Who are the hucksters in the zone. “I thought I would have to fight from the first day”: firsthand about the life of a prisoner in a strict regime. Why hucksters are so hated by other prisoners

About 650,000 Russians are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty - according to this indicator, our country ranks second in the world after the United States. Despite this, the Russian penitentiary system remains rather closed: not much is known about the life of prisoners. RIA Novosti recorded a monologue of one of the prisoners - the author of the Podval Telegram channel, who wished to remain anonymous.

About the camp

I am still very young. An ordinary guy from a typical family, he studied engineering at a technical school, there was a year left. Almost as soon as the "opportunity" to go to prison on a strict regime appeared, I immediately "took advantage" of it. I am serving my sentence not far from Moscow. It doesn't matter what they call me - "prisoner", "convict", "prisoner". Nothing changes: as I sat, so I sit.

My story is one of indiscretion, even stupidity. She did not do without drugs. Almost half of the prisoners - with article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacture, processing of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues." - Approx. ed.). No wonder it is called "folk". Instead of treating drug addicts, they are imprisoned for many years.

Camps are divided into "red" and "black". In the "Reds" power is in the hands of the administration: telephones and "free" things are allowed only to "close ones". Senseless violence is practiced there: for example, a sewer hatch is welded to scrap to make a kind of shovel, and they are sent to "catch snowflakes".

In the "blacks", in addition to the administration, there are "thieves". You can find everything: phones, game consoles, laptops, alcohol and even drugs. Our camp was like this for about five years. Most of the zone did not visit the dining room: every day they grilled kebabs, went anywhere, in a word, "ford-walk". There was also a separate hut where they made moonshine.

But after the change of leadership, "tightening the screws" began. Among the employees, everyone who once even had a suspended criminal record was fired. The riot police began to arrive. CCTV cameras were installed everywhere. Hand luggage is banned - transparent bags are issued. For alcohol, you can get to the isolation ward for 150 days, and for drugs - for 300 with the possibility of extending the term. We stopped walking alone and without a "wash" (razor blades).

RIA Novosti / Alexander Kryazhev

About money and spending

Being in prison is not as cheap as it seems at first glance. First, the services of a lawyer: from 500 rubles to several million. Secondly, parcels and transfers: every two months - at least five thousand, excluding the cost of cigarettes. Thirdly, you need to pay for long dates. Fourth, spending on improving housing conditions.

Each prisoner has his own account in the accounting department, which "travels" along with the personal file. Pensions, salaries and transfers from friends and relatives come there, it is used for shopping at a local store and paying fines for violations. Restriction - nine and a half thousand rubles a month. Sometimes they pay for the services of a photographer to send pictures to their relatives: they usually shoot near the church, this is the most beautiful place in the camp.

In the barracks, there is constant spending on cleaning and tea, sweets and cigarettes for those sufferers who end up in quarantine, isolation or hospital. Therefore, it has its own "tax system": every month we donate money to a common bag, which is located in the "thieves" corner in each barracks. The amount is set individually in the first week. Usually it is a thousand rubles. About three thousand are taken from small drug dealers. Those who got caught for rape pay extra to not be touched.

There are also "voluntary-compulsory" fees: for the transport of prohibited items and for mobile communications from those who have a telephone - 500 rubles each.

Most of the transfers go through online wallets, which almost everyone has: a mobile number is enough. Cryptocurrency is not used - too complicated. Sometimes the sums are sent to prisons for especially dangerous criminals, for example, to the Vladimir Central.

The phone itself is a separate expense item. It gets in three ways: through employees, driving cars and "stuffing", therefore it costs twice as much as at large. The hunt for means of communication is always going on. For the phone, you can not only lose large sums from the Internet account linked to the number, but also end up in an isolation cell for 15 days and receive the status of a "malicious violator" - up to eight years of additional supervision.

About earnings

Honored by various craftsmen. Some prisoners need a rosary, backgammon, chess, pictures. Others - legal support in writing appeals and cassation complaints. The third is phone repair or charging. For all these services, prisoners are willing to pay each other. It is not customary to set fixed prices, and everyone thanks in their own way.

Some especially eloquent ones find “correspondence students” - girls who are ready to wait for them and transfer money to them. Keeping your attention when you're behind bars is a talent, so you can't say it's a mass phenomenon. There were also cases of marriages with new acquaintances in the zone. When two lonely hearts find each other, no fences can stop them.

A separate gold mine for the common fund is games. For each game they pay, regardless of winning or losing, about 15 rubles. Most often they play dice, cards and backgammon. Chess and backgammon are allowed, cards are not, but they are easy to hide. The lucky ones get on the unlucky ones with money, and their winnings can approach the six-figure sum.

I don't play myself: it's not mine. I earn in other ways: passive income from investments made is about ten thousand a month. Before the seizure of the phone, I tried to trade on Forex, but I did not have time to follow all the fundamental events and news and gave up. I can’t play on the exchange: either there is no necessary “free coin”, or the site slows down, or registration with a photo is needed.

Now I'm learning cryptocurrencies. I invest in interesting and long-term projects. I'm saving up for an airbag, which will do more good when I'm free. I don’t have income from blogging yet: readability is unstable.

RIA Novosti / Vitaly Ankov

In a penal colony in Primorsky Krai

About castes, time and escape

The only thing that is more or less preserved from prison stereotypes is caste. These are "thieves" (with privileges), "goats" (occupying administrative positions like a librarian and cooperating with the administration), "muzhiks" (ordinary prisoners), "wool" (service personnel) and "roosters" (lower caste).

Basically, they are all from dysfunctional families and godforsaken places where young people have nothing to do. In the absence of options to “break out into people,” they use alcohol and drugs, and this leads to sad consequences.

The main enemy in prison is time. His ideal "killer" is a phone with mobile Internet, a window to the big world. But after total checks, the phones were confiscated, and life in the barracks became monotonous.

About future

At the moment when they put handcuffs on my hands, it seemed that this was a misunderstanding, because this could not happen to me. All the plans for the future, which I was building a few minutes ago, have changed dramatically.

At first, I clung to the last threads: I expected that at the first trial they would be released on bail or house arrest. In the pre-trial detention center, I hoped that the judge's verdict would be in my favor, the maximum would be a suspended sentence. But, alas, there are practically no acquittals, and the article was heavy.

I got here through my own fault, for my stupidity. But once here, I found out what my real price is in the eyes of the environment without the "candy wrappers" in the form of a social position and a good job. I was left naked. Of all the relatives and friends, there are only a few people who are still worried about me and support me in every possible way. I don't know what I would do without them.

Most likely, I will not continue my studies. Firstly, with a criminal record they may not be taken back, and secondly, radio engineering is not mine. I want to work in information technology. If I can, I'll learn the basics right here in prison. Luckily, you still have access to the internet.

There is some kind of dark humor in this - in the “Stops” section, which is about interesting places and sights, publish a story about life in prison. Well, where else to put it, on the other hand? In their life journey, no one seeks to make such a stop, but many have to, and these are not only villains and bandits. Our interlocutor Alexei (name changed) is neither a thief nor a murderer, nor a rapist nor a swindler. A young Russian guy who, as it happened, has been serving a term in one of the Russian colonies on a strict regime for the fourth year already. About how he lives behind bars and whether there is any benefit from such a life, he told the “Passenger” - by the way, risking his own safety.

