A set of fonts for Windows 10. Methods for installing fonts in Windows. Adding and deleting

Windows 10 has many built-in fonts. Like its predecessors, the system also allows you to easily view, install and remove fonts.

When using Windows 10, you may need to access font settings to view, install, and uninstall. In this guide, we will learn where the system stores fonts and how to install and uninstall them in Windows 10.

You can view all available fonts, as well as install and remove them, in the application. You can access the settings for a specific font from the same page. Use the search box in the section "Available fonts" to find the font you want to access.

All installed fonts are saved in the folder C:\Windows\Fonts.

Step 1: Open the page "Fonts", going to "Options" and selecting a group of settings “Personalization” → “Fonts”.

Step 2: Click on the font to reveal details. In field "Enter font preview information" enter any word to see what it will look like.

Windows 10 now has the ability to install fonts from the official Store. Although the Store has a limited number of fonts, it is expected that the font collection will increase in the future.

To install a font from the Store:

In the Microsoft store itself, you can see the first available fonts, but with current versions of Windows 10. You just need to enter “font” into the store search. You will then see all the fonts currently available.

Step 1: Go to page

Step 3: In the font gallery, double-click a font icon to open its page.

Step 4: Finally, click the button "Get" to download and install the font.

The installed font will appear on the Fonts page in the Settings app. If there is an update for the font, you can install it immediately using the Windows 10 Store.

Fonts currently available in the Microsoft Store:

  • Arial Nova
  • Convection
  • Rockwell Nova
  • Gill Sans Nova
  • Verdana Pro
  • Georgia Pro
  • Ink Draft
  • Ink Journal
  • Convection
  • PT Root UI

In addition to the fonts available in the Store, you can also install hundreds of beautiful fonts available online. For example, you can download and install Google Fonts on Windows 10.

To install a third-party font:

Step 1: Download the font to your computer. Extract it if it is in a ZIP archive.

Step 2: Go to page “Options” → “Personalization” → “Fonts”. Drag the new font file into the area “Adding fonts” → “Drag and drop installation” to install a third-party font.

Alternatively, you can right-click on the font file in Explorer and select the option "Install".

Remove font in Windows 10

Step 1: First of all, go to the page “Options” → “Personalization” → “Fonts”.

Step 2: Click on the font you want to remove to open the information page.

Step 3: Scroll down the page to see the Remove button. Click on the button Delete". In the confirmation dialog, click the Remove button again to remove the font from your computer.

All computers with Windows 10 installed use the same standard fonts. They can be used in all built-in and third-party programs. But sometimes there is a need for additional fonts that are not included in the built-in set. In this case, you will have to resort to manual installation.

View a list of installed fonts in Windows 10

If you want to know what fonts are already on your system, follow the steps below:

  1. Using the system search bar, find the built-in “Settings” program and expand it. Open computer settings
  2. Go to the “Personalization” block.
    Open the “Personalization” block
  3. Expand the “Fonts” sub-item. You will see a list of already downloaded fonts. Study it before searching for and installing third-party fonts. Perhaps one of them will appeal to you, and there will be no need for additional actions.
    In the “Fonts” sub-item you can see and configure all fonts

The presence of special fonts is most often needed for programs such as Photoshop, Word and other photo, video and text editors.

Installing additional fonts

If you decide that you need a new font, use any of the methods below. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, the result will be the same - the list of fonts in your computer’s memory will be replenished.

Using the official store

Windows 10 has its own store, which also contains fonts for the system.

  1. Once in the “Fonts” sub-item of the “Personalization” block (how to get to this section is described in the “View a list of installed fonts”), click on the “Get additional fonts” line.
    Click on the line “Get additional fonts”
  2. A list of available fonts will expand. Study it and choose the option that you like best.
    Choosing the appropriate font
  3. After going to one of the offered products, click on the “Get” button (or “Buy” if the font is paid) and wait until the installation is complete. After the process is completed, the new font will be added.
    Click the “Buy” button

Using a file

Not all existing fonts are available in the official Microsoft store. Most of them are posted on third-party sites in free or paid form. Windows 10 can work with two formats containing fonts: ttf and otf.

