Receipt order m4 filling rules. Form m4 receipt order for what you need

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This form is used to record materials coming from suppliers or from processing. A receipt order in one copy is drawn up by a financially responsible person on the day the valuables arrive at the warehouse.
One credit note can be issued for several items of materials if they were received on one invoice.
For bulk homogeneous goods arriving from the same supplier several times during the day, it is allowed to draw up one receipt order for the whole day.
A receipt order must be issued for the actually accepted amount of valuables.
The standard intersectoral form No. M-4 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a.

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How to fill out a pay slip

A receipt order can be issued for several items of materials at once if they were received on one invoice.

Operation type code. This code is set if the organization has a classifier for the types of operations. If there is no such classifier, then a dash is put in this column.

Supplier (code). This code is set if the organization has a vendor code classifier. If there is no such classifier, then a dash is put in this column.

Insurance Company. The name of the company that insured the cargo is indicated. If the cargo was not insured, then a dash is put.

Document number (accompanying). The number of the document by which the materials were received is indicated - a waybill or waybill.

Number of the document (payment). The number of the document by which the received materials were paid is indicated - payment order or payment request.

Price (column 7). The cost of a unit of material, excluding VAT, is indicated.

VAT amount (column 9). Specifies the VAT amount for the total quantity of the material.

Passport number (column 11). The passport number is indicated if the material contains stones or precious materials. A special passport is attached to such materials.

Serial number according to the warehouse file (column 12). The number of the material accounting card (form M-17) is recorded here.

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The name of the enterprise that has accepted goods or materials as personal property from the supplier is indicated at the top of the form. The column on the structural unit contains information about the unit that will directly carry out the procedure for receiving the received materials. Information about the parties to the agreement In the first table, the responsible officer records data about the supplier of the received materials and the insurance company, if any. The numbers corresponding to the payment and accompanying documents are also indicated here. Bank account information In a special column, information is written about the account, on the credit or debit of which transactions are made regarding the crediting of certain property to the organization's balance sheet. Data on the products received. descriptive and quantitative parameters of the material accepted by the customer.

The procedure for the formation of a receipt order m4

Answers to common questions Question #1. Do I need to put a seal/stamp on the Receipt Order? There is no space for a seal/stamp in the receipt order. But if we are talking about the receipt of customer-supplied materials for processing, you can put a stamp containing this information. For example, "tolling materials for processing." Read also the article: → “Form KO-2.
Filling out an account cash warrant form. Question number 2. Where should the receipt be kept? Places and terms of storage are determined in accordance with the rules established by the document flow established in the organization. Receipt orders in the form of M-4 must be submitted to the accounting department of the organization for verification and storage within the time limits established by the organization.
Question number 3. Any employee can sign for receipt of materials in the Receipt Order Form M-4? A credit order is signed only by a financially responsible person, i.e.

Receipt order (form m-4) + sample filling

After the documents are prepared, they are accepted for accounting (Article 9 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ). Only after that the transaction can be reflected in the accounts. accounting. Consequently, the receipt of materials in the organization or goods in the trading division is reflected in the accounts only after the receipt order is drawn up in form N M-4.


From this point on, the organization can use the input VAT deduction, subject to the remaining conditions for the offset. Example. Tyulpan-service LLC purchased stationery (fountain pens) from Tycoon LLC. The cost of one fountain pen is 7.08 rubles, including VAT - 1.08 rubles.

The goods were received on 01.12.2005 according to invoice No. 118.

Receipt order in the form of m-4

The order must be drawn up in a single copy: this document specifies the number of materials received by the unit. One order can be issued for several types of incoming products, if it is transferred to the enterprise by one supplier and delivered within one day. The form can be completed manually, but more often automated computer programs are used for this.

Electronic filing saves time and ensures accurate records. DOWNLOAD FORM M-4 IN EXCEL How to fill in a credit slip? Basic steps Each order, in which the receipt of inventory items to the enterprise is recorded, must be numbered, the date must be put on the document. The following main steps can be listed:

  • Indication of the full name of the enterprise.

    Also, his legal name is prescribed.

Receipt order m-4

A bank's refusal to conduct an operation can be appealed The Bank of Russia has developed requirements for an application that a bank client (organization, individual entrepreneur, individual) can send to the interdepartmental commission in the event that the bank refuses to make a payment or enter into a bank account (deposit) agreement.< … Зарплата за апрель: не ошибитесь в дате перечисления НДФЛ из-за майских праздников В нынешнем году первая «порция» майских праздников будет длиться 4 дня (с 29 апреля по 2 мая включительно). Если в вашей компании день выплаты зарплаты – 1-е или 2-е число, выдать апрельскую зарплату придется досрочно – 28 апреля.


