What is the strongest snake in the world. The most dangerous snakes in the world. What is the most dangerous snake in the world. Violent or ferocious

Some of the most dangerous creatures on the planet are venomous snakes, which most people have an irresistible dislike for, like spiders or rats. Snakes live on almost all continents, excluding Antarctica and a few large, northern islands, such as New Zealand and Ireland.

Most species of these reptiles are not poisonous, but there are special specimens whose poison can easily kill an adult. In many reptiles, the poison is so complex that scientists still cannot create an effective antidote.
In this rating, we will talk about the most poisonous snakes in the world, a meeting with which can end in a painful and very painful death.

1. Malay Krait

This outwardly beautiful snake is painted alternately in black and yellow rings and looks quite harmless. But do not be fooled, because behind the attractive coloring hides one of the most scary killers, which killed more people than all the elephants, leopards and tigers in Asia combined.

The Malaysian Krait is the most aggressive poisonous snake in the world. And unlike other reptiles that bite their prey once and immediately try to hide, the little krait attacks several times to be sure that his enemy is poisoned. Most of the dead are people from the countryside, because the krait likes to build its nests near human habitation. The snake is "armed" with neurotoxic venom, chemical composition which is similar to the poison of a cobra, only the venom of the krait is much more powerful.

After the bite, paralysis sets in, and then the victim dies within minutes to 2-3 hours after the attack, depending on the amount of venom injected. So far, no effective antidote has been found against the bites of this snake. Even with modern treatment, more than 50% of bites are fatal.

2. Deadly snake (Acanthopis antarcticus)

Despite your scientific name, the Australian death snake has no connection to Antarctica. But she has a very bad reputation, and the locals call her "snake death with a scythe."

This short and thick snake looks like a poisonous sausage from the side. It grows to a length of 1.7 meters, has a dark brown or gray color with colored stripes on the sides. The head is thick and short, triangular in shape.

One of the most venomous snakes in the world lives in the arid regions of Australia, where it preys on small vertebrates, lizards and frogs. Acanthopis antarcticus is a very cunning predator that hides among leaves and grass, waiting for its prey. As a rule, the snake hunts at night, and after the breeding season, the female crawls into the hole, where 20 "cute little kites" are waiting for her, already deadly poisonous.

To kill an adult, only 10 mg of deadly snake venom is enough, but usually a reptile, along with saliva, injects at least 180 mg of poison into the victim in one bite. In less than 6 hours, respiratory paralysis occurs, and then inevitable death.

3. Coral snake

Coral asp - living on the North American continent and one of the most poisonous snakes on the planet. In general, there are 48 subspecies of coral snakes, and the most terrible of them is the harlequin coral snake. Many scientists believe that these snakes are among the most beautiful on the planet. Their scales are colored alternately in bright yellow, red and black colors.

Coral snakes reach a length of 1.5 m, do not like sunny color and hide in the shade of the leaves of the trees. These reptiles are nocturnal but are often very active in the evening and at dawn. The female lays 5-7 eggs from which the offspring hatch within 60 days. The poison of these snakes is very strong, but fortunately for humans, snakes have a very narrow mouth opening and small teeth, so that the snake can rarely inject enough poison to kill the victim.

However, 15-25 asp bites are recorded annually in the United States alone, of which 5-7 are fatal.

4. Beaked Sea Snake

The beaked sea snake lives in sea waters and feeds mainly on fish. Unlike its mythical cousins, sea serpents, this reptile is small in size and rarely reaches a length of more than 1.2 m.

But this reptile is rightfully considered one of the most terrible killers on the planet, annually sending several thousand people "to the next world"!

The snake's glands constantly contain enough venom to kill 50 people, twice that of a king cobra or deadly viper. In contrast to its gloomy and dark reputation, the snake's coloring is bright in color. The skin of the snake is decorated with shades of green, yellow and gray mixed with black.

The beaked sea snake is an extremely aggressive reptile., which is usually found in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. It has a pair of very sharp and large fangs that can easily bite through the thick skin of large animals. This snake is responsible for most of the deaths of divers and ordinary bathers in the ocean, with 90% of the bitten victims not surviving to the next day.

5. Tiger snake

The South Australian tiger snake has a small size and rarely reaches a length of more than 2 meters. The snake leads a sedentary lifestyle and preys on small animals, mainly rodents and frogs. The color of the reptile is very bright, black or dark brown with yellow stripes, which is why it was called the tiger.