At the end of the process, you will receive a new font in your computer's memory.

Using a special folder

Windows has a special folder that contains all the fonts and allows you to manage them. You can go to it via the path C:\Windows\Fonts. To add a font, drag or copy a ttf or otf file to this folder. Once the file is posted, it will automatically be added to the list of other fonts.

Using a third party program

A large number of third-party programs have been developed to work with fonts. Some of them can work not only with standard formats, but also with extensions that Windows cannot read.

It is worth resorting to using third-party applications if you are going to sort through many fonts, since doing this using standard system tools is not very convenient.

Font Massive Light

This application can display a list of found fonts, as well as each character from the set. It can be used to remove and install packages. In addition to standard formats, FontMassive supports the .pfm and .pfb extensions.

The program can compare fonts, search for similar ones, convert them into a format for Adobe Illustrator and does not require installation. You can download its free version for 32 and 64-bit systems from the official website of the developer.

It is more convenient to work with fonts in FontMassive Light


This application is suitable for those who want not only to install other people's fonts, but also to create their own. Using the program's built-in tools, you can draw, save and add your own font to the system. FontForge has a huge number of possibilities that allow you to work out each character in detail. You can download the utility from the official website of the developers.

Using FontForge you can create your own font

Video: Installing fonts in Windows 10

Installing PostScript Type 1 fonts

PostScript is a special programming language developed by Adobe. It is often used in describing PDF files and for storing and describing fonts. PostScript Type 1 is a globally accepted encoding format.

To install fonts of this format, you will need a special program from Adobe - Adobe Type Manager. After downloading and opening it, go to the Add Fonts tab, specify the path to the font file and use the Add button. Done, the new font has been added to your library.

Specify the path to the font and click the Add button

Fonts take up very little memory, so deleting them will not free up hard drive space. But, if you want to clear the list of available fonts, leaving in it only those options that you constantly use, you can erase unnecessary fonts. This can be done using almost all the methods described above: through computer settings, a special folder and a third-party program.

It doesn't matter which method you choose, because the only thing you need to do is select a font and click the "Delete" button. For example, you can go to the C:\Windows\Fonts folder, select the appropriate element and click on the “Delete” button. After confirming the action, the font will be permanently erased.

Select the font and click the “Delete” button

There are several ways to add a new font to the system library. You can perform a quick installation from a file, use the Fonts folder, or use a third-party program. The list of used fonts can also be seen in the computer settings. Removing a font is done through the Fonts folder, a third-party program, or system settings.

Changing the font in Windows 10 may be a necessity for a comfortable experience. However, the user may simply want to customize the operating system interface.

This article will look at options for increasing or decreasing the font, as well as replacing the standard style with another.

Method 1: Changing the scale

First, let's look at how to change the font size, not its style. To complete the task, you should turn to system tools. IN "Options" In Windows 10, you can change the scaling of text, applications, and other elements. True, the default values ​​can only be increased.

  1. Open "Options" operating system. To do this, you can refer to the menu "Start" and click on the gear icon

    or just press the keys on the keyboard "Win+I", which will immediately bring up the window we need.

  2. Go to section "System".
  3. The subsection we need will be opened - "Display", - but to change the font size you need to scroll down a little.
  4. In point "Scale and marking" You can enlarge the text, as well as scale the interface of applications and individual system elements.

    For these purposes, you should refer to the drop-down list with the default value "100% (recommended)" and choose the one you see fit.

    Note: The increase is carried out in increments of 25% from the original value, up to 175%. For most users this will be enough.

  5. As soon as you increase the text size, a message will appear in the notification panel asking you to fix blurriness in applications, since the interface of some of them may not change correctly when scaling is active. Click "Apply" to improve this parameter.
  6. From the screenshot below you can see that the font size in the system has been increased according to the value we selected. This is what it looks like at 125%,

    and this is what the system looks like "Conductor" when scaling at 150%:

  7. If desired, you can change "Additional scaling options" by clicking on the corresponding active link under the drop-down list of available values.
  8. In the additional options section that opens, you can correct blurriness in applications (does the same thing as pressing the button "Apply" in the notification window mentioned in the fifth paragraph). To do this, you just need to move the toggle switch to the active position "Allow Windows to fix blur".

