Rituals and fortune telling for Halloween (All Saints' Day). Fortune telling and omens for Halloween Fortune telling on Halloween night on cards

Halloween is the most mystical and witchcraft holiday. It is celebrated in. At this time, the boundary between the dead and earthly worlds becomes blurred and unclear. And the time comes for folk signs and fortune-telling, because Halloween is considered a holiday of sorcerers, sorcerers, witches and magical powers. Throughout the year, there are not many days that are so suitable for opening the veil of the mystery of your destiny.

Symbolizes the holiday. It is cut out of a pumpkin by first removing the seeds from it and inserting a candle inside. There used to be a belief that if you put your clothes on inside out on Halloween and walk down the street at midnight with your back turned, you might run into a witch.

On such a magical night, you should not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes. How to tell fortunes for Halloween in 2017? Of course, with fire! Fire has always been considered a symbol of the hearth, protecting the home. The Scots have such a sign: you need to place your stone by the fire in such a way that there is a circle around it. Several people must participate in this action. In the morning, the day after the holiday, you need to look at the location of your stone. If it disappears or moves, expect illness or imminent death. Fire was an assistant in fortune telling for lovers. Before starting, it was necessary to spend some time in silence. After this, the young man chose a girl, with whom he threw one nut into the fire. The compatibility of their characters depended on how the nuts burned. If the nuts barely smoldered, then the couple will live together all their lives. If the nuts cracked and burst into flames, then this union will bring only scandals and resentments to the young people.

Fortune telling on horse chestnuts is interesting; you need to find them in advance, because in most of Russia at the end of October it is already real winter with snow. So, the girls should wish for a young man to themselves and at the same time throw a few chestnuts into the fire. If they lay down next to each other and burned, he loves too. If they lay far away from each other, the feelings are not mutual.

You can also use a mirror this night. Fortune telling for Halloween at home with a mirror is quite dangerous. After all, it is through a mirror, according to many beliefs, that otherworldly forces enter our world. Not scary? Then try it!
The simplest way is fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish. To do this, you need to look at your reflection in the mirror before going to bed and think about your deepest desire. Imagine how it is carried out, so the chances of its fulfillment will increase. Another option for fortune telling will require an apple, an ordinary wax candle and a mirror. You need to light a candle, pick up an apple and enter an unlit room where the mirror is located. You need to leave the candle right next to the mirror and, looking deep into it, eat an apple. At this moment, the future spouse will appear in the mirror. If the candle stopped burning, then this indicated that an unclean spirit was present nearby. Then fortune telling must be stopped.

To continue fortune telling, cards are perfect. How to tell fortunes on Halloween using cards? Try to make your wish come true! To get started, you need to take a deck of ordinary cards, select four aces and arrange them one by one in a row. Looking at one of the aces, you need to make a wish. After this, shuffle the deck and place all the cards one by one under the aces. If all the cards (and there should be five of them) from under the treasured ace are suited, then the wish will certainly come true. Here is another version of fortune telling with aces: you need to make a wish and shuffle the cards. Then lay out fifteen cards face down and set aside the aces. This needs to be done three times. If all four aces come out, then the wish should come true.

There are other fortune telling for Halloween. Fortune telling with salt requires the girl to eat something salty at night before going to bed. If a young man gives water in a dream, then he will be the other half. You can also find out your fate by simply cutting an apple in half. If none of the seeds are damaged, then there will be no difficulties on the way to the goal. But if suddenly the seeds are cut, some obstacles will arise on the way to the desired goal.

The holiday Halloween, or All Saints' Day, began to be celebrated in our country quite recently. Despite this, on October 31st, many people decorate their homes in accordance with holiday traditions. Girls also love to do fortune telling on Halloween and predict their fate.

Halloween - fortune telling for the betrothed

Fate and the topic of marriage have been of interest to girls at all times; it is not surprising that fortune telling for one’s betrothed is the most common activity on many holidays. You can also ask about your other half on All Saints' Day.

For example, there is an interesting fortune telling for couples. To do this, lovers throw two nuts into the fire; if the fruits burn quietly and do not smoke, most likely the couple will live happily and without quarrels. If nuts crack in the fire, it is believed that the young are not a match for each other.

A girl can tell by chestnut trees whether she is destined to be with the one she loves. To do this, two chestnuts must be thrown into the fire at the same time. If they fell side by side, it means fate, if apart, then not.

