Why Saakashvili fled from Georgia. "Monopoly on Corruption". Why Saakashvili was actually kicked out of Georgia. Extradition and international search: unsuccessful attempts

Image copyright Reuters Image caption From a legal point of view, the Ukrainian citizenship of the ex-president was an obstacle to the extradition of Saakashvili to Georgia.

Mikheil Saakashvili, the third president of Georgia and one of the leaders of the Rose Revolution, has been charged in his homeland with a number of high-profile cases, including the violent dispersal of a protest in downtown Tbilisi in November 2007. Saakashvili considers all charges brought against him to be politically motivated.

Mikheil Saakashvili left Georgia shortly after the expiration of his second presidential term And presidential elections 2013 when addressed former officials various charges were brought against his government and their detentions began.

A few months later, in March 2014, the prosecutor's office announced that he had been summoned in a number of criminal cases, including the circumstances of the death in 2005 of Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania.

The ex-president refused to appear for interrogation, but already in July of the same year, the prosecutor's office announced that Saakashvili and several other persons who held high positions in his government had been indicted.

They were accused in connection with the violent dispersal of the protest action on November 7, 2007, as well as the intrusion of special forces into the offices of the Imedi TV company and turning it off the air.

In addition, the investigation stated that after the events of November 7, officials, on the instructions of Saakashvili, began the illegal seizure of the TV company from its then owner, Badri Patarkatsishvili.

Image copyright TASS Image caption Shutdown of Imedi TV company triggered mass protests in Tbilisi

The prosecutor's office stated that other objects were illegally confiscated from the Patarkatsishvili family, which were subsequently returned.

The TV company was returned to the Patarkatsishvili family later, after the change of power in Georgia in October 2012.

On August 2, 2014, the Tbilisi Court granted the request of the prosecutor's office and chose imprisonment in absentia as a preventive measure against Saakashvili.

Beating a deputy and embezzlement of funds

In the summer of 2014, the prosecutor's office brought charges against the ex-president in another sensational case - the beating of deputy Valery Gelashvili in 2005.

According to the prosecutor's office, Saakashvili decided to punish the deputy for the material published in one of the Georgian newspapers, in which he expressed dissatisfaction with the then president.

Later, the Georgian prosecutor's office announced that it had reclassified the charge to a more serious one. Saakashvili, together with former Prime Minister Merabishvili, are accused of organizing intentional infliction of severe bodily harm in this case.

Official powers in connection with the high-profile case of the murder of Sandro Girgvliani in 2006.

Saakashvili, famous for fighting corruption in Georgia, is accused in his homeland of embezzlement of budgetary funds.

The prosecutor's office claims that he spent about nine million lari of budgetary funds for personal needs, including cosmetic procedures.

The property of the ex-president in Georgia, including the plot in Kvareli, was seized in September 2014.

Part of the mother's property, as well as the Tbilisi apartment of his wife Sandra Roelofs, also fell under arrest.

Extradition and international search: unsuccessful attempts

The Prosecutor's Office of Georgia has repeatedly stated about attempts to extradite Saakashvili to the Georgian side and declare him in international wanted list.

Image copyright TASS Image caption Mikheil Saakashvili still has quite a lot of supporters in Georgia

In order to put Saakashvili on the international wanted list, the Georgian authorities several times submitted relevant materials to Interpol, but the general secretariat of this organization did not satisfy Tbilisi's request.

The prosecutor's office of Georgia twice appealed to the Ukrainian authorities with a request to extradite Saakashvili.

According to the BBC prosecutor's office, for the first time Tbilisi did not receive a response from the Ukrainian side and was forced to turn to Kyiv again. For the second time, Tbilisi was refused.

Earlier, Georgia's Chief Prosecutor Irakli Shotadze told reporters that from a legal point of view, the ex-president's Ukrainian citizenship is an obstacle to Saakashvili's extradition to Georgia, since the constitution of Ukraine does not allow the extradition of its citizens to a foreign state.

The Georgian prosecutor's office has not yet said what further actions will be taken against the ex-president after, but they note that the requests of the Georgian side remain in force today.

But this time is not enough to change the mentality...

Georgia has a new president. They became the protege of the ruling political force "Georgian Dream" Giorgi Margvelashvili. In his farewell speech, the incumbent President Mikheil Saakashvili congratulated his successor and urged him to continue the course towards Georgia's independence. In turn, the newly elected president has already announced that he will cooperate with the United National Movement, Saakashvili's political force, only in foreign policy issues.

