Database on the thermophysical properties of gases and their mixtures used in nuclear power plants. The structure of the xenon atom What is xenon gas


Xenon is the fifty-fourth element of the Periodic Table. Designation - Xe from the Latin "xenon". Located in the fifth period, VIIIA group. Belongs to the group of inert (noble gases). The core charge is 54.

Xenon is a colorless gas. Its content in the air is 8×10 -6% (vol.). It is poorly soluble in water, better in organic solvents. Forms a solvate of the composition 4Xe×3C 6 H 5 OH.

Xenon does not react with acids, alkalis. The reactivity of xenon is higher than that of krypton: it interacts with strong oxidizing agents. This gas is obtained by fractional distillation of liquid air under deep cooling.

Atomic and molecular weight of xenon

Relative molecular weight M r is the molar mass of the molecule, referred to 1/12 of the molar mass of the carbon-12 atom (12 C). This is a dimensionless quantity.

Relative atomic mass A r is the molar mass of an atom of a substance, referred to 1/12 of the molar mass of a carbon-12 atom (12 C).

Since xenon exists in the free state in the form of monatomic Xe molecules, the values ​​of its atomic and molecular masses coincide. They are equal to 131.239.

Xenon isotopes

It is known that xenon can exist in nature in the form of nine stable isotopes 124 Xe, 126 Xe, 128 Xe, 129 Xe, 130 Xe, 131 Xe, 132 Xe, 134 Xe and 136 Xe. Their mass numbers are 124, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134 and 136 respectively. The nucleus of the atom of the xenon isotope 124 Xe contains fifty-four protons and fifty-seventy neutrons, and the remaining isotopes differ from it only in the number of neutrons.

There are artificial unstable xenon isotopes with mass numbers from 110 to 147, as well as twelve isomeric states of nuclei, among which the 127 Xe isotope with a half-life of 36.345 days is the longest-lived.

xenon ions

At the external energy level of the xenon atom, there are eight electrons that are valence:

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6 4d 10 5s 2 5p 6 .

Xenon is the first inert gas for which chemical compounds have been obtained. As a result of chemical interaction, xenon gives up its valence electrons, i.e. is their donor, and turns into a positively charged ion:

Xe 0 -1e → Xe +;

Xe 0 -2e → Xe 2+;

Xe 0 -4e → Xe 4+;

Xe 0 -6e → Xe 6+;

Xe 0 -8e → Xe 8+.

Molecule and atom of xenon

In the free state, xenon exists in the form of monatomic Xe molecules. Here are some properties that characterize the xenon atom and molecule:

Examples of problem solving



Exercise Calculate the ionization energy for the xenon ion Xe(1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6 4d 10 5s 2 5p 3).
Solution Let us calculate the ionization energy of the argon ion Xe(1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6 4d 10 5s 2 5p 3):

After the discovery of helium, neon, argon and krypton, which completed the first four periods of the periodic table, there was no longer any doubt that the fifth and sixth periods should also end with an inert gas. But it didn't take long to find them. This is not surprising: in 1 m 3 of air there is only 0.08 ml of xenon. Ramsay, together with Travers, processed about 100 tons of liquid air and obtained 0.2 ml of gas, which glowed bluish in an electric discharge and gave a peculiar spectrum with characteristic spectral lines from orange to violet. Thus, a new inert gas was discovered. It was called xenon, which means "alien" in Greek.


Obtained by distillation of liquid air. Although the content of xenon in the atmosphere is extremely low, it is air that is practically the only and inexhaustible source of xenon. Inexhaustible - because almost all xenon returns to the atmosphere.

Physical properties:

Xenon is a heavy, rare and passive gas, which, with significant cooling, can be transferred to a liquid and solid state. Like all inert gases, it is colorless and odorless. At high pressure it can form crystalline hydrates. Soluble in water and organic solvents. Xenon has a relatively good electrical conductivity.

