Home remedies for a good tan. Folk remedies for quick tanning, cosmetics, recipes. Oils with natural UV protection

Good afternoon In this article we will talk about the possibility of tanning at home. You will learn a lot of ways to get a dark skin tone in absolutely safe ways. Get acquainted not only with cosmetic products, but also folk remedies. Such useful information will allow you to maintain your health and even save your personal budget.

The benefits and effects of tanning at home

And natural sunbathing does us more harm than good. Exposure to ultraviolet light activates the release of melanin, which gives the skin a dark shade. However, such exposure dries the epidermis, which leads to premature aging of the skin.

In addition, doctors say that sunburn on an ongoing basis can even lead to cancer. Active appearance is also a bad sign. It is these characteristics that make us resort to safer methods that can be carried out at home.

Of course, the effect of masks, washings and baths with coloring products noticeably loses to UV rays. Color appears, but it is absolutely not bright, and sometimes barely noticeable. However, the result is also its advantage in harmlessness.

In addition, many funds, on the contrary, have a positive effect on the epidermis. Cake from vegetables moisturizes, nourishes and fortifies the skin. Rubbing with ice tones it, and juices make it more elastic. Various colored scrubs help not only to give a shade, but also to make the epidermis smoother.

Unfortunately, there are methods that, in addition to tanning, can give peeling. Being careful never hurts, so don't forget to use a moisturizer in these cases.

Basic rules for creating a tan

There are uniform rules that can be attributed to the preparation before any method of getting a tan. It is this stage that will allow you to achieve the desired effect and avoid stains:

  • Before proceeding with the procedure, scrub the entire body, including the face. It is best to do this in 1-2 days, as small particles remove the protective layer of the skin. Peeling will remove dead cells and the color will “stick” stronger and more evenly;
  • If you have dry skin, then first you need to moisturize it well. For three days, moisturize your entire body at least in the morning and evening. You can choose a soft milk, nourishing lotion or a thicker cream. Smooth and uniform skin also contributes to a more even tone;
  • Before using any product, test it for allergies. It may not show itself in food, but on the body it will give a different effect. Be sure to apply a small drop to the crook of your elbow or other hidden spot. Even if a very slight itching and barely noticeable redness appear, then it is better to refuse this remedy. Keep in mind that the result will not appear immediately, but after about 3 hours;
  • If you decide to use a special tanning cream, then remember that you need to apply it on dry skin. Even small drops from undried hands will immediately appear and stain;
  • Do not take breaks when you smear with some kind of remedy. Even split seconds can give you ugly borders. The same applies to the layers: they must be uniform;
  • Keep in mind that certain places on the body absorb most of any product. It is on the armpits, elbows, knees and the area between the fingers that a minimum of coloring pigment should be applied. If you have not taken this into account, then you can wipe off dark spots with a hard washcloth or alcohol;
  • Do not forget that after your artificial tanning session, you need to dry a little, wait until the product is absorbed. Also, don't put on clothes. It is highly likely that it will not only stain, but also take some of the color from the skin area.

Cosmetical tools

There are several products that can give a fake tan without harm. Among them are various tanning creams at home, and even special wipes.

All this cosmetics can help you achieve a good skin tone, which can be obtained only after 3-5 courses of sunbathing. In addition, she has almost no contraindications and allergies. It does not negatively affect the epidermis, but on the contrary, it contains moisturizing ingredients.

The disadvantages include the fragility of the result, the cost and varying quality. Now it is quite difficult to find a remedy that will give not a red, but a chocolate tone. It's even harder to find a product that won't smudge or bleed. However, if you adapt and find the perfect cosmetics, then all these disadvantages can be forgotten.

How to use self tanner correctly

This type of cosmetics is considered one of the most common among those who decide to give up aggressive tanning. In all these products, there is a certain pigment that colors the top layer of the skin in a dark shade. It usually appears after 2-3 hours, but there are exceptions.

By the way, more chocolate color can be obtained with the help of constant repetitions. It is necessary to conduct them with a frequency of 3-5 days. A certain overlay of layers will make the tan even more intense and durable.

To achieve the desired effect, you can use a few rules:

  • Exfoliate the whole body in advance and epilate. and dead skin particles contributes to a more even result;
  • Do not apply self-tanner immediately after a shower, as it can clog open wide pores;
  • Dry your body completely with a towel, even if you've had a long shower. There is a good chance that the warm air in the room could cause sweat, which is also a liquid;
  • Apply a fat cream on your lips and eyebrows, and hide your hair under a cap;
  • The order in which self-tanning is applied is not important. However, we remind you that elbows, knees, palms and armpits should be smeared last ;
  • It is better to prefer a creamy lotion or a spray, since they have a more uniform structure;
  • Do not stretch the procedure, because self-tanning is quickly absorbed. Don't forget about borders and uniform application;
  • It is best to smear the product in disposable gloves on your hands. If you have not done this, then at the end of the procedure, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water several times. More attention should be paid to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bend of the fingers;
  • Don't put on clothes right away. It is better to wait at least 10-20 minutes.

Folk remedies for tanning at home

The choice in favor of folk remedies is due to the safety and low cost of the products used. Many of them are in every home, so they do not need to be specially bought. We will look at the most popular and proven ways to get a natural tan at home.


With coffee

Gather coffee grounds after drinking and apply all over the body. Hold for at least 15-20 minutes, rinse. Coffee will give the skin a chocolate tone.

with carrots

Grate a few carrots (piece size depends on the number of zones). Add some water and squeeze the pulp a little with your hands. After that, apply on the face and body, rubbing a little. Keep for about 20 minutes. Not recommended for very white skin as it gives a yellowish cast.

With cocoa

Dilute cocoa with water or milk to the consistency of sour cream. Leave on face or entire body for 15-25 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

with turmeric

Dilute a few tablespoons of turmeric with water until thick. Apply to face and body for 10-15 minutes. Keep in mind that the spice dries the skin very much, so use a moisturizer afterwards.

