Dark leo turtle comic. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo. Appearance, weapons, character and biography of the character. Rocksteady and Bebop, two iconic jerks, will appear in the new film

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are the legendary defenders of New York, familiar to us since childhood. Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello appeared on the screen in 1987 as characters in the animated series, which can now be called a cult with full confidence. The weapons of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, along with their colors, help to distinguish them from each other.

Bold, courageous and with a great sense of humor, these four mutants have become idols of children and teenagers around the world. Together with their teacher the rat Splinter, they have not lost their fame for the third decade thanks to numerous cartoons, comics, and toys. And in 2014, the popularity of heroes rose to a new peak thanks to the release of a full-length Hollywood film.

Each turtle differs from its siblings in the color of its eyepatch and the type of weapon it uses. Let's figure out who is who. So:

Blue - Leonardo (katana);

Purple - Donatello (Bo's pole);

Red - Rafael (sai);

Yellow - Michelangelo (nunchaku).

And now let's look at what exactly the weapon of the ninja turtles is, so as not to get confused in these complex names.

Katana - leader's weapon

The "blue" mutant Leonardo cannot be imagined without his swords. But these are not ordinary blades, but a classic Japanese katana. When Splinter handed them to his apprentice, he said they were the leader's weapons.

This is often called anyone, but first of all it is a saber with a slightly curved tip more than 60 cm long. Thanks to the straight and long handle, it can be held with both hands, which is very convenient, given its considerable weight - about 1-1.5 kg.

The curved shape of the sword and its sharp end help to inflict not only cutting, but also stabbing blows, which gives more options for maneuvers during the battle.

The weapons of the ninja turtles have become very popular. Sheathed katana toys delight children all over the world.

Pole Bo - Donatello's reliable partner

Donatello (the purple-banded turtle) wins with amazing dexterity
any opponent thanks to his pole. Bo is considered the best weapon among sticks.

It would seem that with such a large projectile you can’t turn around much, but in fact it is very light (made of wood or bamboo) and is suitable for a fight even in the cramped room.

Its usual length is 180 cm, but there are models that reach as much as 270 cm. As a rule, the thickness of the Bo is 3 centimeters, which makes it as comfortable to grip with your hand. And Manuki (the fabric that wraps its central part) minimizes the slip of the palm.

This Ninja Turtle weapon allows you to fight in a variety of techniques. They can inflict chopping, undercutting, whipping blows, make pokes, loops, figure eights, fight back, intercept the enemy, parry.

It is difficult to knock it out or snatch it out of the hands, which gives an additional advantage during the fight.

Sai: three daggers in one

Stylish and sophisticated, similar to a stiletto, uses Rafael - a mutant with a red armband.

According to one version, this triple knife came from a trident, which the ancient Japanese used to loosen the ground.

The sai has a short shaft (its maximum width is one and a half palms) and an elongated middle blade. This is the traditional weapon of the inhabitants of the Japanese region of Okinawa.

Its lateral prongs give the hand additional protection, and due to their sharp sharpening, they are also used to defeat the enemy in battle.

This is a handy and compact weapon of the ninja turtles. It can be plugged into the belt, and then easily and quickly removed at the right time.

Rafael uses two sai at once. They are suitable for both close combat and for throwing at the enemy.

A weapon that anyone can make

Michelangelo is a turtle whose hallmark is yellow and nunchucks. This weapon can be used not only to strike and break objects, but also to strangle the enemy.

Two wooden sticks of small length, fastened together with a chain or cord, are an indispensable assistant in any fight. It can be easily made at home. How to make your own ninja turtle weapons

To do this, you need to make holes on the ends of the sticks if you use a cord, or attach metal fasteners to them if you want to make a model with a chain, like Michelangelo's.

Then we connect the sticks together - and the ninja turtles are ready for battle.

Sometimes one half of the nunchaku can be longer than the other, if this option seems more convenient to the owner. But, as a rule, both sticks are the same length, like their most famous mutant wielder.

Heroes with a difficult past.

This week, the sequel to the two-year-old film "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", which grossed almost $500 million in wide release, will be released in Russian cinemas. We decided to recall the main historical moments of one of the most unusual heroes of film comics.

1. The creators of the turtles loved martial arts.

The first sketches of future heroes.

Both the artists of the now legendary comic book, Peter Alan Laird and Kevin Brooks Eastman, were martial arts fans. The first studied aikido in his youth, the second adored films with Bruce Lee. That is why the main characters received the loud prefix "ninja".

2. The names of the main characters were invented as a joke.

Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello. Originals.

Laird and Eastman loved art history, so the idea of ​​borrowing the names of Renaissance masters (Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael Santi, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi) seemed funny to both creators.

According to the legend of the comic itself, the sensei of the turtles Splinter the rat accidentally found a colorful album with paintings by these artists in a pile of garbage.

