How to get from Noginsk to the village of Voskresenskoye - auto navigator. How to get from Noginsk to the village of Voskresenskoye - auto navigator General information about the flight Noginsk - the village of Voskresenskoye

At the beginning of the 16th century there was a church here in the name of the Resurrection of the Lord. In 1634, a side wooden church was built on the churchyard in the name of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, which became the main shrine of the village of Voskresensky.

In October 1705, the Intercession Church burned down from lightning. Some icons and life-size carved wooden sculptures depicting Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Paraskeva were rescued from the fire. In 1706, by decree of Peter I, a new wooden church was built on the site of the one that burned down. Small, with a high top, crowned with an onion-shaped dome, with a spacious encircling gallery and a beautiful carved porch, this was a summer church - services were held in it from Easter to the Assumption.

In 1833-1848, a new stone church was built, consecrated in the name of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The temple was luckier than many others in Russia - it was almost not looted, all its shrines have survived to this day. The temple has many beautiful icons that are treasured by parishioners. A wonderful icon of the healer Panteleimon, in front of whose image hangs a lamp, made in memory of the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II. It was written on a cypress board by the monks of the St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos and brought to Russia at the end of the last century. The miraculous icon “The Kiss of Christ by Judas” occupies a special place. It once belonged to the Berlyukovskaya Hermitage. Local residents saved it when the desert was closed in the 1920s. Now she can be seen in the chapel of the holy martyr Paraskeva. The icon was very revered in the area; local craftsmen made a unique carved wooden icon on a similar subject.

A special icon is honored in the temple Mother of God“Recovery of the Dead,” written in 1910 by order of the Belkin family and donated by them to the temple.
The Belkins are representatives of local manufacturers. Natives of these places, they, having received freedom and some land, started their own business, founding late XIX century, the first silk factory in Dyadkino. Before the revolution, they already owned 5 factories, 3 shops and a tea shop here. The Belkins were ktitors (patrons) of the temple for many years. During this time, a lot of good was done for the church: with their funds, the temple was equipped and restored, rich icons were ordered. Therefore, the necropolis of the Belkin family is located within the fence of the Intercession Church.

After the revolution, the Intercession Church was going to be closed, but the parishioners defended their church. The main credit for this belongs to the head of the church, Evdokia Postnova. In 1929, the bells were removed from the bell tower. In 1937 the church was closed.

The church was opened in 1946. Divine services were held in only one chapel. After 1979, calorific heating, which had been inactive since pre-revolutionary times, was restored. The restoration of the original frescoes, covered with several layers of paint, was carried out. After opening the wall paintings, nails were found driven into the wall, and sometimes directly into the faces of saints. When the paintings were completely restored and the interior of the temple was put in order, they set about restoring it appearance. The copper-covered domes are shining, the roof has been repaired, the facades have been restored - the temple is now unrecognizable! It glows with love and faith, people are drawn here, and not only from nearby Noginsk, but from Moscow they come to admire its beauty and worship its shrines.

Voskresenskoye village

Story. The first mention of a wooden church in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, which gave the name to the village, dates back to 1628.

In 1634, a side church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built on the churchyard, which burned down in 1705 and was rebuilt in 1706.

The stone Church of the Intercession was erected by parishioners in 1833, and the wooden one became a cemetery and was reconsecrated in honor of the Ascension of the Lord.

The Intercession Church has chapels: in the name of St. mts. Paraskeva and in the name of St. Martha.

In 1929, the bells were removed from the temple to be melted down, and in 1937, priest Dimitry Belyaev was arrested. He was shot at the Butovo training ground. The temple was closed and destroyed.

Divine services resumed in 1945. There are pillar chapels at the temple: in the village. Avdotino and in the village. Maryino. The parish spiritually and financially serves the orphanage in Noginsk.

Shrines. Shrines have been preserved in the temple: the revered icon of the Great Martyr. Panteleimon, written on a cypress board by the monks of the St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos and brought to Russia at the end of the 19th century. In front of the icon hangs a lamp made in memory of the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II. Also in the Intercession Church there is miraculous image"The Kiss of Christ by Judas", rescued from the devastated

All details of the road route from Noginsk (Noginsk district, Moscow region, Russia) on the road to the village of Voskresenskoye (Noginsk district, Moscow region, Russia) indicating all intermediate points, settlements, distances and travel times between them.

