Real Japanese girls. What does money look like in Japan - the yen. Makeup secrets and beauty concepts

Here is a typical county town in Japan. Quite shabby, I'd say. It was badly damaged by the tsunami, life there was starting over.

Remember any Russian city with a population of twenty-five thousand. Compare the difference for yourself.

The city of Minamisoma lies on the border of the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Exclusion Zone. There was no radiation here, but because of the tsunami, people left the city and did not live here for several years. We returned maybe a year and a half ago.

I've been stuck here for almost the whole day. I arrived on a bus that passed through the Zone and photographed the post-nuclear world from the window. And the return flight was only in the evening.

The town fits perfectly into the role of a typical town: there is nothing special here, people just live and work. It will be exactly the same in hundreds of other Japanese cities.

The city center consists of low houses of one or two floors. The architecture is questionable.

In the morning you can meet people here going about their business.

There are no tourists here, but the locals do not show any interest in the foreigner.

And they don’t even react to being filmed.

I periodically checked the radiation level with a dosimeter given to me by lleo. It’s no longer dangerous here at all; the background is even less than in the center of Moscow.

The main street.

The Japanese prefer to live in private houses; high-rise buildings are not very attractive to them.

Interestingly, most modern buildings have traditional features. First of all, the roofs. You can unmistakably identify Japan by them.

And there are many old wooden and paper houses in which people continue to live.

Children's playground in one of the courtyards.

You can find free public toilets in the form of separate houses. It's very clean inside.

What distinguishes a Japanese city from a Japanese village? There are sidewalks here! In villages everyone walks along the edge of the road.

They look strange in places. Although it’s clear that they tried. There are paths for the blind everywhere.

WITH paving slabs We just started experimenting, more often the old-fashioned way, laying asphalt.

They are trying to provide parking everywhere. But free is a huge rarity.

The yen or yen is the official currency of Japan, recognized as the most stable in the Asian region. The currency is a reserve currency and ranks 3rd in popularity in the world.

History of Japanese money: emergence and formation

The history of the origin of the yen dates back to the Middle Ages - during the reign of the Tokugawa shogunate. The period was marked by complete control over the financial sector. The monetary system was very cumbersome: “zeni” was used - numerous funds made of metals and paper.

The next stage: the monetary reform after the revolution of 1868 - the Meiji clan seized power. And in 1869, the rulers introduced a currency under the current name of money in Japan - the yen.

The root "en" means "round" - the fact is that the first yens were minted in the form of round coins. Paper banknotes appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1871, the circulation of old money was completely suspended. In those years, a special symbol of the Japanese currency appeared - 圓.

Following significant event happened only in 1927. In connection with the financial crisis, the Bank of Japan urgently introduced new money in denominations of 200 yen. This banknote is especially valuable for collectors because it has a completely clean reverse.

World War II period

During the years of hostilities, the yen became the main currency in Korea, Taiwan, Manchuria, Thailand, French Indochina, certain regions of Macau, and Northern China. The local currency was used along with the yen.

During the period of occupation in 1945-48, along with the Japanese one, the American occupation yen was also introduced into circulation.

During this period, 6 Japanese occupation banknotes were issued in denominations ranging from 0.05 to 100 yen. Military actions provoked the depreciation of the original currency - in Okinawa in 1948 it was completely withdrawn from circulation. First, the Japanese yen was replaced by the occupation yen, and then by the American dollar.

On April 25, 1949, the yen received the status of a world currency. At the same time, the international symbol of the Japanese yen appeared - ¥.

Episodes released

During the existence of the yen, banknotes were issued in 1946-48, 1950-53, 1957-69, 1984. The use of the old Japanese yen was finally suspended on January 17, 2005.

In 2000, for the first time, a series was produced consisting of only one denomination note - 2000 yen. The last time money was issued was in 2004. They are produced using the most innovative and modern technologies.

Judging by the photos of Japanese money, banknotes from any period were marked exclusively by people significant to the history of the country, National symbols and stories.

Issue 1950-53

In the 50s, the 1000 yen banknote first appeared in circulation. A total of 4 types of banknotes were issued:

Issue 1957-59

Among the banknotes in demand by collectors are the 1957-59 series.

