Eclipse on August 21st where it will be visible. Astrology of lovers in Life. What is recommended to do on the day of a solar eclipse?

The solar eclipse in August 2017 will have a positive impact on many areas of life. The results of solar exposure will be impressive, which will help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

The solar eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017, at 21:21 Moscow time. Unlike the February eclipse, the August one will be accompanied by a favorable arrangement of planets. The Sun and Mars will be in the constellation Leo, simultaneously forming a trine with Uranus in Aries and a conjunction with the Moon in Leo. The Universe itself provides a good opportunity to improve your life and reach unprecedented heights. Astrological recommendations will help you use such a powerful force for your benefit.

Solar eclipse from the point of view of astrologers

The energy of the upcoming eclipse is favorable and optimistic. This astrological event will bring more joy, pleasure, courage and determination. The conjunction of the Moon and the Sun in the constellation Leo will require you to become a leader, to push yourself to the forefront, to stand out from the gray mass, to attract attention.

Don't hide behind doubts, fears and complexes. The energy of the day will give you determination and strength to do things you never got around to doing before. Lack of motivation will be replaced by a surge of enthusiasm and the need to act. The trine of Uranus in Aries will contribute to liberation from prejudices, dependence on other people's opinions and stereotypical behavior.

On the day of the eclipse there will also be negative aspects of the planets, which, nevertheless, will complement and strengthen internal harmony and universal balance. Venus in Cancer and Mercury in Virgo form a semi-square, which will find expression in the material and social spheres.

In astrology, both positive and negative aspects of planets are located on two cups. Tense alliances of space objects stimulate decisive action, while positive relationships will provide successful opportunities.

Features of the solar eclipse in August

Solar activity will reach the apogee of its positive influence, which will affect every living organism. At the time of the eclipse, the Sun will be in the zodiac Leo. Leo is a talented and purposeful Zodiac Sign, so creative manifestations are one of the main themes of the upcoming eclipse. This area is not limited only to skills in a certain field of art. A genius sleeps within every person, and the hidden talents inherent in nature will help awaken it.

Feelings and emotions will become more intense. The sign of Leo has a direct connection with the heart chakra, which is responsible for love. In relationships, people can feel a positive renewal. Leo's solar energy will give you the incentive and opportunity to follow the dictates of your heart. It will also be a wonderful moment to free yourself from destructive relationships and heal a broken heart. Any obstacles will be met with optimism and faith in the best.

Impact of a solar eclipse on the Zodiac Signs

The solar eclipse will be felt most vividly by Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius and Libra. Astrologers warn that solar activity will not necessarily make itself felt on August 21st. This may happen a day earlier or later than the stated period.

The combination of different energies will give the eclipse intense activity and a powerful impulse to move forward. Rapid events will overtake many people. There will be chances to direct energy flows to your benefit.

Creativity, love and creation are the three main themes of the upcoming eclipse. The desire to express oneself in creativity will be productive. Take up a hobby, try yourself in a new business, or find like-minded people in your hobby. You can also confess your love, be creative in solving business problems and decorate your home beautifully.

Spiritual practices will help you perk up, find a way out of dead-end situations and improve your quality of life. Plans will have to be slightly adjusted to take into account the increased activity, so that the energy does not remain unfulfilled and is not directed in a destructive direction.

A solar eclipse is one of the most striking astrological events. It has long been given a mysterious and magical meaning. It was believed that at this time you could change your destiny. A simple ritual will charge you with powerful power and bind you to good luck for a long time. We wish you a great mood and success. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

The total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 completes the cycle for this year. The next eclipse corridor will begin on January 31, 2018.

The topic of influence solar eclipse on specific person can be found out by superimposing the eclipse horoscope on it natal chart. It is clear that not everyone can turn to an astrologer. But in addition to this, there is always information about the general background of the eclipse, which belongs to a certain saros family (“saros” translated from English means repetition).

In this sense, August is the best time to gain wings. Thanks to the powerful energy of eclipses, each of us is given a chance to gain freedom by going beyond the usual stereotypes and realizing that everything is in our power! Look at the world from the height of your flight, change what your soul has long needed, but did not succeed in before.

The solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 will help radically change something very important in your personal life. And the meaning of this revolution in your consciousness is very important both for your own personal happiness and for the common good on Earth.

The year 2017 in this sense, as I have already noted in previous articles, is a key year in the period 2012-2023. It ends five years of steady vibrational growth and is now a turning point in the rise of the collective consciousness of humanity. This year should show how closely we will match those times. O th line on which our planet will be by the end of the year.

