Vitamin a in what preparations. Vitamin A - where it is found and what it is useful for. Healthy drinks. What herbs contain vitamin A

Vitamins are valuable substances for the human body. That is why it is important for people to use them not only in the form of drugs, but also in the form of food. Which foods have a lot of vitamin A and B will be discussed in the article. Moreover, it is important to use them in the norm, avoiding shortages and overdoses.

The easiest way to get the right vitamins is considered proper nutrition. With them, the necessary components enter the body. To balance the diet, you need to consider which foods have the most vitamins. Each substance has its own value for the body, so they are needed for every person. It is only necessary to take into account the norm.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Retinol is required for the prevention and treatment of diseases of vision, bones, skeleton, mammary glands, respiratory system, cirrhosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Products with this vitamin allow you to normalize metabolic processes in the skin, improve resistance to colds and infections. Therefore, if in everyday life you have to deal with eye strain, then you should know which foods have a lot of vitamin A. In this case, you will need animal and vegetable products.

If retinol is supplied with food in the required amount, then this improves the permeability of cell membranes, the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex. The component improves sexual function, the functioning of the thyroid gland. Food with vitamin A lowers the effect of carcinogens, restores immunity, and suppresses malignant tumors.

Where is vitamin A present?

What foods are high in vitamin A? There is no retinol in plants, but it is in animal products:

  • cream;
  • butter;
  • yolks;
  • kidneys;
  • fermented milk products;
  • fish liver.

What other foods are high in vitamin A? For the treatment of night blindness, dishes from half-baked liver (beef and pork) are used. Retinol is present in fish oil. What foods are high in vitamin A or carotenoids? This component is found in red, orange vegetables, fruits. Carotenodes are converted into retinol in the body. Spinach, parsley, lettuce, tomatoes, red peppers, zucchini are rich in beta-carotene, green pea, cabbage, sea buckthorn. The component is in rose hips, pumpkin, peaches.

Daily rate

To establish the dose of a substance international agreements created the ME unit. Every day, 5000 IU of vitamin A enters the human body with food, which is equal to 1.5 mcg. When compiling a diet, you need to know that the level of retinol is 1/3.

The rest of 2/3 of the daily intake should be supplied to the body with plant products that contain carotene. The biological activity of such food is 2-3 times lower, due to which the consumption of carotenes is compensated by 2-3 times more. There are experts who believe that for prevention and treatment it is possible to exceed the limit level by 3-4 times, but prolonged overdose should be excluded.

Excess and lack of vitamin A

An excess of retinol indicates headache, body itching, nausea, swelling, nervous excitability. With the use of conventional products, an overdose is not observed. If there are signs of excess, then you need to abandon foods with vitamin A, but you need vitamin B.

According to the studies, it was found that due to a prolonged overdose of retinol and fish oil, malignant tumors appear. Retinol tends to accumulate between cell membranes, which contributes to the disruption of their function. An overdose of synthetic drugs is dangerous during pregnancy.

With a lack of vitamin A, there is a violation of the organ of vision, immunity decreases, dry skin, rashes, acne appear. This is evidenced by fragility of hair, roughness of the skin, high fatigue. Due to the lack of products with vitamin A, cellulite appears, work is disrupted nervous system, digestion.

Vitamin B1

This component is necessary for the body in the same way as other vitamins. Its presence will allow the body to function normally. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps convert food into energy. Its presence is required for the health of the skin, hair, muscles, brain.

The daily norm is 1.2 mcg for men and 1.1 mcg for women. But indicators can vary depending on age, lifestyle. Due to the lack of a component, nausea, constipation, insomnia, tearfulness, and deterioration in performance may occur.

Currently, component shortages are rare. Most of all it is present in food. What foods are rich in B vitamins? It is found in plant foods: soybeans, peas, spinach, beans, products based on wholemeal flour. Less thiamine is present in potatoes, cabbage, carrots. From animal products, this valuable component is found in the liver, brains, kidneys, pork and beef meat. Such products should be included in the diet of every person.

Riboflavin. AT 2

It is also called riboflavin. The component is involved in the exchange, is necessary for the normal functioning of the visual system, skin and mucous membranes. It is needed in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Lack of vitamin contributes to a decrease in appetite, pain in the head, burning of the skin. It also causes pain in the eyes.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to include food rich in the menu. For men, 1.2 micrograms of the component will be enough per day, and for women - 1.1 micrograms. Most of all, riboflavin is present in the liver, kidneys, and yeast. A smaller amount is present in eggs and almonds. Also, the substance is in mushrooms, cottage cheese, cabbage.

A nicotinic acid. AT 3

Thanks to vitamin B3, or nicotinic acid, energy is released from all food components. The substance synthesizes proteins, fats, is involved in the production of various hormones. With a shortage, pellagra appears. Symptoms include aggressiveness, dermatitis, distraction, paralysis, and diarrhea. The lack of a substance causes a violation of the intestinal microflora.

To replenish the vitamin for men and women per day, 20 mcg of the component will be enough. It is found in meat, whole grains, mushrooms, potatoes, nuts, egg yolks, and green vegetables. They are rich in yeast.

AT 5

The component is called pantothenic acid. With its help, wounds heal, it synthesizes antibodies and the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is performed. With a deficiency, burning of the legs and other neurological symptoms appear.

