93 white house. Yeltsin dragged on, it was necessary to shoot at the White House earlier. “Snipers were sent from the US Embassy”

For two hundred years of the existence of this house, there was nothing there - from animals to ghosts, secret passages, bunkers, swimming pools and even a bowling alley...

The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States, located in Washington DC. All the presidents of America, with the exception of George Washington, under whom it was built, were "registered" here.
A symbol of "USA, Democracy and Freedom", the White House is a Palladian-style mansion (architect James Hoban). Construction began in 1792 and ended on November 1, 1800. On the same day, the second President of the United States, J. Adams, became its first "owner".
The White House is open to the public at scheduled times, but it is not always possible to visit the residences of the president and his family, as well as all private properties.
The White House has a place for the press and the media. Tom Hanks even made a gift from himself to the press office: two coffee machines when he found out that the press corps lives "decaffeinated" ... And this is just one of many interesting facts about the White House that you never knew about!

Animal house

In general, the White House has always been a place where not only presidents lived, but also many different animals. President Hoover, for example, kept two alligators and rarely locked them up. Jefferson had a mockingbird that flew quietly around the house. John Q Adams also kept a crocodile in the upstairs bathroom. One of Adams' assistants fed the pet "according to job descriptions."
In addition to that, there was a period of time when the White House was more like Animal House, a John Belushi comedy. The 1820s were the time open doors. Anyone who is not lazy could always come here. And visitors had to ensure a comfortable stay. Including alcohol! There are cases when visitors were lured out of the house by placing bottles of liquor and wine on the lawn. And everything turned into a party ... Today it would be an absolute nightmare for the special services.

Big? More! Even more!

When the White House was being designed, its architect, Pierre Charles Lanfant, wanted to make a very peculiar mansion: as an example, he imagined the residences of the French kings ... President George Washington, who oversaw the construction of his new residence, hated Lanfan's work. And fired him in the end. The work was completed under James Hoban.
As a result, the residence became five times smaller than its original author wanted. However, at the time of its construction, it was still the largest house in the United States.
He remained so until civil war, but after it the title of "the largest house" in the country lost - mansions, and then skyscrapers began to be built everywhere.

white house on fire

On December 24, 1929, a fire broke out due to a short circuit in the west wing. He was classified as 4-point in terms of power. The fire caused clogging of all internal air ducts and sewerage. Unfortunately, the White House did not even have insurance for every firefighter, but the tenants managed to get money from Congress and most of the interiors were completely rebuilt and reconstructed.
The fire broke out in the attic during the Christmas ball. The employee smelled smoke and reported it to the president and his assistants. They were able to salvage many of the president's personal belongings, as well as shelter his office from further damage following the fire. But the press center suffered the most: photo archives, articles and materials were lost.

Shadow of Mr. Lincoln

It is said that when Winston Churchill stayed at the White House, he spent the night in President Lincoln's old bedroom. Churchill left the White House the next day in a great hurry. He probably saw the ghost of the late president coming out of the bath.
Churchill returned to the White House more than once, but since then he has never stayed in Lincoln's bedroom.
Should he be blamed for cowardice? After all, the British prime minister is not the first and not the last who saw the ghost of Abraham ... True, before him they were mostly ladies.

White House twin

Yes Yes. The White House has a twin. It was built in Ireland in 1745-1747 and is called the "mini White House".
There is an opinion that James Hoban, on whose projects the construction of the residence of the US presidents was completed, saw the sketches of Leinster House before submitting his own design for the "presidential residence" to the competition of George Washington. There is also a small possibility that he was inspired to create what he was inspired by the image of the residence of the President of Ireland in Phoenix Park, Dublin. After all, Hoban grew up and studied in Ireland. And after his project won, he decided to stay in America. Made a name for himself and a great career, by the way!

Secret tunnels

Indeed, there are secret tunnels under the White House. Approximately at a depth of 6 floors, there is a bunker under the east wing. They say that there is a hole from the Oval Office to a protected bunker.
The only thing known for certain is that after Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt built a bomb shelter from where he had access to the basement of the Treasury building. The premise specially for the president looks like a concrete box. Roosevelt saw him once in his life. Several U.S. Presidents have since toured the site as well, but this was more of a tribute to hard times great history America.

Breakdown in the ventilation system

In 1909, President Taft really wanted an air conditioner, so he went out and bought himself something that looked like a cooling system. This system looked like this: huge fans were installed in the attic of the White House, next to them there was ice in vats. Cold air had to go down the duct and cool the whole house.
In theory it looks convincing, but in practice it did not work at all. Even the attic could not cool. Since there was no way to keep the air at the desired low temperature, warm and dusty currents were blown around the house, to the great annoyance of the cleaners. Luckily, Taft gave up in time and stopped using his home air conditioning system.

Warm went...

President Nixon was impressed when he first saw the presidential bathroom shower. His predecessor, Lyndon Johnson, had very specific requirements for this shower. Well, very specific...
The plumber who was in charge of designing the shower worked on the system for five for long years... Yes Yes. Five. Trying to get a "Johnson standard shower". The poor plumber even ended up in a hospital for the mentally ill.
President Johnson was obsessed: he demanded high-pressure hot water at the faucet. The nozzles had to be located at a height "just right": a jet on the buttocks and a jet on the genitals.
Incidentally, President Johnson has never publicly commented on matters relating to his soul addictions.

Dinner is served!

The White House kitchen is equipped with the latest technology. It is capable of serving 140 guests at the same time. The kitchen is staffed by 5 chefs serving the president's family, White House staff and guests.
State dinners are matters of national importance, and watching how everything is arranged "behind the scenes" is like being a spectator of a theatrical performance. Everything is so perfectly planned.
President John Adams and his wife Abigail established an orchard and vegetable garden where they grew their own fresh produce. President Jackson had a greenhouse, demolished in 1902 to make way for the west wing. At one point, there were even tropical fruits grown in the White House garden.
First lady Michelle Obama planted a large vegetable garden that is quite relevant today. The pediatrician recommended that her children eat more vegetables and fruits. The main family of the state ela fresh vegetables, and even gave part of the crop for soup to the local cuisine! The White House even has an apiary to make your own honey.

