Warface how to open weapons. Warface weapons: how to open? Types of weapons in the game

Team actions, professional skill - all this is very important when you play a team shooter like Warface. However, do not forget about what, in principle, any shooter is based on, namely, weapons. There are quite a lot of them in this game, but the problem is that even the simplest guns will have to be opened up. Therefore, many players have questions about how to get Warface weapons. In fact, everything is not so difficult - you just need to understand the principle of the weapon acquisition system in the game, and you can easily earn yourself those barrels that you like and need.

in "Warface"

Weapons is divided into three types - common, rare and rare. Naturally, conventional weapons are the cheapest, but they are also the least effective. Therefore, of course, you should focus on getting the highest quality weapons, but for this you will have to try hard. After all, the problem is that you will need to open all the available Warface weapons. In some games, such as the old version of Counter Strike, you could use the money earned in the round to buy any gun that the side you entered had. Here, everything is completely different - and yet, how to open weapons in Warface?

Work with providers

So, you need to figure out how you get new weapons. First of all, you should understand that you can purchase Warface weapons from suppliers, and there are only three of them. One offers you equipment, the other - equipment, and the third, respectively, trunks. The system works like this: before the start of each battle, you are prompted to choose a supplier with whom you will gain reputation in accordance with your actions on the battlefield. And if you play well, then the supplier's reputation will grow. What will it give you? All weapons that you can get in the game are from the supplier - however, they are all hidden, you cannot purchase them. But as your reputation increases, you will gradually unlock more expensive conventional weapons, then rare ones, and then rare ones. Naturally, each barrel will cost money, which you also earn in battles, but if you buy a gun, then it stays with you forever. But here it is worth paying attention to the fact that Warface weapons have one interesting feature - they have wear indicators.

Wear and repair of weapons

Now you know how to knock out weapons in Warface - this is done through successful actions on the battlefield, which leads to an increase in reputation with the supplier. Purchasing a weapon gives you permanent possession, but there is one important point- with the constant use of the barrel, you will have to repair it. Naturally, the more expensive the weapon, the more it will cost to repair. Wear also affects appearance guns - it becomes shabby, with traces of experienced battles, and many players really appreciate this. But repairing weapons is still worth it, because otherwise it can let you down in battle or even break.

Getting weapons from boxes

There is another way to get weapons without spending the money you earn. To do this, you need to hope for luck - in battle, you can randomly drop a box, which can contain anything, including weapons. In the inventory, you will need to select the received box and open it, after which you will receive a message about what exactly you found inside. The chance of getting weapons from boxes in Warface is the same as for any other items, so you should not count on the fact that in each box you will drop a barrel. Also keep in mind that rare and rare weapons come across in this way much less often than ordinary ones. So you will have to open a lot of boxes to find something worthy there - although if you are lucky in life, you may get something good the first time.

Weapon replacement

The legal ways to get weapons in the game were described above, but do not forget that there are also cheats. Naturally, their use is prohibited by the rules and severely punished, but if you are ready to take the risk, you can get any type of weapon at any time. Replacing weapons in Warface is not the most difficult process, for this you only need to download special program, which will make it possible to replace values ​​in the game. After that, you need to download the list of codes for all weapons in bytes, as they are written in the game. Weapon bytes in Warface are software information about them, which you will change. Go to a deserted place where there will be no other players who could have the same weapon as you, for example, a training ground, run the program, enter the bytes corresponding to the selected weapon into it, and start the search. The program will find all active bytes in the game - if you have chosen the right location, only one result will be displayed. Change it to the byte code that interests you, save it, and in the game you will have a completely different weapon in your hands.

In this guide, you will learn about the "Suppliers" section and how to unlock new items of ammunition, unique weapons and equipment.

Vendor branches

Participate in battles! As you gain experience, you will be able to unlock improved equipment. To do this, before the start of the fight, you must select one of the suppliers. Your "reputation" in his eyes will increase with experience.