The series set 2 records at once: the last time 500 yen banknotes were produced and the first time 5,000 and 10,000 were put into circulation. In total, banknotes of the following denominations were put into circulation:

Class of 1984

The 1984 banknotes represent an important milestone in the history of money in Japan. Until 2005, yen denominations were actively used:

Banknotes in circulation: 2004 and 2000 issue

Due to the abundance of issued series, many are concerned about the question of what denominations of the Japanese yen are in circulation. In modern Japan, banknotes issued in 2004 are mainly used; banknotes issued in 2000 are extremely rare in circulation. In the following list you can find a description and photo of Japanese yen banknotes:


In Japan, banknotes are often counterfeited, especially 10,000 yen bills. Such banknotes have a number of defects, for example, blurred text and poor paper quality.

Original money of any denomination is multi-colored, but not bright, made in neutral, pastel colors. On the right side of the front there are inscriptions in hieroglyphs.

You can easily distinguish a fake from an original if you know what security element is used on Japanese banknotes. Due to the increasing number of cases, in 2000 they began to use Eurion constellation sign. Authenticity is confirmed by other methods:

  • watermark: when clear, 3 stripes appear in the center, and in the oval window - a symbol that corresponds to the image on the obverse;
  • hidden image: at an angle, the obverse reveals the inscription “NIPPON” and the denomination;
  • hologram: when the tilt changes, the denomination, ornament and logo of the bank appear;
  • pearlescent ink: when turning the bill, bright stripes are visible on both sides;
  • images with changing color: thanks to luminescent paint, some elements change color in the sun;
  • relief areas on the right side: intaglio printing technology allows you to create palpable elements for the blind;
  • microscopic text: small text “NIPPON GINKO” is applied to a special background.

The yen survived monetary crises and war, became the national currency of Japan and gained international recognition. Japanese money is accumulated by the central banks of most countries of the world, since the yen is convenient for making financial transactions and purchases.

Looking through photographs of Japanese women on the Internet, we can conclude that Japanese women are very pretty, thin, have excellent shapes, perfect skin and generally look like dolls with an angelic expression. It seems that since there are many such photographs on the Internet, then there are also many such beautiful Japanese women, but in fact this is completely not the case. There are not so many truly beautiful Japanese women. Most Japanese women without makeup look, to put it mildly, unattractive. In the photos, of which there are many on the Internet, usually Japanese models.

Japanese girls can be divided into three types.

  1. The first type are girls who don’t try to make something incredible out of themselves, they don’t dye their hair and wear a minimum of makeup.
  2. The second type is girls who dye their hair, actively use cosmetics, and emphasize their strengths in every possible way.
  3. The third type are girls from Shibuya (an area of ​​Tokyo famous for its nightlife), they undergo plastic surgery and go on dates for money.

Almost all famous Japanese models or actresses have undergone some kind of plastic surgery.

If we talk about the appearance of Japanese women in general, then we can say that Japanese women are very thin and it’s not just a matter of genetics. Japanese women often exercise and eat healthy. Balanced food is the key good health. There are, of course, plump Japanese women. Japanese women have small breasts - size 1 or even smaller. That's why many people use push-up bras. There are few girls with a third or larger breast size; these are either mothers of many children or overweight women.

Many people say that Japanese women have no waist, this is not true. Many Japanese women have very beautiful waistlines. Japanese women also have thin legs, although often not very straight, and an almost complete absence of ass.

Skin color varies from a very light shade, lighter than Europeans, to very tanned. In Japan, fair skin is considered beautiful, so many Japanese women try not to sunbathe and use sun umbrellas.

The Japanese have larger eyes than Europeans, so calling them narrow-eyed is incorrect, it’s just a different eye shape. There is such a thing as a double eyelid, this is a fold on the upper eyelid. When it is absent, the eye appears smaller, and when it is present, it appears much larger. The Japanese have such people 50/50. But the Europeans all have double eyelids. The Japanese often perform double eyelid surgery; this is one of the most popular plastic surgeries.

Japanese women have small noses and the noses of foreigners seem big and long to them. Many Japanese have problems with their teeth, as they say, the fence has floated - their teeth are in different directions, both above and below. Nowadays, many dental correction clinics have begun to appear.