The norm for men and women is 5 mcg. The need for this component is satisfied by non-specialized nutrition, since it is found in many animal and plant products. Also, the substance is produced by the body. It is found in peas, hazelnuts, garlic, milk, fish caviar.

Pyrodoxin. AT 6

The component is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. With a lack of pyrodoxine, depression, dermatitis, and loss of appetite are observed. The norm for men is 1.7 mcg, and for women - 1.5 mcg.

What foods are high in vitamin B6? Most of this component is found in hazelnuts, walnuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes. They are rich in vegetables, fruits, berries.

Biotin. AT 7

Biotin releases energy from components that have a calorie content. With a lack of a substance, there will be dermatitis, hair loss, an increase in blood sugar, insomnia, muscle pain.

daily rate for healthy person equal to 30-100 mcg. In small quantities, the component is present in legumes, cauliflower, nuts, yeast, liver, kidneys. Not a large number of substances are found in tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms.

Folic acid. AT 9

Needed in cell division. Due to its deficiency, anemia, apathy, digestive difficulties, memory impairment, graying are observed.

Needed during pregnancy. The daily norm is 200 mcg. Folic acid found in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, legumes, honey, flour products.

AT 12

Cyanocobalamin is essential for making red blood cells and supporting the growth and function of the nervous system. The lack of a component causes indigestion, liver enlargement, and nervous disorders. The daily norm is 3 mcg. The substance comes with food. Therefore, it is important to remember which foods are high in vitamin B 12? This will saturate the body with the necessary substances.

What foods are high in vitamin B12? Most of this substance is found in beef liver. It is also found in chicken hearts, pork liver. What other foods are high in vitamin B12? It is found in seafood and dairy products.

There are many other vitamins important for human health. These include C, PP, D. Each of these substances is necessary for the full development of a person. You should not allow a lack of nutrients so that hypovitaminosis does not appear. Therefore, nutrition should be balanced, which involves the intake of all the necessary substances. Then the body is not threatened by various ailments.

In order not to harm yourself and your children, you should know everything about vitamin A: what it is good for, what it contains, how much and how to take it. This is a substance necessary for the body, but improper uncontrolled use is dangerous to health.

Scientific research it has been proven that the lack of vitamins cannot be filled with any products, it is required to additionally take drugs with their content.

Vitamin A exists in 2 forms: retinol (active) and carotene (provitamin A), each of which has its own subspecies. Retinoids, ready-made vitamins found in animal products, are immediately absorbed by the body.

Provitamins are substances of plant origin that are converted into active ones after oxidative processes occurring in the body. Vitamin A can accumulate in the liver, so daily replenishment of their reserves is not necessary.

Physico-chemical properties of retinol

The vitamin A group includes the following substances:

  • retinol;
  • retinal;
  • retinoic acid;
  • retinol palmitate;
  • retinol acetate.

All forms are found in animal products. In its pure form, retinol is unstable, so the main form is esters. After oxidation, A-aldehyde and retinoic acid are formed in the body. Retinoids do not dissolve in water, decompose under the influence of oxygen and ultraviolet radiation.

Among the carotenoids, the most important is β-carotene, there are more than 500 of them. They are pale yellow in color, which gives the plant pigment. Heat treatment of products somewhat affects the content of provitamin A (up to 30% is lost). More loss from long-term storage in air.

For almost 100 years, artificial preparations have been produced that are immediately absorbed by the body, without requiring transformation by the liver from β-carotene. They are specifically given stability by adding air-absorbing antioxidants to oil solutions.

What is vitamin A useful for, why does the body need it

Retinol is found in many tissues of the body, is involved in their growth and renewal. It helps to synthesize protein - the main building material of the body, promotes proper metabolism. It plays the role of a regulator of the healthy functioning of cells. The presence of vitamin A in the required quantities has a positive effect on the body, increasing the immunity of adults and children.

He participates in such processes occurring in human body:

  1. Forms rhodopsin in the retina. The presence of this pigment allows vision to quickly adapt to the level of illumination.
  2. Promotes the renewal and growth of cartilage and joints.
  3. Protects mucous membranes from infection. The bronchi, nose, intestines, lungs, stomach develop immunity against infectious diseases.
  4. Promotes the production of adrenaline, which is necessary to protect against the ingestion of a foreign body.
  5. Increases the strength of hair and skin, which contributes to the maintenance of youth. Helps to restore tissue after wounds and inflammation.
  6. Supports immune cells to help fight tumors.
  7. With its participation, sex hormones are formed, the embryo grows.

For women

It is especially important for women to provide the body with retinol. Its positive properties affect in such moments:

  1. Promotes conception. If a pregnant woman has a lack of vitamin A, the fetus gains weight more slowly, the risk of congenital diseases increases, and it is more difficult for a woman to bear.
  2. The amount of breast milk increases.
  3. Deficiency provokes the development of female diseases: erosion of the cervix, epithelium of the genital organs.

Has a specific effect on weight loss. It does not burn fats, but increases efficiency, speeds up metabolic processes, promotes rapid recovery after physical exertion.

For children

For a child, the benefits of vitamin A are due to its participation in the formation of bones of the skeleton, teeth, cartilage. If signs of hypovitaminosis are found, children are prescribed drugs containing retinol. It is used for the prevention and treatment of rickets in combination with vitamin D. The disease manifests itself in the chest and early age, characterized by impaired bone formation, insufficient mineralization.

In cosmetology

Beautiful skin, hair, nails are impossible without retinol. It slows down aging, protects against negative external influences. Therefore, cosmetic preparations contain this vitamin. Useful masks from plants, animal products with its content.

Areas of use:

  1. For face. With a deficiency of retinol, the skin flakes off, loses elasticity and tone, and wrinkles appear prematurely. In addition to taking the vitamin inside, they make masks with a liquid preparation, from vegetables and fruits.
  2. Hair is strong and shiny thanks to keratin, in the synthesis of which vitamin A is involved. Shampoos, masks with retinol make hair obedient, elastic, shiny, they fall out less, grow faster.
  3. Eyelashes become thick, voluminous, long. Women use this recipe: mix equal parts of liquid retinol and castor oil, apply to eyelashes, remove with a napkin after 20 minutes. The course lasts up to 3 weeks.
  4. Nails become elastic, grow faster, brittleness and delamination disappear. Lubricate with a liquid preparation, make masks, putting on gloves for half an hour.
  5. On the skin of the hands, preparations with retinol smooth wrinkles, remove cracks, dryness, itching, and flaking. Many special creams are produced or your own is being prepared. Liquid retinol is added to any hand skin care product, mixed. Stored in the refrigerator.

This beneficial effect is due to the fact that vitamin A stimulates the production of collagen, which improves skin elasticity. It also promotes the formation of hyaluronic acid, which fills the tissues with moisture.

The daily requirement is affected by age and gender.

In Russia, the norms indicated in the table are adopted:

In order for retinol to be properly absorbed, the body must have:

  1. A sufficient amount of vitamin E, otherwise the retinol will be destroyed. They are taken together.
  2. B4 - without it, it is poorly absorbed, because. oxidized.
  3. Zinc - without this element is not able to synthesize protein. Substances are interdependent, help the assimilation of each other.

Contribute to the normal absorption of proteins and fats, which are included in the diet.

Signs of vitamin deficiency in the body

Vitamin A deficiency affects the entire body. The eyes are most affected

  • vision drops sharply in low light;
  • dry mucous membrane;
  • eyes watery in the cold, mucus accumulates in the corners;
  • the eyelids turn red;
  • frequent conjunctivitis, cataracts are possible.

Other signs of deficiency:

  1. Hair becomes dry, brittle and falls out.
  2. Dandruff appears in the head.
  3. The skin of the face, hands is dry, flaky, aging prematurely, a rash is possible.
  4. Brittle nails, tooth enamel hypersensitivity.
  5. Digestion is upset, appetite disappears.

The lack of retinol affects the whole body, complicates treatment in case of diseases.

Foods containing vitamin A

Animal products contain active vitamin A - retinol. Vegetables and fruits contain provitamin A - carotene. After entering the body, it is converted into retinol and absorbed. To get 1 unit of retinol, you need 3 times more provitamin A. Therefore, its main source is animal products.

Most retinol in any liver. Per 100 g of the product contains retinoids in the liver, mg:

  • turkeys - 22.6;
  • beef - 9.5;
  • lamb - 7.5;
  • chicken - 4.2.

Superiority holds fish oil produced from cod liver - 30 mg. Much less retinol, up to 1 mg per 100 g of product in chicken eggs, cheeses, cottage cheese, cream and.

Of vegetables and fruits, the leader is carrots (10 mg). The following positions are held by red rowan, parsley, dill, spinach and celery, dried apricots, wild rose, sorrel.

Hypervitaminosis Retinol

From an excess of retinoids, the following phenomena occur in the body:

  • the liver increases;
  • pain in the stomach, joints, head;
  • gastrointestinal upset, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting;
  • flaky, itchy skin;
  • hair fall out.

Retinol supplements should be taken as directed by a physician. Doses should be according to sex, age.

Interaction with other drugs

Retinoids should be used with caution if the person is ill and is being treated with other medications. Some acne medications are detrimental to vitamin A, birth control pills, blood thinners. The simultaneous use of drugs with retinol and alcoholic beverages kills the liver. Prolonged use of tetracyclines and vitamin A provokes hypertension. Retinol antagonists are glucocorticoids. Mineral oil, which is taken as a laxative, dissolves retinol - it is not absorbed by the body.

Other drugs improve its digestibility: vitamins E, B4, zinc.

Harmful properties of vitamin A

The human body accumulates retinol, about 90% is stored in the liver. The substance is capable of causing harm only in case of an overdose, first of all, the liver suffers - its functions are violated, as well as the skin, hair, eyes. Prolonged overdose makes bones and blood vessels brittle.

Especially great harm can bring an excess of vitamin A to the embryo. If you exceed the daily dose, the fetus may experience deformities. Therefore, pregnant women should include liver and oily fish no more than 1 time per week. It is important to have information about the amount of retinol in each product.

For a healthy person, it is risky to consume more than 1500 micrograms of pure vitamin A daily. Many people love multivitamins, consider them only useful, unaware of the potential danger. If you exceed the daily dosage by 1.5-2 times, instead of benefit, there will be harm.

