Ghee benefits. Ghee is a golden elixir: all about its benefits. How to make Ghee at home

Refined ghee cow butter (ghee, ghee, clarified butter,) has always been a very valuable product, and in ancient times it was valued along with grain and gold. It was valued not only for its excellent taste, but also as one of the main components when making fire offerings. Ghee was poured into the fire while performing certain mantras, the vibrations of which transformed the environment. Ghee is a powerful source of the subtle cleansing fire element. It fills the mind with a fiery cleansing power, resulting in clarity of thought, the formation of correct desires and inclinations, strengthening memory, and improving Agni (Digestive Fire). Ghee is an ideal product and is suitable for absolutely everyone for any disease; it has anti-Vata, anti-Pitta and anti-Kapha properties, thus helping to balance all three Doshas.

Ghee does not clog the liver like other oils and fats, but on the contrary, gives it strength. It does not increase cholesterol like many other oils.
Nourishes the brain, bone marrow, and nervous tissue.

Brings relief from intestinal ulcers and colitis. Gives strength and excellent digestion. Increases Agni (Digestive Fire) in the small intestine, increases its efficiency without worsening Pitta. Relieves constipation - if taken with warm milk at night.

To increase heat in the body, especially in winter, it is recommended to drink hot milk with Ghee at night (select the amount of milk for Kapha according to how you feel - you should not have mucus in the morning). You can take Ghee with warm water in the morning immediately after waking up. It also helps to quickly empty the intestines and quickly warms the body. Taking Ghee in the evening with warm milk calms nervousness and promotes deep sleep.

Taking Ghee relieves sore throats, colds, coughs, and migraines. Treats blood diseases (bleeding, anemia). Ghee restores hormonal functions (especially in women).

Helps in the rapid healing of wounds, not severe burns (Ghee should be applied as soon as possible after the burn). It also improves the condition of bedsores in bedridden patients, reduces pain in the lower back and joints. A light massage with Ghee promotes the healing of fractures and the resorption of bruises.

If there are tumors of any location, it is recommended to lubricate the feet and hands with Ghee every day at night. The concentrated subtle cleansing energy of Ghee rushes through all the channels of the body, and the tumors begin to dissolve. This procedure is very oily, so stock up on old socks and cotton gloves (thread gloves for gardening are great for this purpose).

Ghee (its concentrated subtle cleansing energy) is also used in the treatment of fever and mystical diseases (damage, evil eye).

Ghee is one of the most universal means for carrying out the Panchakarma procedure - preliminary oiling - Purvakarma, when in the morning a person is given small doses of Ghee, which softens Ama (toxins) and facilitates its elimination through the excretory system.

Ghee strengthens the nervous system when performing a morning massage: take Ghee on a piece of cloth and massage the body clockwise every morning - starting from the scalp, chest and then throughout the body, without missing any holes (ears, nose, etc. ). You only need to avoid the area of ​​the digestive system. The oil penetrates through the skin into deeper layers and perfectly nourishes the body. If possible, leave the oil on longer, dressed in old pajamas, no - even a little massage before the shower will also benefit.

According to ancient Ayurvedic texts, consuming Ghee internally and externally stops the aging process and rejuvenates the body. The body becomes elastic.

“People who eat oil have a strong fire and are clean inside, their body strength is developed, they are vigorous, have good color, their organs are strong, they retain their vigor in old age, they live to be a hundred years old.”

(“Zhud Shi” (classical treatise of Tibetan medicine)

It is also believed that taking Ghee increases potency. Affects the thyroid and pancreas.

Taking Ghee improves skin color, gives it a healthy glow, and removes skin irritations. When used externally, it perfectly fights wrinkles. Those who have tried this throw away many creams and leave only Ghee on the night table. Among modern creams it is almost impossible to find creams for dry skin; almost all are moisturizing, but not oily. And fat is sometimes necessary to remove small wrinkles under the eyes, and in general with dry skin. For dry skin, moisturizer doesn't help much. If you use Ghee for cosmetic purposes, then get ready to hear “You smell like a freshly baked bun.” A few tablespoons of oil can be added when taking a bath - your skin will be softer than ever.

