Zodiac signs and educational activities research work. The influence of zodiac signs on the educational capabilities and character of a person is the object of study. The influence of zodiac signs on a person’s educational capabilities and character

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school with. Voskresenskoye

Dankovsky municipal district of Lipetsk region

Research work on the topic:


to participate in the open competition of student projects “Space and Us”, dedicated to50th anniversary of the first release

into space A. A. Leonov and40th anniversary of the Dankov Planetarium

in the creative project category

Work completed:

7th grade student

MBOU Secondary School s. Voskresenskoye

Kurypova Valeria

Scientific adviser:

history and social studies teacher

Kurypova Tatyana Vasilievna


Table of contents


Chapter 1

1.1. A little history ................................................................... ……………..……. 4

1.2. Starry sky in ancient times ...........................................................................4-6

1.3. Element of the Zodiac signs………….……………………………………………………….….…6

Chapter 2

2.1. Brief characteristics of children according to zodiac signs……………………..……..6

2.2 The influence of zodiac signs on student performance ................................7

Conclusion ………………………………………………………..……………..……9

List of sources…………….……………………………………………………...….….10



People have always wanted to know what awaits them in the future, what influences their destiny and what it depends on. They attached great importance to a person's date of birth and zodiac sign. Now there are horoscopes for family, business, dietary, children, etc. Modern horoscopes allow you to find out your fate by the positions of the planets and zodiac signs. A horoscope helps us focus on our character traits and gain a deeper understanding of our strengths and weaknesses. (2.1.)

I have always been interested in everything mysterious and mystical. When I read the description of my zodiac sign, it seemed to me that it was written about me, i.e. I am a typical owner of the zodiac sign Gemini. What about my classmates? Are they typical representatives of their sign? If so, then they have certain inclinations and capabilities that can be developed. Since I am the head of the class, I decided to use the positive aspects of each zodiac sign to improve the quality of performance in my class and increase the activity of my classmates.

Relevance My work, in my opinion, is that to improve academic performance and complete self-knowledge, studying the signs of the Zodiac is simply necessary.

Purpose of the study : find out whether the zodiac sign affects the educational activities of students. In order to reveal it, it is necessary to solve the followingtasks : study the signs of the Zodiac and introduce their characteristics to classmates; make recommendations to classmates and their parents to improve the quality of educational activities; conduct a survey among classmates.

Object of study: student, his zodiac sign and academic performance.

The research work used the followingmethods, as observation, analysis, description, survey, collection of material about the signs of the Zodiac, study of additional literature.

Chapter 1

1.1.A little history

Astrology - This is one of the most ancient sciences.

“Explanatory Dictionary” edited by S.I. Ozhegova defines “astrology” as follows: “The study of the possible connection that exists between the location of the heavenly bodies and the destinies of people and nations, the possibility of predicting the future by the position of the stars.” (1.1)

For millions of years, the starry sky irresistibly attracted man with its mysterious unknown. Ancient people were absolutely sure that everything that happens on Earth was sent down from heaven. And since in those distant times there were no calendars or clocks, our ancestors learned to navigate both space and time by “reading” the starry sky. How could one navigate it, given such an abundance of stars? The fact is that already the first observers of what was happening in the sky noticed the inherent invariability of stars relative to their relative positions. (1.2)

Connecting individual groups of bright stars with the help of imaginary lines gave birth to well-remembered groups of stars or constellations in their minds, and their wild imagination helped them see the outlines of fairy-tale animals and mythical characters in them. (Annex 1)

1. 2. Starry sky in ancient times

In ancient times, when people looked at the sky at night, they noticed that many bright stars were arranged in a certain order and formed groups or clusters. These are the constellations.

In every ancient civilization, people gave names to these constellations, calling them in honor of gods, mythological heroes (Andrameda, Pegasus, Perseus, Uranus, Jupiter, etc.) or gave the names of animals, objects used in everyday life, which they resembled.

During the observation process, 12 constellations clearly stood out. The Sun and Moon rose and set in the part of the sky where these 12 constellations were located. And therefore, that part of the sky through which the Sun, Moon and planets passed was called the Zodiac. The word "zodiac" is based on the Greek words "animal" and "circle", meaning "Circle of Animals". This name appeared because most of the constellations bore the names of living beings (the exception is Libra). (Appendix 2)

The zodiac was divided in ancient times into 12 sectors. Each sector is named after one of the 12 constellations. The twelve constellations received the following names: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

As the Sun passed across the sky among the stars, the Earth did not cease to transform, now dressing in the luxurious green attire of spring, now shining with the maturity of summer, now enriched with the bright colors and abundant fruits of autumn, now shackled in the cold chains and snowy blankets of winter. (Appendix 3)

Thus, man learned to coordinate his earthly life and activities with the appearance of the Zodiac constellations in the sky.

It is believed that the origin of the signs of the Zodiac came to us from Ancient Egypt. Each of them, being associated with a particular period of the year, was supposed to determine both the phenomena and events characteristic of this period.

Appearing in the sky, for example,Capricorn just after sunset the Nile flooded. When the water in this largest Egyptian river reached its highest level, aAquarius . The appearance of a constellation in the skyFish indicated that with the onset of the spill there was an opportunity for rich catches. Sunrise in the evening skyAries reported that flocks of sheep can now go out onto green pastures.Taurus was a harbinger of the onset of the period when fairly dry land needed cultivation. And if they appeared in the evening skyTwins , then it was time to finish the field work and wait for the wheat harvest and the offspring of livestock.Cancer personified the movement of the Sun back to the south, which began this month, which meant a decrease in the length of daylight hours. AppearanceLeo was associated with the approach of the hottest time of the year, when all of Egypt turned into a burnt-out desert.Virgo symbolized fertility associated with the beginning of the ripening period of the crop.Scales were an indicator of the time of the autumn equinox. "Coming" to heavenScorpio was a harbinger of a difficult time of widespread illness.Sagittarius personified the destructive force that brings low gray clouds and cold northern winds to the country. It was this constellation that indicated the greatest distance of the Sun from the celestial equator to the south. (Appendix 4)

The ancient Greeks, taking up this baton from the countries of the Middle East, connected the names of the constellations with the names of the heroes of their legends and myths, thereby turning the sky into an exciting fairy tale with pictures (Appendix 5).

