And there is some truth in this joke: there are frequent cases of overtaking on a blind turn, moving in the opposite direction, a sudden start to move from the side of the road, a sharp turn without turn signals. Keep this in mind when driving on the roads of Goa. If you have little experience in driving a vehicle in Asian countries, then observe simple rules security in Goa:

Wear a helmet (in the sun it still protects your head from the sun's rays)

Move slowly. If you're in a hurry, sometimes it's wiser to take a taxi or tuk-tuk.

Keep to the left side of the road, but not too close to the curb. (Cars and motorcycles parked on the side of the road may suddenly enter the carriageway without warning signals)

Signal. Always honk when overtaking, when crossing an intersection or a blind turn.

If you are on a scooter, use the front and rear brakes when braking. The front brake is where the throttle is. If you only brake with it, then the rear wheel is likely to skid, especially on gravel roads.

Park vehicles only in designated areas. In large cities, as well as in some resort areas (Baga-Calangute-Candolim), vehicles parked in the wrong place can be taken away on a tow truck or the front wheel can be blocked with a lock.

Protect your eyes while riding. Goa has dusty roads, especially if you have a truck and bus in front of you, kicking up dust. In the evening, small midges and midges fly out near the reservoirs, which strive to fly into the eyes.

Slow down at intersections and blind turns. In Goa, as in India, there is a rule: whoever is bolder is more important. Not the fact that you will be the most arrogant.

Show the turn not only with signals on the transport, but also with your hands. Scooters with turn signals on are often driven in Goa. Therefore, the included turn signal may not mean anything to other road users. Complement your turn signals with gestures.

Always drive sober. Remember that you are responsible for the appearance of the transport. Who needs extra spending on cosmetic repairs?

2. Cheating, divorce, fraud in Goa

Deceptions and divorces in Goa occur, as a rule, due to the ignorance of the deceived themselves. Do not rush to pay 1000 rupees for the goods, maybe somewhere nearby you can buy the same thing for 100 rupees.


On products and on packages, see the inscription MRP - this means the maximum retail price. Above it, no one has the right to sell - this is the law.

Book excursions with Russian companies- only from them you will receive detailed information and answers to your questions in plain language.

3. Petty theft in Goa

Goa is a non-criminal state, but this does not mean that you can forget about the simplest safety rules:
When leaving the house or room, close windows and doors;

If you live on a budget in guesthouses, then have a padlock with you. In Goa, doors are usually equipped for him.

It's better to carry a breast purse than a pocket purse. Especially if you are going to visit crowded places.

Do not leave valuables on the balcony. They may well be kidnapped, if not by people, then by monkeys.

Don't leave your things unattended

4. Drugs in Goa

Indian laws, no less than Russian ones, are strict on people associated with illegal substances. There are cases when foreign tourists were forced to buy off local police with considerable bribes, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars. However, the option of paying off does not always help, and in some cases the case is completed by a prison cell.

In addition, the local police often practice all sorts of setups when the buyer is arrested on a tip from the seller-informant. All this is a good reason to think about whether a dose of weed is worth such a risk, or maybe it is worth refraining from such an "extreme".

5. Plants and animals in Goa

The flora and fauna in Goa is tropical, at first glance it will seem exotic. She is as hospitable as the locals. There is no point in fearing or avoiding nature in Goa, but nevertheless we will say a few words about it. Forewarned is forearmed.

There are no poisonous plants in Goa. The most dangerous is a coconut, which can suddenly fall on your head. And suddenly he can fall on his head somewhere in the jungle, where people do not collect nuts from coconut trees. At hotels and cafes, palm trees, as a rule, are without nuts, or a safety net is stretched between the palm trees, or there are no palm trees at all.

Often people ask: are there snakes in Goa? Are there spiders and other animals in Goa? Yes, I have. But don't be afraid. Snakes in Goa are found where there are few people and more jungle. There are also spiders in Goa, but they are small and calmly feed on other Goan insects. Quietly weave their webs for themselves and live like that. In Goa, there are mosquitoes that live an active life in the evenings, and are especially active during the rainy season.

