Educational portal. The world community of states presentation for a lesson on the world around us (Grade 4) on the topic Presentation on the topic of the world community of states

The world community of states Lesson 19. What topic did they study the economy. in the last lesson? World Explain why modern humanity needs money in the world economy? What is necessary for a person or a state What is money? Property to buy Where can they be merchandise? take? What is the name of the things bought by a person with earned money? Notebook p.69 №4 What is a conflict? What causes it? Each state has its own interests. What causes conflict between states? Let's watch a video and analyze the situation Each state has its own interests. What happened and in what position was Why the state and its various local state residents? help each other? Do you think help will be provided? States provide humanitarian assistance to each other. Topic 19. World community of states. Why do different states help each other? Imagine that all the states that are ready to help bring only medicines or only food, will the affected state be able to cope with its difficulties? How can helpers agree on who will help and how? Test yourself using the textbook p.102-103 What is the name of the organization that unites all countries? Complete the sentences: The UN was founded in 1945 The UN is headquartered in New York Number of members of the UN member states 193 The main governing body of the UN General Assembly Main activities of the UN world peace Date of adoption of the UDHR Page 104 What is the UDHR? December 10, 1948 When was the UN adopted? What is this document about? It spells out the basic rights and freedoms of a person, regardless of the country in which he lives. Let's watch a video about the UN Flag of the United Nations United Nations Headquarters in New York United Nations General Assembly Hall Decorated in green and gold, the General Assembly Hall hosts all 192 delegations, each with six seats. There are 1898 places in total. International Court of Justice Established in 1945 as the main body of the United Nations for adjudication. The court considers claims only from countries, not from individuals. If a country decides to refer a case to the Court, it is bound by its ruling. International Court of Justice Security Council The Security Council Chamber was designed by Norway based on sketches by the Norwegian artist Arnstein Arneberg. Most of the eastern wall is occupied by a large panel, symbolizing the triumph of peace and freedom. The participants are seated round table. What do you think can happen if a country violates the rules adopted by the world community of states? Is there a special organization in the UN structure that is responsible for preserving and not violating rights? Read the paragraph on pages 104-105 for yourself and prepare answers to the questions written on the board. pp.104-105 Questions: 1. What are the tasks of the Security Council? 2. Which countries have permanent representatives in the Security Council? 3. What penalties can be imposed on "guilty" states? Peacekeeping forces United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti peacekeepers assist victims of the devastating earthquake in the country. Poverty reduction Refugees in the Iridimi camp in Chad. Fight against terrorism August 19, 2003 - A suicide bomber detonated a cement truck loaded with explosives near the Canal Hotel, which housed the UN headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq. At least 17 people were killed, including the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello, and about 100 people were injured. What question were you looking for an answer to? Why do different states help each other? Houses: pp. 102-105, T. p. 70 No. 1 (N, P, M)

S:. Territorial claims to the Russian Federation have ...

-: Mongolia

S:. The transition from one formational system to another, which modern Russia is going through, is called ...

- democratization

-: westernization

-: globalization

+: modernization

S:. ________ Excluded into the Eurasian Economic Community (Eur.AzEC), in which Russia plays an active role.

-: Tajikistan


-: Kyrgyzstan

-: Belarus

S:. The position of the Russian Foreign Ministry regarding the self-declaration of Kosovo's independence was


-: positive

-: neutral

-: unexpressed

S:. The visa-free regime for Russian citizens is valid in

+: Brazil

-: Spain

- Israel

-: France

Topic 17 The concept and types of social groups

S:. The most negative attitude towards outgroups in society is expressed in

- dislikes

- distrust

- sympathy

-: Aggression+

S:. social group called...

- a group of people gathered together

+: a set of people united by a common social attribute

- any group of people

- a group of people from a particular era

S:. Social groups are called secondary

- to which the individual does not belong

-: in which social contacts are personified

+: in which social contacts are impersonal

- in which the individual wishes to join

S:. A statistical grouping in which people are grouped together on the basis of specific characteristics, such as a certain level of income or occupational status, is a social grouping.

