The serial number of the record in the warehouse file. Warehouse file. Create a warehouse group

As a general rule, all business transactions organization must draw up primary documents.

When materials are received by the organization from suppliers, the standard intersectoral form of the receipt order M-4 is used in the accounting workflow.

The procedure for documenting the M-4 form

According to the guidelines for the management accounting inventories for the receipt of materials entering the organization from suppliers or from processing, an M-4 receipt order is used. Form M-4 is a unified form of primary documentation approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a.

The receipt order M-4 is compiled by a financially responsible person at the time of receipt of inventory items at the warehouse of the organization, as well as semi-finished products in the production divisions of the enterprise. The document is drawn up in one copy and contains the actual number of received valuables. If the consignment note for the receipt of inventory items contains several items of products, it is allowed to issue one incoming order M-4. When homogeneous goods from one supplier arrive at the warehouse within a day, it is allowed to draw up the M-4 form as a whole for the day.

The receipt order form M-4 is filled out manually or using an automated warehouse accounting program, for example, 1C.

Form of receipt order M-4

Step-by-step instructions for filling out a receipt order M-4

  1. A receipt order for the receipt of inventory items has its own serial number and date of compilation.
  2. "Organization" - the name of the enterprise is filled in, indicating the legal address and contact phone number.
  3. "Structural division" - the department of the enterprise that received the commodity material values.
  4. The tabular section shows:
  • Date of receipt of goods and materials;
  • Operation type code;
  • Warehouse name;
  • The name and code of the supplier from the classifier of supplier codes (if this directory is not maintained in the organization, then a dash is put in the "Code" column);
  • Insurance Company subject to cargo insurance (if goods and materials were not insured, a dash is put);
  • Corresponding accounts for accounting and analytical accounting;
  • Numbers of accompanying and payment documents.

5. Column 1 contains the name, grade, size, brand of material assets.

6. Column 2 - nomenclature number of inventory items.

7. Columns 3, 4 "Unit of measurement" are a reflection of the units of measurement of goods and materials.

8. Columns 5, 6 "Quantity" reflect the quantity of goods and materials in accordance with the shipping documents and the actual availability upon receipt.

9. Column 7 "Price" - the cost of one unit of goods and materials, excluding value added tax (VAT).

10. Column 8 - the amount excluding VAT for all goods and materials of this line.

11. Column 9 - the amount of VAT on inventory items for the entire quantity for the line.

12. Column 10 - the total amount, including, among other things, VAT for the entire quantity of goods and materials for the line.

13. Column 11 "Passport number" is filled in if the goods and materials contain stones and precious materials. A special passport is attached to such materials;

14. Column 12 - the serial number according to the warehouse card index from the materials accounting cards.

At the end of the M-4 incoming order table, the total amounts are added up, dashes are put in the empty columns. An M-4 receipt order is issued with the signatures of the person who accepted the inventory items at the warehouse and the person who supplied these materials. The document drawn up in accordance with all the rules is transferred to the accounting department of the enterprise.

Standard intersectoral Form M-4 - Receipt order and Instructions for its application and filling in were approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of October 30, 1997 N 71a “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment, fixed assets and intangible assets, materials, low-value and fast-wearing items, works in capital construction”. In the article we will talk about the receipt order ( form M-4), consider the order of filling.

Used to account for materials. This can be both materials received from suppliers and materials received from processing. You can also issue a receipt order for materials accepted for safekeeping. It is applied by all organizations, regardless of their field of activity.

It is allowed not to draw up a receipt order, but to put on the delivery note of the supplier the stamp “Cashed in” with the details of the receipt order.

General rules for filling out the Credit Order

When filling out a Receipt Order, the following must be taken into account.