There are few animals in Goa: cows and buffaloes, dogs, monkeys, geckos, cats, bats, as well as birds: crows, eagles, pigeons, kingfisher and others. So, in order:

Cows roam the streets of Goa in abundance. They can walk on the roadway, they can sleep on it. People are not touched. They love to eat almost everything, even cardboard. Animals, although peaceful, should not behave aggressively with them or provoke them - it is impossible to predict the behavior of an animal that weighs more than a hundred kg.

Buffaloes - such big gray cows with long, curved back horns - mostly work in the fields. Their behavior is somewhat similar to cows.

Monkeys, like snakes, are found where less people and more jungle. There are two types of monkeys in Goa: black-faced and pink-faced. Black-faced are found in the vicinity of Kerim, can be found on the road to Mapsu. They categorically do not make contact, they run away at the sight of a person at the first opportunity.

Pink-faced macaques can be found in abundance at DudhSagar Falls. They are fat and arrogant. People, as their breadwinners, are not touched, but they should not be provoked either. Always keep your belongings safe, otherwise the macaques can grab a T-shirt and try to put it on themselves, and then leave it on a tree.

Dogs in Goa are peaceful, especially where there are a lot of people on the beaches. But nevertheless, as with all dogs, you should not provoke them to aggression - this is a no brainer. Where there are fewer people, for example, on roads, dogs are not so tamed, they are activated mainly at night - we do not recommend walking along deserted roads at night.

Geckos are such goggle-eyed lizards, they live everywhere, in houses, they eat insects. At the slightest danger, they immediately crawl away.

Cats are very shy creatures in Goa, most often found shabby. Few of the cats will allow themselves to be stroked - people are usually afraid, although there are exceptions.

Bats live again where there are fewer people. You can meet them in the dark, when, while riding a bike, something incomprehensible flies in the light of the headlights on. Most likely, this is incomprehensible and is bat. They fly around people and do not engage in vampirism

All birds in Goa fly by themselves. It makes no sense to fear or avoid them in any way.

6. Sea and beach in Goa

In Goa, as in any beach resort:

Protect your skin, cover your head, don't swim behind the buoys, etc. and so on. - in general, stay reasonable person while resting anywhere.

7. Expired Indian Visa

This is absolutely unacceptable! To stay in Goa "longer", as some of our compatriots like, means deliberately incurring a variety of consequences. The minimum nuisance that threatens to delay a visa to India is blacklisting and the inability to come again.

Sometimes an unlucky tourist is allowed to leave the country after paying a large fine and long bureaucratic ordeals. But it happens that a foreigner is imprisoned for violating the visa regime or a fake extension of the period of stay. Proposal to extend tourist visa – clean water divorce, as officially it is not renewed under any circumstances. Only permission for temporary stay in the country for medical reasons or other force majeure reasons is possible.

Therefore, be sure to follow these recommendations:

Resist the urge to illegally stay in Goa longer.

Do not, under any circumstances, agree to fraudulent visa extensions, because we already know that this is impossible by law.

8. Police in Goa

Police officers, although they are civil servants, are friendlier than in Russia. For example, you can ask the Goan policemen for directions - they will show you. Without reason, they do not delay - so there is no point in being afraid of them. Only if you are convicted of drug use or aggressive behavior - then they have a reason to detain you. They used to talk about bribery by the police, but now such cases are less common.

9. Locals in Goa

The locals are friendly and welcoming. But this does not mean that they can not be respected. Goans are very religious, so respect the Hindu temples you visit: do not take pictures, take off your shoes, women must wear clothes that cover their shoulders and knees. Don't touch anything without permission.

Once a foreigner struck a ritual bell without asking anyone, so then he was punished with fists and sticks.

Be polite and honest. You are a guest in Goa.

As you can see, all the warnings are elementary, simple and understandable.

In principle, it is not at all necessary to be vaccinated before traveling to Goa, but nevertheless, in order to protect yourself as much as possible in matters of any intestinal infections, certain rules must be observed. You should not contact with wild animals - monkeys, dogs and cats, especially with those representatives that look outwardly painful.