There are three suppliers in the game: for weapons, gear and equipment. In the equipment section, you will unlock improved ammunition - helmets, body armor, etc., in the equipment section - weapon modules (sights, grips, silencers, etc.). The item opening system is random. You cannot choose a specific subject to be studied further, only a provider. Thus, with some luck, you can very quickly get a powerful rare weapon. Back to index


All weapons available from suppliers are divided into three categories - ordinary, rare and rare. Everything is worn out and in need of repair. The higher the class of the weapon and the better its characteristics, the lower the chance of opening it from the supplier. The rarest and powerful weapon- rare. IN this moment each class has its own unique rare weapon in the amount of three units. You can buy weapons opened from suppliers in the game store at permanent term. Improvements (modules) do not need to be purchased - they are available in battle by pressing the "C" key immediately after appearing in the menu. Back to index


Just like weapons, equipment from suppliers has three categories - common, rare and rare. Its main range of equipment is represented by gloves, boots, helmets and body armor. So, in the section of rare equipment, you can find body armor with additional bonuses - for example, automatic armor recovery, or helmets with a high degree of protection. Repairing rare equipment is much more expensive than regular equipment, but this is compensated by its unique characteristics. Depending on the tactical tasks set, you can choose the appropriate equipment.

When playing Warface, it is necessary to act as a team, otherwise it is impossible to resist rivals. You must cover your partners so that the enemy does not reach them, and gradually move forward. A variety of weapons help in this. For effective play, it is recommended that each player take a specific character class. There must be a sniper who will hit enemies at a distance, a medic who saves in case of injury, an engineer, and also an attack aircraft. The latter must go ahead and attack the enemy positions. For each mission you will receive a certain amount of experience, and when you reach a certain mark, new weapons will be available to you.

Types of weapons in the game

Weapons are divided into three main types - ordinary, rare, and rare. Conventional weapons will cost you the least and will not be very effective. In order to get your hands on high-quality weapons, you will have to try hard. To do this, you need to open all the weapons in the game, which will take quite a lot of time. Now let's find out how to open weapons in the game Warface. Weapons will be opened from suppliers, of which there are only 3. One opens new equipment, the second - equipment, and the third - weapons. Before the start of each battle, you have the opportunity to choose a supplier. As a result, the supplier's reputation will grow after each level. In this way, you can open all the weapons in the game, but you have to spend a lot of time. Each weapon is purchased for virtual money, crowns or real money. First, conventional weapons will be opened, then rare and only then rare.

Features of weapons in Warface

Each weapon has a wear indicator. The higher the wear level, the less damage the enemy will take. For this reason, it must be repaired in a timely manner, which will also require money. Purchasing new weapons will give you a significant advantage over your opponent. It will be possible to open various accessories, but for this you need to select a different supplier. By putting a high-quality sight and laser pointer, you will significantly increase your chances of winning. The main thing is not to forget to repair weapons, because this affects even its appearance. Without repairs, weapons can fail you in the midst of a fight.

Weapons from boxes

Warface offers another method of obtaining weapons that anyone can use. The player needs to rely on luck, because in battle a special box may drop out, which contains a random item. It can be a new sight, various bonuses and, of course, weapons. Select the box in inventory and then open it. After that, you will receive a notification about what is caught inside. Don't assume that a weapon is included in every box, it's not at all the case. The player can drop absolutely any item, it all depends on luck. Often you don't need to open a single box to get a weapon, but it's worth it.

Advantages of this method:

  • You can get any weapon, with some luck you can win rare or rare models.
  • Minimal effort to discover new weapons.

Weapon replacement

Above, we described legal methods for obtaining weapons in Warface, but there are interesting cheats. We immediately warn you that they should be used at your own peril and risk, if detected, you may be blocked in the game. Their use allows you to get weapons at any time. To do this, you will need to download a small program that allows you to change weapons an unlimited number of times. The program contains a list of codes for all weapons in bytes, as it is written in the game. Go to a deserted place where there will be no players with the same weapons as you. After that, the program is turned on, and the bytes corresponding to the weapons in the game are entered in it. As a result, we change the byte code and enjoy new weapons.

Tell me, are you satisfied with your salary? We are sure not. In order to be able to earn as much as you want, you need to open your own business.