Architects competition

President George Washington was extremely dissatisfied with the work of Charles Lanfant, the architect who was originally supposed to build the White House. He fired him and then announced a competition for the construction project of the presidential residence.
It got a lot of attention from extremely talented designers. Nine projects were considered with passion, they were remarkable examples of modern architecture, but only one could be declared the winner. By the way, one of the contestants was Thomas Jefferson. He sent his sketch without mentioning his real name.
The winner was Irishman James Hoban, who replaced Lanfana and built the White House.
The anonymous sketch of President Jefferson did not win, which, of course, surprised many: he was a very talented person, and his residence in Monticello testifies to his love of architecture.

How much does it cost to build a house?

Until the end of the Civil War, the house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was considered the largest in the United States. Its construction began in 1792, and the first inhabitants of the House, President John Adams and his wife Abigail, settled in it in 1800. Then their housing was estimated at 232,372 dollars!
If the White House were put up for auction today, according to independent experts, its cost would be $320 million. Not very surprising, is it? Especially when you consider what amenities there are: a cinema, a dental office, a bowling alley, a swimming pool, a tennis court, and, of course, 16 bedrooms and 35 bathrooms.
The White House is a city that can provide for itself. Super luxury accommodation with all the amenities you could ever dream of!


I wonder if someone played a wedding in the White House?
Yes. In 1820 Mary Monroe married her cousin, Samuel Gouverneur in the East Room of the White House. In 1828, Mary Hellen married the youngest of three sons, John Adams. Which, however, was somewhat unexpected, since Mary was engaged to her eldest son, had a close relationship with her middle son for a long time, and finally married John II! Probably, family dinners were a big embarrassment for the first few years of living together...
In 1886, Grover Cleveland became the only president to marry in the White House. 49-year-old Cleveland married 21-year-old Frances Folsom.
And in 1906, socialite spoiler Alice Roosevelt married Nicholas Longworth. It was a huge wedding with 1000 guests. In 1971, Tricia Nixon (pictured) married Edward Cox in the White House Rose Garden. Her wedding was televised all over the world...
Of course, there were other presidents who married in office, however, they did not celebrate this affair in the White House.

Let there be light!

Electricity was installed in the White House in 1891. President Benjamin Harrison and his wife Caroline were so intimidated by this innovation that they refused to turn on the lights themselves. This function was performed by butlers.
President Lyndon Johnson was nicknamed "Light Bulb Johnson" for turning off the lights almost everywhere, even when people were working in the room. His explanation was simple: he didn't want to waste any of the extra taxpayer dollars. In 1979, President Carter installed solar panels over the west wing.
They weren't very efficient, and in 1989 the solar panels were removed while President Reagan was working on the roof... In 2003, the first solar electric panel was put into operation under President George W. Bush. It was not installed over the entire residence due to high costs. Only in 2014, under Obama, solar panels were installed over the entire White House.
In 1926, President Coolidge installed the first refrigerator. In 1933, the living rooms of the White House began to be air conditioned. In 1993, President Clinton replaced the windows with more energy efficient ones.

First inhabitants

The first US President George Washington did not have time to be the first tenant of the White House - they were John and Abigail Adams. Washington happened to see the plans for the residence, which he was not very impressed with. He felt that this space would not be enough.
The White House built under him burned to the ground in 1814 (this was during the War of 1812). It was restored and ready for new tenants in 1817. When President Monroe moved into the newly restored residence, people assumed that the charred walls had just been painted or even hastily covered in white paint.
Indeed, the exterior joints were smeared with white paint, especially the fire damage around the windows, but everything inside was rebuilt from scratch. In 1901, Teddy Roosevelt gave the name of the residence - "White House".

Our service is both dangerous and difficult

Everyone knows that the White House is equipped the best system security. Many of the details of how he is guarded are unknown, but there are facts: the bunker is six stories underground (under the east wing), 147 bulletproof windows, and whenever the president goes outside, snipers and a special security.
They say the White House has the ability to repel air attacks because it has anti-missile defenses. And a bunch of snipers located on the roof around the clock! And at least four intelligence agents on duty in the corridors in front of the west wing.
These measures were introduced after the assassination of President McKinley, when the Secret Service took over full-time presidential protection duties.

September 21, 1993 Yeltsin a coup d'etat took place. In accordance with the Constitution and the opinion of the Constitutional Court, Yeltsin and power ministers are legally suspended from their duties. Rutskoy and the new ministers took up their statutory duties. The defenders of the parliament had practically no weapons! In total, automatic weapons were issued: 74 AKS-74U, 5 RPK-74. Starting September 24th, Yeltsin almost every night he tried to organize an armed assault on the parliament; the massacre was postponed and postponed to the next night due to circumstances beyond his control.

The first official warning that an assault on the "White House" would be undertaken in case of refusal to comply was issued on September 24th. On the same day, the 10th (extraordinary) Congress of People's Deputies decided on the simultaneous re-election of deputies and the president no later than March 1994.

The Russian House of Soviets was surrounded by " Bruno's spiral", submachine gunners and armored personnel carriers, carried out complete blockade parliament: on September 21, all types of communications were turned off; on September 23, electricity, heat and hot water were turned off; to people with such, for example, diagnoses: “acute cerebrovascular accident” (27.09), “fracture cervical spine" (28.09), "unstable angina" (1.10). The temperature in the building dropped below 8 degrees, on the street during the day - up to -9 and -12 degrees Celsius.

“Conclusions: In medical terms, the emergency situation in the White House did not arise on October 4, but on September 27, when several thousand people, due to their beliefs, did not leave the besieged area, were on duty around the clock at the barricades in any weather, deprived of basic amenities due to power outages , communications, heating, subjected to constant nervous and physical strain, turned out to be deprived of the right to medical care by the will of the leadership of the Main Medical Directorate of Moscow and CEMP. We can't call it anything but malfeasance. We affirm that if the State Medical University and CEMP organized the timely delivery of medicines, the necessary honey. equipment, organized constant duty in the cordon zone, and not outside, ambulance crews, even if they were simply neutral in helping the victims, the number of victims during the events of October 3-4 would be much less. ( Information material on the state of medical support for the defenders of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation from September 21 to October 4, 1993. From a report prepared by doctors of the Rescue Center of the Moscow medical academy named after I. M. Sechenov)

On September 29, the government of the Russian Federation and Moscow issued an ultimatum - everyone should leave the House of Soviets by October 4, otherwise there would be "serious consequences." On September 30, 62 constituent entities of the Federation supported the parliament and presented Yeltsin with an ultimatum demanding simultaneous re-elections. The decisive meeting of the Council of Federations is scheduled for 18.00 on October 3rd. The continuation of negotiations under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church was scheduled for 16:00 on October 3.

