The procedure for filling out an advertisement for a cash contribution. Announcement for a cash contribution: sample filling. Why is it necessary to transfer funds to a banking institution

The delivery of cash in banks is accompanied by the execution of an announcement for a cash contribution. A standard form of this document has been developed - form 0402001. You will learn how to correctly fill out an advertisement for a cash contribution in this article, here you can also download a sample advertisement and the form itself form 0402001, effective from November 1, 2014.

Sample of filling out an advertisement for a cash contribution

The form consists of three parts: the announcement itself, the receipt and the warrant. The first part of the document remains in the bank after the money is deposited, the receipt is handed over to the person depositing the funds, and in the future he will hand over this receipt to the cash desk of his enterprise. In turn, at the cash desk, the receipt will be attached to the expenditure order, on the basis of which the money was issued from the cash desk for delivery to the bank.

When filling out the declaration form, indicate it serial number, date - the date the cash was deposited with the bank.

“From whom” - indicate the organization that donates money to the bank.

"Recipient" - indicate the name of the recipient, his details.

We also prescribe the name and BIC of the depositor's bank and the recipient's bank.

The amount to be entered in the advertisement is written in words and numbers.

“Sources of income” - write in words and indicate the appropriate code (for example, code 02 - trade revenue from the sale of goods, 05 - passenger transport revenue, 08 - utility bills, 11 - revenue of organizations providing other services, 12 - taxes and fees, 16 - deposits of citizens, 28 - return of wages, 32 - other receipts).

When submitting an advertisement to a bank, the cashier will check it, take the advertisement itself, and tear off the receipt and hand it over to the person depositing the money.

This form is a cash document, it should not contain any corrections and errors.

Announcement for a cash contribution - a document on the basis of which cash funds are deposited to a bank account. The declaration form for a cash contribution is being developed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. From November 1, 2014, a new form of announcing a cash contribution 0402001 is in effect.

Form 0402001 consists of three documents: an announcement, a receipt for it and a credit note. These three documents are filled in the same way. The completed declaration form remains with the bank employee. A receipt signed by a bank employee is returned to the organization or individual entrepreneur who deposits cash into the current account. Receipt order transferred to the accounting department of the bank and attached to the bank statement.

The reverse operation to withdraw money from the current account is carried out on the basis of a check, a sample of which can be downloaded.

Sample Fill

Instructions for filling out the ad:

No: form number.

Date: date of filling out the form 0402001 - the date of depositing cash into the bank account.

From: The name of the organization that deposits the cash to the bank.

Debit: The sender's account number.

Beneficiary: The name of the organization to which the cash is being received.

Credit : beneficiary's current account number.

The fields "debit" and "credit" can be left empty, the bank employee will indicate the necessary data when receiving cash.

TIN: beneficiary's tax identification number.

Account No.: number of the beneficiary's current account.

Depositing bank: the name and BIC of the bank serving the person depositing money to the current account.

Bank of recipient: name and BIC of the beneficiary's bank.

Suma in cuirsive: sum of money deposited into the account.

Amount in figures: the same amount in figures.

Source of income: specifies the source type.

Symbol/amount: indicates the symbol of the source of money in the nomenclature of symbols and the corresponding amount of money for this symbol.

The most commonly used symbols in a cash deposit announcement are:

  • 02 - proceeds from the sale of goods;
  • 05 - revenue of public passenger transport;
  • 08 - utility bills;
  • 11 - revenue from services sold;
  • 12 - receipt of taxes;
  • 14 - repayment of loans;
  • 16 - deposits of individuals;
  • 19 - receipts to the account of individual entrepreneurs;
  • 28 - return of wages;
  • 32 - others.

The receipt and the order for the announcement of the contribution in cash are filled in the same way.

Doing economic activity organization implies the movement of funds both in the current account in the bank and in the cash desk of the organization. Based on the Regulations of the Bank of Russia, each organization sets a limit on the cash balance, therefore, at the end of the working day, the cash balance should not exceed the amounts established by the calculation. To do this, over-limit funds are deposited with the bank to the organization's current account, the document confirming the transfer of money to the bank is the "declaration for a cash contribution" (form 0402001 from November 1, 2014).

