Evstigneev correspondent. Son of Irada Zeynalova: I love both parents. Mom's wedding is her choice. Dangerous business trips and interesting stories

Irada Zeynalova - for the first time about her new husband: "We have been moving towards this for a long time." The union of TV presenter and military commissar Alexander Evstigneev is not entirely new for the employees of Channel One

Alexander has been to "hot spots" more than once. Syrniki, climbing a mountain and a rendezvous in Debaltseve

Not so long ago, "KP" reported that the energetic and not quite formatted host of the final news program of the First Channel "Sunday Time" Irada Zeynalova was leaving her familiar chair. Hot spots, shots on the front line, emergency inclusions and extreme stand-ups against the backdrop of exploding bombs - that's what always excited her.

But there is another good reason for leaving the zone of super-publicity: changes on the personal front.

Yes it is. I am getting married for the second time, - Irada Zeynalova confirmed in a blitz conversation with KP. - I do not want to advertise this event and engage in glamorous boasting, because we have been moving towards this for a long time and carefully. I'm happy. Thank you.

As KP ​​managed to find out from sources in the editorial office of Voskresnoye Vremya, the union of the TV presenter and military commissar Alexander Evstigneev is not entirely new for the staff of Channel One. After rumors spread about Irada's divorce last year (in 2015 she divorced Alexei Samoletov, with whom she lived for almost 20 years - Ed.), she was increasingly noticed in the company of her colleague Evstigneev. Often a couple could be seen in different cafes - in establishments on the Patriarch's Ponds or White Square. After that, the editorial staff of Voskresnoye Vremya ceased to doubt that this was a novel.

Increasingly, Zeynalova went on business trips exactly where her lover worked at that moment - in the LPR, for example. It was the passion for "hot spots" that became the starting point for the development of relations.

At the end of winter, one day on February 20, on her birthday, the couple ended up together in Debaltseve. An ordinary person can hardly imagine a nightly rendezvous not on the boulevard of roses, but in the hellish heat of war among the human meat grinder. That is exactly what happened with Irada and Alexander. A fanatical love for the profession led her to him that day.

About a year ago, after Zeynalova's divorce proceedings were completed, the couple began to live together. And the employees of one of the editorial offices of Channel One told KP in detail how romantic their meetings were.

Alexander is seriously interested in mountaineering. And when he went to the top of Mount Munkus-Ardyk (the highest point of the Sayans, whose height is 3491 meters), she rushed to Irkutsk for one day, only to meet him on the descent.

The surprise was repeated quite recently, when Evstigneev went on vacation to conquer the Matterhorn mountain in Switzerland (the peak in the Alps at a height of 4478 meters above sea level - Ed.), And Zeynalova was again waiting for him below.

Since Evstigneev lived in Odintsovo, and collected reports in the Ostankino studio late in the evening, he often stayed overnight in the editorial office - this is a normal practice for reporters and for hosts of night and morning programs. Several times, colleagues watched as Irada brought coffee and sandwiches to her lover from Mu Mu, located on the second floor of the television center.

The wedding date has not yet been set. It is not known where it will be played. Maybe because both are used to living in spontaneity mode. Maybe it's because they've nurtured this relationship for too long. The difference in age, in views, in temperament, the experience of a breakup and children from previous marriages only enriched the piggy bank of unclosed gestalts. She is the face of Channel One, he is a simple guy from Bratsk, while an experienced military officer working on the "land". Extreme and climber. Behind shoulders - business trips to "hot spots". Agree, the rapprochement does not look quite paradoxical. And so, as if through a quagmire, holding hands, they made their way down the aisle for about two years, relying on a cane of trust and bypassing the bombers.

More than once Alexander got into a serious mess - the wedding could not have taken place in theory. This year - in Syria, and before that - in Slavyansk, it was practically covered with fire. “Two vehicles of explosives have just exploded near us. Everything is fine with me, ”he calmly informed her on the phone, after recording the plot from the lair of the Kurds.

It is better to learn all the details of the relationship from Irada, - laughing, Natalya, the chief producer and close friend of Zeynalova, translated the arrows. - I don’t know anything about sandwiches, but I know about cheesecakes. But I won't tell.

The newlyweds celebrated the wedding in a narrow circle. The 44-year-old bride was wearing a long, fitted dress in dark blue. The groom is in a classic suit. Among the guests at the celebration were Tigran Keosayan and Margarita Simonyan.


The latter reported on Twitter that Irada and Alexander are now legal husband and wife. Margarita published a photo with the father of the bride and signed it: "We marry Irada with Avtandil Zeynalov!"

A relative of the bride, Svetlana Zeynalova, was also at the celebration. "Sister's wedding. Irada, be happy! Love and joy! So, remember 12/16/16!" - Svetlana wrote on Instagram and shared a video of the newlyweds dancing.

It is known that Zeynalova and Evstigneev have been in a relationship for about two years. Before Irada, Alexander was married to his colleague, reporter Natalya Ustyugova, who gave birth to his first child. Zeynalova was married to TV reporter Alexei Samoletov for more than ten years. They had a son, Timur. In 2015, the couple divorced.

According to Irada, she made a difficult decision to divorce her first husband. “Alexey is a wonderful friend, a wonderful father, but the relationship between us ended. We existed quite distantly from each other. People break up in less difficult situations. Son Timur grew up. And we grew up,” Zeynalova explained.

The thought of divorce came to Irada when she began to have an affair with Alexander Evstigneev. “We met when, after returning to Moscow, I became the host. Sasha always worked for our release. A talented guy with a good sense of humor. All the time he came up with something, surprised,” the newly-made wife said in a recent interview.

Irada Zeynalova is preparing for a new television season, in which she may head one of the Channel One shows. In Sunday Time, fans will no longer see the presenter, she left her post in this program. Changes are coming not only in the professional activities of the star, but also in her personal life.

Irada marries her colleague Alexander Evstigneev. The man is several years younger than his chosen one, however, the couple has a lot in common. Former spouse TV presenter Alexei Samoletov is calm about the fact that she will soon tie herself with a new marriage. It is possible that he will not even be able to congratulate the ex-wife on a happy event in person.

“We are all adults, everyone has their own independent life,” says Alexey. - I am now traveling from business trip to business trip, I have constant shooting, so I don’t even know if I will be in Moscow during her wedding. I've got a lot to do, work."

By the way, the couple's son Timur is growing up. The young man served in the army and studies at the prestigious Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). In the future, he does not plan to follow in the footsteps of his parents and become a journalist. Despite the divorce of his parents, he has an excellent relationship with both mom and dad. Zeynalova and Samoletov are also friendly.

“We remained on good terms with Irada, our child also lives his own life,” Alexey says in an interview with Life.ru.

It is interesting that Airplanes by profession, like the new chosen one of the presenter, is a war correspondent. He was among those who, in 2004, during the seizure of a school in Beslan by Chechen terrorists, committed a heroic deed.

“Lesha was awarded an order and a medal for him, they gave him an apartment, but all this was later ... And then I walked with him, trying to get my loved one out of that terrible state, and I myself thought everything: what a hero he is, and what a courageous and wonderful person , and that we have been meeting with this courageous man for almost a year, but he has not yet proposed to me, ”Irada recalled in an interview about her ex-husband.

Alexander Evstigneev also visited many hot spots and natural disaster zones during his career. So, in 2014, a war correspondent came under fire near Slavyansk.