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Noginsk - Voskresenskoye village
Time and distance
to the next point
from the beginning of the route
from the beginning of the route
The starting point of your journey is Noginsk
Noginsk district, Moscow region, Russia
Less than 1 minute
(0 km.)
Less than 1 minute 0 km
Yamkino village
Noginsk district, Moscow region, Russia
11 minutes
(7.5 km.)
11 minutes 7.5 km
Voskresenskoye village
Noginsk district, Moscow region, Russia
17 minutes
(8.2 km.)
28 minutes 15.7 km
The end point of your journey is the village of Voskresenskoye
Noginsk district, Moscow region, Russia
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Weather in the village of Voskresenskoye, Noginsky district, Moscow region, Russia today, 07-06-2019

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Closest airports to Voskresenskoye village

The following airports and airfields are located near the village of Voskresenskoye, Noginsky district, Moscow region, Russia:

Check the price and buy a ticket there

Closest airports to Noginsk

Airports and airfields located near Noginsk, Noginsk district, Moscow region, Russia:

  • Moscow (Central Federal District, Russia);
  • Kostroma (city district of Kostroma, Kostroma region, Russia);
  • Zhekhovskaya village (Gorodetsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia);
  • Zimnichki village (Kirovsky district, Kaluga region, Russia);

Check the price and buy a return ticket

General information about the flight Noginsk - Voskresenskoye village

  • The plane distance between Noginsk and the village of Voskresenskoye is: 11.6 kilometers.
  • The flight time to the village of Voskresenskoye from Noginsk is 1 minute (and by train 5 minutes).
  • Most cheap air ticket from Noginsk to the village of Voskresenskoye, found by our users today (06/07/2019), costs 73 euros.

Cheap flights from Noginsk to Voskresenskoye village

In order to get to the village of Voskresenskoye (Noginsky district, Moscow region, Russia) from Noginsk (Noginsky district, Moscow region, Russia) by plane, you can choose the flight that suits you and buy an inexpensive air ticket.

the site found for you the most inexpensive air tickets from Noginsk to the village of Voskresenskoye, comparing the cost of an air ticket to the village of Voskresenskoye in 68 agencies, 17 booking systems and 728 airlines. Where exactly to buy plane tickets from Noginsk is your choice.

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Rzechowska village (IWA) Moscow (MOW) Direct 7R 128 BRA-Transportes Aereos 73 € Let's fly!
Moscow (MOW) Rzechowska village (IWA) Direct 7R 127 BRA-Transportes Aereos 73 € Let's fly!
Zimnichki village (KVX) Moscow (MOW) Direct U9 508 Tatarstan Airlines 207 € Let's fly!
Moscow (MOW) Zimnichki village (KVX) Direct U9 507 Tatarstan Airlines 207 € Let's fly!
Moscow (MOW) Rzechowska village (IWA) 1 stop FV 164 Rossiya-Russian Airlines 261 € Let's fly!
Rzechowska village (IWA) Moscow (MOW) 1 stop 7R 104 BRA-Transportes Aereos 276 € Let's fly!
Moscow (MOW) Zimnichki village (KVX) 1 stop U9 367 Tatarstan Airlines 430 € Let's fly!
Zimnichki village (KVX) Moscow (MOW) 1 stop U9 113 Tatarstan Airlines 448 € Let's fly!
Moscow (MOW) Zimnichki village (KVX) 2 stops FV 156 Rossiya-Russian Airlines 526 € Let's fly!
Rzechowska village (IWA) Moscow (MOW) 2 stops 7R 104 BRA-Transportes Aereos 801 € Let's fly!
Moscow (MOW) Rzechowska village (IWA) 2 stops U9 369 Tatarstan Airlines 802 € Let's fly!

Questions and answers about the route Noginsk - Voskresenskoye village

When traveling along the route you have chosen, it is approximate (based on fuel consumption of 10 liters per 100 km).

Approximate (at the rate of 35 rubles per liter of gasoline).