With oils

Mix St. John's wort oil, walnut and coconut in equal parts. Add carrot essential oil to the mixture (25-35 drops per 0.5 cup). Apply all over the body, including the face. Wash off after half an hour.


With colorful drinks

Brew black tea, cocoa or coffee to full color intensity. Strain the drink into a separate bowl and set aside. Every morning and evening, wash your face with this solution, including the neck and décolleté area.

with herbs

Pour a few tablespoons of string and St. John's wort with hot water. Let it brew for at least an hour. Wash your face in the morning and evening.

With onion peel

Pour boiling water over the husks from several onions and put on fire. Cook until a dark color appears. Wash face, neck and chest morning and evening.

with rhubarb

Pour hot water over rhubarb root and bring to a boil. After 20 minutes, the mixture can be removed from the heat and strained. Washing with this solution is best twice a day.


With potassium permanganate

Dissolve about 200 gr. potassium permanganate in the bath and dip into it, rinsing your face. There is no exact time, everything is individual. You need to look at the color of the hands. If it has a golden tone, then you can get out. After that, do not wipe with a towel, but dry naturally.

Warning: it is very difficult to wash ceramics from the pink color of potassium permanganate.

With tea

It is necessary to brew 200 gr. brewing black tea in the bathroom and let it brew for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended to lie in the bath for up to half an hour. It is best to dry naturally.

with herbs

It is best to take 100 gr. daisies and strings. Brew in the same way as tea. You can lie in the bath for 20 to 40 minutes. Do not dry off with a towel. This method will be able to tan the face and body completely safely.

With iodine

Need to add to clean water just a few drops of iodine. Even this dose will eventually give a beautiful golden hue. Take a bath in the usual way.



You can freeze some coffee, black tea, string, carrot juice or other coloring drinks. Wipe your face in the morning. This procedure also perfectly tones the skin. Contraindicated in owners of rosacea.

rhubarb juice

From fresh rhubarb root you need to squeeze a little juice and pour it into some kind of bottle. Wipe the face or the whole body in the morning. Please note that this juice has a drying effect.

carrot juice

Make freshly squeezed juice from several carrots and pour into a container. Wipe the body twice a day with a cotton pad or soaked cloth.

With butter

Add a few drops of iodine to any nourishing oil. This composition must be rubbed into the skin. Repeat until the desired effect appears.

Additional Methods

Tanning lamp at home

If your home has a quartz lamp, then it will come in handy. It not only kills germs, but also gives ultraviolet radiation. Under it, the face, neck and décolleté area tans well. Such sessions can be held every few days. It is worth being under the light for no more than 5 minutes, using special glasses and sunblock in the solarium.

Also on sale you can find special cabins or chairs for sunbathing the face. They are sold exclusively for home consumption. They also replace the solarium and are not very safe. By the way, the cost of this technique is quite high.

Proper nutrition

If you want to tan quickly, nutrition can help too. Naturally, it alone will not be enough, but in tandem with coloring procedures, the effect will delight you.

Include in your diet a maximum of vegetables and fruits of red and orange color. In their composition there is a pigment, which is also capable of coloring the skin. If possible, you can drink juice from them. Natural soy products and beef liver also help.

As for vitamins, you can buy drops or capsules containing beta-carotene. They will favorably affect the tone of your skin.

Compliance with trifles

Maintaining a beautiful tan will help not only the right diet, but also sufficient water intake. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters. in a day. Do not use scrubs, peels and hard washcloths for some time, because they will immediately remove the effect.

Remember to moisturize your skin by applying creams or lotions twice a day. Use shower gels with a mild cleanser. In addition, there are masks that clean well, but at the same time whiten the skin. That is why read the annotations and see the composition.

If you want to have a dark skin color for as long as possible, then constantly repeat the procedures. This is the only way to keep the effect for a long time.

Video recipes for home tanning for face and body.

Sunburn is a natural reaction of the human body to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Its rays penetrate the skin and as a result, melanin begins to be produced, which causes the skin to darken.

However, if the rays of the sun are not available, then you have to use dyes that can give the skin a golden hue. To make money, you will need the most common products that are in almost every home.

Beautiful and tanned skin attracts the eyes of others, it visually makes its owner slimmer. But what if nature has not awarded the skin with a swarthy or olive color? Then you need to look for ways to fix it.

Many men and women do this with the help of special cosmetics, which are sold in abundance in stores. They also visit solariums. If there is no time and opportunity to visit a salon or buy expensive lotions and sprays for self-tanning, then you can prepare folk remedies for tanning yourself at home.


  • Coffee is a popular folk remedy.

This is a great way to especially appeal to coffee lovers. Half a teaspoon of instant coffee should be poured with a small amount of boiling water to make a thick aromatic slurry. Wait until it cools down a bit and apply on the face for 15 minutes.

This is also a kind of aromatherapy, the smell of coffee from such a mask will certainly appeal to lovers of this aromatic drink. To get the effect of tanning from instant coffee, you need to apply a coffee mask for a whole week every day. Only during this time the skin tone will change. Then you should take a break for a week, and then again you can carry out the procedure.

An excellent folk remedy for tanning is regular beer. This option is ideal for campers, because almost everyone takes beer with them on picnics. You just need to apply any beer on the skin and sunbathe.

  • carrot juice

Carrot juice is also very useful. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Natural carotene gives the skin a golden hue. In summer, you should drink carrot juice as often as possible, preferably with cream, so that beta-carotene is absorbed.

You can take a large carrot and squeeze the juice out of it through a juicer. Apply it all over the body and spread thoroughly. Wait 15 minutes and wash with warm water.

Using carrot juice and should be handled with care and caution. It gives the skin an orange tint and it is better not to go outside immediately after removing the carrot mask.