  • All columns must be filled in the document.
  • In the absence of data in the column, a dash is put
  • The code of the unit of measurement is filled in in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of units of measurement.
  • If in an organization the type of inventory takes into account data in units of measure other than those specified in the supplier's documents, the quantity is indicated in two units of measure. First - in those units that the supplier indicated, then in those that are installed in the organization. If the organization has developed and approved a system for converting from one unit to another, then the quantity can be indicated in units of measurement adopted in the organization and a link is given to the relevant local regulatory act.
  • If a smaller/larger unit of measure is indicated in the supplier's documents, the materials are accepted in the unit of measure adopted by the organization.
  • When receiving MPZ containing precious metals, the column “Passport number” is filled in, in other cases a dash is put in this column.

Step-by-step instructions for filling out the Receipt Order

  1. The name of the organization and structural unit is filled in.
  2. The date of preparation of the document, the warehouse where the values ​​are accepted, the name of the supplier, the data of the delivery note of the supplier, the number of the payment document (if any) are reflected.
  3. Specifies the inventory account.
  4. All received material values ​​are indicated. For each item, the name of the MPZ is filled in, including the grade, size, brand (if data is available). The nomenclature number, unit of measure is affixed.
  5. For each position, the number of inventories is indicated (according to the supplier's document and actually accepted) and cost indicators. Cost indicators include the price per unit, the amount without VAT, the amount of VAT, the total amount with VAT.
  6. The passport number (if any) and the serial number according to the warehouse file are reflected.
  7. The final line contains data on the number of actually accepted inventories, the amount excluding VAT, the amount of VAT and the total amount with VAT.
  8. The positions and names of employees who have handed over and accepted material values ​​are indicated. The person who passed the MPZ can be either an employee of the organization, for example, who bought materials for cash from accountable amounts, or an employee of the supplier organization or transport company eg forwarder.
  9. Both copies are signed by responsible persons. Read also the article: → "".

An example of filling out a Receipt Order

Standard interbranch form No. M-4

Approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia

dated 10.30.97 No. 71a

OKUD form0315003
OrganizationOOO Example according to OKPO12345678

Structural subdivision Main warehouse

V code
yes op-
Stock Supplier insurance company Corresponding
running account
Document number
name code account, sub-account analytical accounting code accompanying payment
27.10. 20 17 Main OOO "Friend" 10.01 Bill of lading No. 4452

from 27.10.2017

p/n 245 dated 10/26/2017
Wealth Unit of measurement Quantity Price, rub. cop. Amount excluding VAT, rub. cop. VAT amount, rub. cop. Total including VAT, rub. cop. Passport number-
grade, size, brand
latura number
code name according to the document accepted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Office paper111 778 Package20 20 160,00 3200,00 576,00 3776,00 1111
Wealth Unit of measurement Quantity Price, rub.cop. Amount excluding VAT, rub.cop. VAT amount, rub.cop. Total including VAT, rub.cop. Passport number-
Serial number according to the warehouse file
grade, size, brand
latura number
code name according to the document accepted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total20 X3 200,00 576,00 3 776,00
accepted Storekeeper Funny Vesely N.A. Passed Manager Brave Bold N.Sh.
(job title) (signature) (full name) (job title) (signature) (full name)

Answers to common questions

Question number 1. Do you need to credit note put a seal/stamp?

Question number 2. Where should the receipt be kept?

Places and terms of storage are determined in accordance with the rules established by the document flow established in the organization.

Receipt orders in the form of M-4 must be submitted to the accounting department of the organization for verification and storage within the time limits established by the organization.

Question number 3. Any employee can sign for receipt of materials in the Receipt Order Form M-4?

A credit order is signed only by a financially responsible person, i.e. the person with whom the liability agreement is concluded.

The program allows you to keep records of goods in several warehouses at the same time. A warehouse can be understood as a warehouse as such, or it can be a retail outlet, for example, a store, a pharmacy, a kiosk, and the workshops of an enterprise can also be defined as a warehouse. A warehouse can also be conditional, that is, non-existent, as some kind of single place for storing goods, for example, a warehouse for accounting for inventory in operation. In addition, warehouses can be combined into groups. This is convenient, for example, if there are several warehouses of the same purpose, but with in a different way accounting or different location.

