Essays on the topic “my favorite book.” Short stories - Not made up stories about cats - All about cats and cats

Cool! 9

Every person has a favorite thing. But what is a “favorite thing”? This is something that is very dear to a person. This thing can be different for everyone. Someone might say that their favorite thing is a teddy bear given to them by someone close to them. Another will say that his favorite thing is a book that left a positive impression on him. But the main thing is what this most beloved thing carries within itself. After all, an object received from someone important to you, which contains the memory of something close to your heart, is more valuable than gold and silver.

My favorite thing is an old coin that my grandmother gave me. Perhaps someone will say that this is stupid. After all, you can’t play with a coin like a plush toy. But for me this coin is more valuable than any treasure of the white world. It holds my happy memories of fun times. It reminds me of how my friends and I played and had fun. This coin has more than once helped us make sometimes small, and sometimes very important decisions for us.

One day my coin fell out of my pocket. When my friends and I noticed this, we all went looking for her together. We searched for a very long time, and everyone was very worried. After all, my grandmother’s gift became a member of our friendly group. After an hour of long searching, we finally found her. Everyone was very happy that we were still able to find our comrade, who had helped us out more than once in Hard time. After that day, it became clear that I had the best and most loyal friends. They didn't abandon me. Therefore, this coin became a symbol of our friendship.

Some might say that my favorite thing is memories or friends. But this is not true at all. It is that same old scratched coin that is most dear to me. After all, it was in her that everything that was most dear to me came together. This coin combines memories of my dear beloved grandmother, friendship with my friends, my separate world in which life seems to stop, and I can relive the happiest periods of my life.

Even more essays on the topic: “My favorite thing”:

An item can become loved and important if it is useful, if it was given by an important person to you, or if pleasant memories are associated with it. It could be anything from a book to a car. What matters is what memories and emotions are associated with it. Every person has things that are dear to him, that he loves.

I also have a favorite thing - a bicycle. You might think it's new and shiny, which is why I love it so much and treasure it. This is not entirely true. I really love riding a bike, and one day my grandfather suggested that I build a bike for me. I was very happy and agreed immediately. He and I assembled my bike together in the garage for two weeks. It was long and painstaking work. My grandfather had some of the parts, but I had to look for and buy some more. I actually traded the chain from my neighbor for Tetris.

In the end we have a great fast bike. We painted it matte black and called it “Whirlwind.” That same day, my grandfather and I went out for a ride on the field: he on his, and I on mine. It was very funny. We raced and drove down the mountain. True, at the end I turned unsuccessfully and fell, but there was not a scratch left on the Whirlwind, we made it conscientiously.

Since then, I only ride on it, and in winter I carefully store it in the garage next to my dad’s car. It is very dear to me and not only as a means of transport. I put part of my soul into it, it’s exactly the way I like it and, besides, my grandfather and I became very close while we were making it. He showed me that nothing is impossible, if you really want something, do it. I remembered this lesson forever.

Dad even offered to buy me New Year another bike, with gear shifting, but I refused. There is no greater one than my Whirlwind. He gave me many pleasant moments, how can I refuse him? Well, then, the Whirlwind is in excellent condition, I’m keeping an eye on it. My grandfather is no longer here, but the bike reminds me of the times when we were together.


Brief announcement: every person has a favorite thing and it occupies a certain place in his life. My favorite thing is my tablet.

The entire space in which a person lives is filled with things, be it a home, a school, a hospital, or everywhere! There are household things, such as furniture, computers, televisions, without which we can no longer imagine life in modern world– they make our life more comfortable. And there are personal things that each of us has in our wardrobe. And among these things there are favorite things that we often wear, and unloved things that we wear very rarely and only because my mother insisted.

I have a lot of favorite things, these are pajamas with Spiderman - how sweetly I sleep in them and what cool dreams I have in them, and my favorite backpack - everything that has been in it, and I even have a favorite toy from childhood - my hare with such long and soft ears, but my favorite thing is my tablet. I have been asking my parents to buy me a tablet for a long time and finally this year for my birthday my dream came true! He is so cool, I never even dreamed of this! I even named him "Goodwin" after the wizard from the emerald city.

Now all my friends, and I admit, me too, spend a lot of time on computers, laptops, tablets and phones. And every free minute at home we run to the computer or tablet screen; during breaks at school we are all on our phones. My parents always scold me for spending so much time on my tablet! They say that in their childhood they spent a lot of time outside, playing football, basketball, catch-up, and I sit at home and communicate on the Internet. But times have changed! In the modern world you simply cannot live without a computer or tablet! With the advent of the tablet, my life changed dramatically. I turn it on, go online and can travel around the world, I can find out a lot of information about what interests me. I also listen to my favorite music on my tablet, watch interesting movies, playing games. I chat on Skype with my friends and now I don’t have to run to a friend to find out homework. You can, of course, call, but on Skype we see each other. And what super photos you can take with my tablet!

I recently downloaded a photo processing program from the Internet and you can use it to create different designs. The result is such beauty: some photographs look as if you are looking through water, others look like old black and white photos, others look like they were drawn with a simple pencil, and others look like graffiti. But I haven't even had time to try everything yet. Every day I am surprised how many new things I learn and all thanks to him - my tablet.

My tablet is always with me, we are inseparable! One day I went to visit a friend of mine who lives two blocks away from me. We played so much that I was in a hurry to get home and then it turned out that I had forgotten my tablet with him. I was very worried, I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time and from the very morning I was already rushing to my friend’s for my “Goodwin”! A tablet is not just a favorite thing, it is my friend and assistant!

Almost everyone has a favorite and dear thing to their heart. For example, a medal that reminds you of pleasant moments in life, such as winning a sports competition or a dance competition. For some, their favorite thing is a laptop, which allows them to learn a lot of new things, while for others, it’s just fashionable sneakers that delight you with their comfort and beauty.

For me, my favorite thing was an art set of markers and an album. Many people think that these are too simple and uninteresting things, but it seems to me that there is nothing more interesting and exciting than drawing. And even though I don’t draw very well, this is not an obstacle for me, because with the help of colored markers you can draw whatever you want.

So why did the drawing set become my favorite thing? Because with a felt-tip pen in your hand it is very convenient to dream, invent something and fantasize. Even when you are sad, you can improve your mood by transferring your thoughts to paper.

How many times have I been rescued and entertained by an art set! And on a boring trip, when there is nothing else to do, and during a long wait.

While drawing I feel like a real creator. Every book I read is then necessarily supplemented with illustrations drawn with my favorite felt-tip pens. I like to draw images of heroes, the way only I see them. It is especially interesting to draw fantastic stories, legends and fairy tales. In this case, real freedom comes for my favorite set, because in these books there are a huge number of characters and plots that no one has seen and you can draw them as you please. It’s incredibly interesting to figure out how many legs and what color tails the inhabitants of another planet from the book you just read will have.

I also like to draw events that will certainly happen to me. For example, when I feel cold and uncomfortable in winter, I take my favorite set of markers. And now I am already surrounded by the warmth of summer, drawing a distant turquoise sea, a blinding sun, hot sand and of course myself, sailing to a boat in the distance.

And it happens that I am invited to the circus or to the premiere of a great film. After such an event, being impressed, I come home and draw trained animals, acrobats, or the continuation of an interesting film.

After the possibilities that a regular box of markers gives me, shouldn't this be my favorite thing? For me, this thing is like another way of communicating or transmitting information. Almost like speech or writing.

In addition, I am attracted by the brightness and richness with which felt-tip pens draw. The pictures I came up with come to life, you just have to color them different colors. I also have favorite colors that I use more often than others. I really love all shades of blue and purple, which is why fantasy trolls from other worlds, as a rule, turn out to be purple or blue.

In general, my favorite thing, not just any object. For me, this is a whole world full of different ideas, fantasies and vivid impressions.

Every person has some favorite thing, the so-called “material piece of the soul.” For children it is almost always a toy. For adults and older children, it can be anything: from a souvenir brought from the coast of Sochi to a photograph of a loved one...

In general, many people tried to explain to themselves why they needed their favorite thing, even if it was of no use.

For example, my cousin Vika never parted with a small figurine of Cheburashka. This same Cheburashka always hangs on her keys, that is, it is an ordinary keychain. And it has been hanging for more than 17 years... I wonder why? “It turns out that such a thing serves as a kind of talisman for a person, even if he doesn’t know it himself,” scientists say. She reminds of something close, something that a person really likes, which is why he loves her so much. In fact, I have such an item too...