They say that on the night of October 31, a girl can even see her future groom. To do this, at midnight, on the eve of the holiday, you need to sit in front of the mirror and place a lit candle and an apple next to it. Looking closely at the mirror, a girl can see a man's silhouette in it. It is worth paying attention: if the candle goes out or overturns, fortune telling should be stopped. There is an opinion that evil spirits interfere with this, and it is not recommended to contradict them.

Girls tell fortunes about their betrothed and... cabbage! If you live in a private house or in a village, go to your neighbor’s garden and pull out the cabbage with its roots. If there is a lot of land left on it, the husband will be wealthy.

Fortune telling by wish

Halloween fortune telling will help you find out whether your cherished wish will come true or not. Simple pumpkin seeds will help you do this fortune-telling. A girl, dreaming of finding out if her wish will come true, clutches a raw seed in one hand and a roasted one in the other. Then he makes a wish and asks his friend to guess which hand holds the fried seed. If she guesses right, the wish will come true.

Another simple way to tell your wish is to cut a pumpkin in half and see which half has more seeds left on it. If on the right, the wish should come true.

Halloween fortune telling: how many children will be born?

Many girls are interested in the topic of motherhood and prepare for this important and responsible role from an early age. They ask the question about the number of future children rather as a joke, for the sake of interest. But why not try to guess the number of heirs, and then, if necessary, compare the result?

So, all you need to do is take a small plate and pour cold water into it. Then drop in a little pre-prepared egg white. Upon contact with water, the protein will separate into several parts. Their number will be the answer to the question.

Fortune telling with buckwheat

Every housewife knows that buckwheat often contains black, unpeeled grains. It is this “garbage” that will become the basis of this fortune telling. You need to take a handful of buckwheat and pour it on the table, make a wish and sort through the grains to look for black grains. If you come across an even number of them, consider yourself lucky and your wish will come true.

Halloween fortune telling is best done in the company of friends. It's fun, not scary, and brings an element of group play to the holiday evening.

For fortune telling with apples, which will help you find out the future, water is poured into a large basin and apples are placed in it. After which all participants at the same time, with their arms crossed behind their backs, must try to catch the apple from the basin with their teeth. Whoever does this faster than others will become more successful and prosperous next year. It is also believed that if a guy and a girl from a group grab the same apple, they will get married.

Of course, fortune telling for Halloween, like any other holiday, cannot be taken too seriously. It's more of a humorous and fun pastime. But nevertheless, funny games spark curiosity and excitement and, undoubtedly, complement evening gatherings on the eve of the most “scary” night of the year.

Unmarried girls can see their betrothed on Halloween night. To do this, wash your nightgown late in the evening and hang it on the back of a chair to dry. Next, go to bed in this room, but try under no circumstances to fall asleep. You should imagine the appearance of your future spouse who will come to pick up the shirt. At the same time, it is important not to doze off even for a moment, otherwise you will simply miss it. But if suddenly you have not waited for the shadow of your betrothed to appear, it means that he has not yet found you, and you will not celebrate your wedding in the next three years.

Fortune telling by wish

In the old days, fortune telling with seeds was of great importance. Often girls used pumpkin seeds to tell their wishes. A roasted seed was held in the left hand, and a raw one in the right. They made a wish and asked their friend to guess in which hand the fried seed was in. If she guessed right, the wish was destined to come true.

You can also tell your wish when cutting a pumpkin. To do this, divide it into two equal parts, think of a wish and count the seeds. If there are more of them in the right half, this means that your wish will come true.

Another way: mix roasted and raw seeds in a cup, cover it with your hand and, making a wish, take a handful and count the seeds. If there are more fried ones, then the wish will not come true, but if there are more raw ones, it will come true.

And the last fortune telling: mix a handful of roasted and raw seeds. Now pour them out onto the table and count them. An even number of fried ones means that enemies are preventing the execution. An odd number of roasted seeds warns of dire consequences. If there is an odd number of raw seeds, then the fulfillment of your wish will bring you unexpected profit. An even number of raw seeds indicates that the wish will come true, but will not bring the expected joy.

How many children?

If searching for a loved one is not relevant, if you already have a strong family, then on the night before All Saints’ Day you can find out how many children you will have. Take a small plate, fill it with cold water, and then drop some egg white into it. How many parts the protein divides into - how many babies will be born.

