How to cook a rabbit for meat. We cook juicy, soft, tasty rabbit meat in many ways. The subtleties of preparing rabbit meat before cooking

Rabbit meat is a dietary and very healthy meat.

It is rich in vitamins, calcium, proteins, phosphorus and iron.

Rabbit meat does not contain cholesterol.

Due to its 100% digestibility, it is indispensable in dietary and baby food.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft - the basic principles of cooking

Rabbit meat itself is juicy and tender meat, so cooking it is not difficult.

Each housewife has her own secrets and recipes for cooking rabbit meat. But the result should always be the same: the rabbit should be soft, tender and juicy. To do this, the rabbit carcass is pre-soaked or marinated. Without this, you can not get a juicy and tasty dish. The marinade is prepared on the basis of white wine, whey, wine vinegar, sour cream, mineral water or olive oil. Young rabbit meat is soaked in ordinary drinking water so that it does not lose its natural flavor.

It should be noted that the front, part of the carcass is mainly stewed or boiled, and the back is baked in the oven or fried.

To make the meat fragrant, it is seasoned with various spices. Cloves, celery, basil, thyme, rosemary and other spices are best suited for this.

Rabbit meat can be stewed, fried, steamed, boiled or baked.

Rabbit in sauce is the most common way to prepare this meat. It is in this case that rabbit meat is soft and juicy. In this way, you can cook it in the oven or stew. The carcass is pre-marinated, then cut into pieces and lightly fried. The meat is laid out on a baking sheet and fried onions, carrots and garlic are added to it. Top the dish with salt, herbs, pepper and pour over the sauce. Bake the rabbit in the oven for 20 minutes.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 1. Rabbit stewed in sauce

50 ml of vegetable oil;

2 cloves of garlic;

1. We cut the carcass of the rabbit, wash it thoroughly under the tap and cut into portions. We dilute vinegar in water and soak pieces of meat in this solution. We leave the rabbit meat to marinate for an hour and a half.

2. Warm up the pan with oil well. We take the rabbit out of the marinade and lightly dry it with napkins. We shift the meat to the pan and fry it on both sides, six minutes on each.

3. We clean the onion head and chop it with thin quarter rings. Saute it in a separate frying pan until lightly browned.

4. In a deep cauldron, pour out the flour and lightly fry it until it starts to change color. Then we shift the meat and fried onions into the cauldron. Pour everything with drinking water so that it almost completely covers the meat, and add sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Pour in water gradually, constantly while stirring, so that lumps do not form.

5. Peel the garlic and finely chop. Add it to the sour cream sauce. Salt, mix again, cover with a lid and twist the fire to a minimum. Stew the rabbit for 45 minutes. Serve with boiled potatoes.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 2. Rabbit in mustard sauce

700 g portioned pieces of rabbit meat;

6 cloves of garlic;

15 g of Provence herbs;

80 ml of olive oil;

150 ml dry white wine;

2 bay leaves;

1 pinch of black peppercorns;

1 pc. leeks and shallots.

1. Cut the rabbit carcass and cut it into portions. Wash well, dry slightly, and brush each piece with mustard on all sides. Place the meat in a suitable dish.

2. Peel and cut the leek into quarters. Chop the peeled garlic cloves into thin slices. Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with wine in a separate plate, add Provencal herbs, bay leaf and black peppercorns. Put the onion and garlic in here as well. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour over the rabbit meat. Leave to marinate overnight.

3. The next day, remove the rabbit from the marinade, soak the pieces with a napkin, salt and pepper the meat. Roll each piece in flour and fry in hot olive oil until lightly browned.

4. Transfer the rabbit to a heat-resistant dish and pour over the juice remaining after roasting and marinade. Cut the unpeeled shallots in half and place in a bowl. Send unpeeled cloves of garlic and rosemary here. Pour in the broth so that it half covers the meat and send the form to the oven preheated to 170 C. Bake for an hour and a half, turning occasionally and adding stock if necessary.

5. Transfer the finished rabbit to a serving dish. Add a spoonful of mustard to the remaining sauce, mix and bring it to a boil. Pour the rabbit meat with the resulting sauce. Serve with any side dish.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 3. Rabbit in beer

2 kg rabbit carcass;

2 liters of light beer;

vegetable oil - 80 ml;

6 cloves;

3 g black pepper;

flour - 70 g.