It is an Intel i5 processor. It's funny, isn't it? It came to me after this processor burned out on my computer. That’s when I noticed it - such a tiny microcircuit, enclosed in a beautiful silver metal case, but so important and “smart”. I immediately put it in my pocket - it still doesn’t work and there is no visible damage.

For me he is a symbol of achievement modern technologies, a symbol of the future, and the main thing - the computer, because who doesn’t love this machine, which combines so many devices for work and entertainment. Besides, for some reason it reminds me of home, and home, as they say, is the most important place on Earth. And he “helps” me morally in difficult times.

So I carry this processor with me everywhere, even now, when I am writing this essay, it is in my trouser pocket. It’s funny, of course, but I’m not alone in this, so the conclusion is this: a favorite thing, no matter what it is, is the most important thing in the life of any person.

My favorite book

It’s impossible to be an educated person without good books. Most of the books are to be read just once, others can be read plenty of times. And each time you find something new and useful as you turn the same pages of your favorite books. I am fond of books about adventures and great people, detective stories and science fiction. I enjoy reading them when I have spare time.

But my favorite book of all times is a novel “Three comrades” written by a German writer Erich Maria Remarque. This book was recommended to me by my elder sister and I’m grateful to her for that advice. It was really worth reading.

“Three comrades” is a book about love and friendship of three common people (Robert, Otto and Gottfried) who lived in Germany between the two World wars. The main characters are real friends who struggle together with poverty and violence and they manage to preserve their dignity and humanity. The story of beautiful and tragic love between Robert and Pat is heart-breaking because the girl dies of tuberculosis.

I find the book very powerful and deeply moving. It teaches people to find the inner strength to live in a tough world. It often helps me when I find myself in a difficult situation and I need an answer to some question. It is my great friend and teacher.

It is impossible to be an educated person without good books. Most books can be read only once, while others can be read many times. And every time you find something new and useful, turning over the same pages of your favorite books. I am interested in books about travel and great people, detective stories and science fiction. I like to read them in my free time.

But my favorite book of all time is the novel “Three Comrades,” written by the German writer Eric Maria Remarque. This book was recommended to me by my elder sister, and I am grateful to her for her advice. It was really worth reading.

"Three Comrades" is a book about the love and friendship of three ordinary people (Robert, Otto and Gottfried) who lived in Germany between the two World Wars. The main characters are true friends who struggle with poverty and cruelty and manage to maintain their dignity and humanity. The story of the beautiful and tragic love of Robert and Pat touches the heart because the girl is dying of tuberculosis.

I find this book very powerful and deep. She teaches people to find internal forces in order to live in cruel world. She often helps me when I find myself in a difficult situation and I need an answer to a question. This is my great friend and teacher.

It is simply impossible without reading, so every child and adult must have a favorite book that he is ready to re-read many, many times, and he never gets tired of it!

Good and not so good books have been written by writers at all times different countries There are countless numbers of them in the world, and it is, of course, simply impossible to read them all. But there are books that remain popular for centuries, and will still be read in several hundred years.

Composition "My favorite book"

With plan and epigraph Books surround us since childhood. They accompany us all our lives. They develop our sense of beauty, broaden our horizons, and make us feel happy, sad, or worried along with literary characters. Books lift our spirits, often save us from loneliness, and help us find a way out of the current situation.

An essay about “My favorite book is The Wizard of Oz”

I read a lot of books. I especially like works about adventure and magic, all sorts of sorcerers, fairies and magical things. And therefore my favorite book- This is “The Wizard of the Emerald City”. It was written by Alexander Volkov. More precisely, I love the entire series of books about the adventures of the girl Ellie in the Magic Land. This also includes “Oorfene Deuce and His Wooden Soldiers”, “Seven Underground Kings”.

An essay about “A book is your best friend and helper”

A book is a man's friend, because it will distract from sadness, captivate interesting story. In the book you will find a lot of smart thoughts, various information that you didn’t know. Books are different: fiction, scientific, entertaining. Choose what you like! At any time it will give you an answer to any question, just open it and take the time to read it. You are always alone with a book. And if it is interesting, then it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from it. If a person reads a lot, then he becomes smarter and more literate. The book helped him with this. This means that she is a true friend and assistant and advisor!