On the same day, you need to withhold personal income tax.< … Главная → Бухгалтерские консультации → Бухгалтерский учет Обновление: 28 апреля 2017 г. По общему правилу все business transactions in the organization must be drawn up with primary documents.

How to fill out an incoming order in the form m-4?

The passport number is indicated if inventory items have this accompanying document (for example, jewelry). Lastly, the card number according to the warehouse file cabinet is entered into the table. The remaining blank lines must be crossed out (in the form of the letter Z or crosswise). Filling out the reverse side of the M-4 form reverse side The document sums up the receipt: the total quantity of goods received, its total value without VAT, the amount of VAT and the value with VAT. It is not necessary to decipher the amounts in writing. In conclusion, the receipt order must be signed by the direct recipient of the goods (in this case, the storekeeper) and the representative of the supplier (in this case, the forwarder) with mandatory decoding. There is no need to certify the order with a seal, because

Online journal for an accountant


By Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 71a dated October 30, 1997, the primary document for posting credited materials. Such a document is the form of the receipt order M-4. According to clause 49 of the "Guidelines for accounting of inventories", ratified by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 119n dated December 28, 2001, any crediting of materials is accompanied by an M-4 order.

Organizations that, in addition to trade, are engaged in other types of activities, must receive and receive goods identically to the procedure for registering material objects. This is provided for by paragraph 224 of the above Guidelines. It is important that this procedure should not be followed by entities conducting only trading activities. According to Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 129, the date of receipt, the number of material assets and other indispensable details are written in the credit note M-4.
If the organization cooperates with suppliers, each receipt of materials should be documented. For this, a unified form was developed - the credit note M-4. This is a standard document that can be used at enterprises of various industries; each incoming transaction is recorded in it.

Primary accounting is mandatory for all business organizations. Subscribe to the accounting channel in Yandex Zen! Requirements for issuing an order The form of an incoming order M-4 was developed by the State Statistics Committee and approved by the Decree of 1997. This document records all receipts of materials that come to the organization from suppliers or from processing units.

The order must be filled in by a financially responsible employee, this document is drawn up upon receipt of goods and materials for storage, as well as upon transfer of semi-finished products for use in production.

Form m4 receipt order for what you need

Passport number Ordinal number according to the warehouse card index name, grade, size, brand nomenclature number code name according to the document accepted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Office paper 111 778 Packaging 20 20 160.00 3200.00 576.00 3776.00 - 1111 - - - - - - - - - - - - Material values ​​Unit of measurement Quantity Price, rub.kop. Amount excluding VAT, rub.cop. VAT amount, rub.cop. Total including VAT, rub.cop. Passport number Ordinal number according to the warehouse card index name, grade, size, brand nomenclature number code name according to the document accepted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 20 X 3,200.00 576.00 3,776.00 Received by Storekeeper Veselii Veselii N.A. Passed by Manager Bold Bold N.Sh.
Federal Law No. 129-FZ of November 21, 1996 states that all operations "must be documented by supporting documents." From the literal interpretation of this norm, it follows that the buyer must himself draw up the primary document, according to which he will capitalize the received values. This will be the receipt order in the form N M-4. It indicates the date of receipt, the number of valuables and other mandatory details (Article 9 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ). And to replace the receipt order, when the goods arrive at the division of the company, the consignment note in the form N TORG-12 cannot. Despite the fact that the second copy of this document, received from the supplier, is the basis for posting the received values. Therefore, when goods arrive at the trading unit, you need to draw up a receipt order in the form N M-4.
According to the rules, the form can be filled out both by hand and on a computer, but in any case, the document must necessarily contain "live" signatures of the representative of the supplier and consumer. After registration, the number of the receipt order must be registered in the material accounting card and transferred to the accounting department of the enterprise, where it, like other primary documents, must be stored for at least five years. The document is issued exactly on the day of receipt of goods and reflects the actual arrival.
A receipt order is issued in one copy, and if there are several deliveries from the same supplier within one day, they can all be entered in one document. Instructions for filling out an incoming order It is impossible to say that this type of document may cause some difficulties when filling out, since it has a completely simple and understandable form.
This form can be used during economic activity. Or, guided by the sample, you can develop your own document form. The main thing is that in the form developed independently, all the necessary details are present. You can see how to correctly fill in the M-4 credit note here. It is important to fill out the order correctly. An improperly drawn up document will be invalidated. And this means that there are no primary accounting documents.
Who signs the order Ready receipt order M-4 must be certified by a signature. Only the person who is financially responsible and who directly accepts the materials received by the organization has the right to put a signature. After the order is signed, it is unacceptable to make changes to the form items. The corrected document will be invalidated.