"The officials have already determined the prison where I will be imprisoned," Saakashvili noted bitterly after the elections. The threat of imprisonment of the man who, without exaggeration, saved Georgia from disappearing from the world map as a state, is really real. For people have come to power in this country who do not even try to hide their hatred of former leader. But why did the voters not support the policy, thanks to which the Georgians once again began to be proud of their state?

There are several components in the "Saakashvili phenomenon". When Saakashvili's 2003 team came to power, Georgia was ruled not by a state machine, but by a caste of thieves in law and a totally corrupt law enforcement system. Many regions, say, Adzharia, were ruled by local princelings, who even had their own armies.

To save statehood, Saakashvili turned to tough steps. To begin with, he chose the "napalm method" to clean up the Ministry of Internal Affairs - he dispersed the services of all law enforcement officers without exception and recruited new personnel. There were tens of thousands of policemen on the street who could do nothing but extort bribes. Of course, these people and their relatives hated Saakashvili. They voted against him.

After the cleanup of the police in Georgia, they began to reform the customs, the border service, all government bodies. Thousands of people who had acquired estates under Shevardnadze had to say goodbye to their feeders. Because of this, Saakashvili was also hated.

During Saakashvili's almost ten years in power, Georgia has changed dramatically. Today, according to international experts, the former country of total corruption ranks eighth in the world in terms of ease of doing business and first in terms of ease of obtaining building permits. Georgian border guards began to be expelled from work, even if they spent more than two minutes registering another guest of Georgia...

While Saakashvili was in power, a generation grew up in Georgia that no longer remembers the times when Georgia lay in darkness, and the light was on four hours a day in the capital, when pensions were not paid for years, when the parquet in the rooms was removed to heat stoves and not freeze. Today's youth is oriented towards the West, and through the maximalism inherent in youth, they want everything at once. Yesterday's children cannot understand that it takes decades to overcome the social problems that Georgia inherited from the USSR. Therefore, young people, especially those from the capital, voted for the Georgian Dream, whose leader Bidzina Ivanishvili promises to create a paradise for everyone tomorrow.

Most of the votes for Saakashvili's opponents were added by the generation that grew up during the Soviet era, those who are now under fifty. These people have never learned to work according to Western standards, but they remember well the sausage for two twenty. Elderly people believed the promises of populist Ivanishvili - they almost canceled the payment for public utilities and a hundredfold increase in pensions. Incited people against Saakashvili and such a powerful organization as the Georgian Orthodox Church. The priests did not forgive Saakashvili for adopting a law under him in Georgia that equalized the rights of all religious communities.

Do not forget that after the loss of Abkhazia, more than 300 thousand Georgians became refugees. Most of them settled in Tbilisi, arbitrarily occupying hotels and hostels. After the Rose Revolution, the authorities found funds to help the refugees. Each family received an amount for which it was possible to buy an apartment or a house somewhere in the province. But who will voluntarily agree to leave the capital? Therefore, Saakashvili acquired another 200,000 ill-wishers ...

Ten years were enough for Georgia to completely reform its state institutions. There were not enough of them to change the mentality of society. When there was a second term in office, Saakashvili had two ways. He could, using the support of law enforcement agencies, give a damn about democratic principles, create an authoritarian regime like the Azerbaijani one and continue to pull Georgia towards Western values ​​by force. But Saakashvili chose the latter - he gave power to those for whom the people voted, who have already deceived more than once.


The figure of the former Georgian president and ex-governor of Odessa Mikhail Saakashvili has long been a subject of debate in Georgia and Ukraine. About why Saakashvili's reforms did not help him stay in power in his native country and why he is not expected in it now - in the material of the journalist Yuri Nikolov.

- In order to understand why Saakashvili caused and continues to cause negative feelings among Georgians, one should understand what began to happen in Georgia soon after Saakashvili came to power. His entourage quickly began to play “according to the old rules” and began to take away business in their favor not only from their predecessors in power, but also from the middle class. Take away not only control over the flows of the large port of Poti, but also take away restaurants. Take even your favorite cars! Now there are about 10 thousand criminal cases in which the former owners are trying to prove that they rewrote their Porsches and companies under duress (51% authorized capital) to representatives of Saakashvili. True, it is difficult to complete a normal outcome. Formally, everything was formalized through notaries who worked at night. Simply in the contract indicated the price ten times cheaper than the market price. Therefore, nothing could be returned for three years. Plus there are political nuances, but about them below.

Saakashvili monopolized corruption. For example, Sokar became the country's main petrol trader. But not the Azerbaijani state office itself, but its Georgian trading house, allegedly registered with two offshore companies. Which one is Aliyev and which Saakashvili is still formally unknown. But soon there will be a big investigation of Georgian journalists, various offshore companies will appear there, and a thread of surnames and names will be stretched.

Saakashvili's cashier was the young Defense Minister Kezerashvili. Businesses were transferred to him. In the time of Saakashvili, he became the owner of the most popular TV channel Rustavi 2, and already under the new government, he transferred the shares to his relative. In addition, he is suspected of becoming an international arms dealer with an income of $ 1 billion a year with the blessing of the United States.

Landings on corruption cases turned into hundreds of thousands of prisoners. Little Georgia at one time was in first place in Europe in terms of the number of people in prisons. 300 thousand people out of 4 million. This is approximately one in five men of military age. Everyone has relatives. And everyone saw the video about torture in Saakashvili's prisons.

The result is a real paradox. In Georgia, many people say "He overcame corruption." Everyone thanked and noted that under Ivanishvili Saakashvili's laws were not repealed. Police, customs, tax continue to work without bribes. That is like a big thank you to Miho.

But at the same time they curse him more. For he was not Robin Hood. His people took everything they liked. By force. And the media didn't talk about it. There was no steam in the whistle.

One of Saakashvili's first "captures" was freedom of speech. “All TV channels very soon began to only praise him. To criticize meant to be against the reforms. And it was unpopular,” says the journalist, who herself worked for Rustavi 2.

Moreover, in a small country everyone saw everything even without a TV.

And as soon as medium-sized businesses began to moan from Kezerashvili’s 51%, as soon as Ivanishvili realized that Saakashvili sponsored by him threatened his future, as soon as Soros became disillusioned with Saakashvili, looking at the principles of filling near-budgetary funds due to the “tilt” of corrupt officials and not very corrupt officials (the principle of money and property for freedom) - Saakashvili's rating fell below half. And he lost the presidential election.

And then people saw that under Ivanishvili there was no rollback, that no one is milking business at all - neither the tax office, nor the prosecutor's office, nor the police, nor the 51 percent. And Saakashvili's party outright lost the recent parliamentary elections.

He certainly had supporters. This is the generation he pulled from rags to riches, "social elevator workers" and their relatives. But the rest of the Georgians could make a career only by "swearing" allegiance to the Saakashvili regime.

Plus zero tolerance for criticism. One of the triggers of the protests against Saakashvili was the case of a guy who was walking down the street and saw a familiar girl in a restaurant with one of Saakashvili's ministers. The guy publicly told her something like "what are you sitting with these bad people." A scandal, a fight, and then his cut corpse was found in the forest. People were indignant and a noise like Gongadze's head began. Police brutality was superimposed on these demonstrations (two corpses during the dispersal of the rally).

And then everything went very quickly. Approximate Saakashvili fled to the US, France, Spain, Hungary. Someone decided to stay and, like the mayor of Tbilisi, ended up in prison. But most are abroad, and therefore have access to offshore accounts.

Saakashvili was kicked out because the positive he brought became less than the negative he generated. At some point, Miho's people had to stop taking business from people (ideally, not start at all). And they, on the contrary, seemed to go berserk and began to behave like sheikhs.

Yes, people began to live richer, GDP grew, unemployment decreased. But against the background of the growth of satiety, the redistribution in favor of Saakashvili became more noticeable.

Plus an unsuccessful war with Russia.

Plus counter-propaganda of the Georgian patriarch. Saakashvili demanded that churches be registered as legal entities under the new government. It's not a question of taxes. But for the Georgian Orthodox, this meant that they would receive a legal entity code in the same way as the Armenian clergy in Georgia. And this is in the context of the centuries-old question "who is better - Armenians or Georgians" - just .... Because these codes seemed to equalize them in the eyes of the state. What the Georgian Patriarch could not stand and the sermons began. And even the construction of the most beautiful church in Tbilisi for the Orthodox did not reconcile Mikho with the patriarch.

