OJSC CK Alliance Life. Reviews about the Allianz life insurance company. Life insurance in SK Alliance Rosno Life

Alliance ROSNO Life company is an organization specializing in pension, savings and various life insurance options. In 2013 was renamed Allianz Life.

Ensuring operational efficiency in the insurance company Alliance ROSNO Life

Insurance Company The ROSNO Life Alliance offers several programs to ensure health, life and accident protection. The Risk Control product allows you to determine a convenient currency for paying for your policy. Provides the following risks:

  • injury: loss of performance;
  • accident: disability;
  • accident: death.

When the first two situations occur, the amount of compensation is calculated according to the tariffs determined for each disability group or type of injury. In case of the latter, the full amount of insurance coverage is paid. There is an age requirement for clients - up to 65 years. The policy validity period is one year.

Other products in this direction are represented by the following programs:

  • Risk control for children - the ability to issue a policy for a child over 1 year old;
  • The ABC of protection - provides, in addition to the above, such risks as diagnosis of a fatal disease, partial or complete loss of ability to work, as well as death from any cause;
  • Alliance Club - intended for clients involved in sports, who are members of a sports section, club, going to camps, etc.

Life insurance in SK Alliance ROSNO Life

SK Alliance ROSNO Life offers a life support program that makes it possible to receive advice from foreign medical centers without traveling abroad (additional free service), and also involves the return of part of the fees paid by the client at the end of the contract. It covers the following risks:

  • survival;
  • death by accident or from any cause;
  • diagnosing a fatal disease;
  • sustaining severe injuries due to injuries;
  • hospitalization.

The client can enter into a contract for a period of 10 to 20 years, if he is under 55 years old, and also include two children aged two years or older in the policy.

Savings programs LLC SK Alliance ROSNO Life

SK Alliance ROSNO Life LLC offers several long-term insurance services. In this case, the client receives coverage against the occurrence of injury, disability, loss of ability to work or death. If the client survives until the contract term, the client will receive the full amount of insurance coverage. A citizen under the age of 60 can take out insurance for any period and by choosing a currency. The program also provides for changes in the level of inflation and indexes contributions. Using this service, you can also receive payments to repay the loan in the event of an insurance situation.

In addition, you can enter into an agreement to create savings for children (from 1 year). The contract is signed for a period of 5 to 30 years, the client should not be more than 75 years old at the time of its expiration. In the event of the client's death, the child will receive a payment at the end of the policy. If the client survives until this period, coverage is issued to him. As part of the program, you can additionally take out accident insurance policies for yourself and your child.

Investment products LLC Alliance ROSNO Life

For clients wishing to invest their funds to generate income, Alliance ROSNO Life (LLC) has developed the Alliance Active+ program, which offers the following opportunities:

  • fluctuations stock market will not affect investments;
  • investment management in the long term to obtain greater returns;
  • choice investment strategy or combination (currencies, gold, oil, RTS index).

In addition, the client receives the security inherent in a life insurance product.

Pension programs Alliance ROSNO Life

As part of the pension provision, the ROSNO Life Alliance operates a program designed for women up to 54 years of age and men up to 59 years of age and which allows you to determine the amount of future pension payments. You can also expect to receive a certain income from the company's investments. The client will receive a pension monthly upon reaching the legally required age or in the event of disability. In the latter case, the citizen is also released from the obligation to make contributions.

The Golden Time product allows you to combine the size and order of payments (for life, at a time or over a certain period). As part of the project, the client can determine the period from which he will begin to receive this pension, without waiting for the required age. If the client dies before the end of the policy, all funds contributed by him will go to the heirs, and the company will also pay a portion of the income from its investments. The program can include an additional clause of protection against disability, which provides exemption from mandatory payment of contributions.

Alliance ROSNO - life insurance Our dear mothers and grandmothers, do not let unscrupulous people deceive you! 5 years ago, after the end of her deposit at the bank, my mother was offered life insurance from Alliance. Life, promising a good financial return compared to a bank deposit. It is difficult for an elderly person to understand all the intricacies of the proposed contract, but she believed the nice and polite employees and signed the contract. As a result, the money had to be kept in the insurance company for 5 years, since in case of early termination, it lost...

About a year ago, our company entered into a corporate agreement with the Alliance Life company, which included outpatient services, home care, and inpatient care. In February 2017, our employee in the direction of an orthopedist (insured event) asked for help at hospital No. 31. Upon his visit, an invoice was issued with a request to pay for consumables for the operation. Then a colleague contacted IC "Alliance Life" to clarify the current situation, why he should...