Ghee, aged for at least 10 years, is especially valued in Ayurveda. Unlike butter, it can be stored without refrigeration.
and the more it is stored, the more healing properties it acquires.

Ghee has excellent preservative properties and is used in the preparation of various Ayurvedic medicines, allowing these medicines to be stored for years. Usually take 4 parts oil to 1 part medicine (in the form of powder or decoction). The powder is simply mixed and the medicine is ready. And the broth is evaporated along with the oil until the liquid is completely removed. Bitter plants are most often prepared with Ghee (for more details, see comment #45 for the recipe)

Now it's time to move on to the culinary benefits of Ghee.

Ghee is beyond competition! Dishes prepared with it have an incomparable taste and aroma. And when cooking, Ghee does not burn, does not foam or splash. Since the water evaporated during heating, the dry residue of the milk collected in the form of foam on the surface and as sediment at the bottom and was later filtered, so there was nothing to splash or burn.

Ghee is a traditional South Asian product that is a type of clarified butter. It is also called gi.

Although it is widely used in Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and other neighboring countries, India is considered the birthplace of this universal product in every sense.

It's hard to imagine without this oil. But, it is used not only as a component of various dishes, but also as a cosmetic and medical product.

In addition, ghee is also used in conducting, and Ayurveda itself unusually honors it, endowing it with unusual properties. However, let's talk about everything in order. From the following material you will learn what beneficial properties this product has, as evidenced by reviews from doctors, and how to prepare ghee butter at home.

Read more about what ghee is

The practice of preparing and using ghee has been known for at least 5 thousand years. It is made from the milk of cows, sacred animals in Hinduism. In essence, ghee is clarified cow's butter, but it is still not worth arguing that these are identical products.

When the ghee processing process is carried out, all excess moisture, casein and milk sugar are removed from it. Thanks to this, the resulting consistency is more healthy and hypoallergenic. Even people who cannot consume dairy products due to lactose intolerance can safely add this melted fat to their meals. After all, he will not bring them any harm. True, you shouldn’t rely too much on this product.

Such national delicacies of Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka as halwa, dhal soup, delicious samosas cannot be prepared without ghee. This component gives dishes a special taste and aroma, as well as nutritional value and benefits for the body, which is why it is very popular and is often used in cooking. However, a little later you will find out which gi is used in other areas.

A liquid elixir made from natural, pure, high-quality butter, ideal for vegetarians. People who have given up eating meat and other foods of animal origin need increased “feeding” with vitamins, macro- and microelements. Since ghee has the same beneficial properties as fish oil, it is advisable to include it in the diet.

What Ayurveda says about ghee

He has his own opinion about a traditional Indian product. She is very sensitive to ghee, as she recognizes its healing properties. Ghee is called the “gold of Ayurveda.”

According to one of the oldest teachings, ghee is a medicine that has... By balancing , and , the oil has a complex effect on the body:

  • Increases vitality and strengthens.
  • Supports immune strength (ojas).
  • Normalizes digestion, prevents peptic ulcers and helps improve the well-being of those who already have intestinal problems. Stimulates digestive fire (agni).
  • Rejuvenates from the inside, improving skin condition.
  • Provides nutrition to bone and nerve tissues.
  • Clarifies the mind, improves thought processes.
  • Helps remove toxins, cleanse the liver and other organs.

Ghee has a particularly beneficial effect on people with predominant Vata or Pitta dosha types. The medication can be taken orally, or can be used to lubricate the nasal passages or used as eye drops. Health problems caused by Pitta are treated with a combination of oil and special bitter herbs.

What is the difference between ghee and ghee?

Comparison by appearance

The first question that may arise after you know a little about the product in question is: Is ghee butter ghee? The answer is: yes and no. Yes, the recipe for making ghee is similar to the regular process of melting butter. In addition, the very name of this product is translated from Sanskrit as “ghee.” But the result is different - both in properties, taste, and benefits. And all thanks to some differences in the preparation of the product.

To understand what is happening, let's look at a specific example.

Imagine that you are in the kitchen and put a container on the stove. In it you are going to melt the butter over low heat. When it has melted and the excess liquid has evaporated, you skim off the foam and pour the melted product into a container. This is how you get regular ghee.