Everyone knows that the benefits of vitamin A for the whole body are very large. Therefore, it is important to consume the required amount of products containing it daily, while taking into account the rules of cooking and storage for better absorption of the vitamin.

According to its composition, vitamin A is classified into substances similar in composition - retinoids and carotenoids, and can be of different origin. The most common and useful substances are retinol and beta-carotene. The former can be obtained from animal products such as meat, liver, chicken eggs, butter and milk, and vegetables and fruits are rich in the second, especially bright colors.

    Retinol is a vitamin of group A, has a high biological activity, therefore it is of great value in human nutrition.

    Beta-carotene, when it enters the body, breaks down into two molecules and gives pure vitamin A, the rest accumulates in the body and remains long time unchanged as a carotenoid, which provides a temporary supply, and if necessary, beta-carotene again produces vitamin A.

What effect does vitamin A have on the body?

The group of vitamins A plays an invaluable role for the whole organism. It improves the functioning of the organs of vision, strengthens bone tissues and the skeleton, improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, promotes the formation of mammary glands, improves metabolism, prevents the occurrence of cancer cells, promotes skin rejuvenation, improves thyroid function, strengthens the immune system, improves hair condition and nails and more. And these are only its main properties, it is possible to list everything for a very long time. Therefore, the daily intake of vitamin A in the diet is necessary for everyone, and especially for people who often suffer from colds and flu, eating disorders, with poor eyesight, as well as with great physical and mental loads, especially children, pregnant and lactating women, athletes.

How much vitamin A should I take per day

The daily average daily intake of vitamin A in the diet for an adult healthy person is 5000 IU, which is 1.5 mg. However, this amount should be adjusted based on a number of characteristics of the organism. It is important to take into account gender, body weight, age, and the presence of diseases. For pregnant and lactating women, vitamin A intake is recommended slightly above the standard norm. For children, the norm is reduced to 800 micrograms.

When using synthetic vitamins, you must follow the instructions where the dose has already been adjusted. Or you should take into account the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed you an individual rate for certain reasons.

What is the danger of vitamin A deficiency in the body

With a lack of vitamin A in the human body, many problems arise:

    vision is reduced, conjunctivitis appears, in some cases the so-called “night blindness” may occur when a person loses the ability to see in low light. In addition, the mucous membrane of the eye dries up, as a result of which pus and mucus accumulate in the corners of the eyes, tearfulness increases, vision becomes clouded;

    there is a drying of the skin, which provokes its accelerated aging;

    hair and scalp dry out, dandruff, seborrhea appear;

    tooth enamel loses its strength, begins to collapse, caries develops;

    the entire digestive system suffers;

    people are more likely to get colds and infectious diseases, more difficult to tolerate them;

    there is insomnia, lack of sleep, exhaustion, general fatigue of the body.

    for women, a lack of vitamin A is fraught with diseases of the reproductive organs;

    In men, potency decreases.

What causes vitamin A deficiency

Improper, malnutrition, frequent diets, diseases of the digestive system contribute to the development of beriberi, in particular, a lack of vitamin A. Also, vitamin A is not absorbed by the body without vitamin E (without it, retinol is rapidly oxidized in the human body). Therefore, you need to use these two vitamins in combination.

However, not only a deficiency of vitamin A, but also its excess has a negative effect on the body.

In this case, a number of negative consequences for the body can be observed, namely:

    the liver and spleen may increase in size;

    there are violations in the functions of the digestive system;

    excessive hair loss occurs, dandruff, seborrhea appears, nails exfoliate and become brittle;

    pigment spots may appear on the skin;

    often an excess of vitamin A is accompanied by nausea;

    failures occur in the female menstrual cycle.

However, it is quite difficult to achieve a supersaturation of the body with vitamin A. This is mainly due to the excessive consumption of synthetic multivitamins. When consuming a large amount of natural products that are rich in the content of vitamins of group A, as a rule, there is no excess. But do not forget that it is absolutely impossible to eat one product for a long time, this can lead to serious irreparable consequences. And if symptoms of an overdose are detected, you should immediately stop consuming foods rich in vitamin A, replacing them with foods rich in vitamin C.

What foods contain vitamin A

Group A vitamins are found in plant and animal products. The largest amount of retinol contains fruits and vegetables that have a bright orange or green color. Vitamin A is rich in liver, butter, bird eggs, fish oil, dairy products. Also, a large percentage of beta-carotene is also found in hawthorn and dandelions. For better absorption of vitamin A by the body, the presence of fat in small doses is necessary. This is necessary in order for the production of gastric juice, which provides the synthesis of ready-made vitamin A, to take place. Tocopherol and choline are also needed for the processing of this group of vitamins. That is why it is recommended to use a small amount of sour cream, vegetable or olive oil as a dressing for vegetable salads.

Interaction of vitamin A with other vitamins and drugs

For better absorption of this group of vitamins, it is recommended to take vitamin E, B, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc together.

Today in pharmacies you can see a wide variety complex vitamins. However, not all of them contain the optimal ratio of trace elements, so their choice should be treated very carefully. You should also not abuse their use, strictly follow the instructions and drink only when necessary, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

IMPORTANT! When taking vitamin A, try to avoid alcohol, as their interaction can cause disturbances in the functioning of the liver, as well as lead to its serious diseases. In addition, when using any vitamin, including group A, you should not use laxatives, as they reduce their absorption (with the exception of herbal laxatives).