-: organization

-: system

-: unit

S:. One of the functions of the primary group is…

+: social control

-: epistemological function

-: stigmatization

-: systematization function

Topic 18 Small groups and collectives

S:. Imitating her employers, the maid strives to reach the highest social circles. This example illustrates _____________social group.

-: primary

+: reference

-: nominal

- secondary

S:. The typical form of ties between members of a group based on likes and dislikes is called ___________group structure.

+: sociometric

-: stratification

-: demographic

-: economic

S:. The democratic style of leadership in the group is most effective when

-: low-skilled workers

- doing urgent work

- crisis situation

+: solving creative problems

S:. A high level of emotionality in relationships __________________groups.


-: reference

-: status

-: secondary

S: . The group of musketeers, which D "Artagnan joins in the famous novel by A. Dumas, is a typical example ___

-: quartet

-: sextet

Topic 19 Types of communities

S:. This social community: Laks, Chechens, Dargins is distinguished on the basis of ...

-: professional

-: demographic

- political


S:. The totality of people who permanently reside in a certain territory and carry out joint activities to meet their various needs is called _______generality.

-: socio-professional

-: ethnic

-: demographic


S:. Are the following judgments correct: A) Tatars are an ethnic community; B) Russians are an ethnic community.

- Both statements are wrong.

+: Both statements are correct

-: Only A is true

-: Only B is true

S:. Are the following judgments correct: A) Men are a demographic community; B) Women are an ethnic community.

+: Both judgments are wrong

- Both statements are correct.

-: Only B is true

-: Only A is true

S:. The territorial social community includes

-: women

- Indians

+: villagers

The world around Lesson 27. SECTION I. HUMANITY CHAPTER V. ONE HUMANITY Topic: WORLD COMMUNITY OF STATES international organizations unite all people on Earth into one humanity. Stages of the lesson Course of the lesson Formation of UUD and technology for evaluating educational success Ι. Statement of the educational problem. 3 7 3 The statement of the problem can be carried out according to the text of the textbook, as described in the methodological developments for topics 1–5. To do this, read the text marked with the symbol of a problem situation with the students and organize a conversation on the proposed questions. With the help of the teacher, students formulate the main question of the lesson, which is written on the board. He is constantly referred to during the lesson, especially at the last stage of the lesson. Another way of posing the problem can be suggested: – What are conflicts? Why do they arise? (A conflict is a clash of interests of people, because of which a serious dispute arises, rivalry. Reliance on the topic “What is a society?”) - What can cause a conflict between states? (May not Cognitive UUD 1. We develop the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts. 2. Present information in the form of a diagram. 3. Reveal the essence, features of objects. 4. Based on the analysis of objects, draw conclusions. 5. Generalize and classify according to © Balass LLC, 2014

to divide the territory along the borders, one state wants to take mineral deposits from another, etc.) Can states have different interests (each has its own)? (Yes.) An entry appears on the blackboard: Each state has its own interests. In the last lesson we mentioned humanitarian aid. What it is? (This is when one state helps another in trouble.) An entry appears on the board: States provide humanitarian assistance to each other. - Look at the blackboard. What question would you like to ask? With the help of the teacher, students formulate the main question (problem) of the lesson: Why do different states (or countries, as the children say) help each other? The problem of the lesson is written on the board. It must be constantly referred to during the lesson, especially at the last stage of the lesson. Let's make a lesson plan. The teacher and the children make a lesson plan. Children's versions. We draw the attention of children to the scheme “Public groups” (the topic is “My society”). What unites people in societies? (Common interests.) What is the largest society on earth? (Humanity.) What common interests can different states that make up a single humanity have? (Different opinions may be heard, it is important to bring students to the idea that many states are featured. 6. Focus on the spread of the textbook. 7. Find answers to questions in the illustration. Communicative UUD 1. Develop the ability to listen and understand others. 2. Build a speech statement in 3. Formulate your thoughts orally 4. Ability to work in pairs and in groups Personal results 1. Develop the ability to show our attitude towards the characters, express our emotions 2. Evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation. 3. We form motivation for © Balass LLC, 2014