Despite the abundance of various products and the struggle of manufacturers for customers, there are still many niches today that can be occupied and successfully run a business. One of the tidbits of the market has always been the legal arms trade. It can bring in really big money.

Okay, but how?

Many businessmen are wondering how to open a gun shop. What needs to be done for this? Let's just say that this is not for every entrepreneur. To get all the necessary permits it may take a lot of time and effort.

You can buy, and therefore legally sell such goods in the Russian Federation, only in specialized stores. Naturally, he can start his work only after his owner has a license to trade in weapons, and many difficult legal and bureaucratic procedures have been passed.

So how do you go into the arms business on a completely legal and legal basis? How to take into account the numerous rules and laws, and most importantly, to go through bureaucratic red tape?

Regulations for obtaining permits

These and many other questions are answered by the latest order of the Minister of the Interior. A special document regulates the issuance of permits both for the acquisition and for the storage of weapons and ammunition intended for citizens. It is very important that it is not only about sellers of deadly items, but also about their owners.

The document immediately catches the eye of the column, in which it is written in black and white that obtaining a license for the arms trade is possible only legal entity. The physical, in this sense, can only hand over dangerous objects to the police if they are found.

The document details where the entrepreneur must apply, what papers to collect in order for him to be allowed to legally sell shooting and piercing weapons. This order of the Minister must be studied, first of all, in order to form the legal framework within which the arms business should exist.

Armed to the teeth?

A special regulation spells out the entire mechanism of actions of a person who wants to arm himself. Not only are all listed here Required documents, but also contains their samples, which greatly simplifies the task for citizens of the Russian Federation.

After all, it is known that most of the time, as a rule, goes away due to the fact that people simply do not know who and what papers to contact. And this is usually used by dishonest officials.

But let's not get too far off topic. Let's return to the main thing. If you are serious about trading dangerous items, you will need to draw up a business plan for a gun store. It is necessary to provide for all possible financial investments, from the purchase of goods to the rental of premises and other things.

How many guns are actually in the hands of the population?

By the way, the Russians cannot be called "people without weapons". According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the population currently has about 5 million guns in their hands. In addition, stores sold about 2 million traumatic pistols.

However, this is only an officially registered weapon. How much, in fact, no one knows. Experts believe that in the future the number of both registered and illegally acquired weapons will only increase. In this regard, the business aimed at the sale of dangerous items seems more and more relevant.

It didn't get any more dangerous.

By the way, the Ministry of Internal Affairs notes that the growing interest in weapons on the part of the population is in no way due to the fact that the Russians have ceased to feel safe. Cases of the use of military weapons for self-defense are extremely rarely recorded.

Shops began to sell more guns and shotguns due to the fact that in Lately the number of hunters and collectors of rare weapons has increased significantly. And by the law of the Russian Federation, by the way, one person is allowed to have five trunks. Therefore, in this sense, the law is on the side of entrepreneurs who decide to invest their funds in this complex but profitable business.

Profitability is good

So, what else, besides the mass of permits and special rooms for storing barrels, is needed? How to open a weapon shop? As always, the whole question rests on money, or rather on their quantity. Indeed, in order to start a business in this area, you must have at least 6 million rubles.

And the "exhaust" will not take long to wait, because the business is very profitable. Experts in this field claim that all invested funds can pay off within two years. Then you work for net profit.

In addition, the market annually has an increase of 5 percent. Pay attention to the fact that in Moscow alone there are officially more than 50 large stores with a large selection of knives, carbines, guns and pistols. At the same time, despite such saturation of the niche, it is still possible to enter it.

For example, a store that specializes only in self-defense pistols or hunting rifles will be of great interest to consumers. In other words, you must stand out. Otherwise, you will become one of many, and it is unlikely that your business will go uphill.

What does it take to open a gun shop?

In addition to obtaining all the necessary papers, which are listed in a special regulation, you must have a room suitable for trading in dangerous items. Its area must be at least one hundred square meters. Special requirements are also imposed on the walls and ceiling of rooms where ammunition and weapons are stored and sold.