In this section, we will consider the principles of organizing a warehouse card index, creating warehouses, sections of a warehouse card index and inventory cards.

Formation of the structure of the warehouse filing cabinet

In the standard delivery of the program, a minimum set of warehouses has already been created that may be required in further work - these are wholesale and retail warehouses, warehouses for inventory, materials and products of own production, etc.

To view the list of warehouses available in the program, you need to open the directory " Warehouse file cabinet".

Rice. 7-23 - Directory "Warehouse file". Warehouses.

The top level of the directory contains a list of the organization's warehouses. You may notice that in addition to warehouses, there are also groups in the list. As we said, warehouse groups can be used to group warehouses general purpose, but something different, for example, the type of accounting or location. In the standard delivery, for example, the folder "Inventory, overalls in operation" is configured in this way. If you expand the group, there will be two warehouses "Inventory, overalls in operation" inside: one warehouse is used for accounting on balance accounts, the other - for accounting on off-balance accounts.

Rice. 7-24 - Directory "Warehouse file". warehouse group.

Externally, each warehouse or group of warehouses is a folder in the directory root directory. Inside this folder - the warehouse, registration cards of all the names of the warehouse will be stored, in other words - the warehouse card file. All warehouse cards are grouped according to certain criteria into folders. In general, the structure of the warehouse card index repeats the structure of the corresponding sections of the stock list directory.

Rice. 7-25 - Structure of the warehouse file

Consider the process of creating a warehouse, organizing and filling a warehouse using a specific example.

Let's say you need to create two warehouses for storing food products. Since the purpose of the warehouses is one, for the convenience of work, we will first create a group of warehouses and place the warehouses we need in it.

As we have already said, warehouses and warehouse groups are created in the directory root directory.

Rice. 7-26 - Creating warehouses

At the same time, the program prompts you to select the required option from the proposed menu: "Create a warehouse" or "Create a group of warehouses".

Create a warehouse group

Select the "Create warehouse group" option. In the dialog box that opens, make the settings.

General tab

Rice. 7-27 - Dialog "Folder of warehouses". General tab.

In field " Name" Specify the name of the warehouse group. Purpose of other fields: " Printing allowed", "Discounts Allowed", "There is a price tag", "used", "Selection of parties", "Batch Code Template"we will consider further when describing the settings of a warehouse, a section of a warehouse card index and an item card. The values ​​specified on the warehouse folder will be the default values ​​for warehouses, folders and cards in the current warehouse folder.

Options tab

Rice. 7-28 - Stock Folder Options

Here you can set any parameters you need to work with a group of warehouses. Pay attention to specifying the parameters:

"Kind of activity" - Kind of activity.

"VAT rate" - VAT rate.

"UTII prevails"- the warehouse stores goods and materials used primarily for activities on UTII.

Read more about the purpose of these parameters and the principles of working with them later in the text.

Create a warehouse

So, in the list of warehouses of the organization there is a new group " Foodstuffs". The next step is to create warehouses. To do this, go to the group and, when creating, select the option "Create warehouse". This will open the warehouse settings dialog box.

Rice. 7-29 - Warehouse setup dialog box

The dialog box consists of several tabs. Consider the purpose of the main fields.

General tab

"Number" – a unique number that the system assigns to a newly created warehouse. Used to identify the warehouse in the system. If necessary, you can change the number assigned by the system to any other unique number in the range from 1 to 256. However, if at least one card was created in the warehouse, change warehouse number is no longer available.

"Responsible person" - the materially responsible person in the warehouse is indicated. The choice is made from the directory of employees.