1. Cut the rabbit carcass into portions. Wash the meat under the tap and pat dry with a towel.

2. Peel and chop the onion into rings. Mix beer with vinegar, add cloves, rosemary and bay leaf. Put the onion in the marinade and put it on fire. As soon as it boils, twist the fire to medium and boil for about 20 minutes. Pour the rabbit meat with boiling marinade. Cool and refrigerate overnight.

3. Remove the rabbit pieces from the marinade and pat dry with a towel. Don't throw out the marinade!

4. Mix flour with pepper. Roll the rabbit pieces in this mixture and fry in well-heated oil for two minutes on each side. Transfer the fried meat to a cauldron.

5. Cut the bacon into small strips and fry it to the state of cracklings. Transfer the bacon to a plate.

6. Strain the marinade, leave a little onion in it and boil. Pour meat with boiling marinade, mix and simmer over low heat under the lid for an hour and a half.

7. Fry the remaining onion in bacon fat until soft. Send the bacon and onion to the cauldron. Turn off the heat and immediately pour in the cream. Mix and leave to infuse. Serve with potato garnish.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 4. Rabbit with creamy spicy sauce

3 g Tabasco sauce;

4 rabbit legs;

3 large onions;

1 large head of garlic;

100 ml soy sauce;

a pinch of nutmeg, Provence herbs and cumin;

1. Wash and dry the rabbit meat.

2. Peel and grind the onion and four cloves of garlic in a blender to a state of porridge. In a deep bowl, mix honey with soy sauce, Tabasco and cognac. Add onion-garlic gruel to the marinade and mix well.

3. Transfer the rabbit meat to the baking sleeve, adding the marinade to it. Tie both ends tightly and roll well on the table so that the marinade is evenly distributed over all the pieces. Transfer the sleeve to a heat-resistant form and send to marinate in the refrigerator overnight.

4. Remove the form with the rabbit, leave it for another two hours, then send it to bake for an hour and a half in the oven, preheating it to 180 C.

5. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan. Wash parsley and finely chop. Mince the garlic. Pour the flour into a saucepan, mix it with the cream, gradually pouring them in, and stirring so that there are no lumps. Put on fire, salt, add sesame seeds, parsley, mix and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, for five minutes. Make sure the sauce doesn't boil.

6. Remove the rabbit from the oven, cut open the sleeve and transfer the meat to a plate. Pour juice from the sleeve and prepared sauce. Serve with a vegetable side dish.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 5. rabbit in sour cream

3 rabbit legs;

1 bunch of green cilantro and parsley;

1 large carrot;

garlic - 4 cloves.

1. Cut the legs of the rabbit along the joint in half. Finely chop the greens and peeled garlic.

2. Mix kefir with herbs and garlic. Pour rabbit meat with kefir mixture and leave to marinate for three hours.

3. Remove the meat from the marinade, salt and lightly fry it until golden brown.

4. Cut the peeled carrot into large circles. Chop the onion into thick half rings.

5. In the oil left over from frying the meat, fry the vegetables until lightly browned.

6. Put rabbit meat in a cauldron, add fried carrots and onions here.

7. Lightly dry the flour in a saucepan, pour half a glass of water over it and mix thoroughly. Add sour cream, salt and heat. If the sauce is thick, add a little more water. Pour the sauce over the contents of the cauldron and simmer over low heat for an hour and a half.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 6. Rabbit in wine with tomatoes

2 kg rabbit carcass;

black pepper and salt;

a glass of dry white wine;

1. Cut the rabbit carcass into pieces, wash and dry on a towel.

2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. Garlic cloves, without peeling, crush with a knife.

3. In a frying pan, fry the rabbit until golden brown on both sides. Then pour in the wine and put a sprig of rosemary, garlic and tomatoes. Simmer for ten minutes without covering with a lid. Then cover with a lid and continue to simmer over moderate heat for another ten minutes.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Transfer the meat, along with the sauce and vegetables, into a refractory form. Cover it with foil and put in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Transfer the cooked rabbit meat to a plate and pour over the sauce. Serve with a vegetable side dish.

How to cook rabbit so that the meat is tender - tips and tricks

Use only fresh rabbit meat that has not been frozen for cooking. Such meat will always turn out juicy and soft.