3. Turtles was originally a parody of another comic

The hero of the comic book "Daredevil".

Many fans associate the idea of ​​mutating the main characters with the story of another comic book character, Daredevil. He, saving a man from under the wheels of a truck carrying radioactive substances, lost his sight. The liquid got into his eyes, depriving him of his vision, but improving his hearing and sense of smell. Turtles were originally a parody of this hero.

In addition, the comic was similar to Frank Miller's "Ronin" about the adventures of a samurai in New York.

4. Multi-colored headbands for the heroes did not appear immediately

Cover of the original comic.

In the original comic, there was a lot of aggression and cruelty, the ninja turtles themselves were black and white, only red bandages were drawn on the cover of the heroes.

Only after the comic became popular the artists "handed" each turtle a bandage of a certain color and buckles with letters on the belts. Raphael received red, Donatello purple, orange went to Michelangelo, and blue to the leader of the quartet, Leonardo.

5. Each turtle has its own set of characteristics

All heroes are different.


Date of Birth: 12th of August
Weapon: Punishes enemies with two katanas
Characteristics: Disciplined, adamant in decisions, constantly arguing with the carefree Michelangelo
Chip: Informal leader of the team. In the 1987 animated series, he has an affair with a ninja girl Lotus


Date of Birth: July 1
Weapon: Uses bokken (a long bamboo stick) as a weapon
Characteristics: The think tank of the team, loves technology and science
Chip: In the new film adaptation, the hero has a satchel with gadgets, a headset with a camera and an electronic monocle, and he himself wears glasses. In the 2016 film, Don built the Turtles' signature truck, which is on par with James Bond cars in terms of the number of gadgets.


Date of Birth: August 22
Weapon: Uses a pair of sai daggers
Characteristics: A violent fighter with an unbalanced psyche
Chip: In the animated series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Raphael had an affair with Mona Lisa, a girl who mutated into a lizard


Date of Birth: November 24
Weapon: Favorite weapon nunchaku
Characteristics: The carelessness and frivolity of the team
Chip: Chief optimist of the team. He loves pizza more than anyone else and jokes more often than others. In the 2014 film, the hero breathes unevenly towards April; in the continuation of the story, we are waiting for the turtle to roll up to the journalist again. It was Michelangelo (a turtle with nunchucks) who was the first to draw one of the authors of the comic book, Kevin Eastman.

6. Rocksteady and Bebop, the two iconic jerks, will appear in the new movie.

Big and dumb.

Two antagonists and assistants of the main villain Shredder, who promise to become one of the main features of the upcoming film, which comes out at the very beginning of June. In the classic animated series, these two mutants are the result of crossing two punk bandits with a rhinoceros and a wild boar. Both are completely stupid.

The names of the characters denote musical genres: Bebop is a style in jazz. Rocksteady is a Jamaican style of music (father of the Reggae style).

7. Animated series, many and different

Nostalgia from the 90s.

For Russian viewers, comic book heroes opened the series, which was filmed from 1987 to 1992, the total number of episodes is 193, seasons - 10.

In 2003, the Fox Network revived the animated series, which is more like the original comics, but darker and more dramatic.

In 2012, the Nickelodeon channel premiered an animated series that uses computer graphics.

8. The first movie adaptation now looks ridiculous, in 1990 it became a hit

Trailer for a movie from the 90s.

The 1990 film about the Turtles followed the main story of the appearance of the characters. With a budget of $13.5 million, the film grossed $201 million worldwide. Interestingly, one of the roles in the film was played by Sam Rockwell.

Do not believe that the film turned out strange? Let's watch the trailer.

9. The Turtles Reboot Was Successful

Frame from the 2014 film.

In 2014, for the 30th anniversary of the franchise, director Jonathan Liebesman filmed a new film adaptation of the comic, released in 3D.

Fans were dissatisfied with the new repulsive appearance of the main characters. On the one hand, you can understand them, everyone is used to the pretty faces of turtles, on the other hand, take a look at the images of the common turtle. The artists of the new version of the mutants had every reason for their work.

In general, the film turned out to be a kind of symbiosis of Christopher Nolan's harsh and realistic The Dark Knight and Michael Bay's Transformers.

The film's budget was $125 million, and worldwide box office was $493 million ($29 million in Russia).

10. The second part of the new "Turtles" promises to be very cool

You will be pleasantly surprised.

There are several reasons. The scale of events has become larger, the heroes have new enemies known to us from the animated series, there are more jokes, April #Megan O'Neil was stripped even more, and the female party was made up of the world-famous model Alessandra Ambrosio.

We are also waiting for the appearance of Casey Jones, an independent helper of the turtles and a demonstration of the turtle wagon's super chips. And, of course, signature slow-mo and insane destruction from the film's producer Michael Bay.

For many years, the legendary Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been the idols of children. Leonardo is one of them. All turtles differ from each other in character, appearance and weapons used. Why is Leo so famous?

Photo of Leonardo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Character appearance

Leo was named after the famous generalist scientist Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo consists of only one blue bandage.

It remains a mystery why the comics creators chose the name Leo for the turtle in the blue bandana. This hero does not shine in the sciences; rather, the image of a good leader and a fearless warrior is closer to him.

Weapons Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Leo always uses two katanas or ninjato in combat. Wherever you see photos of Leonardo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, he will definitely hold them in his hands.

The katana is a long one that is usually held with two hands. But Leonardo in battle controls two katanas at once, holding one sword in each hand. Katana swords are slightly curved and have a one-sided blade.

Leo also uses ninjato in battle - special swords from the ninja arsenal. They are short and have a straight blade.

History of creation

Without a ninja turtle, Leonardo is hard to imagine the entire heroic team. He is the link between the three brothers, organizes them. The only person Leo doesn't really get along with is Raphael.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics were created by Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman in the 80s. Initially, they wanted to name the turtle with katana Donatello. But then Laird designed a hero in a purple armband with a battle stick, and it was decided to call a turtle with two swords Leonardo.

In the first issues of the Mirage Studios comics, Leo is responsible for the ninja team in front of Master Splinter, but when the teacher is not around, Raphael takes the championship. A little later, Leonardo nevertheless proves with his determination and concentration that he manages to lead better than the quick-tempered Raphael.

In the 90s, the rights to publish cartoon stories with mutant turtles were bought by Image Comics. In issues of this magazine, Leo becomes more violent in combat and tougher in decision making. But he still remains a priority in matters of leadership, justice and strategy.

Character character

A peculiar character is manifested in each ninja turtle. Leonardo is the most calm and balanced of the entire team. It is difficult to piss him off, make him nervous. Leo always makes decisions quickly and confidently. He is especially good at strategizing and

Above all, Leo is well brought up. He maintains communication and understanding between Sensei Splinter and other mutants. Leo prefers to spend his free time not looking at comics, like Mikey, but in training. Sometimes Leo even meditates.

Like any leader, the turtle in the blue bandage has a heightened sense of justice and responsibility. When something goes wrong or something happens to the brothers, Leonardo always blames only himself.

After the release of the cartoon in 2003, they began to draw Leo with a chipped shell, because in one of the battles he badly damaged him. Sometimes Leonardo clashes strongly with Raph due to the latter's aggressive working methods.

Screen Appearances

In 1987, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles first appeared on television. Leonardo in the cartoon of the late 80s is presented as an impeccable leader who requires daily long training from other turtles. It's because Leo is just obsessed with destroying the Shredder. He understands that for this, all team members will have to give their best.

Also in the cartoon, something happens in Leo's personal life: in one of the episodes, he meets a mutant girl named Lotus, and they begin an affair.

In the 2003 animated film, Leo appears to the viewer as very silent and secretive. He meditates for hours in seclusion, but what remains unchanged is the desire to destroy the Shredder, and preferably forever. There is a moment in the series where an alternate reality is shown. In this reality, Leo dies during a fight with the Shredder.

In 2014, Paramount Pictures filmed latest version stories about mutant turtles. In this adaptation, Leo was played by Pete Ploszek. He's still a fearless leader, but there's a lot more skirmishes going on between Raf and his brother in the blue armband.

The picture aroused great interest among the public: at the box office, the tape collected almost $ 500 million. This film, unlike previous versions, makes extensive use of computer-generated special effects. The scandalous Megan Fox was invited to the role of April O'Neil.

Recently, the release of the next picture about the adventures of mutants was announced: its premiere will take place in 2016. So far, it is known that the plot of the new film will closely echo the plot of the 1987 animated series. The cast will remain the same. Only the avenger character Casey Jones will be added.

Shredder, Khan, Agent John Bishop, High Krang, Rocksteady and Bebop, Baxter Stockman, Scavenger, Rat King, Super Cool Ninja, Karai


Mirage studios

In the first volume of the original comic, Leonardo plays a very important role. At the beginning of the series, he is 15 years old. In early stories, he is not exactly called the leader, although he is in charge of the team. Further in the series, he openly declares his position as a leader in place of Rafael. He is the main strategist of the team.

Image Comics

In Image Comics, Leo is more violent than in Archie, but he is a fair leader and always helps the brothers. He wants to take revenge on Shredder for Hamato Yoshi, Master Splinter's teacher.

Archie Comics

In Archie, Leonardo is a kind and responsible but rather boring character. He constantly bothers the brothers with training, because of which they always suffer. In the future, Leo opens a ninja school. His top four students are Nobuko, Miles, Carmen and Bob.