Connection with will, or 15 days for "VKontaktik"

Of course, we are forbidden to conduct correspondence on the network. If one of the employees finds out about this interview, I will be waiting for 15 days in the ShIZO (penaltyapprox. "Passenger" ) and a serious raid in order to pick up all the "extra". After all, we should not have access to the Internet and mobile communications at all. For calls, you can use the machine, now they are in every barracks - it's called Zonatelecom. You draw up a card (you can virtually from the outside, the main thing is to have a pincode) and call, but only those numbers that are indicated in the application are available, and it must first be certified. Plus letters and dates. You can use only these tools, but why, when there are phones and smartphones? Of course, the situation with mobile communication in camps around the country is different, but to one degree or another it is available everywhere. And this is not only a convenience, but also a business.

We are not obliged to keep under constant supervision 24 hours a day, no guards will be enough for this. This is possible when kept in cells, but not in camps. But mass events - trips to the dining room, divorce, etc. - are under the control of employees. In addition, they go around all the facilities (shops, detachments, any places of work) several times a day, plus they regularly conduct searches, planned and optional. So, when using the phone, you need to be alert. Ideally, watch the entrance through the window. In the detachments for this there are special people who, for cigarettes or something like that, “sit on the chip” all day long. When an employee approaches, you immediately hide the phone - not in your pocket, of course, but where it cannot be found in the event of a raid. For this, triggers are being prepared (caches -approx. "Passenger" ) in advance.

Life in the zone: expectations and reality

It's definitely not like in the movies. I myself thought that I would have to fight from the first day. When I was coming here, I mentally prepared myself, but it turned out that I didn’t need to. So far, he has seriously swung only once, the rest - in sports sparring. Oh, well, I also beat a rooster with a stick, but that's for the cause. Quite the opposite, you can't fight. Yes, it all depends on the situation, but there is a risk of running into a showdown with thieves - for lawlessness. Here, any measures must be justified and approved. When I had to fight, I was sure that the person would not go anywhere to endure it, everything was honest. And if you know that someone will go to thieves or garbage, it's better to just calm down. I generally do not like to resolve conflicts by force, but I confess that sometimes I want to when I get tired of everything and everyone. If the garbage finds out about the collision, they will not investigate, but, most likely, they will send both of them to the ShIZO, and who needs it? And it's not even about the conditions in the ShIZO, what's the difference, 15 days from the whole term is nothing. The reason is that this is recorded in the case, and many, including me, want to leave on parole, and such records do not help at all in this.

As for the thieves, they can give a few breams, or they can be seriously beaten, it happens. They pull you up to talk, and if the conversation doesn’t make any sense, then they simply stuff you with stools and arches from beds to fractures, etc. But this is for serious reasons. Those who pull drugs in illegal ways, say, through a transmission window, or barry without permission, or gamble and do not repay debts, are at risk.

If there is no sense in the conversation, then they simply clog with stools and arches from beds to fractures.

Concepts, of course, live, but they are needed to maintain internal order, otherwise there will be just chaos. If the actions do not have consequences, then the convicts will begin to substitute each other with their actions and complicate their lives. So there are snoops, and roosters (including "opened ones"), and rats - but these categories appeared long before the appearance of concepts and Russian prisons in general. Snoops usually either tend to “stick” to someone, behave like this all the time in life, or pay for their own stupidity - debts. Roosters are mostly rapists, pedophiles, perverts, everything is clear here. And than open hatred for them, let them clean the toilets and sweep the streets. There are those who are unlucky - they “extinguished”, that is, chifir with a rooster. Or they took a cigarette from him, or shook hands, or touched someone's penis, or in some other way. Well, it's your own fault, you have to keep an eye on such things. Rats and bitches choose their own path, and this should not be allowed to remain without consequences. And all this is determined here, in captivity. That is, no one traces your previous biography at large, and in prison you always have a chance to live like a human being (unless you are a pedophile). The rest is best left to yourself. For example, it's technically possible to fuck a cock, but I think that the desire to fuck another man in the ass is homosexual in itself, so I don't do it myself.

About the camp authorities

As for how they break about coming to the camp: now there is no such thing here. You either accept the rules and get settled, or, if you deny it, you end up in a ShIZO. Although this is nonsense compared to the past. They can, of course, give bream sometimes, but the employees are also updated, the old-school cruel bosses are leaving. In general, camps in this area were broken 6-7 years ago. Before that, there was an “acceptance” when they fucked right away so that they understood where they got into. But then the situation was different: drugs, booze, tracksuits for everyday life, everyone put a dick. With the new government, everything has become stricter in terms of the regime, but at the same time without tinnyness from the administration.

They address convicts mainly as you, although there are exceptions. Some are very serious about this and are always on you with the convicts, but these are isolated cases. The authorities (that is, the administration - majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels) are quite arrogant in relation to the majority of prisoners. And in general, they prefer to communicate with prisoners through the caretakers, and they often use this for their own purposes. Those who are lower in rank - the keymen (they are also security guards), some commanders of the detachments - they behave more simply. Here it’s how it will turn out, with everyone it’s different - with someone it’s just on you, but with someone it’s completely familiar. Over time, they have something like a professional deformation - they become like prisoners, only in uniform.

Occupational Deformation: Guards look like convicts, only in uniform.

About red and black zones. Roughly speaking, they differ in that on the Reds, the real power is in the hands of the garbage, and on the Blacks, the thieves determine the orders. My zone is red, that is, the main thing is to observe the regime or the laws of common sense. Although there are thieves here, and they have their own weight: they solve some conflicts between prisoners, they monitor the general game and the observance of unofficial laws and rules. Another thing is that they are all tied up with garbage and, if necessary, solve problems together, because both of them want to live in comfort.

About the camp hierarchy

Each facility in the zone has a responsible convict and a responsible officer. Formally, such convicts (goats, caretakers, hillocks) are not endowed with power, but in fact they have both privileges and power. They are closer to the staff than the rest, often communicate with the head of the colony and his deputies. In addition to bonuses, they bear responsibility and obligations, including financial ones. So, all repairs are carried out at the expense of convicts, the administration is not inclined to spend money on this. There were many scandals related to these things, I will not go into details ... And how the goat / supply manager / hillock will organize the work process and the financial flow is his concern. As well as the situation at the facility. I myself, although not a goat, invested in repairs at my jobs. It is simply necessary to do something, but you do something for yourself, for a more comfortable existence. For example, I perform in a club, play the guitar, we have a full-fledged team here, we have all the instruments, but where would these instruments and equipment come from? We brought everything ourselves or those who worked here before. Something from home, friends or relatives bought something. And if nothing is being repaired or brought in, then the administration will definitely notice this. And either directly indicate this to the supply manager, or simply remove him and put another one.

Day after day

A typical day depends on whether you work or not. If you sit all day in the detachment, then there is little variety: you go outside for checks, visit the canteen, sometimes a bathhouse, a library or a gym. The rest of the time - reading, sleeping, watching TV, sorting out relationships, playing games, hanging on the Internet, whoever is in what much. I work, so I don’t go to the detachment so much, mostly in the morning and in the evening. I live in lighter conditions of detention, I sleep on a single-tiered shkonar and not in a huge section, but in a small cabin with a TV. At 6 in the morning we were already standing with the whole detachment on the street - such exercises, or morning formation. Then the usual morning chores - wash up, go to breakfast or cook something for yourself in the food room (“kisharka”). Then - either a divorce and a job, or a morning check. My job is not dusty, I'm in the volunteer fire department. Sometimes training alarms, sometimes repairs, but mostly I go about my business: reading, sports, chess, etc. Plus - lunch and another check. In the evening, in the detachment, you can watch TV (I didn’t do it in the wild, but somehow it turns out by itself), but it’s better to watch something from a flash drive, if there is one. If I don't go to work, I spend time at the club: rehearsals or anything else: books, sports, coffee, stupid things. The choice is not so great.