To make the meat soft, be sure to soak the rabbit in water or marinate.

If you decide to cook the whole rabbit, do it up your sleeve, so you get juicy and soft meat.

Stew the rabbit only on low heat.

Rabbit meat is a tasty and healthy product. The taste qualities of rabbit meat are known to culinary specialists all over the world, but this type of meat began to appear on the tables of ordinary residents relatively recently. Housewives often wonder how to cook a rabbit, as it seems to many that meat requires a special approach and ingredients. In fact, the recipes are simple and within the power of any cook.

Rabbit meat - carcasses on sale

About the benefits of rabbit meat

The main thing in rabbit meat is the freshness of the meat and the correct slaughter of the animal. Rabbits are slaughtered at the age of 3-4 months, so the carcass may not be large in weight. The normal carcass weight of a three-month-old rabbit is about 650 - 950 grams. If the carcass weighs more than one and a half kilograms, then the animal was more than six months old at the time of slaughter.

Young meat is more nutritious. More adult rabbit meat is not only less absorbed by the body, but also differs in taste.

Composition of rabbit meat and other animals

Rabbit meat is recognized as a dietary and healthy product, low in fat and cholesterol. The protein contained in meat is absorbed by the human body by 90%. Rabbit meat is also good for baby food - it has a lot of phosphorus. One hundred grams of rabbit meat contains just over 190 kcal. The content of B vitamins in rabbit meat is high, as is the content of minerals: iron, choline, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, fluorine and phosphorus, chromium and molybdenum, iodine and zinc. Doctors advise people with diseases of the stomach, liver, allergies and problems with blood pressure to consume rabbit meat.

Calorie rabbit meat and turkey meat

Features of cooking rabbit meat

For delicious cooking meat at home, there are a few tricks. Before cooking the rabbit, it is recommended to marinate it for at least two or three hours. You can use any marinade - based on wine, lemon, vinegar, oil with garlic or even fruit juice. Rabbit meat goes well with aromatic herbs and various spices. Be sure to add lavrushka, salt, onions and ground black pepper or peas to the meat.

Cutting a rabbit carcass

And garlic, dill, lemon or thyme, rosemary, basil or oregano will help to cook deliciously. Spices are added both to the marinade and during the cooking process. Quickly and tasty meat can be cooked in the oven and in sour cream. To do this, it is better to cut the carcass and place it in a culinary bag or foil. Cooking time depends on the method of cooking, but in any case does not exceed one hour. Long heat treatment leads to the destruction of fibers, loss of taste and vitamins.

Rabbit liver is a very valuable food product.

Rabbit Recipes

There are many recipes for how to cook a rabbit. But the most popular, simple and most delicious is rabbit in sour cream.

Rabbit in sour cream sauce

To cook meat in sour cream you will need:

  • Rabbit carcass weighing about a kilogram,
  • 200-225 grams of sour cream,
  • A little vegetable oil
  • Two medium bulbs
  • Bay leaf,
  • small carrot,
  • Parsley with dill,
  • Ground black pepper and salt.

How to deliciously cook a rabbit stewed in sour cream:

You need to finely chop carrots and onions, dill and parsley. Rinse the rabbit meat thoroughly under warm running water and cut into pieces of 50 grams each. Salt, pepper and leave for a few minutes, then fry over medium heat until golden brown. Next, a little water, spices, carrots and onions are added to the pan and stewed for another 20 minutes under the lid. Then you should add sour cream and simmer until the rabbit meat is ready. The finished meat should be sprinkled with herbs before serving.

Sour cream goes well with rabbit meat. It makes the meat more tender and soft, prevents drying out and retains flavor. Rabbit in sour cream is a culinary classic. Equally popular is the recipe for rabbit in wine.

Rabbit meat in white wine

For cooking you will need:

  • carcass, weighing about a kilogram,
  • 250 ml white or better dry wine,
  • 250 ml chicken stock
  • 50 grams of fat
  • two medium-sized onions and two small carrots,
  • two tablespoons of any vegetable oil and the same amount of tomato paste or homemade ketchup,
  • spices,
  • two teaspoons of flour
  • parsley and dill.

