The court sentenced nationalist Martsinkevich to ten years in a maximum security colony. The court sentenced the nationalist Tesak to ten years in prison Tesak was sentenced to another 10 years

Since the morning of June 27, increased security measures have been taken at the Babushkinsky Court in Moscow. Police patrols were posted along the perimeter of the building, and the judge's hall was guarded not only by ordinary bailiffs, but also by FSSP special forces.

Several dozen young people, whose tattoos and general form indicated that they adhere to right-wing radical views. Tesak’s father, Sergei Martsinkevich, also came to court. The main person involved in the case himself tried to look relaxed and not show his excitement. “This is a new phenomenon in the history of Russian legal proceedings. A gopnik writer is being tried,” he joked on the eve of the announcement of the verdict (Martsinkevich had previously written two books about his life, one of which, “Restrukt,” was banned by the court).

Some time after serving his next sentence in 2010, Martsinkevich decided to create a social movement to combat pedophiles. His comrades caught these people “with live bait”, corresponding with them in in social networks under the guise of a minor.

At the meeting, the participant in the correspondence was waited by strong young guys who mocked these people and doused them with urine.

Participants in the movement filmed their actions. Sometimes the “restructuring” members managed to reach people holding important positions in the government in this way. government agencies. So, in 2013 they caught red-handed the deputy head of Federal service bailiffs of the Moscow region, who came on a date with a 14-year-old teenager. A criminal case was later opened against this official.

Over time, members of Restrukt switched to fighting smoking mixture dealers and drug dealers. Members of the organization also made money by selling dietary supplements and clothing with their attributes depicted.

In December 2013, a criminal case was opened against Tesak for inciting hatred or enmity. The reason was three videos on YouTube, where Tesak made a video review of the film “Stalingrad” and spoke negatively towards pedophiles. Martsinkevich was detained in Cuba, where he had managed to leave by that time, and was handed over to Russian law enforcement officers. For this crime, the Kuntsevsky Court of Moscow sentenced the nationalist to five years in prison, but then the court of second instance reduced the sentence to two and a half years in prison.

Tesak received his first sentence in 2007, when, together with his associates, he visited the Moscow club “Bilingua”, where political debates took place between journalists and. There

Martsinkevich chanted Nazi slogans, after which the organizer of the debate wrote a statement to.

Martsinkevich was sentenced to three years in prison for inciting ethnic hatred. In 2009, without having yet served this sentence, he was sentenced under the same Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for calls for extremism against citizens of Tajikistan involved in drug trafficking. The video shot by Tesak simulated the execution of a Central Asian.

Drug dealers, dietary supplements and Ukraine

Meanwhile, other members of Restrukt continued their activities, focusing on the fight against drug traffickers. In the summer of 2014, “restructuring” officers detained 38-year-old Azerbaijani citizen Zair Alyshev, who was selling smoking mixtures, on Snezhnaya Street in Moscow. First, activists took him to the police, from where he was soon released. At the exit from the Department of Internal Affairs he was again met by members of Restrukt. A fight broke out between him and the young people, after which Alyshev was taken to the hospital, where he died.

In the summer of the same year, Restrukt participants, some of whom supported the Maidan in Ukraine, tried to hold a founding conference in one of the hotels in the capital’s Izmailovo district. There they invited their comrades from Ukraine and Russia. It was there that riot police detained them. After this, a large-scale criminal prosecution everyone who is in one way or another connected with this organization. Soon the Restrukt association itself was banned by the court. A 28-year-old student accused of murdering Alyshev was sentenced to six years in prison. Another member of Restrukt received the same amount, who made a deal with the investigation and testified against other participants in the movement. Some of the participants in the movement, for example Alexander Letunov, found refuge in Ukraine.

A new criminal case was opened against Tesak. However, he had not yet managed to be released from the colony after he was found guilty of extremism.