In addition to the resulting golden hue, the skin is also nourished with vitamins. Such a carrot tan should be applied once a week or even a little less often, then it will be possible to evaluate the result.

  • Chamomile and chamomile.

It is necessary to brew seven tablespoons of each herb with boiling water and leave to infuse for several hours. After that, you should begin to wash yourself with the resulting decoction and the result in the form of an even tan will not keep you waiting. In addition, these herbs soothe the skin, relieve inflammation and soften.

You can also become a chocolate by taking a bath with regular black tea. Large-leaf black tea of ​​a very high strength should be brewed. It should look like a chifir. Next, pour the resulting tea leaves into the bath, put sea salt there and you can go to "sunbathe".

Black tea is an affordable option for getting a beautiful bronzed skin tone. You can wipe your face daily with a swab dipped in strong tea leaves. In addition, tea contains a large number of antioxidants that perfectly protect the skin from external harmful influences.

  • Cocoa.

Used at home and so fragrant and healthy drink like cocoa. Cocoa powder without flavorings and additives should be poured with hot water and put on the face for about 25 minutes. The procedure should be performed every day until the desired effect is achieved.

You can use this means of tanning Mulatto. This is an aromatherapy preparation that prepares the skin for exposure to ultraviolet radiation, softens it, provides a beautiful, long-lasting tan, but at the same time the skin does not dry out, remains elastic and smooth.

Contains only natural essential oils bergamot, sage and juniper, which prevent skin burning. Herbal extracts of thyme and lavender reduce the appearance of excessive pigmentation and freckles, which usually begin to stand out more strongly when exposed to sunlight.

Bold mustard oil, St. John's wort and carrot extract protect the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, soften and nourish the skin. Such a complex of natural substances will allow you to get an even, perfect tan and maintain skin health. It should be applied before sunbathing.

If you urgently need to tan

A quick tan at home is ideal for those who want to look sexy and beautiful but don't have time to visit a sun spa or tanning salon. Folk methods for tanning allow you to do this almost instantly.

Potassium permanganate solution

Many women try to acquire a dark skin color with potassium permanganate. To do this, a bath of hot water is drawn up and potassium permanganate is carefully poured into it. It should be diluted well so that it dissolves completely, and the water becomes a beautiful pink color.

After that, you need to sink into this water and sit until the desired effect appears. After such a potassium permanganate bath, in no case should you wipe yourself off. Otherwise, the tan will turn out uneven and blurry.

The main disadvantage of this method is a darkened bath, which can then be difficult to clean. Potassium permanganate for tanning is considered a very old way to change skin color, but it causes conflicting opinions. Some people are unhappy with the effect. Therefore, to use it or not, it is necessary for everyone to decide for themselves.


With the help of iodine, you can get an excellent tanned skin color. This element is found in sea water, so if you relax on the sea, you get a beautiful golden tan, unlike tanning in a solarium, where the skin becomes bronze.

  1. Yodno - olive lotion.

At home, with iodine, you can make a suntan lotion. You should take half a glass of olive oil and use a pipette to drop 5 drops of iodine solution into it. Pour the entire mixture into an airtight container and rub it into the skin before going out into the sun.

Olive oil will perfectly protect the skin, make it velvety, smooth and eliminate fine wrinkles. Iodine will give a golden hue and help even milky-white skin not to burn. However, do not be too zealous, otherwise you can get too dark a color.

After several procedures, it will already be possible to decide on the dosage in order to get a beautiful tan with iodine in the future.

  1. Iodine water.

If tanning is used, then it is necessary to dilute it in water in the right amount. The more iodine, the stronger the tan will be. Pour water with iodine into a spray bottle and apply the solution evenly on the skin, you can rub it with your hands so that the solution is quickly absorbed.

Usually the tan is good, but the iodine is absorbed, and the skin will soon begin to lighten, depending on the characteristics of the particular organism.

But still, you should not overdo it with such a remedy as iodine, especially for those who have problems with the thyroid gland, since an excess of it can seriously harm your health. It is better to consult a doctor.

You need to choose the right dosage of iodine for yourself in order to get the desired tanning effect. And it is better to experiment first on areas of the body that are not conspicuous. So it will be possible to understand whether this method of home tanning is suitable or not.

Not everyone likes the resulting effect. Water with iodine for tanning is gently sprayed onto the body. If the shade is not satisfactory, then the procedure should be repeated. Or change the way to achieve a beautiful swarthy.

It is worth adhering to a certain diet so that the skin gets the necessary goldenness. To get an even tan, you need to eat spinach, Roquefort cheese, carrots, tomatoes and eggs.

Tan is beautiful and sexy. However, sometimes there is simply no time to acquire it naturally. Then cosmetic and folk remedies for tanning come to the rescue.


Thanks to them, you can get a high-quality, even and beautiful golden skin tone. It is only necessary to carefully follow the instructions or prescription, and also check for allergic reactions to the components of the composition.

Summer, sun, river or sea - who does not dream about it? Everyone is waiting for this magical time. It is during the holidays that we restore strength, rest not only with the body, but also with the soul. In this material, we invite you to talk about how quickly, beautifully, and most importantly, safely sunbathe in the sun.

It is worth saying that going to any reservoirs, the goal of many people is not only to swim in plenty, but also to get a tan. A tanned, chocolate body has become so fashionable that some people are even ready to give a lot of money in order to have a beautiful skin color in winter.

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that you need to be able to sunbathe. Of course, for many, this may look ridiculous, because we are used to the fact that if we want to sunbathe, we just lie down under the rays of the sun and wait for the result we need. Be aware that this variant of tanning can not only fail to live up to your expectations, but also bring great harm to your health.