How to cook rabbit in wine:

Finely chopped carrots and onions. Sprinkle vegetables with flour and fry until browned. Rabbit meat must be thoroughly washed under warm running water and cut into small portions, then fried until golden brown in fat. Salt, pepper. In a separate bowl, bring the broth to a boil, put the rabbit meat in it, bring to a boil again. The next step is adding wine. Simmer covered for about twenty minutes. Next, add tomato paste or ketchup, bay leaf and leave covered for another twenty minutes. Pour the sauce remaining after stewing into a small bowl, put carrots and onions there, put on a slow fire for a few minutes, then add rabbit meat and simmer all together until cooked. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Roast rabbit

Roast rabbit meat is a surefire way to cook rabbit and is both quick and delicious. To prepare the roast you will need:

  • About 200 grams of rabbit meat,
  • 25 grams of celery root,
  • 3 medium potatoes,
  • One small carrot and one onion,
  • Tomato sauce,
  • Garlic, salt and black pepper,
  • A little fat.

For cooking meat according to this recipe, it is better to use rabbit fillet. Pieces of rabbit meat should be salted and peppered well, smeared with lard and rubbed with garlic. Put 4-5 pieces of rabbit meat in each pot, on top - chopped onions and carrots, a teaspoon of tomato sauce or paste, finely chopped celery and potatoes, cut into cubes. On top of the potatoes - more tomato sauce, pepper, sprinkle with salt. Fill with water to two-thirds of the volume and set. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees, put the pots and bake for no more than forty-five minutes. According to a similar recipe, you can make a rabbit in sour cream. In this case, tomato sauce is replaced with sour cream in equal proportions.

French rabbit meat

French rabbit is an interesting and delicious recipe. Such rabbit meat is served with cabbage or noodles and fragrant sauce.

For four servings you will need:

  • One and a half kilograms of rabbit meat,
  • 85 ml mustard,
  • Thyme, preferably fresh
  • Olive or vegetable oil
  • small bulb,
  • Chicken, vegetable or meat broth - 350 ml,
  • Dry white wine - 220 ml,
  • Cream - 120 ml,
  • Parsley, tarragon, chervil,
  • yellow mustard seeds,
  • Lemon juice,
  • Spices.

How to cook rabbit in French:

In a small bowl, mix thyme and mustard. Rabbit meat is cut into portions, rubbed with a mixture of thyme and mustard, salt and black pepper. Next, the meat pieces are fried until golden brown in oil and transferred to a large dish. Chopped onion is added to the same oil and fried for a couple of minutes. Broth, cream and wine are poured into the pan. On low heat, all this is cooked for about five minutes, after which the rabbit meat is added to the resulting mixture, covered with a lid and stewed for forty or forty-five minutes over low heat. Then the sauce is filtered through a sieve and finely chopped greens and mustard seeds are added to it little by little. Bring everything together to a boil and cook over high heat for about ten to fifteen minutes. At the end, the sauce is seasoned with lemon juice and spices. Rabbit meat is poured with sauce and served on the table. Bon appetit!

Rabbit skewers

Few people think about cooking a rabbit like a barbecue. However, rabbit meat for barbecue lovers and connoisseurs is a real find. The meat always turns out juicy, tender and unusually fragrant, and most importantly - not greasy.

For the rabbit skewers you will need:

  • one carcass,
  • 5 medium onions
  • 500 ml tomato paste or ketchup
  • 20 ml nine percent vinegar,
  • Salt and ground black pepper.

Rabbit skewers are easier to cook than any other meat.

The rabbit carcass is washed under running water and cut into small portions. Rabbit meat is laid out in a saucepan, onions are added, pre-cut into rings, salt, tomato paste and vinegar, spices. Everything is mixed and put in the refrigerator for at least four hours. Marinated meat is equally well grilled or skewers, turning every five minutes until done. Rabbit skewers with a similar marinade are well fried at home in a frying pan.

Rabbit meat is a dietary and very healthy meat.

It is rich in vitamins, calcium, proteins, phosphorus and iron.

Rabbit meat does not contain cholesterol.

Due to its 100% digestibility, it is indispensable in dietary and baby food.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft - the basic principles of cooking

Rabbit meat itself is juicy and tender meat, so cooking it is not difficult.