interested in maintaining peace on the planet, ready to help those who are in trouble.) Draw arrows from the problem of the lesson, under which write the key words of the main versions, for example, “common interests”. learning and purposeful cognitive activity. II. Finding a solution to a problem. - Imagine that all the states that are ready to provide assistance will bring only medicines or only food, will the affected state be able to cope with its difficulties? (No, maybe you need both, and another, and something else). – How can assistants agree on who will help and how? (We need to create some kind of organization that will decide how to help, distribute tasks among all the helping states.) Draw another arrow from the problem of the lesson, write down another version: “world organization”. 2 4 1 2 3 1 1. United Nations. - Which world organization do you already know? When and why was it created? (After the Second World War, most of the states of the planet united in the United Nations (abbreviated UN).) (Reliance on the topic “ Newest time is a difficult step towards a united humanity.”) – Look at the UN symbols on p. 103. What do you think they mean? With the help of the teacher, the students try to decipher the meaning of the symbols: a) a gun with a "knotted muzzle" in front of the General Assembly building symbolizes the prohibition of wars, i.e. one of the tasks of the UN is to prevent wars; b) the image on the UN flag of all the continents of the planet against a clear blue background © Balass LLC, 2014

the sky symbolizes that humanity must fight for world peace, i.e. another task of the UN is to unite different countries in one community c) a round table in the Security Council Chamber means that at the round table all participants in the meeting can see each other and are in an equal position relative to the rest, i.e. Another task of the UN is to establish equality between states and all people on the planet. - What do you think, can the UN play the role of the very organizer that helps states to provide assistance to each other? (Yes, it can.) Put a “+” sign on the board next to the “world organization” version or post a “UN” card. 2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. - You recalled that the largest society on Earth is humanity, you named the interests common to all people. What document are they in? (If the students are at a loss, we invite them to find the answer to the question in the text of the topic “Modern times is a difficult step towards a single humanity.” With the help of the text, the guys answer that the common interests of mankind are written in the UN Charter: “We, the peoples of the United Nations, are determined to save future generations from the scourge of war and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity of the human person, in the equality of men and women and the equality of rights of nations large and small, in the opportunity to live together in peace with each other as good neighbors”). “The UN Charter talks about human rights. Which of them do you already know? (Personal rights - the right to life, the right to freedom, the right to defend honor and © Balass LLC, 2014

dignity, etc.; the right to participate in the government of one's state, the right to freedom of speech; equality regardless of nationality and race; freedom of conscience; right to property.) As the students name human rights, the teacher puts up the rights cards around the board, leaving a space in the middle. – Do you know what document contains human rights? Most likely, students do not know this document. The teacher suggests finding its name in the text of the fragment “All people are born free and equal!” Students find that rights are written in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the center of the circle of cards with rights we attach the card "Universal Declaration of Human Rights". On the board, we put a “+” sign next to the “common interests” version. 3. Peacekeeping activities UN. What happens if one of the children breaks the rules during the game? (The rules are explained to him again, and if he still plays against the rules, he may no longer be taken into the game, etc.) - What happens if a citizen of the state violates the rules accepted in society? (He will be condemned, the state can punish him, etc.) - What do you think can happen if some state violates the rules adopted by the world community of states? (By analogy with the previous answers, students can assume various scenarios. Assumptions are checked according to the text © Balass LLC, 2014