Our knowledge base begins publishing a deeper look at the interface, game mechanics and character leveling in the new online game MMO FPS Warfare. Let's start with a first look at the new weapon unlock system. It is worth noting that the data is based on the Chinese version of the game and it may differ from the localization in Russia.

In the online shooter Warface, it is not possible to purchase any weapon from the game store from the first level. To get the right to buy this or that weapon, you need to earn it by long and persistent firefights in PvP or PvE mode. There are three categories of weapons, each of which is only unlocked when the previous category is already fully unlocked.

The player has no way to determine which weapon he will open - after one weapon is opened, a new weapon is randomly provided to unlock from the category that is currently "revealed" by the fighter. Each category has five types of weapons - auxiliary (pistols, edged weapons), assault rifles and machine guns (attack aircraft), shotguns (medic), machine guns and submachine guns (engineer), sniper rifles(sniper).

Once a new weapon is unlocked, it can be purchased from the in-game store. There is no way to refuse unlocking weapons and choose another one, everything is done randomly and sequentially. In addition to the presented weapons, there are several barrels that do not require unlocking and are available for purchase from the very beginning of the game.

Teamwork, professional skill are all very important when you play a team shooter like Warface. However, do not forget about what, in principle, any shooter is based on, namely, weapons. There are quite a lot of them in this game, but the problem is that even the simplest guns will have to be opened up. Therefore, many players have questions about how to get Warface weapons. In fact, everything is not so difficult - you just need to understand the principle of the weapon acquisition system in the game, and you can easily earn yourself those barrels that you like and need.

in "Warface"

Warface weapons are divided into three types - common, rare and rare. Naturally, conventional weapons are the cheapest, but they are also the least effective. Therefore, of course, you should focus on getting the highest quality weapons, but for this you will have to try hard. After all, the problem is that you will need to open all the available Warface weapons. In some games, such as the old version of Counter Strike, you could use the money earned in the round to buy any gun that the side you entered had. Here, everything is completely different - and yet, how to open weapons in Warface?

Work with providers

So, you need to figure out how you get new weapons. First of all, you should understand that you can purchase Warface weapons from suppliers, and there are only three of them. One offers you equipment, the other - equipment, and the third, respectively, trunks. The system works like this: before the start of each battle, you are prompted to choose a supplier with whom you will gain reputation in accordance with your actions on the battlefield. And if you play well, then the supplier's reputation will grow. What will it give you? All weapons that you can get in the game are from the supplier - however, they are all hidden, you cannot purchase them. But as your reputation increases, you will gradually unlock more expensive conventional weapons, then rare ones, and then rare ones. Naturally, each barrel will cost money, which you also earn in battles, but if you buy a gun, then it stays with you forever. But here it is worth paying attention to the fact that Warface weapons have one interesting feature - they have wear indicators.

Wear and repair of weapons

Now you know how to knock out weapons in Warface - this is done through successful actions on the battlefield, which leads to an increase in reputation with the supplier. Buying a weapon gives you permanent possession, but there is one important point here - with the constant use of the barrel, you will have to repair it. Naturally, the more expensive the weapon, the more it will cost to repair. Also, wear affects even the appearance of the gun - it becomes shabby, with traces of experienced battles, and many players really appreciate this. But repairing weapons is still worth it, because otherwise it can let you down in battle or even break.

Getting weapons from boxes

There is another way to get weapons without spending the money you earn. To do this, you need to hope for luck - in battle, you can randomly drop a box, which can contain anything, including weapons. In the inventory, you will need to select the received box and open it, after which you will receive a message about what exactly you found inside. The chance of getting weapons from boxes in Warface is the same as for any other items, so you should not count on the fact that in each box you will drop a barrel. Also keep in mind that rare and rare weapons come across in this way much less often than ordinary ones. So you will have to open a lot of boxes to find something worthy there - although if you are lucky in life, you may get something good the first time.