On a cosmic scale, time s e lines and time s e nodes are a purely conditional concept that corresponds to the accumulated experience and determines its further path and location not only on Earth, but also on other planets of the Universe.

By the end of 2017, many time lines that do not correspond to the frequency indicators of the planet may simply not exist at a certain moment. The choice of life options of the old formation will be greatly limited. People who lead a consumerist lifestyle and ignore the need for change will experience an extremely painful and flawed state in high vibrations. All their affairs that do not fit into high-frequency timelines may also decline sharply. And here the upcoming solar eclipse on August 21, in my opinion, may force some people to live, according to the proverb: “it’s either hit or miss.”

What theme might emerge first in August?

In the chart of the origin of eclipses of this Saros series, the Sun and the Moon are in the second house, and the issue of high-quality energy supply for everything in the life of a person/people, including material well-being, comes to the fore. And since the lunar nodes are located in houses 1-7, issues of partnership, social and social connections, the solution of which requires a revolution, first of all, in one’s own consciousness.

During the month around the date of the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 (plus or minus two weeks), almost everyone, through the aggravation of situations of material and energy security, must undergo a rethinking of their own failures, failures, illnesses, and lack of happiness on a personal and partner/social level. It is not enough to admit your own ill-being; it is important to try to tune yourself to the wave of new high-quality energies. Climb to the height from which it will be easiest for you to see the whole perspective of your happiness. Control the lines as you wish, and the winds of change are on your side throughout August!

Be healthy and happy! See you again on the website ""!

In the USA, the first total solar eclipse in 99 years has ended, which could be seen from the Western to the Eastern coasts. Millions of people came to the so-called “total eclipse line” to observe this phenomenon, in which they could see how the shadow from the Moon completely covers the sun. The “total eclipse line” spanned 14 states, from Oregon on the West Coast to South Carolina on the East Coast, which is why people called it "The Great American Eclipse"

Complete solar eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017 at 21.26. by Moscow time. It will last 1.5 hours. And residents of the United States will be able to admire the rare astronomical phenomenon better than anyone else on the planet. Therefore, the upcoming celestial show is nicknamed the “Great American Eclipse.”

Let us recall that the total eclipse could be observed in a narrow strip about 113 km wide and 4200 km long, stretching across the continental United States from Oregon to South Carolina. Residents of other US states could observe a partial phenomenon.

A total solar eclipse is expected on August 21, 2017. Moscow time it will happen at 21:26, Greenwich time – 18:26. Only residents of some countries of the American continent will be able to observe the total eclipse.

Partial phases of this phenomenon will be visible in the following areas: Mexico, Colombia; Iceland, Holland; Venezuela, Ecuador; Canada, South and North America; Brazil, Ireland, Guyana; UK, Peru; Western Europe, Greenland; Portugal, Guinea.

From an astronomical point of view, any eclipse is caused by the blocking of light that is emitted by one celestial body, by another celestial body. For astrology, eclipses are highly informative and provide an opportunity to understand how strong the influence of certain planets will be on a particular zodiac sign. The eclipse, which will occur on August 21, 2017, will have a significant impact on interpersonal relationships, the sphere of health and love, the political and economic situation on a global scale.

Unfortunately, in most Russian cities and small settlements the eclipse will not be visible. Only people living on the Chukotka Peninsula and the extreme Northeast will be able to admire its private phases.

In which zodiac sign will the eclipse occur and how will it affect society as a whole?

The 29th degree of the fire sign Leo is where the eclipse will occur. Experts in the field of astronomy and astrologers noted the interesting arrangement of the planets during this period. Thus, Mars will be in a divergent conjunction with the Moon and the Sun, with Uranus and Saturn this planet will be in a trine, and with Jupiter in a partile sextile. Of course, the special terms mentioned above are unlikely to be understood by people not involved in astronomy and astrology. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what the overall impact of the August eclipse will be on the world and society as a whole.

Situations that arise on this day will most likely have dramatic overtones. But there is a high probability of them further development in a positive way. So, it makes sense to hope for a positive outcome. If circumstances do not lead to a favorable outcome, selfish qualities may appear in society. In any case, on August 21, 2017, people will feel a huge surge of strength, which is due to an incredible rise in energy. This state will encourage the realization of “healthy” ambitions and the satisfaction of the desire for power.

The eclipse, which will occur on August 21, has significant differences from the February solar eclipse. If in February it prevailed bad influence celestial bodies, then in August a rather positive effect will be observed. The specific location of Mars, the Sun, the Moon and some other planets during the eclipse allows us to conclude that the resulting combination will have a beneficial effect on every person and on global situations.

Long-term planning and solving global problems

If during the February eclipse experts did not recommend starting important things and carefully spending your vitality, then on August 21 you can not doubt your energy potential, and also deal with global issues. The only thing that is depressing is the inability to see quick results. Yes, the outcome of solving problems will be positive, but it will take at least a month to see the fruits of the efforts expended. This is due to the placement of Saturn, which is often called the “guardian of time.” It is this planet that will not allow problems to be resolved quickly. The energies that will become dominant on the day of the eclipse will have the most positive impact on the processes of creating long-term projects. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to start things that are designed for several weeks, months or years. They will be successful and bring considerable benefits.

Thinking through decisions

Experts urge people to be prudent. This is especially true for personal relationships. Since the eclipse will pass through a fire sign, both minor quarrels and global conflicts are possible. You should not draw hasty conclusions by making hasty decisions. After time, you may bitterly regret this. Better tune in positive mood, postponing the showdown until later.

Rest and proper energy distribution

Due to the fact that many people will feel a surge of energy on the day of the eclipse, emotional burnout may occur. The main thing is not to overdo it, taking on several things at the same time and trying to embrace the immensity. This can easily lead to the opposite effect - the strength will be lost, irritation, nervousness and apathy will appear. Any signs of chronic fatigue may appear suddenly. Distribute your strength correctly, rest more.

Cleansing the body and promoting health

It is advisable to direct part of your energy to improve the health of the body. If you have been planning to go on a diet for a long time, August 21 will be a great starting day for this. After all, a proper diet is a project designed for at least 2-3 months. And all global and long-term problems, the solution of which began on the day of the eclipse, have a great chance of successful completion. It would be useful to carry out cleansing and rejuvenating procedures. The process of liberating the body from toxins and toxic agents will be highly effective and will be easy and relaxed. Even if you are not overweight, give your digestive system a rest. To do this, arrange a fasting day, eat only vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, and low-fat dairy products.

What not to do on August 21, 2017?

Avoid Conflicts

The main enemies that can take away vital energy and make you feel empty and irritable are quarrels with others. The consequences of sorting out relationships with relatives and close friends can be especially unpleasant. Therefore, on August 21, you should not quarrel with anyone, even if there are serious reasons for this. Maintain neutrality and do not engage in controversy. Don’t rush off the handle Making hasty decisions, especially concerning important ones life situations- not the best activity for the eclipse period. As practice shows, subsequently people often regret their rash actions. Therefore, there is no need to get excited. If a conflict arises, it is better to back down, even if you are 100% right. Let the quarrel exhaust itself and fade away. And then, after a few days, you can return to resolving the conflict.

Don't be influenced by negative thoughts

During the eclipse, you should try to get all negative thoughts out of your head. It is important to get rid of negative memories, forgive yourself and others for mistakes made in the past. The biggest mistake can be the process of self-flagellation, because many people tend to blame themselves and suffer from remorse. Drive away any unpleasant thoughts from your mind, think about a happy future, and tune in to a positive mood. Do not subject your body to serious stress. First of all, you should not overeat and abuse alcohol. It is important to provide the body with the opportunity to get quality rest at night. Otherwise, you will feel unwell throughout the day. Experts also do not recommend planning serious medical procedures or prescribing any surgical interventions on August 21.

How will the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 affect the zodiac signs?


Representatives of this sign may feel slightly unwell throughout the day. It is better to devote your free time to passive relaxation with your family. It is advisable to go out into nature, take a walk through the forest, and think about the events happening in life. It is not recommended to make global purchases and travel.


On August 21, pragmatic Taurus will be surprised by their extravagance and some frivolity. But don't resist your mood. Direct your energy to improving relationships with your household. Please your life partner, children and other relatives with your attention and pleasant gifts. Spend the evening alone with your other half. An eclipse is a great time for you to have a romantic date.


You will get a great opportunity to go beyond your usual existence and improve your life. Energy will be in full swing, so don’t miss the chance to put your financial sphere in order. There is a possibility of receiving tempting offers from business partners. Feel free to agree, a long-term project will result in large profits.