1.3. Elements of the Zodiac signs

All Sun signs of the horoscope are influenced by the four elements: fire, earth, air and water.

Children of elemental signsEarth – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are creative and hardworking people. As a rule, such children behave well, respect their elders and have no problems with discipline.

Children of elemental signsAir - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the most popular in the class. From childhood they get used to everyone’s attention and adoration. “Air” children are fantastically energetic and changeable.

Children of elemental signsFire – Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - stand out from a group of children. These are athletic and active children who enjoy moving and competing.

Children of elemental signsWater - Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio are very sensitive, calm and attentive. Their vivid imagination makes them great storytellers. They are the ones who read the reports, where they come up with many details to make the information more interesting to the audience. (2.2)

Each of the zodiac signs has certain advantages.

Chapter 2

2.1. Brief characteristics of children By sign am Zodiac .

Astrologers have indeed endowed each zodiac sign with characteristic features and character traits. Studying information from various sources about the signs of the Zodiac, I highlighted a brief description of children - the signs of the Zodiac. (1.4) (Appendix 6)

2.2. The influence of Zodiac Signs on students' academic performance.

I began my preparation for the research work with a statistical survey among students in my class (Appendix 7) and found that among my classmates there are the most crayfish and fish. I assumed that a student's academic performance is influenced by the zodiac sign he was born under, so most high-achieving students should have the same zodiac sign?

The data obtained showed that the same Zodiac Signs are present both among students with a high level of academic performance, and among students of average and low levels (Appendix 8). My assumption that most high, average and low achieving students should have the same zodiac sign was not confirmed during the survey. It turned out that a student’s academic performance is not affected by the Zodiac Sign under which he was born.

However, itIf the zodiac sign, based on its characteristics, influences our character, then why shouldn’t it influence other aspects of life? Perhaps, knowing astrological features, I can help my classmates succeed in the educational process . I held an explanatory conversation among the students in my class.

The children were interested in learning the characteristics of their zodiac sign and its influence on their educational activities. After analyzing the conversation, I made the following conclusions:

All classmates know their Zodiac sign, but they didn’t know its characteristics and they were interested in finding out.

They also did not know the positive and negative aspects of their character, which affect the quality of their studies.

Parents, like no one else, are interested in the progress of their children. We had a parent meeting in our class. My speech, as a class leader, was dedicated to the characteristics of the Zodiac signs. Parents were offered recommendations for raising their child in order to improve the quality of academic performance. (Appendix 9)

Having analyzed the characteristics of all the signs, their positive and negative sides, I think that my assumption was confirmed:

The character and educational activities of schoolchildren are to some extent influenced by the zodiac sign under which they were born. But if the date of birth is on the border of two signs, then both zodiac signs can influence the character.

Having become acquainted with the characteristics of their zodiac sign, schoolchildren can learn the negative and positive sides of their character. They have the opportunity to work on their weaknesses and develop their talents and strengths.


By studying various sources, I received the necessary, useful and interesting information about everything related to the signs of the Zodiac. Much remains still unknown. There is something to work on.

My work helped me learn a lot about people’s characters, the connection between zodiac signs and children’s academic performance. One of the positive results of my work is that the guys in my class understood, accepted and supported my views on this topic, and were my active assistants in working on the project.

Now I know for sure that there is no such zodiac sign under which pure geniuses or, on the contrary, fools are born. All children have the ability to master various sciences, but not all develop them. Some people learn on their own, while others need to be constantly pushed. Astrology can also help with this - knowing the weak and strong points of the Zodiac signs, respecting, accepting and taking them into account, you can better and faster come to mutual understanding. To paraphrase popular wisdom, we can say: trust in the stars, but don’t make a mistake yourself!

List of sources

1. List of references.

1.1. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. Tolkovy dictionary Russian language, Publisher: ITI Technologies, 2008, With. 31

1.2. Great schoolchild encyclopedia. M "Russian Encyclopedic Partnership", 2004

1.3. Dubkova S.I. "Tales of the Starry Sky", M "White City", 2004

1.4. Children's encyclopedia “I explore the world”, Moscow, 2002.

1.5.Strelkova Nina. Magazine “Secret Power” No. 18, 2008. Study and astrology

2. Other sources of information.

2.1. official site Daria Lyubimskaya

2.2. official site . Seven tips for kids to succeed in school. Section: For parents

2.3. official site ? Photos, pictures

Annex 1

Star map with constellations

Appendix 2

Scheme of the starry sky with zodiac constellations

Appendix 3

Changing seasons

Appendix 4

Zodiac constellations

Capricorn Aquarius

Pisces Aries

Taurus Gemini

Cancer Leo

Virgo Libra

Scorpio Sagittarius

Appendix 5

Old map of mythological constellations

Appendix 6

Characteristics of children according to zodiac signs

ARIES March 21 - April 19
Bright, impulsive, radiating confidence, he will be a born leader and manager. Freedom and independence are very important to Aries. Aries love to be the first, but to do this they need to constantly set ambitious goals, otherwise they will lose interest in learning.