Chemical properties:

From the point of view of a chemist, xenon actually turned out to be "alien" among the inert gases. He was the first to enter into a chemical reaction, the first to form a stable compound. And so he made the term "inert gases" inappropriate.
The idea that xenon can form stable compounds with halogens has occurred to many scientists. Thus, back in 1924, the idea was expressed that xenon fluorides and chlorides are thermodynamically quite stable and can exist under normal conditions. Nine years later, this idea was supported and developed by well-known theorists - Pauling and Oddo. The study of the electronic structure of xenon from the standpoint of quantum mechanics led to the conclusion that it must form stable compounds with fluorine.
However, only in 1961 Bartlett from gaseous platinum hexafluoride and gaseous xenon obtains the first chemical compound of xenon - xenon hexafluoroplatinate XePtF 6 .
It has not yet been possible to force xenon to react without the participation of fluorine (or some of its compounds). All currently known xenon compounds are derived from its fluorides.
Soviet chemists made a great contribution to the synthesis and study of xenon compounds (V. A. Legasov). In compounds, it exhibits oxidation states +2, +4, +6, +7.

The most important connections:

Xenon difluoride XeF 2 , volatile crystals, has a sharp specific smell. It is formed by the action of an electric discharge on a mixture of xenon and carbon tetrafluoride. Very pure XeF 2 is obtained when a mixture of xenon and fluorine is irradiated with ultraviolet light. The solubility of difluoride in water is low, but its solution is the strongest oxidizing agent. Gradually oxidizes water, forming xenon, oxygen and hydrogen fluoride; the reaction proceeds especially rapidly in an alkaline medium. Xenon tetrafluoride XeF 4 , a completely stable compound, its molecule has the shape of a square with fluorine ions in the corners and xenon in the center. crystalline substance, humid air explosive. Hydrolyzes in water to form xenon oxide XeO 3 . Xenon tetrafluoride fluorinates mercury:
XeF 4 + 2Hg \u003d Xe + 2HgF 2.
Platinum is also fluorinated with this substance, but only dissolved in hydrogen fluoride.
Xenon hexafluoride XeF 6 , crist. substance is extremely active and decomposes with an explosion. Hydrolyzes with the formation of oxofluorides and xenon(VI) oxide, disproportionates with alkali solutions, forming perxenates. It easily reacts with alkali metal fluorides (except LiF), forming compounds of the CsF*XeF type 6
Xenon hexafluoroplatinate XePtF 6 is an orange-yellow solid. When heated in a vacuum, XePtF 6 sublimates without decomposition, hydrolyzes in water, releasing xenon:
2XePtF 6 + 6H 2 O \u003d 2Xe + PtO 3 + 12HF
There is also an Xe 2 connection. Xenon forms similar compounds with ruthenium, rhodium and plutonium hexafluorides.
Xenon(VI) oxide, colorless, deliquescent crystals in air. The XeO 3 molecule has the structure of a flattened triangular pyramid with a xenon atom at the top. This connection is extremely unstable; when it decomposes, the power of the explosion approaches the power of an explosion of TNT. Soluble, strong oxidizing agent.
xenates xenonic acid salts - H 2 XeO 4 , soluble, in an alkaline environment decompose into xenon and perxenates. Oxidizers, explosive.
Xenon(VIII) oxide The XeO 4 molecule is built in the form of a tetrahedron with a xenon atom in the center. This substance is unstable, at temperatures above 0 ° C it decomposes into oxygen and xenon. Sometimes decomposition has the character of an explosion.
perxenates salts of perxenonic acid - H 4 XeO 6 , crystalline, stable up to 300°C, insoluble. The strongest known oxidizers.


In lighting technology, high-pressure xenon lamps have gained recognition. In such lamps, an arc discharge shines in xenon under pressure of several tens of atmospheres. Light in xenon lamps appears immediately after switching on, it is bright and has a continuous spectrum - from ultraviolet to near infrared. Xenon lamps are used in all cases where correct color reproduction is crucial: in filming and film projection, in stage and television studio lighting, in the textile and paint industries.
Physicians also use xenon - for fluoroscopic examinations of the brain. Like barite porridge, which is used for intestinal transillumination, xenon strongly absorbs X-rays and helps to find lesions. However, it is completely harmless.
The radioactive isotope of element No. 54, xenon-133, is used in the study of the functional activity of the lungs and heart.
In the form of xenon fluorides, it is convenient to store and transport both scarce xenon and all-destroying fluorine. Xenon compounds are also used as strong oxidizers and fluorinating agents.

Samovolova O.