Yeltsin spoke out against the idea of ​​early simultaneous re-elections. Chernomyrdin also refused the demand for a peaceful solution, stating that they had "another solution." Solution shoot parliament by October 4 was taken between September 29 and 30, preparations were made openly. September 30th Shakhrai appointed head of the legal support group for Decree No. 1400 with instructions to complete the work precisely by October 4. October 1 Poltoranin sent a letter to the editors-in-chief with an order-requirement "to treat with understanding the measures that the President will take on October 4th" and "not to dramatize them possible consequences". On the afternoon of October 3, at the direction of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, telephone messages were received from the Main Medical Directorate of Moscow about the planned admission of the wounded to all hospitals in Moscow.

A specially prepared provocation was supposed to justify the execution of the parliament; by order of “acting peer" MVD officers were entrusted with a stick war provoke demonstrators to retaliatory violence. On October 3, from a third to half a million unarmed citizens came out in support of the parliament from October Square in Moscow. The demonstrators marched in an organized column to the White House and Ostankino. After the demonstrators broke through to the White House, machine-gun fire was opened on people on the front stairs and at the 20th entrance of the parliament. The machine gunners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the mayor's office, by order, went on the attack on the "White House". Shooting from the City Hall and the Mir Hotel at the door of the White House killed 7 people and wounded 34. This was the first mass execution and the beginning of the storming of Parliament. The unforeseen pause at 3 p.m. was caused both by the defection of two companies of the Sofrino brigade, together with 200 OMSDON troops, to the side of the parliament, and by the decisive actions of the demonstrators.

At 3 pm on October 3, Yerin ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to open fire to kill hundreds of thousands of unarmed people. At 4 p.m. Yeltsin signed Decree No. 1575 and freed the army from criminal liability for violations of the law, A Grachev ordered the army units to join the executioners from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Execution of supporters of Parliament was sanctioned by Yeltsin and the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and everything that followed from 16.00 on October 3 no longer mattered.

At 16.05 after shelling the parliament and killing the first people Rutskoy gave the order to storm the city hall and march to Ostankino. City Hall (from the moment the first demonstrator entered its doors) was taken without a shot being fired. On October 3, a categorical order was in effect Rutsky And Achalova O non-use of weapons. Bloodshed in City Hall was averted thanks to Makashov. The road to Ostankino was blocked by superior armed units of the Dzerzhinsky division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on trucks and armored personnel carriers. A motorcade of demonstrators stopped in front of them. By order of the commander of the VV A.S. Kulikova This convoy was voluntarily let through by the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs knew that there were only two dozen people with weapons in the column.

Having missed the column at Ostankino, near Chekhov Street, the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on trucks and 10 Vityaz armored personnel carriers overtook the column of demonstrators and went ahead into an ambush at Ostankino, where they were located behind the building of the technical center. Near the Ostankino television center on October 3, from 17.45 to 19.10, a peaceful rally was going on for an hour and a half demanding that the parliament be aired. No attempts were made to storm or penetrate the television center building by the demonstrators. Despite the requirement Makashova enter into negotiations Bragin didn't show up. Demonstrators with official credentials warned everyone about the responsibility for any shot, paying special attention to the special forces. They were informed that there was an unarmed demonstration of two hundred thousand people. Makashov guaranteed the commander of the Vityaz armored personnel carrier group that not a single shot would be fired by the demonstrators.

By the beginning of the execution, there were less than 4,000 unarmed demonstrators in Ostankino, who arrived by car, they were guarded by 18 armed people. The television center was guarded by 25 armored personnel carriers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and more than 510 (690) submachine gunners of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At about 19.00, the leadership of the police guard of the ASK-3 technical center, on their own initiative, entered into negotiations, where they announced Makashov about readiness to pass under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council and transfer the technical center to its official representatives. The police officer was seized on the street by an officer of Dzerzhinsky's division and kept by force in the building of the technical center. The Vityaz special forces opposing the police avoided negotiations. After the truck rammed entrance doors to the technical center, general Makashov without weapons, one went out into the lobby for negotiations. He suggested that the commandos not interfere with the legitimate authorities and gave them time to freely leave the building. Sternly warned about the inadmissibility of any shot.

The first shot at Ostankino was fired from the roof of the TV center ASK-1 special forces "Vityaz"! They fired without warning. The order to open fire was personally given by Major General VV Pavel Golubets. A demonstrator at the entrance to the ASK-3 technical center was seriously wounded by a shot. The police of the technical center from the end of the building for the second time announced their transition to the side of the parliament and called Makashova. Two minutes after the first shot, the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the ASK-3 hall threw two or three grenades at the feet of the crowd and, in a coordinated manner, began to shoot people on Korolev Street from two buildings. From the technical center they fired to kill from a machine gun and machine guns, from the roof of the television center four machine gunners fired. A group of people at the entrance to ASK-3 was completely destroyed only one person survived.

Of the armed guards of the motorcade, more than half were killed on the spot, the survivors left Ostankino through the grove during a lull by 21.00. Makashov did not give an order to return fire, and none of the demonstrators fired. The shooting of the soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at unarmed people, the wounded and the orderlies continued until the approach of the two hundred thousandth peaceful demonstration. Shooting at emerging and moving targets at night in conditions of limited visibility - the head of the shooting at the site - lieutenant colonel Lysyuk. After the execution of the demonstrators near the ASK-3 (technical center) building, a two hundred thousand column of unarmed demonstrators from Oktyabrskaya Square approached the building of the ASK-1 television center. The peaceful demonstration was met with machine-gun and machine-gun bursts point-blank.

Six delegates-demonstrators from officers and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to negotiations with the "Vityaz" and demanded an immediate ceasefire, explaining that only unarmed people were on the street. The "Knights" ceased fire for half an hour and, as a condition for the continuation of negotiations, put forward a demand that everyone go beyond the fence of the television center building. As soon as the deceived people went beyond the fence, they were methodically shot from small arms and armored personnel carriers. The execution continued until 5.45 on October 4th. Single shots were heard until 12.00. They shot the wounded, and the orderlies, and the ambulances. The assault and shooting of the parliament on October 4, 1993 began suddenly, without any announcement or prior warning. The attackers did not make any proposals to surrender or withdraw women and children from the building. No ultimatums on capitulation were put forward to Parliament. About 40 unarmed people were killed in the first bursts from the armored personnel carrier.