Weapon replacement

The legal ways to get weapons in the game were described above, but do not forget that there are also cheats. Naturally, their use is prohibited by the rules and severely punished, but if you are willing to take the risk, you can get any type of weapon at any time. Replacing weapons in Warface is not the most difficult process, for this you only need to download a special program that will make it possible to change values ​​in the game. After that, you need to download the list of codes of all weapons in bytes, as they are written in the game. Weapon bytes in Warface are software information about them, which you will change. Go to a deserted place where there will be no other players who could have the same weapon as you, for example, a training ground, run the program, enter the bytes corresponding to the selected weapon into it, and start the search. The program will find all active bytes in the game - if you have chosen the right location, only one result will be displayed. Change it to the byte code that interests you, save it, and in the game you will have a completely different weapon in your hands.

In this guide, you will learn about the "Suppliers" section and how to unlock new items of ammunition, unique weapons and equipment.

Vendor branches

Participate in battles! As you gain experience, you will be able to unlock improved equipment. To do this, before the start of the fight, you must select one of the suppliers. Your "reputation" in his eyes will increase with experience.

There are three suppliers in the game: for weapons, gear and equipment. In the equipment section, you will open improved ammunition - helmets, body armor, etc., in the equipment section - weapon modules (sights, grips, silencers, etc.). The item opening system is random. You cannot choose a specific subject to be studied further, only a provider. Thus, with some luck, you can very quickly get a powerful rare weapon.


One of the fastest and simple ways to open a weapon in Warface is to buy a VIP account in the game. To do this, transfer the required amount to the game account, which will be exchanged for in-game currency at the rate of 1 Russian ruble to 2 credits in Warface. Then buy the game a VIP account for 1 day for 38 credits, for 7 days for 150 credits or for a month for 300 credits.

As a result of this, the experience gained will increase by 2 times, for the speed of supply of equipment and the amount of earned warbucks will increase by 1.5 times. This will allow you to quickly reach the desired level and, accordingly, unlock new types of weapons faster.

In addition, some weapons are only available for credits. Having replenished the game account, open the store menu and buy those types of weapons that are marked with the K icon. Also, by opening the Miscellaneous tab in the store, you can buy a Box of Luck with a weapon. By purchasing it, during the battle, boxes will fall out in which there are new types of weapons. Regardless of your level, pick it up and a previously inaccessible weapon will be in your hands.

Another option to quickly open a weapon in Warface is to accept a contract. To do this, open the "Progress" tab in the game menu. Make a deposit in warbucks and choose the one that suits you from the list of offered contracts. After that, open the "Suppliers" tab and click on the "Weapons" icon.

From the options offered: "Rare weapon", "Rare weapon", "Common weapon" select the one you want to open. At the same time, remember that the fastest opens normal view weapons, but "Rare" and "Rarities" with the duration of opening these types can bring the player a unique weapon. Once you've chosen a supplier, get in the game and fulfill the requirements of the contract.

After the fight is over, notice the blue bar below the equipment bar. It depends on the points received during the game. When the bar reaches the end, the player will receive a new weapon.

Warbucks is one of the types of in-game currency of a computer game. On them the player acquires weapons and equipment. The higher the characteristics of the weapon, the higher its price. By purchasing powerful weapons and durable equipment, the player is more likely to survive and earn more warbucks. Being greedy for purchasing new weapons, the player runs the risk of getting stuck in the last ranks of Warface fighters for a long time.


To quickly earn warbucks in Warface, start the game and create a character. Do not rush to immediately purchase weapons for him with all the money available. In the game menu, select the list of PvE missions and, having found a suitable one, join the playing team.

During such a mission, try to be active: heal allies if your character is a medic, repair their armor if an engineer, replenish ammo of comrades in arms if. At the same time, try to destroy as many enemies as possible, using all available means.

As soon as you meet the boss of the level, take the most active part in its destruction. When he is distracted by your comrades-in-arms, join the battle and shoot at the most vulnerable places of the enemy (energy backpack on the back - on the juggernaut, cockpit - on the combat suit, tail rotor - on the helicopter). Based on the results of your actions at the end of the mission, you will be credited with warbucks.