Taurus children are very sensitive to sensations and are often very slow. But they like to finish the work they start and do it well. They get great pleasure from neatness and reliability. Taurus loves regularity in everything, so an unexpected exam can lead to an excellent Taurus student getting a bad grade.

This child will almost always be busy, will never be still, and will always have a story to tell. Geminis are noisy, lively and witty. They adapt to new situations very easily and readily make new friends. He will often fail to keep up and be late! Geminis are sometimes disserviced by their ability to absorb knowledge very easily, because they quickly lose interest in it.

Little Cancer is a very sensitive child. Home, family and tradition are very important to Cancers. Cancer needs constant approval and encouragement. They are known for their incredible perseverance, but are passionate about only one favorite subject.

LEO July 23 - August 22
Little Lion Cubs are full of pride, self-confidence, optimism, dignity and nobility. Leo has a strong personality. They are persistent in achieving their goals. The Lion Cub strives to earn recognition honestly, since it is important for him to know that he is worthy of “royalty” and respect. Leos are ambitious, and the more you praise them, the better they will learn.

Organization and neatness come early to the little Virgo. This child likes to help others, take care of someone, and feel useful. Virgos are natural excellent students and crammers. They love to study.

The most important thing for Libra is peace and harmony; they hate discord, discord, and disputes and will do anything to avoid them. However, if the Libra child is offended, he will argue, and quite energetically. The concept of justice is very important to him. For Libra, appearance is of great importance. Friends will always be important to a Libra. They rarely have serious problems with grades, but they are emotionally unstable people, so any trifle can set them off.

This child is so inclined to independence that his first words may be “I myself!” Secrecy and privacy are very important to him. He will be very independent and fear will rarely hold him back. Whatever business Scorpio chooses for himself, he will do it intensively and passionately. There are no mediocrities among Scorpios.

SAGITTARIUS November 22 - December 21 Little Sagittarius is a romantic, he is inherently idealistic and recklessly brave. Sagittarius will be a very sincere and open child. This child has a very enthusiastic, optimistic interest in life, he is attracted to distant lands, unusual adventures, even if he does not leave his home yard.

CAPRICORN December 22 - January 19 The character of the Capricorn child is dominated by seriousness, and at the same time he has a very unique sense of humor. He will always seem older than his age until he really grows up. Another key word for Capricorn is practicality. The most positive thing that will manifest itself in his childhood is a sense of tact.

This child is an individual and will strive to do things his own way, even if it means a challenge. He will ask questions very often. He likes everything new and unusual - in ideas, in fashion, in technology. Aquarius is characterized by a categorical rejection of standards and rules. He should not be required to submit to boring standards.

PISCES February 19 - March 20
Little Pisces has a very sensitive and vulnerable soul; there are often doubts about which direction to turn. Pisces love to help with housework. They are compassionate, merciful and always ready to help. Pisces are the main dreamers; they can receive “twos” in their behavior and remarks due to absent-mindedness. But they master humanities subjects very well.

Appendix 7

Statistical analysis of 7th grade by zodiac signs

Appendix 8

Characteristics of student performance according to zodiac signs

Korobkova Anastasia

Kotov Vladislav

Kurypova Valeria

Lyaksheva Olga

Shatsky Maxim

Afonin Mikhail







C students

Veselov Alexey

Volkova Irina

Klimanova Valeria

Chetverikov Anton

Yakubov Rustam






Appendix 9


Treat your child firmly but kindly. Please note that it is useless for him to read notations. It’s better to always try to captivate him and direct his irrepressible energy in a useful direction. You cannot use physical violence, you must try to convince him.


Be supportive of your child. He only does what he likes. If you want to get something from him, cook something tasty as a reward for obedience. In general, Taurus love to eat, so you need to carefully monitor their diet.Twins

Treat a Gemini like an intelligent, understanding person, otherwise he may lose respect for you. Encourage your child to show gratitude, as it is not very developed in children of this type. Take care of the child’s physical development, although he himself may not show any interest in physical education and sports.


A child of the Cancer sign can absorb information like a sponge and remember it forever. He has excellent visual memory. His thinking is based on intuition. It is easier for a child to speak out in a friendly environment.

a lion

The Leo child loves to be the center of attention. Exercises whose results cannot be demonstrated seem useless to him. The more admiration and approval his stories receive, the more he will try. The Lion Cub perceives information specifically, and when retelling it, it can use expressive facial expressions and theatrical gestures - all in order to interest and amaze you. Lion cubs love music and theater. Encourage these hobbies.


Your child can benefit from playing music or some other form of art. These activities will relieve nervous tension and broaden his horizons.


The Libra child shows great interest in the arts. He is especially attracted to drawing and music, which calm and delight him.Scorpion

Boys love to play with soldiers. Girls love to play boyish games. Scorpios are demanding of their friends and can be intolerant.


Your child needs a lot of physical activity. He likes to be in large and open spaces - to feel his connection with nature. A child perceives walking or cycling travel as the discovery of distant and unexplored countries.


Your child loves quiet games and will never make as much noise as children born under the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Visit museums and exhibitions with your child. This will give him pleasure and benefit.


Aquarius children are most often indifferent to sports. Still, try to make every effort to ensure that your child spends enough time outdoors and exercises.


Pisces children often have creative abilities and extraordinary intelligence. But their character is not simple: they are both willful and insecure, and their mood often changes. So you need to be patient.

The influence of zodiac signs on

educational activities.