According to Rutsky, in the "White House" at the time of the attack there were up to 10 thousand people, including women and children. repeated demands Rutsky to cease fire on the "White House" and to give the opportunity to withdraw women and children from the building of the House of Soviets to the stormers, they did not have any action - the fire did not stop for 10 hours! During this time, the leaders of the action did not make a single offer to surrender to the people being shot in the House of Soviets, they were not given the opportunity to take women and children out of the fire, which had to be done under fire, with losses.

On October 4, armored vehicles and troops were sent to shoot the parliament with an unprecedented and unjustified advantage: For each machine gun of the defenders of parliament, exactly three units of armored vehicles were thrown into battle - two cannons and two tank machine guns each (one heavy machine gun and one machine gun Kalashnikov), one sniper each. To kill an individual child, a woman or a man in the House of Soviets was assigned to a whole platoon or squad of drunk machine gunners. Only about 121-145 people did not give up and escaped alive from the "White House", of which about 71 (95) people went out through underground communications on October 4 and 5 in different directions, about 50 people broke through the top of the 4- th October in the direction of Krasnopresnenskaya metro station.

There is no statute of limitations on murders! On October 4th, the order Erina-Kulikova(Ministry of Internal Affairs), Grachev(My Barsukova(GUO): - destroy those in the "White House"! Orders for total destruction and shooting to kill were openly transmitted by radio by the commanders of the assault. Badgers officially ordered Alpha to destroy those in the White House, Grachev- tankers, Tula and Tamans, Erin- OMON and Dzerzhinsk. Korzhakov already after the withdrawal of the prisoners to the stairs of the White House, he publicly demanded the execution of the defenders of parliament: “ I have an order - to eliminate everyone who is in uniform!

After the deputies left with Alfa, this order was exactly carried out. All the remaining defenders of the parliament were destroyed, with the exception of those arrested on the afternoon of October 5 in the basement - four policemen of the DOS of the Department of Security and several local workers, as well as sixteen defenders from the barrier of the 14th entrance (arrested at 3.30 on October 5 on the 6th floor of the "White House" ). The bodies of the executed were secretly removed and destroyed.

The proof that the order was carried out is that, according to the official data, not a single wounded and not a single corpse was found in the parliament building. Those who were killed on the street, collected by medical teams, were officially declared dead in the "White House" Yu. Kholkhin and A. Shestakov. Recognizing the fact of the massacre of the people who remained in the White House and the fact of the secret removal and burial of their bodies, it is impossible to answer the question of the exact number of people killed without a special investigation. In any case, it's about hundreds of people shot in the White House building.

October 3-5 Mercenaries Yeltsin died only from their own bullets! Almost all of the dead, according to official figures, from among those who shot the parliament or demonstrators in Ostankino, were killed by units Erina(MVD) and Barsukova(GUO). Official data on the losses and number of troops involved in the coup d'état and massacres: GUO (18,000) - only 1 killed: killed by a sniper of the GUO of the Russian Federation from the premises completely controlled by the GUO and the Ministry of Internal Affairs! MO (more than 9,000) - a total of 6 killed, of which 6 were killed by Yeltsin's units (1 - OMON, 1 - MVD from an armored personnel carrier, 3 - GUO, 1 - taken "captive" and, apparently, shot by order of the commanders of the MVD or GUO )! Ministry of Internal Affairs and VV (more than 40,000) - a total of 5 killed (and one mortally wounded), of which 3 were killed or died due to the fault of Yeltsin's units, 2 - not established, 1 - along with the entire crew of the armored personnel carrier was destroyed from a grenade launcher 119 pdp.

The defenders of parliament practically did not shoot! Not a single one who died from their bullets is known! The circumstances of the death of only 2 military personnel - mercenaries - have not been clarified.

Yeltsin's decree No. 1400 is an act of a coup d'état!!!

The truth about the 1993 White House shooting

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

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In the movie "Independence Day", aliens blew up the White House, the image of which adorns the 20 USD banknote. However, this fact does not put the White House in the ranking of US attractions in an honorable second place after the Empire States Building in New York. First of all, the White House is a symbol of the American nation and the power of presidential power. This is the third century The White house symbolizes the strength of the nation and the presidency of the United States. The classical architecture of this building, located on Pennsylvania Avenue, is rather laconic, but at the same time elegant and refined.

For the third century now, the White House has symbolized the strength of the nation and the US presidency.

Statistics show that many Russians confuse the White House with the Capitol, the building where the US Congress meets. To avoid confusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the history of the legendary White House

At the start of construction and project implementation

The foundation stone of the official residence of American presidents, known throughout the world as the White House, was laid in Washington on October 13, 1792 at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. as the White House was originally called, it was chosen by George Washington himself - the first president of the United States of America. According to the ruler, it was to be a place "not exceeding ten square miles ... on the Potomac River."

The first stone of the official residence of American presidents, known worldwide as the White House, was laid in Washington on October 13, 1792.

The president also co-designed the building, which was designed by architect James Hoben. worthy of winning the competition announced by George Washington in 1790 to develop an architectural design for the residence.

According to the project, the building of the presidential residence was supposed to be designed in the Palladian style, which is based on borrowing the principles of classical temple architecture. Ancient Greece and strict adherence to symmetry. $2.5 million was allocated for the construction of the White House.

The Presidential Palace welcomes its first guests

The project of George Washington and James Hoben fully materialized by the early summer of 1800. Date June 4, 1800 - is considered the day of completion of the construction of the White House. The constructed building of the presidential residence fully complied with the ideas of its architectural authors.

Unfortunately, the construction that dragged on for 8 years deprived George Washington of the right to become the first honored tenant of the Presidential Palace.

Unfortunately, the construction that dragged on for 8 years deprived George Washington of the right to become the first honored tenant of the Presidential Palace. At the time of the opening of the White House, on November 1, 1800, the country had already been led by the second president, John Adams, for several years, and it was he who moved into the luxurious mansion with his wife Abigail.

“I pray that the heavens will send down all the best gifts to this house and to all who will subsequently live here. Let only honest wise men rule under this roof,” the words are carved from a letter from John Adams to the first lady on the mantelpiece in the Grand Dining Room.

Mystery of the name

There are several versions about the origin of the current name of the residence. According to one of them, the president's mansion began to be called the White House, since it, lined with white virgin sandstone and covered with a composition of lime, casein and lead, clearly stood out against the surrounding red granite buildings.