Japanese women are not like in the photos on the Internet, there are few beautiful girls. However, if you look at women over 30, there are indeed many beauties among them. Moderate amount of cosmetics, good style in clothes and demeanor in public - all this also creates part of the appearance.

There are three races of people in the world: Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid. Their representatives differ in nationality, but for the most part they are similar in appearance. Simply put, to a European all Asians look alike, just as to Asians all Europeans seem alike. And one of the frequently asked questions is: how to distinguish Japanese women from Chinese women. Therefore, in the publication you will find information about who Japanese and Chinese women are, a comparison external features and distinctive characteristics.

First difficulties

Just a few years ago, it was believed that Asians could tell each other apart in a crowd. However, this statement is nothing more than a stereotype. When one Chinese woman was asked if she could distinguish a Japanese woman in a crowd of Asian women, she replied that it was easy - by name. In fact, if you compare a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman, the main differences are difficult to find. The thing is that 56 nationalities live in China. Representatives of some national groups are completely different from the Chinese. At least not in the way we imagine it. So it is very difficult to determine the phenotype of the average Chinese woman.

The same situation can be observed in, although it was closed to visits by foreigners long time, but has experienced more than one migration flow of Koreans and Chinese. So the phenotype of Japanese women has also changed.

Mongoloid race

Before we begin to analyze the appearance of a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman, a comparison must be made between the racial features of appearance. Representatives of the Mongoloid race differ from others in the following characteristics:

  • Hair. Rigid, straight, black. The growth of mustache, beard and body hair is weak.
  • Eyes. Like the hair, the eyes of representatives of the Mongoloid race are black. Although Mongoloids are called narrow-eyed in society, their eyeballs are actually larger than those of Caucasians. This opinion arose due to the highly developed upper eyelid and narrow eye shape.
  • Leather. Yellowish tint skin is another sign of the Mongoloid race. Depending on the habitat, the shade can vary from light to darkish.
  • Height. Mongoloids have average growth rates, are stocky with shortened (relative to the body) legs.
  • flattened with prominent cheekbones. The bridge of the nose is concave, the protrusion of the nose is slight. The lips are of medium thickness, the mouth is small.

Thus, Japanese and Chinese women, the comparison of which will be presented in the article, are similar due to belonging to the same race. But at the same time they have their own distinctive features.

Skin color and facial features

What is the difference between Japanese and Chinese women? The comparison can start with skin color. Chinese women have a more pronounced yellow tint. Because of this, they do not like to sunbathe on beaches. Japanese women have lighter skin. In addition, Japanese women zealously use cosmetics to rid the skin of congenital yellowness.

It is also believed that Japanese women have long faces, while Chinese women have round ones. Often from a Chinese woman. But the Japanese woman has a wider mouth. As for the shape of the nose, a Chinese woman’s nose is flat, while a Japanese woman’s is pointed. The article presents (to demonstrate the features that a Chinese and Japanese woman has) a photo. The comparison between representatives of the two nationalities does not end there.


They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but in the case of Asians, it is also a way to determine their nationality. Therefore, special attention is paid to the eyes when analyzing the appearance of Japanese and Chinese women. Comparing the cut features will best show the difference. Despite the fact that Chinese and Japanese women have a narrow eye shape and a developed epicanthus (fold of the upper eyelid), several differences can also be found here. For example, a Japanese woman’s eyes are slightly bulging, like a fish’s, and the cut is wider. The Chinese woman's eyes have a narrow slant and the outer corners are more raised upward.

As for the eyebrows, Japanese women have them straighter, and girls have to give them the desired shape. Chinese women's eyebrows have a natural curve, so they can do without cosmetic tricks.

Clothes and makeup

Studying distinctive features Chinese and Japanese women, a comparison can be made based on one more criterion - clothing and makeup. Japanese women always wear makeup on their faces. The girl can be dressed in home clothes, over which an apron is thrown, but makeup is sacred. Chinese women don't pay much attention to this.

When it comes to clothing, Japanese women have a keen sense of style. They wear exclusively branded items, even if it is a tracksuit, it will definitely be a well-known brand. In this matter, the Chinese are much inferior. Their clothes can be called peculiar and inappropriate. It’s easy for a resident of China to go out to the store in the evening practically in her pajamas. A Japanese woman will never allow herself to do this.