You can use the fuel consumption calculator and independently calculate the costs when traveling on the road from Noginsk to the village of Voskresenskoye.

Our service does not have data on prices for real estate, apartments, dachas and land in Noginsk (Noginsk district, Moscow region, Russia), you are better off using specialized services, which can be found by asking the questions “Land price in Noginsk” and “Real estate cost in Noginsk", these questions should be asked in the search bar or

The temple is designed in the form of a two-height rotunda on a cross-shaped base. The three branches of the cross are decorated with monumental Doric porticoes and arched niches for statues. The dome is completed with a crown of miniature columns in view of the belvedere. A pillarless refectory with choirs along the western wall connects the temple with a three-tier bell tower with a ringing resonator and spire. The decoration of the facades is limited by window niches framed by stretched archivolts and strongly raised plank cornices with mutulas. The upper tiers of the temple and bell tower are decorated with ribbon rustication, and the bell tower also has double pilasters. The pillarless two-height quadrangle of the temple is completed with a light rotunda with large windows and a dome. On the sides of the temple there are side loggias with Tuscan porticoes. Numerous supports of the wide refectory support the system of sail vaults. The monumental tower of the bell tower consists of four quadrangles of decreasing volume. The decoration of the facades uses oval medallions and smooth archivolts above the windows, united by a white stone shelf. The bell tower is decorated with flat niches and pilasters, forming a portico with a Doric frieze at the base. The pillarless, single-apse cubic temple is topped with a low domed rotunda. The side facades are decorated with porch porticos and an Italian skylight window. The intermediate and crowning cornices are hewn from white stone. The exterior decoration uses drawn platbands with white stone sandstone on brackets. The lowered refectory contains two chapels. The lavishly decorated massive bell tower is composed of four tiers square in cross-section: the lower one is decorated with porticoes of the Doric order, and above - groups of Ionic and Corinthian semi-columns. The four-pillar, five-domed cross-domed temple with powerful light and dull small drums is a Tonovsky version of national architecture. The facades are completed with a semblance of an attic with a tier of false kokoshniks. The corners are processed with bundles of thin semi-columns. The treatment of capitals and the three-part entablature follow the canons of classicism. The same eclectic decor was used in the decoration of the three-tier bell tower. In the architecture of the later parts of the building, the principles of the 17th century were used: the facades with open masonry are covered with a carpet of various brick patterns, achieving special richness in the processing of the vestibules, the gables of which are crowned with a miniature tricopium. The five-domed, four-pillar, double-arched church is typologically close to cross-domed churches. The squat proportions with a significant length of the walls and the covering of the light and small blind drums with low domes give it the character of ponderous stability. The facades are divided by blades into spindles and end with wide zakomaras with sharp keels. The walls are covered with a simple brick pattern. The slender three-tier bell tower is topped with a light bell resonator and a chapter drum. The rich decoration of the upper tiers is highlighted by whitewash and is clearly readable against the background of unplastered walls. The temple is of the “octagon-on-quadruple” type and is combined with the adjacent refectory and side chapels. The upper octagon is interpreted in the forms of bell towers of the 17th century. and is completed with a large haystack-shaped head. The walls of the side wings are completed with semi-circular tympanums, completed with miniature domes; the central window of the second light is highlighted by a double-arched lintel with a hanging weight. The rich brick decoration is based on the motifs of Russian architecture - flies, curbs, small kokoshniks, keel-shaped archivolts. The bell tower is unfinished; the first tier has been partially removed. The pillarless quadrangle of the temple is crowned with a multifaceted light drum with a crown of tongs and an umbrella covering. The gabled - according to the project - completion of the walls was replaced by a curvilinear semblance of zakomar. On the walls of the temple, narrow high windows are located in a triangular pattern at several levels. The tops of the triangles are occupied by a relief image of a cross. The facades are painted with flat niches, brick belts and window edges. Previously, a three-bay belfry rose above the massive portal of the western façade, framed by arcature. After the renovation, the western facade was hidden by the newest extension, and the completion of the belfry lost its once dynamic character. The narthex and the altar merge with the volume of the temple, the latter is separated by an altar barrier.