Some scholars note that the name White House was first used in 1811, that is, 11 years after construction was completed. At the same time, historians do not name the reason for the appearance of the name.

However, there is also another version. The opinion of some historians boils down to the fact that the residence was called the White House only after the restoration work carried out to eliminate the consequences of the fire of 1814. It is believed that it was during this global restoration that the building was painted white.

Be that as it may, the official name of the White House was assigned to the building only a century after the opening of the residence, in 1901, by Theodore Roosevelt.

Time for architectural change

The first century for the White House was an era of destruction and new life. In the 19th century, the White House expanded significantly: in 1801, the western and eastern terraces were added to the building.

The residence underwent a special reconstruction after the war of 1812. In August 1814 the "President's Palace" was burned down by the British. Work on the restoration of the mansion began almost immediately, and by 1817 the White House appeared before the people as good as new. Moreover, two underground floors appeared in the building, which housed the headquarters of the operational management foreign policy and military actions of the President. The rounded south portico was added to the building in 1824, and the columned north portico six years later.

At the beginning of the 20th century, in 1901 (during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt), the White House acquired two wings - the West, in which the first Oval Office was created 8 years later, and the East, which served as an entrance for guests. By the way, modern look The eastern wing acquired only by 1942. In 1927, the attic of the mansion was rebuilt for living quarters. And two years later, in order to eliminate the consequences of a strong fire, restoration work was carried out in the West Wing.

By the middle of the 20th century, the building needed a major overhaul. In this connection, under President Harry Truman, in 1949-1952, a major reconstruction of the White House was carried out. The wooden frame of the building was replaced with steel, the interior was redesigned.

Today the White House is a six-story building with 132 rooms, three elevators and many stairs. Tourists who come here on an excursion have a unique opportunity to see the most beautiful and historically significant premises. The famous "colorful rooms" (Blue, Green, Eastern and Red) are open for visiting, where solemn events are held, business and personal meetings are held. Guests are welcomed in the stunning Dining Room, and the Oval Office is workplace the president himself. For these and other premises for receptions, two whole floors are given, the rest belong to the presidential family (in addition to the basement).

Tour of the President's Residence

The White House is located in the heart of the US capital and is an integral part of the Presidential Park, which covers an area of ​​7.2 hectares. The ensemble of the White House also includes amazing gardens - on the west side is the Rose Garden created by Woodrow Wilson's wife, and on the East wing is the beautiful Jacqueline Kennedy Garden.

The White House is located in the heart of the US capital and is an integral part of the Presidential Park, which covers an area of ​​7.2 hectares.

The building of the presidential residence itself has 6 floors, 2 of which are underground. The total area of ​​the building is more than 5 thousand square meters. m. There are 132 rooms in the White House, including the famous colored rooms: the Oval Blue Hall for ceremonial receptions, the Green Hall for informal meetings, the Red Room, as well as the Family Dining Room, the Great Hall, the Cross Hall, the Oval Office, in which the the President himself, the Dining Room for official receptions and other rooms. The building also has 32 bathrooms, 28 fireplaces, 8 stairs and 3 elevators.

Interior of the "President's House"

The interior of the White House has changed several times. Since the middle of the 20th century, each presidential family considered it necessary to add something special to the decoration of the mansion. However, despite all the changes, the interior of the White House to this day remains in the style of the 18th and 19th centuries. Moreover, all work related to changes in the design of the residence on the state floors must certainly be approved by a special Committee of the White House Board.

Today, walking through the rooms of the White House open to the public, you can see things that once belonged to members of presidential families. For example, Eleanor Roosevelt's dressing table or Abigail Adams' silver coffee pot.

Visiting the White House

Anyone can visit the presidential residence on any day from Tuesday to Saturday. For excursions, rooms are open on two floors at once.

The doors of the White House were first opened to the general public under Thomas Jefferson.

By the way, for the first time the doors of the White House were opened to the general public under Thomas Jefferson. In 1805, the third President of the United States received guests for the first time in the Blue Drawing Room. At this reception were people who followed the president to the White House after being sworn in at the Capitol. Jefferson soon opened the doors of the residence to everyone. He also introduced the tradition of holding receptions in the White House in honor of the New Year and Independence Day, celebrated annually on July 4th.

Some of them have already died. Most are still screwing up. The time will come and these degenerates will be overtaken by the people's punishment. Everyone. And directly killed and called to kill ...
________________________________________ ________

Yeltsin executioners. Punishers of the House of Soviets.

1. Yeltsin's "heroes" of October 1993 Leaders of the assault on the House of Soviets

The Minister of Defense directly led the assault on the House of Soviets P. Grachev(died), he was helped by the deputy. Defense Minister General K. Kobets(died). General Kobets's assistant was General D.Volkogonov(died). (According to Yu. Voronin, in the midst of the execution of the White House, he told him by phone: “The situation has changed. The President, as the Supreme Commander, signed an order to the Minister of Defense to storm the House of Soviets and took full responsibility. We will suppress the putsch at any cost. Order in Moscow will be guided by the forces of the army.")
Military units participating in the assault and their commanders:

  • 2nd Guards Motorized Rifle (Tamanskaya) Division, Commander - Major General Evnevich Valery Gennadievich.

  • 4th Guards Tank (Kantemirovskaya) Division, Commander - Major General Polyakov Boris Nikolaevich.

  • 27th separate motorized rifle brigade (Teply Stan), commander - colonel Denisov Alexander Nikolaevich.

  • 106th Airborne Division, commander - colonel Savilov Evgeniy Yurievich.

  • 16th Special Forces Brigade, Commander - Colonel Tishin Evgeny Vasilievich.

  • 216th separate special forces battalion, commander - lieutenant colonel Kolygin Viktor Dmitrievich.engaged in the preparation of the assault

The following officers of the 106th Airborne Division showed the greatest zeal in preparing the assault:

  • regiment commander lieutenant colonel Ignatov A.S.,

  • Regimental Chief of Staff Lieutenant Colonel Istrenko A.S.,

  • battalion commander Khomenko S.A.,

  • battalion commander captain Susukin A.V.,

as well as officers of the Taman division:

  • deputy division commander lieutenant colonel Mezhov A.R.,

  • regiment commander lieutenant colonel Kadatsky V.L.,

  • regiment commander lieutenant colonel Arkhipov Yu.V.