See also:
Belov D.V. Non-inert noble xenon. Chemistry at school, 2008, No. 6, p. 10
Trifonov D.N., Centenary of the zero group. Chemistry (appendix to the newspaper "September 1st"), No. 5, 2000

Xenon(lat. Xenonum), Xe, chemical element of group VIII periodic system D. I. Mendeleev, refers to inert gases; atomic number 54, atomic mass 131.30. On Earth, Xenon is present mainly in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Xenon consists of 9 stable isotopes, among which 129 Xe, 131 Xe and 132 Xe predominate. It was discovered in 1898 by the English researchers W. Ramsay and M. Travers, who subjected liquid air to slow evaporation and studied its most hardly volatile fractions by spectroscopic method. Xenon was discovered as an admixture to krypton, which is the reason for its name (from the Greek xenos - alien). Xenon is a very rare element. Under normal conditions, 1000 m 3 of air contain about 87 cm 3 of Xenon. Xenon is a monatomic gas, colorless and odorless; density at 0 ° C and 10 5 n / m 2 (760 mm Hg) 5.851 g / l, t pl -111.8 ° C, t kip -108.1 ° C. In the solid state, it has a cubic lattice with a unit cell parameter a = 6.25Å (at -185 °C). The fifth, outer electron shell of the Xenon atom contains 8 electrons and is very stable. However, the attraction of external electrons to the nucleus in the Xenon atom is shielded by a large number of intermediate electron shells, and the first ionization potential of Xenon, although quite large (12, 13 eV), is much smaller than that of other stable inert gases. Therefore, Xenon was the first inert gas for which it was possible to obtain a chemical compound - XePtF 6 (Canadian chemist N. Bartlett, 1961). Further studies have shown that Xenon is capable of exhibiting valences I, II, IV, VI and VIII. The best studied compounds are Xenon with fluorine: XeF 2 , XeF 4 , XeF 6 , XeF 8 , which are obtained under special conditions using nickel equipment. Thus, XeF 4 can be synthesized by simply passing a mixture of Xe and F 2 through a heated nickel tube. Synthesis of XeF 2 is possible by irradiating a mixture of Xe and F 2 with ultraviolet radiation. However, XeF 6 and XeF 8 fluorides can only be obtained by using high pressures (up to 20 MN/m 2 or 200 atm) and elevated temperatures (300-600 °C). XeF 4 is the most stable ( long time persists at room temperature), the least stable XeF 8 (preserved at temperatures below 77 K). With careful evaporation of a solution of XeF 4 in water, a very unstable non-volatile oxide XeO 3 is formed - a strong explosive. By the action of a solution of Ba (OH) 2 on XeF 6, barium xenonate Ba 3 XeO 6 can be obtained. Salts containing octagonal Xenon are also known - perxenonates, for example Na 4 XeO 6 6H 2 O. By acting on it with sulfuric acid, you can get the highest oxide XeO 4 . Known double salts XeF 2 · 2SbF 5 , XeF 6 ·AsF 3 and others, XeClO 4 perchlorate is a very strong oxidizing agent and others.

In industry, xenon is obtained from the air. Due to the very low content of Xenon in the atmosphere, production is low.

One of the most important applications of Xenon is its use in high-power discharge lamps. In addition, Xenon finds application for research and medical purposes. So, due to the high ability of Xenon to absorb X-rays, it is used as a contrast agent in the study of the brain. Xenon fluorides find use as powerful oxidizers and fluorinating agents. In the form of fluorides, it is convenient to store and transport extremely aggressive fluorine.

Completing the first four periods of the periodic table, there was no longer any doubt that the fifth and sixth periods should also end with an inert gas. But it didn't take long to find them. This is not surprising: in 1 m 3 of air there are 9.3 liters of argon and only 0.08 ml of xenon.
But by that time, thanks to the efforts of scientists, primarily the Englishman Travers, it became possible to obtain significant amounts of liquid air. Even liquid hydrogen became available. Thanks to this, Ramsay, together with Travers, was able to study the most difficult-volatile fraction of air, which is obtained after the distillation of helium, hydrogen, neon, oxygen, nitrogen and argon. The remainder contained Raw (i.e., unrefined) krypton. However, after pumping it out, a bubble of gas invariably remained in the vessel. This gas glowed bluish in an electric discharge and produced a peculiar spectrum with lines ranging from orange to violet.
Characteristic spectral lines are the calling card of the element. Ramsay and Travers had every reason to believe that a new inert gas had been discovered. It was called xenon, which means “alien” in Greek: in the krypton fraction of air, it really looked like a stranger.
In search of a new element and to study its properties, Ramsay and Travers processed about 100 tons of liquid air; they established the individuality of xenon as a new chemical element by operating on only 0.2 cm 3 of this gas. The subtlety of the experiment, unusual for that time!
Although the content of xenon in the atmosphere is extremely low, it is air that is practically the only and inexhaustible source of xenon. Inexhaustible - because almost all of the xenon is returned to the atmosphere.