Chapter 1

1.1. From the history of the issue................................................... ....................……………..…….4

1.2. Myths and legends about constellations.................................................... ..................................4

1.3. Element of signs. ………………………………………………………………………………….….…6

Chapter 2

2.1. Zodiac signs and their characteristics………………………………..……..7

2.2. Results of the study……………………………………..................................7


List of information sources…………………………………………...….….10



People have always wanted to know what awaits them in the future, what influences their destiny and what it depends on. They attached great importance to a person's date of birth and zodiac sign. Now there are horoscopes for family, business, dietary, children, etc. Modern horoscopes allow you to find out your fate by the positions of the planets and zodiac signs. A horoscope helps us focus on our character traits and gain a deeper understanding of our strengths and weaknesses.

I have always been interested in everything mysterious and mystical. When I read the description of my zodiac sign, it seemed to me that it was written about me, i.e. I am a typical owner of the zodiac sign Pisces. What about my classmates? Are they typical representatives of their sign? If so, then they have certain inclinations and capabilities that can be developed. Since I am the class commander, I decided to use the positive aspects of each zodiac sign to improve the quality of performance in my class.

Relevance My work, in my opinion, is that to improve academic performance and complete self-knowledge, studying the signs of the Zodiac is simply necessary.

Purpose of the study: find out whether the zodiac sign affects the educational activities of students. In order to reveal it, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Study the signs of the Zodiac and introduce their characteristics to classmates;

Conduct a survey among classmates;

Object of study: student, his zodiac sign and academic performance.

The research work used the following methods such as observation, analysis, description, survey, questioning, collecting material about the signs of the Zodiac, reading additional literature.

Chapter 1

1.1.From the history of the issue

Astrology is one of the oldest sciences .

“Explanatory Dictionary” edited by S.I. Ozhegova defines “astrology” as follows: “The study of the possible connection that exists between the location of the heavenly bodies and the destinies of people and nations, the possibility of predicting the future by the position of the stars.”

For millions of years, the starry sky irresistibly attracted man with its mysterious unknown. Ancient people were absolutely sure that everything that happens on Earth was sent down from heaven. And since in those distant times there were no calendars or clocks, our distant ancestors learned to navigate both space and time, learning to “read” the starry sky. How could one navigate it, given such an abundance of stars? The fact is that already the first observers of the sky noticed the invariability of relative positions inherent in stars.

The connection of separate groups of bright stars through imaginary lines gave birth to well-remembered constellation figures in their minds, and their wild imagination helped them see in them the outlines of fairy-tale animals and mythical characters.)

1. 2. Myths and legends about constellations

In ancient times, when people looked at the sky at night, they noticed that many bright stars were arranged in a certain order and formed groups. These are the constellations.

In every ancient civilization, people gave names to these constellations, naming them after gods, heroes, or giving the names of animals or well-known objects.

During the observation process, 12 constellations clearly stood out. The Sun and Moon rose and set in the part of the sky where these 12 constellations were located. And therefore, that part of the sky through which the Sun, Moon and planets passed was called the Zodiac. The word "zodiac" is based on the Greek words "animal" and "circle", meaning "Circle of Animals". This name appeared because most of the constellations bore the names of living beings (the exception is Libra).

The zodiac was divided by the ancients into 12 sectors, each named after one of the 12 constellations. The twelve constellations are called: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

As the Sun walked across the sky among the stars, the Earth never ceased to transform, now dressing in the luxurious green attire of spring, now shining with the maturity of summer, now enriched with the bright colors and abundant fruits of autumn, now shackled in the cold chains of winter.

Thus, man learned to coordinate his earthly life and activities with the appearance of the Zodiac constellations in the sky.

It is believed that the origin of the signs of the Zodiac came to us from Ancient Egypt. Each of them, being associated with a particular period of the year, was supposed to determine both the phenomena and events characteristic of this period.

Appearing in the sky, for example, Capricorn just after sunset the Nile flooded. When the water in this largest Egyptian river reached its highest level, a Aquarius . Constellation Fish indicated that with the onset of the spill there was an opportunity for rich catches. Sunrise in the evening sky Aries reported that flocks of sheep can now go out to ready-made pastures. Taurus was a harbinger of the onset of the period when fairly dry land needed cultivation. And if they appeared in the evening sky Twins , then it was time to finish the field work and wait for the wheat harvest and the offspring of livestock. Cancer personified the movement of the Sun back to the south, which began this month, which meant a decrease in the length of daylight hours. Appearance Leo was associated with the approach of the hottest time of the year, when all of Egypt turned into a burnt-out desert. Virgo symbolized fertility associated with the beginning of the ripening period of the crop. Libra was an indicator of the time of the autumn equinox. "Coming" to heaven Scorpio was a harbinger of a difficult time of widespread illness. Sagittarius personified the destructive force that brings low gray clouds and cold northern winds to the country. It was this constellation that indicated the greatest distance of the Sun from the celestial equator to the south.

The ancient Greeks, taking up this baton from the countries of the Middle East, connected the names of the constellations with the names of the heroes of their legends and myths, thereby turning the sky into an exciting fairy tale with pictures.

1.3. Elements of signs

All Sun signs of the horoscope are influenced by four elements: fire, earth, air and water.

Children of the Earth element signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - are creative and hardworking people. As a rule, such children behave well, respect their elders and have no problems with discipline.

Children of the Air element signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - are the most popular in the class. From childhood they get used to everyone’s attention and adoration. “Air” children are fantastically energetic and changeable.

Children of the signs of the element of Fire - Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - stand out from the company of children. These are athletic and active children who enjoy moving and competing.

Children of the Water element signs - Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio - are very sensitive, calm and attentive. Their vivid imagination makes them great storytellers. They are the ones who read the reports, where they come up with many details to make the information more interesting to the audience.