Holidays in the zone are celebrated, but not too varied. On your birthday - chifir, tea, coffee and sweets. On New Year's Eve, the lights out are usually shifted, you can sit for up to an hour or two, make salads. Everything is almost as usual, only without alcohol and adventures, so there is nothing to talk about.

Notable events are, as a rule, someone's failures. Only yesterday someone strangled himself because of debts.

Accidents happen, but I don’t remember anything good. Notable events are, as a rule, someone's failures. Only yesterday someone strangled himself because of debts. This happens, in my memory they have already hung themselves a couple of times, all because of debts, usually gaming ones. People sit down to play, having no money to pay, but the excitement takes its toll. They jumped twice from a window on the third floor (there is simply no higher), but without a fatal outcome - they simply broke. One due to debts, the other, it seems, just a cap drip. One died of stomach cancer, was taken out of the zone just a few hours before death. Before that, they were taken out for treatment, but something was not treated right. Well, on trifles, it happens that goats get into trouble, this is also interesting, but only if you cook in this mess. Garbage also gets into such situations, key keeper was caught carrying and using drugs, with the resale of selected phones. The authorities get bigger, their own security is hunting for them. For example, they got stuck in the export of building materials, in fraud with batches of phones. Yes, and the head of the prison can be arrested, I think. Anyone has something. Sometimes convicts with drugs are also on fire. Usually they come across when they share with someone - everything is free.

Since this is a strict regime, they are sitting here mainly for the sale of drugs and murders (intentional and not). 10-15 percent - the rest of the articles, there are even a few bribe-takers. As for typical categories, I'm not sure, but I'll try to highlight a few.

Blue warrior - there are enough of them, these are those who killed someone in a fight or something like that on the blue bench. Nothing interesting, many people in our country can fall into this category sooner or later.

Old bandit - those who have been in prison for 10-20 years, and maybe not so long ago, but for the characteristic crimes of the nineties and zero years - murders, banditry, possession of weapons, kidnappings, etc. Many of them are interesting to talk to. In general, you somehow expect that a bandit can be immediately distinguished, but in reality everything is not so. Ordinary people, often even intelligent ones.

An ordinary Tajik - someone for robbery or murder, but mostly for manipulating heroin, this is their topic. Everyone, as a rule, did not know anything, they were asked to keep them or take them away, and other nonsense.

Best of all in prison for those who have been in prison since their youth and do not know another life.

A pensioner - old people are also sitting, they are trying to shove them into a bunch in one detachment, such as a nursing home for the disabled.

Drug addicts and hucksters can be conditionally divided into “old-school heroin addicts” and “pepsicol New Ageers”, well, that’s right, it’s easy to laugh. There are many people who are imprisoned for murder, but if they hadn't been imprisoned, someday they would have been imprisoned for drugs.

But - I repeat - in general, your article for the life here means nothing (if it is not rape). People are all different, and here everyone also behaves differently, which is why it is customary to look at actions, and not at the past.

Best of all in prison for those who have been in prison since their youth and do not particularly know another life. So there's really nothing to compare with. They develop all the necessary qualities for a successful life in prison - their own special morality, in which the one who achieves his goal by any means is at his best. And if we talk about the warehouse of character, then it would be best for a calm person who understands that there is no point in rushing anywhere. Too cheerful and sociable can quickly find comrades, or they can get into an uncomfortable position - say too much, fall for a provocation. Some are too nervous and worried, it is especially difficult for such people in the zone. Others see their emotions and add fuel to the fire, tease, purely for fun. But it is seriously difficult to communicate with such sufferers, because they are trying to explain all their worries to you, but who needs it? Here, everyone has their own problems. Aggressive characters also will not benefit from their character, conflicts have consequences. It is best to stay calm and act according to the situation, not to hope for a miracle, so as not to be upset. Certainly you should not think about justice, it should not be sought in prison. If you seek the truth in prison, you will be quickly besieged.

What are the convicts talking about

Everyone is talking about the same thing - who cares what, well, the news of the zone, of course, are discussed. As for give a damn - I'm not strong in it, somehow I live normally without it. So all the most common things come to mind: bunk, shlenka, dalnyak, office, rat. Fuck knows, I'm not too interested, and there is no strong need. For those who are interested, I recommend finding a dictionary, there are some, I read it myself. I remember being surprised at the existence of a verb that means “to jump out of a car on the move”, I don’t remember the word itself. It used to be a really separate language. Here is one more observation: already during the term, I often came across the word “zashkvar”, “zashkvarit” on the Internet, but in the zone or in the pre-trial detention center I never heard it at all, literally zero times. We use the word "quench" here. If something is extinguished, then no one, except for roosters, can touch this object, this is understandable.

I have never heard the words “zashkvar”, “zashkvarit” in the zone or in the pre-trial detention center.

Another stereotype about prison life is tattoos. Yes, it is. They beat, and they beat everything in a row, it all depends on the desire and on the skills. As for themes and plots - somewhere, maybe in a different way, but with us - hit whatever you want, within reason. The application technique is the same as in the wild, only home-made machines. It’s easy to do, I’ll assemble it myself without any problems: a motor (from a drive, for example), a body from a regular handle, a frame made of wood, aluminum or anything, a string, a power supply or a phone charger, an adjustable resistor (optional), a pair of rubber bands, glue . All this in our time is easy to collect even in the zone. Someone hits on the prison theme: rings, a game mess, icons. I met both SS and swastikas from those who previously “denied” (in my opinion, not the best idea for a tattoo), all sorts of inscriptions “goth mit uns”, “only God be my judge” - these are all classics. Someone beats whatever comes to mind - as if at will.

Is everything in prison true or myth?

You can often hear that money, drugs, and alcohol are quite affordable in the zone. In general, this is true, again depending on where. Money is not a problem now, before it had to be dragged in, hidden, but now all calculations are electronic - you start a qiwi wallet and that's it. If there is Internet, then you translate yourself, if not, you call home and ask to translate. There are also plenty of sharpeners, you need to cut them with something, naturally they swindle them, but it’s not that they are directly hunted, it seems that convicts don’t cut each other. They make alcohol themselves, they make mash, they make moonshine, I don’t do this, it’s too troublesome, and if they find it, I’ll have to go to the ShIZO, but I don’t want to drink that much. Drugs are not exactly there, rather they are. Sometimes someone gets involved with them, sometimes with hashish, sometimes with heroin. Not very often, these are personal initiatives, and moreover, they do not always add a deadline for this, although this also happens. But the risk is still not justified. I had a chance to get drunk during the term - several times with candies with THC from California, smoked Garika once and ate several nutmegs once. But I do not aspire to this, and the last time was a long time ago. This is not at all the same as in the wild. The environment here is, to put it mildly, gloomy and depressing, and when you are tipsy, paranoia and all that prevails. Well, fuck him, he didn’t get caught and that’s good.

How time has changed me

I have more time. I spend it on sports, self-development, reading. Plus, I box, learn languages, do music, even juggle a little, so I learned something, this is definitely a positive side. In terms of spiritual change, it's hard to say. Maybe I've calmed down. Perhaps now I care less about the opinions of others. It seems like I know what I want from life, and there are some plans, but it will all be clear when I am free. He must have become more patient. But it’s like with appearance - when you see yourself in the mirror every day, it’s not so easy to notice how you have changed in a few years, so I see myself and my thoughts every day, and it’s not for me to judge how I have changed or not.

And the fact that correctional colonies do not correct anyone is a fact, nothing is being done for this in our country, this is only punishment. Everything ultimately depends on you. If you want to change your life, then you will correct in yourself what you consider necessary, and if you are only able to complain about circumstances, then nothing will help you.

