Hovik section. Normative documents on ventilation, air conditioning, heating. Working documentation on heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Our company develops sections Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning . Together with the Customer, we draw up the terms of reference for these systems, select equipment and carry out the design of the design stage (in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87) and working documentation. Our organization performs sections HVAC, How for civil objects(shopping malls, residential buildings, kindergartens, sports and recreation complexes), and for industrial enterprises, where the quality composition of the air in exhaust and supply systems is essential, temperature conditions individual technological processes, as well as compliance with labor protection and industrial sanitation standards using ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems.

HVAC differences in industrial and civil engineering

Affecting systems design HVAC, it is important to note some differences in the design of systems for civil and industrial construction. IN civil engineering focuses on systems heating and air conditioning. Serious attention is paid to various methods of heating: water heating on various devices, the "warm floor" system. Air conditioning is also important issue in the need to create the most favorable conditions of comfort.

As for industrial buildings, then in this case the first place is ventilation system. It is important, with the help of the ventilation system, to remove from the production premises harmful impurities contained in the air of the working area and at the same time prevent the spread of pollutant emissions in the atmospheric air above the maximum permissible concentrations. Thus, ventilation solutions must also contain the necessary solutions for cleaning up emissions: various filters, scrubbers, absorption and other installations.

Maintaining the set temperature inside the premises is also carried out by ventilation systems (air heaters). Also, in the process of maintaining the temperature inside the premises, an important place is given to air curtains above the openings in the building envelope.

Especially important is the use of ventilation systems in the processes of removing excess thermal emissions generated in the "hot" processes of the technology. Thus, the removal or redistribution of excess heat released, for example, in the process of hot pressing of plastics, is carried out using industrial chillers and freecoolers.

Ventilation systems (air conditioners) are of great importance in the creation of clean industries ("clean rooms").


Project documentation section"Ventilation"being developedin accordance with the regulationsdocumentation and terms of reference for the development of the system. Calculation of ventilation includes: calculation of air exchanges, selection of ventilation equipment, selection of elements of the duct network, as well as air distributors. In the calculation part, an aerodynamic and acoustic calculation of the system of air ducts and air distributors is carried out.The graphic part contains: a sheet of general data, plans, axonometric diagrams, specifications of equipment and materials.

Ventilation design is carried out in two stages: project stage (P) And working draft (P). In the documentation of the "P" stage, the main technical solutions are developed and the main indicators of the project are calculated. Among other things, the scope of the "P" stage includes the selection of the main equipment (ventilation units), the determination of the necessary location for the equipment, as well as the preliminary routing of the duct network.

When performing a working project, final decisions are made on the choice of equipment, its placement and routing of duct networks. Project documentation is being coordinated with specialists from related sections and issuing the necessary tasks for the implementation of heat and cold supply, electrical power supply, and provision of the necessary structural measures.

Also, at the time of development of working documentation, an air distribution system is developed and calculated, a specification of equipment and materials necessary for the implementation of the ventilation project is drawn up.


Project documentation section "Heating" developed on the basis of technicaltasks, as well as in accordance with regulatory documentation. The section includes: calculation of heat losses, selection of heating devices, selection of elements of pipelines, control valves, shutoff valves. Also, the calculation of the heating system includes hydraulic calculation and network balancing. The graphic part contains: a sheet of general data, plans, axonometric diagrams, specifications of equipment and materials.

In the working documentation for heating systems, a special place is occupied by hydraulic calculation and balancing of the pipeline network. Thus, the lack of balance valve settings in the project documentation will not allow to adjust the calculated distribution of the heat carrier, which will lead to unstable operation of the entire heating system. It is worth noting that the documentation may indicate either the settings of the balance valves or the pressure drop across the valve.

Heating system project covers in its scope pipelines, shut-off and control valves, as well as heating devices and, if used, contours of underfloor heating. A heat generator (boiler with piping), an elevator unit, a heat energy metering unit are not included in the scope of the "Heating" section and are developed within the framework of the ITP section (individual heating point).


Chapter "Conditioning"includes: calculation of heat gains, selection of equipment for air conditioning systems, selection of pipeline elements, as well as shut-off and control valves. Air conditioning design includes hydraulic calculation and balancing of the network. The graphic part contains: a sheet of general data, plans, axonometric diagrams, specifications of equipment and materials.

Most important point when developing an air conditioning project, it is a competent and accurate calculation of air distribution. It is a properly calculated air distribution system that will allow achieving the specified parameters in the serviced room and avoiding the occurrence of zones with an increased speed of cold air movement. Also a critical factor in the design of the air conditioning system is the noise generated by the equipment. Only the use of modern equipment for air conditioning systems, the technical parameters of which are confirmed by independent experts, guarantees the creation of high-level climate control systems.

Reliability of climate systems to a large extent depends on how well the process of returning oil to the compressor is organized. Therefore, it is extremely important that the project documentation reflects information on the installation of oil return loops, as well as the restrictions for tracing freon pipelines recommended by the manufacturer.

Together with you, we will draw up a technical task, select equipment and design the design and working stages of project documentation. Our organization will develop a project for ventilation and heating, taking into account your conditions:

- at industrial facilities(industrial buildings) we will select solutions for your production. Having studied in detail technological process production of your enterprise we will offer you the most optimal solutions for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. With the help of a properly selected supply and exhaust ventilation system, harmful impurities from the industrial premises contained in the air will be removed and at the same time there will be no spread of pollutant emissions in the atmospheric air, the temperature regimes in the premises will also be maintained through heating or removal of excess thermal emissions in compliance with all standards on labor protection and sanitation with the help of ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems. Our organization has vast experience in designing various industrial and logistics complexes. When developing design documentation for production and logistics buildings, we use reliable, modern, energy-saving technologies that allow us to reduce the cost of building operation and the production process.