fragment "Peacekeepers".) Students can be asked to solve problem 5 on p. 105, based on the text. It will be interesting to complete this task in groups, then comparing the answers. II. Independent application of knowledge. 2 4 1 2 3 1 At the end of the lesson it is necessary to return to the problem posed earlier. Let's go back to the main question of our lesson. What do we want to find out today? (Why do different countries help each other?) - What answer can you give to this question? Pupils confer in groups, and representatives from the groups offer their own solution to the problem. With the help of a teacher, students should come to the conclusion that many people on the planet, many states feel like a single humanity - we all have common interests, important rights, many are ready to help those in need. They help to direct the efforts of different states, to maintain peace on the planet world organizations one of which is the United Nations. The application of new knowledge can be organized using questions 1-5 after the text. It is not necessary to answer all the questions in the class, select one or two that the children liked, and the rest can be given to those who wish to take home. Regulatory UUD 1. We develop the ability to express our assumption based on work with the textbook material. 2. Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task. 3. Predict future work (make a plan.) 4. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection. Questions to the student who did the work (the beginning of the formation of the self-assessment algorithm): - What did you need to do? Did you manage to complete the task? Did you do everything right or were there any mistakes? Did you do it yourself or with someone's help? TOUU © Balass LLC, 2014

IV. Homework. V. Summary of the lesson. What was the level of the assignment? What skills did you develop while doing this task? - Now, together with ... (student's name), we learned to evaluate our work. Mandatory for everyone: complete one of the tasks workbook to topic 19 by choosing from those that were not done in class. The teacher can offer students who wish to read the topic in its entirety, as well as choose a creative task: - Come up with and draw a diagram that would make it clear that all countries are interconnected by the activities of world organizations. 4 – What work have we been doing now? – What have you learned? - Who handled it easily? Who has had a hard time so far? Who or what helped you cope? Who is happy with their work today? Who would like to fix something? What? What do I need to do? What mark would you give yourself? © Balass LLC, 2014

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Slides captions:


What is the global community? The world community (international community) is a political term often used in works on political science, speeches by statesmen and in the media to refer to an interconnected system of states of the world. Depending on the context, it may indicate different groups of countries, united according to various economic, political and ideological characteristics. Sometimes it means existing international organizations, first of all - the UN, as an organization that unites almost all countries of the globe.

United Nations (UN) The United Nations, the UN is an international organization created to maintain and strengthen international peace and security, development of cooperation between states.

Flag of the United Nations Member States of the United Nations Membership: 193 Member States Headquarters: New York Sub-offices: Vienna Geneva Nairobi Organization type: international organization Official languages: English, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


QUESTIONS: What is the UN? Why does modern humanity need such an organization? What do you know about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Who are the peacekeepers?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Topic: World community of states Objectives: 1. To create students' primary ideas about the concept ...

Class hour for grades 3 - 4 "We live in the Russian state" about the history of the formation and development of the symbols of the state and the constitution

About the history of the formation of the Russian state, the symbols of our state and the Russian constitution....

The forest is a magical palace. The unity of living and inanimate nature. natural forest communities. Relationships in the forest community. Cycle of substances in the forest. Human impact on the forest community”.

Lesson outline with presentation....

"World community of states" presentation for the lesson of the world around in grade 4

The presentation can be used in the lesson of the world in the 4th grade. Textbook "Man and Humanity", education system"School 2100"...

Lesson and presentation on the world around
Textbook by D. D. Danilov “Man and Humanity”, Grade 4
Educational program"School 2100"

World community of states

Ivanova Irina Semyonovna,
teacher primary school
GBOU secondary school No. 145 of St. Petersburg

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  1. Mastering the picture of the world: to teach to explain how international organizations unite people on Earth into one humanity.
  2. Sensual-emotional attitude to the world: to teach to notice and explain what people's actions are contrary to human rights.
  3. To acquaint students with the concept of "world community", presented by the United Nations (the history and functioning of the UN, its structure and tasks).

Slide 1. Man and humanity

  1. Formulation of the problem.


What is conflict? Why do they arise?

(A conflict is a clash of interests of people, because of which a serious dispute arises, rivalry.)


What causes conflict between states?

(They may not divide the territory along the borders, one country wants to take mineral deposits from another, etc.)


Can states have different interests?

There is a note on the board: "Each state has its own interests."


In the last lesson we mentioned humanitarian aid. What it is?