Our knowledge base is starting to publish a deeper look at the interface, game mechanics and character leveling in the new online MMOFPS game Warface. Let's start with a first look at the new weapon unlock system. It is worth noting that the data is based on the Chinese version of the game and it may differ from the localization in Russia.

In the online shooter Warface, it is not possible to purchase any weapon from the game store from the first level. To get the right to buy this or that weapon, you need to earn it by long and persistent firefights in PvP or PvE mode. There are three categories of weapons, each of which is only unlocked when the previous category is already fully unlocked.

The player has no way to determine which weapon he will open - after one weapon is opened, a new weapon is randomly provided to unlock from the category that is currently "revealed" by the fighter. Each category has five types of weapons - auxiliary (pistols, edged weapons), assault rifles and machine guns (attack aircraft), shotguns (medic), machine guns and submachine guns (engineer), sniper rifles (sniper).

Once a new weapon is unlocked, it can be purchased from the in-game store. There is no way to refuse unlocking weapons and choose another one, everything is done randomly and sequentially. In addition to the presented weapons, there are several barrels that do not require unlocking and are available for purchase from the very beginning of the game.

Tell me, are you satisfied with your salary? We are sure not. In order to be able to earn as much as you want, you need to open your own business.

Despite the abundance of various products and the struggle of manufacturers for customers, there are still many niches today that can be occupied and successfully run a business. One of the tidbits of the market has always been the legal arms trade. It can bring in really big money.

Okay, but how?

Many businessmen are wondering how to open a gun shop. What needs to be done for this? Let's just say that this is not for every entrepreneur. It can take a lot of time and effort to obtain all the necessary permits.

You can buy, and therefore legally sell such goods in the Russian Federation, only in specialized stores. Naturally, he can start his work only after his owner has a license to trade in weapons, and many difficult legal and bureaucratic procedures have been passed.

So how do you go into the arms business on a completely legal and legal basis? How to take into account the numerous rules and laws, and most importantly, to go through bureaucratic red tape?

Regulations for obtaining permits

These and many other questions are answered by the latest order of the Minister of the Interior. A special document regulates the issuance of permits both for the acquisition and for the storage of weapons and ammunition intended for citizens. It is very important that it is not only about sellers of deadly items, but also about their owners.

The document immediately catches the eye of the column, in which it is written in black and white that obtaining a license for the arms trade is possible only by a legal entity. The physical, in this sense, can only hand over dangerous objects to the police if they are found.

The document details where the entrepreneur must apply, what papers to collect in order for him to be allowed to legally sell shooting and piercing weapons. This order of the Minister must be studied, first of all, in order to form the legal framework within which the arms business should exist.

Armed to the teeth?

A special regulation spells out the entire mechanism of actions of a person who wants to arm himself. It not only lists all the necessary documents, but also contains their samples, which greatly simplifies the task for citizens of the Russian Federation.

After all, it is known that most of the time, as a rule, goes away due to the fact that people simply do not know who and what papers to contact. And this is usually used by dishonest officials.

But let's not get too far off topic. Let's return to the main thing. If you decide to get serious about trading in dangerous items, you will need to write a business plan for a gun store. It is necessary to provide for all possible financial investments, from the purchase of goods to the rental of premises and other things.

How many guns are actually in the hands of the population?

By the way, the Russians cannot be called "people without weapons". According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the population currently has about 5 million guns in their hands. In addition, stores sold about 2 million traumatic pistols.

However, this is only an officially registered weapon. How much, in fact, no one knows. Experts believe that in the future the number of both registered and illegally acquired weapons will only increase. In this regard, the business aimed at the sale of dangerous items seems more and more relevant.

It didn't get any more dangerous.

By the way, the Ministry of Internal Affairs notes that the growing interest in weapons on the part of the population is in no way due to the fact that the Russians have ceased to feel safe. Cases of the use of military weapons for self-defense are extremely rarely recorded.

Shops began to sell more guns and shotguns due to the fact that recently the number of hunters and collectors of rare weapons has increased significantly. And by the law of the Russian Federation, by the way, one person is allowed to have five trunks. Therefore, in this sense, the law is on the side of entrepreneurs who decide to invest their funds in this complex but profitable business.