If you value your health and treat it with care, then the following tips just for you:

  • First, you must be aware that not everyone can sunbathe and it is highly undesirable to ignore these recommendations. People who have an increased sensitivity to the sun's rays should be very careful about spending time in the sun.
  • People who need to be careful also have fair skin. Moles, age spots are another cause for concern. In the presence of at least one of the above factors, the tanning process should be as gentle as possible, since people with such features are prone to sunburn.
  • As soon as you arrive at the sea or at the river, you should not immediately "throw into the pool with your head." To start, tan 10-15 minutes and preferably out of direct sunlight. Do not forget that the shoulders, chest, legs are the areas where the skin is most sensitive.
  • Use sunscreen. For some reason, many people think that it is enough to apply the cream just once per visit to the beach, but this is a huge mistake. Such products should be applied every hour and take into account the peculiarity of the skin.

IMPORTANT: If possible, avoid going to the beach at lunchtime. It is from 12 to 15 hours that the sun can harm your health. It is best to sunbathe before 12 and after 16 hours.

  • Many people believe that while in the water, the skin is protected from the action of ultraviolet rays. If you think the same, you are wrong. As practice shows in the water, the tan "sticks" even faster, which, in fact, is the danger.
  • While a person is in the water, this process is almost imperceptible, but as soon as you go out on land, a burning sensation immediately begins to be felt. In order to avoid such situations, do not forget to use a cream before bathing.

A tan will be much more beautiful if:

  1. The position of the body will change every 5-10 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to occasionally dip into the water.
  2. Special tools will be used. Various tanning creams will enhance the effect and give your skin a golden hue. Remember that such products should be selected individually, based on the type of your skin.
  3. After sunbathing, you will take a contrast shower and apply a nourishing lotion to dry skin.

Be very vigilant: sometimes, spending time on the beach, hours fly by unnoticed. It's no secret that during the process itself it is not always possible to feel how badly the skin is tanned. The most interesting thing begins later: the skin begins to turn red, blisters and burns appear. That is why we recommend doing everything consistently and not chasing the result at any cost.

How long can you sunbathe in the sun, and at what time?

Earlier we talked a little about these important issues, now let's look at them in more detail. Before hearing the answers to these questions, you must clearly understand one simple but very important thing: your health is much more important than even the most beautiful tan.

  • Of course, we all want to get a great result and spend a minimum of time. But remember, that doesn't happen. It is for this reason that before sunbathing, you need to learn the rules and recommendations with which it will be much easier to do this, and most importantly, safely.
  • Sunbathing is recommended gradually. As soon as you arrive at the sea or another body of water, you should start the process very carefully.
  • To begin with, sunbathe for half an hour, while changing the position of the body a maximum of every 10 minutes. Sunbathing is not under the open sun. good option can become a place in the shade, as well as a beach umbrella.
  • With every next day, increase the time spent in the sun, do not forget to swim periodically, so the tan will take better.
  • As soon as the period of adaptation of your body to sunbathing passes, you can safely enjoy the process of "tanning".
  • Regarding the time at which it is better to sunbathe, it must be unequivocally said that it is either morning or evening.

  • Most dangerous sun Happens from 12:00 to 15:00. This period of time is recommended to be spent in the room or at least away from open sunlight. At this time, the sun can bring you not only burns, but also sunstroke, and this, as you know, is insanely dangerous to health.
  • The most gentle sun is from 8 to 12 am. It is this time that is perfect for a uniform golden or chocolate tan.
  • From 15:00 to 18:00 the sun's rays are also very soft and are unlikely to bring you any problems.
  • It goes without saying that, even when sunbathing at 16 pm, you must follow the basic safety rules that we talked about earlier.

Sunburn at home: folk remedies

If you are not going to rest by the water, and you basically do not have free time for sunbathing, then the following tips are just for you. As a rule, all folk remedies come down to eating certain foods.

  • Such miraculous and unique substance as lycopene, contributes to the acquisition of the skin of a slightly golden hue. And what do you think, in which vegetable is this substance? It probably wouldn't even cross your mind... in a tomato. Therefore, for a beautiful golden tan, it is recommended to eat these delicious vegetables.

  • For an even tan, you should eat eggplant. These vegetables prevent skin aging, thereby ensuring its smoothness. Due to this particular property of the skin, the tan lies evenly.

  • A rich, bright tan can be obtained if you drink any daily citrus juices.
  • Dreaming of a beautiful bronze tan, then they will come to your aid nut oils. One has only to pay attention to the fact that after applying such oil to the skin, you can sunbathe for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Apricots, carrots and their juices can also contribute to a beautiful bronze tan. Before going to the beach or before sunbathing at home, you need to drink a glass of juice or eat a small amount of apricots and grated carrots.

What to put on to tan in the sun to a chocolate color?

Such questions bother vacationers quite often, but finding answers to such questions is a task that requires time and patience. Of course, there are a lot of tips regarding chocolate tanning, but whether they are effective, that is the question.

We have chosen only the most effective methods and now we will tell them to you. So, let's begin.

  • If you want to get an attractive chocolate tan, but your skin every now and then does not want to tan evenly and beautifully, use a special tanning cosmetics. Now these funds-activators are quite popular, it will not be difficult to find them. However, we advise you to buy this type of product only in specialized stores and pharmacies. At the same time, take into account the type of your skin and its features, because what suits someone may harm you.
  • Give preference natural activators, they are made on the basis of natural basic and essential oils.
  • aromatherapy, oddly enough, it also improves tanning. In this case, the process should be carried out with essential oils.

  • Our next recommendation may surprise you, but still. If you dream of a beautiful chocolate tan, put on some beer. Yes, this particular drink can help you realize your dream. The natural ingredients found in beer help the tan "stick" much faster and distribute it evenly over the body.
  • Our advice: use dark beer. The drink should be applied to the skin, as if rubbing it lightly, but not by dousing. People with fair skin are recommended to add to beer olive oil or vegetable. The ratio of ingredients is 1:1.
  • Another great tanning product is Coconut oil. Thanks to the action of lauric and hyaluronic acids, the tan lies evenly and beautifully.