How to get better absorption of vitamin A

In order to get the maximum benefit from the consumption of products, you must follow a few rules for their storage and preparation. We already know what vitamin A contains, now let's talk about what is better to do with them.

    In order for beta-carotene to be better absorbed by the body, vegetables are recommended to be boiled or finely chopped. But this rule is not suitable for all products, for example, when cabbage is cooked, the benefits of vitamin A are reduced, so it will be more useful to use it raw.

    The sun's rays and oxygen contribute to the destruction of vitamin A, so it is not recommended to store food in an open place under direct sunlight.

    The benefits of vitamin A will be greater if you cook foods containing beta-carotene and tocopherol together.

    Best steamed or grilled.

    The amount of retinol in milk depends on the season. In spring and summer, it is much more, since only natural fresh herbs are used in feeding cows, artificial additives are used very rarely.

    Fruits are best to choose bright red or orange colors, they contain the highest amount of vitamin A.

Good nutrition provides health to the whole body, improves well-being and mood. It also makes it possible to avoid many diseases and ailments. Therefore, it is important to properly adjust your daily diet and consume all foods in sufficient quantities.

Undoubtedly, it is best to consume not synthetic vitamins, but to get them in natural foods in the diet.

Table of vitamin A content in foods

You can follow this with the help of a special table.

Percent Daily Need

Fish oil (from cod liver)

beef liver

Cod liver (canned)

Rowan red

Parsley (greens)

Egg powder

Chicken egg yolk

Celery (greens)

Dill (greens)

Spinach (greens)

Ghee butter

Sweet butter, unsalted

Caviar black granular

Dandelion leaves (green)

quail egg

Red granular caviar


Rose hip

Sorrel (greens)


Cream powder 42%

carrot juice

Watercress (greens)

cilantro (greens)

Green onion (feather)


Cheese "Camembert"

Cheese "Swiss" 50%

Leaf lettuce (greens)

Cheese "Russian" 50%

Cheese "Roquefort" 50%

Cheese "Cheddar" 50%

Cream 35%

Basil (green)

Chicken egg

Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 45%

Sour cream 30%

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)

Beef kidneys

Cheese "Dutch" 45%

Cheese "Adyghe"

Cheese "Parmesan"

Rowan chokeberry

Sour cream 25%


Cheese (from cow's milk)

Gouda cheese

Processed cheese "Russian"

Cream 20%

Sour cream 20%

Cream 25%

Processed cheese "Sausage"

Milk powder 25%


Milk powder 15%

Tomato (tomato)

Butter cookies

Sulguni cheese"

Chees Feta"

Condensed cream with sugar 19%

Curd 18% (fatty)

Sour cream 15%

ice cream ice cream

Asparagus (greens)

In some cases, in particular on vitamin preparations, the vitamin content is written in IU - international units. In IU, the so-called " biological activity". 1 IU = 0.3 µg of vitamin A, or 0.6 µg of B-carotene. The average daily recommended intake of vitamin A = 1000mcg (1mg), or 3300 IU.

Table of vitamin A content in foodstuffs in mg/100g of the product, and as a percentage of the recommended average daily intake of 1000mcg (1mg).

Products Vitamin A content in mg/100g The content of vitamin A in% to the average daily rate of 1 mg (1000 mcg)
Fish fat 19 1900 5,3
chicken liver 12 1200 8,3
beef liver 8,2 820 12,2
Cod liver 4,4 440 22,7
Lamb liver 3,6 360 27,8
Pork liver 3,4 340 29,4
Beluga caviar granular 1,0 100 100
Acne 0,9 90 111
Quail eggs 0,5 50 200
Butter unsalted 0,5 50 200
Caviar caviar granular 0,45 45 222
chicken eggs 0,35 35 285
Dry cream 0,35 35 285
Cheese "Cheddar" 0,3 30 333
Cheese "Russian" 0,26 26 385
Roquefort cheese 0,25 25 400
Cream 35% 0,25 25 400
Sour cream 30% 0,23 23 435
beef heart 0,23 23 435
Beef kidneys 0,23 23 435
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 0,23 23 435
Cheese "Dutch" 0,2 20 500
Sprats in oil 0,15 15 667
Processed cheese 0,15 15 667
Cheese "Brynza" 0,12 12 833
Fat cottage cheese 0,10 10 1000
Chicken 0,09 9 1110

As a constant source of vitamin A, it is much better to use its provitamin - carotene, which is found in plant foods.


consuming with plant products, carotene accumulates in the human liver, and then, as needed, retinol is synthesized from it. This eliminates the possibility of hypervitaminosis - an excess of vitamin A in the human body with all the negative consequences.


To measure the content of vitamin A in foods, the IU (international unit) is used, which is equivalent to 0.3 micrograms of retinol, or 0.6 micrograms of B-carotene.

What contains B (beta) carotene (about vitamin A). Table.