That the coming year

If you are concerned about the events of the next year, try the following other fortune telling.

It is necessary to prepare in advance a coin, a ring, a button, a heart cut out of red paper, a shell and a key. You will also need an empty bottle. Arrange all items in a circle. Place the bottle in the center of the circle and twist clockwise. When it stops, look at what object the neck points to, that will be the main event of the year:

ring - wedding;

coin - wealth;

button - lack of love, loneliness;

heart - love;

shell - travel;

the key is success, power.

You can perform this ritual in the company of friends, but everyone should sit in a circle and spin the bottle in turn, passing the opportunity from participant to participant counterclockwise.

Where luck awaits

You can find out in which area luck awaits you using calculations.

For fortune telling you will need: beans, raisins, dried apples and nails. Without looking, take a handful of beans, raisins, apples and nails from the bag (or from any other container, such as a box or drawer where the items listed above are stored). Count everything separately. An odd number means good, and an even number means problems.

beans - finances;

raisins - love;

apples - health;

nails - home, family.

An example of interpretation: if you scooped up an odd number of beans, you definitely won’t face poverty next year, and if you scooped up apples, then you won’t have to complain about your health. If there is an even number of nails, quarrels with family are possible.


There is another fortune telling for “even-odd”. And all you need is buckwheat. Surely, when you cook buckwheat porridge, you usually select and throw away the black grains, but these are the ones that will come in handy on Halloween night.

Place a handful of buckwheat on the table, cover it with your hand and make a wish. Then select the black grains and count them. An even number means that your wish will certainly come true. This fortune telling is good because you can not only find out whether your wish will come true, but also sort out the grains for porridge.

Of course, there are many more methods of fortune telling, and you can choose any, even the simplest, such as, for example, using quotes from books (this is when you ask a question, take some book, guess the page number, paragraph and line, and then open it in hidden place and read the answer). Or tell fortunes on cards, look into a crystal, throw runes... The main thing to remember: Halloween is a mystical holiday when all predictions definitely come true. If you believe in this, of course...

The most famous and common variants of fortune telling for Halloween are fortune telling using apples. And, by the way, there is nothing surprising here, because this holiday has several other names, one of which is “Apple Day.” In addition, there is a popular belief that it is apples that connect people with the gods.

1. Cut a large apple into nine equal parts, eat eight of them, and throw the ninth over your left shoulder. If you quickly look around, and out of the corner of your eye you can see the appearance of your future spouse.

2. If you want to see the face of your betrothed, then you will probably be interested in another fortune telling. An unmarried girl should sit at midnight in a dark room with an apple in her hand in front of a mirror and look carefully at it. It is the mirror that will show her the image of her future husband after some time.

3. The third fortune telling should be done in the company of friends, and it looks like a funny competition. But this is also a sure way to find out the future. It is probably because of this fortune-telling that Halloween is sometimes also called the Night of Floating Apples.

You need to fill a large basin with water and put apples in it. Next, all participants must clasp their hands behind their backs and catch apples with their teeth. This is a rather complicated procedure, but the one who copes faster than others does not have to worry about his material well-being - he will have prosperity in his home for the entire next year. And if a guy and a girl are the fastest to bite off a piece of an apple floating in a basin at the same time, then they will get married this year.

4. At the dacha (or somewhere in nature), light a fire, and you definitely need to throw a sprig of heather, flax or broom into it to consecrate the ceremony. Next, take a small apple and, thinly cutting the peel from it (in a spiral, so that it does not tear and you get a long strip), ask the question out loud: “What is my fiancé’s name?” Then the cut peel should be thrown over the left shoulder into the fire, quickly turn around and carefully look at the shape of what letter it will take - this will be the first letter of the name of the future husband.

You can throw the cut peel into water rather than into the fire, but then it is a little more difficult to recognize the shape.

If you don’t see any letter at all, don’t despair, it means you just took the “wrong” apple or didn’t cut the peel thin enough. Therefore, you can do this procedure one more time.

In addition to apples, nuts and chestnuts often appear in traditional Halloween fortune-telling techniques.