An essay about "The Book in My Life"

Why do I need to read books? This question is extremely relevant in our time. We live in an era of universal computerization. I can find any book on the Internet. Moreover, I don’t have to read it at all, I can just listen to it or watch the film adaptation. Honestly, it's a lot easier than reading.

Mini-essays on the topic “Book”

Option 1. “The book is our friend and advisor”
Book and in truth, our friend and adviser, by reading a book we discover something new for ourselves, the book advises us, tells us what to do if something serious happens. read books and be much smarter and more reasonable. The book is also the most good gift for any holiday. After all, we can learn almost anything from a book. The books contain various sciences such as: physics, chemistry, mathematics, history and many others. Book It will never hurt, but on the contrary will help in any situation.

Option 2. "A book is man's best friend"
From early childhood book helps us understand the world. First, our parents read fairy tales to us, from which we learn what is good and what is bad. We learn new things for ourselves, draw conclusions, learn from the mistakes of characters in stories from books. After a while we go to school. There begins the road on which we and books are inseparable. We learn to write, read, count. We learn most of this information from teachers, but books help us consolidate and improve our knowledge.

I have a cat named Dunya at home. She loves to eat, sleep and guard the refrigerator.

Dunya is a whole year older than me. And that’s why I call her Evdokia Petrovna. One day she was sitting on the windowsill and a sparrow flew past. In surprise, she fell to the floor. Dunyashka was in SHOCK. And we play like this - when I say to Duna: ball, ball, she runs with her long belly, grabs a small ball in her teeth and brings it to me.

This is my cat Dunya.

My pets

I have 2 cats and a dog: the eldest cat Athena is 2 years 3 months old, the second Smurfette is 1 year 2 months old, and the dog Misty is 8 months old. Athena was the first to come into our house when she was no more than 2 months old. We took Athena from the street, we caught her for a week, when I carried her home she hissed and scratched, now she is already a calm and quiet cat. We adopted Smurfette from the shelter, her dad often called her “Pate” and it stuck. We gave Pate the nickname “Catdog” because if you throw a felt-tip pen or pencil into the hallway, she will bring it back in her teeth. Misty is a purebred Golden Retriever, we took her from the kennel. To this day, Misty has become very friendly with Pate and they have become real best friends. Well, these are the girls who live in my house.


We have a white cat, Weiss. He's very calm. Likes to take a nap. When he asks for food, he sits on a chair and taps his paw on the table. This is a very smart cat. He opens the door with his paw. He is wonderful!

Our black cat

We have a cat. His name is Dron. He loves to sleep very much. He is very fluffy, does not bite, does not scratch. He is very old and kind. He has green eyes and a snub nose. In the summer he rests in the village. He only comes into the house to eat. I saw him fight with other cats and get his paw hurt. My grandmother and I smeared the cat’s paw with green paint.

My furry happiness

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At my house there lives a small, white cat named Laska. She has blue eyes, black ears and a black tail. She is very similar to the Siamese cat breed.

The weasel loves to run and jump in trees. Weasel is a very smart cat, she can open the refrigerator with her paw and steal something tasty, and then close it, no one would have guessed about it. For the New Year we put up a Christmas tree at home.... Weasel jumped to the very top of the tree and fell asleep!!!

This is my cat...

Save a kitten from the street

I was returning home with my mother. Suddenly the door opened and a kitten fell out of the crack. He came up to us and started purring. We realized that they had thrown him out onto the street and took him in with us. Our cats immediately started hissing at him. We locked them in the hall, and in the kitchen we fed, watered and stroked the kitten. Soon we placed 2 plastic cups, one with water and the other with food.

The neighbor left him in good hands. I hope that he is happy and that he forgets his fear.

The story about my cat Musi

My cat's name is Musya. She is beautiful, her fur is gray and white, she loves to play with a fluffy dog, with a ball of paper. But most of all she loves to play with a fluffy stick. She loves to eat a lot - she eats whiskey, meat, sweets, sausages, sour cream, and much more. I take good care of my cat; I brush her 5 times a week (and even sometimes I do her hair). She is kind to me, but sometimes she bites, which means she is playing!!! She is afraid of water, the wood sucker(...

One day, this is a sad story, it was May 9 and my cat fell out of a 5th floor window... I really felt sorry for her, we took her to the hospital and the doctor said that her leg was injured and he prescribed injections. We gave injections, but she scratched, but then she became accustomed to it. And everything went away) We bought it at the market where various animals were sold, and everything was for animals, clothes, plates and much more. She loves me very much).