Each of the zodiac signs has certain advantages.

Chapter 2

2.1. Brief characteristics of children of zodiac signs.

Astrologers have indeed endowed each zodiac sign with characteristic features and character traits. Studying the literature from various sources about the signs of the Zodiac, I highlighted a brief description of children - the signs of the Zodiac.

2.2. The influence of Zodiac Signs on student performance.

I began my preparation for the research work with a statistical survey among the class teachers of students in grades 5-6 of our school and identified which zodiac signs were most numerous among the students. I assumed that a student's academic performance is influenced by the zodiac sign he was born under, so most high-achieving students should have the same zodiac sign?

As can be seen from the data obtained, some Zodiac Signs are present both among students with a high level of academic achievement, and among students of average and low levels. There is a wide range of zodiac signs among each category of students in terms of academic performance. My assumption that most high, average and low achieving students should have the same zodiac sign was not confirmed during the survey. It turned out that a student’s academic performance is not affected by the Zodiac Sign under which he was born.

But I believe that some factors still influence student performance.

E If the zodiac sign, based on its characteristics, influences our character, then why shouldn’t it influence other aspects of life? Perhaps, knowing astrological features, I can help students succeed in the educational process . I did some more in-depth research with the students in my class.

After studying the literature, I decided to find out whether my classmates knew their character, the characteristics of their zodiac sign and its influence on educational activities.

After analyzing the questionnaire, I made the following conclusions:

    All classmates know their zodiac sign, but do not know its characteristics and want to find out.

    They also do not know the positive and negative sides of their character, which affects the quality of their studies.

Parents, like no one else, are interested in the progress of their children. We had a parent meeting in our class. My speech was dedicated to the characteristics of the Zodiac signs. Parents were offered recommendations for raising their child in order to improve the quality of academic performance.

Since all my classmates wanted to know the characteristics of their zodiac sign, I introduced them to it and made recommendations for improving the quality of their academic performance. Later, a creative competition “My Zodiac Sign” was held and all the children gladly took part in it.

Having analyzed the characteristics of all the signs, their positive and negative sides, I think that my assumption was confirmed:

    The character and educational activities of schoolchildren are truly influenced by their zodiac sign. But if the date of birth is on the border of two signs, then both zodiac signs can influence the character.

    Having become acquainted with the characteristics of their zodiac sign, schoolchildren can learn the negative and positive sides of their character. They have the opportunity to work on their weaknesses and develop their strengths.


By studying literature, I received necessary, useful and interesting information about everything related to the signs of the Zodiac. Much remains still unknown. There is something to work on.

My work helped me learn a lot about people’s characters, the connection between zodiac signs and children’s academic performance. One of the active results of my work is that the guys in my class understood, accepted and supported my views on this topic, and in working on the project they were my like-minded people.

Now I know for sure that there is no such zodiac sign under which pure geniuses or, on the contrary, fools are born. All children have the ability to master various sciences, but not all develop them. Some people learn on their own, while others need to be constantly pushed. Astrology can also help with this - knowing the weak and strong points of the Zodiac signs, respecting, accepting and taking them into account, you can better and faster come to mutual understanding.

But everything is in your hands!

1 of 20

Presentation on the topic: Zodiac signs (1st grade)

Slide no. 1

Slide description:

Slide no. 2

Slide description:

Slide no. 3

Slide description:

Introduction On September 1, 2011, I went to the 1st grade of gymnasium No. 18 in the city of Nizhny Tagil. I study in 1st grade. My teacher's name is Ulyana Davydovna. There are 30 students in my class: 17 boys and 13 girls. Each of them has their own inner world, different character and temperament, their own advantages and disadvantages. We often hear from adults: “Quiet, I’m listening to the horoscope!” You listen, and then “Saturn enters the sign of Aries, so Aries is active today..., Taurus is waiting today... etc.” What is this?

Slide no. 4

Slide description:

The goal of my project: to learn about the zodiac signs of my classmates. Object of work: astrological horoscope of 12 zodiac signs. My work consists of two parts: 1. Learn about the 12 signs of the zodiac;2. Learn about the horoscope. To do this, having met our classmates, we will find out the date of birth of each of them and determine which zodiac sign they belong to. Then we describe the positive and negative qualities of each zodiac sign. My mother also helped me a little.

Slide no. 5

Slide description:

Zodiac circle Our daylight - the Sun, due to the annual movement of the Earth around it, moves from day to day against the background of distant stars. The apparent circular path of the Sun among the stars, which it makes throughout the year, runs through 12 constellations, called the zodiacal. The name comes from the Greek word “zoon”, which means animal. Constellations in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Slide no. 6

Slide description:

Horoscope of zodiac signs The zodiac sign indicates the zodiac sign of the constellation. The zodiac sign is determined by a person’s date of birth, and each of these 12 signs has basic traits and characteristics unique to itself, which are described in the horoscope of the zodiac signs. The term “HOROSCOPE” in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language is described as a table of the relative positions of planets and stars, used to predict someone’s fate, the outcome of some event. In Ushakov’s dictionary, “HOROSCOPE” is an astrological prediction of a person’s fate based on the position of the stars. But the term “HOROSCOPE” is not found in Dahl’s dictionary.

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Aries (March 21 – April 20) You, little ARIES, don’t always have the same character - You can be mischievous, a little stubborn and funny. Don’t butt us, Sheep, grow up smart and kind! Fedotova V.A. Yuferov Sasha - March 26 Berg Danil - April 17 The main character trait is to fight and be first. Positive character: energetic, assertive, independent, enterprising, pioneer, purposeful, strong, confident. Negative character: impulsive, self-willed, eccentric, selfish, wants to be ahead of everyone at any cost, fickle, changeable, rude, self-confident.