If you are curious about how your relationship with your chosen one will develop or are concerned about the issue of harmony in an existing family, then stock up on two ordinary chestnuts. Having made a wish for a prospective or real betrothed, you need to throw chestnuts into the fire. If the fruits begin to burn side by side, then this couple will live in harmony, but if the chestnuts roll in different directions in the fire, then sooner or later the paths of these people will diverge.

If you are interested in the future, ask a question that worries you, throw nuts into the fire, and by the pattern left by the fire on their surface you will certainly determine the answer. In this version of fortune telling, you can also use small light stones.

Every year the popularity of Halloween only grows; it is celebrated in almost every country in the world. Although officially there is no day off for the holiday in any state. On the night before All Saints' Day, the most mystical holiday is celebrated - Halloween. The date always remains the same, and the most mysterious night of 2018 will be celebrated from October 31 to November 1.

Over its centuries-old history, the holiday amazingly combines the ancient rituals of the Celts - to appease evil spirits, and Christian church traditions. Gives people a storm of various emotions, from terrifying stories about demons and witches, to fun and funny entertainment. It is not surprising that over the past decade, Halloween has become popular in the vast post-Soviet space.

In addition to the mysterious component of the holiday, the older generation often perceives Halloween as a day of farewell to autumn and welcome to winter. When the entire harvest is harvested, nature falls asleep, the sun no longer warms and cold weather sets in.

Signs and superstitions for Halloween in 2018

It’s worth paying attention to signs on All Saints’ Day only because the evil spirits decide that you definitely shouldn’t mess with an observant and very wise person on this day.

Firstly, about black cats. They are not a very good sign the rest of the year either, and on Halloween 2018 it is strictly forbidden to leave them in the house.

The special talismans of this night are pumpkins and nuts; they are believed to ward off evil spirits.

Superstitious people with a sense of humor today wear their clothes inside out and leave their houses backwards to confuse ghosts (and passers-by).

If the candles lit on Halloween constantly go out, there are definitely evil spirits lurking around somewhere nearby. In this case, it is recommended to take white chalk and draw crosses at the threshold and windows. In any case, the dark forces will be afraid and will definitely leave your home.

If the owner sees a spider in the house on Halloween, it means that one of the deceased relatives is watching over the inhabitants of the house and warning about the danger that threatens one of the family members.

It is considered undesirable to get caught in the rain on this day. On Halloween, precipitation of any kind is extremely undesirable and is a bad omen, because it is a harbinger of a particularly unfavorable situation in society. Unfortunately, for those who were caught in the rain on October 31, this event promises illness.

It is considered a bad omen to see a thunderstorm with lightning and thunder on a holiday.

If you see a hunchback on a holiday, be sure to give up absolutely all your endeavors. After all, soon you will have a different life.

Magic rites and rituals October 31, 2018 for Halloween

Despite the fact that many perceive this day as a holiday, a fun event and a reason to wear scary costumes, you can perform all sorts of magical rituals:

Conduct rituals to protect and cleanse the home;

Make a love spell.

Halloween house cleansing ritual

Bring a sprig of pine needles into the house. Burn it and walk around the house with the smoking coal, not missing a single corner.

Do not forget about mirrors, because it is in them that a lot of negative energy accumulates. To avoid this, you should wash them regularly.

A simple ritual will help clear mirrors of negativity. Add two drops of juniper oil to a container with water (cups, glasses, saucers). Now place these vessels in front of the mirrors overnight. In the morning, pour water out the window, saying:

“I cleanse my house, I drive out everything bad. Go away and don’t come back, don’t appear on the doorstep of the house again.”

If you carry out such rituals annually, you will be able to protect your home and household from many troubles.

Home protection ritual October 31

For the ritual you need to buy a green candle. After sunset, light it and walk around all the rooms in your home with it seven times, while reading:

“Green candle, rid my house of everything bad - from a bad thought, from an evil eye, from a bad word. Let the candle flame expel all negativity from my home, and call only good things into it.”

After the cleaning is completed, walk around the house four more times, saying as you do:

“Bright and burning flame of a green candle, call love, harmony and harmony into my home! May all residents of the house be healthy and happy. Let trouble bypass our house on the tenth route through the wilds and swamps. As I said, so it will be. Amen".

Now pour tap water into a saucer. Wet a brush in it and extinguish the flame. Wash your face with the same water and pour the rest out of the window.