Profitability is good

So, what else, besides the mass of permits and special rooms for storing barrels, is needed? How to open a weapon shop? As always, the whole question rests on money, or rather on their quantity. Indeed, in order to start a business in this area, you must have at least 6 million rubles.

And the "exhaust" will not take long to wait, because the business is very profitable. Experts in this field claim that all invested funds can pay off within two years. Then you work for net profit.

In addition, the market annually has an increase of 5 percent. Pay attention to the fact that in Moscow alone there are officially more than 50 large stores with a large selection of knives, carbines, guns and pistols. At the same time, despite such saturation of the niche, it is still possible to enter it.

For example, a store that specializes only in self-defense pistols or hunting rifles will be of great interest to consumers. In other words, you must stand out. Otherwise, you will become one of many, and it is unlikely that your business will go uphill.

What does it take to open a gun shop?

In addition to obtaining all the necessary papers, which are listed in a special regulation, you must have a room suitable for trading in dangerous items. Its area must be at least one hundred square meters. Special requirements are also imposed on the walls and ceiling of rooms where ammunition and weapons are stored and sold.

When playing Warface, it is necessary to act as a team, otherwise it is impossible to resist rivals. You must cover your partners so that the enemy does not reach them, and gradually move forward. A variety of weapons help in this. For effective play, it is recommended that each player take a specific character class. There must be a sniper who will hit enemies at a distance, a medic who saves in case of injury, an engineer, and also an attack aircraft. The latter must go ahead and attack the enemy positions. For each mission you will receive a certain amount of experience, and when you reach a certain mark, new weapons will be available to you.

Types of weapons in the game

Weapons are divided into three main types - ordinary, rare, and rare. Conventional weapons will cost you the least and will not be very effective. In order to get your hands on high-quality weapons, you will have to try hard. To do this, you need to open all the weapons in the game, which will take quite a lot of time. Now let's find out how to open weapons in the game Warface. Weapons will be opened from suppliers, of which there are only 3. One opens new equipment, the second - equipment, and the third - weapons. Before the start of each battle, you have the opportunity to choose a supplier. As a result, the supplier's reputation will grow after each level. In this way, you can open all the weapons in the game, but you have to spend a lot of time. Each weapon is purchased for virtual money, crowns or real money. First, conventional weapons will be opened, then rare and only then rare.

Features of weapons in Warface

Each weapon has a wear indicator. The higher the wear level, the less damage the enemy will take. For this reason, it must be repaired in a timely manner, which will also require money. Purchasing new weapons will give you a significant advantage over your opponent. It will be possible to open various accessories, but for this you need to select a different supplier. By putting a high-quality sight and laser pointer, you will significantly increase your chances of winning. The main thing is not to forget to repair weapons, because this affects even its appearance. Without repairs, weapons can fail you in the midst of a fight.

Weapons from boxes

Warface offers another method of obtaining weapons that anyone can use. The player needs to rely on luck, because in battle a special box may drop out, which contains a random item. It can be a new sight, various bonuses and, of course, weapons. Select the box in inventory and then open it. After that, you will receive a notification about what is caught inside. Don't assume that a weapon is included in every box, it's not at all the case. The player can drop absolutely any item, it all depends on luck. Often you don't need to open a single box to get a weapon, but it's worth it.

Advantages of this method:

  • You can get any weapon, with some luck you can win rare or rare models.
  • Minimal effort to discover new weapons.

Weapon replacement

Above, we described legal methods for obtaining weapons in Warface, but there are interesting cheats. We immediately warn you that they should be used at your own peril and risk, if detected, you may be blocked in the game. Their use allows you to get weapons at any time. To do this, you will need to download a small program that allows you to change weapons an unlimited number of times. The program contains a list of codes for all weapons in bytes, as it is written in the game. Go to a deserted place where there will be no players with the same weapons as you. After that, the program is turned on, and the bytes corresponding to the weapons in the game are entered in it. As a result, we change the byte code and enjoy new weapons.