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Given in the material - commonly used words and jargon of thieves give a damn, slang, and turns used in thieves, near-thieves, prison or youth environments.

There are also commonly used words of a rough lexicon, professional jargon from different fields.

The collection is compiled on the basis of publicly available materials, therefore it does not claim to be 100% accurate and objective, it is presented solely for information.

Mat, rude/vulgar forms in words and expressions are crypted.

Completely obsolete concepts (like the name of a twenty-kopeck coin, which simply does not exist now) are excluded. Additions and corrections will be glad to see in your comments.

Abakumych - crowbar, crowbar.
Abwehr - operational unit of the ITK
The Abyssinian tax is a bribe.
Abopol - Col.
Abrotnik is a horse thief.
Avtozak, avtozek - a car for transporting prisoners, ZK.
Machine - bench, writing pen.
A submachine gunner is a draft evader.
Authority is the highest caste in the hierarchy of thieves' subordination. Preferred synonyms prisoner, tramp, vagabond, swindler, etc. Classical euphemisms (such as people, zhigans, godfathers, etc.) are now used much less.

Authoritative - a person who has a very high status in the thieves' environment of prisoners, thieves and men. There are no devils, omitted and other lower groups in the castes.
An activist is a prisoner openly collaborating with the administration.
Activation - release due to illness or disability.
Amba - the end, death.
The prisoner is a thief in law, or a thug, or an authoritative / respected prisoner.
Atas is an alarm, an unreliable business.
An athlete is a person on the hook, carrying out reprisals and threats of violence, a militant.

Grandmas, loot, filks, chips, crunches - money, currency.
Babon, bobon, bobik - a police car.
Bazaar - talk, discuss.
Cormorant is a loose type, a hooligan. Used contemptuously. It is not customary to use it among authoritative people and serious prisoners.
To barrage, to barrage - to run amok, run into problems.
Mess - disorder in the place of detention or residence, not provoked lack of order.
Balabas - bummer, failure
Balabol is a liar
Balander - distributing food in the Ministry of Health
Ballerina is a special tool for breaking safes and locks.
Ban, jargon - station.
Banking - bargaining, trading, renting, spilling.
Baran is a stupid person.
The huckster is a businessman, an intermediary. Formerly a speculator. Now more often - a person who sells tobacco, alcohol and drugs in the zone, reselling stolen goods in the wild.
Barryshnik - a buyer, a drug dealer.
Heads - currency, money.
Bayan - a syringe for injection.
Squirrel - fever, haste.
White Swan - (EPKT) - the slang name for the prisons of eight regional departments of the leslags. The origin of the jargon is unknown, presumably from the name of the construction site of the first prison (a piece of forest with that name in Solikamsk).
Beskonvoynik - a prisoner with a weakened strictness of movement within a secure facility.
Lawlessness - arbitrariness, lawlessness, uncontrolled violence.
Lawlessness of thieves, woolen - a deliberate violation of the prison law by thieves or woolen in relation to other ZK.
Bespredelschik - an employee of the place of detention (MOH) or a prisoner who does lawlessness.
The tusk is a stupid person.
Biksa ​​- a woman, a prostitute.
Beamer, boomer, bomb - BMW car.
Beach is a weak-willed, spineless, humiliating person who serves others.
Thieves - the highest status of the hierarchy of prisoners. Must have an impeccable reputation: to be a professional criminal, not to work in a zone, to live according to "concepts", not to serve in the army, etc. In addition, they must have a reputation in the wild - not to work, for example, as taxi drivers, not to be members of a party, not to go to rallies, etc. There are a lot of requirements. The thieves are the second power - always struggling with the "red" (official) power of the zones. The thieves have significant privileges - they can not work, take whatever they want from the common fund, etc. The thieves also have duties - for example, organizing the supply of the zone with “heating” (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.), “resolving” disputes and conflicts, and ensuring peace and order among the lads. The thieves also have their own hierarchy. Thief in law - brother-in-law - authoritative - kid - bribed - fighter. The names themselves may vary depending on age and region. For example, a bribe can be called a fraer, just a thieves - a trump fraer, etc. The defining “specialty” of the thieves’ nickname can also be used: looking, corner, support, etc.
Beans are finance.
Bodyaga - empty chatter, nonsense.
Fighter - prisoner - performer. By decision of the gathering, he uses violence against other prisoners (or employees of the Ministry of Health), up to and including murder. Still - an athlete, a gladiator, a bull. The fighters, as a rule, are thieves, but they do not have the right to vote on the gangway and authority.
A tramp is an authority or a prisoner living according to "concepts".
Bolt, zhikovina - signet, ring.
A beard is a bummer in business.
Brotherhood - thieves; or prisoners living by the rules; or composition of one chamber.
Bracelets - handcuffs.
A brigade is a group of several dozen fighters. At the head is a foreman responsible for their actions.
A tramp is a tramp.
BUR - a high-security barrack. PCT.
To drill - to drive nonsense, an unreasonable collision, threatening trouble.
The bull is a fighter, impudent.
Bullying is defiant behavior.
Bull, bull - cigarette butt. If one prisoner asks another to "leave" - ​​you need to do it.

In nature - seriously, responsibly.
Wax - vodka, alcohol.
Jack - six.
Watch - the duty room of the supervisory staff; premises for ITU and security personnel (soldiers of internal troops).
Vertukhay - guard, overseer, guard.
Paddle - spoon.
Heating / heating - money, drugs, tea, alcohol, communications and other things and items necessary in the Ministry of Health, often prohibited, supplied illegally through freestylers or by bribing guards.
Vzroslyak - "adult" zone (for adult prisoners).
Pitchfork - a stalemate, hopelessness.
Take an apartment - take the blame for the capercaillie (unsolved theft from the apartment).
To smoke, to buy, to buy - to understand.
Hack - hand over to the operational officer information about caches or people.
Smear - take a drug or get caught red-handed.
Volyn - firearms, Volga car.
Volnye, Volnyashki, Volnyashi are civilian employees of the Ministry of Health who do not have special ranks. As a rule, they participate in shadow commodity transactions in the Ministry of Health, transfer small things, prohibited items.
Thief in law, Thief - the elite of the criminal and prison world, patriarch, leader, dedicated. They cannot work, have children, have a family, serve in the army, several “walkers” are required and there is no contact with the special services. Requirements may change over time.
Thieves' orders - new rules created as a result of a dispute between prisoners or in response to the regime measures of prison authorities. Some "concepts" and the prison law consist of orders.
The thieves' law is a set of rules that are obligatory for thieves and live according to "concepts".
Funnel - autoZAK.
Harness - intercede, protect.
To rub, to insert, to explain - to explain, to explain.
VTK - educational labor colony. ITU (camp type) for juvenile prisoners (ages 14 to 18). Since 1997, VTK has been renamed VK - educational colonies.
The otter is a master key.
Redeem - guess, track down, identify the right person (for example, a snitch in a cell).
To break out - to leave the cell with the permission of the administration and under its protection, transfer to another cell with the permission of the administration.
Expose, exhaust - rob an apartment.
Exhaust - fat.

Nut - ring.
Glavpetukh - Senior in the caste of the omitted. Has the functions of a representative, negotiator, organizer, etc.
Gladiator is a fighter.
Gold, red, red, rust, jaundice - gold, precious metal.
Headache is a problem.
Gon, drive, zhuhat - to tell a lie, nonsense.
The persecuted is a liar, a dreamer.
Gopnik is a robber who takes property from citizens with the use of violence (robbery, robbery) or by intimidation.
Gop-stop - street attack, robbery, robbery.
Smart - well thought out.
Grev - warming up.
Grevak - sending currency.
Load - extort, intimidate.
GUIN - Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments. All the Ministry of Health is under the jurisdiction of the department. Previously - GULAG - Main Directorate of Camps (period of the 30-50s of the last century), GUITK - Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Colonies (mid - late 50s), GUITU - Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Institutions (60s - mid 80s), GUID - Main Directorate for Correctional Affairs (before perestroika). GULAG - the word that has become a household word, symbolizes a machine for grinding human destinies and destroying people in times of arbitrary power.

DVK - children's educational colony.
Demon is hell.
Decyl, decl, detsel, drek, kropal - a small person, a little something.
DIZO - Disciplinary Insulator. Chamber for violators of the VTK regime. Unlike ShIZO, it has a milder regime of detention. The maximum period is 7 days.
DK - children's colony.
Doctor is a lawyer.
A burglar is an apartment thief.
Breathe - sleep.
DPNK - duty assistant to the head of the colony.
DPNSI - duty assistant to the head of the pre-trial detention center.
Drap - plan (drug).
DTK is a children's labor colony. Until the 50s - a camp for juvenile delinquents.
Dubak - turn.
A fool is a trunk.
Fool - 1. Under investigation, who is sent for a psychiatric examination. 2. A person under investigation who "successfully" passed a psychiatric examination, who was recognized by the examination as insane. 3. A prisoner recognized as mentally ill.
Fool around, fool around - behave frivolously, make a puncture.
Dushnyak - creating unbearable conditions for several or one ZK to influence others. It can be carried out by thieves, maybe by the administration of the Ministry of Health.
Devil is hell.

E * torium - a den, a troublesome business.
Yegor is a thief under suspicion of rat-keeping, setting up, snitching, etc.
Eldash is Asian.
Yelnya - thieves.
EPKT - a single room of the chamber type.
Yermolai is a fool.
Toad, toad strangles - envy, stinginess, reluctance due to disadvantage.
The wife is a pillow.
The woman is the mattress.
The perch is a window.
Zhenya - stepladder, ladder.
The tin is the railroad.
Zhivoglot is an investigator.
Zhyvropytka, canteen - canteen.
Zhigan - arrogant, impudent.
Zhiztochka - dear, amiable.
Fat - luck, luck.
Zhmur is dead.
Juda - trouble, grief.
Zhuzhu is a thief in authority.
Rogue - thieves.
Bug - scold.
Zhek - a penknife or miniature knife.

Clog, score - set a meeting time to sort things out.
Extinguished chamber - a chamber where ZKs are sitting that have broken out of other chambers.
Zakolbasit - kill.
Law - "concepts". A set of informal rules about life, conflict resolution, the behavior of thieves and other castes of the ZK.
To mow down - to become like someone.
To spoil - to spoil, damage.
Zakotsat - put on handcuffs.
Prisoner - ZK, a person sentenced to serving a sentence of imprisonment.
Finish - to touch a "normal" object by someone from the "lowered" caste. Any item touched by the "lowered" is considered "finished", that is, unclean and "correct" prisoners are now strictly forbidden to take it.
Close - put in a punishment cell or a temporary detention center, be convicted.
Fly in, fly in, sweep - get caught.
Lay, zashuharit - convey.
To stir up, to stir up - to organize something.
Remembered - omitted.
Send beans - pay.
Zapadlo - a wrong deed, a violation of the prison norm, which for the ZK of different groups can be either common or different.
Prohibition - restricted area.
Forbidden lane - a strip of a track strip leveled in a special way in the MOH barrier system, on which traces of the intruder are visible. Equating the ban is a shameful job, the ZK who agrees to it automatically becomes a "goat". Although it is officially forbidden to use ZK in such work, the administration often resorts to this to break especially zealous thieves.
To mine - to touch a “finished” object or place, to defile.
Correspondence student - a lonely woman by correspondence.
Sharpening - a long metal sharpened rod (stylet). Steel arms.
Moor, zachurat - catch.
To choke is almost the same as to "finish" - to desecrate. An item can sometimes be "purified" by a special ritual.
Zashkvarit - finish.
Call - serve a sentence.
Zenki, balls - eyes.
ZK, Zek, convict - prisoner (s). Obsolete from "Prisoner Canal Army" - the concept of the 30s of the last century.
ZNRS - a malicious violator of the regime of detention.
Zone - 1) the general name of places of detention. 2) Part of the MOH (residential area, working area, etc.).

Playing on bullshit is the last chance given to the loser in cards. In case of victory, he removes his debt, in case of defeat, he becomes lowered.
Temporary Detention Facility.
ITK - corrective labor colony. Camp facility for adults. Since 1997 - IK - Correctional colony.
ITU - corrective labor institution. The general name of MZ. Since 1997 - Correctional Institution.
Hospital-type ITU - special hospitals for prisoners with cell content and a sparing regime.

Wild boar, lobed, gelding - Mercedes S 600
Gimp - violation of the rules in relationships, violence of one ZK over another, etc.
Canole - new.
Kapo - informer, informer, informer. The term is borrowed from the concepts of German concentration camps.
Cabbage bashlyat - litter with currency.
Cough on a mobile phone, chicane - call, send SMS.
Kemarit - sleep, rest.
Kentovka is a family.
Kivala - people's assessor, juror.
Killer is a killer.
Throw - deceive, substitute.
Kipezh, kipish - unrest, unrest in the Ministry of Health, provoked by both the administration and the ZK groups.
Kiryat - drink alcohol.
Sour - a million.
Kichman - MZ, prison.
Clift is a suit, good clothes.
A clown is an empty person, lowered.
Claws to tear - to run away.
Kozel - openly collaborating in the present or past with the administration of the Ministry of Health. Lowest caste ZK. It is an insult, which should be followed by immediate reprisal, up to and including murder. In everyday speech, and even more so in the hair dryer, all derivatives of the goat are prohibited, and the names are replaced (for example, the game of dominoes “goat” is called “one hundred and one”, etc.).
The "goats" themselves call themselves "red", "positive", "activist", etc. Until the 50s, the same as "cock".
Trump fraer - thieves.
Wheels, wheels - drugs, medicines, shoes.
To roam - to rage, to be impudent, to be impudent.
Colony, colony-settlement - ITK.
Commerce is an entrepreneur "under the roof".
Kommunar is an economic person who loves order.
Piggy bank - women's intimate places.
The controller is a security guard, supervisor.
A horse is an illegal connection between cameras by, for example, pulling a rope. Type of thieves mail.
Kopach is an investigator.
Feed - ass.
Bark beetle - MOH for juvenile offenders, semi-open type. Special schools for the contingent from 11 to 14 years old, Special vocational schools - for teenagers from 14 to 18 years old.
Korotenhod is a game with matches.
Corks, corks - shoes, identity card.
Korczak is a diligently working ZK.
Koryanka is a slice of bread.
Mower (oblique) - a thousand.
Cant - 1. Violation of "concepts". 2) Armband with pointer. 3) Misdemeanor, unsuccessful action; 4) A self-rolled cigarette or a cigarette with a drug (eg marijuana).
Kosyachny is a person who constantly violates "concepts".
Koknar - poppy swill.
Boilers - hours.
Kotsy, Lapps - shoes, shoes.
The red zone is the zone where the administration of the Ministry of Health keeps order, and the author of the thieves is crushed or absent. Castes are forcibly mixed, the most severe discipline operates, denunciation is encouraged, the slightest disobedience is followed by cruel punishments.
Red is a euphemism for "goat". Activist.
Drip, scribble - grind the drug.
The circle is a community, more often fellow countrymen. Arrow at the highest level.
Spin through the mattress - mattress.
Wing - a special bandage on the sleeve, which means the entry of the ZK into the asset, into cooperation with the administration. His transition to "goats".
Covered - ITU prison type. Convicted for especially grave crimes, malicious violators of regimes are kept and sent.
Rat - stealing from his own, using trust.
Krysha is a criminal group that ensures the safety of the client in exchange for a percentage of the business (turnover, income).
Xiva - 1. An identity document. 2. Letter, note, cipher. It is transmitted most often illegally through "faithful" people.
Ksivu break - check documents.
Kum is an employee of the operational unit, operas.
Kumovskaya Mutka is a deliberate provocation of unrest and lawlessness by the administration to achieve its goals, rot, bullying, spreading defamatory rumors.
Kumovskaya lotion (joking) - a type of muddy, with the tossing of drugs, weapons, etc. into the thing of the ZK.
Kumovskaya grass - Kumovskaya mutka.

Lave is money.
Laiba is a machine.
Laskun is a master of oral affairs.
Stall, chest - 1. Trading point for prisoners. 2. Products and items purchased at the stall.
A cop is an employee of organs, special services.
Lepen - jacket.
False thief - snow thief.
Lokalka, local zone - residential areas within the MH, limited by territory and fencing.
Local tower - a tower with a cabin for maintaining order.
Breaking - 1. Various methods of influencing the prisoner to achieve their goals. 2. Physical suffering of a drug addict who has not taken the next dose.
Shovel - wallet.
Loch, loshok, loshina, sucker - not a kid, stupid, simpleton.
Lokhovoz - bus, trolleybus, etc.
LPU - a local preventive site within the Ministry of Health, for keeping violators of the regime. Since 1997, they have been called SUS (zone with strict conditions of detention).
LTP - therapeutic labor dispensary. Institution for alcoholics and drug addicts. Liquidated in 1994.
People are thieves. Almost never applied.
Lam - a million.
Lyarva, the monkey is a prostitute.

Maza is an opportunity, a chance.
Malanets - a Jew.
Malina - an apartment, a house where they live or wait, thieves gather.
Youngster - 1. Minor convict; 2) Special institutions for keeping juvenile delinquents (special schools, etc.); 3. Part of the pre-trial detention center where minors are kept.
Malyava - ksiva. Sometimes more personalized.
Mom, mom, mom - one of the leaders from the downcast caste. Operates in tandem with the "dad" - another leader. Mainly engaged in economic affairs and pimping. On the outside - a pimp.
Mammon, momon - belly.
Suit - 1. A group in the thieves' hierarchy. Black (thieves) - Gray (men) - Red (goats) - Blue (lowered). Moving up the castes is almost impossible and can be down. 2. ZK belonging to a certain caste.
Olive, boletus - a bullet, cartridges, ammunition.
Suit - tattoo, omitted.
The mattress is a way to extend the sentence in the ShIZO. After serving the term, the prisoner is allowed to spend the night in the zone on his mattress (place), after which he is again thrown for the entire term in a punishment cell.
Mattress cover - a cover pulled over a mattress in which the ZK transfers his things.
Makhnovists - Polish thieves.
Mahra, shag - a drug for smoking.
Slow, gerych, gera - heroin.
Ment, Milton - an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Cop lawlessness is a complete lawlessness perpetrated by the administration of the Ministry of Health to achieve its goals.
Shrink - get scared
Dead - without mazy, unpromising, do not like it.
Kneading clay is a homosexual act.
Broom - 1. Language (common expression - watch the broom, that is, be more careful with words);
2) The method of breaking the "correct" ZK, which is forced by revenge on the parade ground. This is a shameful job, after which the ZK can "fly out" from the correct caste.
Washing - razor
Muzzle - car radio, instrument panel.
Motor - car, taxi.
Guys - 1. The bulk of the inmates who came to the Ministry of Health for the first time. They are allowed to work, but they do not cooperate with the administration. Smart and strong Ms enjoy authority among other castes, except for thieves. 2. The general name of "random" ZKs, except for those omitted.
Garbage - ment.
Mouflon is a fighter.

Navar - profit.
Load - receive from someone.
Hitting, hitting - aggressive behavior of an attacking nature on a specific person or group.
Put on a wing - a wing.
To cut, to screw up - to do something wrong.
Strain, strain - problems.
Plant - breed for money.
A mother hen is an agent planted in a cell in order to find out information in various ways or to split a neighbor into the necessary testimony. Usually good psychologists.
Not zapadlo - the opposite of the concept of Zapadlo.
Nishtyak - excellent.
Nubuck is a laptop.
Zero is new.

Monkey, dog lover - a cell for detainees, a cage, a place in a patrol car.
Resentment is a cell for those who “broke out” of their (first) cell.
Offended - 1. Prisoner offended. 2. In some regions - omitted. 3. Synonym - omitted, rooster. 4) In terms of the MZ - humiliated, broken, “put on a broomstick”, excommunicated from the caste.
General fund - 1. MZ of general regime. 2. Multi-seat, dozens of people camera. 3. A group of "authoritative" thieves. 4. A fair distribution of heating in the chamber (except for the lowered ones).
5) "Thieves' bank" - the total money of a gang or group spent on common needs. Each caste can have its own common fund.
Obshchakovy - everything related to the obshchak.
The public is an asset.
General regime - MOH for convicts for the first time.
Shoe - cheat, deceive.
To cheat - to get stoned on a drug.
Deer is an empty, stupid person.
OOR - "especially dangerous recidivist."
Oper - operative.
The operational service is a structure in the Ministry of Internal Affairs that monitors order and the general situation.
Downgrade – 1. Downgrade the status of the ZK; 2. Transfer to the group of omitted.
Lowered - a representative of the lowered caste (goat, rooster). Engaged in the most dirty work, humiliated and despised.
Mansion - 1. Ministry of Health of the special regime. 2. A particularly dangerous recidivist.
A convict is a cell for prisoners who have a sentence that has not entered into force.
A convicted person is a person with a sentence.
Squeeze - take away, rob.
Lean back - exit the MOH.
To smear - to pay a deposit, recapture, redeem.
A scumbag is a bespredelschik, a fighter.
Move away - fall behind, leave, die.
Otovarka, otovarovka - a regular purchase in a store (stall).
Negative, negative - unreliable and conflict prisoners.
Detachment - 1. The structure of the society of prisoners in the Ministry of Health. 2. The room where the detachment is located.
Detachment leader, detachment leader - an employee of the Ministry of Health in charge of the detachment.
To pluck - to rob, steal.

Soldering - 1. Products and other items that are required by the ZK by law. 2. Portion of bread.
The package is a box of drugs.
The Pope is the leader of the downtrodden caste.
Slop - 1. A container for defecation in a cell that is not equipped with a sewer. 2) Toilet bowl (push) in the chamber. 3. Silly rumor or gossip.
Steam - sit.
Guys are people.
Pasture - follow.
The passenger is a freeloader, a lover of living at someone else's expense.
Pahan - authority.
The boy is a thug.
PVR - 1. Political educational work. 2. Internal regulations of the Ministry of Health.
Perdilnik - the mouth of an empty mouth.
Perdolite - use as a sexual partner.
Grind - specify the details.
Pen, wrote - a knife, sharpening, edged weapons.
Rooster - 1. Passive homosexual (blue). 2. Representative of the downcast caste. In a criminal environment - a serious insult. Any derivative of the word, as well as close semantic (eg Chicken coop) is not used.
Infantry - assistant soldiers, young soldiers.
P * zdobol - a liar, a gossip.
A clerk is a virtuoso with a knife.
PKT - a chamber type room.
Whip, trellis - trunk.
PMS - production mass section.
Shave - break off, failure.
Chased - nickname.
Support is the second leader in the cell after the godfather.
Break - open, rob (apartment, shop)
Fit - brought, give, play a joke.
To catch up - to catch hallucinations.
To warm up - to help financially, with goods, provisions.
Subscribe - make a commitment.
Cut, cut - steal, dishonest to get.
Podsadnoy - Mother hen.
A snow thief is a person who declared himself a thief, but lives by the rules and acts only on the basis of his own personal goals.
Pokotsany, kotsany - not new, stale.
Position - in the role of a thief, authorized by a thief.
The stripe - the red stripe on the prisoner's accompanying document - is prone to escape.
Striped - OOR.
Striped mode or striped zone - Mansion.
Polish thieves - 1. Thieves who have departed from "concepts"; 2. Professional lone thieves.
3) Twisted thieves - acting in the interests of the administration of the Ministry of Health.
Pontus - exaggerated position, wishful thinking, cheap effects.
Ponte to beat - not to admit guilt, picturesquely indignant at the accusations.
Ponte to cook - to look for a victim for a scammer.
Pontasha - a fake or low-quality drug.
Show off - pretense, creating fuss, scattering attention.
Scoffers are thieves who make a picture scandal during which accomplices clean the pockets of onlookers.
Ponte - ostentatious, worthless coolness or position.
Concepts - thieves' law.
Pee - cut with a knife.
Ass - spin.
Empty is an empty, meaningless conversation.
Portak, partak - tattoo.
Poselukha - ITC.
Staging - operation, action plan
Pardon - a petition for pardon or a court decision on pardon that has entered into force.
Settlement, settlement - a colony-settlement.
Go - looks like
Rule, rule, rule - "resolving" the conflict.
The correct prisons, zone, etc. - the Ministry of Health, in which life is built according to "concepts" with the connivance or intent of the administration.
Correct - 1. Honest, authoritative, etc.; 2. The highest assessment of the representative of the caste.3. Living by concept.
Correct concepts - a system of criminal norms and rules that regulates the entire thieves' world.
The correct order is the situation in the Ministry of Health, when most prisoners live by the rules.
Ensign - 1. An employee of the colony with the appropriate rank. 2. Any representative of the administration.
Submit - put forward a claim or accusation of violating concepts, cant, etc.
Presenting - accusing a person of unseemly behavior or an act that is contrary to concepts.
Press - "breaking" the prisoner for the suppression of personality and subsequent manipulation.
Press hut - a cell in the Ministry of Health, where the objectionable is placed and where breaking occurs.
Press - hit, beat.
Presser - ZK, breaking other prisoners on the instructions of the administration of the Ministry of Health.
The press prison is the Ministry of Health, where some of the cells are press huts.
Bridled - a candidate for the caste of thieves, carefully fulfilling criminal laws.
Approximate, close - assistant to the elder.
Sign - placement in the Ministry of Health for the maintenance of the mentally ill or insane.
Recognized - a prisoner who is recognized by the examination as insane.
Jokes, lotions, tacks - various provocations against a person in order to ridicule, put in an uncomfortable position. It is used, including by the administration and decoys to obtain information.
Sweat - a privileged six, serving the thieves.
To bring - to bring, to bring.
Break through - find out, find out.
Probytyvny - recognized, open.
The length is the corridor of the Ministry of Health.
Industrial zone, industrial zone - industrial zone of the Ministry of Health.
Registration is the introduction of a newcomer to the laws of the Ministry of Health.
A proshlyak is a thief who has retired from thieves' affairs, but has not been bored.
Navel, Pupkar - turn.
Five-minute - an express sanity check to make a further decision.
Heel, heel - a cigarette butt with marijuana.

Disassembly - 1. Clarification of relations, conflict resolution.
Breed, divorce - draw into a scam, deceive for money, throw.
Breeding, adjustable - said on the arrow.
Rams - a conversation with a showdown.
Cutting - reducing the term.
Turnip, pumpkin - head.
Raskonvoynik - beskonvoynik.
Promotion - getting the second term in the Ministry of Health for a new crime.
Rusty - red, bad, "muddy" person.
Regimenik - an employee of the Ministry of Health, keeping order.
Wet horns - serve the sentence in full.
Handbrake - a drug, a mobile phone.
Pockmarked (t) - (obsolete) the same as the mansion, striped.

Amateur organizations of convicts - structures of prisoners created by the administration.
Samorub - a syringe.
Boot - a glass or half a glass of vodka.
Drop - run away.
The brother-in-law is a candidate for the community of thieves.
SVP, SPP - an organization of convicts, cooperating with the administration of the Ministry of Health.
To hand over, to hand over the skin - to give out, to convey, to lay.
Section - 1. Living quarters of the Ministry of Health. 2. Community of prisoners.
A family is a closed group of several prisoners who have a very close, brotherly relationship.
Gray - 1. Guys; 2. Suit.
Get on wheels - be on the run, keep quiet, hide.
Sidor is a backpack.
SIZO - Detention Center. Institution for the arrested. Currently IVS.
Bruise - drunk.
Skakar is a key thief.
Follow the broom - observe correctness in conversation, do not swear.
Speak - meet.
Watcher - In the absence of a thief in the Ministry of Health - his representative. Appointed responsible for the MOH thief.
The nightingale is a snitch.
Suhaty - trolleybus, horned.
SPB is a special psychiatric hospital.
Special contingent - prisoners in the language of employees.
The special commandant's office - until 1993 - an institution where those sentenced to probation with mandatory involvement in labor were registered. Chemistry.
Special, special corps, special corridor - for the content of recidivists and violators of the regime, to prevent communication between accomplices.
Spetslyuty - ITK general regime.
Special school (special vocational school) - bark beetle.
SPP - Crime Prevention Section. Organization of prisoners cooperating with the administration. Participants have the status of a goat.
Ask - the punishment of the prisoner after the disassembly.
It grew together - it happened, it turned out well.
Bitch - bitch, change concepts.
Starshak - chief, foreman.
Barrel, fuffyrik, whip - firearms.
Stolypin - a wagon for transporting ZK.
Stand on the gate - opening and closing the door between the zones of the MZ.
Arrow - laborer.
Strogach - Ministry of Health of a strict regime.
Snitch is a traitor
Stuper - sharpening, stylet.
Banners - cards.
Bitch - 1. Thief who broke the law. 2. A broken thug or a thief who agreed to cooperate with the administration of the Ministry of Health.
Seabiscuit - 1. A prisoner under someone else's data. 2. ZK, posing as a thieves, but not being one. 3. ZK hiding his true suit.
Dry your teeth - laugh.
The bough zone is the MZ, where the thieves who have got together rule. Widespread chaos.
Skhodnyak, gathering - a council of thieves, convened on various issues of thieves' life.
Gathering of thieves - a periodic gathering of thieves in law to resolve important issues.
The counter is an avalanche-like increase in debt that was not returned on time. Criminal interest.
Syavka is a youngster, an insignificant person.

The tanker is a fighter.
To sharpen, to sharpen - to blackmail.
A grater is a discussion of something.
Terpila - victim, victim.
Timat - sleep.
Tikhushnik is a spy, a hidden informer, a sluggish activist.
Torpedo - 1. Bodyguard; 2. The prisoner is the executioner of the death sentence according to the results of the gangway.
The dot is a drug dealer.
Handset, pipe - mobile phone.
Hold, hold, load into the hold - a place in a punishment cell, PKT.
Bedside table - 1. Post at the entrance to the barracks. The attendants are usually positive ZK from among the goats.
2) One of the ways to break the thieves is to force them to be on duty near the bedside table, which is considered shameful.
Rotten vein - anal.
Rotten raspberries - an apartment for thieves under the cap of the special services, a singed hut.
Rotten - omitted.
Prison law - concepts that describe the norms of life in the thieves' world.
Prison - 1. The commonly used designation of the Ministry of Health. 2. General designation of prison-type institutions. 3. Institution for convicts.

Corner - thieves, senior in the room.
PAROLE - parole. For thieves is considered unacceptable.
UITU - until 1999 - ITU management.
ULITU - Management of forest ITU.
UR, BUR - until the end of the 60s - a high-security barrack, an internal prison. Now PCT.
Urka - an outdated name for thieves, now out of use.
Amplifier - MZ enhanced mode.
The iron is an underground businessman.
Ushlepok is a non-specific, dubious person.

To break plywood - to beat in the chest, to torture in the areas of youngsters.
Farmazon is a counterfeiter.
Stuffing - cash with you.
Stuffing channels - do you have money?
Farshmanutsya - 1. Be in a stupid position; 2. Get caught by the cops. 3. Be completely compromised.
Vatera - house, apartment.
Fenya is thug jargon.
Fixes - metal teeth, crowns.
Lantern - a hopeless, empty case, a bruise (hematoma).
Forshmak - something low-class.
Fraer - Previously - a goof, convicted of an accidental crime, a simpleton. Now, on the contrary, a person close to thieves.
Fraeritsya - imitate thieves' behavior;
Fray - make a mistake.
Bullshit - 1. ass; 2. Untruth, lies, disinformation.
A jersey is a convict who behaved unworthily, who does not pay back, for example, a card debt. Risks being omitted.

Hailo - mouth.
The tail is a misdemeanor for which the ZK is not punished and takes all measures to get away from punishment. Absentee verdict of the meeting.
The hut is a camera.
Heal - go.
A chemist is a prisoner who is released on parole or on probation, with compulsory work.
Chemistry - until 1993 - serving a sentence with living in the commandant's office and working at a certain enterprise until the end of the term. As a rule, these were harmful productions of the chemical industry, hence the name.
Khipez - kipezh.
The owner is the head of the Ministry of Health.
Khozbanda - Khozobsluga.
Household service - prisoners who perform various chores. The attitude from the ZK is hostile.
The business executive is a ZK convicted of economic and monetary crimes.

Tsvetnoy - 1) An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health, anyone wearing or wearing shoulder straps. 2. Until the 50s - a thief, an urka.
A virgin is a new car, a whole cigarette or a cigarette, a virgin, a young girl.
Center, center - beautiful, authoritative, the best.
Tsentrjak - all thieves and thieves' environment.
Zinc - hearing, tip.

Chalitsya - sit in the Ministry of Health, serve.
Black - thieves.
The black zone is the MZ, where the thieves rule.
Black suit - thieves.
Devil - a person from a lower caste (but not a pig or omitted). Low moral, untidy, dirty, unpleasant.
Chushok, chushkan, chukhan - a person from a lower caste (only omitted below). Indifferent, lethargic, incapable of defending their point of view. Gnobim, despised, do all the dirty work. Externally, they are running, like the devils do not look after themselves.

Chaber is a melee weapon.
Shaitan-pipe - grenade launcher.
Shaitan-arba - a technique depending on the circumstances.
Slut, shobolda - a prostitute.
Chanson - thieves' music, songs about thieves' life.
Sharonka - ZK clothing.
Whisper - a silencer for a pistol.
Wool, woolen - 1. Possessing themselves as thieves, lawlessness, mocking other ZKs at the behest of the administration. 2. Bespredelschik - thieves.
ShIZO - punishment cell for violators. Heavy punishment.
Shilo - ambush, end, hopelessness.
Shirmach is a pickpocket.
Shkars - trousers.
Shkvarnoy - omitted.
Shkonka, shkonar - a place, a bunk.
The skin is a prisoner's jacket.
The skin is a denunciation of another ZK.
Hose - net, phylon.
Shlenka - a bowl.
To grind, to grind - to start off sharply in a car with a squeal of tires.
Shmal - marijuana, a drug.
Shmon - inspection, search.
Schnifer is a housekeeper.
The pins are the eyes.
Schnobel - nose.
Lace is an insignificant person, a juvenile delinquent.
Shnyr - 1. A prisoner who constantly performs common work and receives “payment” from other ZKs for this (tobacco, food, etc.). 2. On duty, orderly, etc. The position implies the status of a goat.
Shnyaga is an incomprehensible phenomenon.
Shpak is a fraer.
Banging - follow someone on the instructions of the administration (less often - thieves).
Headquarters - office premises of the Ministry of Health, medical unit.
Shustryak is a cashier, a fundraiser for a common fund.
Shukher - anxiety.

Schabny - frail, sick.
Crushed stone - salt, crackers.
Ticklish - dangerous, risky.
Chick is a young girl.
Tweezers, tongs - fingers.

Exam is judgment.
Relay - stage, escort to the Ministry of Health.
Stage - a special room for newly arrived prisoners on the stage, where they are kept for several days (quarantine).

Yul - vodka
Yulonit - fool around, lie.
Yurakha - drink (alcoholic).
Yurok - Asian, Tatar, Bashkir, etc.

Yab is an alarm, a speculator, a dealer in stolen goods.
Apple - grenade (manual).
Ulcers, zenki - eyes
Yakmundia - Republic of Yakutia, Ministry of Health in that region.
The pit is a hangout, period.
Yaman glasses are fakes (documents).
Yamanny eye - a fake passport or xiva.
Yamba is hashish, a drug.
Yanga is a talker, an upstart.
Janissaries - operational services, riot police, special forces, etc.

The word often used in criminal circles is "huckster". In this article, we will analyze this word in detail, give several options for definitions and consider the scope of its use.


Presumably, the word comes from the Turkic "profit" or the Kyrgyz baryš ( trip, hike). And also some believe that it is somehow connected with the Russian word "gift".

The concept of "huckster" appeared in the criminal environment during the Soviet Union. Then hucksters were called people who were condemned for speculation. And in Soviet times, a speculator was called an entrepreneur who bought things and sold them for his own profit. That is, this is a person who uses circumstances for his own selfish purposes.

Historically, a huckster is a status that cannot be proud of. The word is negative.

Lexical meaning

The explanatory dictionary of Efremova says that a huckster is someone who buys and resells things. The word is also used as a swear word. Such an appeal does not imply a respectful and good attitude towards the interlocutor.

The meaning of the word "huckster" in the dictionary of Dahl Vladimir Ivanovich is interpreted simply and briefly. The meaning itself does not differ from the one we outlined above. A huckster is a person who is engaged in speculation (the definition of a speculator was given at the beginning of the article). In the same dictionary are also synonyms for the word: dealer, shuttle, huckster.

Often a huckster does his business not alone, there is a whole network for reselling, transporting, buying goods. If the things that the huckster sells have the status of illegal, or simply there is a criminal liability for the sale of such things, then the huckster is most likely covered by the people who are at the head of the pyramid and ensure the safety and security of the goods, and he is just "bottom " in this thread.

The use of the word in a criminal environment

In thieves' jargon, a huckster is a buyer of stolen goods. As a rule, this is a dishonest and greedy person. Today, the word refers to drug dealers. Or, if we are talking about places of deprivation of liberty, this is a person, a cellmate, who sells tea and cigarettes among "his own".