The current international situation and current. Actual problems, threats and challenges of Russia in international relations. Will the world

Simultaneously with the collapse of the Soviet Union, our country acquired a whole "bouquet" of both internal and external problems. The current foreign policy situation is strongly influenced not only by the “achievements” of diplomats and politicians in the field of international relations, but also by the domestic political and economic situation in our country.

First of all, the weakening of national security and international relations makes Russia very vulnerable to a wide variety of threats, both external and internal. Among the most serious threats national security, both external (international terrorism, the expansion of Islamic fundamentalism, an attempt to dictate by the United States) and internal (scientific, technical and economic backwardness, the threat of Russia's collapse) are noted:

Threatsnational security of Russia, in %

  • 61.0 - International terrorism, the expansion of Islamic fundamentalism and its spread to the territory of Russia
  • 58.6 - Low competitiveness of Russia in the economic sphere
  • 54.8 - Russia's growing backlog in terms of scientific and technical potential from the United States and other Western countries
  • 52.9 - Further expansion of NATO to the East and the inclusion in this bloc of the former republics of the USSR (the Baltic countries, Ukraine, Georgia, etc.)
  • 51.4 - Establishment of world domination by the United States and its closest allies
  • 51.0 - Pressure on Russia from international economic and financial institutions to eliminate Russia as an economic competitor
  • 26.2 - The threat of the collapse of Russia
  • 18.6 - Information wars, information and psychological impact on Russia
  • 17.1 - Demographic expansion of China
  • 16.7 - Weakening of the position of the UN and the destruction of the world system collective security
  • 15.7 - Large-scale man-made disasters
  • 11.9 - Unauthorized distribution nuclear weapons
  • 10.0 - Global threats (climate warming, ozone depletion, AIDS, depletion natural resources and so on.)
  • 7.1 - Territorial claims to Russia by neighboring states
  • 3.3 - There is no real significant threat to Russia's national security.

Draws It is also noteworthy that Russian experts do not attach significant importance to global threats, which are increasingly moving to the center of attention of the Western community. It seems that this is largely due to the fact that Russia as a whole, and experts in this case are no exception, has long lived what is called "today." Nobody thinks far into the future, and therefore real, but "postponed" threats (depletion of natural resources, climate warming, unauthorized proliferation of nuclear weapons, demographic expansion of China, etc.) are not perceived as relevant. This is also emphasized in the new Foreign Policy Concept Russian Federation”, adopted recently by the government and the president of the Russian Federation: “... military-political rivalry between regional powers, the growth of separatism, ethno-national and religious extremism. Integration processes, in particular in the Euro-Atlantic region, are often selective and restrictive. Attempts to belittle the role of a sovereign state as a fundamental element of international relations create the threat of arbitrary interference in internal affairs. The problem of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery is acquiring serious proportions. A threat to international peace and security is posed by unresolved or potential regional and local armed conflicts. The growth of international terrorism, transnational organized crime, as well as illegal traffic drugs and weapons.

Despite the fact that rising tensions with the United States and the Western community stand out in the first place among the threats to national security, nevertheless, the possibility of a return to the state of the Cold War, in general, does not seem very likely. The fact is that despite all the difficulties mutual relations between Russia and the West, especially with the United States, a long way has already been traveled not only political, but also cultural interaction: Western Mass culture has become commonplace in Russia, educational and tourist contacts have increased many times over, etc. At present, the majority of Russians do not believe in the likelihood of a tough confrontation between Russia and the United States (Table 2).

table 2

But Nevertheless, the main threats not only to the foundations of the country's national security, but also to its authority in the international arena, continue to be such internal problems of the country as its economic weakness, corruption and crime. The war in Chechnya as a factor undermining the authority of Russia, although it remains among the most significant, is nonetheless regarded today as such by half as often as five years ago (Table 3).

Table 3

Russia's economic weakness

Corruption and crime

War in Chechnya

Weakening of Russia's military potential

The indistinctness of Russia's foreign policy doctrine

Activities of B. Yeltsin / V. Putin as President of Russia

Threat to democratic rights and freedoms in Russia

Infringement of the rights of ethnic and religious minorities in the Russian Federation

Russian opposition to NATO expansion

This Many foreign observers also note the same, for example, National Security Adviser to the US Vice President Leon Firth, in an interview with Radio Liberty, said that the US government has done everything possible to help Russia in the fight against corruption, but only the Russian leadership can eradicate it. At the same time, according to him, the ideas of the Russian leadership about a strong Russia seem contradictory, and sometimes even ominous.

However, if the gross national product is taken as the basis for assessing Russia's prospects in the world community, then everything does not look as threatening as it seems at first glance. Things get worse when we look at our revenue structure and the short term.

Spheres in which Russia can count on a real strengthening of its positions in the world market in the next 8-10 years, in %

  • 70.0 - in the fuel and energy sector (gas, oil)
  • 53.3 - defense complex (MIC)
  • 44.3 - extraction and processing of other natural resources (metal, timber, etc.)
  • 36.7 - nuclear power
  • 27.6 - science and high technology
  • 18.6 - energy transport infrastructure
  • 15.2 - culture and education

IN last years along with the growth of extractive industries, the share of high technology production is falling catastrophically. Russia is becoming a world leader in the production of raw materials, sledgehammers and shovels. Those types of production that are based on the use of heavy physical, unskilled labor are developing. The competitiveness of Russia is created due to low wages, the associated low production culture, and high labor intensity. The qualifications of labor and its economic quality are rapidly and steadily declining. Over the years of uncontrolled "reforms", the release of specialists with higher education per unit of population in Russia has decreased by ten percent, while in Europe and the United States during this time it has more than doubled. Russia in this indicator quickly fell from fifth to twenty-sixth place in the world. While in Russia the share of the population working in fundamental science has decreased by fifty percent in ten years, in advanced countries this figure has almost doubled. In the countries of Europe and America, about five percent of the budget is allocated to science today, in Russia - 1.2 percent. Japan plans to double the number of jobs for specialists with higher education in five years, America - 1.7 times, and in Russia this figure is steadily declining. The situation with science in Russia is close to disaster. We will soon have to accept backwardness.

Despite the seriousness of our country's internal problems, recent foreign policy and foreign economic strategies play an important role in Russia's loss of authority in the international arena. If Soviet Union, as you know, had both unconditional supporters and obvious geopolitical opponents in the international arena, then at present Russia's external environment is not so unambiguous and obvious. The main diplomatic and trade partners of Russia can be divided into several groups:

The first group of "fraternal" countries include Belarus, Armenia and India.

To the second group of "friendly" - Yugoslavia, Kazakhstan, China, Iran and Germany.

The third group - countries "rather friendly". These are Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Israel, France.

The fourth group of countries can be characterized as "neutral". These are Azerbaijan, Japan, Great Britain, Czech Republic.

The fifth group - "unfriendly". These are Afghanistan, the Baltic countries and the USA. In addition, Georgia, Poland and Hungary can also be classified as "unfriendly" countries.

Russian-American relations stand out against this background. If five years ago the number of those who consider the United States a friendly country was approximately the same as now (8% and 10%, respectively), the proportion of experts who assess the United States' relations with Russia as unfriendly has now more than doubled (from 22% to 59%). There are many reasons for this, and one of them is the Balkan crisis of 1999, as a result of which a new balance of power in the world with US dominance was fixed. Among experts, the point of view that, firstly, among the European powers, the mood of distancing from the United States has increased, and, secondly, that as a result of this crisis, prerequisites have arisen for a closer political union between Russia and Europe. Another reason for the cooling of relations between Russia and the United States, according to experts, is connected with the first steps of the new American administration headed by George W. Bush. These steps give reason to believe that US foreign policy will become tougher towards Russia than the policy of the previous administration.

A directly opposite trend is observed, according to experts, in relations between Russia and Germany. Over the past five years, almost three times (from 19% to 52%) has increased the proportion of experts who classify Germany as a country friendly to Russia, while maintaining the proportion of those who classify it as an unfriendly state (10% in 1996 and 13% in 2001). As problems still complicating Russian-German relations, the following are noted:

Russia's debt to Germany.

The so-called "Kaliningrad factor".

Excessive integration of Germany into the EU and NATO.

inconsistency economic systems Russia and Germany (imperfection legislative framework in Russia, lack of guarantees for the rights of owners and investors, corruption, etc.).

The problem of displaced cultural property (restitution).

There are quite a few obstacles in the way of establishing normal relations with other EU countries, moreover, most experts put some prejudice against Russia on the part of European states in the first place:

The main reasons for the difficulties in relations between Russia and the EU, in %

  • 71.9 - Certain prejudices against Russia persist in the EU.
  • 57.6 - The interests of Russia and the EU do not coincide for objective reasons.
  • 51.9 - The EU is not interested in integrating Russia into European structures.
  • 22.9 - Russia claims a special privileged status in European affairs, unacceptable to the EU.
  • 21.4 - In fact, Russia simply does not seek to integrate into European structures.

Russia in the system of military-political relations in the world

Modern stage world development is characterized by acute socio-economic conflicts and political contradictions. Despite the fact that the problem of global and regional security is increasingly shifting to political, financial, economic, ethno-national, demographic, etc., the role of military force still remains an effective deterrent in stabilizing international relations.

The current military-political situation in the world

The world military-political situation today is characterized by a combination of two main trends: on the one hand, the desire of most states of the world to form a democratic, more just system of international economic and political relations. On the other hand, the expansion of the practice of using armed force on the basis of national decisions and outside the UN mandate. Confirmation - unsanctioned by the UN Security Council of the war against Yugoslavia and Iraq.

The current military-political situation in the world can be characterized by the following main trends.

FIRST, in the global system of military-political relations, counteraction to new challenges, stimulated by the processes of globalization, comes to the fore. This is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery; international terrorism; ~ ethnic instability; activities of radical religious communities and groups; drug trafficking; organized crime.

It is impossible to deal effectively with all these manifestations within the framework of individual states. Therefore, the importance of international cooperation power structures, including special services and armed forces.

SECONDLY, the implementation of international operations on the use of force outside of traditional military-political organizations is becoming a reality. Military force is increasingly used in temporary coalitions. Russia stands for strict observance of the norms international law and will join such coalitions only if it is required by its foreign policy interests.

THIRD, there is a further economization of foreign policy priorities of states. Economic interests are becoming more important than political and military-political ones. In addition, a more complex combination of economic interests of individual states and the interests of large transnational companies is emerging. As a result, the understanding of the conditions for the use of armed force has changed significantly. If earlier the reason for this was most often the presence of a direct military threat to the security or interests of a particular state, now military force is increasingly used to ensure the economic interests of a particular country, which objectively expands the scope of its foreign policy relevance.

FOURTHLY, there has been a merging of domestic and international terrorism. Modern terrorism is global in nature, poses a threat to most states, their political stability, economic independence, its manifestations lead to mass casualties, destruction of material and spiritual values.

In modern conditions, when the emergence of an international anti-terrorist international has become a reality, attempts to divide terrorist activity into internal and international become meaningless. This applies both to political approaches to curbing terrorist activity and to forceful measures to neutralize terrorist activity. It is obvious that terrorism has turned from a political threat into a military-political one, and the sphere of responsibility of the armed forces, in particular the Russian Armed Forces, to counter it has expanded significantly.

The transnational nature of the growing threats from terrorist activities and criminal extremism puts on the agenda the need for Russia's international cooperation, primarily with the CIS member states, within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.

Today, the CIS states, due to their geopolitical position, are at the forefront of the fight against international terrorism, which is confirmed by the events in the North Caucasus and the Central Asian region. The situation may become much more complicated in connection with the collapse of the far-reaching plans of the extremists in the North Caucasus and the concentration of the main forces of jihad in the Central Asian direction. These are not virtual scenarios, but quite specific plans for a radical “redrawing” of the political map of the entire region.

It would be naive to believe that the plans of terrorists will be limited to the framework of one single state. The tentacles of extremism have already penetrated many countries. And if he manages to destabilize the situation in any of the states of Central Asia, no borders will stop the chain reaction.

The realization of terrorist goals by the forces of international terrorism and religious extremism can lead to a radical change in the geopolitical situation in Central Asia with unpredictable consequences. This is not just about maintaining strategic stability in the region, but about ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

FIFTH, the importance of non-state participants in the system of international relations has significantly increased in determining the nature of the foreign policy priorities of various states of the world. Non-governmental organizations, international movements and communities, interstate organizations and informal "clubs" have a wide, sometimes contradictory impact on the policies of individual states. Russia seeks active participation in major interstate and international organizations to ensure various aspects of its foreign policy and security interests.

The main military threats to the national interests of Russia and the tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation until they are neutralized

An analysis of the military-political situation in the world allows us to conclude that for Russia there are real threats to its national interests: external, internal and cross-border.

External threats include:

Deployment of groupings of forces and means aimed at a military attack on Russia or its allies;

Territorial claims against the Russian Federation, the threat of political or forceful exclusion from Russia of its individual territories;

Implementation by states, organizations and movements of programs to create weapons of mass destruction;

Interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation by organizations supported by foreign states;

Demonstration of military force near the borders of Russia, conducting exercises with provocative goals;

The presence near the borders of the Russian Federation or the borders of its allies of centers of armed conflicts that threaten their security;

Instability, weakness of state institutions in border countries;

build-up of groupings of troops, leading to a violation of the existing balance of forces near the borders of the Russian Federation or the borders of its allies and the sea waters adjacent to their territory;

Expansion of military blocs and alliances to the detriment of the military security of Russia or its allies;

The activities of international radical groups, the strengthening of the positions of Islamic extremism near Russian borders;

The introduction of foreign troops (without the consent of the Russian Federation and the sanction of the UN Security Council) on the territory of states adjacent and friendly to the Russian Federation;

Armed provocations, including attacks on military installations of the Russian Federation located on the territory of foreign states, as well as on objects and structures on the state border of the Russian Federation or the borders of its allies;

Actions that interfere with work Russian systems state and military administration, ensuring the functioning of strategic nuclear forces, missile attack warning, missile defense, control outer space and ensuring the combat stability of the troops;

Actions that impede Russia's access to strategically important transport communications;

Discrimination, suppression of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in foreign countries;

The proliferation of equipment, technologies and components used to manufacture nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, as well as dual-use technologies that can be used to create WMD and their means of delivery.

Internal threats include:

Attempts to forcibly change the constitutional order and violations territorial integrity Russia;

Planning, preparation and implementation of actions to disrupt and disorganize the functioning of organs state power and control, attacks on state, national economic, military facilities, life support facilities and information infrastructure;

Creation, equipment, training and functioning of illegal armed formations;

Illegal distribution (trafficking) on ​​the territory of the Russian Federation of weapons, ammunition, explosives etc.;

Large-scale activities of organized crime, threatening political stability on the scale of the subject of the Russian Federation;

Activities of separatist and radical religious-nationalist movements in the Russian Federation.

The concept of cross-border threats includes political, military-political or forceful threats to the interests and security of the Russian Federation, which combine the features of internal and external threats. Being internal in form of manifestation, in their essence (sources of emergence and stimulation, possible participants, etc.) are external.

These threats include:

Creation, equipment, support and training on the territory of other states of armed formations and groups for the purpose of their transfer for operations on the territory of the Russian Federation or the territories of its allies;

Activities of subversive separatist, national or religious extremist groups directly or indirectly supported from abroad, aimed at undermining the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, creating a threat to the territorial integrity of the state and the security of its citizens;

Cross-border crime, including smuggling and other illegal activities on a scale that threatens the military and political security of the Russian Federation or stability on the territory of Russia's allies;

Conducting information (information-technical, information-psychological, etc.) actions hostile to the Russian Federation and its allies;

Activities of international terrorist organizations;

Drug trafficking activities that pose a threat to the transportation of drugs to the territory of the Russian Federation, or the use of the territory of Russia for the transportation of drugs to other countries.

Neutralization of external threats, as well as participation in the neutralization of internal and cross-border threats, is the task of the Russian Armed Forces and is carried out jointly with other law enforcement agencies, as well as with the relevant authorities of the countries - allies of the Russian Federation.

Actions to curb such threats are carried out taking into account the provisions of international and humanitarian law, proceeding from the interests of Russia's national security and its legislation. Taking into account the changes in the geopolitical situation in the world, it must be stated that ensuring the security of Russia only through political opportunities(membership in international organizations, partnerships, influence opportunities) is not effective.

As the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 26, 2004, “we need combat-ready, technically equipped and modern Armed Forces for reliable defense of the state. So that we can calmly solve internal socio-economic problems.”

We need a strong, professional and well-armed army for the successful and peaceful development of the country. It must be able to protect Russia and its allies, as well as effectively interact with the armed forces of other countries in the fight against common threats.

In accordance with federal law"On Defense" The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are intended to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, for the armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of Russia, as well as to perform tasks in accordance with international treaties Russian Federation.

In more detail, the tasks of the Armed Forces are defined by the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 706 of April 21, 2000:

1. In armed conflicts and local wars, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are faced with the task of localizing a hotbed of tension and ending hostilities for as long as possible. early stage in the interests of creating the prerequisites for resolving the conflict by peaceful means on terms that meet the interests of the Russian Federation. Armed conflicts and local wars can, under certain conditions, develop into a large-scale war. If necessary, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be deployed to use all the forces and means available to them.

In order to prevent wars and armed conflicts and ensure the deterrence of aggressors from unleashing any wars, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are entrusted with the following tasks:

Timely discovery, together with the forces and means of other federal executive bodies, of an impending armed attack or a threatening development of the situation and warning the top leadership of the state about them;

Maintaining the composition and status of strategic nuclear forces at a level that ensures guaranteed infliction of the specified damage to the aggressor under any conditions;

Maintaining the combat potential of groupings of troops general purpose peacetime at a level that provides a reflection of aggression of a local (regional) scale;

Providing, within the framework of state measures to transfer the country from a peaceful to a military position, the strategic deployment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Protection of the state border in the airspace and in the underwater environment.

2. Separate formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may be involved in the liquidation of internal armed conflicts that threaten the vital interests of the Russian Federation and may be used as a pretext for other states to interfere in its internal affairs. The task of using the troops and forces involved in the localization and suppression of such conflicts is the speedy normalization of the situation, the suppression of armed clashes and the separation opposing sides, as well as protection of strategically important objects.

3. When participating in peacekeeping operations conducted by decision of the UN Security Council or in accordance with Russia's international obligations, the following tasks may be assigned to the contingent of its Armed Forces:

Disengagement of armed groups of the conflicting parties;

Ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid to the civilian population and its evacuation from the conflict zone;

Blockade of the conflict area in order to ensure the implementation of sanctions adopted by the international community.

The solution of these and other tasks is carried out by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in close cooperation with other troops of Russia. At the same time, the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia is entrusted with the protection of the state border on land, sea, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, and the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are entrusted with the protection of important state facilities and the suppression of especially dangerous offenses, sabotage and terrorist acts.

Taking into account the changed situation in the world and the emergence of new threats to Russia's security, the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have also changed. They can be structured in four main areas:

1. Deterrence of military and military-political threats to the security or interests of the Russian Federation.

2. Ensuring the economic and political interests of the Russian Federation.

3. Implementation of military operations in peacetime.

4. Use of military force.

The peculiarities of the development of the military-political situation in the world make it possible for the fulfillment of one task to grow into another, since the most problematic, from the point of view of the security of the Russian Federation, military-political situations are complex and multifaceted.

The nature of the tasks facing the Russian Armed Forces, taking into account the specifics of armed conflicts and wars in which they may be involved, requires the formulation of new approaches to them.

The main priorities in the construction of the Russian Armed Forces are determined by the nature of the tasks in the field of national security and the geopolitical priorities of the country's development. We can talk about the existence of several fundamental requirements for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which will determine the main parameters of military organizational development:

Ability to implement strategic deterrence;

High combat and mobilization readiness;

strategic mobility;

A high degree of staffing with well trained and trained personnel;

High technical equipment and resource availability.

The implementation of these requirements makes it possible to choose the priorities for reforming and strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the present time and in the future. The main ones include:

1. Preservation of the potential of the Strategic Deterrence Forces.

2. Increasing the number of connections and parts constant readiness and the formation of groupings of troops on their basis.

3. Improving the operational (combat) training of troops (forces).

4. Improving the system of manning the Armed Forces.

5. Implementation of the program for the modernization of weapons, military and special equipment and keeping them in a state of combat readiness.