"Accounting scheme" - indicates the method of storage (use) of goods and materials in the warehouse. The accounting scheme in combination with the type of goods and materials specified in the stock list card will determine the account (subaccount) for accounting for a particular type of goods and materials in this warehouse. The most commonly used schemes: in production- for goods and materials put into production; in retail- for goods transferred for sale to the retail network; warehousing- for goods and materials stored in a warehouse. For more information about accounting schemes, see the "Setting up accounting accounts" section.

"Warehouse of sale / nominal write-off" - the checkbox in this field sets the mode in which all goods and materials in this warehouse are assigned to specific materially responsible persons. In this case, in addition to the warehouse, the invoices indicate the person responsible for the goods. Accordingly, when writing off the goods from the warehouse, not only the availability of goods will be checked this product, but also its belonging to the person indicated in the invoice. Usually this flag is set for the warehouse " Inventory in operation".

"Warehouse storage" – defines the rules for constructing a list of balances. If the flag is set, then the balances for the MC of the current warehouse are displayed in the summary balances by item; if cleared, then not. their MCs.

"Sales price accounting" – defines the method of formation of the accounting price in the warehouse. If the checkbox is selected, the goods in the warehouse are accounted for at the selling price and the trade margin is calculated at the time of the formation of the receipt invoice. With this accounting, it is allowed to change the price of the goods only through revaluation acts, and recalculation of prices and manual changes are prohibited If the box is unchecked, the item is accounted for at actual cost, and the trade margin is calculated at the time the invoice is generated.

"used" - the flag sets the "Used" flag for all sections and cards of the warehouse. This flag has the same meaning here as in the stock list. All cards marked with the flag will be displayed in the warehouse card index and used in the warehouse workflow.

In the block Write-off principle" the method of valuation of materials when they are removed from the warehouse is determined:

"Average cost" the average cost of the nomenclature name is calculated;

"First in, first outFIFO)" - under this policy, preference for write-off is given to the product that entered the warehouse earlier than others.

"Last in, first outLIFO)"- preference for write-off is given to goods that arrived at the warehouse later than others. Please note that this method has been canceled since 2008.

"Minimum cost"- for write-off, a batch of goods with a minimum cost is selected. If the costs are equal, an earlier batch is selected.

"Maximum cost"- the most expensive goods are written off first. If the costs are equal, an earlier batch of arrival is selected.

"IN alphabetical order on the theme of the arrival" – the first batch is selected for write-off in the list of batches of goods, sorted in alphabetical order by the topics of the corresponding incoming invoices. If the topics of the receipt are the same, the batch with a higher cost will be selected.

"IN reverse order on the theme of the arrival" – an algorithm reverse to the previous one - a consignment of goods is selected for write-off, which is the last one in the list sorted by the topics of receipt.

When applying the simplified tax system, where "Income reduced by the amount of expenses" is selected as the object of taxation, only "batch" write-off principles are selected for warehouses for storing goods or materials!

When batch accounting, you need to fill in the field " Selection of parties" . The value of the field determines the order in which batches are selected for write-off:

"Auto" – a suitable batch will be selected automatically by the program.

"Manually" - the user himself determines the receipt batch for write-off. In this case, for each item of the expense document, the required one is selected from the proposed list of receipt batches.

"By party code" – for each item of the document, the code of the batch of receipt is indicated. If an incorrect (non-existent) code of the batch is specified, the program displays a message about the absence of the item in the warehouse.

"Automatically, if not installed" - if the batch of goods is not selected, it will be selected by the program automatically.

Additional data tab

Rice. 7-30 - Warehouse configuration. "Additional data" tab

Assignment of fields " Printing allowed", "There is a price tag"we will discuss further in the paragraph " Formation of a warehouse accounting card". Setting the values ​​of these fields for a folder will determine the "default" values ​​for all cards in the folder. Also note the following fields:

"Discounts Allowed" – the set flag allows the use of discounts for a group of goods or an individual product, set in a special reference book " Price types". If the flag is not set, then all catalog discounts for these products will be ignored.

"Party code template"- a barcode template that marks a batch of goods. When selecting items into a document using a barcode scanner, a batch is determined in accordance with this template and a product is selected from it. This method is used in warehouses with batch accounting and selection of items into a document "By batch code". The principles of generating a barcode template are considered by us in the section " Task configuration".

Options tab

Rice. 7-31 - Warehouse configuration. Options tab

Any necessary storage parameters are set here. Pay attention to the parameters:

"Kind of activity" - is used to define analytics for account 90 when generating sales transactions. Set on a folder, this parameter defines the "default" type of activity for all warehouse names. The specified type of activity can be overridden in the document in which the name will be selected. More details for types of activities, see section " Setting up activities".

Rice. 7-32 - Setting the value of the parameter "Type of activity" on the warehouse folder

"VAT rate" . This option defines the "default" VAT rate for all warehouse items. To set the rate, expand the option and enter a rate percentage in the " Meaning".

Rice. 7-33 - Set the value of the "VAT rate" parameter.

If the warehouse will take into account goods with different VAT rates, you can leave the parameter blank. In this case, for each group of goods in the warehouse, you will need to set its own value of the VAT rate.

"UTII prevails". This parameter determines for what purposes goods and materials are used: for types of activities on UTII or not. This parameter is set only if the organization has some types of activities transferred to UTII. If the warehouse stores goods and materials used mainly for types of activities on UTII, the value parameter must be set to "Yes". By default, the value of the parameter is set to "No". The parameter affects the accounting for VAT on purchased goods and materials (for more details, see the chapter " Tax accounting" chapter " value added tax").

Tab "Characteristics"

Rice. 7-34 - Warehouse configuration. Tab "Characteristics"

Any additional characteristics of the warehouse are specified here. These characteristics will be inherited by all warehouse items.

So, the first warehouse is created. The second warehouse in our group should be created in the same way. As a result, we have a group of warehouses "Foodstuffs", consisting of two warehouses "Warehouse on Tagovschinskaya street" and "Warehouse on Chkalova street".

Rice. 7-35 - Example of creating warehouses

Breakdown into product groups

While the warehouses are empty, i.e. there is no division into groups of goods and there are no cards themselves. It is necessary to form the structure of the warehouse filing cabinet. We recommend that you create a warehouse card file by copying the relevant sections and cards from an already generated directory " Nomenclature".

To do this, go to the warehouse folder and press the key combination<Alt+Ins>. The program will ask you where you want to add titles from. Select the item "From nomenclature". Now the program will expand on the screen the entire nomenclature list of goods and materials, sorted by sections and groups.

Rice. 7-36 - Formation of groups in the warehouse file

First you must mark the groups of goods that you will have in this warehouse.

Rice. 7-37 - Transfer of product groups from the "Nomenclature" directory

Then press the key<ctrl+Enter>. The program will ask you: " Embed node with all content?".

If you answer " Yes", then the program will place the folders marked by you with all their contents (with all subfolders and with all cards in them) in the warehouse file cabinet. Subsequently, subfolders and cards that are unnecessary in this warehouse can be deleted.

If you answer the question " No", then the program will generate in the warehouse card file only the groups of goods themselves, without their contents. Then you will have to go into each group and again by pressing the button<Alt+Ins> select subgroups in it, and then product cards.

Thus, the structure of the warehouse card index will correspond to the structure of the stock list directory.

You can, of course, create your own folder structure at each warehouse, but then it will be difficult to search for cards, for example, you will constantly need to explain that in the "Seromolka" warehouse you need to look for the "PF" paint in the "So-and-so" folder, and in the warehouse " Belomolk" the same paint "PF" should be looked for in the "Other" folder.

Therefore, we recommend that any replenishment of the list of goods and materials be made only on the basis of the directory " Nomenclature", and from it, then, select cards for any of the warehouses. The same product card from the nomenclature can be selected for any number of warehouses in the directory " Warehouse file cabinet". Only with such an organization of work can you be sure that the same product is not taken into account in different warehouses on different cards.

As a result, the structure of the file cabinet we created will look something like this:

Rice. 7-38 - An example of the formation of the structure of the warehouse file

Group setting

The groups transferred to the card index should be slightly corrected. Group properties are configured in the " warehouse folder". Most of the folder fields are similar to those we considered when setting up the item folder.

Rice. 7-39 - Dialog "Warehouse folder". General tab

General tab

When filling out, pay attention to the following fields in the dialog:

"Price recalculation" - the set flag allows the price recalculation operation to be performed for this group of goods.

"used" - the value of the field is the same as for the nomenclature. The only difference is that as soon as at least one document (invoice, waybill) is created using such an unused card, the program will automatically set the "In Use" flag.

"Only in stock" - means that the card is not visible in the item directory.

"Batch Code Template, Batch Selection" - we considered the values ​​of these fields when describing the warehouse settings. If necessary, they can be redefined here.

Options tab

Rice. 7-40 - Dialog "Warehouse folder". Options tab

Parameter values ​​must be set here Kind of activity" And " VAT rate". The purpose and configuration of these parameters are discussed by us in the paragraph " Create a warehouse". By default, the parameter values ​​are inherited from the warehouse folder, but can be overridden if necessary.

Tab "Characteristics"

Rice. 7-41 - Dialog "Warehouse folder". Tab "Characteristics"

Here you can specify any additional characteristics of the product group. By default, the characteristics set on the warehouse folder or warehouse group are displayed here. If necessary, the list can be supplemented, and the required "default" values ​​can be overridden.

Having set up folders for a group of products, you can proceed to work with registration cards.

Formation of a warehouse accounting card

As already mentioned, the recommended way to create cards in a warehouse card file is to transfer them from the directory " Nomenclature". This method helps to avoid confusion in the accounting of goods on the cards. To perform the transfer, use the key combination<Alt+Ins>. Detailed description this procedure is given in the paragraph " Breakdown into product groups".

When transferring an item card to a warehouse card index, it has new fields, the purpose of which we will consider here.

Rice. 7-42 - Warehouse filing card

General tab

"discount price" – discount price of the goods in the warehouse. In contrast to " Prices1","Prices2","Price3" changing which in one of the warehouses automatically causes corresponding changes in other warehouses and in the item card, " discount price" each warehouse may have its own product. This is due to the fact that " discount price" is stored in the warehouse card, and " Price1","Price2","Price3" are stored in the nomenclature card.

"actual cost" - the current actual cost, calculated according to the data of receipts and expenditures entered into the program, in accordance with the write-off policy established in the warehouse.

"Discounts Allowed" – the set flag allows applying discounts to this product. The procedure for working with discounts is described by us in the paragraph " Price types". If the flag is not set, then all catalog discounts for this product will be ignored.

"There is a price tag" – this flag is taken into account when printing a price tag. When generating a price tag, the program monitors the state of the "Price tag available" flag. The presence of the flag means that the price has not changed for this item since the last price tag was printed. When the price changes, the flag " There is a price tag" is discarded.

The rest of the fields are similar to the corresponding fields of the item card. They are considered by us in the paragraph "Formation of the nomenclature card".

Additional data tab

Rice. 7-43 - Warehouse filing card. "Additional data" tab

"Included in" - the block contains a list of cards that include this name. Work with this list is performed in the nomenclature card (see paragraph " Nomenclature card"). In the warehouse record card, the list is not editable, it can only be viewed.

"Substitutions" - in the block, a list of possible replacements for this name is compiled. Work with replacements is considered by us in the paragraph " Formation of the nomenclature card". The principles are the same here. All replacements you specify in this block will automatically be transferred to the item card and name cards in other warehouses. Similarly, the replacements you specified in the item name card will also be displayed in the warehouse card.

"Included in the bundle…" – if the flag is set, this name, being a part of the set, will not be displayed as a separate line in documents. If the flag is unchecked, when a compound name card is selected in a document, this name will be displayed as a separate line.

"Debit Tolerance"- this field indicates the allowable deviation of the quantity of the goods (material) being written off from the quantity indicated in the outgoing document. This value will be taken into account by the program in cases where, when writing off the goods, the balance of the goods in the warehouse is slightly more or slightly less than the quantity indicated in the outgoing document. document.If the discrepancy between the balance of goods in the warehouse and the quantity of goods in the outgoing document does not exceed the value specified in the field, the program will write off the balance in full.Using this field allows you to prevent the appearance of negative balances in the warehouse.

"Overspending rate for the period (%)" - indicates the allowable deviation of the balance of goods in the warehouse. The allowable deviation is indicated in% of the consumption between inventories. If the deviation in the inventory act exceeds the allowable one, it is displayed in the inventory act in the field " Off above the norm".

"Remains archive" - displays the inventory history of the item.

Description tab

Rice. 7-44 - Warehouse filing card. Description tab

Here you can enter any additional information about the product.

Options tab

Rice. 7-45 - Warehouse filing card. Options tab

Here you can set any parameters of the warehouse name card that you need. Pay attention to the parameters:

"VAT rate" - this parameter is defined, as a rule, on the product group folder or on the warehouse folder. The warehouse card inherits this value. If necessary, you can override the parameter value on the card.

"Kind of activity" – this parameter is also recommended to be defined on the product group folder or the warehouse folder. The set value will be inherited by the warehouse card.

We described the principles of working with these parameters in the paragraph " Create a warehouse".

Additional features of the directory

Being in the directory Warehouse file cabinet", you can use context menus or hotkeys to perform the following operations:

Edit individual cards or groups. When editing, all changes are reflected on the card stored in the directory " Nomenclature".

Delete (<Del>) individual cards or groups. Remember, you can delete only those cards for which no transactions have yet been made. Otherwise, the program will display the message " Deletion is not possible, there are related records". Therefore, you must first delete all the documents to which the card is associated, and only then try to delete the card itself. If there is no such card in other warehouses, the program will ask if you want to delete the card not only from the warehouse card index, but also from the nomenclature If the answer is yes, the card will be removed from the program completely. If the answer is negative, the card will be removed only from the warehouse file cabinet, it will remain in the nomenclature, it can be "pulled out" at any time. If it is immediately known that you need to remove the card only from the warehouse, need to press<Alt+Del> - the program will understand that nothing needs to be deleted from the nomenclature.

Print (<F4>) individual cards or groups.

Generate various certificates and reports on one card, for example " Account card", receive information about invoices and invoices for a particular product - menu " Information on one card". For more information about working with reports, see the section " Reports".

Generate certificates and reports on the section of the warehouse card index, for example " Turnover" And " Remains" – menu " Information on the section of the warehouse filing cabinet" (cm. " Reports").

Add a product from the directory to the card index " Nomenclature"-menu" Warehouse file commands / Insert from item or warehouse".

Move a product card from one group to another (<ctrl+M>).

Select cards to display (<ctrl+Q>). By setting the flags, you can control the display of cards marked with a color (white, green, red), used or not used. And also only cards with non-zero balances. For example, with a properly constructed accounting, only goods that are currently in stock should be included in the invoice.

On the importance and necessity of ordering the warehouse card file in accordance with the structure of the directory " Nomenclature" a lot has been said. The program also allows you to perform the reverse procedure of the "Order by item" command. This reverse command is called " Order nomenclature" and brings the structure of the nomenclature in accordance with the structure of the warehouse filing cabinet.

Recalculate write-off cost (" Warehouse card index commands / Write-off cost recalculation") - this procedure will be discussed by us in the section " Cost recalculation".

Change the attribute "Nomenclature type" of the name registration card - menu " Warehouse file commands / Change item type".

Remove unused cards from the viewport without deleting them - menu " Warehouse file commands / Convert to unused / used".