Ritual for good luck at home

On Thursday - the same week as Halloween or the next week, try to perform a ritual for good luck at home, that is, your home. To do this, fill the basin with water, take a handful of salt in your left hand, pour it slowly into the basin and say the following words:

“I’ll sprinkle Thursday salt on the devil’s horns, the horns will fall off, everything and the troubles will go away. Let it be so. Century by century from now to century. My word is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for a good mood in the house

On a sunny early morning in autumn, you can bring good mood and health into your home for a long winter. To do this, pour milk into a bowl. Place it on a large round mirror. As a last resort, in front of a mirror. As soon as the dawn begins to appear, dip the fingers of your right hand into the bowl and say:

“The scarlet dawn has awakened! The whole month was colored with joy, warmth and light. May my house be filled with warmth all winter, my soul with joy, my life with light, my body with health. And may good luck in business and grace never leave me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Fortune telling for Halloween 2018

Today, like a thousand years ago, one of the main and discussed topics of any modern girl is the issues of love, marriage and marriage. And oddly enough, for some reason most of the Halloween fortune-telling in 2018 is devoted specifically to the topic of finding your soulmate.

Fortune telling with apples

1. If you want to see the reflection of your future husband, at exactly midnight on Halloween you need to sit in a dark room in front of a mirror. Place a lit candle to your left, and take a ripe apple in your right hand. After some time, the image of your future spouse should appear in the mirror. Fortune telling must be stopped immediately if the candle suddenly goes out - this is the first sign of the intervention of evil spirits.

2. On Halloween night, light a fire and throw a sprig of flax, broom or heather into it. Then take a small apple and, using a knife, begin to thinly cut the peel in a spiral (the main thing is that it does not tear, but that you get a long strip). In this case, you need to say out loud: “What is my betrothed’s name?” After that, throw the cut peel into the fire over your left shoulder, quickly turn around and look carefully at what shape the burning peel will take. It will be the first letter in the name of your future spouse.

Don't be upset if you couldn't see any letters. Most likely, you got the “wrong” apple or you didn’t cut the apple peel thin enough. In this case, this ritual can be performed again.

3. A large ripe apple must be cut into nine equal parts. Eight of them need to be eaten, and the last slice should be thrown over the left shoulder. If you immediately look back, you can see the appearance of your future husband out of the corner of your eye.

4. Cut the apple in half into two equal parts. If all the seeds are undamaged, it means that in the very near future Lady Luck will smile on you and great success awaits you.

5. This fortune telling, which resembles a fun and amusing competition, must be carried out in the company of friends and acquaintances. With its help, you can find out what awaits you in the near future. By the way, it is likely that thanks to this particular fortune-telling, Halloween is sometimes also called the Night of Floating Apples.

Fill a large basin or bowl with water and place the apples in it. Then all participants must stand around the pelvis, clasp their hands behind their backs and try to catch the apple with their teeth. This is a rather complicated and painstaking procedure, but if you cope with it the fastest, you can be calm about your material well-being - next year you will have complete prosperity in your home. In addition, if a girl and a guy are the fastest to bite off a small piece of an apple at the same time, then they can get married this year.

Fortune telling using chestnuts, nuts and more...

In addition to traditional fortune telling with apples, chestnuts and nuts often appear on Halloween night.

1. If you are interested in how your relationship with your lover will develop, or you just want to know about the future of your family, then this fortune telling is for you. Stock up on two ordinary chestnuts and on Halloween night, having first guessed the name of your prospective or existing lover, you need to throw them into the fire. If they start to burn next to each other, then you are destined to live happily ever after. But if the chestnuts nevertheless roll out in different directions, then you can’t expect a long family life with your chosen one.

2. This fortune telling is somewhat similar to the previous one, but the main items here are nuts. On this night, lovers throw two nuts into the fire. If the fruits burned quietly and calmly, it means that they will live together in peace and harmony. Well, if clicks and crackling were heard in the fire, then they are not entirely suitable for living together.

3. With the help of this fortune telling with nuts, you can get an answer to the question that worries you. Having thrown the fruits into the fire, after a while they need to be pulled out of there using a stick or something else. Based on the pattern left by fire on their surface, you can try to get a definite answer. If there are no nuts, small light stones are also suitable for this fortune telling.

4. If you are interested in the future, ask a question that worries you, throw nuts into the fire, and by the pattern left by the fire on their surface you will certainly determine the answer. In this version of fortune telling, you can also use small light stones.