6. Improvement of military science and military education.

7. Improvement of systems social security military personnel, education and moral and psychological training.

The ultimate goal of these measures is to eliminate redundant links and ensure, if necessary, the integrated use of the Armed Forces and military formations power ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.

From the above it can be concluded:

1. Despite positive changes in the international situation, a sharp reduction in military confrontation between states, the military-political situation in the world remains complex and contradictory.

2. Russia, due to its geopolitical position, is acutely aware of the impact of negative factors and features of the current military-political situation.

3. There are real sources of threat to Russia's national security. This requires strengthening and increasing the combat readiness of the Armed Forces.

In the introductory speech, the head of the UGP should emphasize the importance of this topic, determine the purpose of the lesson, its main issues.

Opening the first question, it is advisable to focus the attention of listeners on the fact that in recent years many different events have taken place in the world that have had a significant impact on the national security system of the Russian Federation, therefore the primary task for our country is to ensure its military security.

When considering the second question (for all categories of UCP listeners), it is important to understand that the ongoing changes in the world have led to the emergence of new threats to Russia's military security. greatest danger in modern conditions, they represent cross-border threats that combine the features of internal and external threats.

It is necessary to achieve an understanding by the audience that the modern Russian Armed Forces must correspond to the nature of the international situation and the specifics of the geopolitical position of the country, they must be built on the achievements of modern military science and practice. In this regard, the most important task remains the modernization of our Armed Forces.

The consideration of the second question should be completed with a statement of the specific combat training tasks to be performed by subunits in the winter (summer) periods of training.

In conclusion, it is necessary to draw brief conclusions, answer questions from the audience, give recommendations on studying the literature and preparing for the conversation.

2. Actual tasks of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation //

3. Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 27 May. - 2004.