There is a very likely risk of contracting rabies. To avoid malaria, it is best to treat both yourself and the room in which you will be living with mosquito repellent. But this is so - just in case, because as a rule, in the high season, cases of this disease are quite rare.

Another iron way to rid yourself of the possibility of contracting intestinal infections is naturally thorough hand washing before eating, washing the mandatory (!) All fresh fruits before eating. Please do not eat any raw foods - all food you take must undergo mandatory heat treatment. It should be boiled, fried, stewed, whatever, but only pre-processed. Well, of course, you should already know that you can’t drink tap water, it’s better to use it in bottles or, in extreme cases, boiled.

If you suddenly get sick, do not hesitate to contact any local clinic. There, for relatively little money, you can take tests and get qualified medical assistance. You should also take into account that medical care in places remote from large cities is extremely poorly developed. Therefore, if your health has deteriorated sharply, then you should not expect the ambulance service to be too slow here. It is better to arrange a car with someone and try to get to the nearest hospital on your own.

While swimming in the sea greatest danger represent strong currents. For example, in Goa, from June to September, inclusive, there are very strong waves that can instantly take you away from the coast. Therefore, it is best to try to go to Goa in the winter, or just walk along the beach in the off-season.

Try not to swim far from the shore, especially in the evening when the tide is out. You must remember that many Hindus are afraid of water and cannot swim, so you can hardly count on their help if you suddenly start to drown. Well, of course, you should also be wary of any marine life, especially unknown to you.

Another point that you should remember when you go to Goa. In no case do not trust anyone who will convince you that drugs are not prohibited in Goa. This is absolutely not true! In fact, drugs in Goa, both local and imported, are sold almost everywhere. And at very affordable prices.

Therefore, if you are suddenly offered to buy somewhere in a club or simply even try some completely incomprehensible substance, then immediately politely but very categorically refuse. You may not know that in India there is a special system of police provocateurs who can check you. And yet - for the possession and use of drugs in India, you can face a prison sentence of up to 30 years. Do you need it?

Now about alcohol. Its use in Goa is officially allowed, but in stores it is sold until 9 pm, and in the bar you can use it until 1 am. However, you must remember what kind of drinking alcoholic beverages in public places in India there is a fine of five thousand rupees (about $ 100) or imprisonment for up to 3 months.

About handshakes. If you are a man, then you can safely shake hands with people of the same sex as you and in no case with women. If you are a woman, then you cannot shake hands with a man. For Indian traditions, this is unacceptable. An exception may be business relationship- business partners, travel agents, government officials and others.

If you are planning to rent a car or any other vehicle in Goa, then you should remember that traffic rules are rarely followed here, so you need to be extremely careful and in no case run into a sacred animal for Hindus - a cow, which feel completely at ease here and can easily spread out on the road.

Do not forget about the rules for visiting temples in India. Firstly, you must be in closed clothes - no T-shirts, tops, shorts, etc. Secondly, at the entrance to the temple, in other matters, and to the houses of local residents, you also need to take off your shoes and go barefoot. If this is unacceptable to you, then stock up on disposable socks.

Do not use anywhere left hand, among the Hindus, it is considered unclean. You can not take or give money with it, eat food or do anything with it. And finally, Indians are very hospitable people, so you should treat them with respect and not offend their culture and traditions.

For many tourists, a vacation in India is, first of all, a vacation in Goa, with its magnificent beaches and tropical nature. However, one of the biggest dangers for vacationers in India comes from ocean waves. high waves they can easily cover a careless bather and throw them on the ground, or drag them into the open ocean. Rare beaches in India are equipped with lifeguards, and locals often do not know how to swim.

A significant danger in India is sunburn which readily occur in hot tropical climates. When exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, use sunscreen with a high factor and don't forget to wear wide-brimmed hats.

In addition to taking prophylactic antimalarial drugs (which
destroy the liver and are expensive), the best remedy protect yourself from
The threat of malaria in India is the use of mosquito nets and wearing clothing that covers exposed skin as much as possible.