People born under the sign of Cancer on August 21 can be called lucky. This is due to the specific location of the planets. There is a possibility of receiving good news related to a promotion. Cancers can also win a large sum or unexpectedly learn about an inheritance. You will be lucky in literally everything, even in small things. The main thing is not to scare away fortune with your inaction!

a lion

The powerful influence of the Sun will be exerted on enterprising and assertive Leos. It is unlikely that you will be able to relax on this day. Representatives of creative professions may experience unprecedented inspiration. The rest will have a lot of global ideas. But don't forget about " back side medals." You risk wasting your entire energy reserve on August 21st. What will remain? To avoid loss of strength, take at least short breaks.


The energy emanating from the Sun on the day of the eclipse will serve as a “lifeline” for Virgos. They will feel such a strong elation that they themselves will not even notice how they will solve almost all their problems. This will allow you to regain your former self-confidence. The day of the eclipse can become a kind of breakthrough for representatives of this sign, which will encourage them to further achievements.


Libra will feel the strong impact of the eclipse, especially in personal relationships with their significant other. Quarrels and misunderstandings are possible. You should avoid aggravating the situation; it is better to find a compromise or remain unconvinced. But the conflict cannot be developed. This will have a detrimental effect not only on further coexistence, but also on the well-being of both partners.


The day of “revelation” will come for you. A project that you have been working on for a long period of time will bring real results. You will find that missing component and be able to derive the formula for your personal success. There is no need to worry about your health. It won't let you down. The only thing that will make you worry is the envy of others, so brag less about your achievements.


The energy of the eclipse will quickly burst into your body. You will be very active and active. However, you should know the limits of your capabilities. Otherwise, you may feel worse at the end of the day. Astrologers advise Sagittarius to make efforts to resolve financial issues. There are great chances to solve them quickly and easily.


Lethargy, apathy, nervousness and increased excitability can drive Capricorns to a state of despair. Throughout the day, they will feel a loss of strength, not knowing what tasks to take on first. Astrologers recommend taking a time out. In this state, you are unlikely to be able to productively solve existing problems. Moreover, you risk causing unnecessary problems, and due to an aggressive attitude, ill-wishers may appear in the person of influential people.


The eclipse will mainly affect the spiritual world of Aquarius. Already inventive and creative representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to boast of new global ideas. Moreover, ideas can arise in any area. Many will be lucky in the business sphere, which will allow them to reach a fundamentally new standard of living.


Despite their high performance, on August 21, Pisces should protect themselves from overload. Their body will become vulnerable to the powerful energies of the eclipse. Put off all important matters, including household ones. You are recommended to rest; try to get the maximum amount of positive emotions on this day. Pay attention to your loved ones.

  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017

A total solar eclipse will occur in Moscow on August 21, 2017 at 21:25:30, in Novosibirsk on August 22, 2017 at 01:25:30.

The eclipse will last 1.5 hours. But only residents of the United States will be able to observe the solar eclipse of August 2017 with their own eyes, and also partially in Western Europe And South America. It will not be visible in Russia.

From an astronomical point of view, any eclipse is caused by the blocking of light that is emitted by one celestial body by another celestial body.

The eclipse on August 21, 2017 will occur at 28 degrees 52 minutes in the sign of Leo. The Sun will be in divergent aspects of a conjunction with Mars, trine to Saturn and Uranus, and in a convergent conjunction with the Moon. Therefore, situations that arise on this day, as always during eclipses, may have dramatic overtones, but there is a high probability of their further development in a positive way. This is the difference between the current eclipse and the solar eclipse in February 2017.

On the day of the eclipse, as well as 1-2 days before and after it, people will feel a surge of strength and energy. This state will encourage the realization of “healthy” ambitions and the desire for power.

INFLUENCE OF THE ECLIPSE OF AUGUST 21, 2017 on the psychological state and energy potential

Since the solar eclipse will pass through a fire sign, both minor quarrels and global conflicts are possible. You should not draw hasty conclusions by making hasty decisions. It is better to tune in to a positive mood, postponing the showdown until later.

Due to the fact that many people will feel a surge of energy on the day of the eclipse, emotional burnout may occur. The main thing is not to overdo it, taking on several things at the same time and trying to embrace the immensity. Otherwise, it can lead to the opposite effect - strength will be lost, irritation, nervousness and apathy will appear. Any signs of chronic fatigue may appear suddenly. Therefore, distribute your strength correctly, rest more.

All global and long-term problems, the solution of which began on the day of the eclipse, have a high chance of successful completion.

The energies that become dominant will have the most positive impact on the processes of creating long-term projects. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to start things that are designed for several weeks, months or years. They will be successful and bring considerable benefits.

It would be useful to carry out cleansing and rejuvenating procedures. The process of liberating the body from waste and toxins will be highly effective. If you have been planning to go on a diet for a long time, August 21 will be a great starting day for this.

Even if you are not overweight, give your digestive system a rest. To do this, arrange a fasting day, eat only vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, and low-fat dairy products.

As always, during eclipses it is recommended to avoid conflicts and quarrels. Therefore, on August 21, you should not quarrel with anyone, even if there are serious reasons for this. Maintain neutrality and do not engage in controversy. Making hasty decisions, especially regarding significant life situations, is not the best activity during an eclipse.

As practice shows, subsequently people often regret their rash actions. If a conflict arises, it is better to back down, even if you are 100% right. Let the quarrel exhaust itself and fade away. After a few days, you can return to resolving the conflict.

During the eclipse, you should try to get all negative thoughts out of your head. It is important to get rid of negative memories, forgive yourself and others for mistakes made in the past. Drive away any unpleasant thoughts from your mind, think about a happy future, and tune in to a positive mood.

The most popular ritual is the wish fulfillment ritual. In order to carry it out, you will need a sheet of paper. On this sheet you will need to write the wish that you want to come true. This needs to be done to formulate your intentions so that the forces of the Universe will contribute to the fulfillment of your desire.

Another ritual for fulfilling a wish would be to conduct meditation, during which you need to think that your wish has already come true. If you do not know how to meditate, then you need to speak out your desires during an eclipse. For example: “I am happy”, “I am rich”, “I am loved” and the like.

Cleansing rituals performed with water will work well. To do this, you need to take a shower before the eclipse. While taking a shower, you need to think about all the grievances that you have accumulated over a long time, and then they will go away with the water. After taking a shower, you need to light a candle and walk around all the rooms in the house with it, while reading prayers. During an eclipse, lie with your head to the north and think about what you want. Don't forget to thank the Universe for your help.

On Monday, August 21, 2017, there will be a total solar eclipse, which will last an hour and a half, and which can be observed, including in Russia.

What will happen on August 21, 2017

Solar eclipse August 21, 2017- This total solar eclipse, the full phase of which can be observed almost throughout the United States. Therefore, this unique astronomical phenomenon is called Great American Solar Eclipse. Partial phases of the eclipse will be viewable in North America, as well as parts of Western Europe, South America and extreme northeast Asia.

What time will the total solar eclipse be in 2017?

The total solar eclipse will begin at 21.45 Moscow time and will last until approximately 23.15, its maximum phase will be 2.4 minutes. At this time, the width of the lunar shadow covering the Earth's surface will be 115 km.

Where in Russia can you observe a solar eclipse?

In Russia, the eclipse will be partially observable in Chukotka, in the north of the Kamchatka Territory and on several Russian islands of the Arctic Ocean.

In Europe, partial sunset phases will be visible in Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

But the eclipse will be visible throughout the United States. The Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017 will be the first solar eclipse since the founding of the United States in 1776 whose total phase can be observed exclusively in the United States.

Broadcast of the total solar eclipse on August 21 on the Internet

Internet users will have access to the official NASA broadcast, behind a unique natural phenomenon will also follow dozens of other resources; we offer links to some of them to readers Federal News Agency.

When is the next total solar eclipse?

How does a solar eclipse affect the inhabitants of the Earth?

Astrologers believe that a solar eclipse affects all of humanity, regardless of whether people see it or not.

During an eclipse, according to astrologers, the level of aggression increases; people tend to make spontaneous but wrong decisions and commit rash acts, the consequences of which will be difficult to correct. The “dangerous” time will last three more days after the eclipse, astrologers warn; however, scientists treat such warnings with a fair amount of skepticism.

Astrologers advise not to start new global affairs at this time, especially if these affairs are not planned in advance.

It is also believed that this is not a very suitable time for planned surgical operations, this is especially true for plastic surgery, including lip and breast augmentation operations. It is believed that at this time the risk of failure and various complications increases.

On the days of an eclipse you should not participate in mass events, especially inconsistent ones, are wisely advised by astrology experts.

Also, experts on celestial phenomena do not advise making fateful decisions for the next three days about changing jobs, creating or breaking family ties, making serious property transactions, etc.

In addition, not only astrologers, but also doctors believe that at this time it is not necessary to lead matters to quarrels and conflicts. With increased excitability associated with information about the eclipse, this may have more serious consequences, than in a calmer time from an astrological point of view.