4. Gordlevsky A. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation // Landmark. - 2004. - No. 2.

5. Fatherland. Honor. Duty. Tutorial on public-state training. Issue #4. - M, 1998.

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Colonel
Alexander Chaevich

Despite certain positive changes in the last decade, such as the end of the Cold War, the improvement of relations between Russia and the United States, and progress made in the disarmament process, the world has not become more stable and secure. The former ideological confrontation was replaced by the geopolitical rivalry of new centers of power, the confrontation of ethnic groups, religions and civilizations.
In modern conditions, the change in the military-political situation in the world is significantly influenced by some processes, the main of which include the following:
First. The central phenomenon of the global process in the future is globalization, the essence of which is the process of subordinating all mankind to power. Western world as a whole in the face of various financial, economic and political supranational organizations with the central role of the United States.
Now the contradiction of the future world is already quite clearly manifested - the desire of the United States and its closest allies to dominate the world community, while the majority of states are striving for a multipolar world. This could lead to a future world that is increasingly less stable and more unpredictable. In countries with a low level of economic, scientific and cultural development, turned by globalism into a breeding ground for the prosperous West, a spontaneous protest arises, which takes on a variety of forms up to terrorism.
Second. There is a process of division of mankind along cultural, ethnic and religious lines. The West-East opposition that took place earlier is transformed into the North-South opposition or Christianity-Islamism.
Third. Significantly increased the importance of non-state participants in the system of international relations to determine the nature of the foreign policy priorities of various states of the world. Non-governmental organizations, international movements and communities, interstate organizations and informal "clubs" have a wide, sometimes contradictory impact on the policies of individual states. Russia seeks active participation in major interstate and international organizations to ensure various aspects of its foreign policy and security interests.
Fourth. Modern world demographic trends indicate a rapid decrease in the relative size of the population in industrialized countries. According to UN estimates, by 2025 the US population will be slightly lower than in Nigeria, and Iran will catch up with Japan, the number of Ethiopians will be twice that of France, and Canada will let Madagascar, Nepal and Syria go ahead. The share of the population of all developed countries of the West will not exceed the population of one such country as India. Therefore, the claims of "small" countries in terms of population to dominance in the world or to the role of full-fledged regional leaders will be questioned.
Fifth. The competition for jobs on a global scale has intensified. There are currently 800 million fully or partially unemployed in the world, and their number is increasing by several million every year. The main flows of migration of the unemployed come from poorly developed regions to the developed countries. Today, over 100 million people are already outside the countries where they were born, but with which their ethnic identity is preserved, which causes “demographic aggression”.
Sixth. The implementation of international operations for the use of force outside of traditional military-political organizations is becoming a reality. Military force is increasingly used in temporary coalitions. Russia stands for strict observance of the norms of international law and will join such coalitions only if it is required by its foreign policy interests.
Seventh. A dangerous trend in terms of a threat to peace is the growing arms race and the spread of nuclear missile technologies. If initially the growth of the military potential of the developing states was aimed at countering the states neighboring in the region, then in the new conditions (primarily taking into account the actions of the United States and NATO in Iraq and Yugoslavia), the military-technical policy of these states is also aimed at protecting against similar actions of global and regional centers of power. As Russia recovers its economy and tightens its policy to protect its national interests, these weapons may be directed against it.
Therefore, one of the most important problems of ensuring the military security of Russia in the future under consideration is the problem of balancing the levels of strategic offensive and defensive weapons not only with the traditional geopolitical rival (USA and NATO), but also with the regional centers of power that are gaining military power.
In general, the following trends may take shape in the military-political situation in certain regions of the world in the near future.
In the West, the characteristic features of the development of the military-political situation are the intensification of NATO's activities to secure the alliance's leading role in the region, the adaptation of new members of the alliance, the further reorientation of the states of Central and of Eastern Europe(CEE) and Baltic to the west, deepening integration processes both within the region as a whole and at the sub-regional level.
The military-political course of the United States in Europe will be aimed at maintaining and strengthening its positions here against the background of the creation new system European security. According to the views of the White House, the North Atlantic Alliance will be its central component. It can already be assumed that the US course in implementing its foreign policy plans in Europe will be tougher, primarily in order to weaken Russia's influence in solving European problems.
The next enlargement of NATO contributes and will contribute to this. Thus, countries that are not yet members of NATO have been turned into a "cordon sanitaire" in relation to Russia. These countries are considered in the United States as the most important strategic allies, which are used to put pressure on Russia. Further expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance to the east will lead to the fact that this alliance, having completely swallowed up the countries of the "cordon sanitaire", will come even closer to the borders of Russia.
In recent years, the NATO leadership has been actively working on the issue of including Ukraine in the alliance. NATO's relations with Ukraine began to develop back in 1991, when it gained sovereignty and became a member of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. In 1994, Ukraine joined the Partnership for Peace program, and in 1997, the Charter for a Distinctive Partnership between NATO and Ukraine was signed. Ukraine is increasingly preparing for the transition to NATO standards in many areas of military construction and support, and is engaged in the retraining of its military personnel. Ukraine has a joint working group NATO-Ukraine on military reform, Ukrainian military personnel take part in exercises conducted by NATO. On March 17, 2004, the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) of Ukraine decided on the possibility of granting NATO troops the right of quick access to the territory of Ukraine and transit, if necessary for the implementation of the common policy of the alliance. In March 2006, the President of Ukraine signed a decree "On the establishment of an interdepartmental commission to prepare for the country's accession to NATO." It was officially announced that Ukraine intended to join NATO in 2008, but the attempt made this year was unsuccessful.
For the Russian Federation, the involvement of Ukraine in the NATO bloc is a negative factor. After all, Ukraine has been part of Russia since the 17th century, Russians and Little Russians jointly ensured the military security of the state. Millions of Russians live in Ukraine, as well as those who consider Russian as their native language (almost half of Ukraine). Modern Russian public opinion cannot imagine Ukraine as a member of the NATO bloc, whose reputation for the majority of Russians is negative. It seems that under the current conditions, the Russian Federation should use all available opportunities to prevent the involvement of the fraternal people of Ukraine in the mainstream of the clearly anti-Russian policy of the NATO bloc. Otherwise, the interests of our military security will be seriously damaged.
In general, the main emphasis in the activities of the North Atlantic Alliance in relation to the CIS is placed on preventing the consolidation of the Commonwealth states around the Russian Federation, strengthening its economic and military power and weakening the CIS as a structure as a whole. At the same time, special attention is paid to counteracting the implementation of allied relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.
In the South, during the period under review, unfavorable trends in the development of the military-political situation (MPS) will continue, which is associated both with the instability of the situation in the Central Asian states of the CIS and far abroad (Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan), and with the internal problems of the Russian Federation, in which are based on national-ethnic and religious factors. It should be noted that the current situation southern borders The Russian Federation does not have a narrow regional character - it is determined by a whole knot of conflicting problems of a broad international plan, including in the context of strategic relations between Russia and the West.
The development of HPE in the region will be dominated by a tendency to exacerbate both interstate and intrastate contradictions. Wherein feature there will remain the desire of Turkey, Iran and Pakistan to weaken the position of Russia. The development of the situation will take place under close scrutiny. Western states and, above all, the United States, whose leadership primarily seeks to maintain and strengthen its control over the extraction and transportation of energy resources to world markets.
characteristic feature development of HPE in this region will be the desire of most of the countries located here to use the religious factor to ensure their interests. The intensification of the spread of Islamic extremism may have a negative impact on Russia, and primarily on areas where the Muslim population predominates.
A new factor in the alignment of forces and the military-political situation as a whole was the US military operation in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now the goals of US policy have become more and more clear - under the guise of the slogan of combating terrorism, at the same time to establish control over a region vital for the West's economy, in which the world's largest reserves of energy resources are concentrated.
The Central Asian states also form a special geopolitical group. Despite their participation in the CIS, these countries experience powerful geopolitical influence from the South - from Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan. Due to their internal political instability, they can remain a potential or real source of tension for a long time.
The Central Asian states are usually called the “soft underbelly” of Russia due to the fact that they are extremely weak subjects of international relations due to serious economic difficulties, political instability, and also due to the presence of ethnic, religious and territorial problems.
The deployment of US military facilities and their main NATO satellites on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and possibly other countries in the region leads to the displacement of Russia from there and the consolidation of the West in the sphere of its geopolitical interests. These actions can also be seen not only as a threat to the Russian Federation, but also as a threat to China, which US analysts tend to view as a very dangerous competitor.
In the East, the military-political situation is characterized by increased rivalry for leadership in this region between the United States, Japan and China. This is primarily due to the growing role of the Asia-Pacific region (APR) in the world economy.
The geopolitical situation there is currently developing not in favor of Russia, which has significantly weakened its position in the region. This is due to the unprecedented growth of China's economic power and its economic rapprochement with Japan, as well as the development of the military-political alliance between Japan and the United States.
China, which is in the stage of dynamic development, is already asserting itself as a great power with powerful economic and military potential, as well as unlimited human resources.
The Chinese economy is one of the fastest growing in the world. At the same time, it remains largely extensive and costly, requiring more and more natural resources. And they are quite limited in China. The bowels of Siberia and Far East- almost inexhaustible. This circumstance may be an incentive for China's territorial claims against Russia.
The intensification of rivalry for leadership between the regional centers of power (China and Japan) and the United States in this region will have a decisive influence on the development of the military-political and military-strategic situation. Washington, Tokyo and Beijing will continue to view Moscow as a potential regional rival and will attempt to push the Russian Federation out of solving major regional military-political problems.
An analysis of the development of the military-political situation in the world shows that as a result of the active process of strengthening new centers of power near the borders of Russia, the confrontation is intensifying for access to natural, energy, scientific, technical, human and other resources in the post-Soviet space, as well as for expanding opportunities, in including legal ones, according to their use. At the turn of the 2020s Russia can become the main arena of the struggle for sources of raw materials and other natural resources.
From the foregoing, it follows that the country must have an effective system for the timely detection of military threats, prompt and flexible response to them, and a reliable system of military security for the Russian Federation.