Product Carotene content: mg/100 gr. product Carotene content: in % of the average daily recommended rate. In parentheses, the amount of product containing daily allowance, in grams.
red carrot 12 600 17
Red pepper 10 500 20
Parsley 9 450 20
Sorrel 8 400 25
Spinach 8 400 25
Rosehip dry 6,5 325 30
Green onion 6 300 35
Soya 6 300 35
Cheremsha 4,2 210 50
Salad 3 150 65
Rosehip fresh 2,6 130 75
viburnum 2,5 125 80
Prunes 2,0 100 100
ground tomatoes 2,0 100 100
Rowan garden 1,8 90 110
apricots 1,6 80 125
Pumpkin 1,5 75 135
Sea ​​buckthorn 1,5 75 135
Dill 1,4 70 140
Rowan chokeberry 1,2 60 165
yellow carrot 1,1 55 180
Sweet green pepper 1,0 50 200
Peas 0,8 40 250
Chanterelles 0,8 40 250
Peaches 0,7 35 285
White cabbage 0,6 30 335
Melon 0,4 20 500
Brussels sprouts 0,3 15 670
Plum 0,3 15 670
Blackberry 0,3 15 670
Sweet potato 0,3 15 670
sea ​​kale 0,2 10 1000
Raspberries 0,2 10 1000
Red currants 0,2 10 1000
Black currant 0,1 5 2000
red cabbage 0,1 5 2000
kohlrabi cabbage 0,1 5 2000
Watermelon 0,1 5 2000
cucumbers 0,06 3 3350

It is necessary to use products containing carotene with the addition of oil, for better absorption, since vitamin A is fat-soluble.

Importance of vitamin A content in foods.

- enzymes necessary for the formation of connective tissue, bones, cartilage; also hyaluronic acid - the main intercellular substance.

- liver enzymes;

- taurine - is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, has an anti-calcium effect (deposited on the walls of blood vessels);

- synthesis of proteins in muscle tissue;

– synthesis of DNA, RNA, collagen molecules;

- glycoproteins that are part of the intercellular membranes;

- sex hormones;

- formation of the immune system;

– enzymes that prevent premature aging of the skin;

- an enzyme in the retina involved in "twilight vision".

- growth, formation of skin and bone tissue, retina;

- reproduction processes;

In addition, due to its structure, this vitamin interacts with free radicals, that is, it has an antioxidant effect, and also enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin E. This fact emphasizes the importance of the vitamin A content in food.

Deficiency (hypovitaminosis and beriberi) of vitamin A.

The earliest symptom of vitamin deficiency is reduced adaptation to low light. Or "night blindness". Various lesions of the skin (dermatitis), the intestinal mucosa (before the formation of ulcers), the genitourinary system (infection), bronchitis may begin to appear. Eye diseases associated with a decrease in tearing (wetting the eye). Decreased immunity, inhibition of reproductive function. Growth retardation in children. All these negative factors affecting the human body are due to a lack of vitamin A in food. This vitamin is most needed for pregnant and lactating women.

Too much vitamin A

This vitamin belongs to the group of fat-soluble, and therefore, unlike water-soluble, can accumulate in the body. This should be remembered by those who regularly use synthetic vitamins and fortified dietary supplements. Daily intake of vitamin in the amount of 4000 IU per 1 kg of body weight, for a period of six months to 12-15 months, causes chronic poisoning. In this case, the following symptoms appear: inflammation of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, enlarged liver, nausea, pain in the joints is possible. An excess of the vitamin can cause brittle bones. This highlights the importance of taking into account the content of vitamin A in food, especially in dietary supplements consumed by humans.

Daily requirement of vitamin A.

The daily requirement for vitamin A ranges from 400 micrograms in childhood to 1500 micrograms for lactating women. Adolescents from 9 to 13 years old are recommended about 700 micrograms, adults - about 1000 micrograms of vitamin per day.

Vitamins are called organic matter different chemical structure. They are coenzymes, catalysts for normal life, with their lack, the development of pathologies is inevitable. Translated from the Latin "vita" means life, which further emphasizes the important role of vitamins for humans. Today, science knows 13 essential vitamins, which are denoted by Latin letters. Opens the scientific range of healing components of vitamin A, or retinol. Vitamin A is involved in metabolic processes, in tissue regeneration, and has an antioxidant effect. Thanks to retinol, you have healthy skin, shiny hair, strong nails and a radiant look. However, do not rush to run to the pharmacy window and stock up on vitamin A for the future - the excess of a substance in the body is much worse than its deficiency.

This material will talk about a reasonable attitude to nutrients, we will figure out how vitamin A is called differently, what foods it is found in, and whether retinol should be taken additionally in a synthetic form. Below is another helpful information on this topic.

History: experiments, discoveries, Nobel Prize

History gave primacy in the discovery and description of retinol to American scientists. Since 1913, at Yale (scientists - L. Mendel and T. Osborne) and Wisconsin (scientists - E. McCollum and M. Davis) universities, interesting medical experiments have been carried out in parallel on mice, the descriptions of which have interested both biologists and chemists. Researchers have found that butter and chicken yolks contain unknown biological components, without which life stops. Historical descriptions tell about the content of the experiments: experimental mice were fed with the necessary food structures - proteins (casein), fats, carbohydrates (starch), sugars (lactose) and salt (sodium chloride). It would seem that a balanced diet for 2 months led mice to death - they suffered from diarrhea and various eye pathologies.

Scientists have identified 2 additional factors for life support:

  1. The class of fat-soluble factors A, which, in addition to retinol, included calciferols and tocopherol.
  2. A class of water-soluble factors B, which now includes vitamins of the B group.

