Table of sports nutrition intake during the day. How to combine and properly use sports nutrition. How to take sports nutrition correctly

Many people want to get a good figure, for which they visit the gym, play sports on the street and at home. Indeed, the basis for building a body lies in regular exercise, but sometimes this is not enough, since the athlete’s body lacks essential nutrients. You can quickly make up for their deficiency by consuming sports nutrition.

If an athlete’s diet consists of a well-balanced sports nutrition and contains all the substances listed below, the result will be an excellent figure with well-defined muscles.

  1. - strengthen the immune system, improve tone, strengthen bone structure and promote body development.
  2. Fat burners- help the liver remove excess fat cells and prevent their accumulation.
  3. - contribute to the rapid restoration of muscle mass if the muscles are damaged by high loads.
  4. - muscle amino acid, found in the structure of fibers. Increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the body, and also maintains the balance of acid and alkali, promotes brain activity.
  5. Gainer- a food supplement consisting of high-quality protein and carbohydrates. Promotes rapid weight gain and muscle growth. The high carbohydrate content provides the body with energy, which is quickly consumed during high physical activity, and the protein content is responsible for the growth of tissue and muscle mass.
  6. - an energy supplement that helps increase endurance and strength.

Types of sports nutrition and their application

Features of application

Sports nutrition cannot harm the body even if the dosage is exceeded. But it is still necessary to follow the instructions for using nutritional supplements. It is important to consider for what purpose the food additive is used and in what case it should be used. Time of administration and dosage are also important.

Did you know? considered one of the healthiest fruits in the world - one lemon contains the daily dose of vitamin C for an adult. Lemons cleanse the liver, boost immunity and aid in weight loss. Good decision- Add to your morning glass of water to start your day with vitamins.

What is it for?

Since the athlete’s body endures increased physical activity, the nutrients obtained from food may not be enough. It is quite difficult to determine whether this is true in each specific case. Therefore, even those who do not feel a deficiency of nutrients should use sports nutrition, which contains all the necessary nutritional supplements in the most accessible form for the body.

At what age can it be used?

Sports nutrition of any type can be consumed starting at any age.

Some exceptions can be made for complex fat burners and pre-workout supplements, because they contain caffeine and other drugs that affect a person’s mental state, as well as the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. In this case, you must wait until at least 18 or 20 years to take a certain type of sports nutrition.

Did you know? Many people worry that they are not getting the daily amount of vitamins their body needs, which is why they start taking multivitamins. However, all vitamins and minerals can be obtained by eating whole grains, dairy products, red meat, seafood, and fruits.

Elements that make up sports nutrition:

  • amino acids;
  • creatine, L-carnitine, collagen, etc.

All of these substances are found in the food that people consume daily. Almost from birth, the baby begins to eat creatine, amino acids, L-carnitine, collagen, and carbohydrates. A person continues to take all the same components throughout his life simply because all this is part of ordinary products.

General rules of application

Despite the harmlessness of sports nutrition, it should not be consumed uncontrollably.

  1. Follow the instructions and dosage included with each drug. The calculation is made as follows: to determine the daily dosage per kilogram of a person’s body weight, it is prescribed to take 1.5 grams of gainer or protein. If you exceed the dose, nothing bad will happen, but a miraculous transformation of your figure will not happen immediately - the extra amount of the drug simply will not have any effect. In this case, no harm will be caused to the person, and the excess drug will be eliminated from the body naturally.
  2. Protein is consumed twice a day (an hour before the start of classes and immediately after the end of training), but only on days of training or other physical activity. To achieve the best effect, on days free from training, the athlete needs to eat cottage cheese, bananas, honey, meat and other protein-rich foods.
  3. Creatine will help if the muscles no longer grow and the strength to continue training runs out. The substance promotes a surge of energy, but requires moderate use, as the body gets used to it over time and the energy effect decreases.
  4. Sports nutrition is more suitable for people who constantly engage in strength sports, such as bodybuilding. Professional athletes in this area train with enormous loads on the body, and to strengthen ligaments and joints they need substances such as collagen and glucosamine. For beginners, taking a gainer or protein will be enough.

Take advantage of specialist recommendations in choosing the optimal sports diet

How to use sports nutrition correctly

In order for sports nutrition to have the expected effect on the body, the athlete must adhere to the rules for its intake, which means eating or drinking exactly what is needed and at the right time.

First of all, the following are taken into account:

  • Times of Day;
  • accompanying circumstances;
  • dosage;
  • physical condition of the athlete.
Each element of sports nutrition has its own requirements for intake.

For gaining muscle mass

It is advisable for every athlete who is working on building muscle to consume an appropriate amount of protein in their daily diet.

Important! Nutritional supplements are very useful during the period of muscle building, but a person does not need them on an ongoing basis. They are good as assistants and can help you achieve your goal, but the main components of success are a well-chosen diet and systematic training. Supplements can be taken to facilitate and accelerate muscle development.

If you are serious about increasing strength and muscle development, then the athlete should take approximately 2-2.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight every day. This ratio is ideal for wrestlers or bodybuilders who do not want to increase their weight, but want to build strength and muscle.


This is a protein supplement and protein is the main building block of muscles and you cannot build a good figure without it. Protein supplements are extremely useful in situations where an athlete is unable to take in enough protein through food. To build muscle mass, you need to ensure you are taking in at least 1.2–2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Time of receipt:

  1. It is advisable for athletes to consume fast-acting whey protein an hour or two before training.
  2. The next dose is 30 minutes after completion of the workout (for muscle recovery).
  3. The time after a workout is the best opportunity to build muscle because that's when the body needs protein the most.
  4. Another source of protein to offset the body's costs is consumed before bed in the form of casein (a slow-release protein) to help repair muscles during sleep.
  5. Even on days when the gym is not visited, the athlete needs to consume enough protein. On non-workout days, the best times to consume protein are after breakfast, after lunch, and after dinner.
How to take protein to gain weight: video A protein supplement is very useful in many situations. It very easily replenishes protein in the body immediately after exercise, because it is much easier to prepare and eat a protein supplement in the gym than normal protein foods (meat, milk).

Did you know? Bird eggs are a source of natural food protein of the highest quality. All parts of the egg are edible, including the shell, which contains a lot of calcium.

Creatine (for beginners)

Creatine is considered the most effective legal anabolic steroid. It is a supplement used by athletes who want to ensure maximum training intensity and optimal gains in muscle size and strength.

It is also great for beginners who are relatively new to building their bodies through exercise. Research shows that creatine does not have any negative effects on the body.
Finding enough creatine in food is quite difficult, so the substance is taken in powder or capsule form. Creatine supplements vary in form, time to dissolve in the body (absorption) and effectiveness, so you need to pay attention to this when purchasing.

They work by increasing the creatine content of skeletal muscle, which in turn increases muscle size over time.

Creatine increases endurance, power, strength, helps you perform more repetitions of exercises, makes you run faster, jump higher; while it leads to fat loss. However, it is worth remembering that using creatine only makes sense in combination with serious strength training.

How to use:

  • creatine is taken 15–25 grams per day for 5 days;
  • further use is recommended in a maintenance dose, from 3 to 5 grams per day.
How to take creatine: video

Did you know? Doctors advise reducing salt intake and taking no more than 15 grams (one and a half level teaspoons) per day. Reducing your salt intake may reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney damage and high blood pressure.

Glutamine (for recovery)

Glutamine, or L-glutamine, is a naturally occurring amino acid that is typically stored in muscles and released into the bloodstream in extreme situations. It is used by the immune system for recovery during periods of stress such as physical injury, burns, fasting, and during prolonged and intense physical exertion (marathons, triathlons, ultra-distance running).

When there is a deficiency of glutamine, or when the amount is sharply reduced during stress, the body's immune system is suppressed. In this case, it is necessary to replace the lost glutamine to the previous level through food or nutritional supplements.

It's for this reason that marathon runners are often at risk of contracting colds, flu, and other illnesses in the days following the race.
Not only do they deplete glutamine stores, but they also cause a temporary decrease in immunity and susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections and other diseases.

Natural sources:

  1. L-glutamine is most abundant in protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, legumes and dairy products. Cooking can destroy glutamine, especially in vegetables.
  2. Two good plant sources are raw cabbage and beets.

L-Glutamine Supplements for Athletes

Athletes who take glutamine supplements typically do so to prevent muscle breakdown and improve immune system function. Several clinical studies have found that oral glutamine may reduce morbidity in endurance or extreme exercise athletes.

Research has also found that glutamine supplements help maintain muscle mass by preventing protein breakdown and improving glycogen synthesis.
L-glutamine is classified as a dietary supplement and is not prohibited by any sports organizations. It can be found in most sports food stores in gel or tablet form, and is often an ingredient in many protein powders.

Due to limited research, there are no set dosage recommendations, but bodybuilding experts recommend starting at 3 grams and gradually increasing to 5 grams per day.