On White Silks

Not long ago I was walking with my friends in the yard and went home to change clothes. Mom told me that she couldn’t find our cat and thought that he was in the entrance. A simple red cat named Bucks. We started fussing and looking for Bucks. I ran out into the entrance, my mother went out onto the balcony to see if he had fallen out of the window again. Mom's friend Tanya was visiting us, she looked into the closet and saw that Bucks was sleeping on the White Silk Curtains, we are looking for him and he is enjoying himself lounging on the White Silks! =)

How come?

We had a cat, Sambuca. One day we gave them food, we looked, but Sambuca didn’t eat. We were racking our brains - “what’s wrong with her?” We took her to the vet. She said there was no illness.

We thought - “the cat wanted to become a model?” And after 2 days my appetite returned!

Kitty Dusya

Well, I love cats! In our entrance, mostly in the attic, there lives a cat that everyone feeds. But when she gave birth to kittens again, I found them killed and laid out, as if for our edification, on our site. But one of the kittens was still alive! Naturally, I dragged her home to nurse her. But my cat didn’t pretend “I have nothing to do with this.” Koschenka screamed in a thin voice, and my cat grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, like a mother, and brought her to me.

I went out and cured her. But I can’t feed two cats anymore - so I asked the sleazy mechanic, while he’s still kind, to put this cat - Dusya - in the drivers’ quarters... The drivers dote on her! And two purebred dogs too - it’s amazing how they were able to immediately love and recognize this creature!

The magical properties of cats

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My cat Syoma has been living with me for two more years, but during this time he has helped me so many times. Many people do not believe that cats have the ability to heal. But strangely enough, they have this property!

I often get sick: headache, nausea, severe weakness, but when Syoma appeared at home, I began to get sick less often, and if I got very sick, then when the cat came to me, everything went away instantly.

You can talk to cats, trust them with secrets, and when you talk to them you have the feeling that you are heard and understood and that you are not talking to air. Your soul becomes lighter when talking with them and you calm down.

These are the magical properties cats have.

My favorite

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My cat is the most beautiful! She has a wonderful breed "Nevsky Masquerade"! This is a very rare breed! This cat is blue-eyed! She has long fur. She cleans herself as soon as she gets dirty!

My cat named Masya loves us very much. And he loves to play tag with me! We know how to communicate with each other - using gestures. Even though we picked her up on the street, she got very used to us.

I also love her very much and will not give her to anyone in the whole wide world! Isn't she really beautiful?!

People, please don’t offend these creatures! This is some kind of miracle!

The smartest...

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Our cat is six months old, but she is very smart....

After watching us open the door several times and knowing that she could run out for a walk on the balcony, she learned to open it herself. She does this easily, jumps up, hits the handle with her paw and runs wherever her eyes look =).. that's it!

An essay about a favorite book is usually a combination of description and argument. Let's look at how to draw up a plan for such work and give an example of its implementation.

Essay plan

  1. Introduction: here the title of the book and its author are stated and the purpose of writing the work is announced (to talk about your favorite work);
  2. About the plot of the book: the most significant moments and characters who are remembered more than others are described;
  3. About the attitude towards the work: there should be answers to questions such as “Why did I like this book?”, “Which of the characters was closest to me and why?” etc.;
  4. Conclusion: This part may answer the question “Should others check out this work?”

Based on the plan, we will write a creative work on the topic “A story about your favorite book “Timur and his team.”

Essay example

Today I want to tell you about my favorite book. This is a story by the Soviet writer A.P. Gaidar "Timur and his team."

The work tells about the life of teenagers in one of the villages in the years Civil War. The girl Tanya, having arrived there from the city, learns that local boys have created a special headquarters to help all those in need. This was invented by a guy named Timur. Then Gaidar tells about the various adventures of the heroes, their good deeds, the fight against local hooligans, true friendship and first love.

I liked this book because it talks about a very important issue. Now not everyone remembers that they need to help others, but without kindness this world simply could not exist. It would be nice if we now created our own team, like Timur, and unselfishly pleased those around us with good deeds. It is no coincidence that this hero became my favorite. He is honest, brave and courageous, always fights evil and never asks for anything in return. It was very interesting and exciting for me to read about his adventures.