Now let's look at how ghee is made. In addition to melting the butter, it needs to be allowed to fry a little over low heat. During this process, the milk proteins will begin to give off a delicious aroma and turn a beautiful golden brown color. After this, you should strain the liquid by pouring it into a prepared container. That's it - the ghee is ready.

When butter is prepared using Ayurvedic technology, the complex structure of the fat chain inherent in butter and impairing the process of its digestion is broken down. Due to this, fatty acids are formed, which are beneficial for the body.. They are easier and faster to digest, saturating the body with valuable components. It turns out that regular ghee is a melted creamy product, while ghee is a structured product.

Indian ghee: composition and calorie content

The calorie content of ghee is high - 900 kcal per 100 grams of product. The basis is fats (99% of the total composition) - saturated (28.7 g), monounsaturated (3.7 g). Very low content of polyunsaturated fats and trans fats, as well as proteins. There are no carbohydrates in the composition, but there are extremely valuable Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. It turns out that ghee has a high fat content, but these are healthy fats for the body.

In addition to the indicated components, the Ayurvedic product also contains:

  • linoleic fatty acid (about 5% of the total composition), necessary to support the restoration processes of body cells;
  • butyric fatty acid, stops the development of pathogenic intestinal microflora;
  • fat-soluble vitamins A (this is the only oil that contains this vitamin), as well as E and D;
  • minerals - sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium.

For example: one tablespoon of ghee contains 8% of the daily requirement of vitamin A.

Ghee from Organic Valley

Benefits and harms of ghee

Ghee is a product with very versatile effects. Of course, reviews about it are mostly positive, which is due to its beneficial effects and the effect it has on the body. But, is there any harm that can be expected from ghee? Let’s figure out what properties an Ayurvedic remedy has and whether it can bring not only benefits, but also significant damage to health.

What are the benefits of ghee?

Ghee oil is used not only to improve the taste and aroma of food. In Ayurvedic practice it is used for medicinal purposes., since due to its balanced composition it has beneficial properties:

  • Restores the body at the energy level.
  • It is a powerful antidepressant that helps fight stress, strengthen the central nervous system, and prevent the development of psychosomatic diseases.
  • Enhances brain activity, improves the passage of nerve impulses, strengthens memory.
  • Cleanses and normalizes liver function.
  • Restores the normal functioning of the digestive system, activates the process of food digestion.
  • Promotes the removal of harmful substances from the body - radionuclides, salts of heavy metals.
  • Actively participates in the prevention of thrombosis.
  • Allows you to improve the condition of nails and hair, nourishes the skin from the inside, making it moisturized, elastic, firm, and radiant. It also eliminates irritation, inflammation and rashes on the skin, and helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Stimulates regenerative processes.
  • Promotes rejuvenation of all tissues and organs.
  • It is a natural catalyst that enhances the effect of other medicinal components several times. Also, thanks to this property, it helps to increase the degree of absorption by the body of beneficial substances that come with food.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
  • May be indicated for weight gain. This can be very necessary for people who are underweight, severely exhausted, as well as those undergoing rehabilitation after serious illnesses.

According to Ayurveda, ghee is suitable for every person as it has a positive effect on everything at the same time. A harmonious interaction and balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha is achieved. The product “oils” all organs and tissues from the inside, promoting cell regeneration. Thereby cell growth is enhanced , so gi is useful for both the elderly and children. After all, it provides what every body needs.

Ghee is a hypoallergenic product that can be consumed by people with lactose intolerance. Even for children it does not pose any danger.

Is ghee harmful?

To be fair, it is worth noting that even in the most positive things there is also some negative. The same can be said about ghee. In order not to cause harm to your body, you need to follow the consumption rate. This is two teaspoons per day.

If we consider the possible harm of ghee from the point of view of Ayurveda, then this teaching says the following. People with a predominance of Kapha should be very careful, since a large amount of ghee can cause lethargy, drowsiness, decreased performance, and laziness. In addition, rapid weight gain and a loose stomach may occur.

As for traditional dietetics, its opinion regarding the consumption of ghee also leans towards moderation. If you exceed the norm, there will be additional stress on fat-sensitive organs - the liver and pancreas.. There is also an opinion that metabolic disorders may occur and the risk of developing atherosclerosis will increase (although this fact has not been proven by modern science).

