Top insurance companies for OSAGO. Which insurance company is best? Principles of compiling official and independent ratings, difficulties of an objective approach

6.04.2017 at 18:09 · pavlofox · 7 350

Rating of insurance companies for OSAGO 2016-2017 by payments

The OSAGO system, operating in Russia and the CIS countries, is designed to protect the health and property of drivers. The car insurance market is represented by a large number of organizations. Many of them suffer losses, lose their licenses and as a result leave the OSAGO insurance system. To help determine the choice of the best insurer, we offer our readers a rating of insurance companies for OSAGO (2016-2017) in terms of payments and reliability. The list includes 10 organizations that have been assigned the highest level of reliability "A++" by the national rating agency.

10. Consent

The company entered the insurance market in 1985. Today it provides about 90 types of insurance services. Many domestic and foreign funds are its reinsurers. The company has an extensive sales network, which includes 630 divisions throughout Russia. The head office of the organization is located in Moscow.

In 2016, the company received 33,210,900 thousand rubles of insurance premiums, payments for the same year amounted to 20,480,963 thousand rubles. The payout ratio is 61.67%.


It is ranked 9th among insurance companies in terms of OSAGO payments and reliability. It is one of the backbone companies. The company provides services in 60 types of insurance and has a wide regional network, represented by 35 branches. The organization has repeatedly entered the Top 10 largest insurers in Russia.

At the end of 2016, the company received proceeds in the amount of 22,960,771 thousand rubles, with payments in the amount of 12,157,361 thousand rubles. The payout ratio was 52.95%.


On the 8th line in the rating of insurance companies for OSAGO 2016-2017 in terms of payments is located. This is one of the largest Russian insurance companies, consistently ranked among the top ten insurers. Ingosstrakh is one of the domestic backbone insurance companies.

The organization exists in the insurance market since 1947. The authorized capital is more than 17 billion rubles. The company provides a full range of existing insurance services throughout the country. The insurer is represented in 220 cities of Russia and has a number of subsidiaries operating in the near and far abroad.

In 2016, the company's payments amounted to 39,988,537 thousand rubles, while the amount of receipts was 86,629,301 thousand rubles. The payout ratio of Ingosstrakh is 46.16%.

7. MAX

The seventh place in the list of the best insurance companies for OSAGO in 2016-2017 in terms of payments is "MAX". The company was established in 1992 and today is included in the list of backbone domestic insurance organizations. Since 2004, MAKS has consistently received the highest reliability level of A++.

At the end of 2016, the company's income amounted to 12,271,183 thousand rubles, and payments - 7,779,195 thousand rubles. The payout ratio is 63.39%.

"MAKS" has the smallest percentage of refusals, but at the same time, the amount of average payments is much lower than the average market price.


SOGAZ ranks 6th in the rating of insurance companies for OSAGO 2016-2017 in terms of payments. It is one of the largest Russian insurance companies with authorized capital more than 25 billion rubles. Sogaz has been holding the second place in terms of the amount of insurance premiums received for several years in a row. The company was founded in 1993 as one of Gazprom's subsidiaries.

In 2016, the insurer received 142,818,632 thousand rubles of premiums. For the same period, payments amounted to 71,359,949 thousand rubles.

5. VTB Insurance

"VTB Insurance" is a large backbone company that is consistently included in the rating of insurers under OSAGO in terms of payments. Founded in 2000. Provides a wide range of insurance services. The company operates throughout Russia and is represented by 39 branches.

Last year, the company received 62,096,404 thousand rubles and paid out 12,689,184 thousand rubles. The payout ratio was 20.43%.

4. VSK

On the 4th place in the rating of insurance companies for OSAGO 2016-2017 in terms of payments is "VSK" is one of the largest Russian insurers. The company was founded in 1992. Engaged in the provision of more than 100 types of insurance services. The company operates throughout the country and is represented by 91 branches and more than 600 additional offices. Known for the fact that she received gratitude for her activities from the President of Russia three times.

In 2016, the company received 53,713,595 thousand rubles of insurance premiums. Payments amounted to 26,113,912 thousand rubles.

3. RESO-Guarantee

"RESO-Garantia" ranks 3rd in the list of insurance companies for OSAGO 2016-2017 in terms of payments and is one of the largest backbone insurance organizations. The company was founded in 1991. It has a wide regional network, consisting of 800 branches and additional offices.

The company's income in 2016 amounted to 88,347,700 thousand rubles, and payments - 42,537,574 thousand rubles. The payout ratio is 48.15%.