(This is when one state helps another in trouble.)

There is a note on the board: "States provide humanitarian assistance to each other."

Look at the blackboard. What question would you like to ask?

With the help of the teacher, students formulate the main question (problem) of the lesson:
“Why do different states (or countries, as the children will say) help each other?”

The problem of the lesson is written on the board. It must be constantly referred to during the lesson, especially at the last stage of the lesson.

  1. Versions of children, updating knowledge.

What unites people in societies?

(Common interests.)

What is the largest society on Earth?


What common interests can different states that make up a single humanity have?

(Many countries are interested in maintaining peace on the planet, ready to help those who are in trouble.)

Imagine that all the countries that are ready to help bring only medicines or only food. Will the affected state be able to cope with its difficulties?

(No, maybe you need both, or something else.)

How can helpers agree on who will help and how?

(We need to create some kind of organization that will decide how to help, distribute tasks among all the helping states.)

Why do different states help each other?

common interests world organization

  1. Search for a solution to the problem (discovery of new knowledge).

1.United Nations.

Which global organization do you already know? When and why was it created?

(After World War II, most of the world's states united to form the United Nations (UN).

Consider the symbols of the UN.

Slide 2. UN symbols

What do you think they mean?

(Team work. The first team examines a gun with a “tied muzzle” in front of the General Assembly building symbolizes the prohibition of wars, that is, one of the tasks of the UN is to prevent wars. The second team examines the image of the UN flag. All the continents of the planet are depicted against the background of a clear blue sky "This means that humanity must fight for world peace, that is, another task of the UN is to unite different countries into one community. The third team sees a round table in the Security Council room. This means that all participants in the meeting are at the round table can see each other and are in an equal position relative to the rest, that is, another task of the UN is to establish equality between states and all people on the planet.)

Do you think the UN can play the role of the very organizer that helps states to provide assistance to each other?

(Yes maybe.)

Under the words "World Organization" put "+".

2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

You remembered that the largest society on Earth is humanity, you named the interests that are common to all people. What document are they in?

(If students find it difficult to answer this question, then you can refer to the text of the textbook p. 78 lower paragraph. UN Charter)

Slide 3. UN Charter

The UN Charter speaks of human rights. Which of them do you already know?

(The right to life, the right to freedom, the right to protect honor and dignity, etc., the right to participate in the government of one's state, the right to freedom of speech, equality regardless of nationality and race, freedom of conscience, the right to property.)

Slide 4. Human rights.

Do you know in which document human rights are written? Find its name in the text of the fragment "All people are born free and equal!" (textbook p. 104)

(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Slide 5. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Under the words "Common interests" a "+" sign is put.

3. Peacekeeping activities of the UN.

What happens if one of the children breaks the rules during the game?

(The rules are explained to him again, and if he still plays against the rules, he may no longer be taken into the game, etc.)

What happens if a citizen of a country violates the rules accepted in society?

(He is condemned, the state can punish him, etc.)

What do you think can happen if a country violates the rules adopted by the world community of states?

(Answers of children).

Let's check our assumptions on the text of the textbook p. 104-105

Slide 6. Peacekeepers

Let's solve the problem.

(children's answers)

  1. Problem solving expression.

1. Application of new knowledge

Let's go back to the main question of our lesson. What do we want to find out today?

(Why do different countries help each other?)

What answer can you give to this question?

(Answers are given in groups. Conclusion: many people on the planet, many states feel like a single humanity - we all have common interests, important rights, many are ready to help those in trouble. World organizations help to direct the efforts of different countries, to maintain peace on the planet , one of which is the UN).

Work with a notebook. S. 70 No. 1, No. 2

v. Homework.

Mandatory for everyone: in the notebook, complete the assignments for lesson 19, read the text for the lesson.
Creative task:
1. Come up with and draw a diagram so that it is clear: all countries are interconnected by the activities of world organizations.

2. On p. 106 prepare answers to the questions (under the red dots) on the new topic.