5. If there is a vegetable garden near your house where cabbage grows, then you can carry out the following fortune telling. Exactly at midnight, go to the garden, where you need to pull out a small head of cabbage. If a lot of earth stuck to its roots, then your future husband will be rich and prosperous for the rest of his life. And its appearance and character can be predicted by the shape, density and taste of the head of cabbage.

6. There is another fairly popular method of fortune telling, when girls go to the field on Halloween night and scatter hemp seeds, while chanting: “Hemp, hemp, I sow you, show me who is behind me.” If after this, you suddenly turn around, you can see the image of a man who will soon become your husband.

7. The bravest and bravest girls went out into the street at midnight on Halloween with a willow or willow branch. You had to run around your house three times saying “Betrothed-mummer, come and get it.” The ghost of the groom could appear at any moment and grab the twig.

8. If you washed a shirt on Halloween and hung it to dry overnight, it was believed that the spirit of your lover would definitely come for it. At this moment it will be possible to consider it.

9. You need to put the following items in a bowl or bag of cereal: a coin, a key, a button, a ring, a shell and a heart. And then draw one of them at random. If you come across a ring, it means there will be a wedding soon, a button means loneliness, a heart means love, a coin means wealth, a key means quick success, and a shell means a long journey.

10. To find out how many children you will have, you need to take egg powder and pour it into a glass of hot water. The number of pieces you get is the number of children you will have.

11 . When you go to bed that night, you can make any wish and put an apple under your pillow. In the morning you need to eat it and then your wish will definitely come true.

Conspiracies October 31

Conspiracy against bad habits and diseases

October 31 is the day when summer gives way to winter, which, according to ancestors, is equivalent to the transition from life to death. Therefore, on this night, you can perform a special ritual to get rid of character traits you don’t need (for example, fussiness, fear of something, anger, etc.), habits (smoking, drinking, hanging out on the Internet), etc.

To do this, light two orange candles, a stem of wormwood or an oak branch (our ancestors burned oak wood that night and stored coals in the oven for the same purposes). Tip: in the middle of winter, oak bark or wormwood can be purchased at the pharmacy. Then write down on a piece of paper the traits you want to get rid of and say the spell once:

Dying world, change what torments me. Spirits, turn your forces back: from darkness to light, from evil to good, from hatred to love, from troubles to happiness, from death to life. Let it be so.

After this, burn the note in the flame of candles, extinguish it, and scatter the ashes to the wind.

Halloween conspiracy to make wishes come true

On Halloween, you can not only make a cherished wish, but also immediately find out whether it will come true. To do this you need to take two red apples. Cut one in half and look at the cut. If at least one bone is damaged, it means that there are obstacles on the way to fulfilling the desire, and the more bones are damaged, the more obstacles there are. If all the bones are intact, then the wish will come true, and very soon. Hold the second apple in your hands, make a wish and put it under your pillow, and eat it in the morning - the likelihood of your wish coming true from this simple ritual will increase significantly.

You can do it differently:

Make a wish for the year ahead, take a handkerchief in your hand and say three times:

My great desire will be fulfilled, for the World (God, goddess, etc.) helps those who ask for help.

Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will become reality, events will acquire a path for implementation, and (by the Great Spirit, the Gods, the World, the Universe - whoever believes in what) I will be given what I ask Him for. I'll tie a scarf and wait. Let it be so.

Tie the scarf in a knot and carry it with you until your wish is fulfilled, and then burn it without untying it.

1. Fortune telling for Halloween with an apple, a mirror and a candle.

The girl lit a candle, took an apple in her hand and entered a dark room with a mirror. The girl put a candle in front of the mirror and, looking into it, ate an apple. At this time, the reflection of her future husband was supposed to appear in the mirror. If a candle fell or went out unexpectedly, this indicated that there was an evil spirit in the room. The girl immediately stopped telling fortunes.

2. Fortune telling for Halloween with a nightgown.

On All Hallows' Eve, the girls secretly washed their nightgowns and hung them to dry in their bedroom at night. They believed that the future husband might come to pick up his betrothed's shirt. To see him, you had to stay up all night. Not all the girls could stand it. And not everyone probably found their nightgowns in the morning - maybe suitors really came for them, although, most likely, their relatives were simply making fun of the girls.

