Truth or booze game rules. Rules of alcohol games for large and small companies. Approximate names and meanings of cards

The first drinking games appeared in Ancient Greece. The feaster filled the cup with wine, drank it, slammed the bottom on the table and passed the goblet to a neighbor. Since then, mankind has come up with many other interesting amusements. We will look at the rules of the most popular games with alcohol in Russia. They are designed for a different number of people.

"Relay race"

A game of speed, coordination and coordination of actions.

In advance, the organizers prepare 2 tables, 2 bottles of the same alcohol, 2 glasses (glasses), 2 plates with any snack. On each table they put a bottle of alcohol, a pile, a plate with a snack.

Eight participants are divided into two teams of four people (6 to 3 are possible). The first numbers run up to their tables, fill their glasses, then return to their team and pass the baton to the second numbers. The second numbers drink the contents of the glasses, the third - have a bite, the fourth - pour again. The first team to empty the bottle wins. You can agree in advance that the roles of the participants change or there is the possibility of replacing a “tired” participant.

"Alcoholic Roulette"

A series of games for luck with approximately the same rules.

Any number of players can participate. You will need water, vodka and three glasses. Two glasses are filled with vodka, one with water. Participants are blindfolded in turn (expelled into another room) and the glasses are rearranged in places. Task: drink from one glass and immediately drink it with another, you can’t smell the contents. Then everything is repeated from the beginning.

The most unlucky players will drink vodka with vodka. The one who lasts the longest wins. In the West, this alcoholic game is called Russian roulette. The women's version uses wine and matching juice, such as grape juice.

Beer lovers play differently. They take several cans of beer, one of which is shaken well so that it turns into a mini bomb. Then all the jars are mixed and distributed to the participants. After each round, one of the players will be covered in foam. Fun, but not aesthetically pleasing, then you have to clean the room for a long time and clean things.

"Sports brotherhood"

It is better to play in the same team with your soulmate. You will need alcohol, shots and a snack.

Players are divided into pairs (man + woman). Each competing couple gets up, brotherschaft drinks and kisses for 10 seconds without eating. Everything is repeated until one of the couples can drink or kiss instead of a snack. If the guys skip this circle, then they take off two things from themselves, if they have a bite before the kiss - one at a time. The end of the game is regulated by the norms of decency.

"Signature Cocktail"

Suitable for daredevils who are not afraid to mix drinks. You will need one glass and different alcohol (at least three types).

3-4 participants take turns calling any alcoholic drink. Someone pours 20-30 ml of this ingredient into a glass. Further in a circle, the other player names alcohol (you can’t repeat it), again 20-30 ml are added to the glass. Drinks "cocktail" the one on whom the glass is filled. In a more gentle version of the game, in addition to alcohol, it is allowed to add juices, sweet soda, such as Coca-Cola and mineral water.


The game will please fans of space travel. Before the start, those present must take on their chests, otherwise it will not be so fun.
One of the participants (preferably the most imaginative) grabs a snack and drink and sits down on the couch. It will be a moon base. All the rest get down on all fours, they are given names: “Lunokhod 1”, “Lunokhod 2”, etc. At the beginning of the game, all moon rovers randomly move around the room.

At the request of the base controller, they report on the task in progress, saying phrases such as: “I am lunar rover N, going to the base for refueling”, “exploring a new surface”, “looking for another lunar rover”, “bypassing an obstacle”, etc. The main rule is not to laugh.

The laughing participant pronounces the phrase: “I am the moon rover N, I am going to the base to receive a new task” and moves on all fours to the sofa. Based on the accepted norms of decency in this company, the base gives the delinquent lunar rover a task (necessarily in space style). For example, refuel with 300 milliliters of fuel, bring to the base new batch fuel, remove 3-4 skin parts from yourself, explore the surface of another lunar rover, dock with the base, etc. After completing the task, the base again begins to interrogate other moon rovers.