The executors of criminal orders from the 12th tank regiment of the 4th (Kantemirovskaya) tank division, who made up volunteer crews, fired at the House of Soviets from tanks:

  • Petrakov I.A.,

  • deputy tank battalion commander Brulevich V.V.,

  • battalion commander major Rudoy P.K.,

  • commander reconnaissance battalion lieutenant colonel Ermolin A.V.,

  • tank battalion commander Serebryakov V.B.,

  • deputy commander of a motorized rifle battalion Maslennikov A.I.,

  • reconnaissance company captain Bashmakov S.A.,

  • senior lieutenant Rusakov.

How the killers were paid:

Officers who took part in the storming of the House of Soviets received 5 million rubles (about $4,200) each as a reward, riot police were given 200,000 rubles (about $330) twice each, privates received 100,000 rubles each, and so on.

All in all, at least 11 billion rubles (9 million dollars) were spent on encouraging those who especially distinguished themselves, apparently - this amount was taken out of the Goznak factory and ... disappeared (!). (At that time, the dollar exchange rate was 1200 rubles.)


Yegor Gaidar and snipers in October 1993

A bloodbath near the walls of the Russian parliament, when on October 3, 1993, the "chief rescuer" Sergei Shoigu issued a thousand machine guns to the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Yegor Gaidar, who was preparing to "defend democracy" from the Constitution. More than 1000 units small arms(AKS-74U assault rifles with ammunition!) From the Ministry of Emergency Situations were distributed by Yegor Gaidar into the hands of "defenders of democracy", incl. Boxer militants. On the "pre-shooting" night at the Moscow City Council, where Yegor Gaidar called on TV in 20:40, gathered crowds of Hasidim! And from the Moscow Soviet balcony, someone simply called for the killing of "these pigs who call themselves Russian and Orthodox." Alexander Korzhakov’s book “Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk” reports that when Yeltsin scheduled the capture of the White House at 7 am on October 4 with the arrival of tanks, the Alpha group refused to storm, considering everything that was happening unconstitutional and demanding the conclusion of the Constitutional Court. The Vilnius scenario of 1991, where "Alfa" was dealt the meanest blow, as if a carbon copy, was repeated in Moscow in October 1993: http://expertmus.livejournal.com/3897... Both there and here were involved "unknown" snipers who shot in the back opposing sides. In one of the communities, our message about snipers was followed by a comment that “these were Israeli snipers, who, under the guise of athletes, were placed in the Ukraine Hotel, from where they conducted aimed fire.” So where did those very armored personnel carriers with armed civilians (!) come from, who opened fire on the defenders of the parliament FIRST, provoking all further bloodshed? By the way, the Ministry of Emergency Situations had not only “white KAMAZ trucks” from which weapons were handed out at the Moscow City Council, but also armored vehicles! A year earlier, on the night of November 1, 1992, Shoigu, sent by the same Gaidar (then acting prime minister) to Vladikavkaz to resolve the Ossetian-Ingush conflict, transferred 57 T-72 tanks (together with crews) to the North Ossetian police.


Erin V.F., General of the Army, Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, one of the main participants in the October events of 1993.
In September 1993, supported the decree of the President Russian Federation 1400 on the constitutional reform, the dissolution of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council. The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, subordinate to Erin, dispersed opposition rallies, participated in the siege and storming of the House of Soviets of Russia.

On October 1, 1993 (a few days before the dispersal of the parliament by tanks), Yerin was awarded the rank of army general. He took an active part in the armed suppression of the defenders of the Supreme Council on October 3-4. On October 8, he received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for this. On October 20, Boris N. Yeltsin appointed him a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
On March 10, 1995, the State Duma expressed no confidence in VF Yerin (268 deputies voted for no confidence in the Minister of Internal Affairs). On June 30, 1995, after the failure of the hostage release in Budyonovsk, he resigned. In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Retired since 2000.

Lysyuk S.I.., lieutenant colonel, squad leader special purpose"Vityaz" (until 1994).
On October 3, 1993, the Vityaz Detachment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel S.I. Lysyuk opened fire on the people besieging the Ostankino television center, as a result of which at least 46 people were killed and 114 wounded. On October 7, 1993, "for courage and heroism" shown during the execution of unarmed defenders of the constitution, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. He does not hide the fact that the command to open fire was given to them, which he does not hesitate to talk about on television.
Now retired, promoted to colonel, became president of the Association for Social Protection of Special Purpose Units "Brotherhood of Maroon Berets" Vityaz "" and a member of the board of the Union of Anti-Terror Veterans.

Belyaev Nikolai Alexandrovich- Chief of Staff of the 119th Guards Airborne Regiment (106th Guards Airborne Division). Also awarded.

Shoigu Sergey- Faithful Yeltsin jackal! Mode accomplice. On this moment Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Evnevich Valery Gennadievich. From 1992 to 1995 - Commander of the Taman Guards Motor Rifle Division of the Moscow Military District. In October 1993, he participated in the dispersal of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, his division shot down the building of the White House.

KADATSKY V.L.., criminal, executioner 1993.Now VL Kadatsky is the head of the Department of Regional Security of the city of Moscow. Friend of S.S. Sobyanin

Nikolai Ignatov- killed Russian people in the rank of lieutenant colonel. Lieutenant General, Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces

Konstantin Kobets. Since September 1992 - Chief Military Inspector Armed Forces Russian Federation; simultaneously from June 1993 - Deputy, and from January 1995 - Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Died in 2012.

27th separate motorized rifle brigade (Teply Stan).
1995-1998 - Commander of the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division of the Moscow Military District; since 1998, he has served as military commandant.

106th Airborne Division.
In 1993-2004, he commanded the 106th Tula Guards Red Banner Order of Kutuzov II degree airborne division.
Savilov was awarded three orders and other state awards. In the period from 2004 to 2008 he was an adviser to the governor of the Ryazan region. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation.