Also Coconut oil has a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Well eliminates dry skin, that is, nourishes the skin
  • Helps cells regenerate
  • Smoothes wrinkles
  • Reduces chances of sunburn
  • Thanks to the use of this oil, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.
  • Strengthens the immune system of the skin

Cocoa butter is also considered a good tanning agent. It is important to remember not to over-smear with this oil, as this can lead to sunburn. Cacao butter- Excellent product for problematic skin care:

  • Makes skin softer and relieves dryness
  • Helps the face to acquire a healthy beautiful color
  • Reduces skin reaction to temperature changes
  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Brings skin tone back to normal

In anticipation of summer and beach season, as well as any holiday in the sun, it is very important to take care of your skin, so that later you do not suffer from undesirable consequences.

The tips written above are definitely important: they will not only help you get a beautiful golden or chocolate tan, but also maintain your health, and this, you see, is important.

Remember that nothing is more important than your health and the health of your loved ones, and even the most beautiful and attractive tan is not worth the risk. That is why we recommend that you take our recommendations with all responsibility - stick to them and enjoy your vacation.

Video: "Rules for a beautiful and safe tan"

The chocolate color of the skin in women drives men crazy, ennobles the appearance of business ladies, looks chic in winter months. The male half of the population does not lag behind fashion trends for tanned skin, like women, they use the services of a solarium, use homemade tanning products.

What is a tan? This is the result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the cells of the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis. A natural tan can be obtained after visiting the beach, taking air baths on fresh air. Artificial tan is obtained after visiting the solarium, exposure to the skin of special cosmetic preparations.

Tanning cosmetics are divided into industrial products and preparations home cooking according to folk recipes. With the help of those and other means, you can get a beautiful even shade without leaving your home.

Benefits of home tanning

With prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, dehydration of the cells of the epidermis occurs, the skin becomes dry, loses its healthy shine, and is prone to the formation of wrinkles. Modern cosmetic "self-tanners" are saturated with moisturizing ingredients, vitamin supplements.

  • People suffering from "thermal" allergies (with prolonged exposure to the sun, irritation, peeling, itching of the skin appear).
  • With intolerance to ultraviolet radiation.
  • With sensitive skin (instantly "burns out" in the sun).
  • For business people in the absence of free time.

A dark skin tone acquired at home prepares the skin for natural tanning, for example, at the beach. Dark skin is not subject to "burning" in the sun. Another advantage of self-tanning is the ability to choose the desired skin tone: from light golden to dark chocolate.

Cons of fake tan

  • It is not recommended to use industrial preparations for people with intolerance to odors. Cosmetics for tanning have a specific aroma.
  • If the rules for applying the product are not followed, the skin acquires an uneven shade.
  • A short "service life" of artificial tanning. When using purchased products, the shade lasts no more than 2 weeks. With regular use of folk remedies, the effect lasts much longer.

  1. Industrial tanning products, cosmetics for giving the skin a chocolate shade contain components that affect the hydrolysis of the epidermis. Not recommended for people with dry skin. In extreme cases, after the procedure, you need to “saturate” the skin with moisture - apply a moisturizer.
  2. You can not use purchased products in the presence of acne, pustular rashes on the skin. With the opposite action, the disease will intensify.
  3. Self-tanning is not recommended for colds.

How to prepare your skin for tanning

Before applying any tanning product, it is recommended to follow the rules:

  1. If you use industrial-scale self-tanning of any texture (cream, emulsion, oil, wipes), you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug, instructions for use. It is not recommended to increase the application time to avoid uneven skin coloration.
  2. Before using the product, conduct a test for the possibility of an allergic reaction: apply a small amount of the mixture to the inner surface ankle joint. Evaluate the result after a few hours. If itching, redness, peeling occurs, wash off the cosmetic product, spread with a hypoallergenic ointment.
  3. To prevent eyebrows, it is recommended to apply a greasy cream or oil to the root zone of the hair and eyebrow arches.
  4. Applying self-tanner to the face. First of all, the skin in the frontal zone is processed. Then, with light movements, apply the drug to the remaining areas of the face.

    Attention: in the area of ​​the superciliary ridges, under the nose, the tanning effect may be enhanced. This is due to the increased content of sebum.

  5. Areas of skin on the folds are not recommended to be lubricated with a thick layer of self-tanning.
  6. Before the procedure, it is recommended to carry out hygiene procedures, including peeling the skin. The dead flakes of the epidermis remaining on the skin can spoil the result: the tan will be uneven.
  7. After applying the tanning agent, evaluate the result of the first layer after 8 hours. The second layer is applied after the self-tanning is fully developed.
  8. After applying the product to the skin, it is not recommended to wear clothes until the drug is completely absorbed. Using folk recipes(bath) let the skin dry naturally. Do not dry your body with a towel.
  9. Before staining for three days, dry skin is recommended to be lubricated with a moisturizer.
  10. To give the whole body a brown tint, two people must participate in the procedure.
  11. For a lasting effect, you need to balance the diet. Include melon, peaches, carrots, tomatoes in the diet.

Industrial tanning products

A beautiful chocolate shade can be obtained with the help of purchased cosmetics. The range of self-tanners is quite wide. For successful use, it is recommended to study the instructions for using the drug, follow the requirements for applying the product.

  • Cream - self-tanning for body and face

It is recommended to select this tool taking into account the type and tone of the skin. Before use (24 hours before) you need to do epilation of the legs, arms, bikini area. On the day of applying artificial tan, you should take a shower, do a peeling. The skin toning procedure should begin with the lower extremities. In this way, uniform coloring of the entire surface of the body is achieved. To avoid the appearance of unsightly bright spots, it is recommended to mix the auto bronzer with a small amount of moisturizer.

  • Napkins - self-tanning

The chocolate shade of the skin is achieved due to the interaction of the natural dye melanin and the chemical compound found in the wet wipes.