Each housewife has her own secrets and recipes for cooking rabbit meat. But the result should always be the same: the rabbit should be soft, tender and juicy. To do this, the rabbit carcass is pre-soaked or marinated. Without this, you can not get a juicy and tasty dish. The marinade is prepared on the basis of white wine, whey, wine vinegar, sour cream, mineral water or olive oil. Young rabbit meat is soaked in ordinary drinking water so that it does not lose its natural flavor.

It should be noted that the front, part of the carcass is mainly stewed or boiled, and the back is baked in the oven or fried.

To make the meat fragrant, it is seasoned with various spices. Cloves, celery, basil, thyme, rosemary and other spices are best suited for this.

Rabbit meat can be stewed, fried, steamed, boiled or baked.

Rabbit in sauce is the most common way to prepare this meat. It is in this case that rabbit meat is soft and juicy. In this way, you can cook it in the oven or stew. The carcass is pre-marinated, then cut into pieces and lightly fried. The meat is laid out on a baking sheet and fried onions, carrots and garlic are added to it. Top the dish with salt, herbs, pepper and pour over the sauce. Bake the rabbit in the oven for 20 minutes.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 1. Rabbit stewed in sauce


500 g rabbit;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

1 onion;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 bunch of greens;

100 g flour;

1 tomato;

80 ml sour cream;

30 ml of vinegar.

Cooking method

1. We cut the carcass of the rabbit, wash it thoroughly under the tap and cut into portions. We dilute vinegar in water and soak pieces of meat in this solution. We leave the rabbit meat to marinate for an hour and a half.

2. Warm up the pan with oil well. We take the rabbit out of the marinade and lightly dry it with napkins. We shift the meat to the pan and fry it on both sides, six minutes on each.

3. We clean the onion head and chop it with thin quarter rings. Saute it in a separate frying pan until lightly browned.

4. In a deep cauldron, pour out the flour and lightly fry it until it starts to change color. Then we shift the meat and fried onions into the cauldron. Pour everything with drinking water so that it almost completely covers the meat, and add sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Pour in water gradually, constantly while stirring, so that lumps do not form.

5. Peel the garlic and finely chop. Add it to the sour cream sauce. Salt, mix again, cover with a lid and twist the fire to a minimum. Stew the rabbit for 45 minutes. Serve with boiled potatoes.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 2. Rabbit in mustard sauce


700 g portioned pieces of rabbit meat;

6 cloves of garlic;

15 g of Provence herbs;

40 g mustard;

80 ml of olive oil;

fresh rosemary;

150 ml dry white wine;

2 bay leaves;

500 ml of broth;

1 pinch of black peppercorns;

salt and pepper;

1 pc. leeks and shallots.

Cooking method

1. Cut the rabbit carcass and cut it into portions. Wash well, dry slightly, and brush each piece with mustard on all sides. Place the meat in a suitable dish.

2. Peel and cut the leek into quarters. Chop the peeled garlic cloves into thin slices. Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with wine in a separate plate, add Provencal herbs, bay leaf and black peppercorns. Put the onion and garlic in here as well. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour over the rabbit meat. Leave to marinate overnight.

3. The next day, remove the rabbit from the marinade, soak the pieces with a napkin, salt and pepper the meat. Roll each piece in flour and fry in hot olive oil until lightly browned.

4. Transfer the rabbit to a heat-resistant dish and pour over the juice remaining after roasting and marinade. Cut the unpeeled shallots in half and place in a bowl. Send unpeeled cloves of garlic and rosemary here. Pour in the broth so that it half covers the meat and send the form to the oven preheated to 170 C. Bake for an hour and a half, turning occasionally and adding stock if necessary.

5. Transfer the finished rabbit to a serving dish. Add a spoonful of mustard to the remaining sauce, mix and bring it to a boil. Pour the rabbit meat with the resulting sauce. Serve with any side dish.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 3. Rabbit in beer


2 kg rabbit carcass;

4 onion heads;

200 ml cream;

2 liters of light beer;

200 g bacon;

balsamic vinegar;

vegetable oil - 80 ml;

6 cloves;

3 g black pepper;

rosemary branch;

flour - 70 g.