Total. Under Saakashvili, there was a fight against corruption, GDP grew, but when people got used to it, the negative began to stick out - elite corruption, pressure on medium-sized businesses, oppression of freedom of speech, violence. That is, it really smelled of totalitarianism. And the Georgians peacefully chose a different path. They just voted against the incumbent president.

His people soon became ugly and began to squeeze out business in their favor, not only from the damned forerunners, but also from the middle. To wring out not only control over the flows of the large port of Poti, but also to take away restaurants. Take even your favorite cars! Now there are about 10,000 criminal cases in which the former owners are trying to prove that under duress they transferred their Porsches and companies (51% of the charter) to Saakashvili's representatives. But it's hard to end up with a normal outcome. Bo formally formalized everything through notaries who worked at night. It's just that the contract indicated a price ten times cheaper than the market. Therefore, nothing could be returned for three years. Plus there are political nuances, but about them below.

Saakashvili monopolized corruption. For example, Sokar became the country's main petrol trader. But not the Azerbaijani state office itself, but its Georgian trading house, allegedly registered with two offshore companies. Which one is Aliyev and which Saakashvili is still formally unknown. But soon a big investigation by local journalists will come out, various offshore companies will appear there, including from the Panama Papers, and a thread of surnames and names will be stretched.

“Saakashvili's cashier was the young Defense Minister Kezerashvili. Businesses were transferred to him. During the Saakashvili era, he became the owner of the most popular TV channel Rustavi 2, and already under the new government, he transferred the shares to his relative,” say journalists from Tbilisi who live on US government grants. In addition, this eagle is suspected of becoming an international arms dealer with an income of $ 1 billion a year with the blessing of the United States. But this is already a completely spy story, and I love this paranoia only in Le Carré, so let's get back to more understandable sheep.

The squeezing out of business in Georgia was even more hypertrophied than in our country under Yanukovych. Boys from Yura Enakievsky and Sashka Yanukovych came to us and demanded 51% in the business. But it was possible to wind through - there are many firms, few looking. Georgia is small, only 4 million people, almost half of them are in Tbilisi. Everything and everything in sight. Therefore, it is very difficult to hide the Bentley and the hotel. In addition, Saakashvili was a real beast in the fight against corruption.

Zero tolerance for corruption turned into hundreds of thousands of prisoners. Little Georgia at one time was in first place in Europe in terms of the number of people in prisons. 300 thousand people out of 4 million. This is approximately one in five men of military age. Everyone has relatives. And everyone saw the video about torture in prisons sponsored by Saakashvili's enemy.

“We had terrible corruption. So they got to work. But terrible terms were soldered - up to ten years for corruption. A third of those arrested under Saakashvili are still in jail,” journalists say.

The result is a real paradox. Whoever I asked about Saakashvili's legacy, everyone said: "He overcame corruption." Everyone thanked and noted that under Ivanishvili, the laws of the "Long" were not canceled. Police, customs, tax continue to work without bribes. That is like a big thank you to Miho.

But at the same time they curse him more. Because he wasn't Robin Hood. His people took everything they liked. Stupidly taken. By force. And the media didn't talk about it. There was no steam in the whistle.
One of Saakashvili's first seizures was freedom of speech. “All TV channels very soon began to only praise him. To criticize meant to be against the reforms. And it was unpopular,” says the journalist, who herself worked for Rustavi 2.

It was such the highest degree of our powderophilia. Can you imagine Biryukov or Nuss, but not as crowbars, but as the main discourse guides of Inter and 1 + 1, weighing labels not in Facebook, but from the screens of the most important TV channels? Here it is.
Moreover, in a small country, everyone saw jaundice even without a TV. The presidential palace for $100 million for the sheikh, where, at the call of pepper, various young ladies were taken. (That's what they say now. Although the palace built at the state expense remained to the state, and Saakashvili's enemies now dispose of it.)

For * ball. And as soon as people intuitively felt
the irreversibility of reforms, as soon as medium-sized businesses began to squeal from Kezerashvili’s 51%, as soon as Ivanishvili realized that Saakashvili sponsored by him threatened his future, as soon as Soros became disillusioned with Saakashvili, looking at the principles of filling near-budgetary funds due to the inclination and bending of corrupt officials and not very corrupt officials (money and property for freedom) - Saakashvili fell below half support. And he lost the presidential election.

And then people saw that under Bidzin there was no rollback, that no one milked the business at all - neither the tax office, nor the prosecutor's office, nor the police, nor the 51 percent. And Saakashvili's party clearly lost the recent parliamentary elections.