Unlike cream and emulsion, the percentage of amino acids, tyrosine, dihydroacetone allows you to color the skin with napkins in a matter of minutes. Minus: rubbing the skin with a tanner should be quick to avoid the appearance of sharp boundaries between areas of the body.

  • Lotion - self-tanning

Recommended for primary skin toning. Does not leave streaks due to the low content of dihydroacetone. Can be used several times a day. With regular use, it has a lasting effect.

  • Soap for fake tan

Produced in jars with high sides. The consistency of the soap is like a thick paste. Easy to apply. It has a lasting effect with regular use. The product has a chocolate smell. Not recommended for persons with hypersensitivity to fragrances.

  • Emulsion for chocolate shade

The solution is in a spray bottle. It has a quick effect: five minutes after applying the emulsion to the body, the skin acquires an even golden hue.

The emulsion is widely distributed among Hollywood stars, film actors and just business people. Using the emulsion you can stay tanned all year round. It does not take much time to apply cosmetics.

If the tan is uneven

For a number of reasons, the tanning procedure may fail. To “dilute” the concentrated shade of tan on a certain area of ​​the body, you need to apply a fat cream and massage the skin a little. Then blot the skin with a paper towel.

If the result exceeded all expectations, an unnatural skin tone (bright, carrot, red) turned out, it is recommended to take a shower immediately, treat the skin with a light peeling. At the end water procedures lubricate the body with a moisturizer. Re-staining is possible after five days.

How to use a germicidal lamp for home tanning?

You can give your face a beautiful shade of tan with a portable quartz lamp. The bactericidal lamp is sold in specialized medical departments, pharmacies. "Blue lamp" in everyday life is used for skin disinfection, treatment of pustular diseases, SARS.

How to sunbathe?

  • Take a comfortable position.
  • Put a bactericidal lamp in front of the face. Attention: the distance between the lamp and the skin must be at least fifteen centimeters.
  • Put on dark glasses before the procedure. During the procedure, the eyelids must be closed.
  • The first procedure should not last more than one and a half minutes. To keep track of time, it is recommended to purchase an hourglass at the pharmacy or use a stopwatch.
  • Increase the time of subsequent sessions by one and a half minutes. Do not allow exposure to the skin of UV rays for more than twenty minutes.
  • The procedure is carried out once every 24 hours.
  • After tanning, apply moisturizer to the skin.

Folk ways for an even tan at home

  1. Chamomile tan
  • Camomile - 100 g
  • Series - 100 g
  • Water - 1 l

Grass can be used natural or dry. Finely chop the plants, dry. Add the required amount of herbs to boiling water. Put the container on a slow fire. After boiling, leave on the stove for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, cover the pot with the broth with a terry towel for 30 minutes. Cool the broth to room temperature. Chamomile composition has a beneficial effect on the skin, moisturizes the epidermis.

  1. "Tea" tan
  • Indian tea (large leaf) - 100 g
  • Water - 0.5 l

Brew tea in the usual way. Wipe the skin daily with a cotton pad or a soft sponge dipped in tea leaves. For an even beautiful shade, 14 procedures are required.

Baths with the addition of tea leaves will help to acquire a golden hue. It is recommended to brew two liters of strong tea at one time.

  1. for face and decollete
  • Ground coffee beans - 100 g
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • - 5 drops

In the absence of ground coffee beans, cocoa powder can be used. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous thick mass. Gently apply to skin. Wash off the composition after fifteen minutes in the usual way.

  1. Bulb baths

Remove the husk from five large onions, pour boiling water over them (2.5 liters of water). Leave the decoction for 1 hour. Add to hot bath. The procedure time is 30 minutes. It is recommended to take baths for seven days.

  1. Iodine sprays

With the help of medical iodine, an effective imitation of sunburn is achieved.


  • Iodine - 10 drops
  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Spray container

How to apply:

Pour water into a glass container. Add 10 drops of iodine. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Pour the coloring mixture into a spray bottle. Apply the mixture on the body, spread over the body with a soft sponge.

Iodine baths can replace spraying: pour hot water into the bath; add 5 ml of iodine. The procedure time is 15 minutes (depending on the desired shade).

  1. Rubbing with potassium permanganate

Bring a weak solution of potassium permanganate: add 3-4 grains of manganese to 1 liter of water. Attention: the particles of the coloring matter must be completely dissolved in water. When grains of potassium permanganate get on the skin, a burn may form.

After thoroughly shaking the solution, wet the edge of the towel, rub the mixture into the skin.

  1. "Carrot" mask

For the mask, you need one carrot. Extract the juice with a juicer. Apply the composition to the skin, rubbing the juice evenly with massage movements. After ten minutes, take a warm shower. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth, silky, has a beautiful shade of light tan.

– 10 ml

  • Carrot oil - 3 ml
  • Mix the ingredients, pour into a bottle with dark glass. Store the cosmetic product in a dark, cool place (refrigerator). Shake before use. Apply to clean, dry skin. The oil will give the skin an even dark tone.

    1. Baths with blue clay
    1. – 100 g
    2. Henna Iranian - 30 g
    3. Cinnamon - 20 g

    Mix the ingredients, add to a hot bath. Finish the procedure after thirty minutes. Let the body dry naturally.

    Many years ago, it was not customary for women to sunbathe, because only peasants who had to work in the fields all day had tanned skin. At the same time, only aristocrats remained pale. Today the situation has changed radically, swarthy women look very attractive and sexy, and pallor is more perceived as a sign of illness and weakness.

    There are a considerable number of funds that are used during sunbathing and swimming. Among them are creams of cosmetic origin, vitamin complexes and products that can simulate a tan on the skin. But it is better to give preference to those products that make up home cosmetics. They, in turn, have a mild effect on the skin, and make the tan smoother and more beautiful.

    According to research scientists, products that include antioxidants, amino acids, fatty acids and other substances can help in this matter. There are products that are taken orally and those that are applied to the skin to enhance tanning.