Beyond comics

Animated series

Animated series 1987

In the first animated series, Leonardo is the strongest of the Turtles. As in Archie Comics, Leo loves to annoy his brothers with training and hates Shredder. He is trying with all his might to defeat Shredder and Krang. Leonardo is friendly, well-mannered and tries to help his brothers and Master Splinter in everything. In two episodes, he has an affair with the ninja girl Lotus.

Animated series 2003

In this animated series, Leonardo is very quiet and devotes a lot of time to meditation. He is a master of ninja-to and is trying with all his might to deal with Shredder and his minions once and for all in order to ensure the safety of all his friends. Often quarreled with Rafael, but from time to time they were very close. This is especially noticeable in season 1, when Leo was recovering from a war with a gang of ninjas. Rafael helped him get back in shape.

In season 2, Leo fought against the Daimio son and defeated him. During the battle at the Battle of the Nexus against Miyamoto Usagi, Leo was nearly killed by a dart fired from the Daimio's son's pipe, who wanted to overthrow his father Daimio and take revenge on Leo.

In season 3, Draco and Daimio-son, who merged together, scattered the brothers in different worlds. Leo ended up in feudal Japan, where he fought against the ninja and protected the head of the Gi Shu clan, Mr. Narioka, from Mr. Hebi. Later, with the help of his samurai friend Miyamoto, Usagi infiltrated the Nexus in order to ask the Daimio for a scepter to bring back his brothers. However, under the guise of Gyoji (Daimio's servant) were Draco and Daimio's son. However, the freed Splinter returned the brothers.

In season 4, after the war with Shredder, his shell was damaged and he became more violent. However, Master Splinter sent him to Japan to a sensei named Elder. As a result, realizing that he was his own worst enemy, Leo again became what he was before. Leo later told the brothers the story of Master Yoshi that the Eldest told him.

Leonardo was played by Marc Caso.

one of the main comic book characters Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all subsequent franchises. In most cases ( , ) he is shown as the oldest of the entire Turtle Four. He usually wears a blue armband and is armed with two katanas. He has leadership and discipline. It got its name in honor of the Renaissance artist - Leonardo Da Vinci.

Leonardo is the most collected of all the Turtles. He is quite reserved and sensitive, rarely giving direct orders, and is more relaxed than his brothers, seeing himself as their equal rather than their leader. Despite his calm nature, he often gets into arguments with his more quick-tempered brother, Raphael.

Leonardo trains diligently and learns combat strategies to prepare his family for possible turbulent times. He was accused of having too high expectations, but he did not agree with this. He didn't try to be perfect, he wanted the perfect experience. And maybe when the family is out of danger, he can relax. Leo loves his family more than his own life and therefore feels responsible for their safety. And if he is sure that the teacher Splinter is still able to stand up for himself, then the brothers cause concern. He understands that he must be with them and help them focus.

Biographical information

Residence: Land, New York, McMahon Animal Mall, sewers, April O'Neil apartments, Casey Jones farm

Nicknames: Leo, Fearless Leader, Splinter Jr., Ghost of the Jungle, Master Guinsoo, Leonardo-san

Date of birth: unknown

Date of death: still alive

Weapon Options (Abilities): katanas, ninjutsu prowess, athletic skills, strategic leadership skills, tengu sword, ninjato swords, wakizashi sword, blaster, bow and arrow, shuriken, kama, gunshin sword, cyber equipment, kenjutsu prowess and iaido - swordsmanship, swordsmanship. Extended physical capabilities through Shi's manipulation during training with the Ninja Tribunal, niten-ryu.

Occupation: Leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Relations with organizations: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ninja Tribunal, Acolytes,

Physical Data

Species: turtle mutant

Gender: male

Height: 144.5 cm or 155 cm on two legs; 156.1 cm, 162.15 cm, 172.7 cm

Weight: 68 kg, 70 kg, 81.5 kg

Hair color: no

Headband color: red in Mirage and Image comics, blue in all other franchises

Dadditional information

Appearance locations: , ,

Publishers: Mirage Studios, Archie Comics, Image Comics, Konami, Dreamwave, Ubisoft

First appearance: comic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1(first issue of Studio Mirage)

Creators: Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird

Voice actors/role performers:

Cam Clarke- m / s 1987-1996

Tetsuya Kakihara (Tetsuya a Kakihara)- anime "The Legend of the Super Mutants" (1996-1997)

Brian Tochi- voiced in three films (from 1990 to 1993)

David Foreman- acted in the first film

Mark Caso- acted in the second and third films

Michael Dobson- TV series "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Mutation" (1997-1998)

Michael Sinterniklaas- m / s 2003-2009

James Arnold Taylor- m / f "Ninja Turtles" (2007)

Dan Green- version of Leonardo from the first animated series, m / f "Turtles Forever" (2009)

Jason Anthony Griffith- Miragev version of Leonardo, m / f "Turtles Forever" (2009)

Jason Biggs- m / s from Nickelodeon (2013)


Mirage Studios

IN first volume original comics by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, Leonardo plays an important role. At the beginning of the story, he is 15 years old. In early releases, his leadership is not so clearly reflected, although he usually speaks for all the brothers. In the future, he openly asserts his leadership position in front of Raphael in "Turtle
ki Ninja "No. 44 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles # 44, 1992). He is the main strategist of the team (except in cases related to technology - this is a field).