Work on the properties and discovery of the coenzyme continued, and was awarded Nobel Prize twice:

  • in 1937 Paul Carrer from Switzerland became the laureate, author chemical formula and descriptions of the structure of vitamin a (retinol);
  • in 1967, the prize was awarded to George Wald, who described the effect of vitamin A (retinol) on visual functions.

In the instructions for a synthetic drug, vitamin A has and Latin name– Retinol. In fact, this is the same structure with an identical formula and action.

There are synonyms for the name of vitamin A, in different sources it is called:

  • dehydroretinol;
  • retinol;
  • antixerophthalmic vitamin;
  • anti-infective vitamin.

Physicochemical characteristics

There are also natural “depots” of carotenoids, from which a person will subsequently receive an active form of vitamin A. There are α (alpha), γ (gamma) and β (beta) carotene, all these are precursors of vitamin A. Retinol itself is unstable, quickly decomposes under the influence of air , light and thermal influences.

Gaps in knowledge of chemistry and physics have been eliminated, now we are analyzing what retinol (vitamin A) is needed for.

How it works

Vitamin A performs the following functions in the human body:

  1. Participates in metabolic functions, in the processes of oxidation and reduction.
  2. Regulates protein and steroid synthesis.
  3. It activates the growth and formation of spermatozoa.
  4. Has antitumor properties.
  5. Responsible for normal metabolism.
  6. Participates in the formation of bone and lipid tissue.
  7. Promotes cellular regeneration, improves the condition of the skin.
  8. Stimulates the growth of hair, nails, increases their resistance to harmful effects.
  9. Increases the body's resistance to pathogenic invasions.
  10. Removes free radicals.
  11. Fights infections.
  12. Necessary for the harmonious formation of the fetus.
  13. Through the formation of rhodopsin, regulates vision at dusk.
  14. Protects the mucous membrane of the eye from drying out, thereby preventing inflammation of the cornea.

Synthetic retinol in the composition of the oil solution of retinol acetate has all of the above properties. With the help of various dosage forms of retinol (vitamin A), they treat skin diseases, appoint it as part of complex therapy for diseases of the lungs and intestines.

The regenerating properties of carotenoids and retinol are widely used in the cosmetic industry. What is the task of simple vitamin A in cosmetology? You will be surprised - it stimulates collagen. A sufficient amount of collagen in the skin can significantly improve appearance and significantly “push back” old age. This valuable property makes the substance extremely interesting for women. That is why dietary supplements, which contain beta carotene (English - beta carotene), vitamin A and other carotenoids, are always in deserved demand.

Reviews of cosmetologists and dermatologists about products with retinol are only positive. Experts note that retinol acetate accelerates the healing of wounds and skin cracks, eliminates sagging and dry skin, and improves turgor. The reviews of ordinary women who use an oil solution of vitamin A topically are also interesting - to improve the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. They say they don't need extensions.

4 reasons to love carotenoids even more

  • Provitamin beta-carotene (this is the same vitamin A) and carotenoids contribute to the prevention of metastases, therefore, after radical removal of oncological tumors, they must be present in the patient's diet. They also influence the main biochemical processes.
  • The carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein contribute to the prevention of cataracts, stop the degenerative processes of the macula, helping to protect a person from blindness.
  • Betacarotene, retinoids and carotenoids protect the brain from free radical attack, help maintain a clear mind, perform a transport function, and help supply the brain with oxygen.
  • The well-known "tomato" carotenoid lycopene protects against cancer, activates the functions of the immune system, dissolves cholesterol plaques, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It also stimulates the production of tryptophan, which is responsible for the future hormone of happiness - serotonin.

We told what role vitamin A plays in the body, we think we have given quite significant facts. Now consider what negative functions are inherent in vitamin A.

Watch the video with Elena Malysheva:

Not always helpful

The positive properties of retinol (vitamin A) are obvious, but do not give in to an emotional impulse and do not buy all kinds of supplements in an effort to be very healthy and forever young.

Warning: too much vitamin A is dangerous to your health!

We hear objections - they say that the sun is an infrequent visitor in our latitudes, therefore retinol itself may not be formed from the provitamin, where is the overdose! We will not object, our skin, where vitamin A is formed, should be at least slightly exposed to sunlight. There is no other way to process. Let's give an argument - if you are a vegan, do not eat fatty fish, cod liver, caviar - you really have nowhere else to take provitamins, retinoids and carotenoids, even retinol deficiency is possible.

And if you are an ordinary consumer with a normal income and a varied diet, then the above delicacies will provide the body with enough vitamin A without the novelties of modern pharmacology.

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the eyes.
  2. Liver pathologies - steatosis, hepatitis.
  3. Violations of the transport function of the blood.
  4. Decreased bone density, spontaneous fractures.
  5. In pregnant women - pathologies of fetal development.
  6. Yellowing, peeling of the skin and mucous membranes.
  7. Toxic damage to the kidneys.
  8. intracranial hypertension.

In acute poisoning with retinol and its derivatives, convulsions, vomiting, nausea occur, and paralysis subsequently develops.

Interesting fact. In 1597, a group of polar explorers developed serious poisoning associated with an overdose of retinol. It is connected with the fact that people ate the liver of a polar bear.