    Internal home remedies for sun tanning

    Many women know from their own experience that diet and sun exposure make the tan on the skin simply dazzling. This result lasts long enough, it lays down evenly and irresistibly.

    There are a large number of products that promote tanning. Among them it is worth highlighting:

    1. Apricot - 0.2 kg of fresh fruit, which contains iron, phosphorus and beta-carotene, allows you to get a perfect tan in a short time.
    2. Carrot - home remedy for tanning in the sun, thanks to which the skin has the perfect shade, it becomes elastic. In addition, it is protected from excessively scorching sun. Before going to the beach, it is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, you can add cream for better absorption. True, you can not abuse this vegetable too much so that the skin does not get a yellow tint.
    3. Tomato - contains water (prevents dehydration) and lycopene, which improves the production of pigment that gives the skin a golden glow. You need to use stewed tomatoes (cooking should take a little time) with oil for quick absorption of substances.
    4. Fish products and cheeses are another folk remedies for a quick sun tan thanks to amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cheese is enough to eat a few slices for breakfast, and from fish you can take herring, tuna and other seafood. It is important to remember that sunbathing on an empty stomach is not recommended, so as not to harm your health.
    5. Fresh juices are extremely effective drinks for getting an even tan - lemon, tangerine, orange and grapefruit. Before going to the sea, they need to start drinking a few more weeks. Usually they drink one glass daily on an empty stomach. As for lemon juice, it is better to dilute it with water and add a little honey. According to studies, this has a beneficial effect on liver function, which often leads to irregular skin pigmentation.

    Outdoor folk remedies for a beautiful tan in the sun

    A very popular substance among home remedies is coffee oil. 50 grams of a natural product must be ground and mixed with 100 grams of any nut oil. The resulting mixture should be infused for one week in a dark place, after which it must be filtered. Coffee grounds used like a skin scrub, and the oil should be applied half an hour before tanning. The skin is nourished with useful substances, which is highly recommended for people with pigmentation.

    It is important to note that nut oils contribute to an even golden tan, but it is better to limit the process of sunbathing to 20 minutes so as not to get a sunburn.

    A good home remedy for a quick sun tan is plain iodine. It helps to get an even tan, especially at sea, since sea water also contains iodine. For self-preparation of the lotion, you will need half a glass of olive oil and 5 drops of iodine.

    All this is thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the skin each time before going to the beach. Olive oil moisturizes the skin, removing fine wrinkles, makes the skin soft and silky, and iodine, in turn, does not lead to sunburn. Usually, after several procedures, each person can determine for himself the specific dosage of the components to obtain the expected effect.

    Folk remedies for tanning in the sun, reviews

    Anastasia, 32 years old. I just love orange juice, so I drink it very often. And when I found out that it also helps to get a beautiful even tan, this drink became an integral part of my trips to the sea or the river.

    Konstantin, 26 years old. My wife always eats carrots before sunbathing, and at first I thought it was just a love for this vegetable. After she explained to me about the benefits of her tanning, I decided to try it for myself. Indeed, the result was not long in coming, now we eat carrots and drink freshly squeezed juice from it with the whole family.

    Folk remedies for a good tan in the sun, they also have a positive effect on human health, so instead of spending fabulous money on cosmetic preparations, it is better to use the products that are in every home.

    Video about the rules of a beautiful tan


    Folk remedies for a quick tan in the sun

    In order to profitably and at minimal cost to acquire a beautiful skin tone, you can choose a suitable folk remedy for tanning. It does not contain chemical dyes, preservatives and other unsafe components, and the result will please even a skeptic.

    Folk remedy for tanning - beautiful skin at no extra cost

    To get a bronze skin tone under summer sun, and not in a solarium capsule, you can use affordable, and most importantly, natural products that also take care of the skin. The best is oil.

    You can use any vegetable oil, such as olive oil, which is rich in vitamin E and takes care of the skin. Cosmetologists have noticed that best effect obtained from almond or peach extract.

    The oil evenly covers the skin, making it more receptive to the reflection of sunlight, which significantly increases the effectiveness of tan adhesion. In addition, the oil protects the epidermis from burns, nourishes and moisturizes it. To enhance the caring properties, you can add any essential oil to the container.

    It is necessary to apply the product before going to the beach and do it evenly, lightly rubbing the oil into the body

    In order for the skin to acquire a noticeable chocolate shade, there are special folk remedies for a quick tan in the sun. This is a combination of drinking drinks with oils.

    The production of melanin is stimulated by carrot and peach juices, a strong decoction of St. John's wort or regular black tea. It is necessary to drink such drinks half an hour before going out into the sun.

    Self-tanning with vitiligo: is it possible to hide spots?

    To get a southern skin color, folk remedies are used to enhance tanning. These are special masks used before insolation, which additionally color the skin and give it a tanned look.

    In the first place in terms of popularity and effectiveness is the carrot mask. The keratin found in carrots can give the skin a yellowish color that turns golden brown during sunbathing.

    You can simply wipe the skin with carrot juice or apply carrot puree gruel with any vegetable oil for 15 minutes.

    To make the tan stick better, folk remedies use the following:

    • coffee scrub, which cleanses the epidermis of dead particles, makes the skin more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation;
    • a mixture of beer and olive oil in equal proportions;
    • bath with strong tea leaves.

    A bath with potassium permanganate gives a good effect. To prepare it, a few crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the water so that the solution turns light pink. You can lie in such a bath for 25-30 minutes.

    In order not to harm the skin and tan beautifully, several folk remedies are combined at once. Before going outside, you should cleanse your body with scrubs, peels, or go to the sauna. Then, during the day, use carrot, tomato or apricot juice, lubricate the body with special products and fix the tan with a tea bath or potassium permanganate solution.