Daily chief accountant or cashier of the organization carrying out cash transactions in the organization must control the limit of the cash balance in the organization. If this limit is exceeded, the funds are transferred to the bank. To do this, the responsible person fills out the declaration form for depositing money into the bank, approved on the basis of Bank of Russia Decree No. 3352-U dated July 30, 2014, and entered into force on November 1, 2014.

Note that for exceeding the limit, the organization can be fined, while the maximum amount is 50 thousand rubles. Above the limit, the organization can keep cash intended for paying salaries, as well as amounts intended for social payments for scholarships and insurance. The allowable storage period for these amounts is 3 working days for ordinary regions and 5 for Far North regions, while the day the money is received is included in this period.

Announcement for cash contribution sample filling

An announcement for depositing money into a bank can be filled out by a responsible officer, both by hand and using printing technology, while blots and corrections are not allowed. In some cases, such an announcement may be filled out by employees of the bank where the organization's current account is opened.

The announcement form contains 3 parts: "Announcement", "Receipt" and "Order". All of them contain the same information, while 2 parts remain in the bank, and 1 part - "Receipt" with the bank's mark on receiving money remains with the organization for reporting. They start filling in from the top and then duplicate the information in the remaining two, consider how this happens.

Filling order:

Each declaration must have a number, which is assigned in order and fits into column "No", and the date is also affixed - it corresponds to the day when the organization deposits money into the company's current account. Therefore, the announcement must be made on the day when the accountant (head) will directly carry the money. Or guess this day in advance.

By "Debit" displays the name of the organization that makes the deposit of money, and the number of its current account. By "Credit" the name of the organization of the recipient and its current account are indicated. The following is indicated TIN the recipient's organization and its current account (on the receipt, the data on the current account in the column next to the TIN are not filled out). Below are the details of the banks of the depositor and recipient of funds (BIC in accordance with the Classifier).

After that, the amount of money deposited is indicated - it is written in words (rubles are in capital letters, and kopecks are indicated in numbers) and duplicated in numbers in the field next to ( column "amount"), as in the example. The source of receipt of money is indicated below - in words and the digital code is indicated ( column "symbol"), for example, trading revenue would correspond to the code "02". The applicant must put his personal signature on the advertisement.

IN column "from" the name of the organization that makes the contribution of money is entered, and in the column "recipient" the name of the organization to whose current account the funds are deposited. In most cases, it is in these two columns - the contributor and recipient will be the same organization. Next in column "Debit", V field "Account number" the account number of the organization is written.

Codes of sources of receipt of funds:

  • "02" - trading revenue is indicated;
  • "05" - revenue received from passenger transport;
  • "08" - receipts for utility bills and rent;
  • "09" - revenue received from entertainment events;
  • "11" - provision of other services;
  • "12" - taxes and fees;
  • "15" - income received from the sale of real estate;
  • "16" - deposits of the population (with the exception of Sberbank of the Russian Federation);
  • "17" - from organizations and enterprises of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Informatics and Communications;
  • "18" - funds received from institutions of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • "19" - receipt of funds to the account of an individual entrepreneur;
  • "20" - sale of securities (except for Sberbank);
  • "28" - return of wages and other payments that are equated to it;
  • "30" - carrying out currency exchange transactions with individuals;
  • "31" - receipts to the account of an individual;
  • "32" - other receipts are indicated;

The advertisement must be filled out without blots and corrections. The amount of the deposited funds must correspond to the amount specified in the form. The bank teller and cashier must check the correctness of the document, if necessary, the announcement is reissued. After depositing the amount of money indicated in the advertisement to the cash desk of the bank, the cashier, having checked the money, fills out the document and provides the client with a receipt.

To transfer cash from the cash register to your bank account, a company or an individual entrepreneur must fill out a special document - “Announcement for a cash contribution”. In the article we will talk about the form on which it is drawn up, how to do it correctly, and also give an example of an already completed document.

How to fill out an "Announcement for a cash contribution"

The form of an announcement for a cash contribution (OKUD 0402001) is strictly regulated - it was approved by the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2014 No. 3352-U and has been valid since November 2014. The announcement for a contribution does not apply if the money is deposited in the bank in bags, then another form is filled out - a bill of lading (OKUD 0402300).

When issuing this cash document, no errors and corrections are allowed. When accepting "cash", bank employees carefully check the completed announcement for a cash deposit, the form of which must comply with the established form, and the lines are filled out taking into account the requirements of appendices 2 and 3 to the Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3352-U. Otherwise, the bank will refuse to accept money for the organization or individual entrepreneur.

You can fill out the "advertisement" manually or on a computer. A representative of a legal entity depositing money into his bank account must present a power of attorney to deposit cash in the bank (clause 3.1 of the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2008 No. 318-P).

The cash advance notice form consists of three parts:

  • announcement (after depositing the money remains with the bank),
  • a receipt (returned to the depositor with the signature of a bank employee confirming that the money has been deposited to the current account),
  • an order (passes through the bank's accounting department, then is attached to the client's current account statement).

The lines of each of these parts are duplicated when completed:

  • “From whom” - the full name is indicated. a person depositing cash in a bank.
  • "Recipient" - the full name of the company, or full name. an individual entrepreneur, to whose account the deposited cash will be credited.
  • "TIN" of the one to whose account the funds are credited.
  • “R / account number” - here you need to indicate the number of the bank current account to which the “cash” is credited.
  • You should also indicate the name and BIC of the bank that accepted the money and the bank in which the account for crediting is located, as a rule, this is the same bank.
  • The amount of crediting in rubles is indicated in words, kopecks are written in numbers; The amount indicated on the cash deposit declaration form must match the actual amount of money deposited.
  • The line "Source of income" is filled in according to the names of the sources of income indicated when filling out the form 0409202 (instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2009 No. 2332-U). Most often, the source of money is revenue from the sale of goods, which corresponds to symbol 02, it can also be: revenue from passenger transport services - symbol 05, from other services - symbol 11, etc.
  • On the right side of the form, the receipt symbol and the corresponding amount in numbers are indicated. If there are several sources, the amount is shown broken down by each of them.
  • Only the depositor of the “cash” puts his signature in the “announcement” part, and the head of the company and the chief accountant do not sign the announcement for a cash contribution. The remaining signatures in the document are affixed by bank employees who accept funds and draw up documents.

The money must be accepted by the bank on the same date as indicated in the cash deposit announcement. The receipt received by the depositor in his hands is attached by the cashier of the company to the account cash order, according to which the money was withdrawn from the cash register for transfer to the bank.

Announcement for cash contribution sample filling

Announcement for a cash contribution, download the form (word)

The amount of cash that can remain in cash at the end of the day is regulated by Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3210-U. To prevent violations, the cashier monitors the amount of cash available at the cash desk.

If there is more money accumulating there than is required by the limit, it is necessary to transfer the excess to a bank account. If the cashier misses this moment and admits, he may be charged a fine of 4-5 thousand rubles.

The same liability awaits the accountant if he is responsible for the amount of cash in the cash desk of the enterprise. Of course entity can be fined 40-50 thousand.

Announcement for a cash contribution: filling in the form

To deposit money from the cash register to a bank account, a cash deposit announcement is used. This form was approved in 2014, July 30, by Instruction No. 3352-U (form according to OKUD 0402001).

Cases of using a cash deposit ad

The above form is used in the following cases:

  • when the bank accepts cash from individual entrepreneurs;
  • when the bank credits cash from legal entities to the account;
  • When credit organizations they put money on their correspondent accounts available in cash settlement centers.

Since it is not necessary to hand over cash on weekends, this form is used only on weekdays. However, there are exceptions for weekdays. If a salary is issued, then within 3 days the limit may be exceeded. If the enterprise is located in areas that are difficult to access, then the cash on hand may exceed the limits for up to 5 days.

Document Features

The cash deposit announcement consists of 3 parts:

  1. announcement;
  2. order;
  3. receipt.

All these 3 parts are located on one sheet. Both written and printed filling of the form is allowed. It is performed by an accountant, however, individual banks fill out the form themselves. Separate fields are drawn up using stamps. These include the following:

  • account number;
  • recipient;
  • Name of the bank.

The application for a cash contribution must be filled out very carefully.

The tips below will help you complete Form 0402001.

  • “Announcement No.” (at the top) - the next number is put down, every year the numbering starts anew.
  • “Date” is the date when the cash is handed over to the bank; numbers and letters are used in this column. The entry might look like this: July 21, 2016.
  • “From whom” - here indicate the full name of the depositor, including the structural unit (if any).
  • “Debit account No., credit account No.” - these are the columns to be filled in by the operating officer who issues invoices in accordance with the chart of accounts.
  • "Recipient" - here indicates the name of the organization - the recipient, if it is, then the name is written in full.
  • - rewrite the number from the certificate that is issued upon tax registration.
  • "Account number" - the number of the account to which the money should come.
  • “Name of the depositing bank” – the name of the organization (branch) where the money is deposited.
  • “Name of the beneficiary bank” - the name of the bank where the account to which the money is transferred is located.
  • BIC - a code that each bank has, you will need identification numbers of both banks (where they deposit money, where they will go).
  • “Amount in words” - you need to write the amount to be credited in letters, without making any indents. Like ten thousand. If there is space to the end of the line, then you need to put a double dash. If the form is filled out on a computer, then immediately after the amount put "rub." In this case, the dash is not needed. Pennies are indicated by numbers.
  • "Source of income" - where the money came from. Codes are used for this column. They are listed below:
  1. 02 - proceeds from trade in goods;
  2. 05 - proceeds from the provision;
  3. 08 - money from paying rent;
  4. 11 - revenue from services not included in the list above;
  5. 12 - money received as taxes, contributions,;
  6. 15 - money from real estate transactions;
  7. 28 - refund that was not paid;
  8. 32 - other revenue. This column may be supplemented by the entry "by proxy". This is done in cases where money is deposited by proxy. Next to this entry indicate the number of the power of attorney.
  • "Amount in numbers" - the amount to be entered is written only in numbers using a hyphen, for example, 10000 - 00.
  • “Including by symbols” - source codes are put down, the amount that was received from this source.

At the end of the announcement, the signature of the accountant, cashier is put. The chief accountant, the director does not need to sign the document. It is not necessary to put signatures in advance, when the bank employee checks, then the document is signed.

Here they put the signatures of bank employees. In addition to signatures are indicated. Below the declaration are other parts of the document. They are filled in the same way as the ad.

Features of depositing with the bank

Cash contribution announcement: sample

The bank employee is obliged to check the form at the time of transmission. He draws attention to the following:

  • lack of corrections, blots;
  • Are all fields filled in?
  • Is everything filled out correctly?

After checking, the form goes to the cashier, and the depositor receives a tear-off coupon. At the cash desk, the employee must check the signature of the accountant, determine whether it matches the sample. Then he counts the money, sees if the actual amount of money matches what is stated on the form.

At the same time, it is necessary to count in such a way that the person depositing money can see how the recalculation is going on. If everything is fine, the cashier puts 3 signatures (in each part), a stamp is put on the receipt. The order goes to bank accounting, this document will become the basis for crediting money to the account. The receipt is given to the depositor. It must be returned to the organization and filed with the expenditure order.

The retention period for such documentation is 5 years. Accounting conducts this operation as Dt sch51 Kt sch50.

If the bank teller during the check found errors and shortcomings, the form is redone. If the amount does not match the amount stated in the ad, the cashier will cross out the receipt, indicate the correct amount on the reverse side and return the money for correction.

The announcement for the contribution has a limited validity period - a day. The dates on the form must match the actual dates. If the form was transferred to the bank, but the funds were not deposited, then at the end of the day the form will be destroyed. The video clearly helps to understand the intricacies of filling out such a document.

Cashier: Cash Deposit Announcement - Video Tip: