When is the best time to vacation in Tunisia: monthly weather and water temperature. When is the best time to go on vacation to Tunisia? Seasons and weather by month What is the air like in Tunisia

Do you want to know about the climate of Tunisia? Here you will learn in detail about the weather in the cities of Djerba, Mahdia, Monastir, Nabeul, Port El Kantaoui, Sousse, Tunisia, Hammamet.

Transparent blue Mediterranean Sea, the snow-white sand of its wonderful beaches and an endless sea of ​​scorched sand, replaced by layers of hot clay and stones. Oases or mirages, the scorched brain is unlikely to distinguish one from the other...Mountains, palm trees and a small waterfall, an amazing combination of incongruous things. Cities, living and dead... The East, with its own traditions and customs and at the same time the most Europeanized of all Muslim countries. Mix it all in one bottle, add date palms and olive trees, a couple of desert ships and crown all this splendor with a Desert Rose. Congratulations, Tunisia is before your eyes.

I want to go to Tunisia! The decision has been made, the only thing left to do is to understand exactly when to visit all this splendor so as not to spoil your long-awaited vacation. To do this, let’s go back years or decades (depending on your luck) to the school desk. Geography is not everyone's favorite subject, but now we will use its services. A subtropical Mediterranean climate is characteristic of the northern part of the country and the coast of Tunisia, with hot, dry summers followed by relatively cool and wet winters. North winds passing through the Atlas Mountains bring rain during the autumn and winter seasons in this region. In summer, the wind gives life-saving coolness to the entire coast. The south and central part of Tunisia is influenced by a tropical climate. Dry air, distance from oceans and increased Atmosphere pressure, are ideal conditions for the formation of deserts. It is characterized by large temperature differences. In the summer, the daytime air temperature in the southern part of the country can reach +40, and at night sharply drop by tens of degrees. In winter, nighttime temperatures can drop below zero.

Weather and water temperature by month in Tunisia


In the month of January, you should forget that Tunisia is Africa. In Tunisia, the Mediterranean winter prevails in January. The weather in Tunisia at this time is characterized by inconstancy. Instead of clear and sunny days, heavy rains and winds come. The Mediterranean Sea is quite turbulent and storms are common. But at the same time, rains contribute to the rapid growth of vegetation covering the meadows and valleys. And the beauty of blooming almond orchards is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.


Although February is considered the last winter month, but this is the wrong time to visit Tunisia. The sun is very rare at this time, but gusty winds, low gray clouds and huge waves in the sea, and even cold nights, are the harsh reality of February in Tunisia. A bonus of visiting Tunisia in February is the “low season” with all its advantages.


Spring comes to Tunisia in March. The southern part of the country forgets about the rains, the sun shines and brings long-awaited warmth. In the north, there is still a high probability of rain in the first half of March, but as April approaches, there are more warm and windless days. Of course, March is not suitable for a beach holiday, but the weather will be ideal for excursions, visits to thalassotherapy centers, and just walks along the coast.


The month of April gives tourists to Tunisia a good warm weather, with clear skies and a slight cool breeze. The water temperature in the sea does not warm up as quickly as the air, so in April you should visit Tunisia for travel around the country and treatment in thalassotherapy centers, at still reasonable prices. The absence of summer heat will not prevent you from returning from your vacation with a beautiful tan.


In May, Tunisians begin to prepare for the new season. The weather is almost summer. Not only the days become warm, but also the nights. Opens beach season. A beach holiday can be safely combined with a variety of excursions. Excursions to the Sahara are especially popular at this time. Blooming wildflowers and oasis gardens will leave a lasting impression on you.


The beginning of summer in Tunisia is considered by many tourists to be the ideal time for a good rest. The weather is favorable both for exploring the country and for a beach holiday. The air temperature is quite comfortable, especially in the morning and evening. It's hot during the day, but still quite bearable. The sea is warming up quickly, but the beaches are not yet full. By the end of the month the situation changes dramatically, the tourist flow increases significantly.


Tunisia offers its tourists a whole list of entertainment in July. All beaches and hotels in the country are full. Day beach holiday, gives way to evening and night visits to clubs and discos. The weather in July pleases with its consistency. The sun always shines; rain in July is an almost unreal event. The sea is completely calm. The weather in July is ideal for beach holidays and water sports, and before making long excursions, you need to carefully assess your capabilities. High air temperatures can spoil the entire impression of excursions.


In August, the weather in Tunisia will please all heat lovers. The air temperature during the day often reaches 35 - 40 degrees. Lovers of “fresh milk”, this is the place for you, right now. The water temperature off the coast of Tunisia is higher than the night air temperature. This makes it possible to observe how the steam coming from the water shimmers and disappears into the sky. August is ideal for a beach holiday, but excursions are best postponed for other months.


With the arrival of autumn, the “high season” comes to its logical conclusion in Tunisia. But this is only a plus for those who expect from a trip to Tunisia not only a beach holiday with transition to night festivities, but also exciting trips around the country, both independently in a rented car, and as part of numerous excursions. The weather in September will please you with the absence of sweltering daytime heat. The sea remains warm like summer. Towards the end of the month, the first harbingers of autumn begin to be felt: the nights become cooler, the sea becomes more restless.


The month of October will delight lovers of excursion Tunisia. The beach season officially ends in mid-October. Beach lovers are heading home. Those who choose October to visit Tunisia will enjoy its half-empty beaches and museums, as well as reduced prices for the holiday itself. It is warm and sunny in the first weeks of October, but as you get closer to the end of the month, the nights become colder, it will often rain, and cold winds will blow from the sea.


Unfortunately, Tunisia cannot boast of year-round idyll in terms of weather. Summer has finally given way to autumn, with its rains and humid winds. Giving weather forecasts in November is a thankless task. One thing we can say with certainty is that it is extremely unstable. And if the sun is shining in the morning, this does not mean that it will not rain in a couple of hours. A raincoat will be your go-to travel companion this month.


With December on the calendar, the Mediterranean winter comes to Tunisia. Of course, only those who are familiar with the real “Russian winter” first-hand will find the temperature of +15 degrees a mockery, but for heat-loving Tunisians this is winter. Tunisia in December is suitable for those tourists who are tired of the classic resort holiday, whose soul yearns for new impressions and emotions.

The east coast (from the Gulf of Hammamet to the south) receives less rain than the north, and in the south, as it approaches the desert (from the Gulf of Gabes to the border with Libya), it rains less and less. The air temperature on the coast is about 16-18 °C in winter, and 31-35 °C in summer.

It all depends on the winds blowing from the sea or the Sahara. For example, the northern coast is often exposed to sea breezes, which cause a significant drop in temperature, reducing the heat in summer and bringing precipitation in winter. In the wind you may not feel the power of the sun, and very quickly get sunburn. Therefore, while relaxing, do not forget to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

In the south of Tunisia, dry, hot winds blow across wide desert areas and plains. In spring and summer, this is the sirocco - a hot wind coming from the Sahara that can easily raise the air temperature above 40 °C.

Weather table in Tunisia by month

It is worth knowing the weather forecast in Tunisia in advance in order to plan a comfortable vacation. The weather table in Tunisia by month will help you get an idea of ​​what the weather is like here in different seasons.

During the day At night Sea Season
January +15…+16 +6…+8 +13
February +16…+17 +8…+9 +12
March +18…+19 +9…+11 +14
April +20…+22 +11…+13 +17
May +23…+24 +14…+16 +22 Beach
June +27…+29 +18…+20 +24 Beach
July +30…+32 +20…+21 +27 Beach
August +31…+32 +21…+23 +28 Beach
September +29…+30 +20…+22 +24 Beach
October +25…+26 +16…+18 +23 Beach
November +20…+21 +12…+13 +17
December +16…+17 +8…+10 +12

The favorable season for a beach holiday lasts quite a long time, especially on the east coast, where the resorts are sheltered from the Atlantic influence. We recommend tourists to visit Tunisia from May to October. However, summer is not the best season to visit the Sahara due to very high temperatures during this time. A compromise between excursions and relaxation in the pool can be found in spring and autumn, i.e. in April and October.

Spring and autumn are also ideal times to visit local resorts: it is no longer as stuffy and hot as in summer, and the sea is quite warm. Winter is the ideal season for a tour to the south of the country (Zarzis). During these months, it is relatively warm during the day and fresh and cool at night. , located closer to the south of Tunisia, also offers a mild climate at this time of year, as do some other seaside resorts along the eastern coast (Hammamet, Sousse). The northern coast (Tabarca, Carthage), however, is more exposed to the cold climate that prevails in Europe and descends to the Mediterranean.

In terms of climate, the whole Tunisia belongs to the category " warm countries" . The climate of Tunisia, like the climate of other North African countries, is influenced by the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert.

Average summer temperatures here range from +22 to +32 degrees, and average winter temperatures range from +5 to +12 degrees. The difference between the average temperatures of the hottest and coldest months does not exceed 15-20 degrees.

Climate in Tunisia predominantly subtropical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and relatively cool, wet winters. In the northern part of the country, a dry subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type prevails, in the south - a hot climate tropical deserts and semi-deserts. The direct influence of the sea on climate is most significant in the northern part of the country. Northern winds, encountering mountains on their way, they bring moisture here in the fall and winter, falling in the form of rain. The influence of the sea also affects the Sahel - the coastal strip in eastern Tunisia, where cool winds somewhat weaken the summer heat.

When hot southern winds blowing from the sultry Sahara break into Tunisia, dryness and heat prevail throughout the country right up to the northernmost coastal regions. The most difficult to tolerate is drying South wind Sirocco, which blows every year for many days in a row. When the sirocco arrives, in areas where the average maximum temperatures are +30-40 degrees, temperatures up to +53 degrees and even higher are observed. During such periods, grain crops often die, grapes wither, and the fruits of fruit trees dry up.

The tourist season in Tunisia begins at the end of April and ends at the beginning of November. This is related to both water temperature and air temperature. At the end of April, the air warms up in the resort area to 23-25 ​​degrees.

At the height of summer (July-August) the resort area is quite hot (35 and above).

Average temperatures in Tunisia by month

Month Air temperature (day) Water temperature (sea)
Tunisia in January +15 °С +15 °С
Tunisia in February +18 °С +15 °С
Tunisia in March +20 °С +15 °С
Tunisia in April +23 °С +16 °С
Tunisia in May +25 °С +16 °С
Tunisia in June +27 °С +20 °С
Tunisia in July +31 °С +23 °С
Tunisia in August +35 °С +28 °С
Tunisia in September +31 °С +26 °С
Tunisia in October +29 °С +26 °С
Tunisia in November +26 °С +24 °С
Tunisia in December +23 °С +18 °С

Tunisia is one of the most attractive countries for tourists. The gentle Mediterranean Sea, spacious and well-maintained beaches, various attractions, thoughtful service, and most importantly, a favorable subtropical Mediterranean (dry subtropical in the north) climate have made this country an ideal place for lovers of a carefree holiday on the seaside. The tourist season in Tunisia lasts from April to October, but some people prefer to holiday here during the winter months.


In December, the nights are already cold, the daytime temperature also drops to +16°C, the water temperature is +18°C, only seasoned extreme sports lovers swim. In December, olives, grapefruits, and tangerines are harvested in Tunisia. There are few tourists at this time; you can enjoy the silence, walking along the deserted beach, admiring the bright greenery of the trees and attending thalassotherapy sessions.

With the onset of the new calendar year in Tunisia, the average water and air temperatures are the same and equal to +15°C. Compared to Russian winters, it’s warm, but it’s cold to swim in the sea, so most hotels have indoor pools. Unlike the usual snowdrifts, it is green everywhere, most trees do not shed their leaves, and in winter there is even more greenery in Tunisia than in summer. In the north of Tunisia, it rains almost all of January, but in the south the weather is sunny, tourists willingly go on excursions to oases.

In February, you can go to Tunisia if you want to see the country, visit as many interesting excursions as possible, or improve your health with thalassotherapy. The daytime air temperature is about +20°C, you can tan beautifully and safely, it rarely rains in February. But few will risk swimming in the sea - the water temperature, as in January, is only +15°C, better water procedures take place in hotel swimming pools.


At the beginning of spring, lovers of surfing and sailing go to Tunisia; in the south of the country, the air temperature during the day often reaches +25°C, but the water has not yet had time to warm up, its temperature usually does not exceed +17°C, so most vacationers prefer to swim in indoor pools . In March, Tunisia is very beautiful, many exotic plants bloom.

The tourist season opens in April, but you shouldn’t go to the northern regions of the country - in April there is a significant amount of rainfall there, but on the island of Djerba the water is already warming up to +17-20°C and there are quite a lot of swimmers. The average air temperature during the day is + 25°C, it is already warm, but not yet hot, so excursions will be a pleasure.

In May, the weather in Tunisia is often very changeable, and it often rains, especially in the north of the country. The water temperature is +16-17°C, but near the island of Djerba the water is 2-3°C warmer. You can swim, but traveling with children is still problematic. It is often hot during the day, but the sea breeze makes it easy to bear the heat, so you can plan several excursion trips.


At the beginning of summer, the daytime is quite hot, the average daily temperature is +27°C, but sea bathing allows you not to suffer from the heat, but to enjoy it. The water temperature is +20°C, in the area of ​​the island of Djerba - +23°C, but the sultry wind from the Sahara often raises the air temperature by another 10-15°C, and a simple walk along the street turns into a feat. Cool winds often blow on the east coast, and tourists have to wear warm clothes in the evening.

In July it is hot here, in the north of the country the average daily temperature is +26°C, in the south - +33°C, rain is extremely rare, the water temperature is +23°C, in August the heat intensifies, the water warms up to +28°C. The sirocco wind often blows from the Sahara, the hot breath of which reaches the northern regions of the country. Only in the east, in the Sahel, cool winds allow walking away from the sea.


In September, the heat subsides and golf lovers come to the resorts, for whom beautiful courses have been built here. Surfing and sailing are also popular activities for many visitors. The date harvest begins in September. Many exotic fruits are ripe, so gourmets should go to Tunisia in the fall. Daytime air temperature +31°C, water temperature +26°C.

In October, Tunisia is still warm, but not hot, with an average daily temperature of +29°C. It’s pleasant to swim in warm water, the temperature of which is +24-25°C almost until the end of the month, but you can not limit yourself to just a beach holiday; the weather is also favorable for excursion trips around the country.

In November it rains more and more often, the sea is stormy, so although the water in the sea is still warm, +22-24°C, you can rarely swim, but there is a lot of fresh fruit.

Thus, holidays in Tunisia in different months have their pros and cons. If your plans are mainly a beach holiday, come from April to October; if you are interested in traveling around the country, you can go as early as February, and if your main goal is relaxation and wellness, in Tunisia you will get what you want twelve months a year.

What weather will you encounter here: hot African heat or humid tropical downpour?

In order to fully enjoy your trip and not find yourself in conflict with natural phenomena, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Tunisian climate in advance and, in accordance with them, choose the most suitable one for yourself. appropriate place and a favorable holiday season in Tunisia.

Climate in south and central Tunisia

But those who want to get acquainted with the real African climate and experience all the courage of the local sun are better off going to the south of Tunisia or its central part. Precipitation in this area is rare and occurs only in winter. At the same time of year there is the most low temperature- approximately +17ºС. In the summer in the south of the country there is a real scorching heat: the air warms up to +40ºС, and the sand becomes so hot that it is impossible to touch it. Are you ready for such sensations? Then come to south-central Tunisia and submit to the will of the unshakable Sahara.