There is no need to think about the risk of weight gain. One has only to look at the calorie content of the product - 850-900 kcal per 100 grams - and everything becomes clear. People who are forced to carefully monitor their figure should consume ghee in very limited quantities.

Ghee contains trans fats (albeit in small quantities). This fact may frighten adherents of a healthy lifestyle, since in recent years many have heard about the dangers of this type of unsaturated fat. There are up to 4 g of trans fats per 100 g of product. In regular butter, this figure may be higher. This indicates that ghee is no more harmful than classic butter. At the same time, the Ayurvedic product is much healthier than refined vegetable oils, which contain up to 25% trans fats.

There is some nuance that anyone who wants to introduce ghee into their diet on an ongoing basis needs to know. It is necessary to distinguish the concept of “asli ghee” from “vanaspati ghee”. In the first case, we are talking about a product entirely based on butter. As for the second option, it means that such a product contains a certain proportion of vegetable oils or is made entirely from them. Due to this, production becomes cheaper. Please note that vanaspati ghee has a high content of trans fats (about 50%), which can cause serious damage to the body if consumed frequently.

In general, people with a tendency to rapid weight gain, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol levels and serious stomach pathologies should use ghee with caution.

Ghee butter: recipe

There are different recipes for making ghee: in the oven, in the stove, in the slow cooker, on the stove. The simplest and most common option is the last one. It won't cause any difficulty.

So, how to prepare ghee. Let's look at this process step by step.

  1. First of all, choose your butter. Its quality must be high, and its fat content must be at least 82.5%. It is very good if you can purchase homemade oil from a trusted seller. There is no question of any margarine or milk surrogates. These harmful products will never produce valuable and healthy ghee.
  2. Cut the butter into cubes, heat a saucepan over medium heat and add the butter. Almost immediately it will begin to melt. Be sure to stir it all this time (preferably with a wooden or silicone spatula) and do not leave it for a second. Otherwise, the substance will immediately begin to hiss, darken and burn.
  3. When the butter is completely melted, increase the heat slightly and bring the liquid mixture to a boil. As soon as this happens, immediately turn the heat down to very low. Foam will form on the melted butter. When it appears, take it off. Over time, white bubbles will begin to rise from the bottom. In this case, the substance can be carefully stirred. Please note that the oil should not emit any hissing. It will rather crackle slightly if everything is going right.
  4. Leave the oil to simmer on the lowest heat. Do not cover it with a lid, as it is necessary to remove all liquid from the product.. This step takes approximately 40 minutes to an hour (depending on the initial amount of butter). Keep a constant eye on the oil.
  5. When the oil is no longer completely cloudy due to the fact that white flakes will begin to sink to the bottom, and a transparent golden liquid will remain at the top, this means the process of oil breakdown into fractions has begun. At this stage, you can carefully mix the substance.
  6. When the white flakes are completely separated from the clear liquid, this is a signal that you need to turn off the heat. Try not to miss this moment, as the settled protein will quickly burn. The pleasant nutty-caramel aroma emanating from the oil will help you find your way around.. This means the ghee is ready.
  7. It's time to strain the oil. After it has cooled down, fold several layers of gauze and filter the liquid through it. This way, a clear liquid will remain in the container, which will harden after a few hours. Only then cover the ghee with a lid. The contents of the gauze should not be thrown away. It is also healthy and tasty. For example, it can be added to some dish: rice, stewed vegetables, seafood, etc.

Ghee can be prepared in the usual way, or you can make it with spices. The set of spices can be different: black peppercorns, dark green and white pepper, Indian cumin (cumin), sesame seeds (sesame), cloves, thyme, ginger root, etc.

Choose the spices that you like or that you have, put them in a small piece of gauze (prepared in several layers) and tie it to make a bag. It must be immersed in the cooking ghee at the stage of its boiling (approximately at the moment when foam forms on it). The seasoning bag should be in the oil for several hours after it is ready. . This way the ghee will absorb the delicious aromas of spices and acquire a unique taste.

The first time, you may not be able to prepare ghee the way you need it. In this case, don't despair. You have gained experience that you can use next time and create the perfect “liquid gold”.