  • Yellow fever
  • diphtheria, tetanus
  • Typhoid fever
  • Japanese encephalitis (south of the country)
  • Meningo A+S (North of the country)

Safety in cities in India

try don't travel india alone(for women it is strictly prohibited). If you are not going to spend your holiday in the closed area of ​​the hotel, then the best option will be moving around India as part of an excursion group or accompanied by a local guide. Night walks through the streets of cities in India should be avoided if possible.

In India, there are quite strict rules about how a woman should look in public places. Bare shoulders and legs can become a reason for aggressive harassment by some local men, which, in conditions of crowding and crowds of big cities, can have the most unpleasant consequences for a woman, as is eloquently evidenced by the wave of gang rapes of foreign tourists that swept India in Lately. Even just being friendly and social can be taken as flirting by many Indian men (especially those from rural areas).

Women's rights in India are protected by numerous articles of local
laws (Nos. 354a, 509 and 209 in the Indian Penal Code, as well as Nos. 145 and 162
in the Railways Act - punishment from a fine, up to 2 years in prison).
If the Hindu shows excessive attention to the lady, one can remind him of the punishability of his actions and threaten to call the police - this helps in most cases.

Not rare in India street theft, especially in crowded urban crowds and public transport. Keep money in the inner pockets of your clothes (our pouch), and when leaving the hotel, leave your passport and valuables in the safe. In case of a possible theft, it will not be superfluous to carry not the passport itself, but a laminated copy his sheets. When choosing clothes for a trip to India, it is better to opt for the one that is equipped with hidden inside pockets, in which your money, cards and documents will definitely not get to thieves.

Many travelers advise carrying a padlock with you when traveling in India to additionally lock the door of your room (especially for cheap hotels) or a luggage box on the train.

Taxi drivers in India they often try to persuade their customers to use the services of a “proven” hotel or the “cheapest” store in Delhi. If you do not want to lose money and time - do not agree to even the most persistent exhortations of these well-wishers on wheels.

Diseases in India

Dangerous infectious diseases in India are at the top of the list of potential dangers. The tropical climate and unsanitary conditions caused by the low standard of living contribute to the fact that in India there is still a danger of contracting a number of diseases (plague, cholera, leprosy), long defeated in the West.

Remember - with a significant increase in temperature, you should immediately
go to a local clinic where they will do a blood test to detect
types of infectious diseases.

Although preventive vaccinations are not a prerequisite for entering India, for your own safety, it is better to get vaccinated against hepatitis A and typhoid before traveling. When traveling to regions with an increased malarial risk, it will not be superfluous to pre-drink a course of antimalarial drugs (the safest option for the liver is Malarone). Reliable medical insurance during your stay in India will also significantly increase your chances of a safe holiday in this country.

One of the first rules for avoiding familiarity with diseases in India is: drink only bottled water. The same rule applies to water for washing vegetables and fruits. You can risk trying local water only in tea or coffee, where it undergoes thermal disinfection.

In India, handicraft fakes of factory bottled water are common.
Before you buy a water bottle, make sure the lid fits snugly on it.


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Before the trip, I went to the clinic and got a few vaccinations, just in case. And the doctors advised to go to the doctors as soon as necessary. I bought water only in glass bottles, a little more expensive, but safer.

In Goa, there are clinics, medical offices and the like on every corner. If a child’s temperature arrives in 3 minutes (specially detected), in general, medicine is at a decent level, many doctors speak Russian (because they studied at our universities), so even if, God forbid, trouble happens, they will help and cure ! And the cost is adequate, so even without insurance it's not so sad. In addition, in pharmacies you can find wonderful tablets for coughs, diarrhea and dehydration. We didn't need anything else.

*** Try not to travel alone in India (it is strictly forbidden for women). It is very unfortunate that travel sites continue to print outright nonsense, which tour operators usually feed naive tourists (considering them idiots). India, like almost all countries of Southeast Asia, is very safe for independent travelers, the experience of thousands of these same travelers is a confirmation of this. The material is almost completely delusional, tk. contains a lot of false information in order to scare tourists and enable tour operators to sell their excursions at exorbitant prices. The editors of the site would like to wish to be decent and not to post frankly false information.