"Guess the Brand"

Warm-up of the mind for the erudite. We need brands of drinks with different names. For example, beer "Three Bears", "Zhigulevskoye", "Dragon", "Fat Man". It is desirable that the names be domestic, it is easier to show them.

Each participant is given one bottle (you can label). He must use facial expressions and gestures to portray its name. If one of those present guessed the name, the player can keep the bottle for himself. Those who do not know how to show correctly remain sober all evening.


A simple game for those who like to travel. You will need a lot of alcohol and a map with the route of trains or electric trains (you can take a schedule).

Looking at the map, the presenter announces: “Next station N ( locality along the route of the train)”, the players drink together in a pile. Gradually passengers will go off the route. The winner is the one who left the farthest.

"Mighty Sip"

Competition for veterans of the alcohol movement. Mostly played with beer, but other spirits can be used. At first, the company is just having fun in a bar. The most interesting begins before leaving.

According to the rules of the game, the opponents must drink the same dose of beer with a minimum number of sips without tearing off the glass. The loser pays the score of all participants or the winner receives a predetermined prize.

"Steel exposure"

You need to show endurance, character, the will to win and show the ability of your bladder.

According to the rules, several people calmly drink beer, whoever can’t stand it first and runs to the toilet brings a new portion of booze to other participants. In order to comply with the principle fair play» (fair game) all participants must drink the same amount of beer every 20-30 minutes.

"Rotating Coin"

Requires coordination. Drunk getting into a spinning coin is not as easy as it seems.

The first participant spins the coin on a flat surface, then calls the name of the player, who must click it with his finger without stopping to give additional spin. If at this moment the coin falls heads up, the loser drinks a penalty glass, if tails - two at once.

"The Nightingale the Robber"

Alcoholic game with cards. True, you don’t have to bluff, build strategies and guess combinations. Just right breathing.

A bottle is placed on the table, the neck is covered with a deck of new or plastic cards. The task of the players is to blow off a few cards, but not the entire deck. The participant who threw off the last card drinks a penalty pile, the game starts over.

"Correct Words (New Year's)"

A game of mindfulness, those who want to drink are more active than others.

During the celebration of the New Year (another holiday), the TV is turned on. In advance, the company agrees on a word, hearing which from the TV everyone drinks together. For example, it can be: “new”, “congratulations”, “dear”. The more popular the word, the more alcohol will be required.


A real competition for the strong in spirit. Need dice, liquor and stacks.

Two players sit opposite each other, their partners act as coaches and seconds. "Boxers" take turns throwing the dice, whoever has fewer points, he misses a blow - drinks a glass. Coaches fill stacks and keep track of time. Each round lasts 3 minutes followed by a 60 second break.

The fight ends with a knockout of one of the fighters, the surrender of the team (seeing the clear superiority of the opponent, the coach removes the stack) or after 12 rounds (draw).


Modification of the game known since childhood. In addition to alcohol, one empty bottle is needed.

4-10 people stand in a circle, one of them spins the bottle, to whom the neck will show, he drinks a glass (glass, glass) of an alcoholic drink. At the end, the lucky ones, who are not very drunk, take their less fortunate colleagues home.


You need to show the ability to handle a gymnastic hoop when alcohol is in your hands. You will need several plastic hoops, glasses and a low-alcohol drink.

The task of the participants is to twist the hoop on the neck, arm or leg and at the same time drink from the glass. If the hoop drops, the player is out. The winner is the one who drinks faster or lasts longer than others. Only a few reach the finish line without training.

"Bottle Hands"

The game is based on the famous movie "Edward Scissorhands".

A bottle of beer, a low-alcohol drink or wine is tied to each hand of the participants with tape or tape. First, the player must drink their contents and only then try to remove the empty container. The fastest one wins.

"Signal to Drink"

The main thing is not to relax and follow the drinking companions.

At the beginning of the party, the company selects a signalman who will lead the process of emptying the glasses. If the signalman puts on the table thumb left hand, keeping the rest of the fingers on the table, everyone who notices this does the same. The last person to put their finger on the table becomes a penalty box. Everyone drinks once, he two.