Responsible editor: T. V. Kashirina, D. A. Sidorov

The collection was compiled following the results of the international scientific and practical conference young scientists "Role international organizations V modern world”, held at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia on February 16, 2019. The conference was organized by the Department of International Relations of the Diplomatic Academy, the official partner of the event was the Center for International Promotion Foundation, assistance in holding the conference was provided by the Foundation for Support of Public Diplomacy named after. A.M. Gorchakov" and Trade House "Biblio Globus". The conference was attended by undergraduate and graduate students, graduate students and teachers of Russian and foreign higher educational institutions.

The attention of the authors is focused on the analysis of current trends and topical problems in the development of international relations and international law. The authors consider in detail the issues of cooperation within the framework of various international organizations, analyze the relationship between the leading players in the global political arena. The materials are presented in the author's edition and are intended for use in educational process in the training of specialists in the field of international relations and international law.

book chapters

Panchenko P. N. In the book: Modern Russian criminal legislation: state, trends and development prospects, taking into account the requirements of dynamism, continuity and increasing economic efficiency (on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the adoption of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in 1996). Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (Nizhny Novgorod, October 4, 2011). N. Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2012. P. 258-269.

The significance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and generally recognized principles and norms of international law in the development of Russian criminal legislation is analyzed, and prospects are shown further development of this legislation and practice of its application.

Varfolomeev A.A. , Alyonkin S., Zubkov A. Drug control. 2012. No. 2. S. 27-32.

The article substantiates the thesis from the standpoint of international law that the production of drugs on the territory of Afghanistan should be considered as a threat to international peace and security. The authors come to the conclusion that it is expedient for the UN Security Council to qualify the situation in this way, and, accordingly, to turn to the instruments of international legal counteraction provided for by Art. VII of the UN Charter.

Butorina O. V., Kondratieva N. B. In: European Integration: textbook. M.: Business Literature, 2011. Ch. 11. S. 186-202.

The main questions are:

1) EU budget: origin and content

2) Annual and multi-year financial plans

3) Problems of EU fiscal policy

4) Off-budget financial instruments

Denchev K., Zlatev V. Sofia: Agroengineering, 2000.

For almost a hundred years, the "oil and gas factor" has been one of the main elements influencing international relations. Of fundamental importance is the fact that we are talking about the interconnectedness of international relations with the problem of energy security. The enormous importance of energy resources in world politics causes an aggravation of both hidden and open confrontation between the leading powers for control over regions that are either rich in hydrocarbon raw materials or are located at the intersection of transport routes.

Suzdaltsev A.I. In the book: Modernization of the economy and globalization: In 3 books. Book. 3.. Book. 3. M.: GU-HSE Publishing House, 2009. S. 355-361.

The problem of developing the main criteria of modern Russian foreign policy in the post-Soviet space is associated with several external factors that play a serious role in the region. These factors play their role in the development of a long-term policy towards our only formal ally in the post-Soviet space - the Republic of Belarus, which is discussed in the article.

The textbook contains a description of the structure, tasks and mechanisms of work of the most significant international economic organizations; shows the results of their activities; the analysis of problems and prospects of their development is given; changes in the formation of Russia's policy in relations with these organizations are reflected. A characteristic of the emerging system of global economic regulation is proposed. For students studying the world economy and international economic relations. It is of interest to specialists in international affairs of a wide profile, as well as to everyone who is interested in the issues of international settlement of global systems.

In a predictive study covering the period up to 2035, fundamental trends are characterized, under the influence of which the face of the world will be formed in 20 years. The task of the forecast is to identify the challenges and opportunities that await the world, which can be used in the interests of Russia, to ensure its role as an active participant in the development of rules for the future world order.