Kulikov Anatoly Sergeevich- lieutenant general, commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

On October 3, 1993, at 16.05, he gave the order to the Vityaz detachment by radio "to advance to strengthen the security of the Ostankino complex." Witnesses-journalists (including those from pro-presidential newspapers - Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda) later said that the armored vehicles of the internal troops fired indiscriminately both at the demonstrators and at the Ostankino TV tower and surrounding houses. A. Kulikov himself claimed that the Vityaz opened fire on the people led by General A. Makashov only after N. Sitnikov, a Vityaz fighter, was killed by a grenade launcher at 19.10 and that government forces “... did not open fire first. The use of weapons was targeted. There was no continuous zone of fire ... ". According to the results of the official investigation, there was no shot from a grenade launcher at all (the flash of an explosive package thrown from the TV center building by one of the “Vityaz” was mistaken for it). In clashes near Ostankino, one government fighter, several dozen unarmed demonstrators, two Ostankino employees and 3 journalists, including two of them foreign (all employees and journalists were killed by A. Kulikov's subordinates), were killed.
As gratitude for the execution of unarmed demonstrators, A. Kulikov received in October 1993 the rank of colonel general.
Since July 1995 - Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation, since November - General of the Army. Since February 1997 - Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Internal Affairs. He was a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (1995-1998), the Defense Council of the Russian Federation (1996-1998).
It was under Kulikov that the internal troops in the Russian Federation grew to an incredible scale - more than 10 divisions, turning, in fact, into the second army of Russia. In the internal troops, according to some experts, there are only two times fewer military personnel than in the Russian army, and at the same time, the financing of explosives is much more complete and better. As the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper noted (February 13, 1997), the fact that the “domestic gendarmerie corps” has grown to such a scale can only mean one thing: “our authorities are afraid of their people much more than any aggressive NATO bloc.”
In March 1998, the government of V. S. Chernomyrdin was dismissed, while A. S. Kulikov was removed from all posts. In December 1999 he was elected State Duma 3rd convocation, in December 2003 - deputy of the 4th convocation. Member of the faction United Russia". Since 2007 - President of the Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation.

Romanov Anatoly Alexandrovich- Lieutenant General, Deputy Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, torturer of prisoners of the Krasnaya Presnya stadium.
On December 31, 1994, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Military Merit No. 1. On November 5, 1995, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. November 7, 1995 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation awarded military rank colonel general.
On October 6, 1995, as a result of a terrorist act, he was seriously wounded in the city of Grozny, miraculously survived, but remained disabled. Since then, he has been in a coma.

F. Klintsevich

2. Bedding of the Yeltsin regime

Address by Grigory Yavlinsky in October 1993

Grigory Yavlinsky, the founder of the Yabloko party, during the confrontation between the President of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council in September-October 1993, he eventually sided with Yeltsin.

The evolution of meanness. Ghouls of Ostankino in 1993


TV HOSES in 1993. About the events of October 3-4, 1993 and Yeltsin's TV bedding
The first series shows what they are talking about now and what they were talking about on the eve of the execution of the Supreme Council and the defenders of the Constitution in October 1993, the following scum, nonhumans and accomplices in seizing power in the country (that is, a crime without a statute of limitations, for which the death penalty is due and 18 years ago and now): Mikhail Efremov, Liya Akhedzhakova, Dmitry Dibrov, Grigory Yavlinsky, Yegor Gaidar.

Liya Akhedzhakova in 1993 about the execution of the Parliament. The old witch rages


The well-known letter of intellectual bastards to the newspaper "Izvestia" - Crush the reptile! dated October 5, 1993 signed:

Ales Adamovich,
Anatoly ANANEV,
Tatyana BEK,
Vasil BYKOV,
Alexander GELMAN,
Daniel GRANIN,
Daniil DANIN,
Mikhail DUDIN,
Alexander Ivanov,
Yakov Kostyukovsky,
Alexander KUSHNER,
Academician D.S. LIHACHEV,
Andrey NUIKIN,
Valentin OSKOTSKY,
Alexander REKEMCHUK,
Vladimir SAVELYEV,
Mikhail CHULAKI,
Viktor Astafiev.

Information sources.

The shooting of the White House in 1993: the consequences for Russia [video]

The shooting of the White House in 1993: the consequences for Russia [video]

In 1993, a historical event for Russia took place - the shooting of the White House. What are the reasons for such an act of the authorities? Was this action legitimate? What are the victims of the action and its consequences for modern Russia? Has the influence of this event on the current processes in the country faded or not?

In 1993, Americans shot at the backs of Russians

Have you ever experienced a feeling when just a few words turned your whole idea of ​​​​something very important? I experienced it when I got acquainted with excerpts from the work of the State Duma commission on the impeachment of Boris Yeltsin, which studied the events of October 1993 in Moscow.

I was then 20 years old and in St. Petersburg those events in my environment were not particularly discussed: in principle, many were satisfied with the wording, according to which the leader new Russia Yeltsin crushed the creeping vermin of the Soviet counter-revolution, which consisted of the Supreme Soviet and a few dozen lumpen, who were eager for street riots. The only embarrassing thing was that the footage of the shooting of the White House was broadcast to the whole world by the American television channel CNN. When I once found myself in the places where the shooting was going on, I saw a wooden cross, flowers and inscriptions - that the heroes who defended their country died here. I confess that at that moment something trembled in my heart: “The rabble, as the supporters of the Supreme Council were presented by television, are not able to remember their comrades like that!

And here I am reading fragments of the report of the commission, which collected incriminating materials against Boris Yeltsin with the aim of removing him from the presidency. Transcript of the meeting of the special commission on September 8, 1998, when General Viktor Sorokin, who held the position of deputy commander in October 1993, testified Airborne Troops, whose units participated in the operation to disperse the Russian parliament. I will quote the most important passage:

“... somewhere around 8 o'clock, the units advanced to the walls of the White House... During the advance of the unit, 5 people were killed in the regiment and 18 were wounded. Shot from behind. I have observed it myself. Shooting was carried out from the building of the American embassy ... All the dead and wounded were shot from behind ...

I found these lines in Dmitry Rogozin's book “Hawks of the World. Diary of the Russian Ambassador on pages 170 - 171. Dmitry Olegovich directly participated in the work of that commission and personally asked questions to the witness-general, and the text was taken from the minutes of the meeting.

Now think about these five words: “the shooting was carried out from the building of the American embassy ... That is, snipers fired at the Russian army in order to provoke aggression and force the fighters, who see the death of their comrades, to suppress “the rebellion harshly and evil. It was imperative to do this, because the paratroopers knew that they were going to fight with their own people, which means that some kind of hell was going on! Naturally, everyone remembered the events of 2 years ago, when Soviet officers and soldiers refused to fight against Yeltsin's defenders, and there was a big risk that the young Russian army will not go against the people.

Yegor Gaidar and snipers in October 1993 (Ren TV "Military secret" 2009)

A bloodbath near the walls of the Russian parliament, when on October 3, 1993, the "chief rescuer" Sergei Shoigu issued a thousand machine guns to the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Yegor Gaidar, who was preparing to "defend democracy" from the Constitution.