The lack of vitamin A and its derivatives provokes night blindness, the condition of hair and skin worsens, the urinary and respiratory systems suffer. People with a deficiency of retinol look older than their biological age, men have a reduced libido, and women develop amenorrhea.

Subtleties of deficiency and excess

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts - an excess of retinol and an excess of beta-carotene.

  • Beta-carotene, this is the initial form of vitamin A, performs an antioxidant function and is really necessary for us. But of the 12 molecules of beta-carotene substance, only one is involved in the synthesis of vitamin A, the functions of which we need. All the other 11 molecules "work" in a completely different way. Even an increased dosage of beta-carotene will not lead to an overabundance of retinol. The only symptomatic manifestations of such a glut are yellow sunburn-like skin.
  • Retinol is not only synthesized from provitamins, but also enters the human body from animal products - poultry, fish, offal, vegetable oils, fish oil and others. 100 grams of beef liver contains an increased amount - 9 daily norms of retinol! We also replenish our vitamin reserves with bioadditives and pharmaceutical vitamin preparations. Therefore, an overdose is likely, it should be feared.

We draw the right conclusions - in order to determine whether a pharmacological analogue of vitamin A is right for you, you need to know:

  • daily requirement for vitamin A;
  • to determine the need for a medical method - to do a biochemical blood test for the content of vitamins.

Read more about deficiency and overdose symptoms here:

How much and to whom

Before embarking on the painstaking calculation of vitamin A in the foods that you eat, let's look at the units of measurement of a valuable substance.

Various pharmacological campaigns and manufacturers food products indicate the content of retinol in different units. The most common value is micrograms (mcg), there are also International Units (IU), incomprehensible International Units - IU, and completely incomprehensible designations of the retinol equivalent - μg RE.

It is not easy even for a doctor to understand these intricacies, therefore we present a formula that will greatly facilitate the task: 12 micrograms of beta-carotene is 1 microgram, or 1 microgram of RE, or 3.33 IU, or 3.33 IU of retinol.

Based on the formula, you can easily determine how much vitamin you are actually consuming. Now look at table 1, which shows the daily "retinol" requirement.

Table 1. Information on the daily requirement for retinol.

Keep the table for yourself, and always be guided by this data when buying pharmaceutical vitamin preparations and dietary supplements.


Retinol β-carotene Retinyl/Retinol Acetate Retinyl/Retinol Propionate Retinyl/Retinol Palmitate Pro-Vitamin Carotenoid Blend

Substance form

IU mg mcg g

Decimals in the result


IU conversion ⇄ g/mg/mcg (developed by pharmacists and doctors based on reliable data)

Products to help

Vitamin A and provitamins contained in nature are more needed by the body than synthetic counterparts. If the diet is properly balanced, you will not have to spend money on dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals, since you will get the necessary amount of nutrients from food. In Table 2 we provide a small list of common foods, with the greatest content vitamin A.

The product's nameThe amount of vitamin A in 100 grams (unit - mcg)% of daily requirement
Liver (beef)8367 840%
canned cod liver4400 440%
Butter/sweet butter450 / 650 45% / 63%
Melted butter670 67%
Chicken yolk925 93%
Black caviar / red caviar550/ 450 55% / 45%
Carrot / carrot juice2000 / 350 200% / 35%
Parsley950 95%
red rowan1500 150%
green onion / leek330 / 333 30%/33%
Hard cheese280 28%
Sour cream260 26%
pumpkin, sweet pepper250 25%

In animal products, vitamin A is found in the form of retinol, in plant products - in the form of beta-carotene. Therefore, when compiling the menu, do not forget about a possible overdose. Just do not eat caviar with spoons.

Synthetic analogues and bioadditives - where and what to buy

If you are suffering from a deficiency and the doctor has recommended you an additional intake of vitamin A, it is difficult to choose from the available range of pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements - the range is too large. Well, if the doctor recommends something specific, tablet or injectable forms of the drug, then you will be prescribed a prescription, and you won’t have to make your own choice.

Vitamin A is available in the form of capsules, dragees, tablets, capsules for injection. For external use for medicinal purposes, retinoic ointment is used. The pharmacy chain also sells concentrated retinol preparations in the form of an oil solution and fish oil. Since retinol is fat-soluble, the base base of the drugs is often oily. IN last years water-soluble forms have also been developed and applied. If for some reason you like the water-soluble option, discuss it with your doctor - he will adjust your diet so that the drug is absorbed as much as possible.

An excellent supplement and assistant to vitamin A is tocopherol or vitamin E. It stimulates the absorption of retinol, however, tocopherol should not be in excess. In this case, carotenoids are leveled. Vitamin D also slows down the absorption process - the joint intake of calciferol and retinol is undesirable.

Of the trace elements, zinc is the most important for the absorption of vitamin A. If there is not enough zinc, vitamin A will be inactivated and there will be no benefit from it.

In combination with vitamin C, retinol works great helping to absorb iron. This circumstance is extremely important in the treatment iron deficiency anemia. When adjusting the patient's diet, the doctor must necessarily mention the importance of vitamins A and C for the treatment of anemia.

There are modern antioxidant preparations, where vitamins and minerals are combined harmoniously. Vitamin A is part of antioxidant preparations with selenium (A, E, C + selenium), iron, zinc, they are often prescribed by doctors as part of the complex therapy of many diseases.