This time he was charged with robbery and again with Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Inciting hatred” and participation in a robbery associated with hooliganism. “The real reason for the criminal case against me is that in 2014 Restrukt went national and even international level. Cells of this organization appeared in almost all major cities of Russia, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus,” Martsinkevich said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. According to Tesak, when he was waiting for a verdict in a new case, he actively read books, in particular, he read the works of Francois Rabelais, as well as many books on psychology and the socio-political structure of society. He also crossed paths with other famous prisoners: a nationalist (Potkin), Orkhan Zeynalov, whose crime led to riots in Biryulyovo, and an oligarch.

Firing prosecutor

The prosecutor at the trial in the Restrukt case was. Previously, he supported the prosecution in the trial of the ex-head of the property relations department, but he was soon removed from this case. According to Gazeta.Ru sources familiar with the situation, this happened because he did not know the process materials well. During the Restrukt trial, he repeatedly stated that participants in the movement should have been shot. During the debate between the parties, he asked to sentence Tesak to 11.6 years in prison. He asked the rest to be given 9 to 7 years in prison.

The court eventually found Martsinkevich guilty, among other things, of robbery, hooliganism and intentional destruction of property and sentenced him to ten years in prison strict regime.

“When I created Occupy Pedophilia (one of the Restrukt projects aimed against pedophiles), it was an extremely risky undertaking. I had to tightly control not only my emotions, but also the film crew. But I also understood that the benefits to society from this far outweighed all the risks. And, as practice has shown, I was not mistaken: the number of uncles writing to boys on social networks has decreased tenfold. And the boys have learned to organize themselves so much that now, even without any “Pedophile,” the guy has every chance in any city to meet not just one boy, but a whole gang. And with all the desire of law enforcement officers, they could not bring charges against me for any of the 115 pedophiles I personally caught,” Tesak told Gazeta.Ru.

“As for Occupy Narcophilia, this is not my project. It was created as part of the development of civil initiatives “Restrukt,” said Martsinkevich. — The fact is that back then a whole bunch of “spice” dealers were catching public organizations, and I didn’t want to jostle on someone else’s field. But the guys got busy. And soon law enforcement officers took over all the fights against “synthetics” dealers, and everyone except “Narcophiliac” “merged.” Unlike “Pedophile,” there was, of course, less legality here, although the stakes were higher - after all, “spice” does not corrupt, but kills children.”

According to Tesak, he lost control of all movements three years ago when he was arrested:

“You can’t really control anything from the pre-trial detention center. Recruitment for the “Narcophile” campaign was carried out simply through advertisements on the Internet; this did not contribute to the growth of the quality of the participants in the campaign.

As a result, they began to go too far and one of the drug dealers was eventually killed. This immediately gave rise to a bunch of criminal cases and destroy the entire movement.”

Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, received an impressive sentence for attacking a spice dealer. The defense believes that the verdict was based on assumptions, and the convict’s alibi was actually ignored

The announcement of the verdict to Maxim Martsinkevich in the Babushkinsky District Court. Photo: Sergey Kiselev/AGN “Moscow”

On December 29, the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow sentenced Maxim Martsinkevich, known as Tesak, to ten years in prison. The leader of the nationalist movement “Restrukt” (the book of the same name is banned) was found guilty of assault on a spice dealer and hooliganism.

Five of his supporters were sentenced to terms ranging from two years and 11 months to 9.5 years in prison. The defense considers the nationalist's case to be fabricated and intends to appeal the verdict.

This was a repeat trial of Tesak: on July 27, 2017, the Babushkinsky court sentenced Martsinkevich to a similar term, and nine of his followers received sentences ranging from three years and four months to ten years. However, the verdict did not “stand” on appeal: in May 2018, the Moscow City Court overturned it and.

For the second time, in addition to Maxim Martsinkevich, five members of the informal association “Occupy-Narcophilia”, which he created, were put on trial: Evdokim Knyazev, Alexander Shankin, Elizaveta Simonova, Mikhail Shalankevich and Dmitry Sheldyashov. According to investigators, in 2013-2014 they carried out several attacks on sellers of prohibited smoking mixtures, the so-called spice, by pretending to purchase the potion from them. During one of these attacks in June 2014, Azerbaijani citizen Zaur Alyshev was killed. In this regard, Dmitry Sheldyashov was charged with Part 4 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in death through negligence).

Martsinkevich himself was charged with one episode. According to the prosecution, on August 17, 2013, he, together with Shankin and Knyazev, attacked spice dealer Khamidullo Mukhtarov in the area of ​​the Belorussky railway station. Anti-drug fighters beat him, forced him to eat a smoking mixture, doused him with paint and handed him over to the police. The investigation qualified these actions under the articles “hooliganism” and “robbery” (part 2 of article 162 of the Criminal Code and part 2 of article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Tesak's alibi

Martsinkevich denied his guilt. His defender Vladimir Krasnov, who was the answer to Ural Airlines. It followed from it that Tesak could not participate in the attack on the indicated day, since at that time he was vacationing with several friends on Lake Baikal: on August 11, 2013, Martsinkevich flew from Moscow to Ulan-Ude and returned only on August 19.

The lawyer argued that in order to charge Martsinkevich with robbery and hooliganism, it was necessary to prove that he had direct intent. He called the prosecutors’ arguments that Tesak acted based on selfish goals and hooligan motives “sweeping.” “Witnesses spoke in court who said that Martsinkevich earned decently, up to 10 thousand dollars a month, and it made no sense for him to attack some person in order to steal one and a half thousand rubles and an old phone from him,” Business commented FM prosecution defense attorney.

Krasnov added that no one denied the fact of Mukhtarov’s detention. However, Martsinkevich did not participate in it, and this obviously happened on a different day. In addition, the defense insisted that Mukhtarov was caught red-handed while committing a crime - the illegal sale of prohibited smoking mixtures. Causing harm to a person who has committed a crime during his arrest in accordance with Article 38 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is not a crime.

According to the defense lawyer, all of Mukhtarov’s actions indicated that he acted illegally. “He brought the “clients” not smoking mixtures for hookahs, as he said, but spices. “All this was filmed and happened like in a spy movie,” the lawyer said. According to him, the defense presented the court with real hookah tobacco, packaged in colorful boxes. It was 250 times cheaper than what Khamidullo Mukhtarov was selling.

Another detainee

When Occupy-Narcophilia members caught spice dealers with live bait, they took them to the police every time. The lawyer notes that on August 17, 2013, Knyazev and Shankin were indeed detained and helped deliver the drug dealer to the Begovoy police station. Only it was not Mukhtarov, but a certain Medzhidov, whose name was recorded in the police log.

Krasnov is convinced that the case against the nationalist was fabricated. “Law enforcement officers needed to imprison Martsinkevich and give him a serious hard time, because the extremist cases for which he was previously tried ended in short sentences,” the lawyer noted.

However, the court did not accept these arguments and considered the guilt of Martsinkevich and other defendants proven. The court sent Tesak to a maximum security colony for ten years; a minimum sentence of two years and 11 months in a general security colony was assigned to Elizaveta Simonova. Mikhail Shalankevich was sentenced to six years, Evdokim Knyazev to eight, and Alexander Shankin to nine years of imprisonment in a general regime colony. Dmitry Sheldyashov will have to serve nine years and six months in a maximum security colony.

Since Mikhail Shalankevich served his sentence during the investigation and trial (one day in the pre-trial detention center was counted as one and a half days), he was released after the verdict was announced. Also, according to the court verdict, Sheldyashov and Shankin will have to compensate moral damages to the father of the deceased Zaur Alyshev - 500 thousand and 100 thousand rubles, respectively.

The victim Mukhtarov also managed to obtain compensation from his offenders. Thus, the court ordered Martsinkevich and Knyazev to pay him a little more than 7 thousand rubles for the missing phone and damaged things and another 30 thousand for moral damage in solidarity.

Vladimir Krasnov stated that he considers the verdict illegal and intends to appeal it. In his opinion, the court showed corporate solidarity with the prosecution. “If an acquittal had been made, the prosecution would have suffered a serious reputational blow,” the defense lawyer said. According to him, the court unreasonably dismissed Martsinkevich’s alibi, basing its conclusions on assumptions.

Maxim Martsinkevich is known as an activist of ultra-radical right-wing organizations, the leader of the “skinhead” association “Format-18” (recognized as extremist and banned). He is also the creator of the “Occupy-pedophile” and “Occupy-drug-phile” movements, whose participants caught pedophiles and drug dealers (mainly sellers of the so-called smoking mixtures - spice) on social networks.

Before this case, Martsinkevich was convicted three times for extremism. In 2008, he was sentenced to three years in prison for disrupting a political debate involving Alexei Navalny at the Bilingua club by shouting Nazi slogans. In 2009, he received a criminal record for posting a video on the Internet of a mock execution of a “Tajik drug dealer.”

Based on the totality of the two sentences, Tesak received 3.5 years in prison. He was released in 2011, and when another case was opened against him, he fled to Cuba, from where he was deported in 2014. On August 15, 2014, the Kuntsevo court of the capital imprisoned him for posting two extremist videos on his VKontakte page. Later, the Moscow City Court sentenced him to two years and ten months in prison.

The Babushkinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the leader of the nationalist movement "Restrukt" Maxim Martsinkevich, known as Tesak, to ten years in a maximum security colony in the case of attacks on people.

The court found Martsinkevich guilty of robbery (Part 2 of Article 162 of the Criminal Code) and hooliganism (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code).

The court sentenced four alleged accomplices of Martsinkevich to terms ranging from two years and 11 months to nine years in a general regime colony, TASS reports.

The case against the Restrukt participants was re-examined. In the summer of 2017, the court sentenced Martsinkevich to nine years in prison in this case, but in May 2018, the Moscow City Court overturned the sentence and sent the case for a new trial.

According to the investigation, Martsinkevich and his accomplices independently detained people on the streets of Moscow who were considered drug dealers, carried out lynchings against them and posted videos of the abuse on the Internet.

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Investigators stated that the beatings took place in 2013-2014 “under the pretext of implementing socially significant projects related to combating the spread of drugs.”

Criminal cases against Martsinkevich

Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, is known for his far-right views. He was convicted three times of extremism (Article 282 of the Criminal Code).

In 2008, the court sentenced Martsinkevich to three years in prison at the request of Alexei Navalny. A year earlier, a group of right-wing radicals led by Martsinkevich came to a debate at the Moscow Bilingua club, in which Navalny participated, and began chanting Nazi salutes.

In 2009, Martsinkevich received another sentence under an article on extremism. As the court found, in June 2006, Martsinkevich and like-minded people staged the ritual execution of a “Tajik drug dealer” and then posted the video on the Internet.

After leaving the colony, Martsinkevich founded the Occupy Pedophile movement and created the Restrukt organization. Their participants tried to persecute people they considered pedophiles and people from Central Asian countries. Later, Martsinkevich also came up with the Occupy-Narcophilia project.

In 2014, the court sentenced him to five years in a maximum security colony for inciting ethnic hatred. Later, the Moscow City Court commuted his sentence to two years and 10 months in prison.

The court sentenced neo-Nazi Maxim Martsinkevich, better known as Tesak, to ten years in prison for inciting hatred, robbery, hooliganism and damage to property. He will spend them in a maximum security colony

Maxim Martsinkevich (Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS)

The Babushkinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the leader of the social movement “Restrukt”, neo-Nazi Maxim Martsinkevich, better known under the pseudonym Tesak, to ten years in prison in a maximum security colony in the case of an attack on people selling spice. TASS reports this from the courtroom.

“Found Martsinkevich guilty and sentence him to ten years in a maximum security colony,” the judge announced the verdict. Moreover, the sentence will be calculated from January 27, 2014, when he was first sentenced in the case of the Occupy-Drug Action.

Maxim Martsinkevich was found guilty of robbery (Part 2 of Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), of intentional destruction and damage to property (Part 2 of Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as hooliganism (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). He was also accused of inciting hatred and enmity (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) for the book “Restrukt” he wrote, which was included in the register extremist materials. The article was eventually excluded due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

The prosecutor requested 11 and a half years in a maximum security colony for the neo-Nazi, but judge Alexander Glukhov softened this requirement.

The court also sentenced the other nine defendants in the case, participants in Restrukt, and they were sentenced to terms ranging from three to ten years in prison. Martsinkevich’s accomplice Dmitry Sheldyashov also received ten years in a maximum security colony.

​Stanislav Kotlovsky, Georgy Kepteni, Vasily Lapshin and Elizaveta Simonova were sentenced to three years in a general regime colony, Evdokim Knyazev and Roman Maksimov - to five years of general regime, Mikhail Shalankevich - to six. The youngest participant in the movement, Alexander Shankin, who was under the age of majority at the time of the crime, was sentenced by the court to six years in an educational colony.

The investigation established that in 2013-2014, members of Restrukt attacked people with stun guns, gas canisters and metal batons. They explained their actions by the implementation of socially significant projects, such as combating the spread of drugs. Suspected drug dealers were beaten by members of the movement, their property was taken, and they were doused with dyes.

In total, according to the court and investigation, Martsinkevich and members of Restrukt were involved in the attack on eight people, one of whom died from injuries.

Martsinkevich was detained in January 2014 in Cuba at the request of Interpol, after which he was deported to Russia. He was found guilty of extremism three times (in 2007, 2009 and 2014). In August 2014, he was sentenced to five years in prison for inciting national and religious hatred, but three months later, in November, the court reduced this sentence to two years and ten months.

Martsinkevich gained the greatest fame after he created the Occupy Pedophile movement in 2013, which found pedophiles and organized violent intimidation actions against them. He founded the movement after being released from prison, where he served time for inciting hatred.

According to investigators, the leader of the Restrukt movement attacked citizens under the pretext of socially significant projects

Nationalist and leader of the social movement "Restrukt" Maxim Martsinkevich

Moscow. December 29th. website - The Babushkinsky Court of Moscow found the leader of the nationalist movement "Restrukt" Maxim Martsinkevich (known by his nickname Tesak) guilty of inciting hatred and enmity, robbery and hooliganism.

“The court’s verdict found Martsinkevich guilty of the crime charged against him, and he was sentenced to 10 years in a maximum security colony,” the court’s press service told Interfax.

According to investigators, under the pretext of implementing socially significant projects related to combating the spread of drugs, in 2013-2014. Martsinkevich, together with other individuals, being participants in the Restrukt movement, carried out attacks on citizens in Moscow, using stun guns, gas canisters and metal batons as weapons. In this case, the victims were beaten, their property was stolen, and for humiliation they were publicly doused with dyes.

The smallest sentence - two years and 11 months - was received by Elizaveta Simonova (nicknamed Lyutaya), who was a minor at the time of the crime.

Two leaders of the movement, Evdokim Knyazev and Mikhail Shalankevich, were sentenced to eight and six years in a general regime colony, respectively.

“The court partially satisfied the claim of the victim Alyshov for the recovery of moral damages from D.I. Sheldyashov in the amount of 500 thousand rubles, from A.S. Shankin - 100 thousand rubles. Also satisfied civil suits Mukhtarova H.A. according to which Martsinkevich and E. Knyazev were jointly recovered material damage 7 thousand 110 rubles and moral damage 30 thousand rubles,” said court press secretary Maria Borovikova.

The court also jointly and severally recovered from Simonova and Shalankevich 1.9 thousand rubles in material damages and 30 thousand rubles in moral damages.

This is a retrial of the criminal case against members of a nationalist group.

The Babushkinsky Court of Moscow on June 27, 2017 sentenced Martsinkevich to 10 years in a maximum security colony, finding him guilty of inciting hatred and enmity, robbery and hooliganism. Other defendants in the case were also supposed to go to the colony. However, later the Moscow City Court made a verdict and sent the materials for a new consideration.

Previously, Martsinkevich was convicted three times for extremism (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) - in 2007, 2009 and 2014. According to the totality of the first two sentences, he was sentenced to 3.5 years of imprisonment, and according to the third - 2 years and 10 months.