Cooking method

1. Cut the rabbit carcass into portions. Wash the meat under the tap and pat dry with a towel.

2. Peel and chop the onion into rings. Mix beer with vinegar, add cloves, rosemary and bay leaf. Put the onion in the marinade and put it on fire. As soon as it boils, twist the fire to medium and boil for about 20 minutes. Pour the rabbit meat with boiling marinade. Cool and refrigerate overnight.

3. Remove the rabbit pieces from the marinade and pat dry with a towel. Don't throw out the marinade!

4. Mix flour with pepper. Roll the rabbit pieces in this mixture and fry in well-heated oil for two minutes on each side. Transfer the fried meat to a cauldron.

5. Cut the bacon into small strips and fry it to the state of cracklings. Transfer the bacon to a plate.

6. Strain the marinade, leave a little onion in it and boil. Pour meat with boiling marinade, mix and simmer over low heat under the lid for an hour and a half.

7. Fry the remaining onion in bacon fat until soft. Send the bacon and onion to the cauldron. Turn off the heat and immediately pour in the cream. Mix and leave to infuse. Serve with potato garnish.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 4. Rabbit with creamy spicy sauce


3 g Tabasco sauce;

4 rabbit legs;

50 ml brandy;

3 large onions;

1 large head of garlic;

100 ml soy sauce;

500 ml cream;

200 g parsley;

a pinch of nutmeg, Provence herbs and cumin;

50 g sesame.

Cooking method

1. Wash and dry the rabbit meat.

2. Peel and grind the onion and four cloves of garlic in a blender to a state of porridge. In a deep bowl, mix honey with soy sauce, Tabasco and cognac. Add onion-garlic gruel to the marinade and mix well.

3. Transfer the rabbit meat to the baking sleeve, adding the marinade to it. Tie both ends tightly and roll well on the table so that the marinade is evenly distributed over all the pieces. Transfer the sleeve to a heat-resistant form and send to marinate in the refrigerator overnight.

4. Remove the form with the rabbit, leave it for another two hours, then send it to bake for an hour and a half in the oven, preheating it to 180 C.

5. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan. Wash parsley and finely chop. Mince the garlic. Pour the flour into a saucepan, mix it with the cream, gradually pouring them in, and stirring so that there are no lumps. Put on fire, salt, add sesame seeds, parsley, mix and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, for five minutes. Make sure the sauce doesn't boil.

6. Remove the rabbit from the oven, cut open the sleeve and transfer the meat to a plate. Pour juice from the sleeve and prepared sauce. Serve with a vegetable side dish.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 5. rabbit in sour cream


3 rabbit legs;

500 ml of kefir;

200 g sour cream;

1 bunch of green cilantro and parsley;

1 large carrot;

garlic - 4 cloves.

Cooking method

1. Cut the legs of the rabbit along the joint in half. Finely chop the greens and peeled garlic.

2. Mix kefir with herbs and garlic. Pour rabbit meat with kefir mixture and leave to marinate for three hours.

3. Remove the meat from the marinade, salt and lightly fry it until golden brown.

4. Cut the peeled carrot into large circles. Chop the onion into thick half rings.

5. In the oil left over from frying the meat, fry the vegetables until lightly browned.

6. Put rabbit meat in a cauldron, add fried carrots and onions here.

7. Lightly dry the flour in a saucepan, pour half a glass of water over it and mix thoroughly. Add sour cream, salt and heat. If the sauce is thick, add a little more water. Pour the sauce over the contents of the cauldron and simmer over low heat for an hour and a half.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft: Recipe 6. Rabbit in wine with tomatoes


2 kg rabbit carcass;

vegetable oil;

a head of garlic;

black pepper and salt;

six tomatoes;

a glass of dry white wine;

rosemary branch.

Cooking method

1. Cut the rabbit carcass into pieces, wash and dry on a towel.

2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. Garlic cloves, without peeling, crush with a knife.

3. In a frying pan, fry the rabbit until golden brown on both sides. Then pour in the wine and put a sprig of rosemary, garlic and tomatoes. Simmer for ten minutes without covering with a lid. Then cover with a lid and continue to simmer over moderate heat for another ten minutes.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Transfer the meat, along with the sauce and vegetables, into a refractory form. Cover it with foil and put in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Transfer the cooked rabbit meat to a plate and pour over the sauce. Serve with a vegetable side dish.

