What games are there like mafia? Professional rules of the mafia game

If you often meet with friends and don’t know what to do, then try playing the fun and exciting game “Mafia”. Its rules are very simple, but there are some tricks that will help you win.

How did such a game come about?

The history of the Mafia game, according to researchers, goes back to 1986. Surprisingly, it was invented by a Soviet student at the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University, Dmitry Davydov.

At first, the games took place exclusively in university dormitories, but then, when students began to disperse throughout different countries for postgraduate vocational education, they spread throughout Europe, and then they learned about the “Mafia” in other parts of the world.

And now, today it is one of the most popular, and entire tournaments are organized and broadcast on television.

What will you need?

To play “Mafia” in the company of friends, you will need a deck of cards (regular or special, with all the symbols) and the players themselves. The optimal number of participants is eight people, but there may well be more.

If among your friends there are those whose honesty you doubt, then you will also need masks that do not allow light to pass through, for example, for sleeping. Then everyone will be confident that no one will spy on anyone.

The essence of the game

The rules of the game "Mafia" are very simple. All players are divided into several categories, the most basic of which are civilians and mafia. There are also some other characters in the game, and each of them performs its own specific functions. But in the end, either the mafiosi or civilians must win.


In different variations of the game "Mafia" there may be different roles. In the simplest version, there are only two categories: civilians and mafia. You will also need a presenter who will comment on the progress of the game, monitor compliance with its rules, and also announce intermediate and final results.

So, the roles could be as follows:

  • Civilians. They, in fact, do not perform any functions. Their main task is to find out who the mafia is and is killing innocent citizens.
  • The mafia are the main villains who kill civilians at night. There can be two, three or even more mafiosi, depending on the total number of players.
  • The Doctor can treat townspeople killed by the mafia.
  • Putana or Fallen Woman is an auxiliary character. This player spends the night with one of the participants in the game and thereby saves him from death if the mafiosi make an attempt on his life.
  • The Commissioner or Policeman keeps order and can arrest murder suspects.
  • Also in some versions there is a maniac. He can take the side of both civilians and the mafia, or simply play for himself and protect his own interests. At night, he strangles people, after which they cannot speak, but communicate using gestures.

Game process

So how do you learn to play? It's quite simple. The entire gameplay is divided into two main phases: day and night. At night, all players perform their main tasks, and during the day, discussion begins.

Main stages of the game:

  1. First, all players draw cards and figure out what roles they will play. If regular cards are used, the sixes usually represent civilians, the aces the mafia. Kings can fit the roles of Commissioner and Doctor. The jack can be a Maniac, and the queen can be a Confusion. It is important that each player sees only his own card, otherwise the meaning of the game is lost.
  2. Then the first day begins. Players can come up with names for themselves, get acquainted, as well as evaluate each other’s behavior and even draw their first conclusions (but they will not be taken into account).
  3. Next comes the first night. Representatives of the mafia are waking up. They open their eyes, get acquainted and make a choice. This concludes the first night, because the remaining characters cannot yet guess who got what roles.
  4. Second day. The host announces who was killed by the mafia. Next, a discussion begins, during which suspects are identified, and the one chosen by vote reveals his card and is automatically eliminated from the game.
  5. The second night will be interesting as all the characters become active. The presenter announces the participants in a certain order, and they perform their direct functions. First, the mafia does its “dirty deeds”. Next, the Doctor comes into play and treats the supposedly injured citizen. Now Putana wakes up and decides with whom she will spend the night. Then it’s the Commissioner’s turn, and he must put in prison the one he suspects of the murders. And then a maniac may wake up, choose a victim and strangle her.
  6. It's day again. The presenter announces the events that happened during the night. If the dead person was saved by the Doctor or Putana, his identity is not made public. If Putana is killed, then her “client” automatically dies. If the Commissioner made a mistake, then the presenter should also not say who he considered the killer, otherwise some cards will be revealed. The person killed is eliminated from the game, then the discussion begins again. But the strangled person does not take part in it, or rather, does not speak, but only gesticulates.

The game continues until either all the mafiosi are killed, or the criminals outnumber the law-abiding citizens.

The discussion can take place in different scenarios. The simplest is a general vote. That is, the players put forward their assumptions, consult with each other, explain their behavior or justify themselves if they are accused. Then everyone votes, and thus it is decided who is the mafia.

Voting may also have some nuances. So, all players can vote in turn, and the leader will count the votes. But candidates can also be nominated one by one, and then the counting will be simpler.

When the main suspect is identified, he can say his last word (this is not always allowed), and if someone has changed his mind, he can change his vote. A candidate can be considered selected if more players or an absolute majority vote for him. Then he reveals the card and is eliminated, and the game continues.

Subtleties and rules of etiquette

To make the game interesting, you need to consider some tips and rules:

  • If the players could not decide on a suspect, and two candidates received an equal number of votes, then the discussion begins again, then the players vote only for the two candidates chosen in the first round.
  • You can only vote for one player.
  • It is forbidden to reveal your role, otherwise the meaning of the game will be lost.
  • Eliminated players must silently and without emotion observe the progress of the game, without betraying the other participants.
  • It is advisable to remove all players from each other so that they do not touch or feel movements at night, this is often confusing.
  • Don't peek, then it will simply be uninteresting to play!
  • If, after dealing the cards, one player finds out the role of the other, then the cards are dealt again.
  • You should not make a bet, swear, or attract religious views or principles. Everyone should be on equal terms.
  • During the game, carefully monitor all players, ask compromising questions and evaluate their answers and reactions.
  • At night, all participants should behave as quietly as possible, since any movements can attract attention and make others suspect not the culprits, but the noisiest players.
  • The presenter must keep his head straight when addressing the players at night so that the participants cannot figure out the roles based on the direction of his voice.
  • What is important is not the victory, but the process itself, because it is exciting and interesting!
  • If you don’t know how to lie, then try to act as calmly as possible. You should probably practice.

Be sure to try playing “Mafia” in a fun company!

Playing Mafia with cards is a fun activity for both adults and children. This simple team game allows players to develop their imagination, teaches them to speak beautifully and sharpens the gift of persuasion, and also trains their memory. Mafia - calm and fun game, which is suitable for a large company. The rule here is that the more players there are, the more interesting the game becomes. The optimal number of players for the Mafia is 8-16 people.

Preparation in the game

Before the game starts, cards are prepared (you can purchase ready-made “Mafia” cards, print out pictures for the Mafia yourself, or use regular playing cards). Using cards, all players are divided into roles. It is more interesting to play with special cards created for this game. You can download pictures for the cards and print them on a printer - Card templates for the game MAFIA

If you have a regular deck of playing cards, then the roles are distributed as follows:

  • red - townspeople (aka civilians),
  • blacks are mafia,
  • picture cards - additional statuses (for example, the queen of spades is a courtesan, the king of clubs is a commissar, the king of spades is a maniac, the king of hearts is a doctor.)

Players who have never played Mafia should become familiar with the roles before playing and understand what each character does and how.

Players shuffle the cards and deal them out. Each player receives a card face down. Players look at their cards but do not show them to others. Each player must clearly know his role and not get confused. The card can be attached to clothing with a clothespin or simply put in your pocket.

So let's look at the main roles and remember what they can and can't do.

The main roles of players in the game Mafia

Leading- the only player who shows his card to the others. This man knows everything about everyone in the city. He plays the game.

Peaceful townspeople- ordinary residents of a virtual city who sleep at night (sleep honestly, without peeking!), and during the day they vote (put in prison) the player who, in their opinion, is a mafioso.

Mafia- players who choose and kill the chosen victim at night, and during the day try to disguise themselves as peaceful townspeople.

Sheriff (Commissioner)- there can only be one sheriff in the game. His job is to check the players at night.

Doctor (doctor, healer)- the doctor also works at night and can only save one city resident.

Courtesan- takes one of the players for the whole night and thereby saves him from being killed. True, if the mafia chose her as a victim, then her loved one also dies with her.

Maniac- seeks to kill everyone and remain the only resident in the city.

Rules for playing Mafia with cards

After the cards have been dealt, the presenter, who has received his card, shows it to the other players and prepares a small piece of paper and a pencil. The leader will count the dead and announce the verdict to the rest of the townspeople. The leader of the game must be honest.

First night

On the first night, the host gets to know the teams and finds out who is the mafia, who is the civilians, who is the doctor, the maniac, etc.

The host announces to the players:

Night. The townspeople are sleeping, the mafia is waking up.

Those players who received a civilian, doctor, courtesan or sheriff card do not open their eyes. “Mafia” opens its eyes and gets acquainted (without sound, players find each other only by looking, townspeople should not know who is who!!!). The presenter writes down the mafia players on his piece of paper. Of course, he does not allow any of the players to look at this sheet.

Next, the presenter orders the mafia to sleep, and orders the sheriff to wake up and writes him down on his “black list.” So, on the first night, the host recognizes all the players one by one: the mafia, the sheriff, the doctor, the courtesan, the maniac and civilians.

First day

The presenter announces:

Day! The city is waking up.

All players open their eyes. The townspeople are given a head start on the first day. The mafia had not yet killed anyone, but already on the first day the peaceful townspeople suspected something was wrong (the rustling noises at night gave them alarming thoughts - the mafia was operating in the city!).

On the first day, city residents must put one player in prison, recognizing him as a mafioso. The player is selected by general decision or by vote. Naturally, the mafia is trying with all its might to imprison a civilian. Once a player is selected, he is eliminated from the game and shows his card. The townspeople will find out who they imprisoned.

Second night

The presenter announces:

The city is sleeping, the mafia is waking up!

The mafia opens its eyes and identifies its victim as silently as possible. The presenter writes down in a notebook who the mafia killed. Then, in turn, all the acting roles (sheriff, doctor, etc.) wake up. Each role must perform its function:

  • The sheriff checks the player. Pointing his eyes at one of the players, he asks the leading mafia whether this is it. The presenter must nod to let the sheriff know whether it is the mafia or not. During the day, the sheriff must persuade the vote to kill the mafia, but this player cannot shout “I am the sheriff and I know everyone.” He himself is afraid of the mafia, and the mafia, as soon as they guess who the sheriff is in the city, will immediately knock him down.
  • The doctor points at one of the players and saves him. The presenter writes down the “treated” person. I think there is no need to explain that the doctor treats the players at random, because he doesn’t know who is who and who was killed by the mafia that night. Also, the doctor cannot treat one player 2 nights in a row. The doctor also cannot treat himself 2 nights in a row.
  • The courtesan looks at the player, whom she takes with her to the brothel that night. This player, if chosen by the mafia, remains alive (after all, he was not at home at night). The trouble is that if the mafia killed a courtesan at night, then her visitor also dies, there is no need for mafia witnesses!
  • The maniac simply kills whoever he likes. Well, what to take from a maniac!

All players who were treated, were with a courtesan, fell into the clutches of a maniac, etc. The presenter writes it down so as not to get confused.

After all the players have played their roles, the city wakes up.

Second day

After a long, eventful night, the host announces:

Second day, the townspeople wake up.

Everyone opens their eyes and the presenter calls the one who did not wake up:

At night there was a murder in our city. So-and-so is killed (the player shows his card to others and leaves the game).

So that it would not be very offensive, and the game would be more fun, the murdered man tells with taste how he was hit (you can come up with something fun and funny. For example, death occurred because I was forced to eat 25 plates of semolina porridge:)

If the player chosen by the mafia was saved by a doctor or courtesan, the host announces “The murder did not occur.”

The day continues with a discussion and the lynching of one of the players.

This article briefly and clearly describes the professional rules of playing “Mafia” - a popular game for big companies. To start a full-fledged game, ten participants are required. The presenter monitors the progress of the game and regulates its stages.

In order to distribute roles, the leader deals the cards face down: each player receives one card. The deck consists of 10 cards: three black and seven red. "Reds" are civilians, and "Blacks" are the mafia.

One of the red cards is different from the rest - this is the Sheriff - the leader of the “Red” team. “Blacks”, in turn, also have their own leader - Don.

The game is divided into changing stages of two types: night and day. Objective of the game: “Black” must eliminate “Red” and vice versa.

Rules of the game "Mafia" more details...

Ten players are invited to the table. At the very beginning of the game, the host announces that “night” has come and all players, without exception, must cover their eyes with masks. Then each player, in turn, takes off the mask, draws a card, studies and remembers it, the leader hides the card, and the player puts the mask back on.

Players wearing headbands must tilt their heads down so that the animation of their neighbors or rustling noises do not become a source of any additional information for them.

After the host’s words “The Mafia wakes up,” the players with black cards and the Mafia Don take off their armbands and introduce themselves to each other. This is an exceptional night when the entire mafia opens its eyes. It was provided to them in order to, without the help of words, agree on the procedure for eliminating the “Reds”. The “agreement” should be carried out very, very quietly, since the “red” participants sitting in close proximity can sense any movement. When the presenter says that “the mafia is falling asleep,” the “black” participants put back their armbands.

The presenter announces: “Don is waking up.” The presenter meets Don. In the following nights, Don will open his eyes with the goal of finding the Sheriff of the game. When the announcer announces that “Don is falling asleep,” Don puts on a blindfold.

After the introduction of the Leader and the Sheriff, morning comes when all players take off their armbands.

So, the first day comes. During the day there is a discussion. Mafia games dictate that each player has a minute to express their thoughts, ideas and suspicions.

The Reds need to identify the Black players and eliminate them through voting. And the “Blacks,” in turn, must provide themselves with an iron-clad alibi and eliminate a sufficient number of “red” participants. “Blacks” know “who is who”, so they are in a more advantageous position.

The first player starts the discussion and continues around the circle. During the day's discussion, participants can nominate players (each player - no more than one) with the aim of removing them from the game. At the end of the discussion, a vote is taken. The candidate who receives the most votes leaves the game.

The game uses the term "Car Crash". This is the name for a situation in which several players received the same number of votes. In this case, voters are given the right to remain in the game for thirty seconds. They must justify themselves, convince the players that they have nothing to do with the mafia. A re-vote takes place. Since the game is very popular and there are many varieties of the Mafia game, the rules of the game may not provide for such situations.

Then night comes back. The presenter, after the words “The Mafia is starting the hunt,” calls the players’ numbers one by one, and when the whole mafia fires at the same time on a certain number, the player is hit. The rules of the “Mafia” game are such that if one of the mafiosi “shoots” at another number, or does not make a “shot” at all, the Host determines a miss. “Shooting” occurs by simulating a shot. The presenter announces again: “The Mafia is falling asleep.” The players wear masks.

The Presenter then “wakes up” Don, who opens his eyes and tries to identify the Sheriff. He shows a number on his fingers to the Leader, under which, according to his assumptions, the Sheriff is hiding. With a nod of the head, the Presenter either confirms his version or refutes it. Don falls asleep and it’s the Sheriff’s turn to wake up.

The Sheriff wakes up, who also has every right to carry out night checks. He is trying to find "Black" players. After the Leader’s answer, the Sheriff player falls asleep, and then the Leader announces the start of the second day.

This and all subsequent circles are repeated as on the first day. Days and nights will alternate until one team or another wins. It is the victory of one of the teams that ends the game “Mafia”, the rules of which are very simple if you follow them.

Mafia. Card game.
Mafia - team psychological turn-based role-playing game with a detective plot.
Plot: Residents of the city, exhausted from the rampant mafia, decide to put every single mafioso in prison. In response, the mafia declares war until the complete destruction of all decent citizens.

Rules of the game

To play you will need special cards. You can also play with a regular deck if you agree in advance which pictures mean what. In a simplified (classic) game you will need mafia cards and civilians - townspeople. In more expanded versions of the game, there may be other characters, such as a commissioner, a doctor, a fallen woman (mistress), a sheriff, a maniac, a lawyer...

  • Before the start of the game, players are dealt cards face down. It is then that it is determined who will play for whom. There are exactly as many cards in the deck as there are participants in the game. The leader of the game is determined either using a card, or the person who wants to is chosen in advance.

You can print these maps for free on our website.

  • When opening your card, it is advisable not to show emotions. Very often, novice players are overjoyed when they see that they are the mafia - they become very easy to identify. It’s more correct to look at the card and immediately put it in your pocket or on the table, face down, so that no one can see.


Civilians (citizens)- they play only during the day; they can execute one of the players at this time of day. Until the end of the game they do not know which player is playing for whom.
Mafia- during the day they pretend to be civilians, at night they kill the smartest citizen. All Mafiosi know each other.
Lover (Fallen Woman, Girl)- plays for civilians, at night he can save one of the players by spending the night with him.
Doctor (Doctor)- plays for civilians, heals the sick at night, does not know for sure which player is playing for whom, so he can save the mafia from death.
Commissioner (Detective, Sheriff)- Plays for civilians, at night he tries to kill the mafia on his own. If he hits a citizen, the leader informs everyone that the commissioner missed. If he shoots at night and hits the mafia, the presenter declares one of the mafia killed.

Game plan

The host announces the first day of the game.

The first day.

The players get to know each other. You can invent fictitious names and professions for yourself. On the first day, some conclusions can already be drawn from the behavior of the players.
Poorly hidden joy, displeasure, ostentatious calm - all this can be the key to solving who the mafia really is. But no discussions are allowed on this day.

First night.

The presenter says: “Night has come.”
After the host announces the night, the players close their eyes or put on special masks.
The presenter says: “The mafia has woken up.”
After these words, the players who received the “mafia” cards open their eyes and greet each other. This should be done extremely carefully, since any movement can give away the players.
The presenter announces: “The mafia has fallen asleep.”
"Mafia" closes its eyes.

Second day.

The presenter announces: “The day has come. All residents of the city woke up"
Civilians wake up and decide which of them is the mafia. Mafiosi also take part in the discussion, posing as peaceful townspeople and trying to transfer suspicion to innocent players. Several suspects are selected, one of whom is eventually executed, and the player is eliminated from the game by showing his card before dying.

Night two.

Sample plan for the night: Lover, Mafia, Doctor, Commissioner - everyone wakes up and falls asleep in turn, doing their nightly business.

It looks something like this:
The presenter announces: “Night has come. all the residents fall asleep"
If you are playing with the “Fallen Woman” card, the leader announces it first.
Host: “The mistress wakes up.” The mistress must choose a player with whom she will spend the night, and therefore, whom the mafia cannot kill.
Host: “The mafia is waking up.” The mafia opens its eyes. This night they must get rid of the most intelligent and dangerous civilian. Maintaining complete silence, the mafiosi, after consulting, choose the first victim and gesture to the leader.
Presenter: “The mafia killed a man. The mafia is falling asleep."
Presenter: “The doctor is waking up.” The player with the doctor card wakes up and points to the leader the player he wants to cure - save from death.
Presenter: “The doctor is falling asleep.”
Presenter: “The Commissioner is waking up.” The player with the commissioner card opens his eyes and points to the supposed player, who he assumes is the real mafia.
Presenter: “The commissioner shoots and misses because he is aiming at a civilian.” (If the commissioner had pointed to the Mafia, the presenter would have announced the death of the mafioso.)
Presenter: “Everyone is falling asleep.”

Day three.

Presenter: “The third day has come. Everyone wakes up. The mafia killed Vasya Pupkin. The doctor cured Petya Sidorov, who was already healthy” or “The mafia tried to kill a civilian, but the doctor cured him.”
The players again continue to find out and discuss who turned down the dark path and is the mafia. At the end of the day, a verdict is reached and one player is executed.

This continues day after day until one of the camps wins.

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4.The Godfather II

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5.Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row 3- this is the third part in the style GTA with a lot of plot additions. The main characters of the game are the same as in the previous part of the series, the gang of “Third Street Saints”, which moved from the small town of Stillwater to the huge metropolis of Steelport, and is trying to become its sole rulers. For this, the main character, in the role of head of the Saints, will have to confront both local criminal gangs, and the official city authorities, suppress the zombie virus that suddenly broke free in one of the city’s districts and even destroy the elite US army, which The White house sends for the elimination of the “Saints”.

Gameplay Saints Row: The Third hasn't changed much - it's still a third-person action game with an open world, in which players are free to do whatever they want - drive around the city, organize gang wars, or just walk around Steelport, buying shops and fashionable things. You can travel around the city either on foot or in a huge fleet of various vehicles, which even includes tanks.

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The game invites the player to take control of Wei Shen, an undercover Hong Kong police officer. Shen is presented as one of the best police officers in Hong Kong: a martial artist, a good driver, a marksman, and a man of high intelligence. Born in Hong Kong, but later moved to San Francisco, USA, and then returned home. During the initial mission, Shen ends up at the police station, where he meets Jackie Ma, his childhood friend, now a member of the Water Street gang. Subsequently, it turns out that Wei Shen's real goal is to infiltrate one of the largest Hong Kong gangs, Soon-on-yi (the gang is based on the real-life Soonyong) and destroy the criminal network from the inside. Having won the trust of Winston Chu, the leader (“red pole” in Chinese criminal terminology) of the “Water Street Gang” - one of the subgroups of Sun-on-yi, Shen becomes a full member of the gang.

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- This open world, vast expanses, gang warfare and constant gunfire. In the second part there is a fairly successful clone Grand Theft Auto players will once again have to return to the glorious city of Stillwater and restore order there: lead their Saints gang to dominance in this locality and fill with lead everyone who says a word against it.

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- this is the events of which unfold during the Second World War, in Paris occupied by the Nazis. The hero of the game is Sean Devlin, an Irish racer who arrived in France to try his luck in the Paris Grand Prix. Sean's main rival turns out to be German Kurt Dierker, who breaks the rules to win and even forces Sean to deviate from the race route. What seemed like a petty prank to get back at Kurt turned into a matter of life and death. Sean is driven into a trap, and he swears on blood that he will kill Dierker and rid France of the yoke of the Nazis.

The game maintains a balance between the player’s freedom of movement and the storyline, which involves completing certain tasks. Regardless of what the player chooses - to advance through the plot or blow up fascists in order to profit from smuggled ammunition - the gameplay is always approximately the same. Sean is an experienced hand-to-hand fighter, sniper and demolition bomber, excellent at shooting on the run and planting dynamite under fascist objects. The stealth system allows the player to put on a Nazi uniform and sneak into the enemy camp in order to quietly carry out sabotage.

L.A Noire is an interactive detective story set in the late 1940s. Players will experience a complex and intricate storyline mixed with the action and atmosphere of post-war Los Angeles, where corruption, crime, drugs and jazz reign. This game is a pure quintessence of the noir genre, where players will discover many of the dirty secrets of mid-twentieth century Los Angeles, which players will not only observe, but also actively participate in.

The main character of the game is Cole Phelps, a member of the Los Angeles Police Department, who by chance finds himself drawn into a tangle of crimes that he has to unravel over the course of a rather long and branching storyline. As players find new clues and progress through the storyline, they will learn more and more about both the people around them and their role in this dirty business. In addition to story missions, players can receive calls via police radio, performing optional tasks to maintain order in the city. Phleps and his partner are free to move both on foot and in various cars, which are unlocked as the main character advances in his career.

10.The Godfather: The Game

The immortal work of Mario Puzo The Godfather finally became a game. True, screenwriters Electronic Arts interpreted the classics quite freely, making actor some third-party character, although in theory this role should be played by Michael Corleone. The plot is simple, GG is the son of one of Don’s people. By fateful accident, he loses his family in a treacherous act of sabotage organized by another “family.” For a long time, the future gangster grows up on the streets, where Luca Brasi finds him. From this moment on, we are prepared to serve for the benefit of the Corleone family. First, assignments are given by Don Corleone, made in the image and likeness of the great actor Marlon Bradno, and later by his son Michael, who, unfortunately, does not look a bit like Al Pacino. The gameplay of the game resembles Mafia, i.e. Before us is a huge city divided into spheres of influence by various factions. Distinctive feature The Godfather It became precisely the opportunity to fight for sections of the city, setting up ambushes or attacking openly.

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