No, he certainly had supporters. This is the generation he pulled out of rags to riches, "social elevator workers" and their relatives. After all, Miho is smart. He sent sensible applicants to study at all sorts of Harvards and Sorbonnes at the expense of the budget. They came back and continued to blaspheme corruption. But the rest of the Georgians were offended, because one could make a career like that only by swearing in devotion to the Saakashvili regime. That is exactly like our Deeva. Fuuuuuu…

Plus zero tolerance for criticism. One of the triggers against Saakashvili was the case of a guy who was walking down the street and saw a familiar girl in a restaurant with one of Saakashvili's ministers. Well, he publicly expressed something to her like "what are you sitting with these bad people." A scandal, a fight, and then his cut corpse was found in the forest. People were indignant and began to swing like ours around the body of Gongadze. Police brutality fell on these demonstrations (two corpses during the de jure crackdown on an illegal rally). And then everything went very quickly. Saakashvili's beetles fled to the USA, France, Spain, Hungary. Someone decided to stay and how the mayor of Tbilisi ended up in prison. But most are abroad, and therefore have access to offshore accounts. And the new regime is not in a hurry to destroy the fagots. Even the parliament, controlled by the new government, is in no hurry to adopt a law on the return to the owners of the property squeezed out under Saakashvili. Does it remind you of anything in the relationship between powder and Yanukovych?)))

Saakashvili was kicked out because the positive he brought became less than the negative he generated. At some point, Miho's people had to stop taking business from people (ideally, not start at all). And they, on the contrary, seemed to go berserk and began to behave like sheikhs.

Yes, people began to live richer, GDP grew, unemployment decreased. But against the background of the growth of satiety, the redistribution in favor of Saakashvili became more noticeable.

Plus, an unsuccessful war with Russia - could not create an atmosphere of fear like Putin in Russia, more than the Georgians have a head in place. Stories like "don't rock the boat" are broken here about the normal "that rats will vomit and drown, and the normal ones will swim on."

Plus counter-propaganda of the Georgian patriarch. Real fakap. Saakashvili demanded that churches be registered as legal entities under the new government. These are not questions of taxes or some kind of chiaroscuro. But for the Georgian Orthodox, this meant that they would receive a legal entity code in the same way as the Armenian clergy in Georgia. And this, in the context of the centuries-old question "who is who's father" - just f*ck. Bo these codes of their kagbe equalized in the eyes of the state. Well, the Georgian patriarch could not stand it and sermons began to rush. And even the construction of an awesome temple in Tbilisi for the Orthodox did not reconcile Mikho with the patriarch (in the photo there is a temple and the presidential palace).

Total. A lot of positive things from Saakashvili are the victory over corruption, this is the growth of GDP (wages, unemployment). When people got used to the troch, then the negative began to stick out - elitist corruption, pressure on medium-sized businesses, oppression of freedom of speech, violence. That is, it really smelled of totalitarianism. Well, the Georgians peacefully chose a different path. They just voted against the incumbent president.

Good girls. Let's learn from them sobriety and self-control, non-paternalism.

The Ukrainian enemies of Saakashvili will inevitably try to use this text. First of all, these are powderophiles. Suck.

I would really like Miho to have at least for a couple of years the amount of authority that he had in Georgia. After all, at home, several hundred people were enough for him to start. And Ukraine is ten times larger than Georgia. And here the visitor has a priori fewer opportunities. Even if Miho had his own head of the regional prosecutor's office, police and customs. But the deputies of the deputies were ours. And everything sank. No one has been put in jail. Namely, this was the Georgian recipe - zero tolerance for corruption. In Ukraine, the bulk of people after the Maidan got really tired of fighting thieves.

Perhaps this is correct. Bo that would mean rivers of blood. And what the hell is a country in which corpses hang like apples in the harvest season? Perhaps we need to be progressive. Two steps forward with Yushchenko, and one step back with Tymoshenko and Yanukovych. Two steps forward with Poroshenko and one step back with him. Perhaps this is how we will get a cleaner country in a couple of generations, which even the stoned obscurantists of Crimea and Donbass will envy.

So let's just not give up. Let everyone become more professional in their field - this is very distracting from empty PR. So we will win. Bo intelligent people do not have brains polluted by the TV.