The process of extracting noble gases from the air has been described many times. The air, previously purified from carbon dioxide and moisture, is liquefied, and then begins to evaporate. Lighter gases "fly" first. After evaporation of the bulk of the air, the remaining heavy inert gases are sorted out.
Interestingly, from the point of view of a chemist xenon actually turned out to be a "stranger" among the inert gases. He was the first to enter into a chemical reaction, the first to form a stable compound. And so he made the term "inert gases" inappropriate.

xenon reacts.

Once the combination of words "chemistry of xenon" seemed absurd. Yet the bold idea that xenon can form stable compounds with halogens occurred to many scientists. Thus, as early as 1924, the idea was expressed that certain compounds of heavy inert gases (in particular, xenon fluorides and chlorides) are thermodynamically quite stable and can exist under ordinary conditions. Nine years later, this idea was supported and developed by well-known theorists - Polypg and Oddo.
The study of the electronic structure of the shells of krypton and xenon from the standpoint of quantum mechanics led to the conclusion that these gases are able to form stable compounds with fluorine. There were also experimenters who decided to test the hypothesis, but time passed, experiments were made, but xenon fluoride did not work out. As a result, almost all work in this area was stopped, and the opinion about the absolute inertness of noble gases was finally established.
However, in 1961, Bartlett, an employee of one of the universities of Canada, studying the properties of platinum hexafluoride, a compound more active than fluorine itself, found that the ionization potential of xenon is lower than that of oxygen (12.13 and 12.20 eV, respectively). Meanwhile, oxygen formed a compound of the composition O 2 PtF 6 with platinum hexafluoride ... Bartlett sets up an experiment and at room temperature from gaseous platinum hexafluoride and gaseous xenon receives a solid orange-yellow substance - xenon hexafluoroplatinate XePtF6, the behavior of which is no different from the behavior of conventional chemical connections. When heated in a vacuum, XePtF 6 sublimates without decomposition, hydrolyzes in water, releasing xenon:
2XePtFe + 6H 2 O → 2Xe + O 2 + 2PtO 2 + 12HF.
Bartlett's subsequent work made it possible to establish that xenon, depending on the reaction conditions, forms two compounds with platinum hexafluoride: XePtF 6 and Xe (PtF 6) 2 ;. when hydrolyzed, the same end products are obtained.

Convinced that he had indeed reacted with platinum hexafluoride, Bartlett made a presentation and in 1962 published an article on his discovery in the Proceedings of the Chemical Society. The article aroused great interest, although many chemists reacted to it with undisguised distrust. But three weeks later, Bartlett's experiment was repeated by a group of American researchers led by Chernik at the Argonne National Laboratory. In addition, they were the first to synthesize similar xenon compounds with ruthenium, rhodium and plutonium hexafluorides. Thus, the first five xenon compounds were discovered: XePtF 6 , Xe(PtFe) 2 , XeRuFe, XeRhF 6 , XePuFe - the myth about the absolute inertness of noble gases was dispelled and the beginning of Xe chemistry was laid.