But it is also worth noting that Japanese women never iron their clothes; if a blouse or T-shirt is wrinkled, this will not bother them at all, although otherwise they are very neat.

Language and behavior

Considering the distinctive features of a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman, a comparison of appearance can be supplemented with behavioral features. Chinese women are the most talkative and noisy among all Asians. Their conversation takes place in high tones with active gestures. They are impulsive, unrestrained and can commit a reckless act when in public place. Japanese women are reserved, their speech is polite and calm. The behavior is radically different from women of the same age from China, since in Japan it is necessary to follow the rules.

If someone has ever heard a few words in Chinese or Japanese and knows their meaning, he can easily determine who is who from an overheard conversation. When there is no such knowledge, you can pay attention to the sounds that are most often found in conversation. The Japanese language is more “sizzling”; in addition, you can hear the prefix “des” at the end of each sentence.


Thus, although it is difficult to distinguish between a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman, it is possible. And if there is no way to hear a conversation or monitor behavior, you can take exclusively external characteristics as a basis.

Comparison of a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman (5 differences):

  1. Eyes. Japanese eyes have a wider cut and are slightly protruding.
  2. Leather. Chinese women have a richer yellow skin tone.
  3. Face. Chinese women are round-faced with pronounced cheekbones and a flattened nose. Japanese faces are more graceful: slightly elongated oval, less pronounced cheekbones, acute form nose
  4. Makeup. If an Asian girl doesn't wear an ounce of makeup, then she's definitely Chinese. Japanese women always wear makeup.
  5. Cloth. The harmony of color and style in clothing distinguishes Japanese women from Chinese women. The latter do not pay much attention to what they are wearing.

Only those who are familiar with the residents of Japan and China from pictures on the Internet think that they all look alike. In fact, these are two different nationalities that differ in culture, mentality and appearance. With the proper desire and practice, determining where a resident is in Japan and where in China becomes quite possible.

What does a Japanese keyboard look like? The Japanese hieroglyph collection contains many thousands of characters. It is impossible to accurately determine its volume, since it is open, like the lexical fund of a language: some hieroglyphs fall out of use, new ones appear. It is believed that the minimum level of knowledge of the Japanese language includes about 2000 characters; this is usually enough to read Japanese newspapers and literature. But with such a huge number of characters used, what does a Japanese computer keyboard look like? It turns out that in addition to the main writing system - traditional hieroglyphs with which we are accustomed to associate Japanese texts, in modern Japanese there is also a syllabary alphabet. A hieroglyph is a pictogram that represents each whole word or concept. And each character in the Japanese syllabary means a syllable. This alphabet is called kana and it consists of two phonetic varieties - hiragana and katakana. The configuration of the signs of the syllabary alphabet was determined by the abbreviated spelling of one or another hieroglyph. In modern Japanese written text, kanji and kana alternate. As a rule, hieroglyphs are used to write the lexical part of the text (roots, stems), and hiragana is used to write its grammatical part (affixes, function words). Some words, primarily borrowed from other languages, are usually not written in hieroglyphs; katakana is used to write them. The syllabary alphabet has a small enough number of symbols to fit on a standard keyboard. Every Japanese word can be written in hiragana, according to rules similar to the rules of writing in European languages. So, the Japanese keyboard looks the same as the one we are used to. On its keys, in addition to Latin letters, there are symbols of the Japanese hiragana alphabet. The text is entered in Latin as it is pronounced. Conversion to hieroglyphs is done automatically. Consecutively typed Latin letters are converted into Japanese characters, and the text typed by them is converted into hieroglyphs. Just click on the right mouse button and a menu will appear above the word, at the top of which the system itself will offer different, most commonly used types of writing the word using hieroglyphs. The Japanese keyboard also allows you to enter kana characters directly. Printed in the same way as described above, with the difference that the intermediate translation from Latin to Hiragana is omitted. Japanese keyboards also have additional keys next to the space bar to switch between different input modes. Japanese Windows differs from ours only in that everything - inscriptions, messages, help, etc. translated into Japanese, the rest is completely similar. Except that in Word and some other programs there are several other parameters related to the features of search, hyphenation in Japanese text, etc. Thus, the Japanese keyboard has its own appearance practically no different from the one we are used to working with day after day!