In the release of the micro-series ( What you sow... soreap! / What Goes Around... Comes Around! ) Leo makes a sortie over the rooftops of New York and is caught in a trap. He engages in a spectacular fight with the Foot Ninja, but is ultimately defeated, badly injured and rendered semi-conscious. He was thrown through a glass dome in the roof of the apartment. The rest of the Turtles and Splinter were forced to take the fight. However, despite the help, the advantage was not on their side.

IN issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #11 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #11) When the Turtles, Splinter, April, and Casey retreated to a farm in Northampton, Leo recovered physically but seemed overwhelmed and lost confidence. He repeatedly did unsuccessful attempts in deer hunting. In one of those moments, he saved April, who fell through the ice. In all subsequent issues, it was shown how Leonardo regains his former confidence.

In the storyline "Return to New York" #19-21 (Return to New York, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #19-21), Raphael demanded that the Turtles return to New York and confront Shredder and the Foot Clan, accusing Leonardo of cowardice. They start arguing and a fight breaks out. Raphael overpowered Leo by throwing him over the barn wall and left alone. Shortly thereafter, Donatello and along with Leonardo returned to New York and reunited with their wayward brother in an old sewer hideout. All three agree to Raphael's plan to attack. The Four Turtles infiltrate Shredder's hideout, where Rafael once again did his own thing and fell into a trap, defeated by E cast Ninja Shredder. After being saved by Leonardo, Raphael relinquishes the lead out of respect for his older brother and returns to the aid of Donatello and Michelangelo, leaving Leo to fight the Shredder on the rooftop. The fight ended with the decapitation of the latter. The Turtles later burned Shredder's body in a funeral pyre near Manhattan Harbor.

In the story arc "City at War" #50-62 (City at War, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #50-62), a struggle for leadership broke out between the various factions of the Foot Clan, which spontaneously took to the streets of New York, thereby putting the Turtles and the civilian population at risk. Fatigue grows in Leonardo from constant battles with the Foot Clan and he becomes indecisive again. The Turtles are approached by the leader of the Foot Clan in Japan, who arrives in New York to unite the Foot. She offered the Turtles a truce if they would help her fight Shredder's Elite Ninja, who are the main obstacle to the reorganization of the Foot Clan. Leo convinces his brothers to accept Karai's offer and the four team up with her to eliminate the Elite.

In second volume comic book Mirage, Turtles live in different places. Leonardo decides to take up residence in a new hideout in the sewers. Michelangelo and Raphael notice a change in Leonardo and that he has become more calm, although Raphael notes that mutual skirmishes between him and Leo are in the order of things.

IN volume 4, Leo still leads his brothers in the fight against crime. The conflicts between Leonardo and Raphael seem to be fading away, as their characters "softened" when they reached their third decade. When the Utroms publicly flew to Earth and revealed alien life to humans, the Turtles begin to live freely among humans. They also help the Utroms acclimate to Earth and work with the Foot Clan as guards. Leo has a new rival - Cha Ocho (Cha Ocho) of the Foot Clan, the reason for which was their mutual skirmish, years earlier. After most of the Foot Clan around the world has been wiped out by a mysterious warrior leaving only the New York division untouched, Leonardo joins forces with Karai to capture him. His investigation leads him to the Battle Nexus, where he meets Oroku Yoshi, who wears almost the same armor as the Shredder.

Image Publishing (Image Comics)

In these comics, Leonardo is endowed with traits similar to his Mirage counterpart (at that time, Image continued the second volume from where Mirage left off). In later editions he lost his arm, though that didn't bother him too much. At first, he tried to use a prosthesis designed by Donatello, but a steel cap with a retractable blade turned out to be preferable. To date, the events taking place in the Image comics are considered non-canonical, although the entire series bears the title of the third volume.

Archie Publishing (Archie Comics)

These comics were originally an adaptation of the 1987-1996 animated series, so Leonardo was portrayed like his animated counterpart. In the Archie comics, Leonardo has a rather strong dislike for firearms. Leonardo from the future was shown as the founder of the ninja school. He had 4 best students: Nobuko (Nobuko) - his possible love, Miles (Miles) - a young black man, Carmen (Carmen) - Hispanic and Bob - an anthropomorphic baboon. These students had a warm relationship with the Turtles. Bob, in particular, addressed them as "uncles."

Publishing house IDW (IDW Publishing)

In Splinter's absence, Leonardo is the leader of the team. He always calculates the situation quickly and in advance. Leonardo is a perfectionist, which is often oh does not play into his hands. He performs the tasks assigned to him with fanaticism, fearing otherwise to fall in the eyes of others and lose his status. Always tries to live up to the ideals of his mentor Splinter. However, he can't quite grasp the simple thing Splinter said: "It's an honor to strive for perfection, but it's not a shame not to achieve it."

Leonardo also believes that he is responsible for the actions of his brothers and that their wrong actions are also a loss of his status. Leonardo is a voracious reader and perhaps the smartest of the Turtles, in terms of intellect. If earlier Raphael was the object of moralizing Leonardo, then in the IDW comics this role went to Donatello. The team leader is often not happy that his brother considers himself the smartest, thereby once again undermining Leonardo's leadership in the eyes of the family.

Animated series

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987-1996)

Prior to the IDW comics, this was the only version of the franchise where Leonardo and Raphael did not compete. It is also the only version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles where Leonardo's swords were curved (perhaps due to animation issues), so they could well be called katanas.

In the lyrics of the opening song, Leonardo is directly called the leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and for good reason. His orders are usually obeyed and he is a true virtue who almost always makes prudent decisions. In one of the episodes, he suffered a crisis of confidence and left the brothers in a spiritual search. Each of the three tried to try himself as a leader, but everyone realized that this was not given to them, and then Leonardo returned.

In series "Carefully. Lotus!" (Beware of Lotus) he was attracted to a young kunoichi (female ninja) Lotus Blossom - a gifted feh
hauler from Japan. Krang hired her as a replacement for Shredder, whom she easily defeated (along with Bebop). She and Leonardo fought evenly until Lotus used a ruse to knock her out. When they met for the second time, she tried to convince him to join her as a ninja for hire, but he refused. She left the Krang and fled to continue her mercenary lifestyle, saying goodbye to Leo that it was gold that attracted her more, though she ended by expressing her hope that one day they would be on the same side of the barricades.

When the animated series first started, Leonardo was immediately shown as the leader, akin to his comic book counterpart. However, as the subsequent episodes were released, he became more and more emotional and at some point could even squeal, which greatly differed him from the original, deeper first season. This was probably the result of downplaying the importance of Leonardo by the authors, as the audience was more sympathetic to Micheland.
jelo and Rafael.

Leonardo was noticed as a keen reader. For example, many times when the Turtles were in their sewers, he read books. Episode "Four Musketeer Turtles" (Four Musketurtles), he was the only Turtle to have read The Three Musketeers. Another good example is the series "Disappearance of Leonardo" (Leonardo is Missing), where while the other Turtles cut themselves into video games, Leonardo stays in the hideout and reads.

In series "The Great Glaciation" (Take Me to Your Leader), Season 3, Leonardo resigns from command and leaves after having a nightmare that convinces him of his inability to be a good leader. The others decided to find him and stop Shredder, Krang, Bebop, and Rocksteady from trying to suck out solar energy with their solar pump to fill the batteries at the Technodrome. However, Leonardo returned when along the way he discovered a bridge that had collapsed under the weight of snow. He was impressed by the words of a local resident that everyone is discussing the bad weather, but no one is doing anything. Leo realizes his responsibility and returns to his brothers. Together they save the Earth from icing.

In the 6th season, in the series "Snakes
come back" (Snakes Alive) it is shown that Leonardo suffers from ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), but in the end he overcame it

Beginning with 8th season(Red Sky Series) he is shown to be more dedicated towards protecting people, while Raphael and Donatello expressed their displeasure towards people who made them feel abandoned. Leo explained to them that their enemies had simply led the people astray, and that he would not stop doing good, even if it was not appreciated.

In the original version on English language, Leonardo and Rocksteady voiced Cam Clarke. Leonardo is generally regarded as Clark's pivotal role and one of his best known. In the Hebrew version, Leonardo dubbed Ido Mosseri.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003-2009)

In the original version, Leonardo voiced Michael Sinterklaas. It was dubbed in Finnish Samuel Haryanne (Samuel Harjanne, first and second seasons) and Markus Blom. Here he is shown as an informal leader and the most spiritual of all. He was strongly associated with Splinter, and had a strong sense of honor, morality, and Bushido. He carries katana behind his back, crossed. Episodes involving honor and the Shredder usually focus on Leonardo, and he often becomes the Turtle "who saved everyone today". In this animated series, Leo is more sensitive and self-doubting than in his other incarnations. Rafael often quarreled with him and resented his brother's leadership, sarcastically calling him "Fearless Leader", although at times they were very close. Relationship with Donatello and
Michelangelos are not as volatile, although they both cite the rigid standards set by Leo. Despite this, all of the brothers consider him the core of their strength, and are confused when he is injured or missing. One of the most outstanding qualities of Leonardo is his firm conviction the ability to believe in the best in people, even in potential enemies (for example, Karai, Traximus, the Beast). He was also partial to Karai, the adopted daughter of the Utrom Shredder.

At times, Leonardo is too strict with himself, as he feels that a lot depends on him. Just like in the Mirage comics, Leo is ambushed and seriously injured while fighting the Foot Clan. And he is also overcome by a sense of his own insignificance. The same happened in third season, after the final battle with Shredder. His anger and insecurity were caused by Karai, who he thought was a noble ally but could not resist the Master's orders, eventually causing him a serious injury (unintentionally). After this incident, Leo behaves completely inappropriately, as he is sure that he will let himself and his family down again. This manifested itself in his quest to blow up the spaceship that Shredder and the Turtles were on at the same time. But at the last moment, the Mornings saved them from certain death. After the final battle with the Shredder, Leo was the only Turtle to actually suffer serious damage - part of his shell on his left shoulder broke off. Either way, he is the most skilled of all the Turtles. He trained with two masters, was able to go head-to-head and defeat Karai, the new Shredder, and even injure Splinter.

For the most part fourth season Leonardo manifests himself at his worst, becoming more cruel and rude than he worries his loved ones. In the course of his self-flagellation, he goes so far as to injure Splinter's teacher during training. After that, he has to go on a journey, and at the end of the journey he finds peace of mind under the guidance of the Elder, Splinter's friend, who previously trained Hamato Yoshi (Splinter's master and teacher). He had to go back after the news that his family was in danger. He returns to New York, reunites his family (who suffered from Karai's vengeance) to safety, and engages Karai in battle, giving her one last chance to leave the Turtles alone.

In the fifth season (Lost Season / Lost Season), during the training of the Acolytes (Chosen Ones) under the Ninja Tribunal, Leonardo was the only one who did not receive weapons from the fiery forge of Spirits (powered by the breath of the Four Great Dragons). They didn’t give a sensible explanation for this, but maybe, unlike others, he simply didn’t need it in the battle, since he himself eats
b the best weapon. Or he was too worried about the flames escaping from the forge and was the last to believe they were safe, so he was considered unworthy of a weapon. A more acceptable and concrete explanation is that the Gunshin sword (which was given to another Acolyte, Faraji) was his real weapon and was only allowed to wield it after he could prove to the Ninja Tribunal that he was able to overcome his fears and doubts. His spirit form (avatar) is a very rare dragon form, unheard of for anyone of his age. Later, his brothers also took on the form of Dragons. In series "Beginning of the End" Leonardo receives the sword Gunshin - one of the dragon's fangs that controls the "White Flames of the Dragon King" - from the dying Faraji. He returns this sword in the series "Dragon Battle, Part 1" (Enter the Dragons, Part 1), when Faraji returns to help fight the Demon Shredder.

IN Season 6 Season (Full Forward / Fast Forward), and also subsequently, Leonardo's shell is again whole and unharmed. Also, Leo is the only
a venerable one who continues to train, unlike brothers who explore the world and the possibilities of the future. However, one day, together with his brothers, he violates the ban not to read April's diary (which could tell about what happened in the past, which the Turtles skipped).

IN Season 7 (Homecoming / Back to the Sewer) Leonardo and his brothers must
Find the bytes of Splinter's teacher after the Virus split him in Cyberspace. In the season finale, Leonardo goes with everyone to Casey and April's wedding and helps get Splinter back. After this
Then he and his brothers fight the Cyber-Foot and defeat the Cyber-Shredder, after which they watch the wedding of friends. This season, Leonardo is also the most skilled in combat.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 2012

Although he is not yet the brave and determined commander he sees himself as, he has all the makings of a true leader. He is an excellent fighter and tactician, but his relentless pursuit of leadership prevents him from becoming a true master of his craft. As Splinter tells him, "You can't hold water in a clenched fist."

Weapon: niten-ryu - two swords


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I (1990)

In the very first film, Leonardo was rather modest and sensitive, rarely taking orders, and often joking with his brothers, which would not
lo in previous TV versions of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He was the first to open a telepathic connection with the kidnapped Splinter. But unlike in the comics, he wasn't beaten up on the roof, it was Rafael. And he didn't defeat Shredder. However, he was the only one of the Turtles who was able to hurt Shredder during
the time of their final battle on the rooftop. Due to the film's focus on Rafael, Leo's character was not fully developed and his leadership skills were kept in the background. He was played in the film David Foreman, but voiced Brian Tochi.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)

Leonardo became a more prominent figure and his leadership was clearly shown. He often bickers with Rafael, as their competition becomes more and more
more serious. Leonardo, like his brothers, was very surprised at the return of the Foot, but he realized that their homelessness due to the last battle with them was a more important issue and
he soon persuaded the brothers to move away from April (who temporarily provided them with shelter). Leo is still the same sensitive, caring, but already a more powerful and confident leader.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993)

In the third part, Leonardo helps the brothers return home from feudal Japan, after helping a village that was terrorized by a western colonist.