The company started working in the insurance services market in 1992 and did not immediately enter the top ten organizations. AlfaStrakhovanie has 270 regional offices and offers more than 100 insurance services to both organizations and individuals. The company's clients are more than 9 million legal entities and individuals.

In 2016, the company's income amounted to 62,768,547 thousand rubles, and payments - 28,909,447 thousand rubles. The payout ratio is thus 46.06%.


The first place in the rating of OSAGO insurers in terms of payments is occupied by the largest domestic company, the leader in terms of insurance premiums received. It has 83 branches throughout Russia and more than 400 claims settlement points. The percentage of payment refusals is more than 3%, the amount of payments for insurance events to motorists is higher than the average market price.

What else to see:

Company Expert rating Year of foundation Agency rating
AlphaInsurance 5 RUB 47.8 billion 1992 A++
Important New insurance 57 RUB 1.3 billion 2002 B+
VSK 6 RUB 37.7 billion 2002 A++
Geopolis 76 RUB 0.6 billion 1993 A
Euro-Policy 44 RUB 2.2 billion 1992 A+
ZHASO 13 RUB 13.0 billion 1991 A++
Zetta (Zurich) 44 RUB 2.2 billion 1993 A
Ingosstrakh 20 RUB 6.3 billion 1947 A++
Liberty 44 RUB 2.2 billion 1993 A+
MAX 44 RUB 2.2 billion 1992 A++
MSC 11 RUB 16.5 billion 1992 A+
MSC 14 RUB 1.4 billion 1992 A
USC 32 RUB 2.8 billion 1990 A+
BET 40 RUB 2.3 billion 1992 A+
Regionguarantor 64 RUB 1.0 billion 1994 A+
Renaissance 44 RUB 2.2 billion 1997 A++
RESO-Garantia 10 19.5 billion rubles 1991 A++
Rosgosstrakh RUB 1,129.9 billion 1921 A++
Soviet 63 RUB 1.1 billion 1993 B
SOGAZ RUB 2,105.2 billion 1993 A++
Agreement 8 RUB 33.9 billion 1993 A++
Surgutneftegaz 27 RUB 4.0 billion 1996 A+
Tinkoff 67 RUB 1.0 billion 1993 A
UralSib 12 RUB 15.8 billion 1993 A++
ENERGOGARANT 16 RUB 9.3 billion 1992 A++
ERGO Rus 23 RUB 5.2 billion 1990 A+
Yugoria 21 RUB 6.2 billion 1997 A

In essence, the rating is a scholastic comparison of particularly important indicators and parameters of an insurance company. The Expert RA agency determines the indicators of insurance companies (the level of unprofitability of the CASCO direction, the level of payments, the percentage of refusals for CASCO, etc.) on this moment and perspective.

Based on the data obtained, the ratings of an insurance company are confirmed.

Insurance company ratings

The system of compulsory civil liability insurance, or OSAGO, is used not only in the CIS countries, but also in many other states. The main purpose of such a system is to protect the property of people and the health of drivers and passengers of vehicles. The main difference between the OSAGO insurance system and CASCO is just one point: OSAGO is voluntary insurance, in which the policy received by a person concerns not only the integrity of the car and the driver himself, but also the protection of other people's health and property. Such obligations are fulfilled by a number of companies that are licensed and included in its general system.

IN modern world very often companies appear and disappear in the insurance market, which, in the course of their illegal work, are declared bankrupt, it is very important to know the ratings of such enterprises in advance in order not to get into those insurance companies that do not even have a license for this type of activity. We have provided a rating of insurance companies of the year for both types of insurance for all segments of the country's population.

Basic information

Before announcing the top companies in terms of payments, it is necessary to remind all citizens that 4 entities are combined together under the insurance policy:
herself Insurance Company or insurer;
a citizen who concludes a contract or an insured;
persons who suffered damage in the event of an accident or beneficiaries;
The Russian Union of Motor Insurers, which controls the payment of funds, the relationship between all subjects and compliance with all the rules that the organization has taken on.

The official website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers provides an opportunity to see a list of all insurance companies for which the license has been revoked, restricted or the license has been suspended. Based on this information, rating agencies compile a list of the most reliable and most unfavorable insurers.

Financial ratings of insurance companies

The financial rating compares insurers based on statistical indicators. This rating is based on the official reports of insurers published quarterly by the Central Bank of Russia. Sales of insurance services to legal entities and individuals are taken into account.

The key indicator to be measured is the level of payments. The payout rate shows the percentage of fees that the company has paid out in a year in restitution to customers. Optimal payout level Russian market is approximately 55-65%.

If the percentage of payments on insurance obligations is too high (for example, 75-85% or more), this indicates that the insurance company does not adequately assess risks or significantly reduces sales. And so and other situations speak of potential problems of the insurer.

If the percentage of insurance payments is too small (for example, 40% or less), the insurer most likely saves on payments. The company underestimates the amount of insurance claims, or simply refuses to pay insurance claims to its customers. This can be indirectly confirmed by the judicial rating of insurance companies. If a company saves on payments, there is a high probability that such an insurance company high percent litigation in relation to the claimed damages.

Class "A++" - exceptionally reliable reliability rating

Class "A +" - very high level of reliability

Class "A" - high level of reliability

Class "B++" - acceptable level of reliability

Class "B +" - a sufficient level of reliability

Class "B" - satisfactory reliability rating

Class "C +" - very low level of reliability

Class "C" - unsatisfactory reliability rating

Class "D" - bankruptcy

Class "E" - license revocation

Almost every driver wants to buy mandatory insurance at a low price. There are many offers - here for 7,000 rubles, tamza for 8,000, and here for 1,500 at all. What is the reason for such a difference, and is it worth paying more? In which company is it better to issue OSAGO?

Variation in prices among insurance companies

The difference in the cost of compulsory insurance for different insurers is approximately 20% and it is associated with the use of a price corridor. That is, they are allowed to make a calculation in the range from the minimum base rate to the maximum. For passenger cars - this is 3432 rubles. and 4118 rubles. respectively.

Also, the cost of the policy depends on the age of the driver, length of service, type of vehicle and engine power, region of residence, etc. For example, insurance will cost more for a young driver than for an experienced one. And it is cheaper for a resident of Moscow than for a citizen registered in St. Petersburg.

But if in the same locality under the same conditions (age, length of service, car, etc.), the prices of insurers differ, choose a cheaper option. The high cost is associated with the calculation at the maximum rate, rarely with the inclusion of additional services. You can refuse them, this is purely voluntary. In both cases, the insurer must fulfill the obligations in the required amount.

Basic tariffs are set at the state level, and insurance agents are not entitled to overestimate or underestimate them. Therefore, the price of 1500 rubles. for auto insurance - a clear sign of a fake. Having bought it, the car owner runs the risk of paying the damage to the injured party himself if an accident occurred through his fault. It is almost impossible to get an insurance payment for such insurance.

So in which company is it better to issue OSAGO? In a reliable, which will be able to fulfill its obligations in the required amount and on time.

The most reliable insurers in Russia, or where is it better to buy OSAGO?

There are many honest and decent insurers in our country, but the top five include:


Image 1: AlfaStrakhovanie logo.

Image 1: AlfaStrakhovanie logo.

One of the largest Russian insurers offering more than 100 insurance products for private and legal entities. It has over 270 regional offices. It is in the top ten insurers. It is popular because of the favorable prices for OSAGO.


Image 2: Reso-Garantia logo.

The company offers more than 100 types of insurance services. It has over 850 branches throughout the country. It is famous for its very fast processing of payments.


Image 3: Ingosstrakh logo.

The company was founded in the Soviet Union. It has over 80 branches. It is possible to issue a policy through a mobile application.


Image 4: VSK logo.

It has more than 600 branches throughout the country. Reimburses damages within 5 days.


Image 5: Rosgosstrakh logo.

The group's clients are more than 26 million Russians. Has more than 3000 branches.

About every company in the network there are bad and good feedback. Someone complains about the imposition of additional services, others are not satisfied with the terms of compensation for damage, etc. But someone, on the contrary, liked the speed of service, the cost of the policy, the possibility of obtaining insurance online, etc.

They help to decide where it is better to issue OSAGO. Use our service, compare the results and choose the best option.

Brief comparison of top 5 insurers

Which company is better for OSAGO? Reliability research is carried out by rating agencies. The most popular in Russia is Expert RT.

To assess the performance of the insurer, the following is taken into account:

  1. Reliability.
  2. The size of the authorized capital.

Several hundred brands operate on the insurance market of the Russian Federation. Of these, there are several undisputed leaders who in 2016 firmly held their positions in the corresponding business segment.

Among the largest Russian insurance companies, there are about 7 brands that occupy an unconditional leading position. What are these brands and what are their main financial indicators?