How to use ghee

Although ghee is an edible product, it can be used for more than just cooking. Ghee in Asian countries is equally actively used both internally and externally. Main areas of use: cooking, cosmetology, alternative medicine. Next we will look at the application features in more detail.

Ayurveda even believes that ghee is a valuable source of energy that is necessary for both men, women, and children. Almost every section of this teaching contains a mention of this simple but effective product.

Use in cooking

Ghee is so popular in cooking because Ayurveda has a positive opinion about this product. She Believes it stimulates “digestive fire” (agni). It means that, By adding a little oil to the dish, you can achieve better digestion of absorbed food due to the active secretion of bile and stomach acid, as well as enhanced peristalsis .

Ghee will also increase the degree of absorption of nutrients by the intestines and reduce the activity of pathogenic microflora of the digestive tract. If you look at it this way, then these the properties of the oil are incredibly valuable in countries like India. The population may experience food shortages and difficulties in maintaining sanitation and hygiene requirements. Therefore, ghee is what you need. Although residents of all other countries should also use ghee.

In cooking, ghee is widely used for frying. Due to the fact that its melting point is high, it does not smoke, does not foam, does not burn, and therefore does not form carcinogenic substances.

Ghi can be used as a healthier substitute for vegetable or butter, lard. Yes and the food itself acquires a more pleasant taste and aroma than if these ingredients were used . Examples of dishes for which ghee is traditionally used are pakoras, bhajis, kitchari, tamathai paneer malai, tikka masala, masurdal soup, kitcheri, aloo matar gobi and many other traditional delicacies.

If you are interested in the question of how to make ghee, wait a little longer. Very soon we will reveal a simple recipe for preparing this traditional Asian product.

Application in cosmetology

Ghee is also used in making hair and skin care products. There are a huge number of recipes. We offer some of the simplest.

To saturate dry skin with nutrients and moisturize it, mix a tablespoon of oil with chicken yolk. Apply this mixture on your face for 30 minutes. It is enough to do this mask once a week to get your skin in order.

For oily skin, you can use a different recipe. Same amount of oil mix with rolled oatmeal flakes pre-steamed in hot milk. Apply to face and leave for 20-30 minutes. If you want to make the mask more nutritious, add a pinch of turmeric and a few drops of honey to it.

Ghee can also be used in its pure form for hair, skin and nail care.. If you want, you can add a few drops of essential oil - eucalyptus, juniper, peach, sandalwood, grape seed or some other. When choosing an essential oil, rely on its properties and the needs of your skin. To enhance the effect of the mask, cover your head with a bath cap. . Leave your hair like this for several hours and rinse it very thoroughly with shampoo.

It is also worth noting that ghee can be used for... It will not only provide excellent gliding of hands over the skin and comfort for the person being massaged, but also have a healing effect on joints, tendons, and ligaments.

Application in medicine

Medicine is another area where ghee is used. We have already mentioned the beneficial properties of “liquid gold”, so we will not repeat it. Moderate doses of this remedy can really help.

Even in ancient India, ghee oil began to be used to treat various diseases. It can strengthen the immune system, making the body more resistant to various bacteria and viruses.. To do this, you need to use the remedy regularly, but in moderation and preferably on an empty stomach. Usually dried fruits and nuts are added to the oil.

If you are concerned about digestive problems, you can put half a teaspoon of oil in your mouth and slowly dissolve it. Ayurveda claims that during this you must definitely think about something good, as this is important for the absorption of all valuable substances concentrated in ghee oil . This procedure must be carried out before or after eating food. This way, the absorbed food will move better through the digestive tract and be digested faster.

People who suffer from migraines can relieve their headaches by applying ghee topically. You need to rub a small amount of it into your whiskey, after warming the oil in your hands.. True, it is necessary to perform such actions when an attack is approaching. If the pain has already become severe, the remedy may not help.

Ghee has a very good analgesic effect for pain in the lower back, joints, and muscles. Rub it into the sore area before going to bed and then warm it up. Additionally, you need to rub the oil on your palms and feet.

Small balls made from a mixture of ghee and honey will help relieve tickling, burning and sore throat. They are necessary slowly dissolve. They will help to quickly improve your condition due to the fact that they help relieve inflammation and reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria.