The tiger snake is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. a large number the poison contained in her glands, which would be enough to kill hundreds of people. During the bite, the reptile injects a huge dose of neurotoxin, which in a matter of seconds affects the nervous system, and if the victim is not immediately given an antidote, he is doomed to a quick death within a few minutes.

But it is worth recognizing that the tiger snake is not aggressive and will never attack a person first. In all tragic cases, people either set up tents in the habitat of these reptiles, there were cases when snakes attacked children who threw stones and sticks at them and bit careless daredevils who wanted to catch them with their bare hands.

6. Taipan

Taipan has a large size and can grow up to 4 meters. Australia is considered the birthplace of this venomous snake, although taipans are also found in New Guinea and Tasmania. Reptiles are painted in light green or dark brown, less often taipans come across completely black. They lead a daily life wild nature prey on marsupials, mammals, rabbits and rats. Taipan females lay up to 20 eggs.

Coastal taipans are especially dangerous, their neurotoxic poison is so strong that almost immediately after a bite, it paralyzes the human nervous system. The average time after the attack on the victim, before her death is no more than 90 minutes, and if the victim is not given an antidote in time, death will be in 100% of cases of bites.

Taipan is very aggressive and can attack a person himself, even if he did not disturb him. Before throwing, he curls up into several rings and makes several false attacks towards the victim. Then there is a rapid throw, the snake overcomes a distance of 3-4 meters in one second, practically not giving the slightest chance to escape to the unfortunate.

7. African black mamba

The black mamba, nicknamed the “black death” and “avenging insults” on the African continent, is one of the largest poisonous snakes on the planet. Its length can reach 4.5 meters, and the amount of poison that the snake injects when bitten is 400 mg, with a lethal dose for humans, only 15 mg.

Mamba is very aggressive and can chase its prey, as it is also considered the most fast snake on the continent. It can reach speeds up to 20 km/h. The first symptom of poisoning is local pain at the site of the bite, the victim experiences tingling in the mouth and limbs, tunnel vision and double vision, severe confusion, fever, increased salivation (including foaming from the mouth and nose) and severe ataxia (lack of muscle control).

To save the victim from the bite of a black mamba, it is required to administer an antidote immediately after the attack, otherwise the chances of a successful outcome are not great. Death from the bite of this poisonous snake occurs within 2-3 hours.

8. Eastern brown snake

The eastern brown snake is one of the most aggressive snakes found in Australia. It reaches a length of 2 meters and hunts advantage in the daytime. The diet of these reptiles is no different from their counterparts: rabbits, marsupials, frogs and birds.

Most of the brown snakes live in the province of Victoria, where the largest number of victims from their bites is recorded. The brown snake is an extremely vicious, fast and strong snake, so when encountering it, it is best to try to get around it as far as possible.

According to research by international expert Steve Irwin, this snake is responsible for the majority of human deaths in Australia, in the wild. The brown snake has enough venom to kill 200 people, and the venom of this reptile is considered the second most toxic in the world.

9. Taipan inland

This subspecies of venomous snakes was discovered by scientists relatively recently, in 2007, and, like most other venomous species, lives in Australia. Also, this reptile is also called a ferocious or cruel snake. It feeds mainly on mammals, lives in hot, dry plains, hiding in cracks and small fissures in the ground, which makes it difficult to detect.

The venom of this snake is highly toxic and one bite is enough to kill an adult human within minutes. But unlike its other fellow taipans, the ferocious snake, despite its name, is not very aggressive and, in case of a threat, tries to run away or hide.

10. Philippine cobra

Cobras themselves are very venomous creatures, but the Philippine cobra has a special difference. Not only is its poison considered one of the most powerful in the world, but this snake is also capable of shooting its poison into the eyes of the offender at a distance of up to three meters!

The toxin affects the respiratory and cardiac functions of the victim and eventually leads to death from respiratory paralysis. A cobra does not attack a person if there is no direct threat to her life or the safety of offspring.

Philippine cobras rarely grow more than 1 meter, only single specimens reach a length of 1.5 meters, they live mainly on the islands of the Philippine archipelago: Mindoro, Masbate and Luzon.

If you constantly read the site, then most likely you are already familiar with the previously published list of the rarest snakes. In today's top, we will talk about the ten most poisonous snakes in the world. We also recommend that you read the list with photos of the ten most poisonous spiders in the world. So, let's begin.