The largest insurance brands in Russia: top 7 companies

  1. "SOGAZ".
  2. Rosgosstrakh.
  3. Ingosstrakh.
  4. "RESO-Guarantee".
  5. Alpha Insurance.
  6. Sberbank Life Insurance.
  7. VTB Insurance.

Let's consider the key facts about them, as well as the most important performance indicators of these corporations (in all cases, unless otherwise indicated, for the period from January to September 2016).

SOGAZ: facts and performance indicators in 2016

The official name of the economic entity: SOGAZ JSC.

Region of business registration: Moscow.

Main owners:

  • OOO " Investment company ABROS (owns 32.3% of shares);
  • CJSC Gazprombank Asset Management (carries out trust management of 19.04% of shares);
  • OAO Gazprom-Gazoraspredeleniye (owns 16.22% of shares);
  • Kordeks LLC (is the owner of 12.50% of securities);
  • LLC "Accept" (12.47% of shares).

Key performance indicators:

  • The volume of insurance premiums: 123.76 billion rubles, excluding compulsory medical insurance;
  • Number of insurance agreements signed: about 2,834,800;
  • Number of valid contracts (as of 01.10.2016): about 3,180,600;
  • Total contract payouts (excluding life insurance contracts): $51.10 billion
  • Net profit: 28.25 billion.

Other facts:

  • Number of branches in Russia: 79;
  • Number of divisions in 40 regions of the Russian Federation: more than 670.

At the beginning of 2017, JSC SOGAZ, AlfaStrakhovanie and Ingosstrakh announced the signing of a joint agreement with Federal State Unitary Enterprise Kosmicheskaya Svyaz for the amount of 41 billion rubles. The subject of the agreement is to cover losses in case of unsuccessful launches of spacecraft for communication purposes. The share of SOGAZ JSC in the project is 30%.


Official name: Public Joint Stock Company IC Rosgosstrakh

Main owners:

  • PJSC "RGS Holding" (owns 50.46% of shares);
  • "RGS-Assets" (10.5%);
  • Savings Management (6.7%).

According to unofficial data, the main beneficiary of the company is its president Danil Khachaturov.

Results of activity:

  • Volume of premiums: 93.05 billion without CHI;
  • Number of agreements concluded: about 16,678,000;
  • Number of active contracts (as of 10/01/2016): about 21,865,500.

Other facts:

  • Number of offices in Russia: more than 3000;
  • The number of employees - 100,000 people, agents - 65,000 people.

According to the largest media reports (Interfax, Lenta.Ru), published in December 2016, PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh plans to merge its assets with the Otkritie group in 2017 (the total volume of its assets is 3.7 trillion rubles). At the moment, Rosgosstrakh is a minority shareholder of Otkritie Bank.


Official name: Insurance public Joint-Stock Company(SPAO) Ingosstrakh.

Registration region: Moscow.

Main owners:

  • Granit LLC (16.29% of shares);
  • Bekar-service LLC (16.03%);
  • Investment Initiative LLC (15.86%);
  • New Capital LLC (15.86%);
  • Soft-Karat LLC (15.68%);
  • Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska (10%).
  • Vega LLC (6.75%).

Key indicators:

  • Volume of premiums: 65.37 billion without CHI;
  • Number of agreements signed: about 5,765,300;
  • Number of contracts in force (as of 01.10.2016): about 6,252,600;
  • The volume of payments under contracts (without life insurance): 27.70 billion.
  • Net income: 7.36 billion

In the fall of 2016, Ingosstrakh Insurance Company won a tender for the provision of services to ensure voluntary civil liability insurance for Russian Railways. The contract amount is 1 billion rubles, the implementation period is 2 years.


Official name: SPAO "RESO-Garantiya"

Registration region: Moscow.

Main owners:

  • Sarkisov S.E., Sarkisov N.E., Saveliev A.N. (56.6% of shares);
  • AHA group (36.6%);
  • EBRD (6.3%).

Results of activity:

  • Volume of premiums: 64.46 billion without CHI;
  • Number of agreements concluded: about 6,871,900;
  • Number of active contracts (as of 01.10.2016): about 7,948,000;
  • The volume of payments under contracts (without life insurance): 28.51 billion.
  • Net income: 18.71 billion

RESO-Garantiya won 2 lots in Aeroflot's tender to provide the airline's employees, their family members, pensioners, and employees of subsidiaries with VMI policies in 2016-2018. SOGAZ also participates in the project to provide Aeroflot with VHI policies.


Official name: AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC

Registration region: Moscow.

Main owners:

  • UNS-Holding LLC (99.99% of shares);
  • more than 150 private shareholders (0.01%).

Key indicators:

  • Volume of premiums: 47.71 billion without CHI;
  • Number of agreements signed: about 26,485,100;
  • Number of active contracts (as of 01.10.2016): about 12,101,000;
  • Net profit (excluding Alfa Health Center indicators): 5.05 billion rubles

Other facts:

  • Number of regional offices in Russia: 270;
  • Number of corporate clients (organizations and individual entrepreneurs): more than 100,000.

AlfaStrakhovanie experts are taking part in the planned risk assessment during the construction of the Krestovsky stadium in St. Petersburg, which is expected to host matches of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, as well as the 2020 European Championship.

Sberbank Life Insurance

Official name: LLC Insurance company "Sberbank life insurance"

Registration region: Moscow.

Owner: PJSC Sberbank of Russia (100% of shares).

Results of activity:

  • Volume of premiums: 46.83 billion without CHI;
  • Number of agreements concluded: about 790,300;
  • Number of contracts in force (as of 01.10.2016): about 888,400;
  • Net income: 6.65 billion

In October 2016, all Rostelecom service centers began selling the Right Choice and Seat Belt branded products from Sberbank Life Insurance, the purchase of which allows citizens to insure against injuries for up to 150,000 rubles.

"VTB Insurance"

Official name: LLC Insurance company "VTB-Insurance"

Registration region: Moscow.

Owner: VTB Bank (PJSC), 100% of shares.

Key indicators:

  • Volume of premiums: 43.29 billion without CHI;
  • Number of agreements signed: about 6,217,700;
  • Number of valid contracts (as of 01.10.2016): about 8,655,100;
  • Amount of payments: 10.24 billion.
  • Net profit: 10.17 billion.

Other facts:

  • Branches and sales offices of the corporation are present in more than 90 cities of Russia;
  • Number of corporate clients: about 14,000.

In January 2017, IC VTB Insurance LLC announced victory in open competition to conclude an agreement with Domodedovo Airport in Moscow on the provision of civil liability insurance services. The term of the agreement is 1 year. The limit of liability under the contract is 500 million US dollars.


Based on the information published by RIA-Rating experts on the activities of insurance brands in January-September 2016, the largest insurance company in Russia in terms of total premiums (excluding compulsory medical insurance) is SOGAZ. The leader of the top 7 in terms of net profit is also the insurance company SOGAZ.

The largest insurance company in Russia in terms of the number of active (as of 01.10.2016) contracts is Rosgosstrakh.

The leader of the top 7 in terms of the number of contracts concluded in January-September 2016 is AlfaStrakhovanie.

Russian motorists are considering the official rating of insurance companies 2017 OSAGO out of curiosity or out of habit. The compulsory nature of the mandatory policy affects all aspects of the insurance process, the ranking becomes formal.

Principles of compiling official and independent ratings, difficulties of an objective approach

Of the four parties to the insurance process, the controlling and arbitration body (the Russian Union of Auto Insurers) does not have the right to interfere in the ratings and influence them. The official website of the PCA is of interest to policy buyers only with a list of insurance companies whose license has been revoked or restricted, excluded from the union.

The most interested party, those who suffered in an accident, does not influence the process of acquiring an OSAGO policy in any way, the opinion of the victims is reflected only in the "people's" ratings. For a car enthusiast who buys a mandatory policy, important points become only the stability of the company, the speed of acquisition and the price of the policy. At the same time, the legislative framework for minimum and maximum prices neutralizes the interest of car owners in finding a cheaper (by 200-300 rubles) policy.

Most important is the official expert rating of OSAGO insurance companies in 2017 for leading insurers. Apparently, the position in the rating for large companies is image and prestigious. It is difficult to talk about the struggle for a buyer, the advertising component of the ratings, when the Internet is full of reviews about 4-5-month long queues and refusals to purchase a policy, which are unthinkable for foreign insurance companies.

Raise doubts and methods of compiling ratings. Formally, everything expert organizations base ratings on the definition of:

  • the reliability of the insurer (determined by the length of service, quantitative indicators of fees and payments);
  • the number of customers (formally indicates the popularity of the company);
  • speed of recovery of losses;
  • the number of court cases;
  • service level (based on customer feedback).