"Lucky Nut"

A simple slow drinking game. Need glasses of beer and peanuts.

On command, all participants throw one salted nut into their glasses. At first, the peanuts will sink, but after a while, under the influence of carbon dioxide bubbles, they will float to the surface. The one whose nut popped up last loses. He pays the bill.

Alcohol checkers

P.S. You can prepare in advance by purchasing special game sets. For example, alcohol checkers, darts, roulette or other board game.

Shot from the movie "Beer Boom"

If you feel like Lately all your gatherings with friends have become monotonous and boring, it's time to think about how to give them an atmosphere of adventure. Ideally, games with alcohol for the company are suitable for this, during which, and making it very exciting.

To make your next hangout extra special, we've rounded up nine of the most addictive drinking games that all your friends are sure to love.

1 Kastenlauf

Place: Germany, Austria and Switzerland

What is needed: beer

At first glance, it seems quite simple, but it is important to consider one important point. The fact is that the finish line cannot be crossed until the team members have drunk the entire case of beer.

By the way, this game also has an element of the struggle for the environment, because empty cans and bottles cannot be thrown away during the competition.

2 pence or penning

Place: Great Britain

What is needed: wine or beer

It's pretty simple, but fun game. Its meaning is that each member of the company poured himself a full glass of wine or beer, and then just continued to hang out as if nothing had happened.

However, everyone needs to be extremely careful at the same time, because if someone suddenly throws a coin into a drink, he will.

Penning raises the overall spirit of the party, and it can be combined with some other games.

3 Bear Paw

Place: well, of course, Russia

What is needed: vodka and beer

First rule of Bear Paw: Don't play this game. Especially if you are a foreigner and alcohol is neutral. But if you're still wondering what it is, the rules are:

A group of masochists sits in a circle and takes turns drinking beer from a mug, while topping up the missing space to the brim each time with vodka. Then the same thing, only the beer is added to the vodka.

Then it doesn’t matter what, where and why to do it.

4 Bad ball

Place: Germany

What is needed: beer

It is best to play "Bad Ball" on open space- on the street or on the lawn. The rules are:

Take an empty bottle, put it on the ground and divide your company into two teams. Formed teams should face each other and be about ten paces from the bottle.

Then each team takes turns throwing something (tennis ball, stone, potato) into the bottle. When someone knocks it out, a person from the opposite team must run out, put the bottle upright and return to the starting position.

While this is happening, everyone on the team that hit the bottle starts drinking.

The winners are those guys who are the first to drink everything that was prepared for them.

5 Jiuling

Place: China

What is needed: vodka

If you are wondering what drinking games are in China, Jiuling is the best place to start. Its mechanics are quite simple: the leader pinches his fingers behind his back, and the participants must guess how much he pinched.

The one whose answer is closer drinks a glass. The game continues until everyone is down.

6 Around the water

Place: Russia

What is needed: vodka

Believe me, you will definitely not get bored with this game, because it is full of surprises and is somewhat reminiscent of Russian roulette. It's pretty easy to play.

Gathered for round table take glasses and fill them all with water (except one). Then the glasses are thoroughly mixed so that no one can guess where the vodka is. After that, everyone takes a glass, without sniffing the contents, and abruptly overturns it.

To increase the degree of passion in the game, vodka can be poured not into one, but, for example, into two or three piles.

7 Russian beer roulette

Place: as you guessed, Russia

What is needed: beer

This is another action-packed game for real Russians, which will surely be remembered by all your friends. It's probably the easiest game to play. To do this, you need to buy a lot of canned beer, get together in a good company and start drinking.

However, the trick here is that one jar must be shaken very hard so that it practically detonates when opened. Naturally, at the same time, it must be mixed with the rest of the banks so that no one can guess where the bomb is.

Thus, by the end of the evening, all participants in the game should be in beer.