xenon fluorides

It is time to check the correctness of the hypothesis about the possibility of direct interaction of xenon with fluorine.
A mixture of gases (1 part of xenon and 5 parts of fluorine) was placed in a nickel (since nickel is the most resistant to fluorine) vessel and heated under relatively low pressure. An hour later, the vessel was quickly cooled, and the remaining gas was pumped out and analyzed. It was fluorine. All the gas reacted! The vessel was opened and colorless XeF crystals were found in it.
Tetrafluoride Xe turned out to be a completely stable compound, its molecule has the shape of a square with fluorine ions at the corners and xenon in the center. Tetrafluoride Xe fluorinates:
XeF 4 + 2Hg → Xe + 2HgF 2 .
Platinum is also fluorinated with this substance, but only dissolved in hydrogen fluoride.
It is interesting in the chemistry of xenon that, by changing the reaction conditions, it is possible to obtain not only XeF 4 , but also other fluorides - XeF 2 , XeF 6 .
Soviet chemists V. M. Khutoretsky and V. A. Shpansky showed that strict conditions are not necessary for the synthesis of xenon difluoride. According to the method proposed by them, a mixture of xenon and fluorine (in a molecular ratio of 1: 1) is fed into a vessel made of nickel or stainless steel, and when the pressure rises to 35 atm, a spontaneous reaction begins.
Xenon difluoride XeF 2 can be obtained without using elemental fluorine. It is formed by the action of an electrical discharge on a mixture of xenon and carbon tetrafluoride. Of course, direct synthesis is also possible. Very pure XeF 2 is obtained when a mixture of xenon and fluorine is irradiated with ultraviolet light. The solubility of difluoride in water is low, but its solution is the strongest oxidizing agent. Gradually, it self-decomposes into xenon, oxygen and hydrogen fluoride; decomposition is especially fast in an alkaline environment. Difluoride has a sharp specific smell.
Of great theoretical interest is a method for the synthesis of xenon difluoride, based on exposure to a mixture of gases of ultraviolet radiation (wavelength of the order of 2500-3500 A). Radiation causes splitting of F 2 fluorine molecules into free atoms. This is the reason for the formation of difluoride: atomic fluorine is unusually active.

To obtain XeFe, more stringent conditions are required: 700 ° C and 200 atm. Under such conditions, in a mixture of Xe and fluorine (ratio from 1:4 to 1:20), almost all xenon is converted into XeF 6 .
Xenon hexafluoride is extremely reactive and decomposes explosively. It easily reacts with alkali metal fluorides (except LiF): XeF 6 + RbF = RbXeF 7, but at 50 ° C this salt decomposes: 2RbXeF 7 = XeF 6 + Rb 2 XeF 8.
Reports on the synthesis of the higher fluoride XeFs, which is stable only at temperatures below 77°K, have not been confirmed.
The synthesis of the first Xe compounds confronted chemists with the question of the place of inert gases in the periodic table of elements. Formerly, the noble gases were separated into a separate zero group, which fully corresponded to the idea of ​​their valency. But, when xenon entered into a chemical reaction, when its highest oxide XeO 4 and oxyfluorides became known, in which the xenon valence is 8 (and this is in complete agreement with the structure of its electron shell), it was decided to transfer inert gases to group VIII. The zero group ceased to exist.
It has not yet been possible to force xenon to react without the participation of fluorine (or some of its compounds). All currently known xenon compounds are derived from its fluorides. These substances are highly reactive. The interaction of xenon fluorides with water is best studied.
Hydrolysis of XeF 4 in an acidic environment leads to the formation of xenon oxide XeO 3 - colorless crystals that spread in air. The XeO 3 molecule has the structure of a flattened triangular pyramid with a xenon atom at the top. This connection is extremely unstable; when it decomposes, the power of the explosion approaches the power of an explosion of TNT. A few hundred milligrams of XeO 3 are enough to blow the desiccator to pieces. It is possible that over time xenon trioxide will be used as a crushing explosive. Such an explosive would be very convenient, because all the products of an explosive reaction are gases.
In the meantime, it is too expensive to use xenon trioxide for this purpose - after all, there is less xenon in the atmosphere than gold in sea water, and the process of its isolation is too laborious. Recall that in order to obtain 1 m 3 of xenon, 11 million m 3 of air must be processed.
The corresponding trioxide unstable acid of hexavalent xenon H 2 XeO 4 is formed as a result of the hydrolysis of XeF 6 at 0 ° C:
XeF 6 + 4H 20 → 6HF + H2XeO 4 .
If Ba(OH) 2 is quickly added to the products of this reaction, a white amorphous precipitate BaXeO 4 precipitates. At 125°C it decomposes into


XENON-A; m.[from Greek. xenos - alien]. Chemical element(Xe), one of the inert gases (used in electrical engineering and medicine).

Xenon, th, th. K lamp. K tube.


(lat. Xenon), a chemical element of group VIII of the periodic system, belongs to the noble gases. The name is from the Greek xénos - alien (discovered as an admixture to krypton). Density 5.851 g/l, t kip -108.1ºC. The first noble gas for which chemical compounds were obtained (eg XePtF 6). The xenon lamp is used in searchlights, film projectors. Fluorides XeF 2 , XeF 4 are powerful oxidizers and fluorinating agents.


XENON (lat. Xenon, from the Greek xenos - alien), Xe (read "xenon"), a chemical element with atomic number 54, atomic mass 131.29. An inert or noble gas. It is located in group VIIIA in the 5th period of the periodic system.
Natural atmospheric xenon consists of nine isotopes: 124 Xe (0.096%), 126 Xe (0.090%), 128 Xe (1.92%), 129 Xe (26.44%), 130 Xe (4.08), 131 Xe (21.18%), 132 Xe (26.89%), 134 Xe (10.44%) and 136 Xe (8.87%).
Atomic radius 0.218 nm. Electronic configuration of outer layer 5 s 2 p 6 . Sequential ionization energies - 12.130, 21.25, 32.1 eV. Electronegativity according to Pauling (cm. PAULING Linus) 2,6.
Discovery history
Opened by English scientists W. Ramsay (cm. RAMZAY William) and M. Travers (cm. TRAVERS Morris William) in 1898 by spectral analysis as an impurity to krypton (cm. KRYPTON). In 1962 in Canada N. Bartlett (cm. BARTLETT Neal) received the first chemical compound of xenon XePtF 6 stable at room temperature.
Being in nature
Xenon is the rarest gas in the earth's atmosphere, the content in the air is 8.6·10 -5% by volume. The total reserves of xenon in the atmosphere are 1.6·10 11 m 3 .
Xenon is isolated as a by-product during the processing of air into nitrogen and oxygen.
Physical and chemical properties
Xenon is a monatomic gas, colorless and odorless. Boiling point -108.12 °C, melting point -11.85 °C. Critical temperature 16.52 °C, critical pressure 5.84 MPa. Density 5.85 kg/m 3 .
9.7 ml of Xe dissolves in 100 ml of water at 20°C.
Xenon forms clathrates (cm. CLATHRATES) with water and many organic matter: Xe 5.75H 2 O, 4Xe 3C 6 H 5 OH and others. In clathrates, guest Xe atoms occupy cavities in the crystal lattices of host substances.
Directly Xe interacts only with fluorine, forming XeF 2 , XeF 4 and XeF 6 . Xenon difluoride XeF 2 has a tetragonal lattice, melting point 129 ° C, density 4.32 g / cm 3. The lattice of tetrafluoride XeF 4 is monoclinic, melting point 117.1 °C, density 4.0 g/cm 3 . The lattice of XeF 6 hexafluoride is monoclinic, melting point 49.5 °C, density 3.41 g/cm 3 .
By hydrolysis of XeF 4 and XeF 6, unstable oxyfluorides XeOF 4 , XeO 2 F 2 , XeOF 2 , XeO 3 F 2 and XeO 2 F 4 and oxides XeO 3 and XeO 4 are obtained, which decompose into simple substances at room temperature.
Xenon fluorides interact with aqueous solutions of alkalis, forming xenates МНХеО 4 (М = Na, K, Rb, Cs), stable up to 180 °C. Hydrolysis of XeF 6 solutions, disproportionation of XeO 3 in alkaline solutions, and ozonization of aqueous solutions of XeO 3 yielded perxenates Na 4 XeO 6 and (NH 4) 4 XeO 6 .
Xenon is used to fill incandescent lamps, powerful gas-discharge and pulsed light sources.
Radioactive isotopes are used as radiation sources in radiography and for diagnostics in medicine, to detect leaks in vacuum installations. Xenon fluorides are used to passivate metals.
Physiological action
Xenon gas is harmless. Xenon fluorides are poisonous, MPC in the air is 0.05 mg/m 3 .

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


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    - (symbol He), a gaseous non-metallic element, one of the inert gases. Discovered in 1898. Xenon is present in the earth's atmosphere (in a ratio of about 1: 20000000) and can be obtained by RECTIFICATION (separation into fractions) of liquid air. ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

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    - (lat. Xenon) Xe, a chemical element of group VIII of the periodic system, atomic number 54, atomic mass 131.29, belongs to the noble gases. The name is from the Greek xenos alien (discovered as an admixture to krypton). Density 5.851 g / l, tbp 108.1 .C. ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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