A rattlesnake is easily recognizable by the rattle at the end of its tail. Surprisingly, juvenile snakes are considered more dangerous than adults due to their inability to control the amount of venom they inject. Even fast and effective treatment, can lead to limb loss or death. Common symptoms are difficulty breathing, paralysis, increased salivation, and massive hemorrhages.

Death Adder

They live in Australia and New Guinea. They tend to hunt and kill other snakes, including the snakes on this list. In general, the Death Adder snake releases approximately 40–100 mg when bitten. poison. Its bite in humans causes paralysis and can lead to death within 6 hours. Symptoms usually appear within 24 to 48 hours. The antivenom is very successful, due to the relatively slow progression of symptoms, but before it was developed, the bite of this snake was fatal in 50% of cases.

The viper is nocturnal, very often active after rain. In the daytime, most often basking in the sun. These snakes are incredibly fast and reach a length of 60-70 centimeters, but sometimes there are rare specimens that reach a length of 1 meter. Most of these species have a venom that causes symptoms - pain at the site of the bite, which can last for 2-4 weeks. Vomiting and swelling of the face occurs in about one-third of all cases. There is a sharp drop in blood pressure and heart rate. Death from sepsis, respiratory or heart failure can occur from one day to two weeks after the bite, or even later.

The venom of the Philippine cobra is the most deadly of all cobra species. A feature of these snakes is that they are able to spit poison at a distance of up to 3 meters. Their venom is a neurotoxin that affects the heart and respiratory system, a bite can lead to respiratory paralysis and death in thirty minutes. Symptoms may include headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, collapse, and convulsions.

The tiger snake is common in southeastern Australia. Habitats are forests, meadows, pastures and deserts. The length of these snakes reaches up to 2 m. As a rule, it has a peaceful disposition, however, it should be remembered that the Tiger snake is one of the most dangerous land snakes in the world, ranking 6th in the ranking. Death from a bite can occur within half an hour, but usually takes 6–24 hours. Symptoms may include localized leg and neck pain, tingling, numbness, and heavy sweating.

One of the most dangerous and poisonous snakes living in Africa. It reaches a length of 2.4-3 meters, however, in nature there are individual specimens that reach a length of up to 4.5 meters. The black mamba is also the fastest snake on the planet, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 km/h. It has an aggressive disposition and often attacks first. These terrible snakes can bite their prey up to 12 times in a row. The initial symptoms are pain in the bite area. The victim then experiences a tingling sensation in the mouth and limbs, double vision, tunnel vision, fever, increased salivation (including foaming of the mouth and nose), and severe ataxia (lack of muscle control). If the victim does not receive medical attention, symptoms rapidly progress to severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, pallor, shock, nephrotoxicity, and paralysis. Eventually, the victim experiences convulsions, respiratory arrest, coma, and death. Without antivenom, the death rate is nearly 100%. Depending on the nature of the bite, it can lead to death from 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Taipan or Coastal Taipan

Large Australian snakes with venom strong enough to kill up to 12,000 guinea pigs. The venom of this snake is highly neurotoxic and forms blood clots that block the victim's arteries and veins. Before the advent of the antidote, there were no survivors after a bite, death usually occurred within an hour. Even with the successful administration of antivenom, most of those bitten will remain in intensive care. In behavior and habitat, Taipan can be compared with the Black Mamba (5th place).

Blue Krayt

The Malayan snake or blue krait lives in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. 50% of bites are fatal, even after administration of antivenom. Krayt, hunt and kill other snakes. More aggressive under cover of darkness. However, in general, they are rather timid and often try to hide rather than fight. The venom is a neurotoxin that is 16 times more potent than cobra venom. It quickly causes muscle paralysis. Fortunately, human bites are very rare due to the nocturnal nature of these snakes. Before the advent of antivenom, the mortality rate was 85%. Death usually occurs within 6–12 hours of being bitten.

Don't let the harmless name of this snake fool you, its venom is enough to kill a grown man. Unfortunately, this snake prefers to settle along large settlements Australia. Brown snake has a good speed, under certain circumstances, can be aggressive. Even juvenile snakes of this species can kill a person. They only react to movement, so it's best to stand still when you encounter this snake. It is not only one of the most poisonous, but also one of the longest snakes in the world.

Violent snake or inland taipan

The fierce snake has the most toxic venom of any other snake in the world. On average, when bitten, it releases 44 mg. poison, enough to kill about 100 people, or 250,000 mice! Its poison is about 180 times stronger than poison cobra. Fortunately, the Violent Snake is not particularly aggressive and is rarely seen by humans in the wild. There are no recorded deaths, although the inland taipan's venom could potentially kill an adult human in 45 minutes.