More than 1000 units small arms (AKS-74U assault rifles with ammunition!) from the Ministry of Emergency Situations were distributed by Yegor Gaidar into the hands of "defenders of democracy", incl. Boxer militants.

On the "pre-shooting" night at the Moscow City Council, where Yegor Gaidar called on TV at 20:40, crowds of Hasidim gathered! And from the Moscow Soviet balcony, someone simply called for the killing of "these pigs who call themselves Russian and Orthodox."

Alexander Korzhakov’s book “Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk” reports that when Yeltsin scheduled the capture of the White House at 7 am on October 4 with the arrival of tanks, the Alpha group refused to storm, considering everything that was happening unconstitutional and demanding the conclusion of the Constitutional Court. , where "Alfa" was dealt the most vile blow, as if a carbon copy, was repeated in Moscow in October 1993.

Both there and here, “unknowns” were involved, who shot at the back of the opposing sides. In one of the communities, our message about snipers was followed by a comment that “these were Israeli snipers, who, under the guise of athletes, were placed in the Ukraine Hotel, from where they conducted aimed fire.”

So where did those very armored personnel carriers with armed civilians (!) come from, who opened fire on the defenders of the parliament FIRST, provoking all further bloodshed? By the way, the Ministry of Emergency Situations had not only “white KAMAZ trucks” from which weapons were handed out at the Moscow City Council, but also armored vehicles!

A year earlier, on the night of November 1, 1992, Shoigu, sent by the same Gaidar (then acting prime minister) to Vladikavkaz to resolve the Ossetian-Ingush conflict, transferred 57 T-72 tanks (together with crews) to the North Ossetian police.

I won’t be surprised if, in addition to the official testimony of the general, who saw the shooting from the building of the American embassy at the soldiers, there are witnesses from the side of the defenders of the White House on October 93, who saw that the same shooters brought down civilians - after all, the fact of the death of several hundred participants in the events and bystanders undeniable.

And, finally, the main thing: having such evidence, we can accuse the American government of the most direct interference in our internal affairs, because even if the snipers were not Americans, providing the roof of the sovereign embassy for such needs puts an end to the non-involvement of American intelligence in that bloodshed. The Americans got blood on their hands.

For me, this fact was a turning point in the assessment of recent Russian history: it turns out that the late Yeltsin not only used the services of economic advisers from the United States and political technologists who helped him win the elections of 1996 (a feature film was even made about these events in the West), but actually sold himself and sold the country, allowing the Americans to participate in the massacre. By the way, the armed reprisal against the Supreme Council itself was provoked from the Kremlin: officially, negotiations were to be held between Yeltsin and Rutskoi, but they did not wait for the result and announced the order to open fire.

We are now overjoyed that in Ukraine the American protégé Yushchenko, whose legal wife worked for many years in US intelligence, has been excommunicated from power, but it turns out that our “dear Boris Nikolayevich” was on approximately the same friendly terms with the United States. And it also turns out that American terror, exported to Iraq, took its first steps not at all in Serbia, when Belgrade was bombed in 1999, but on Moscow streets six years earlier.

Giving a new assessment of the events of 17 years ago, one should not become discouraged, but honestly admit: yes, we were cruelly raped, deceived in words and even shot in the back, but it is very important at least after so many years to get to the bottom of the truth. Yes, we were betrayed at the very top, but this does not mean that all the people are ready to put up with this “because of the prescription of years. The sacred words “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten begin to acquire a new, relevant meaning. Let's be together, dear friends!

Sergey Stillavin


Chronicle of the execution of the White House and the establishment of "Constitutional Order"

(Dispersal of the Supreme Soviet of Russia)

1. Reasons for the shooting of the White House. There are at least three of them.

Formal- discrepancy between the Soviet Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978, which establishes the power of the Supreme Council and is unbalanced by the removal of the article on the leading role of the party, with the realities of the presidential republic.

Real- the contradiction of the socio-economic course towards forced liberal transformations and the plunder of the country to the interests of the majority of citizens in the context of the preservation of spontaneous mass democracy.

Operational- the desire of Boris Yeltsin's entourage to force a political cataclysm before it matured for socio-economic reasons: in the spring of 1994, Yeltsin, according to the then available calculations, no longer had any chance of retaining power.

2. Illegitimate action. The shooting of the White House in 1993 was then experienced very sharply:

  • The army did not support Yeltsin (the White House was shot by hired officer crews, then destroyed in Chechnya);
  • The closest advisers did not support the execution of the White House (the reason for Stankevich's disgrace is the refusal to directly support the execution on television);
  • Alexy II practically reached a compromise and began negotiations unacceptable to the organizers of the conflict;
  • The crux of the matter is a coup d'état;
  • The state has not dared to demolish the spontaneous memorial at the White House until now; attempts to destroy it under the guise of "repair" of the stadium are blocked by him.

3. Victims stock. The organizers of the action deliberately exterminated people in order to “cut down” and intimidate the most active layer of society, to discourage the people from the very idea of ​​influencing their own destiny. According to available estimates, killed by an order of magnitude more than official data - about 1500 people

4. The impotence of Rutskoi and Khasbulatov. Rutskoi and Khasbulatov as leaders turned out to be worse than Yeltsin. The abilities of the former were demonstrated during his governorship in Kursk region(the virtual disappearance of small businesses, even roadside ones), with the second, Russia could come to a direct ethnic dictatorship (although Chechen wars in their direct form, most likely, they would not exist).

5. Action consequences. They are as follows.

  • Illegitimacy, lawlessness and permissiveness as the norm of life and the norm of power. Desacralization of power.
  • The formation of an "occupation regime" - an outwardly democratic dictatorship, but in fact, an autocracy based on global corporations and the Russian mediacracy (hence Yeltsin's touching love for the media that excites journalists so much).
  • transformation political activity into betrayal (Zyuganov became the sole leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, as you can understand, precisely thanks to Yeltsin's public support).
  • Exposure and consolidation of the bestial essence of the anti-Russian part of the intelligentsia.
  • A "small victorious war" to increase the authority of the authorities, it is also a major commercial operation in the form of the Chechen war.
  • The strategy of destroying Russia for the sake of enriching a handful of corrupt officials and oligarchs.
  • A turning point: the people were finally deprived of real influence on the authorities, and the Russian Holocaust, which continues to this day, has become irreversible.