One of the cars was insured with this company under the MTPL program in 2013, after the program increased in price in 2015, I noticed that the discount for me was only 10%, instead of 40%. I contacted the company: “On what basis were changes not made to the database?” Answer: “Gather a bunch of documents or issue a policy with us.” I think all these tricks are complete ignorance. I am ready to file a lawsuit in court. It's a shame.

In 2011, I contacted a branch of Alfa Bank with the intention of opening a deposit; bank employees began to praise a very profitable long-term deposit for 5 years in investment company Alliance Strategy Rosno for the Life Insurance program. The work is done by “professionals”, a very profitable investment. I made a mistake and believed these arguments, entered into an agreement in the amount of 1 million 100 thousand rubles, and in the event of early termination of the agreement, I lose up to 30 percent of the invested amount. 5 years have passed and finally...

Investment program of SK Alliance-Life. Premium package. Together with VTB 24 Bank - They are scamming pensioners and suckers. Invest 350,000 for 3 years - at the end you get the same 350,000 + 1% And if you want to withdraw your hard-earned money earlier, you will get even less. They put all the profits in their pockets.

Guys, my dears! I express my gratitude to you - words cannot describe. Thanks to the financial consultant, Veronica Korchebnova, who was able to convince me of the need to protect my life. Thanks for explaining the cost of living. My difficult financial hole would not allow me to bury my husband, since we did not prepare for such grief. He was a fan of fishing, and we didn’t even think that this passion would be deadly for him. He drowned after going through the ice on October 29, 2015. There was great grief. The last three...

The lie starts from the first call. They are not offering the job of a free agent-swindler by agreement, but a permanent job as the head of a new sales department with registration and a monthly salary plus% (then it turns out that there is no trace of such vacancies there). They invite you to a training where they hardly talk about the insurance product (and it’s not really an insurance product, as it turns out), they only teach psychological impact to a potential client. About the exact cost of the product and the specific benefit of the client on the first day...

For many years now I have been insuring my vehicles (and not only) at OJSC IC Alliance. I bought the policies regularly, paid the money and there were no complaints from me, nor any inconvenience for Allianz. Allianz accident insurance policy Seat belt. I was injured, went to the emergency room, my leg was in a cast... The result was temporary disability. Back on September 24, 2014, my documents + application were accepted, 10 days have long passed, as well as 30! I believe that my rights have been violated...

I have been insuring my car at IC Alliance for many years (CASCO and OSAGO). In September I had to apply for CASCO insurance because a stone hit the windshield. An Alliance employee offered a list of glass replacement companies with which they cooperate. When we called them, it turned out that at Alliance's request, they supply only the cheapest Chinese ones - the benefit for Alliance is obvious. Moreover, from the list presented, I did not find these workshops at addresses in my area. They simply aren't there! That is, the Alliance provides unverified...

We bought comprehensive insurance for a 2012 car. The car is serviced and under warranty in Major; accordingly, there is an agreement with the Alliance for repairs, precisely in this service center. When an insured event occurred, they considered the application for 1 month and lost the application. Then they started sending only to their service centers or wait. It’s like they don’t have any places in the major now. We waited for 3 months, a lot of statements and no sense. They decided to take the money, and now for 2 months they have been considering the decision to transfer the money...

I was against life insurance. My wife opened a life insurance policy in secret from me. My wife at that time was 41 years old, she is a smart girl. Accountant with 20 years of experience. Understanding everything in numbers and percentages, she thought about the financial well-being of our children, as well as about her future. Trouble came to us from nowhere. Incorrect diagnosis and treatment of influenza. The wife passed away in three days. Doctors fought for her life until the last moment. But at 42, my wife and mother passed away. A month later, sorting out...

Hello, I contacted my direct loss settlement company. Case No. 07113. I hoped that my client would not be “dumped” after all. It didn't work out. They threw it very painfully. After an accident, the entire front of the car was smashed. Bumper, two headlights, hood, two fog lights, right fender, coolant radiator. engine, air conditioner radiator, engine mounts, left mirror. Opel Astra car. I expected to receive about 100,000 rubles. Although this amount will not cover the damage. When a company employee announced a payment of...

Dear spiteful critics! By speaking on this site you: a) are wasting your time and b) look very stupid like small yard mongrels who always bark for no reason or without reason. I am writing here because I work for this company, it’s a shame for the country)) offended former employees- be offended by yourself, and rely only on yourself, just like in any other job. Offended customers, yes, there are plenty of them everywhere, these are just illiterate people who haven’t weighed anything for themselves, didn’t understand the product and didn’t compare, here...