A broad analysis of world development trends in the areas of ideas and ideology, politics, innovations, economics, social sphere, international security, the problems of globalization and regionalism are considered. The final section of the book is devoted to strategic recommendations for Russia.

For employees of government and administration, scientific, expert and business communities. It will be useful for international students.

Number of pages - 352 pages

The work under review by professor of St. Petersburg State University A.A. special development after the signing of the so-called road maps for the common spaces of the Russian Federation and the EU (May 2005).

Analysis modern society, permeated with media, is conducted from the standpoint of an ethnomethodological approach and is an attempt to answer the cardinal question: what are the observed orderings of events broadcast by mass mediators. The study of rituals proceeds in two main directions: firstly, in the organizational and production system of the media, focused on constant reproduction, which is based on the transmission model and the distinction between information / non-information, and, secondly, in the analysis of the perception of these messages by the audience, which is the realization of a ritual or expressive pattern that results in a shared experience. This signifies the ritual nature of modern media.

Humanity is going through a change of cultural and historical eras, which is associated with the transformation of network media into the leading means of communication. The consequence of the “digital split” is a change in social divisions: along with the traditional “haves and have-nots”, there is a confrontation between “online (connected) versus offline (not connected)”. Under these conditions, traditional intergenerational differences lose their significance, belonging to one or another information culture, on the basis of which media generations are formed, turns out to be decisive. The paper analyzes the diverse consequences of networking: cognitive, arising from the use of "smart" things with a friendly interface, psychological, generating network individualism and increasing privatization of communication, social, embodying the "paradox of an empty public sphere". The role of computer games as "deputies" of traditional socialization and education is shown, the vicissitudes of knowledge, which is losing its meaning, are considered. In conditions of excess information, the most scarce human resource today is human attention. Therefore, new business principles can be defined as attention management.

In this scientific work the results obtained during the implementation of project No. 10-01-0009 "Media rituals", implemented within the framework of the HSE Science Foundation Program in 2010-2012, were used.

Political and socio-economic situation in Russia at the present stage.

FIRST FEATURE lies in radical changes in the world and a number of influential states that have caused instability in international relations at the global, regional and subregional levels.

Firstly, this instability was the result of the destruction of the former world order system created after World War II, when the confrontation between the 2 giants of the USA and the USSR was in fact the main axis around which all international life revolved.

Secondly, instability was the result of the incompleteness of the process, the formation of new states and subjects of international law in the place previously occupied by the countries of the world socialist system and, above all, by the Soviet Union.

Thirdly, radical changes in the world have given a powerful impetus different forms competition for the "privatization" of the results of these changes in their favor. The strongest and most stable states tried to take advantage of the difficult situation within the new independent states to consolidate their own influence and build international relations solely in their own interests.

SECOND FEATURE is to expand the conflict-forming basis at the global, regional and local levels in various spheres of life of the world community. The ideas of universal peace and prosperity proclaimed by the new political thinking turned out to be a utopia against the backdrop of a series of wars and armed conflicts.

The situation is complicated by the fact that all of the above not only did not resolve the old ones, but also caused new contradictions that expanded the conflict-forming basis.

Global community turned out to be unprepared and unable to put out the old and prevent new conflicts in different parts of the world and individual regions.

THIRD FEATURE lies in the growing trend of the international position. It is clearly manifested in the preservation and active use of military force in the foreign policy of states.

First, the existence and perfection military organization states of the world shows that in solving new international problems the governments of these countries do not intend to give up the possibilities of the old military-force method of solving them.

Secondly, the militarization of foreign policy is clearly manifested in the desire to use any pretext in order to demonstrate and test forceful methods in practice.

Thirdly, the militaristic character is manifested in the desire of states under the guise of outwardly just and even peaceful tasks to solve military-strategic tasks.

In particular, under the guise of peacekeeping not only military skills are improved, but also such military-strategic tasks are achieved that were previously achieved by classical military means.

PR: The US and NATO war in the Balkans. Under the guise of peacekeeping, today they are solving those tasks that yesterday they had scheduled exclusively for wartime and for conducting military operations with a potential enemy. In this regard, it must be remembered that everything is subject to the laws of dialectics, including militarism. It develops and traditionally "digs" deeper and deeper into "peacekeeping camouflage".

Fourthly, the militaristic policy is manifested in the desire to maintain military and political superiority by building up one's own strength or incurring direct damage to the military strength of a potential enemy.

P-r: this is clearly manifested in the policy of the United States and other states in relation to Russia. On the one hand, they seek to consolidate and maintain their superiority in power, and on the other hand, to weaken the military power of Russia as much as possible.

Today, the main thing for the opponents of Russia is that Russia cannot fight in the new conditions and is not ready for the wars of the 21st century.

The fourth feature is the sharp increase in the role of the military-industrial complex in the international life and foreign policy of a number of states.

Thus, the instability of the international situation, its increasing militarization, which is clearly manifested in the preservation and improvement of the instruments of war, the increase in the number of armed conflicts and wars, as well as in the growing role of the military-industrial complex in the foreign policy of a number of states, raises the question of Russia's military security.