Why Georgians ousted Saakashvili

His people soon became ugly and began to squeeze out business in their favor, not only from the damned forerunners, but also from the middle. To wring out not only control over the flows of the large port of Poti, but also to take away restaurants. Take even your favorite cars! Now there are about 10,000 criminal cases in which the former owners are trying to prove that under duress they transferred their Porsches and companies (51% of the charter) to Saakashvili's representatives. But it's hard to end up with a normal outcome. Bo formally formalized everything through notaries who worked at night. It's just that the contract indicated a price ten times cheaper than the market. Therefore, nothing could be returned for three years. Plus there are political nuances, but about them below.

Saakashvili monopolized corruption. For example, Sokar became the country's main petrol trader. But not the Azerbaijani state office itself, but its Georgian trading house, allegedly registered with two offshore companies. Which one is Aliyev and which Saakashvili is still formally unknown. But soon a big investigation by local journalists will come out, various offshore companies will appear there, including from the Panama Papers, and a thread of surnames and names will be stretched.

“Saakashvili's cashier was the young Defense Minister Kezerashvili. Businesses were transferred to him. During the Saakashvili era, he became the owner of the most popular TV channel Rustavi 2, and already under the new government, he transferred the shares to his relative,” say journalists from Tbilisi who live on US government grants. In addition, this eagle is suspected of becoming an international arms dealer with an income of $ 1 billion a year with the blessing of the United States. But this is already a completely spy story, and I love this paranoia only in Le Carré, so let's get back to more understandable sheep.

The squeezing out of business in Georgia was even more hypertrophied than in our country under Yanukovych. Boys from Yura Enakievsky and Sashka Yanukovych came to us and demanded 51% in the business. But it was possible to wind through - there are many firms, few looking. Georgia is small, only 4 million people, almost half of them in Tbilisi. Everything and everything in sight. Therefore, it is very difficult to hide the Bentley and the hotel. In addition, Saakashvili was a real beast in the fight against corruption.

Zero tolerance for corruption turned into hundreds of thousands of prisoners. Little Georgia at one time was in first place in Europe in terms of the number of people in prisons. 300 thousand people out of 4 million. This is approximately one in five men of military age. Everyone has relatives. And everyone saw the video about torture in prisons sponsored by Saakashvili's enemy.

“We had terrible corruption. So they got to work. But terrible terms were soldered - up to ten years for corruption. A third of those arrested under Saakashvili are still in jail,” journalists say.

The result is a real paradox. Whoever I asked about Saakashvili's legacy, everyone said: "He overcame corruption." Everyone thanked and noted that under Ivanishvili, the laws of the "Long" were not canceled. Police, customs, tax continue to work without bribes. That is like a big thank you to Miho.

But at the same time they curse him more. Because he wasn't Robin Hood. His people took everything they liked. Stupidly taken. By force. And the media didn't talk about it. There was no steam in the whistle.
One of Saakashvili's first seizures was freedom of speech. “All TV channels very soon began to only praise him. To criticize meant to be against the reforms. And it was unpopular,” says the journalist, who herself worked for Rustavi 2.

It was such the highest degree of our powderophilia. Can you imagine Biryukov or Nuss, but not as crowbars, but as the main discourse guides of Inter and 1 + 1, weighing labels not in Facebook, but from the screens of the most important TV channels? Here it is.
Moreover, in a small country, everyone saw jaundice even without a TV. The presidential palace for $100 million for the sheikh, where, at the call of pepper, various young ladies were taken. (That's what they say now. Although the palace built at the state expense remained to the state, and Saakashvili's enemies now dispose of it.)

For * ball. And as soon as people intuitively felt
the irreversibility of reforms, as soon as medium-sized businesses began to squeal from Kezerashvili’s 51%, as soon as Ivanishvili realized that Saakashvili sponsored by him threatened his future, as soon as Soros became disillusioned with Saakashvili, looking at the principles of filling near-budgetary funds due to the inclination and bending of corrupt officials and not very corrupt officials (money and property for freedom) - Saakashvili fell below half support. And he lost the presidential election.

And then people saw that under Bidzin there was no rollback, that no one milked the business at all - neither the tax office, nor the prosecutor's office, nor the police, nor the 51 percent. And Saakashvili's party clearly lost the recent parliamentary elections.