8 Drunk Tinder

Place: USA

What is needed: wine and tequila

In order to play this game, you need to register on Tinder (you can not under your name), upload your (!) Photos there and start searching for partners. Usually the rules in different companies are different, but the most classic look like this.

For each match, you need to take a sip of wine, for a compliment, overturn a shot of tequila, and for sexting, two shots at once.

In general, the rules can be changed and added as the game progresses. The main thing is not to stop when looking for partners.

9 Ping Pong Pang

Place: Japan

What is needed: sake

Japan also has its own drinking games, and it must be admitted that they are very strange. However, there is surprisingly nothing supernatural in this. It starts with the first player, who must say the word ping, the next player must say pong, and the third, respectively, pang. After all the words have been spoken, you need to start repeating them in the same way again.

The main thing at the same time is not to slow down the rhythm and not to go astray. If someone thinks too long, they will have to knock over a shot of sake.

10 "I never..."

Place: USA

What is needed: strong alcohol

This is one of the most classic drinking games of our time, during which all members of the company will definitely get to know each other better.

Players take turns talking about something they have never done before. It can be absolutely any biography facts - from "I have never been to Novosibirsk" to "I have never peeped at how people make love." If these events happened to one of the participants, he drinks.

The trick of the game is that at the beginning everything starts with innocent stories and stories, and after a few shots real revelations can come.

11 Beerpong

Place: USA

What is needed: beer

Surely you have seen a lot of youth films where American students come to a noisy party and start throwing balloons from table tennis in red plastic cups with beer.

As planned, they should throw them in turn, united in two teams. If an opponent throws a ball into a glass that is on part of your team's table, one of your fighters drinks. The goal here is to get one team to drink the other properly.

If suddenly it seems to you that beer is too light a drink for your party, you can pour something stronger into the glasses.

12 Titanic

Place: Korea

What is needed: beer and vodka

Another action-packed game is Korea's Titanic, in which the participants gather around a table, place a glass of beer in the center of the table, and then carefully place an empty shot glass in it to float it.

After that, the audience should take turns pouring a drop of vodka into a glass. The one whose glass is drowned in beer must drink the whole drink.

13 Flip the glass

Place: USA

What is needed: beer

To start this game, you need to divide into two teams with an equal number of participants. It all starts with the first two opponents, who need to clink glasses with plastic cups and empty their contents.

After that, each of them must place his glass on the edge of the table and hit it from below so that it jumps and lands upside down on the table. Once this happens, you can move on to the next glass of beer.

The winner is the team that managed to empty and turn over all the glasses faster than the other.

14 Flaring

Place: Great Britain

What is needed: any alcohol

Playing this game is quite simple: the whole company gathers around the table, in the center of which there is an empty glass. Then everyone puts one finger on its edges and the countdown begins. Once the countdown is over, the participants must either remove or leave their finger on the glass.

Those who are in the minority drink.

Do you want a party with friends to definitely go “with a bang”? To be really noisy and fun? In this case, a couple of crazy drinking games will always come in handy. Or just reckless.

Non-cultural games for a cultural company

They say that beer without vodka is money down the drain. And it is also believed that the most fun drinking game is "Ruff". Because it will have to do a lot of funny stupid things: for example, read the alphabet in reverse. If you manage to cope with the task - well done, pull a card with a reward (with its help you can then mock someone). If the problem turned out to be too tough - everything is also very good. Drink.

Can you just get drunk?

Easily! Take a drunken roulette wheel and enjoy. Pour various drinks into glasses, give guests a ball in turn, start the wheel and ... drink. This drinking game will be a great start to the evening. The main thing is to stop in time, not missing that stage when everyone is already cheerful, but still standing on their feet.

After the 3rd drink, math becomes... a game!

A quick mind-blowing game of "7 on 9" in a fun company quickly becomes a sobriety test. The rules of the game are very simple: get rid of cards by throwing them into a pile. Having made simple calculations at the same time: you need to subtract from a large number on the map or, conversely, add a small one. For example, if there are 5 and 2 on top, you can put a three or a seven. Sound simple? And try to play when half the contents of the bottle have already migrated to the stomachs ... Immediately everything will not be very simple, but fun and funny: you need to think fast!