If an athlete eats a healthy and varied diet and exercises regularly, then it is likely that his body will be sufficiently supplied with all the necessary amino acids. If an athlete trains frequently and hard, and his diet is not sufficiently complete, then supplementing with glutamine can significantly benefit him.

Important!If an athlete is planning to use an L-glutamine supplement, it would be wise to consult with a sports nutritionist first to evaluate their diet and determine whether it is needed.

How to take glutamine: video

Gainer (for speed dialing)

Gainer - the name of this dietary supplement comes from the English word gain, meaning “gain”; the drug is used for rapid weight gain. The gainer consists mainly of carbohydrates and proteins, looks like finely ground flour, almost powder.

When performing sports training at high intensity, a person uses a lot of energy. To quickly make up for its deficiency, you can use a protein-carbohydrate supplement that quickly restores lost energy.

Foods with a high caloric content have these properties, but if you periodically have problems providing the body with the required amount of calories from food, a gainer can be very useful.

Rules for taking the gainer:

  • to gain weight, the gainer is used two to three times a day;
  • It’s easy to calculate the daily dose: take 1.5 grams of gainer per 1 kg of athlete’s weight;
  • the same dose of the drug is taken daily until the body weight reaches satisfactory;
  • The gainer can be mixed with the following liquids: water (never boiling water), milk, juice;
  • After gaining the desired weight, the athlete can switch to one-time use of the drug.

How to take gainer: video

Important!People who are prone to rapid weight gain should stop taking gainers, otherwise the problem with excess weight may worsen.

BCAA (Amino acids)

Amino acids (BCAAs, BCAs) are the basis for building muscle in the body, helping to repair muscles after workouts, which leads to a gradual increase in muscle fibers. They help make muscles bigger and stronger by stimulating synthesis.

This is why protein supplements are so important for athletes who want to gain muscle. These products, due to their ease of digestion and high absorption rate in the body, are suitable for use both before and after exercise, ensuring that the body receives an easily digestible form of protein.

Rules for taking BCAAs:

  • the dose for one dose is 5–10 grams;
  • when using BCAAs to build muscle mass, the first dose is taken immediately after waking up in the morning;
  • an additional portion at any time of the day (the same 5–10 grams) will boost brain function, reduce hunger and give impetus to muscle growth;
  • a portion of amino acids is taken without fail before and after physical activity;
  • For rapid absorption, amino acids must be in liquid form, so they are dissolved in liquid with the addition of a small amount of sugar;
  • their reception is divided into three parts: at the beginning of the training, during it and immediately after;
  • Amino acids in capsule form are taken in the morning;
  • for weight loss, amino acids are taken between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
How to take BCAAs: video

For burning fat

Burning fat is a process that is necessary to provide energy to the human body that needs it, even if a person does nothing. There are supplements that speed up fat burning, so they can be used for weight loss.

Important! One of the myths of a healthy lifestyle is that all fats are evil. However, there are good and bad fats. In particular, vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble, so fat is important for their absorption. Preferablylimit consumption of transgenic and saturated fats, which increase cholesterol levels in the body. Unsaturated fats lower bad cholesterol and support heart health.

Laxogenin is a plant steroid that is similar in structure to the more well-known ecdysterone. Research has shown that laxogenin has similar properties to anabolic steroids such as Anavar, one of the most popular oral anabolic steroids of all time.
But this does not mean that laxogenin is a prohormone. When an athlete takes prohormones, the body increases levels of androgens (a common term for prohormones and testosterone) and stops its own production of testosterone.

Unlike prohormones, laxogenin does not affect the endocrine system - it does not increase or decrease the amount of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.

Concentrated laxogenin is available in capsules or powder. Depending on the manufacturer, the dosage of the capsule contents may vary slightly.

General instructions for use of laxogenin:

  • for beginners, intake is limited to 50 mg per day;
  • for experienced athletes, the daily dose can be increased to 100 mg (this amount is not recommended to be exceeded);
  • admission course for beginners: 6 weeks;
  • course of treatment for professional athletes: from 4 to 12 weeks;
  • when losing weight, it is recommended to take 50 mg per day every other day.

L-carnitine is essential for muscle function and supports the fat burning process.
Athletes love to use L-carnitine to improve athletic performance and muscle endurance because it inhibits the formation of lactic acid in muscles and improves muscle recovery after training. This property allows for longer workouts and delays the onset of fatigue.

In the human body, a substance similar to carnitine is synthesized on the basis of iron, vitamins C, B6, B12, folic acid, and niacin. The human body produces L-carnitine from the amino acids methionine and lysine, as well as from food (veal, lamb, lamb, fish, milk and cheese).

In a normal diet, an adult receives on average from 100 to 300 mg of L-carnitine, this amount is sufficient for normal energy metabolism in the body. However, athletes often suffer from L-carnitine deficiency, so they benefit from additional consumption of this substance.
When weight loss is desired, L-carnitine is often taken to enhance fat burning. However, additional consumption of L-carnitine has a positive effect on fat burning only in connection with high sports loads, and in cases of obvious deficiency.

How to consume L-carnitine for athletes:

  1. Take 1 gram of L-carnitine (preferably in liquid form) and consume about half an hour before training. A lower or higher dose has no obvious effect.
  2. Sugar (equivalent to the production of insulin secretion) negates fat burning, so other foods should not contain sugar at all (or should contain little of it).
  3. Overdose can occur after taking more than three grams of the substance and leads to diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. To determine the ideal dosage, you should strictly follow the instructions provided by the dietary supplement manufacturers. You should not take more than two grams of the substance per day, and this amount should be distributed throughout the day.
  4. Adequate hydration of the body is important when taking additional L-carnitine supplements.
How to take L-carnitine: video

Perhaps, beginners who have recently come to the gym will not get everything right right away, so here are a few tips from experienced athletes:

The best sports nutrition companies

Russian manufacturers:

  • Cellucor PureProtein;
  • G.E.O.N.

American manufacturers:
  • Optimum Nutrition;
  • Dymatize;
  • Ultimate Nutrition;
  • Syntrax;
  • Twinlab;
  • Universal Nutrition;
  • MuscleTech;
  • Nutrex Research;
  • Muscle Pharm;
  • Gaspari Nutrition;
  • USPlabs;
  • Prolab;
  • MuscleMeds;

Manufacturers from other countries:
  • Trec Nutrition (Poland);
  • Multipower (Germany);
  • Power System (Germany);
  • Olimp (Poland);
  • Vansiton (Ukraine);
  • BioGame (Bulgaria);
  • Scitec Nutrition (Hungary).

The athlete needs to remember that protein supplements do not create muscle on their own - they simply help a person build muscle through hard training. Exercise on a schedule, increase your level of physical development. When taking nutritional supplements, follow the instructions for use that come with them and do not forget that it is not advisable to exceed the dosage of the drugs.

A quick overview of the most popular supplements for men and women that will help you get the most out of your workouts.

Are you actively involved in physical activity? Then you know very well that the last few exercises are especially important for each workout. The question is how to cope with the fatigue that strikes most of us at the most inopportune moment, namely during the last two or three exercises. The answer is very simple. It is necessary to take nutritional supplements.

Find out how to make your workouts easier with a simple meal plan and the best supplements for both men and women. Find out how to increase your strength and muscle mass the fastest way.

To get the most benefit from supplements, a proper nutrition plan is essential. Below is a sample nutrition program.

You can change the plan as needed and add the necessary elements that suit your needs.

  • 06:00 It is necessary to take a whey protein shake, which is quickly digested and allows nutrients and amino acids to quickly enter the muscle cell.
  • 06:30 Breakfast(omelet with cheese, onions and tomatoes, a glass of milk, one tablespoon of peanut butter).
  • 07:15 Whey protein shake with milk, banana and peanut butter.

Idea Add some protein powder to your favorite smoothie or oatmeal. This promotes proper metabolism, gives energy to muscles and helps you get the most out of your workouts.

  • Lunch to choose from. You can have chicken breast with beans and rice or a cheeseburger. Don't forget to add vegetables. Drink a glass of juice or milk.
  • Snack before training. 14:30. Drink a protein shake with fresh fruit.
  • Training. 15:30. Drink plenty of water.
  • After training. 16:30. Drink a protein shake after your workout. It should contain 50 g of protein, which will replenish the loss of glycogen during training.
  • Dinner. This is the largest meal of the day and should contain plenty of carbohydrates and vegetables.
  • 30 minutes after dinner. To fill your body with protein, drink a casein protein shake before bed.

Best sports nutrition

Question: What is the best supplement? There is no magic supplement because everyone is different. This means that just because one supplement helps someone, it doesn't necessarily mean it will help you. There are a large number of effective supplements. Some of them help with fatigue, others help build muscles.

Additional nutrients can help muscle recovery.

One way or another, supplements are a must for everyone. Below are the best of them:

  • Amino acids BCAA play an important role in metabolism and energy levels.
  • Creatine. Yes, we get creatine from food. However, creatine levels in the body may not be at optimal levels. An increased dose of creatine promotes muscle growth.
  • Protein promotes the growth of muscle mass and strength, improves the quality of training and recovery after physical activity.

The Three Best Supplements for Building Muscle.

As stated earlier, bodybuilders have different views on supplements. Some people like them and accept them with pleasure, others, on the contrary, consider them harmful and dangerous. Despite this, there are a number of products that offer the most important benefits. Let's highlight three supplements that will help you build muscle in the shortest possible time.

1. Creatine

Price: about $25.99

Where can I buy: at any sports nutrition store

This is a great product for those who want to increase strength, endurance and stamina. This supplement will provide your body with the necessary phosphates, which will help you complete the last exercises of your workout without much fatigue.


Don't buy supplements that say "concentrated." A tablespoon of this product contains from three to six grams of powder. This is beneficial to manufacturers, but not to athletes, and can be not only harmful, but dangerous to health.

2. Pre-workout complex

Price:$23.97 for 20 servings

Where can I buy: any sports nutrition store

If you want to achieve maximum results in every workout, then this is exactly what you need. The supplement increases endurance, strength, muscle mass and overall fitness.


Price:$42.97 for 1.4 kg

Where to buy: sports nutrition store

This supplement is rich in amino acids and is quickly digested. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals that are not available in everyday food.

Who doesn't want to have a beautiful, toned body? However, it is not enough to just want. In order to achieve better results, you need to follow a certain diet and do the necessary exercises. To do both, take nutritional supplements. This is the best way to become beautiful in a short time.

Based on materials from:

Sports nutrition is an important component of effective training. Watch a video about sports nutrition from the perspective of a competitive CrossFit athlete. What supplements should you take when doing strength sports and more?

Sports supplements: video

Every day I am asked “how to take sports nutrition?”, how to use protein, gainer, amino acids, etc. People do not quite understand that this is a supplement to the diet, but not as a replacement for it. Therefore, in order to tell exactly when to use something, you need to know your lifestyle, your daily routine, etc. Agree, I cannot know this, so there cannot be an exact answer for everyone. But I am giving you the basics so that you can understand when and what supplement to take.

How to take protein to gain muscle mass

This is a protein supplement and you should only take it if you cannot get the required amount of protein from regular foods. For example, you are an athlete who weighs 80 kg; to gain muscle mass, you need 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight, that is, 160 grams of protein. Let's say you ate 500 grams of meat and didn't eat anything else containing protein. A pound of meat contains approximately 100 grams. squirrel. And you need 160, therefore, you can take 2 servings of protein of 30 grams each.

It should be taken between meals, or when the meal was only carbohydrate. There is no need to consume it after a workout, since afterward we need carbohydrates, not protein. A multi-component protein between meals is best for this purpose.

How to take gainer

This is a high-calorie supplement that is based on carbohydrates. To understand when and how much to drink gainer, you need to understand how many carbohydrates you ate per day. Each person has his own needs for carbohydrates, they must be calculated using the trial method. For example, you determined that during the period of mass gain you need 300 grams of carbohydrates. And you ate today, for example, only 200 grams of rice, which is 150 grams. carbohydrates. This means we need to get the remaining 150 grams from the gainer. Each supplement has its own composition, so you need to read on the back of the can how much protein and carbohydrates are contained in a serving, based on this, you can understand whether you should take 1 or 2 servings. Again, if you have eaten the required amount of macronutrients from regular foods, then you do not need supplements.

You need to take the gainer either between meals, or an hour before or 30 minutes after training.

How to take amino acids

If you consume protein, then there is no need to take amino acids separately, because protein contains a complete set of amino acids.

You can take them, for example, if you don’t get enough protein from your diet, and you no longer have food in you, and you’re tired of protein, then you can take several tablets after each meal. In principle, I don’t see any point in taking them when the protein is the same, only cheaper. Moreover, manufacturers often deceive by pressing ordinary protein into tablets.

BCAA how to take

When gaining muscle mass, this product is generally useless, as are complex amino acids. Firstly, these are only 3 essential amino acids, and muscles need all 8. Secondly, protein or any protein of animal origin contains these 3 amino acids, even soy, BCAA in large quantities. So during the period of mass recruitment this will be a transfer of money.

They can only be consumed during cutting, then they will serve as a source of energy during training through the process of gluconeogenesis (conversion of amino acids into glucose). Do not take more than 10 grams at a time, because... will not be digested. Can be taken before strength training and before cardio.

How to take creatine

As I wrote about it, I think this supplement is for beginners. It is unlikely to work for an experienced athlete, because... your creatine reserves have already been developed to the limit. Suitable for a beginner.

Since insulin transports creatine into the muscles, and carbohydrates cause a large release of insulin, this means that creatine must be taken with fast carbohydrates. I also think that all these downloads are just a marketing ploy so that you spend this supplement faster and come back for a new one sooner.

5 grams of creatine per day is quite enough, taken with something sweet, for example, washed down with juice.

How to take l carnitine

Many consider it a fat burner. This is wrong. By itself, it does not burn fats, it only transports them to the mitochondria, and there they are burned, and only if there is a calorie deficit. L-carnitine is simply an “elevator”, you can take the elevator or you can walk up. The elevator is more convenient, a little faster, but you still need to get to it, wait for it, etc. Also with l-carnitine, it is only an assistant.

3 grams half an hour before strength or cardio exercise will be enough.

Friends, there is no need to listen to sports nutrition sellers, since it is in their interests to sell as much as possible. If they sell you protein and separately amino acids and bcaa, just give my reasons, and you will see how the seller hesitates. Remember, this is a business first and foremost, and each supplement should be chosen only when necessary.

Now you know how to take sports nutrition correctly!


Gainer. Take it by mixing it in a shaker with water, or low-fat, it’s a matter of taste. The intake plan is as follows: with breakfast - to increase the caloric content of your diet; 1-2 hours before training - to create a supply of amino acids and carbohydrates before intense stress on the body; immediately - in order to provide the body with a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins, which are one of the main factors of muscle growth; during the day - in order to increase the number of meals in case of inadequate and irregular nutrition, as well as to replace “harmful” interceptions.

Protein. Take it based on the average human need - 2-2.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight per day. Protein, just like , is diluted in water, juice or low-fat milk. The intake plan is as follows: the best option would be to use whey protein with its rapid absorption property; Because of this property, take whey isolate also before and after workouts; protein, especially if your diet is disrupted; Take casein before bed to help maintain high amino acid levels throughout the night.

Amino acids. The intake plan is as follows: in the morning - to compensate for protein deficiency; during the day - to reduce catabolism; before and after training - to create a reserve and compensate for the energy deficit expended during training, take amino acids no later than half an hour after training.

Creatine. Take creatine based on your average need - 4-6 g of creatine per day. The intake plan is as follows: at the very beginning of the intake, take 10 g of creatine twice a day for a week, and after that - 3 g 2 times a day or 5-6 grams 1 time a day. Continue the course for 4 to 6 weeks, and then take a break for 2-4 weeks. Take creatine on an empty stomach and immediately after waking up.

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When building muscle, athletes must take protein supplements. For each person their number is individual. However, even adhering to certain rules for taking protein, it is not always possible to guarantee that no harm will be caused to the body.

What are proteins

At its core - . It is a natural substance and differs from ordinary protein foods in that it has a high degree of protein, that is, it does not contain fats and carbohydrates.

Protein is obtained from chicken eggs, meat, and whey from cow's milk.

Such nutrition can be called ideal for a modern person whose lifestyle is sedentary, full of stress and fatigue. With such conditions, there is practically a need for carbohydrates and fats, and protein, on the contrary, becomes extremely necessary. This is due to the intense consumption of protein by the body.

It would seem that the protein is absolutely harmless and even healthy. And this is true, but subject to certain conditions.

How not to harm your body by eating protein

The main rule when introducing protein powder into your diet is strict adherence to the measure. In order to restore or stimulate muscle growth, increase the production of enzymes and hormones, it is often enough to consume a protein supplement of no more than 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

By increasing the required protein intake, great harm can be done to the body. This is especially dangerous when exceeding the norm is repeated regularly. In such cases, excess protein begins to decompose into its component parts in the human liver, forming carcinogens. They, in turn, create a serious burden on the liver, heart, kidneys and intestines. First of all, the damage is done to the immune system. And with prolonged excessive consumption of protein, stones appear in the kidneys and liver.

People who are prohibited from consuming dairy products, as well as individual protein intolerance, are strictly prohibited from taking protein supplements.

In case of existing diseases of internal organs, protein consumption significantly aggravates the course of the disease. It should be remembered that sometimes a disease can occur completely unnoticed by a person. Therefore, before starting to consume protein, it is extremely important to diagnose the body to identify diseases of the internal organs. And only after making sure that there are no various kinds of pathologies from the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system, will it be possible to introduce protein supplements into your diet.

If the secretion of gastric juice is reduced, protein consumption should be avoided.

When you find yourself in the gym for the first time, you can get confused. It is necessary to perform one repetition after another, follow the instructions of the trainer or the found program. During the break I feel thirsty. What you drink can affect your workout progress and results.

Specialty drinks

Taurine-based drinks can add energy to your activities. Taurine is a vital amino acid that helps accelerate protein synthesis, and therefore the growth of muscle cells in the body. Taurine drinks will allow you to prepare the ground for consuming protein in large quantities (not 2, but 3-4 grams per kilogram of body). Taurine has and, it is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming it.

Another significant group of specialized sports drinks are isotonics. They usually consist of three components: water, a carbohydrate mixture and salts that act as an electrolyte. They can speed up metabolism and speed up all life processes, give an “explosive lift” during training and promote muscle growth by accelerating recovery. However, they also have contraindications. First, people with weak tooth enamel can damage their teeth. It is better for them to drink isotonic drinks through a straw. Secondly, if you consume isotonics in large quantities, disorders of the arterial, cardiovascular system, and sleep disturbances are possible. All indications and dosage are indicated on the sports drink label.


It is better not to drink coffee itself - it helps reduce metabolism. However, there are many caffeine-based drinks that can give you a boost for your morning workouts.

Pu-erh (imperial tea) is a rather extravagant drink for sports training. However, it can help with the removal of harmful substances during the period of burning fat and gaining muscle mass. If you have a sports diet rich in substances obtained as a result of genetic engineering (gainers, fat burners), then pu-erh will allow you to remove “production waste” from the body.

Green tea can reduce hunger, which can be useful during the “cutting” stage, but is completely unacceptable when gaining muscle mass.

Water with honey

Water with honey is a low-concentration carbohydrate mixture. Natural sugars (fructose and glucose) can have a positive effect on brain function and motivation. In addition, the very taste of the honey mixture contributes to a good mood and positive energy for work.

Protein shakes

Beginning bodybuilders often begin a sports diet by purchasing large amounts of protein and repeatedly consuming protein mixtures. However, there is a limit to everything: protein absorption has strict limits. It is advisable to drink a protein shake not at the beginning of a workout, when the body needs energy, but at the end, when protein is needed to create cellular connections in damaged muscles.

To ensure maximum benefits from strength training, you need to take various supplements. They are presented in a huge assortment, which makes the choice much more difficult for novice athletes. This applies to absolutely any specialized sports nutrition store.

It is impossible to achieve impressive effects if you do not take sports nutrition for beginners. Beginners in bodybuilding, having learned about the need to take sports nutrition, can easily get confused in the abundance of different products, not knowing which one to give their preference. In order not to make the wrong choice and not be disappointed, you should thoroughly study which supplements really work and will be beneficial in achieving your sports goal already in the initial stages of strength training.

For people who have only recently started lifting weights, it is quite difficult to understand which supplements to purchase and how much money to spend. You cannot act without confidence that the sports nutrition you take will be effective. Otherwise the product will not be useful.

Beginning bodybuilders should be careful about their training program. It is recommended to lift weights no more than four times a week. The duration of the lesson should be a maximum of 60 minutes. You need to give yourself a break from training. Without following this recommendation, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. Long duration and frequency of training will lead to overtraining.

It is necessary to understand the difference between nutrition for strength training and dietary nutrition. To increase muscle mass, you should give up three meals a day. It is recommended to eat seven or even eight times a day, but in small portions. This is the main key to the success of any novice athlete who wants to have an impressive amount of muscle. The most important substance that should be present in the diet of every bodybuilder is protein. The amount of protein per day cannot be less than 20 grams per serving. This applies to both training and free days.

Beginning bodybuilders should be clearly aware that sports nutrition is an integral part of weight training. Supplements contain substances that are necessary for muscle growth. The main thing is not to overdo it and not get carried away with such products.

It is no coincidence that they are called supplements, since they cannot be taken as a full meal, but only serve to compensate for the lack of elements required to increase muscle volume. The main disadvantage that is typical for sports nutrition is that many high-quality supplements are quite expensive. This definitely needs to be taken into account in the long term.

There is a certain basic set of sports nutrition for beginners that should be considered for purchase. Each product has its own characteristics, as well as what specific sports purpose they are most suitable for.


To build good muscle mass, you need protein that contains whey protein, which has the highest speed of delivery of this substance to the muscles. This supplement is a major source of amino acids. Without them, volumes practically do not grow.