No, he certainly had supporters. This is the generation he pulled out of rags to riches, "social elevator workers" and their relatives. After all, Miho is smart. He sent sensible applicants to study at all sorts of Harvards and Sorbonnes at the expense of the budget. They came back and continued to blaspheme corruption. But the rest of the Georgians were offended, because one could make a career like that only by swearing in devotion to the Saakashvili regime. That is exactly like our Deeva. Fuuuuuu…

Plus zero tolerance for criticism. One of the triggers against Saakashvili was the case of a guy who was walking down the street and saw a familiar girl in a restaurant with one of Saakashvili's ministers. Well, he publicly expressed something to her like "what are you sitting with these bad people." A scandal, a fight, and then his cut corpse was found in the forest. People were indignant and began to swing like ours around the body of Gongadze. Police brutality fell on these demonstrations (two corpses during the de jure crackdown on an illegal rally). And then everything went very quickly. Saakashvili's beetles fled to the USA, France, Spain, Hungary. Someone decided to stay and how the mayor of Tbilisi ended up in prison. But most are abroad, and therefore have access to offshore accounts. And the new regime is not in a hurry to destroy the fagots. Even the parliament, controlled by the new government, is in no hurry to adopt a law on the return to the owners of the property squeezed out under Saakashvili. Does it remind you of anything in the relationship between powder and Yanukovych?)))

Saakashvili was kicked out because the positive he brought became less than the negative he generated. At some point, Miho's people had to stop taking business from people (ideally, not start at all). And they, on the contrary, seemed to go berserk and began to behave like sheikhs.

Yes, people began to live richer, GDP grew, unemployment decreased. But against the background of the growth of satiety, the redistribution in favor of Saakashvili became more noticeable.

Plus, an unsuccessful war with Russia - could not create an atmosphere of fear like Putin in Russia, more than the Georgians have a head in place. Stories like "don't rock the boat" are broken here about the normal "that rats will vomit and drown, and the normal ones will swim on."

Plus counter-propaganda of the Georgian patriarch. Real fakap. Saakashvili demanded that churches be registered as legal entities under the new government. These are not questions of taxes or some kind of chiaroscuro. But for the Georgian Orthodox, this meant that they would receive a legal entity code in the same way as the Armenian clergy in Georgia. And this, in the context of the centuries-old question "who is who's father" - just f*ck. Bo these codes of their kagbe equalized in the eyes of the state. Well, the Georgian patriarch could not stand it and sermons began to rush. And even the construction of an awesome temple in Tbilisi for the Orthodox did not reconcile Mikho with the patriarch (in the photo there is a temple and the presidential palace).

Total. A lot of positive things from Saakashvili are the victory over corruption, this is the growth of GDP (wages, unemployment). When people got used to the troubles, then the negative began to stick out - elitist corruption, pressure on medium-sized businesses, oppression of freedom of speech, violence. That is, it really smelled of totalitarianism. Well, the Georgians peacefully chose a different path. They just voted against the incumbent president.

Good girls. Let's learn from them sobriety and self-control, non-paternalism.

The Ukrainian enemies of Saakashvili will inevitably try to use this text. First of all, these are powderophiles. Suck.

I would really like Miho to have at least for a couple of years the amount of authority that he had in Georgia. After all, at home, several hundred people were enough for him to start. And Ukraine is ten times larger than Georgia. And here the visitor has a priori fewer opportunities. Even if Miho had his own head of the regional prosecutor's office, police and customs. But the deputies of the deputies were ours. And everything sank. No one has been put in jail. Namely, this was the Georgian recipe - zero tolerance for corruption. In Ukraine, the bulk of people after the Maidan got really tired of fighting thieves.

Perhaps this is correct. Bo that would mean rivers of blood. And what the hell is a country in which corpses hang like apples in the harvest season? Perhaps we need to be progressive. Two steps forward with Yushchenko, and one step back with Tymoshenko and Yanukovych. Two steps forward with Poroshenko and one step back with him. Perhaps this is how we will get a cleaner country in a couple of generations, which even the stoned obscurantists of Crimea and Donbass will envy.

So let's just not give up. Let everyone become more professional in their field - this is very distracting from empty PR. So we will win. Bo intelligent people do not have brains polluted by the TV.

UPD. It turned out that Saakashvili is conducting a shoss right today. Really didn't know. I wrote last night on the plane, like following the results of the visit. I hung it up in the morning when I re-read the text with a fresh mind. Although it turned out conspiratorially, I agree)))