- at civil facilities Emphasis is placed on heating and air conditioning systems. Exist various ways heating: water, electric, "warm floor" system. Through the air conditioning system, the creation of the most favorable conditions for comfort is also achieved. During our work, we have designed more than 1000 objects (shopping and sports complexes, office premises, medical institutions, residential buildings).

More detailed information You can find out about the development of project documentation and the procedure for performing work by calling 211 11 22, using the online form or sending an application by e-mail and we will contact you.

The HVAC section "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" includes:
    Text materials of the HVAC subsection contain:
  • information about the climatic and meteorological conditions of the construction area, the design parameters of the outside air;
  • information about sources of heat supply, parameters of heat carriers of heating and ventilation systems;
  • description and justification of laying methods and design solutions, including decisions regarding the diameters and thermal insulation of heating main pipes from the point of connection to public networks to the capital construction facility;
  • a list of measures to protect pipelines from the aggressive effects of soils and groundwater;
  • substantiation of adopted systems and principal decisions on heating, ventilation and air conditioning of premises;
  • information on heat loads for heating, ventilation, hot water supply for production and other needs;
  • information about the need for a pair;
  • substantiation of the optimal placement of heating equipment, characteristics of materials for the manufacture of air ducts;
  • substantiation of the rationality of tracing the air ducts of ventilation systems - for industrial facilities;
  • description of technical solutions that ensure the reliability of systems in extreme conditions;
  • description of automation and dispatching systems for the regulation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
  • characteristics of technological equipment that emit harmful substances - for industrial facilities;
  • justification of the chosen gas and dust purification system - for industrial facilities;
  • a list of measures to ensure the efficiency of ventilation systems in an emergency (if necessary);
    Graphic materials of the HVAC subsection contain:
  • schematic diagrams of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • steam pipeline diagram (if any);
  • refrigeration scheme (if any);
  • plan of heat supply networks.
The list of initial data required for the development of Project documentation:
  • Design assignment
  • Specifications(THAT)
  • Task from adjacent sections
  • Section AR. Architectural and space-planning solutions
  • Subsection TX. Technological solutions
Regulations used for Hovik design:
  • SNiP 41-01-2003 "OViK";
  • SNiP 31.06-2009 "Public buildings and structures";
  • SNiP 23.01-99 "Construction climatology and geophysics";
  • SNiP 23-03-2003 "Protection from noise";
  • SP 12.13130.2009 “Code of rules. Determining the categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations in terms of explosion and fire hazard";
  • SP 7.13130.2009 “Code of rules. HVAC. Fire safety requirements”;
  • GOST 12.1.005-88 "SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area”;
  • SNiP II-3-79* (ed. 1998) "Construction heat engineering";
  • MGSN 2.01-99 "Energy saving in buildings".

HVAC project development cost

The conclusion of an agreement for the design of the HVAC section with the Alfa-Project company is, first of all, an economic benefit for the customer - this is a reduction in the cost of design and construction and installation works. The cost of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning design service depends on many factors: the amount of work, the remoteness and complexity of the facility, etc. You can find out the price of the HVAC project by phone 211 11 22 , through

HVAC project example

Data for the design of ventilation systems - outdoor temperature "minus" 25°C, specific enthalpy "minus" 25 kJ/kg; TP for the design of ventilation systems - outdoor temperature +23°С, specific enthalpy +52.6 kJ/kg; TP for designing air conditioning systems - outdoor temperature +26°С, specific enthalpy +56.8 kJ/kg. The average temperature of the heating period is minus 2.2°C. The duration of the heating period is 205 days.


The dimensions and design of air ducts are taken in accordance with VSN 353-86. The thickness is adopted according to SP 60.13330.2012, depending on the size of the air ducts. Air ducts are accepted class "P" tight. The material for the manufacture of air ducts for general ventilation systems is thin-sheet cold-rolled galvanized steel, according to GOST 14918-80. Places of passage of air ducts through walls, partitions after installation of air ducts shall be sealed with non-combustible materials, ensuring the rated fire resistance limit of the crossed fence. For the premises, a system of mechanical supply and exhaust and natural ventilation was designed.

Smoke ventilation

Removal of combustion products is provided from the transit corridor. In retail premises, natural ventilation is provided in case of fire (see 370-740 / 14-CC8 for the type of drives used on transoms). Air supply in case of fire is carried out in the vestibule locks, elevator shafts, corridors.


The administrative premises are provided with an air conditioning system. It is a VRV system containing cassette, wall and pendant indoor units. Conditioners work at ecologically safe R410A freon. The condensate is discharged into the building's sewer system.


Heating is provided by radiators, convectors and underfloor heating. Heating appliances are equipped with a valve and a thermostatic head for automatic maintenance of the set temperature. The heating system is two-pipe, horizontal with a dead-end and passing movement of the coolant. Pipelines of the heating system - polypropylene pipes (Valtec PP-ALUX), floor heating - metal-plastic pipes. The main heating pipelines are laid in thermal insulation in the floor, as well as over the trading premises along the building structures.

To compensate for temperature deformations, it is necessary to lay a damper tape around the perimeter of each underfloor heating circuit. The average air temperature in the transit corridor is +10°C. Design temperature surface of the warm floor +18°С.

In ticket offices and controller booths (rooms 414, 415, 435, 436, 437, 443), in accordance with clause 7.2.8 of SP 2.5.1198-03, portable oil coolers (0.6 kW) are installed.

In rooms 101, 405, 408, 423 and 427, heaters are installed without a thermal head.

Heat supply for air handling units and air curtains

Heat supply is carried out from a heat point. Pipelines - steel water and gas pipes laid under the ceiling of the room, in thermal insulation K Flex ST.

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