The best results are obtained when you drink protein both before and after training. Thanks to whey protein, muscles receive exactly those substances that stimulate an increase in volume. This supplement is the best among all products containing protein.

Whey protein is the easiest to digest. In addition, you can make a cocktail from it absolutely anywhere. You can take it at home and take it with you to the gym. The disadvantage of this supplement is its rather high cost, as well as the fact that it is quite high in calories. This is a significant disadvantage for those trying to lose weight.

Slow carbohydrates

Dietary supplements with complex carbohydrates often contain vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They allow you to obtain the energy necessary for training, so it is best to take this sports nutrition before starting training.

You can take dextrose and maltodextrin, but they are much more expensive. A more affordable option is to mix whey protein with banana or rice milk. Healthy alternatives include sweet potatoes, dates, and oatmeal.

The main benefit of slow carbohydrates is that they help burn fat and also keep blood sugar levels stable. If you purchase the supplement in powder form, the price will be quite high.


The supplement, as shown by various studies, increases strength indicators and stimulates the gain of lean muscle mass, that is, without subcutaneous fat complications. Take creatine both before and after training, and on days off from training. The optimal daily portion is 5 grams.

Thanks to creatine, the athlete receives the necessary energy boost to perform a high-intensity workout. The main advantage of creatine is that it helps to “push” the limits of your own capabilities, that is, to train much longer and more productively. It is available in various forms, which allows you to choose the option for yourself.

Cretin helps to train more intensely because it makes the athlete stronger and more resilient. The disadvantage of the supplement is water retention in the body, which negatively affects weight, as well as a loss of strength that can be felt after exercise.

This product is not only a useful sports supplement, but also an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, which is an undeniable advantage for post-workout recovery. Its effectiveness can be compared with a drug such as Ibuprofen, but fish oil also has no side effects.

The daily dosage depends on the needs of the body. People who play sports are recommended to consume from 2 to 4 grams of fish oil per day. The product is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which are usually not supplied enough with food.

Fish oil promotes faster recovery and is the main supplier of Omega-3 and -6. But when taking this product, you should be prepared for an unpleasant aftertaste, nausea, heartburn, and belching with a fishy smell.

Often, when performing heavy approaches, athletes experience an unpleasant feeling that their muscles are starting to burn. This phenomenon is called muscle acidosis, which makes further training impossible. Taking beta-alanine relieves muscle fatigue and allows you to make exercise longer, and, therefore, accelerates progress by increasing strength indicators.

It is recommended to use this supplement half an hour before training. On rest days you can drink it at any convenient time. Thanks to beta-alanine, fat is lost faster, muscle mass and strength increase. The cost of the product is high. Athletes often feel a tingling sensation in the body, but it is absolutely harmless.

Other Workout Supplements

There are two other supplements that can help beginners improve their workouts.

They fully live up to their name. Pre-workouts are taken before class to increase training productivity. It is recommended to drink this supplement half an hour before training. It is a mixture of various components, the most popular being: caffeine, L-tyrosine, creatine nitrate, beta-alanine, arginine.

The main advantage of pre-workout supplements is the energy they provide the body. The cost of the supplement is high, and the components it contains are found in other products, so sometimes it makes more sense to stick to them.


Promotes better recovery after physical activity. It is recommended to take it after completing a workout, which will help you experience less pain and speed up the healing process. If you recover faster, it means you can return to classes faster.

The only disadvantage of glutamine is its high cost, but otherwise the athlete receives only benefits. The use of this supplement helps strengthen the body, minimize pain, and remove excess ammonia from the body.

Supplements to Boost Testosterone

Testosterone levels inevitably decline in men as they age. It can be increased by taking certain medications. They stimulate the body's natural production of this hormone, which can provide many benefits to exercise.

Such preparations are produced based on natural ingredients. They stimulate libido and provide a surge of energy, helping to build muscles. The downside is that the increase in testosterone is not very significant.

If the drug is taken uncontrollably, an excess of the hormone occurs, the man becomes more aggressive, acne and baldness appear.


It is a supplement for increasing strength and anabolic hormone levels. ZMA is not a testosterone-boosting drug, but taking it has been shown in studies to keep testosterone levels high during exercise.

This sports nutrition improves the speed and time of recovery processes, stimulates the production of androgenic testosterone, as well as an increase in muscle volume. If you exceed the dosage, excess minerals and vitamins accumulate in the body.


Sports nutrition is necessary for athletes to improve strength, endurance, recovery processes, and accelerate fat burning. It does not replace a regular diet, but it allows you to compensate for the lack of substances that are necessary for a high-quality gain of muscle mass.