    Folk remedies for tanning in the sun

    Once upon a time, snow-white skin was considered one of the main signs by which one could recognize an aristocrat. Today, every second girl seeks to tan and make her skin acquire a pleasant chocolate shade. There are a lot of different creams and lotions to improve tanning. There are many folk remedies for tanning in the sun. Most of them are easily prepared at home and are as effective as any of the salon products.

    The best folk remedy for sun tanning is diet

    It's hard to believe, but diet actually improves tanning. Filled with health from the inside, the body is able to neutralize itself negative impact sunlight, receiving only benefit from them. Helps in recovery products containing maximum nutrients: amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, carotenoids. These products include:

    • tomatoes;
    • apricots;
    • watermelons;
    • spinach;
    • carrots and carrot juice;
    • eggplant;
    • nuts (especially Brazil nuts);
    • fish and other seafood;
    • citrus;
    • bell pepper;
    • cabbage.

    How to strengthen and accelerate sunburn with the help of folk remedies?

    Outdoor tanning products, unlike diet, help to achieve faster results.

    Coffee oil is very helpful. It is easy to prepare it at home:

    1. It is enough to grind no more than 50 g of coffee.
    2. Mix it with 100 ml of any nut oil.
    3. The resulting mixture is closed in a jar for about a week, and then filtered.

    The thick can be used as a scrub, and the oil in small amounts should be applied to the skin before going out into the sun. The only problem is that you can’t sunbathe for a long time with nut butter so that burns do not appear.

    A well-known folk remedy for a quick tan in the sun is olive oil with lemon juice:

    1. Mix these ingredients evenly.
    2. Apply to the skin before you go to sunbathe.

    You can use beer instead of lemon juice. This tool is practically in no way inferior to the previous one in terms of efficiency.

    For everyday use, a folk remedy for improving sun tanning based on parsley is suitable:

    1. Pour finely chopped parsley with boiled purified water, based on the calculation of one to ten.
    2. After a while, express the mixture and use it as a tonic for your face wash.
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    Overview of folk remedies for tanning in the sun

    Previously, girls strive for snow-white skin, so there was no question of any tan. Today, more and more often you can see girls with a tan, and it can be obtained both naturally and in a solarium. Unfortunately, not all ladies manage to keep a tan for a long time, but for someone getting it is a real problem. In this case, you can use special cosmetics or cook them at home.

    Folk remedies

    If you need to tan very quickly and efficiently, then this can be done with the help of folk remedies. Today there are many recipes, so by combining the appropriate components, you can get a mass, the action of which is aimed at activating the production of melanin.

    carrot juice

    Carrots are a great helper in getting a beautiful tan. The composition of the root contains a component such as beta-carotene. It is able to increase the production of melanin and give the skin a fresh, elastic look.

    Before you go to sunbathe, you need to drink 200 ml of carrot juice and eat one root vegetable. Beta-carotene is a fat-soluble component, so to eliminate it, carrots must be combined with cream or vegetable oil. This will help you speed up your tan.


    This fruit is also known for its high content of beta-carotene. Also, the composition is rich in iron, phosphorus and other useful vitamins. To water a beautiful tan, you need to consume 200 g of apricots every day.


    Tomatoes are not only fragrant vegetables, but also a source of lycopene. This component can give the skin a golden hue. You can enhance the effect of this product with the help of a short-term thermal effect.


    This vegetable allows not only to get a beautiful tan. But also improve the condition of the skin. It becomes smooth, and the tan lies evenly. You need to use eggplant in stewed or arena form.

    citrus juices

    Fresh juices should be consumed in combination with honey. You need to drink them in the morning or before going to the beach. Vitamins present in juices have a beneficial effect on the skin and allow you to get a uniform golden hue.

    coffee oil

    This product has amazing properties. It can be used externally, but for this you need to combine 50 g of natural coffee and 100 g nut butter.

    Place the resulting mixture in a glass container, close well. After 7 days, filter the mixture and apply to the skin half an hour before taking a tan.

    Mask with cocoa

    If you use this tool on an ongoing basis. Then the skin will get a beautiful golden hue. To obtain the product, mix 50 g of cocoa and 200 ml of water. Place the powder in a container and fill with water. The result should be a creamy mass. Apply to face and body, keep for 10 minutes.

    Turmeric mask

    This tool is ideal for girls who have dark skin, but you need to get a deeper shade. Before using turmeric, you need to understand that it greatly dries the dermis. So after the procedure, it is worth preparing a moisturizer.

    To receive funds, the following components are required:

    • 30 g ground turmeric;
    • 100-150 ml of warm water.

    Mix everything to a mushy consistency. Distribute the mask on the skin of the body and face. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

    Carrots and glycerin

    When using this mask, the skin gets a bronze tint. It also saturates the dermis with moisture and vitamins. But it is not recommended for girls with very fair skin, as it can get a yellow tone.

    Mix in a container 50 g of glycerin, 2 carrots. Remove the peel from the root crop. Grind on a grater. Combine the resulting juice with glycerin. Apply to the body and face, the duration of the effect of ASKI is 10-15 minutes.

    Iodine and olive oil

    You can get a beautiful golden hue with a mask, which requires the following ingredients:

    • olive oil - 100 g;
    • iodine - 5 drops.

    Place the oil in a glass container, add iodine, mix. Perform processing of the resulting mixture.

    After that, you don't need to rinse it off. The main thing is to add the right amount of iodine so as not to overdo it. Otherwise, the skin will get too dark.

    Chamomile and string

    When using this mask for a beautiful tan, you can relieve inflammation and fatigue. Take 30 g of chamomile and string, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave the decoction for 2 hours. Filter on gauze, soak a cotton pad and wipe the skin 2 times a day.

    onion peel

    Onion decoction is an excellent tool for obtaining a strong coloring effect, and it also fights inflammation very well. To prepare, pour a handful of husks with 2 cups of hot water.

    Set the container on a slow fire and cook until the broth gets a rich brown hue. Do face and body treatment once a day.