In the second and third films, Leo played Mark Caso, but voiced Brian Tochi.

Concert tours

Coming Out of Their Shells, 1990

In the theatrical performance, Leo plays bass guitar and is a backing vocalist.


Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, 1997-1998

In this series, Leonardo has two ninjato swords instead of two katanas. His rivalry with Raphael was shown in many series.
yah. One day while sparring, Rafael took advantage of Leo's obvious physical weakness, insulted, teased and taunted his brother, until finally Leo lost his patience and hit Raph with such force that he flew through their entire hideout. They spent the rest of the season arguing and competing in their (sometimes absurd) skills, using arm wrestling as their final contest to decide who should stay and who should leave. And although Leo won, he decided that Raf should stay. Leonardo leans towards the teacher in terms of how a ninja should act (not attack, but defend), and Raphael is the opposite in opinion. Following the rules sometimes comes to comical.

Feature-length cartoons

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT), 2007

The plot of the cartoon continues.

Leonardo was sent by Master Splinter to hone his skills in order to strengthen his leadership qualities after defeating the Shredder. April later discovers him in Central America. And although at first he doubts whether or not to return to New York, in the end he does right choice, because on the mountain
A new evil force is coming. His relationship with Raphael looks strained because he feels abandoned by his brother and underestimated in the eyes of his teacher. Leonardo's vision of the world is perhaps wider than that of his brother. In the first of the prequel comics to this cartoon, Leo was angry with Raphael for trying to leave the brothers and help the man who was robbed, because at that time there were four heavily armed Triceratons in the sewers, ready to destroy the city, and who needed to be stopped. He becomes even more annoyed when Raph leaves them in the middle of a fight to help.
to the old man. This conflict shows that the brothers operate on different levels of morality, although each of them is right in its own way. In the comic, Rafael states that he is tired of waiting for troubles that can fall on the family and from fighting aliens, while here, next to them, people are robbed and killed. On the other hand, Leonardo believes that the police are responsible for the safety of people, while the Utroms and Triceratons are the task of the Turtles. And you should stand up for people only if there are no other options for solving their problem. However, in the cartoon there is a contradiction to this - Leo, being in Central America, uses force to fight local lawlessness and actually leaves his brothers, believing, like Raphael, that others need him more. These parallels hint that both brothers have the same feelings for justice, but each has its own mentality, and each fights with its own methods and in its own conditions.

In the cartoon, Leonardo is challenged by Raphael after their argument about justice and reasons for behavior. Leo also learns that Raph is the Night All-Seeing and fights him. But Raphael breaks his swords and almost kills his brother, but retreats, seeing the latter's deep and embarrassed look. After that, Leonardo is captured by the Stone Generals and the Foot Clan, but before the showdown, the family rescues him. In the end, both brothers resolve all their differences. Raf recognizes Leo as the leader of the team, while Leonardo himself recognizes the need for Raph.

Turtles Forever (2009)

Turtles design from m/s 2003-2009 corresponds to the 6th season, and Turtles from m / s 1987-1996. - about 6-7th. While Leo "2003 has not changed in character as a whole, Leonardo" 1987 (and his brothers) is shown to be more stupid and frivolous than in the original animated series
le. Due to the financial policy of 4KidsTV, the actor who gave Turtle his voice in the old cartoon could not take part (as well as the rest) and was replaced by Dan Green. As for the Miragev version, she, like her comic book brothers, is fearless, gloomy, serious and rude - which corresponds to the mood
first release. When meeting with other versions of the Turtles, Leonardo "1984, as in the comic book, commented on his actions and attacks of the brothers ("I killed two in a jump. Donatello neutralized the third with his bo"). Finally, Mirazhevsky Leonardo gives advice to the Turtles from other universes, calling at the same time they are brothers, which makes Leo "2003 think about this fact. Also Leonardo "1984 pronounces the famous (among fans)
final speech.

In addition, in one of the scenes, when Shredder scans the Turtles from two animated series, the viewer is presented with images of the Turtles from different universes: films, comics, cartoon TMNT (2007), etc. And each image has its own Leonardo.

video games

In many games, Leonardo is the first Turtle given to the player for selection. It is especially popular with beginner players. He is created as well balanced in all aspects, no super powers or major weaknesses. He has a high attack range, but no more than Donatello, however Leo deals more damage. In Game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters his attacks are similar to those of Ryu/Ken from Street Fighter. As a playable character, he appeared in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash Up.

Leonardo is also featured as a playable character in World Heroes 2(for the NES platform). His image here is a modified version of Armaggon from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (SNES).