Of all the known species of snakes on the planet, only 250 are potentially dangerous to humans. Fortunately, a small number of those bitten die, as timely administration of the serum prevents the action of the toxin.

About 5% off total number victims remain disabled with varying degrees of severity. The number of deaths can be reduced if you accurately understand the types of snakes, which will allow you to instantly find a cure.

Even with the bite of the most venomous snake, there is a chance of survival if you go to the hospital in time or inject the serum in a short time.

Important! 3 species of the most poisonous snakes on the planet live on the same mainland of Australia. Other species of poisonous creepers are common on almost all continents.

The reptile is peaceful and does not attack people or animals unless necessary. Individuals live exclusively away from people. The snake is very large - the length of an adult can reach 3-3.5 meters.

This is the most poisonous land snake, but the sea snake is called the Belcher snake. According to statistics sea ​​monster almost 100 times more poisonous than its land counterpart.

The most venomous snake in the world has the following characteristics:

Main characteristics Detailed description
taipan bite The snake's teeth are about 1.3 centimeters long. During a bite, the snake does not release all the poison, but only part of it. The entire concentration of poison could kill 100 people.
Poison duration After a bite, an adult dies within half an hour. If a large dose of poison is injected, even serum will not help. To survive, it is worth administering the antidote within the first 5-10 minutes.
Action of the poison The poison is highly toxic. The constituent toxins paralyze the muscles of the respiratory system.

In addition, the blood loses its ability to clot, which means that death can occur not even from the action of the poison, but from blood loss.

Ready to bite Before inflicting a bite, the snake raises its head, bending its body. The whole body begins to vibrate strongly. In a fraction of a second, the snake fully straightens and strikes the victim in a jump.

Top 10 most venomous snakes in the world

Among the 250 species of poisonous snakes, there are especially dangerous ones that pose the top 10 threats to human life. Dangerous creeping reptiles from this rating have menacing characteristics.

It is not worth arranging snakes in a certain sequence according to the toxicity of the poison, since in addition to this characteristic there are other equally dangerous characteristics.

List of the 10 most venomous snakes on the planet:

Important to remember, that the presence of a serum does not guarantee that a life will be saved.

Therefore, it is better to avoid contact with representatives of this list and follow safety rules when traveling through their habitats.

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There are more than 2,500 species of snakes on our planet. They can be found everywhere, except for Antarctica and a few islands, such as New Zealand and Ireland, and they are also absent from the small islands of the Atlantic and Pacific (its central part) oceans. However, among all snake varieties, only 10% are poisonous.

Poisonous snakes use poison for hunting to kill their prey, but they can also bite for defensive purposes, but before attacking they most often try to warn the enemy about this. Snakes swallow their prey whole, without chewing it, and so that the victim does not resist and does not impede the process of swallowing, the snake stings it, injecting its poison. By the way, in a protective snake bite, there is much less poisonous substance than in a bite during a hunt.


Taipans (lat. Oxyuranus) - very poisonous Australian snakes from the family of asps, which include only two species: a cruel snake (lat. Oxyuranus microlepidotus) and taipan (lat. Oxyuranus scutellatus). These are fairly large snakes. Their bite is considered very dangerous, even the most dangerous among all modern snakes living on Earth. Until an antidote was discovered (in 1955), people died from the bite of these snakes in 90% of cases.

Cruel (ferocious) snake (lat. Oxyuranus microlepidotus) can reach up to 1.9 m in length. It can be found in the dry flat fields of Central Australia, where it preys on small mammals and frogs. The poison of a cruel snake may well be enough to kill 100 adults. For comparison, its venom is about 180 times stronger than that of a cobra.

Taipan or coastal taipan (lat. Oxyuranus scutellatus) - this large (3-3.5 m in length) representative of asps differs from its predecessor in a bad temper and is considered one of the most aggressive snakes. Taipan is especially dangerous during periods of skin change and reproduction. Found in northeastern Australia and New Guinea. To the delight of the local population, the taipan rarely comes close to their homes, but despite this, someone suffers from its bites every year.

Black Mamba

Black mamba (lat. Dendroaspis polylepis) - the most poisonous snake of the African continent. It can be found in the savannas and woodlands of Angola, Uganda, Zambia, South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Zimbabwe, etc. In addition, this snake has a very bad reputation. It is considered the fastest (speeds up to 20 km / h) and aggressive snakes in Africa.

Its length can be about 2.4–3 m, and individual specimens grow up to 4.5 m in length. It got its name because of its black mouth, terrifying to anyone who crosses her path. Having bitten once, the mamba tends to bite several more times. Being the owner of such speed, the mamba often chases after its prey, and does not sit in ambush. In one bite, the mamba injects up to 400 mg of poison. The lethal dose for an adult is about 10-15 mg. Its venom causes paralysis and death.

tiger snake

Tiger snake (lat. Notechis scutatus) is another representative of asps and a resident of Australia. Although this is a medium-sized (up to 2 m) snake, however, it is very poisonous. Small animals bitten by it die instantly. The danger lies in the fact that it is found almost throughout Australia and is one of the most numerous snakes inhabiting this continent.

Spectacled snake, or Indian cobra

Spectacled snake, or Indian cobra (lat. Naja naja) - a very beautiful motley snake, growing up to 1.5-2 meters in length. It lives in India, Central Asia, South China (to the Philippines and the islands of the Malay Archipelago). The offspring of this cobra is poisonous from the very first minutes after birth. Spectacled cobra venom contains toxins that damage the central nervous system. One gram of poison alone can kill 140 medium-sized dogs.

Malay Krait

Malay krait (lat. Bungarus candidus) - Very dangerous snake from the aspid family. Extremely unfriendly. It lives in Australia, South Asia and on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Its poison is deadly and primarily affects the human brain. Death can come quickly and even without paralytic symptoms.

Brown king, or mulga

Brown king, or mulga (lat. Pseudechis australis) is a highly venomous snake found throughout Australia. The bite of this large (up to 3 m long) snake poses a real threat to human life, since after her bite there is a high probability of death.

Nose enhydrina

Nosy enhydrina (lat. Enhydrina schistosa) is a poisonous inhabitant of the tropical Indo-Pacific region. Although it belongs to poisonous snakes, it has a rather peaceful character. Seeing a fisherman in the sea, he prefers to move away from him. The venom of this snake is 4-8 times more toxic than that of a cobra. The lethal dose for humans is about 1.5 mg of poison. Its venom contains strong neurotoxins.

sand efa

Sand efa (lat. Echis carinatus) - the most poisonous snake from the family of vipers. This medium-sized snake (50-60 cm in length) lives in clay and loess deserts, near river cliffs and in bush thickets of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as well as Africa, Algeria, Palestine, Persia, Arabia and in the western part of the Hindustan Peninsula . When meeting with a person, it makes a characteristic rustling sound, extracted by rubbing jagged rings. If after the bite of such a snake a person survives, then it is likely that he may remain crippled.

harlequin asp

Harlequin, or eastern asp (lat. Micrurus fulvius) is a venomous snake native to northeastern Mexico and the southeastern United States. The owner of a bright color with characteristic red, black and narrow yellow rings. The bite of this snake is very dangerous for human life. If help is not provided in time, then a person can die in 20-24 hours.

Ceylon keffiyeh

Ceylon keffiyeh (lat. Trimeresurus trigonocephalus) is one of the most aggressive venomous snakes. This inhabitant of the Pacific coast of America is notorious among the local population. Its bite is considered fatal to humans (it thins the blood, causing severe swelling).

african boomslang

African boomslang (lat. Dispholidus typus) - a very poisonous snake that lives in South and South-West Africa. Its poison is toxic: getting into the blood, it destroys the cells of the body. The poison of the African boomslang is 2 times more dangerous than the poison of the Indian cobra and viper. It belongs to very aggressive snakes, so you should not approach it and make sudden movements - it will attack without hesitation.

black snake

Black snake (lat. Pseudechis porphyriacus) - this large snake (up to 3 meters long) is afraid of all the inhabitants of Australia, since its bite is fatal to humans. It is considered a "record holder" in terms of the amount of poison released.

Common viper (lat. Vipera berus) - a poisonous snake from the genus of real vipers. Lives in Eurasia. Its bite is very painful, but rarely leads to death. At the site of the bite, hemorrhagic edema and necrosis occur. Signs of poisoning: dizziness, lethargy, headache, nausea, shortness of breath. In especially severe cases, dystrophic changes in the kidneys and liver may occur.

Ruzel's viper

Ruzel's viper (lat. Daboia russelii russelii) is common in Sri Lanka. It is considered dangerous, although not as poisonous. The thing is that where she lives, they do not produce an antidote, so many local residents die from her bites.