    Below in the field "Custom Scaling" You can specify your own increased value for the size of text and other system elements. Unlike the list from section "Scale and marking", here you can set any value in the range from 100 to 500%, although such a strong increase is not recommended.

This is how easy it is to change, or rather, increase the font size in the Windows 10 operating system. The changes made apply to all elements of the system and most applications, including third-party ones. The scaling function discussed in this method will be especially useful for visually impaired users and those who use monitors with a resolution higher than Full HD (more than 1920 x 1080 pixels).

Method 2: Changing the default font

Now let's look at how to change the font style used in the operating system and applications that support this feature. Please note that the instructions below are only relevant for Windows 10 version 1803 and subsequent ones, since the location of the required OS component has changed. So let's get started.

  1. Similar to the first step of the previous method, open "Windows Settings" and go from there to the section "Personalization".
  2. Next, go to the subsection "Fonts".

    To see a list of all the fonts installed on your computer, just scroll down.

    Additional fonts can be obtained from the Microsoft Store by installing them as a regular application. To do this, simply click on the appropriate link in the window with a list of available options.

  3. To view the font style and its main parameters, simply click on its name.

  4. In the font parameters window, you can enter arbitrary text in order to evaluate how it will look, as well as set the optimal size. Below you will see what the selected style looks like in all available styles.
  5. Scrolling the window "Parameters" a little lower to the section "Metadata", you can select the main style (regular, italic, bold), thus defining the style of its display in the system. Additional information such as full name, file location, and other information is provided below. Additionally, it is possible to delete the font.
  6. Having decided which of the available fonts you want to use as the main one inside the operating system, without closing the window "Parameters", launch standard Notepad. This can be done through Windows internal search.

    or through the context menu called in an empty area of ​​the Desktop. Press RMB and select items one by one "Create""Text Document".

  7. Copy the following text and paste it into an open Notepad:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "Segoe UI (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Light (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI"="New font"

    Where Segoe UI is the standard font of the operating system, and the last expression New font must be replaced with the name of the font you have chosen. Enter it manually, “peeking” in "Options", since it is impossible to copy text from there.

  8. Having specified the required name, expand the menu in Notepad "File" and select "Save as…".
  9. Select a location to save the file (the optimal and most convenient solution would be the Desktop), give it an arbitrary but understandable name, and then put a dot and enter the extension reg(in our example the file name is: new font.reg). Click "Save".
  10. Go to the directory where you saved the registry file created in Notepad, right-click on it and select the first item from the context menu - "Merge".
  11. In the window that appears, click the button "Yes" confirm your intention to make changes to the system registry.
  12. In the next window just click "OK" to close it and restart your computer.
  13. Once the operating system starts, the font used within the operating system and in compatible third-party applications will be changed to the font you select. In the image below you can see what it looks like "Conductor" with Microsoft Sans Serif font.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about changing the font style used in Windows. True, this approach is not without its drawbacks - for some reason the changes are not applied to universal Windows applications (UWP), which occupy an increasing part of the operating system interface with each update. For example, the new font is not applied to "Parameters", Microsoft Store and some other sections of the OS. In addition, in some applications, the style of some text elements may be displayed in a style different from the one you selected - italics or bold instead of normal.

Despite the fact that installing new fonts in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 is a fairly simple procedure that does not require special skills, you hear the question of how to install fonts quite often.

This instruction contains details about adding fonts to all the latest versions of Windows, what fonts are supported by the system and what to do if the font you downloaded does not install, as well as some other nuances of installing fonts.

Fonts downloaded from somewhere are regular files (they may be in a zip archive, in which case they should be unzipped first). Windows 10, 8.1 and 7 support fonts in TrueType and OpenType formats, the files of these fonts have the extensions .ttf and .otf, respectively. If your font is in a different format, there will be information below on how you can add it too.