You can't drink intelligence!

A truly erudite person remains smart in any state. Ready to check? Then open the box with the game "Answer in 5 seconds" and start playing. It's very simple: pull a card and answer quickly. You have exactly 5 seconds to answer, so you won't be able to think. So, what are your three favorite sites? Yes, yes, “Answer in 5 Seconds” is not only good entertainment, but also a good way to extort a couple of secrets from friends.

And a few more games that are always handy for a drunk company

  • "Jenga", which is also called the "Leaning Tower". Requires dexterity and reaction, which is why drunk company becomes much more exciting.

King's Cup is a popular drinking card game, great for small parties. There are many variations of this game and it is known by several names such as "Circle of Death", "Ring of Fire", or simply "Kings". This article describes the rules of the classic version of the game, as well as the main variations and additional rules.


Game principle

Play with the "Three P's" rule. This means that throughout the game you cannot say the words "drink", "drunk", "drink" and derivatives from them. Everyone who has forgotten about this rule and violated it must drink.

Use the opposite hand rule. Right-handers can only raise a glass with their left hand, and left-handers with their right. If anyone breaks this rule, he must drink extra.

Play with the "don't show" rule. Players are prohibited from pointing at objects, objects and people throughout the game. Anyone who breaks this rule must drink.

Play with the "don't touch" rule. Choose a part of the body that cannot be touched throughout the game. It can be ears, lips, nose, hair and so on. The one who breaks the rule must drink.

Let's not dissemble, games with alcohol can cheer up even the biggest bore. Moreover, the rules of games are almost always quite simple, and even familiar from childhood. Some of them are quite famous, like Beer Ping Pong, thanks to American comedies for that. But this, of course, is not the limit! So make yourself comfortable, I offer you 13 best games for parties that will definitely allow you to overcome awkwardness and start having fun to the fullest!

1. Four kings

An unlimited number of people can participate in this game, but anyway, each round comes down to 4 main players. A standard deck of cards is taken, and each of the 4 participants in turn draws one card, this continues in a circle over and over again until one of them draws a king. The first one who draws the cherished card chooses an alcoholic drink, the second one chooses what we will drink / eat, the third one buys / prepares a drink, and the fourth, respectively, drinks it. By the way, it may well turn out that one player will draw the king more than 1 time. So do not rush to choose the strongest drinks, because you may be the one. who needs to drink them!

2. Cherished word

The only one required element this game - a TV, or any other screen showing something. What the essence of the game is: you choose a program or a movie that you are going to watch with your friends. It could be anything: a hockey game, a presidential speech, or a Harry Potter movie. Before you start watching, you agree on a certain cherished word or sign, having heard or seen which on the screen, you must all drink a glass of something intoxicating together. Variants of such signs? For example, we drink every time when there is a scoring situation in a Russia-Belarus hockey match. Or when the name of Harry or Voldemort will be heard in that same Harry Potter movie. There are many options, take your pick!

3. Drunk Santa

The game is ideal for the period of the New Year holidays. And its rules are as follows: we take a Santa Claus hat and put it on the corner of the TV. Every time a television character appears to be wearing this hat, immediately drink a glass of something containing a degree. Everything is simple, right?

4. Electric cards

Alcoholic version of famous card game. The deck is shuffled, and its top card is dealt face up. Each player takes turns in a circle and takes out one card and puts it on top of the previous one. If it happens that the card matches the previous one in suit or value, the lucky one drinks. For each card and each suit, you can assign a drink. Or just drink shots when you're lucky to draw a "good" card!

5. Battleshot

Alcoholic variation on the theme of the game known to everyone since childhood " sea ​​battle". On big sheet paper, and preferably cardboard, a field for playing "Battleship" is drawn. And the ships represent a different arrangement of glasses with alcohol on the board in combinations of three, two and one. Then you know the rules. From the beginning of the game, you are trying to figure out where the enemy ships are with the enemy's glasses, and when you hit, your opponent drinks a shot accordingly!