How to cook rabbit so that the meat is tender - tips and tricks

    Use only fresh rabbit meat that has not been frozen for cooking. Such meat will always turn out juicy and soft.

    To make the meat soft, be sure to soak the rabbit in water or marinate.

    If you decide to cook the whole rabbit, do it up your sleeve, so you get juicy and soft meat.

    Stew the rabbit only on low heat.

Among all types of meat, the most dietary, perhaps, can be called a rabbit. But, you see, this type of meat is not the most frequent guest on our tables. Let's talk about how to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft and juicy?

After all, it has so many benefits - there is practically no fat and cholesterol harmful elements. Rabbit meat is allowed to be eaten by children from an early age. In addition to having dietary properties and benefits, rabbit meat is very tasty and easy to prepare, and it is also 100% absorbed by the body.

There are a lot of nuances in the preparation of rabbit meat - how to cut it, what to marinate in, what cooking method to choose? Everything in detail and in order.

How to cook a rabbit so that the meat is soft and juicy

Preparing the rabbit carcass before cooking

It will be useful for housewives to know that the back and front of the rabbit are cooked differently. What's in the back is more suitable for frying, and everything in the front can be boiled or stewed, the fattest pieces are suitable for baking in the oven.

Remember, a rabbit carcass is not a duck or a goose, it is not recommended to bake it whole. Firstly, if you cut the carcass into pieces, it will be much easier to cook. Secondly, a rabbit cooked whole is not as tasty as one cooked in pieces.

Feel the carcass for the last vertebra in the lower back and cut it in this place into two parts. The lower part will consist of the powerful hind legs of the rabbit, the upper part includes everything else. They can be cooked separately, and then combined in a single dish.

Cut both parts into smaller serving pieces.

Why you need to pickle rabbit meat

If you do not marinate the rabbit carcass, it will come out harsh and with a specific smell. Marinating gives softness, aroma and improves taste.

What to use for the marinade?

Vinegar (wine or apple). It is diluted with water, and before cooking from such a marinade, the carcass is thoroughly washed in running water.

The wine is white (sometimes red is also used). This is the most acceptable marinade option, the smell of rabbit meat disappears completely, the meat turns out to be fragrant and soft, the dish has a delicate and refined taste.

Milk serum. Also an excellent marinade, the meat becomes soft, the smell completely disappears.

Olive oil with crushed garlic cloves. For rabbit meat, this is perhaps the most classic pickling option. For a medium carcass, you will need two heads of garlic. It should be crushed, added to the oil and rub the carcass abundantly with this mixture, then put it in a cool place for a couple of hours. Pieces of garlic create excellent taste contrasts, help to soften rabbit meat.

Try to use the vinegar pickling method in those rare cases when the smell of the rabbit is really strong. It is preferable to still use a marinade made from wine or whey.

If you are opposed to marinating meat, you can simply soak the rabbit pieces in water for about 3 hours, this will help get rid of the smell, and make the meat a little softer.

What spices and seasonings are suitable for rabbit meat

Now, in general, it is rare that we cook a dish without spices, and even more so meat.
In the case of a rabbit carcass, seasonings and spices can be added both during pickling and just before cooking.

What no rabbit meat preparation can do without is pepper and salt, bay leaf and onion.

Put other seasonings and spices to your taste and desire:
rosemary and garlic;
juniper berries and basil;
oregano and lemon;
celery and dill;
parsley and thyme (thyme);
cinnamon, coriander, cloves.

What is the best way to cook a rabbit?

Since a whole rabbit carcass is rarely cooked, there are no particular difficulties in choosing dishes. It is good to take a frying pan with thick walls and a bottom, or a deep saucepan.

To bake rabbit meat in the oven, you will need a goose or a special baking dish with large sizes. It is advisable to stew a rabbit in a deep frying pan, cook in pans (steel or enameled).

If the carcass is very large, then you can not cook it in one go. So divide the process into two stages - cook the upper and lower parts of the rabbit separately.

Recipe for rabbit stewed in sour cream


  • medium rabbit carcass - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 50 ml;
  • butter - 30-40 g;
  • carrots - 2-3 pieces;
  • onion - 3-4 pieces;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to your taste;
  • sour cream (fat content 15-20%) - 500 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • thyme, cumin, basil, oregano - to your taste.