Everything you need to install a font is already available in Windows: if the system sees that the file you are working with is a font file, then the context menu of this file (called by the right mouse button) will contain the “Install” item after clicking on which (administrator rights are required), the font will be added to the system.

At the same time, you can add fonts not one at a time, but several at once - by selecting several files, then clicking the right mouse button and selecting the menu item to install.

Installed fonts will appear in Windows, as well as in all programs that take available fonts from the system - Word, Photoshop and others (the programs may need to be restarted for the fonts to appear in the list). By the way, in Photoshop you can also install Typekit.com fonts using the Creative Cloud application (Resources Tab - Fonts).

The second way to install fonts is to simply copy (drag and drop) the files with them into a folder C:\Windows\Fonts, as a result they will be installed exactly the same as in the previous version.

Please note that if you go to this folder, a window will open to manage installed Windows fonts, in which you can delete or view fonts. In addition, you can “hide” fonts - this does not remove them from the system (they may be required for the OS to function), but hides them in lists in various programs (for example, Word), i.e. For some, it may make it easier to work with programs by allowing them to leave only what they need.

If the font does not install

It happens that these methods do not work, and the reasons and methods for solving them may be different.

  • If the font does not install in Windows 7 or 8.1 with an error message like “the file is not a font file,” try downloading the same font from another source. If the font is not presented as a ttf or otf file, then it can be converted using any online converter. For example, if you have a woff file with a font, search for a converter on the Internet using the query “woff to ttf” and convert.
  • If the font is not installed on Windows 10, the instructions above apply in this case, but there is an additional nuance. Many users have noticed that ttf fonts may not install on Windows 10 with the built-in firewall disabled, with the same message that the file is not a font file. When you turn on the “native” firewall, everything is installed again. Odd error, but worth checking if you encounter a problem.

In my opinion, I have written a comprehensive guide for beginner Windows users, but if you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Windows 10 offers users a lot of new features, but at the same time, the OS has gotten rid of many of the conveniences, especially in the area of ​​personalization, that Windows fans loved so much. The ability to change the font is one of them. If earlier Microsoft allowed you to easily change the style of inscriptions in Windows, now all this can only be done in various artisanal ways.

How to change the default font in Windows 10

Be careful: editing the registry is associated with a certain risk of putting the computer out of adequate working condition. Don't forget that you alone are responsible for your actions. Not confident in your abilities and ability to return everything back? In this case, it is better to refrain from experiments.

The instructions include a bit of dancing with tambourines and a register, so be careful. But the end result could be a heavily transformed OS with fonts you like better than the default ones.

  1. Open Control Panel. This is done by using a key combination Win + X and select from the menu Control Panel. Note: on builds of Windows 10 Creators Update, the Control Panel was cut out of this menu, so you can find the old Computer Settings section through a search. Open Start and enter Control Panel.
  2. Go to section Design and Personalization - Fonts. If you have disabled category display and selected the option to display List Control Panel items, simply find the section below Fonts.
  3. You will see a list of all available fonts in the operating system. Find the font you need and remember its name. Eg: Kozuka Gothic Pro L or Ristretto Pro. If you have custom fonts, you can install them. Be careful in your choice and only use fonts that support Cyrillic. Also, don't choose something like Webdings, since the text will be replaced with various icons and pictograms, which you are unlikely to like.
    Note: in Windows 10 the standard font is called Segoe UI
  4. Now open Notebook. You can find it in the list of all applications. For faster startup, use the combination Win + R and enter notepad.
  5. Copy the following text into notepad:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "Segoe UI (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Light (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType)"=""
    "Segoe UI"="Your chosen font"

  6. In the last line "instead of" Your chosen font you need to insert the name of the font that you will set as standard. For example, the finished line should look like:

    "Segoe UI"="Ristretto Pro"

  7. Save the file. When saving, select the file type All files and specify the extension for the file yourself . reg.
  8. Double click on the file you created. The system will offer to add it to the computer's registry.
  9. Reboot the device, after which the new fonts should replace the old ones in all sections of the operating system.