I express my boundless gratitude for the work done to pay the insured event! Your generous payment of 130 rubles disappeared completely unnoticeably into the amount spent on restoring the part (7,000 rubles), but you certainly helped us! Well done. Thank you! After the amount was announced we had a good laugh. Thank you that there are clowns like you!

Dear friends! Much has been written about all companies. Some good, some not so good. I have been a client of Alliance Life for a year now. I started by purchasing an inexpensive policy. During the meeting and acquaintance with Veronica Nikolaevna Zainullina, I did not feel any tension. We talked about business. I realized that life is a roulette wheel. Today it's fine, but tomorrow it's all cloudy! And then six months later I had an injury. And imagine my surprise when Veronica herself (being the head of the department) compiled and provided...

Steam, steam, steam. The biggest advantage of life insurance is that, firstly, it’s very difficult to “sell” here, and secondly, it still won’t give you a decent income, no matter how hard you try. You need to understand the company’s products yourself, believe in them and try to help people, or “cheat the simpletons” for 200-1000 rubles. commissions. In 2010, I read an interview with one of the top managers of the NSG. The idea was expressed that it would be more profitable for them to have 100 amateur agents than 10 professionals. At first it seemed crazy...
  1. Call the Allianz Life call center within 30 days from the day you became aware of the occurrence of an insured event:
    8 800 100-0545 for free calls from regions
    +7 495 232-0100 for calls from Moscow
    Provide the name of the Insured, policy number, date of the insured event and diagnosis. You can also contact any office of the company, your financial advisor, or send an email to [email protected]

  2. Fill out an application for insurance payment indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of the Insured, Policy number, date and circumstances of the occurrence of the insured event, the desired method of receiving insurance payment, indicating all the necessary details. The application form is contained in this brochure, as well as on the website allianzlife.ru or in the Allianz Life offices.

  3. Collect a package of documents to receive insurance compensation - the company’s employees will tell you how to do this correctly.

  4. Submit the signed application and package of documents for examination to the nearest Allianz Life office or send by mail to the head office address. You can always find out about the progress of the examination by calling the call center.

  5. After the examination you will receive a notification letter from Allianz Life about the decision taken and the amount of insurance payment. The insurance payment is made by transfer to a personal bank account ( bank card) to the details specified by you in the application for insurance payment or to the balance of the insurance contract.

Documents for receiving insurance payment:

  • According to the risk of partial disability (injury):
  1. A copy of the first page of the Policy
  2. Certificate from the trauma center
  3. X-rays (in case of bone trauma)
  4. Certificate of incapacity for work
  • According to the risk of primary diagnosis of critical illnesses:
  1. A copy of the first page of the Policy
  2. A copy of the identity document of the Insured
  3. Extract from the medical record of an outpatient or inpatient* (discharge summary)
  4. The original patient's outpatient card or an extract from the patient's outpatient card*, containing information about all requests for medical care before concluding an insurance contract
  • According to the risks of disability:
  1. A copy of the first page of the Policy
  2. A copy of the identity document of the Insured
  3. Conclusion of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on the establishment of a disability group
  4. Extract from the examination report of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise
  5. Extract from the medical record of an outpatient or inpatient* (discharge summary)
  • According to the risk of death:
  1. Original Policy
  2. Copy of the Beneficiary's identity document
  3. Death certificate issued by the Civil Registry Office
  4. Medical death certificate
  5. A copy of the pathological autopsy report or a statement from relatives refusing an autopsy
  6. Post-mortem epicrisis* (in case of death in medical institution)
  7. The original of the patient's outpatient card or an extract from the patient's outpatient card*, containing information about all requests for medical care before the conclusion of the insurance contract
  8. A copy of the certificate of entry into inheritance rights (if the policy does not indicate a Beneficiary)
  • According to survival risk:
  1. Original Policy
  2. A copy of the identity document of the Insured
  • In case of an accident (if registration is required by law):
  1. Protocol from the accident scene
  2. Resolution in a case of an administrative offense or a ruling on refusal to initiate a case of an administrative offense
  3. Resolution on recognition as a victim
  4. Resolution to initiate a criminal case or a resolution to refuse to initiate a criminal case
  5. Resolution to suspend criminal proceedings
  6. Resolution to terminate the criminal case
  7. The verdict of the court of first instance, which entered into legal force
  8. Other documents from law enforcement agencies
  • In case of an accident at work:

Extract from the ATS protocol, report on an accident and/or at work.

* the extract (epicrisis) must contain the full name, age, full diagnosis, description of the studies performed, description of the prescribed and carried out treatment, terms of treatment, data on intoxication (alcohol, drugs, toxic) at the time of application. The extract (epicrisis) must be signed by the chief physician or other authorized person and certified by the seal of the medical institution.