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Taurus (April 21 - May 20) How nice TAURUS has a facial expression, a gentle and kind look, like little calves! Our little calf is beautiful, grow up and be happy! Fedotova V.A. Korenistov Danil - May 19 The main character trait is to build and protect. Positive character: tenacious, persistent, constant, loyal; loves comfort, art; acts deliberately, decisively, hardworking, independent, unhurried. Negative character: stubborn, loves luxury and pleasure; primitive, slow.

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Gemini (May 21 – June 21) GEMINI-child is a good sign of spring and summer! Grow up warm, bright, shine like the sun! Fedotova V.A. Gedzyuk Masha - May 21 Dima Petrov - May 29 The main character trait is to invent and communicate. Positive character: intelligent, capable of any type of activity, quickly thinks and reacts, able to do several things at once, sociable. Negative character: infantile, disobedient, scatterbrained, fussy, nervous, contradictory, takes on many things at once and does not complete anything, fickle.

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Cancer (June 22 – July 22) Dear CANCER child! Grow up without knowing fights! Be cheerful always, everywhere, Like a crustacean in river water! Fedotova V.A. Luya Maxim - June 30 Lobareva Kristina - July 2 Ibragimova Liza - July 11 The main character trait is prophecy and upbringing. Positive character: sensitive, receptive, imaginative, responsible, homely, independent, caring, attentive, responsive, thrifty, careful, deep, romantic, tactful, delicate. Negative character: hypersensitive, sensual, suspicious, suggestible, lonely, dependent, stingy, fearful, secretive, sarcastic, touchy.

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Leo (July 23 – August 23) Be strong, my friend, from the cradle! According to the horoscope, you are a Lion Cub! LION looks like the sun - Just as bright and good! Fedotova V.A. Liza Vasilyeva - August 03 Zhenya Romanova - August 12 Vova Zakharov - August 14 The main character trait is power, power. Positive character: proud, self-respecting, sincere, artistic, dominant, friendly, generous, hospitable, responsible, serious. Negative character: vain, arrogant, demanding attention and worship, capricious, self-centered, wasting money, superficial.

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Virgo (August 24 – September 23) Virgos are rightfully famous for their affectionate and kind disposition. Our VIRGO is sweeter, more tender, more beautiful and happier than everyone else! Fedotova V.A. Danil Alekseev - August 25 Roxana Sleptsova - August 25 Ksyusha Evdokimova - September 6 Zhenya Sharov - September 6 Yana Merzlyakova - September 10 Timur Semenishchev - September 14 The main character trait is to criticize and improve. Positive character: calm, measured, efficient, attentive to details, practical, selfless in work, with a developed sense of duty, devoted, intellectual. Negative character: unemotional, cold, limited, focused only on work, attaching great importance to little things, suspicious about one’s health, critical, petty, restless, fussy.

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Libra (September 24 – October 23) Our baby LIBRA is of amazing beauty! Like Libra, always be accurate, Fair and very honest! (Like Libra, be accurate, Fair and honest!) Fedotova V.A. Stepan Barkunov - September 27 Anna Smirnova - October 20 Alena Demkina - October 21 The main character trait is to judge fairly, to improve. Positive character: easy-going, sociable, charming, elegant, with good taste, tactful, tolerant, non-conflict, able to find a “golden mean” in everything, with a stable value system. Negative character: indecisive, unable to act in a situation of choice, cannot stand loneliness, noisy and fussy over trifles, giving a lot of advice, with unexpected mood swings.

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Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21) You are our little SAGITTARIUS, Well done and brave! You grow up happy, baby, hit the top ten accurately! Fedotova V.A. Matvey Pyankov - November 24 Marat Nuriev - December 12 The main character trait is to consult and lead. Positive character: active, open, sincere, cheerful, truthful, freedom-loving, friendly, fond of philosophizing, fair, brave, inquisitive, ambitious, leading, purposeful. Negative character: impatient, straightforward, undiplomatic, tactless, nosy, noisy, reckless, selfish, likes to command and dispose.

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Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) You are our dear baby, Our beloved CAPRICORN! Never butt heads, always be kind and gentle! Fedotova V.A. Matvey Degtev - January 02 Ruslan Abushaev - January 13 Sofia Nabolina - January 16 The main character trait is forward and higher in small steps in the chosen direction. Positive character: purposeful, careful, hardworking, responsible, systematically overcomes difficulties, equally good at obeying and commanding, constant, thorough. Negative character: boring, narrow-minded, inflexible, conservative, inflexible, suspicious, jealous, calculating, prone to loneliness, melancholic, power-hungry.

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Aquarius (January 21 – February 20) Our dear AQUARIUS! Shed your tears less often! Be beautiful, like a raindrop, Like a transparent dewdrop! Fedotova V.A. Ulyana Davydovna - February 17 The main character trait is the search for truth. Positive character: independent, original, inventive, sociable, social, constant, without prejudice, persistent in the search for truth, humanist. Negative character: individualist, egoist, extravagant, tactless, talkative, fickle, irresponsible.

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Pisces (February 21 - March 20) Dear, dear FISH, Always make us happy with a smile! Be happy and skillful and swim through life boldly! Fedotova V.A. Alina Domracheva - March 10 Nikita Matveev - March 13 The main character trait is to interpret. Positive character: flexible, soft, emotionally sensitive, idealistic, religious, kind, caring, always ready to help. Negative character: indecisive, swimming only with the flow or only against (not flexible), susceptible to any influences, impractical, sad, in a dream world, divorced from reality.

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Conclusion Since ancient times, astrology (the study of the alleged connection between the location of heavenly bodies and historical events, the destinies of people and nations) has been a highly respected science and even today it remains widely practiced, giving fairly accurate predictions through the astrological horoscope of the zodiac signs. There are 30 students in our class. And each of us is born under our own zodiac sign. An astrological horoscope of signs provides only general information about the individual traits of a person born under a particular constellation. And no matter how active, purposeful, hardworking, jealous, selfish we are, we are just students of the 1st “G” grade. And it so happened that out of 30 students in our class, only one is Aquarius - smart, beautiful, caring. This is our Ulyana Davydovna.

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The influence of zodiac signs on a person’s educational capabilities and character

Object of study: character and educational capabilities of a person. Item: the relationship of zodiac signs with a person’s character and educational capabilities. Goal of the work: consider characteristic behavioral problems and incentives to resolve them in schoolchildren and teachers, depending on the zodiac sign. Tasks:- study the role of constellations in the history of the development of human society, drawing on legends and myths about constellations; -identify the relationship between the signs of the Zodiac and the character and educational capabilities of a person; - draw up memos and recommendations on the compatibility of teachers and students in the process of educational activities. Hypothesis: Let us make an assumption about the relationship between the signs of the Zodiac and the character and educational capabilities of a person. Research methods:- study of literature on this topic - survey - statistical

Questioning (students of grades 5-9)

  • 1 Do you know the constellation under which you were born?

  • 2 What major constellations do you know?

  • 3 Can you determine the position of the constellation Ursa Major in the sky?

  • 4 Does your zodiac sign influence your learning abilities?

  • 5 Does your zodiac sign influence your personality traits?

Survey results (46 people)

Zodiac signs and students in grades 5-9.

Conclusion No. 1

  • Thus, we can conclude that the majority of middle-level students are original, logical, rational, sociable, inquisitive, lively, shy, gentle and vulnerable.

Zodiac signs and 5th grade students

Conclusion No. 2

  • 1. Interest in the subject and the personality of the teacher - 90% of students

  • 2. Stubbornness - 10% of students

  • 3. Impressionability - 10% of students

  • 4. Desire to argue - 20% of students

  • 5. Ability to study and science - 70% of students

Conclusion No. 3

  • 90% of teachers working in the fifth grade correctly chose the teaching profession from the point of view of the stars.

  • You shouldn't play bullfighter and bull with him. He is able to endure noise with the fortitude of a concrete fence and not pay attention to erasers flying around the classroom. But, if his patience runs out, he will gore him, leaving not even a wet spot on the student.

  • Taurus is very stubborn. Nothing will make him deviate from the lesson plan except a collapse, fire and flood.

  • Don't be late for class.

  • She's terribly annoyed by the mess. Therefore, for personal safety, wards should keep their subject notebooks clean. Virgo remembers all sorts of little things.

  • Conclusion

    • Having studied the literature on this issue, conducted a survey, and used a statistical research method, we came to the conclusion that, in general, the characteristics given to people born under one or another zodiac sign correspond to the character, abilities and inclinations of both students and teachers.

    • Thus, we did not consider ourselves entitled to completely reject the statement about the relationship between the life of stars and human life.

    • Moreover, in the process of working on the project, we compiled recommendations on the compatibility of teachers and students in the process of educational activities, which we intend to offer as another means of optimizing the relationship between students and teachers to improve the quality of knowledge.

    Very soon the all-Russian Total Dictation event will take place, or to be more precise, on April 8 at 13:00. The townspeople will gather in a certain place and in a single impulse make mistakes... that is, they will write a text dictated by a famous person in the city. Excellent students will, of course, receive prizes. And so we began to wonder whether everyone is destined to be five-year-olds. And how a horoscope can influence this!

    Aries are children who need inspiration and patience.

    Experts say that the patron planet of Aries is Mars. Belonging to the fiery, fickle element is a sign of very active, impulsive, motivated schoolchildren. As a rule, they are smart and grasp any educational material, as they say, on the fly. Unfortunately, they forget most of the information as soon as they receive their well-deserved grades. But if a child is truly captivated by something, this information will be remembered for many years.

    Parents' tasks

    The primary responsibility of the father and mother is the need to interest the child in a subject with which he is not particularly comfortable, and also to teach patience. Parents should periodically remind their child that they believe in his abilities. Moreover, the abilities are indeed present - Aries children quickly grasp the essence of the subject. A good tactic would be to teach a particularly flighty child techniques for concentration and increasing attention.

    Taurus - slowly but surely moving towards the goal

    Taurus children, on the contrary, are assiduous, practical, but somewhat slow. Difficulties with learning may lie in the fact that Taurus do their homework rather slowly - one might say that they have natural laziness (which can be interpreted as a security mechanism). Many Taurus realize themselves better when working as a team in the classroom - because they become infected with the enthusiasm of other children. But kids have an undeniable advantage: they not only remember new knowledge, but also immediately begin to apply it in practice - the dream of any teacher and a guarantee that the knowledge will be consolidated and will be used in the future!

    Parents' tasks

    From a very early school age, a child should be taught to work and diligence - it is worth showing that only with a diligent attitude will a good result be obtained. To successfully study and complete homework, they need to create comfortable conditions - peace and quiet.

    Gemini - more than enough abilities

    Children born under the sign of Gemini are typical walking reference books. Mercury's wards are curious by nature, they are truly interested in learning, although they are not entirely assiduous. However, this shortcoming is offset by their quick wit and remarkable memory - after skimming through the pages of a textbook, they remember the information for a fairly long period of time, almost on the first try.