3. Halloween fortune telling with salty food.

At night, the girl needed to eat something salty and go to bed. In the dream, her betrothed would definitely come to her to hand her a glass of water.

4. Fortune telling using the neighbor's cabbage.

This fortune telling was carried out on the eve of All Saints' Day. In the evening, when it was already dark, the girl had to secretly sneak into the neighbor’s garden and pull out any head of cabbage at random. They took the head of cabbage home and already in the light they determined what the future husband would be like. If the head of cabbage is a small runt, it means that the husband will also be short and thin.

If the head of cabbage is “curly,” it means that the betrothed will have hair.

A beautiful, lush head of cabbage meant that the husband would be very attractive.

By telling fortunes on the appearance of the future groom, his well-being was determined. To do this, it was necessary to pay attention to how much earth stuck to the head of cabbage - the more, the richer the groom would be.

5. Halloween fortune telling with three saucers.

Three saucers were placed on the table: clean water was poured into one, colored water (for example, with ink) was poured into the second, and the third saucer was left empty.

A blindfolded girl approached the table and chose one of the saucers at random.

If a saucer with clean water was chosen, it means that the girl was expected to marry a good, kind man. A saucer with colored water meant that the girl's husband would be a widower.

An empty saucer meant that the girl should not wait for a wedding - at least not in the next year.

6. Fortune telling for the betrothed for young people.

The young people also wondered, wondering about their betrothed. On Halloween, when it got dark, the young man had to crawl under the branch of a blackcurrant bush - it was believed that in the process he would definitely see the shadow of his beloved. And just by the shadow it was possible to determine what kind of person she would be: tall or petite, curvy or thin.

7. Fortune telling with fire.

On Halloween, many fortune tellings were performed using fire. Previously, people believed in his supernatural power, so they considered him not only a reliable amulet, but also a seer. Fire was also used for fortune telling.

The first version of fortune telling with fire.

It requires smoldering coals - in a fire, stove or fireplace. A guy and a girl, in love with each other, determined whether their characters and destinies were compatible. Each of them took one nut in his hand. They looked at the coals in silence for several minutes and then threw nuts on them. Then we carefully watched how they burned:

if the nuts smolder slowly and quietly, it means that the life of this couple will be smooth, calm and joyful;

if the nuts burn with a crash and flare-up, then the union of two young people does not promise anything good, since endless scandals and quarrels await them.

The second version of fortune telling with fire for love.

For fortune telling, you need any fire: a fire, a flooded fireplace or a stove. You can light paper in a vessel. The girl clutched two chestnuts in her hand and thought about her beloved guy. Then she threw both chestnuts into the fire at the same time and saw how close they were. If chestnuts fell into the fire nearby, then there is a high chance that her feelings will not go unanswered, and a love relationship will lead to the creation of a family. If the chestnuts were on different sides, the girl concluded that her hopes were futile.

8. Fortune telling on dreams on the eve of All Hallows' Day.

This fortune telling is suitable for a girl who has already received letters or love letters from her fiancé.

notes. Before going to bed, you had to read the letter, fold it nine times, fasten it with a pin and put it under your pillow. The dream in this case will be prophetic.

If you dream of precious stones, expensive jewelry, glass and clean water, it means that the young man is sincere - he is really in love with this girl.

If a girl sees flowers, trees, flames, a storm or downpour in a dream, it means that the young man is deceiving her.

This is also evidenced by a dream in which the girl saw the guy himself, smiling and talking affably to her. The dream suggests that the young man is hypocritical.

9. Fortune telling with buckets.

They believed that on Halloween you can easily test the sincerity of your loved one’s feelings. Before going to bed, the girl brought three buckets of water into her room, pinned three hollies on her nightgown opposite her heart, and went to bed.

At night, she woke up from a bear growl and deafening laughter, after which her lover appeared.

Then it was necessary to watch his actions with all eyes.
If he rearranges the buckets of water, then his feelings are real.
If he simply walks around the room without paying any attention to the containers, then such a subject should not be trusted.

10. Fortune telling with willow

The bravest girls “met” the future groom like this: they took a willow twig and left the house so that no one knew, and ran around the house three times, saying: “The betrothed, come and take it!” On the third circle, the betrothed appeared and grabbed the willow by the other end.