1. Fry the chopped and pre-marinated carcass on all sides in a pan with vegetable oil.

2. Peel, rinse and cut the vegetables - carrots into thin sticks, onions into half rings. Fry them in butter.

3. Put the rabbit pieces into the goose, fried vegetables on top, salt and pepper. Warm the sour cream a little so that it becomes thin (this can be done using a water bath or microwave). Now pour it in a thin stream along the walls of the goose, put all the seasonings and spices. Place the pot on a low heat and let it boil.

4. Then put in the oven, heated to 170-180 degrees. Time will take 40-50 minutes.

5. Serve hot rabbit with fresh or stewed vegetables, fried or boiled potatoes, rice, buckwheat.

We hope that our article will help you prepare a delicious dinner for your family, and we also recommend serving meat.

Greetings, my guest! Thank you for stopping by the fire!

Today I want to tell you. If you love this delicate dietary meat, but don’t know where to start, then I think you’ll get a complete answer now.

In any case, I will try to reveal all the nuances in detail for you. It is probably not a secret for anyone that rabbit meat is considered one of the dietary ones. And in itself it is lean, therefore, in my purely subjective opinion, the best way to cook it is stewing. After all, our main task is how to cook a rabbit deliciously so that this meat dish uniquely satisfies all taste requests.

And so first, let me list everything that we need for cooking.


  • Rabbit - Back
  • Onion - 1-2 heads
  • Carrot - 1 root vegetable
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Flour - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Pork fat - for passivation
  • Spicy herbs - savory, basil (a pinch each)
  • Black or white pepper - to taste
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 leaves
  • Allspice - 2-3 peas
  • Salt - to your own taste

From kitchen utensils you will need a frying pan, a deep bowl, a saucepan.


First of all, I would like to answer a far from idle question: how to properly cook a rabbit. Since this business has its own rules that you must follow if you want to get a tender, tasty meat dish at the exit.

First of all, the rabbit should be washed well under running water and then soaked in cold water for about an hour (changing the water a couple of times). Thus, the meat will get rid of blood and a possible not very pleasant smell.

I want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that the back of the rabbit is considered the most meaty, therefore it is the most profitable for stewing. But the rest of the carcass is best used for making soups. I repeat, this is just my opinion and you can stew the whole rabbit, of course, after dividing it into pieces.

And now I will not only tell, but also show how to cook a rabbit (photo recipe) in the most detailed way.

As you may have guessed, I will only put out the back.

Pre-washed and soaked meat will be marinated in whey. We will keep the rabbit in such a bath for one and a half to two hours in a cool place. This procedure will help make rabbit meat much more tender.

Some housewives use a mixture of vinegar and water for this purpose. But vinegar, even after washing, leaves its own specific smell, so I don’t use it to pickle a rabbit.

Before cooking the rabbit, we will prepare the vegetables necessary for stewing, namely onions and carrots. We chop the onion finely, and rub the carrots on a coarse (or fine) grater, and cut some into circles.

After the rabbit meat is marinated, rub it with salt and pepper evenly on all sides. Let's keep it like this for another 15 minutes.

The next step is roasting. We heat the pan, pour vegetable oil and spread the rabbit. Fry quickly over high heat, turning over on all sides.

Place the fried pieces in a bowl.

We fall asleep on top with chopped onions and carrot slices, add spicy herbs (savory, basil). Pour boiled (hot water) so that the meat is covered. We put on fire, bring to a boil and, having reduced the fire, simmer for an hour. After a while, we try the gravy for salt and add a little salt. It is better to salt gradually in the process of stewing, then the meat will be tastier.

Prepared onions and carrots are sent to the pan and sautéed using pork fat. If you were wondering how to cook a rabbit deliciously, then I want to note: fat does not interfere with lean meat. It will only make it softer.

The passivation should be soft and in no case fried.

After the meat has been stewed for an hour, add the contents of the pan to the saucepan.

We throw in the bay leaf, allspice and continue to simmer the rabbit meat for about 20 more minutes.

After the specified time, add crushed garlic cloves to the meat. Simmer another 10 minutes.

We check the readiness of the meat with a wooden skewer. According to all the canons, it should be ready.

Now you know how to cook rabbit recipe with all the nuances in front of you.

It is better to serve meat in gravy to any side dish.

Sincerely, Ludmila.