    Parents' tasks

    The restless Gemini will be busy with schoolwork as long as he is interested. Such children need approval and encouragement for research activities.

    Cancers are dreamy and fickle

    Students who are representatives of Cancers are very dependent on their changeable mood and may be characterized by instability - both in interest in the subject and in grades. This is due to the fact that Cancers are patronized by the Moon, which, as you know, changes quite quickly.

    Parents' tasks

    An emotionally charged explanation will add interest to a student in any subject - if the student has good contact with the teacher, learning will be much easier. However, you shouldn’t ask too harshly for excellent results of mental work from crayfish. Sensitive kids definitely need to develop a hobby in the arts. Let it be dancing or playing musical instruments, depending on the child’s preferences.

    Solar Lions

    Vibrant leaders who are adored by both peers and teachers. The guys love to analyze everything, so they have a certain inclination towards the exact sciences. Studying is relatively easy for them, they have a good memory, and in the so-called rating of teachers' favorites, Leos take second place after Gemini. Leos are characterized by vanity. Therefore, they will be ready to study any textbooks just to earn favor and praise. Astrologers claim that it is among the guys of this zodiac sign that the most excellent students are. However, this tendency is explained not so much by a love of science, but by an intolerable desire to make a good impression.

    Parents' tasks

    If suddenly a child is overcome by laziness, you should not punish him - you can casually praise his peer for his studies, this will be the most powerful incentive to acquire new knowledge.

    Virgos may seem frivolous, too cheerful and careless in their spontaneity, but these impressions will be deceptive, since they are simply wonderful at learning. Thanks to the fact that the guys know how to concentrate and will carefully search for an answer to the most difficult task, they achieve great success. Their accuracy and dedication attract teachers.

    Parents' tasks

    Clearly set goals, and also suggest what approach can be used to solve a particular problem - and Virgos will cope with it perfectly.

    Libra on a swing of emotions

    As representatives of the air element, Libras have high intelligence. However, inconsistency of interests may somewhat interfere with their successful learning. Sometimes children do not have enough activity in order to get higher grades: they are not always ready to make extraordinary efforts - after all, the average result suits them quite well. Libras like to present their knowledge beautifully - they can explain their homework beautifully. The weak point of Libra is that it takes them a certain amount of time to assimilate a considerable amount of information. “Grabs knowledge on the fly” - alas, this is not about them. For Libra, it is important to carefully put everything on the shelves, to have the opportunity and time to calmly and gradually absorb the necessary material. Otherwise, intellectual overload can quite tire a child, as a result of which he may even get sick before a test, test or Olympics.

    Parents' tasks

    Mom and dad need to highlight the area of ​​the child’s talents and help him develop them in a targeted manner.

    Scorpios can only be saved by sincere interest

    This zodiac sign learns very well, but only in one single case - if the subject is really interesting to him. Since Scorpios have a passionate nature, a sincere interest in a subject can greatly captivate a child, and he will quickly grasp everything - since he is naturally gifted and quite intelligent. Scorpios are distinguished by their high efficiency - they are stubborn only if the subject is not at all interesting. A distinctive feature is that he will not study well just for the sake of a reward or approval: if he sincerely liked the subject, then little Scorpio will study it thoroughly and scrupulously. However, if the subject does not evoke sympathy, then achieving good results will be very difficult.

    The great news is that Scorpios usually choose jobs in the future according to their passions and it is in this area that they achieve brilliant success, because they do even more than what is required of them.

    Parents' tasks

    Since there are not so many excellent students among Scorpios, parents should not be upset if their son or daughter does not “pull” for a gold medal at school.

    In addition, it is worth considering that for a classic Scorpio, psychological comfort in a team is of great importance: a child may have problems in class, because if someone decides to offend him, he will not tolerate it and may hit the offender painfully or respond rather harshly.

    Sagittarius: Adventurers with a cheerful disposition

    The planet Jupiter is responsible for the sometimes inexplicable desire of the Sagittarius student to look for adventures outside of school. Despite the preference for street entertainment over books and activities, if you turn learning into an interesting game, you can drive the restless one to the desk. Curiosity is their strong quality. They can get a lot of positive things from the learning process.

    Parents' tasks

    Properly alternate intellectual and physical activities, then it will be easier for little Sagittarius to concentrate on learning.

    Stubborn, vulnerable Capricorns

    Little Capricorns are quite picky about their work. They are demanding of themselves and take failures hard. Their ability to learn is quite great, since diligence and perseverance are well complemented by rationality - purposeful Capricorns must clearly understand why they need this or that knowledge. Capricorns do not assimilate information so quickly, but they remember it firmly.

    Parents' tasks

    It is extremely important not to scold Capricorn and under no circumstances create an atmosphere of pressure or pushing, otherwise this will greatly upset the child - you should help the child, explain incomprehensible material, and then he will cope on his own.

    Aquarians are smart, but inattentive

    Lack of composure is the main enemy of schooling for Aquarius. However, by nature, children are very active and need intellectual food - if the baby is interested in something, he will absorb and remember the information well. Sometimes Aquarians can be hampered by their own character, since they, as a rule, are ringleaders and fighters for justice.

    Parents' tasks

    If you like the subject and have established a good relationship with the teacher, then the fish will literally absorb the information and have a great understanding of the subject. If a task requires an intuitive solution, then Rybka, as a rule, will cope with it with a bang. However, a certain natural shyness and shyness can prevent you from opening up completely. Classic Pisces do not have complete confidence in their abilities.

    Parents' tasks

    Pisces may well give up studying a subject if it seems difficult - parents should carefully maintain faith in their abilities. It is worth considering that Pisces children need constant communication, including in the classroom, so teachers can make fair comments for conversations.