6. Sink the ship!

The marine theme, as you can see, is very popular among this kind of games. The name is similar to #5, but the essence of the game is completely different. So, a jug of beer is placed in the center of the table. A glass (preferably plastic) is lowered into the center of the jug. All players in a circle pour a little beer into a glass that rests on the surface of the jug, trying not to be the one who drowns the glass. And the lucky one who sinks it should just drink. Not a pitcher of beer. Of course, but only a glass!

7. Tip the glass

This game is truly legendary, and right now we will learn how to play it. Participants are divided into two teams and stand on both sides of the table opposite each other. In front of each of the participants is a glass of beer (filled 1/2 or 1/4). The first participants from both sides drink their glasses in quick sips. Then they put the glass on the edge of the table so that part of the bottom of the glass is in the air, and they try to turn the glass over with one blow, put it upside down.
The next player in a row can start drinking only after the previous player turns his glass over. The first team to drink all the beer and turn over all the glasses wins. And believe me, it's not that easy!

8. Alcoholic checkers / chess

Who said chess is boring? Fools, they apparently never played the alcoholic version of this ingenious game. All you need to do is put the glasses of alcohol instead of pieces on the chess board and start playing. Losing pieces in the game, you must drink its contents. Important: do not give in!

9. Russian roulette with beer

The game is very fast, but definitely fun. So, you get a certain number of bottles of beer for everyone. One of them is shaken well and then hidden among the remaining untouched bottles. Everyone takes one for himself, opens it and ... And we will find out who got the bullet!

10. Ring of Fire (sometimes also called Kings)

This game requires a deck of cards and alcohol for each participant. In addition, an additional bottle with some kind of drink is placed in the center of the table. alcoholic drink, around which the cards are laid out face down. Players in a circle choose one card at a time and must follow the instructions contained on them. The rules are:

2 - the player chooses who should drink.
3 - drink by yourself / by yourself.
4 - the last person to put their hands on the table right now drinks.
5 - all guys drink.
6 - all the girls drink.
7 - the last one who raises his hands to the sky right now drinks.
8 - the player chooses the one who will drink with him until the end of the game.
9 - all participants must come up with a rhyme for your word, if not, they drink.
10 - everyone just drinks together.
Jack - the player who drew the jack chooses a category for which everyone must give an example. For example, German cars: BMW, Mercedes, etc. If they can't, they drink.
Lady - the one who draws this card can ask any question to any player, and he must answer honestly. If he doesn't want to, he drinks.
King - Wave. The player who drew the card starts the movement, and everyone else repeats after him in a wave.
Ace - the player who drew the ace comes up with a rule that everyone must follow until the end of the game.

11. I never...

A great game for late evenings when everyone is tired, or, conversely, for the very beginning of the party, to get to know each other better and get to know each other. Each player takes turns finishing the phrase "I've never..." and saying something they've never done. The rest of the players, if they didn’t do this either, bend one finger on their hand, if they did, they drink. The one who clenched his fist first loses (or wins, it depends only on you).

12. Beer ping pong

This list would be incomplete if we didn't talk about Beer Ping Pong, the king of all drinking games! The essence of the game is as follows: a certain number of glasses of beer (usually from 6 to 21) are displayed in the form of a pyramid. Opponents stand on both sides of the table opposite each other and try to hit the ping-pong ball into the opponent's glass. If they succeed, the opponent must drink the contents of this glass. The game ends when all the opponent's cups are empty.

13. Without hands

This game is only for the strong in soul and body, because it will require serious energy costs from you. So, a bottle of beer is attached to each hand of the player with tape, or whatever. And until the participant of the game drinks both bottles to the very end, he remains without hands. And since this is very inconvenient, you need to drink faster, which makes the game even more entertaining!