New form "Receipt Order" officially approved by the document Decree of the Goskomstat of the Russian Federation of October 30, 1997 N 71a.

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The received materials are accepted for accounting by issuing an incoming order form M-4. This article describes how to fill out the M-4 form. In addition, you can download the receipt form and its sample filling.

Form M-4 is a standard form that is convenient to take inventory for accounting. If during the day several batches of goods and materials are received from the same supplier, then all of them can be indicated in one form of an incoming order.

Form M-4 is filled in on the day of receipt of materials in one copy. Data in the form is entered by a materially responsible person - a warehouse worker. The completed M-4 form is transferred at the end of the day with the signature of the responsible person to the accounting department to complete the necessary postings for the posting of goods and materials.

The movement of inventory items includes not only their receipt to the warehouse, but also the release to other units, as well as to the side. The internal movement of materials is formalized by the requirement of the M-11 form, you can download the form and a sample of the M-11 form. Release of materials to the side - waybill form M-15 -. Material values, for which limits are set, are released according to .

Sample Fill

Receipt order M-4 - the primary document confirming the posting of goods and materials to the warehouse. Let's figure out when the M-4 form is used and consider an example of filling in an M4 incoming order. Here you can download the form in excel.

Read in the article:

A receipt order in the form of M 4 is issued at the time of receipt of goods and materials received from the counterparty or from processing. But at the same time, the quantity and quality of materials must be identical to the information given in the shipping documents.

As a rule, an M4 receipt is issued for each delivery. But there are also cases where you can issue one order to receive several items of goods and materials. Such cases are:

  • Goods and materials from one supplier on one invoice;
  • homogeneous materials from one supplier on different invoices within one day.

The receipt order M 4 is made up in one copy by the warehouse workers. The storekeeper and the person who delivered the goods and materials to the warehouse (in particular, the forwarder or driver) put their signatures on the document.

After filling out the M4 form, it is transferred to the accounting department along with other shipping documents.

How to fill out an incoming order in the form M-4

The State Statistics Committee approved this form on October 30, 1997 by Resolution No. 71a. It is currently advisory in nature. The company has the right to develop and approve its own receipt form. However, its application should be reflected in accounting policy.

Receipt order M4

The document consists of a header, two tables with columns on the outside and a table on the back with totals.

In the header, indicate the document number according to the internal document flow, the name of the company that accepted the goods and its organizational and legal form, the OKPO code and the structural unit that issued the order.

In the first table, indicate the date of receipt of goods and materials, the code for the type of operation, the name of the warehouse, the name and code of the supplier; insurance company if you insure the cargo, the corresponding accounts for accounting and analytical accounting, as well as the numbers of the accompanying and payment documents.

In columns where information is missing and not required to be filled in, put dashes.

Quote: Instead of a credit note, you can issue a stamp. This will reduce the paperwork in the company. Read about it below.

The procedure for filling in the columns of the second table is given below.

Table 1. Filling in the column of the receipt order M-4

Column number Content
1 name, grade, size of goods and materials
2 item number of goods and materials
3,4 units
5,6 quantity of goods and materials according to shipping documents in accordance with the actual
7 unit price without VAT
8 total amount for goods and materials without VAT
9 total amount of VAT
10 total amount for goods and materials with VAT per line
11 number of the passport attached to goods and materials containing stones and precious materials. If absent, put a dash
12 serial number according to the warehouse file of accounting cards

The reverse side shows the total: the total quantity of goods and materials, the cost with and without VAT, the amount of VAT.

Sample of filling in the receipt order M4

For form M 4 “Incoming order”, the sample filling is as follows. You can download it.

Sample of filling out a receipt order

Stamp instead of credit note

Credit slip M4 can not be issued. Replace it for paperwork reduction purposes with a stamp. They put it directly on the documents of the supplier.

The stamp must contain all the necessary details. Fix its use in the accounting policy for accounting.

Sample stamp that replaces the M-4 form

Attached files

  • Form of receipt order М4.xls
  • Sample of filling in the receipt order М4.xls