In Ayurveda, ghee oil is also known as an excellent remedy for eye diseases.. There is even a procedure called netra tarpana, which involves applying ghee, which has previously been infused with medicinal herbs, around the eyes. The oil should be melted and warm during the procedure. . Something like dough frames are built around the eyes and ghee is poured into the resulting “grooves”.

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How to store ghee

Another undoubted advantage of ghee is that it can be stored for a very long period. And at the same time, it does not deteriorate at all, but only increases its positive properties. It is believed that “liquid gold” becomes most useful if it is at least 10 years old. But, this is provided that you know how to store it correctly.

Like any oil, ghee changes its state of aggregation (from solid to liquid and vice versa) depending on the ambient temperature. It is better not to store it in the refrigerator. Under such conditions, it acquires properties that are especially contraindicated for people of Vata dosha type.

It is best to store ghee at room temperature in a glass, earthenware or porcelain container with a tight lid. If you store it for a long time, the taste and color of the product changes, becoming lighter. True experts in this matter can easily tell how old ghee is by assessing its color, taste and aroma.

There is an interesting fact. Buddhist monks claim that there is ghee that is already 108 years old! They believe that such oil can not only cure various diseases, but also give immortality. . To prove this, they cite the argument that there are cases of the incorruptibility of the bodies of monks who, during their lifetime, consumed ghee and applied it to their skin. Unfortunately, very few people have the opportunity to test the effect of this healing remedy on themselves. And the point is not only that it is almost impossible to find, but also the price. According to some reports, one kilogram of such “old” ghee will cost several million dollars.

According to Ayurveda, ghee is not just a product that improves the properties of food. Rather, it is a medicine that can be used to treat a wide variety of diseases. It’s even better to use ghee oil to prevent ailments.

The great advantage of this product is that it does not need to be absorbed in immeasurable quantities, but It’s enough to add it little by little to food, making it even more aromatic and tastier.. Now you know how to prepare this valuable product, as well as how you can use its beneficial properties for yourself and others.

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Ghee. The list of beneficial properties of ghee can be endless. Among the main advantages: strengthening the immune system, improving digestion, removing toxins, improving mental activity.

Ghee plays a very important role in Ayurveda. Both as an invaluable food product and as medicine for the soul and body. Pure ghee is considered a so-called sattvic (good) product.

Although it has a cooling effect on the body, at the same time, in moderate quantities, it kindles Agni (digestive fire) and nourishes all tissues of the body on the subtle plane.

Ghee is considered the best and very mild remedy for all diseases associated with poor digestion. Ghee has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and enhances mental acuity.

Ghee gives a man the power to act and spiritual strength. Ghee is the basis of many Ayurvedic medicines.

Moreover, the longer it is aged, the stronger its healing properties. Ghee, which is 100 years old, is considered a cure for all diseases.

Ghee is also an excellent joint lubricant, which is important for people involved in physical activity, especially yoga.

Chapter 6 of the Ashtanga Samghara says: “Ghee is the best remedy for those who want to strengthen the intellect, memory, and ingenuity.

Ghee gives long life, sexual power and good eyesight.” The Ayurvedic uses of ghee are so extensive that it deserves an entire book.


If you want fried (although fried is not healthy), then ghee is considered ideal for frying. When heated strongly, it does not burn (up to 250 C) unlike ordinary butter and vegetable oils and does not become carcinogenic. Before frying, make sure that the frying utensils are completely dry, because... When the ghee comes into contact with water, it will begin to splatter.

Pure ghee is an indispensable component of popular Indian dishes: dal, khichadi, puri flatbreads, ladoo sweets and many others.

Ghee in cosmetology

The nutritional properties of ghee are manifested during various cosmetic procedures. Face masks are made with ghee (mixed with spices or honey). Anoint the body - one teaspoon is enough for the whole body. With regular use of ghee, the skin becomes elastic and even in color.

Used as a face cream - it is quickly absorbed and instantly moisturizes the skin, making it soft and velvety. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is nourished with the vitamins A and E it needs, and fatty acids.

Ghee can even be applied to the delicate skin around the eyes. Ghee is great for treating cracked feet or rough elbows. You can also use the oil as a lip balm. In addition, ghee is an excellent massage product that deeply nourishes, has a rejuvenating and tonic effect.

Ghee at home

Preparing ghee is an act akin to meditation. This process pacifies and fills with the joyful energy of the sun. To obtain pure ghee, raw materials are very important. You need to use high quality butter without vegetable fats, salt and other additives. Oil with lower fat content 82,5% is not natural butter. It is very good to use proven farm or country oil.

For melting, you will need a pan with a thick bottom (so that the sediment released does not burn). Cut the butter into pieces, place in a saucepan (without a lid) and place on the stove over medium heat. When the oil boils and starts to splatter, reduce the heat to low. After some time, white foam and flakes form on the surface. You can remove them or leave them - later they will settle to the bottom.

Heat the oil until it becomes clear and bubbles rise very slowly from the bottom of the pan. During the heating process, the oil must be stirred carefully so that the sediment does not burn. You can cook ghee in the oven, then there is no need to stir. The oil will take on a beautiful amber-yellow color and will exude a pleasant nutty aroma.

Cool the finished oil slightly and pour into a storage container (for example, a clay pot or jar). You can store it either in the refrigerator or at room temperature, in a dark place. Pure ghee does not go rancid or spoil for years! From 1 kg of butter, the output is about 700 g of ghee. Melting takes about 2 hours or more, depending on the quality of the oil.

Ghee can also be flavored with various spices: black pepper, cumin, turmeric, etc. You can also buy ready-made ghee. However, be careful, vegetable oils are often added to the composition or low-quality butter is used.


There are practically no contraindications for the use of ghee. Ghee is especially indicated for people of Vata and Pitta constitutions. However, it should be remembered that excessive consumption leads to excess weight gain. It will be sufficient to consume no more than 1 tbsp. per day. Ghee should not be consumed by obese people with high cholesterol levels.

It is believed that ghee “works” for vegetarians, while for people who eat meat products, it will not show all of its unique properties. Observe moderation in the use of even this beneficial product. It is not recommended to eat ghee late in the evening.


Ashtanga-hrdaya-samhita, Sutrasthana, 5.37-40:

“Ghrita - ghee from cows - is beneficial to take in order to strengthen the intellect, memory, reason, metabolism and strength, resistance to pathological principles.
It increases the length and quality of life. Strengthens the seed and vision.
Ideal for children and old people, as well as those who want numerous and healthy offspring, beauty, soft skin and a pleasant voice.
Treats exhaustion after mental and physical injuries.
Helps with skin rashes, exhaustion after surgery and wounds, cauterizations and burns.
Calms vata and pitta; cures poisoning, madness, consumption, bad luck and diseases born of need, as well as fever.
It is the best among fats and oils. Cold. It is the best remedy for inhibiting aging.
When prepared in different ways with different substances, ghrita has a thousand healing powers and can cure a thousand diseases.
Old ghee, ten years old or more, treats alcohol and drug intoxication, epilepsy, dizziness with fainting, diseases of the head, ears, eyes and uterus. It cleanses and heals ulcers and wounds.”

Clarified butter Ghee does not tend to increase the amount of fat in the blood. This is possible because ghee simultaneously speeds up all stages of digestion. As a result, the body's metabolism increases, helping to cleanse tissues of toxins.

This, in turn, helps remove cholesterol. Thus, Ghee can help in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Clarified butter Ghee does not tend to increase the amount of fat in the blood. This is possible because ghee simultaneously speeds up all stages of digestion.

As a result, the body's metabolism increases, helping to cleanse tissues of toxins. This, in turn, helps remove cholesterol. Thus, Ghee can help in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

No wonder there is a saying about “the well-forgotten old”... Once upon a time, ghee was an ordinary component of the daily diet. Then, in the wake of the general passion for losing weight and counting daily calories, this product was subject to ostracism and over time was completely forgotten. So, what does ghee give more to the human body – benefit or harm?

More recently, a new hobby has emerged - Ayurveda. The main Ayurvedic product, the basis of solar nutrition, is ghee - nothing more than melted butter.

Quality ghee can cost a fortune. However, knowing what it is, you can prepare it yourself. If you ask our grandmothers, they will tell you how at home this is the now extremely popular ghee.

Nutrients in oil

Many people think that ghee consists of only fat and does not contain any useful substances. However, such a bad reputation is not only attached to this product; an excellent example is.

So why, despite all the rumors, ghee is so popular in Ayurveda, Hindus are poorly educated and don’t know what they are doing? Let's figure it out, starting with the composition:

  • Melted butter is 99% animal fat, which helps absorb vitamins and macroelements. Without animal fat, spermatogenesis in men and ovulation in women are impossible.
  • Vitamins A, P, PP, D, F, the deficiency of which causes the following health problems: iron deficiency anemia, blurred vision, vitamin deficiency, vascular problems, skin diseases, depression, insomnia, oncology.
  • Linoleic acid reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and, oddly enough, obesity.

And yet, is ghee beneficial or harmful?

In order for the use of ghee to bring only benefits, it is important to stipulate one condition: the oral intake rate should be 15-20 grams per day! Otherwise, all the positive characteristics of the product are not only neutralized, but also acquire a negative effect.

Useful properties of ghee

  1. The oil is a choleretic agent. To achieve the desired effect, the daily dose of the product must be divided into three doses (according to the number of main meals) and consumed before meals on an empty stomach. Useful for diseases of the pancreas, spleen, and liver.
  2. Has wound healing properties. For stomach ulcers, take no more than 5 grams of oil per day. This amount should be spread on a piece of bread and eaten in the morning, before breakfast.
  3. A folk remedy (instead of soda, which corrodes the walls of the stomach) for high acidity, because inhibits the appearance of gastric juice. Take daily: 5 grams of oil divided into three meals (regardless before, after or during meals). This method helps get rid of heartburn.
  4. Ghee promotes reduction of cell division, i.e. normal functioning of the female and male reproductive system. If a woman has a very painful menstrual cycle, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of saturated fats in the diet.
  5. Regular use of ghee in food helps normalize blood sugar. In diet No. 4 (for diabetics), the daily consumption of melted butter is specifically stipulated.
  6. Conjugated linoleic acid stimulates physical activity, so a small amount of oil consumption is beneficial: it increases metabolism and promotes the natural process of weight loss.

You can see the doctor’s opinion on the benefits of ghee in the video. The interview starts at 1:15 minutes:

When is ghee harmful?

Oil can cause significant harm to health only if the recommendations for its use are not followed. Excessive consumption of the product causes such negative consequences as:

  • Obesity. In 100 gr. Ghee contains more than 900 kcal.
  • The risk of developing a heart attack and stroke increases, because. The amount of saturated fatty acids in oil is huge.
  • The risk of developing cholesterol plaques, which can lead to atherosclerosis, hypertension, and thrombosis.

And of course, the biggest damage comes from splashes of oil when cooking. However, knowing the kitchen furniture, all the negative consequences of splashing oil can be eliminated in a short time.

Application in cosmetology

Fans of ghee talk about miraculous effects that give youth to the skin. Undoubtedly, there is some softening result, but this product has such a high fat base that it simply cannot penetrate deep into the epidermis. It softens only the very top layers of the skin, i.e. gives an immediate effect.

It is worth clarifying that the pores do not breathe under the fatty film. For harmful bacteria, this greenhouse effect is an ideal environment for reproduction. The result can be thinned, tired, rash-prone skin.

Ghee in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, ghee normalizes internal energy currents - vata, pita and kapha. Besides:

  • Strengthens the body's immune system.
  • Increases the stomach's ability to digest food.
  • Protects the liver from the negative effects of emotions - anger, fear, malice.
  • Responsible for the intellect, and ignites the senses of perception.
  • It is the only rejuvenating agent for the nervous system.

Ghee oil is a conductor and base for absolutely all Ayurvedic manipulations: massage, irrigation of the nose and ears, and is used in enemas and tampons for almost all genitourinary diseases.

There is an opinion that rendered butter contains less cholesterol than regular butter. However, doctors are of the opposite opinion. All animal fats contain cholesterol, regardless of how the product is processed.

And yet – benefit or harm? Everyone must decide for themselves who to believe, traditional or official medicine. Most likely, as in the use of any product, moderation and a reasonable approach are important.

Expert opinion on the benefits and harms of ghee, tips for choosing a quality product in the video: