Red caviar or red fish. Large caviar of some fish. The most expensive caviar in the world: description, fish and the best recipes. Fish - caviar suppliers

Differences between sockeye salmon caviar and chum salmon

To date, four varieties of red caviar are known: sockeye salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon and chum salmon. Each has its own characteristics and, of course, disadvantages.

So, a striking difference between sockeye caviar and chum salmon is that it has small grains resembling coho salmon caviar. In turn, chum grains are as large as pink salmon. They have a fiery orange-red color and are rich in protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body. This caviar is considered one of the best delicacies. Its disadvantage can be called a high calorie content. So, up to 300 calories per 100 g of the product.

There are a lot of various vitamins and microelements in sockeye salmon caviar. So, these are vitamins of groups B, A, D. It also contains a large amount of copper, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron and magnesium.

And even if the grain size does not exceed 4 mm, it has a charming red color. Among its shortcomings, one can be noted, but quite significant: sockeye salmon caviar is a little bitter. This, in turn, makes it unique, and therefore not everyone likes such a delicacy, which cannot be said about chum caviar.

Which caviar is better - sockeye salmon or chum salmon?

Sockeye caviar is an excellent fish delicacy, the grain size of which can vary. In addition, if you find caviar of a non-uniform color in a jar, you should not think that you have slipped a fake. In fact, the caviar of this fish, unlike the chum salmon, does not have a uniform color.

Chum caviar, like pink salmon, is considered the most delicious today. The main explanation for this is the lack of bitterness and coarse grain.

The most common types of red fish

Sturgeon family


All types of red fish have many features in common, but there are signs that are characteristic of only one species. So, trout, which is also called pied, has many small black spots on its body, rounded scales and rounded fins. Other species of the family do not have such features.

Trout is common in the rivers of Western Europe, it can be found in small quantities in small rivers of the Black Sea basin. Trout fish cannot compete with other predators, it needs clean, clear, cold, but non-freezing water, so its distribution is not as large as other species of the salmon family.

Small fish usually feed on the eggs of adults, which they find on the riffles. Adult trout are carnivorous fish and feed on smaller species, earthworms and insects. The main food is insects: larvae, grasshoppers, flies, mosquitoes, midges. Trout can catch insects from the water or catch them on the fly.

This fish loves cool water, so on a summer day the trout is not very active, almost does not eat, keeps near springs and springs, in the shade of large stones.

At the end of summer, trout fish begin to go into the rivers for spawning. She can overcome great distances, and small obstacles do not prevent her from moving forward: she can jump out of the water to a height of 2-3 meters. To make a jump, the trout rests on something with its tail, bends into an arc and sharply strains its tail. If it was not possible to jump over the first time, the fish tries again.


Where does this red fish live? Chum salmon is found in the North Pacific and the Arctic Ocean. For reproduction, she goes to the rivers Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma; in the Western Hemisphere - into the rivers flowing into the Bering Strait.

In the normal period of life, the chum salmon has a silver-gray color without any spots and stripes. During spawning, the sides of the chum salmon acquire a raspberry-purple hue. Ketu in such a period is called a salmon or catfish. In catfish, the sky, the edges of the gill arches also turn black, the teeth increase in size, the fillet becomes yellow and skinny.

Chum salmon usually go to spawn in the third year of life, but maybe in the second or fifth.

Ketu is divided into two races: autumn and summer. They differ from each other in behavior, physiological and morphological characteristics. In nature, these two races do not mix during spawning.

The development of eggs and young in the summer race usually takes place in the underflow stream, and in the autumn race, in the place where groundwater comes out. Such differences are related to the temperature of the habitat: the summer chum salmon needs a lower water temperature in order for embryogenesis to be completed in spring, and the autumn chum salmon, accordingly, needs higher temperatures so that the fry emerge at the same time as the summer race.

The summer and autumn races of chum salmon differ in body size, coloration, and fertility.

Pink salmon

Pacific (Far Eastern) salmon

This family includes the genus Pacific, or Far Eastern, salmon.

Far Eastern salmon is an anadromous fish that feeds in the sea and goes to the rivers to spawn. All females of this genus spawn only once in their lives, and males can participate in spawning several times.

Salmon spawning, like migration, occurs at different times in different species. Some males in some species have a long freshwater period, and some do not go to sea at all.

Pacific salmon is quite an interesting species. All members of the family have an instinct at home - the fish return to spawn in those rivers from where they themselves came out. But in salmon, like any species, there is a certain protection against inbreeding. So, all salmonids have a different period of maturation: in some species, females become sexually mature earlier than males, in some it is the other way around. This allows fish of different ages to interbreed and close relatives do not intersect. Far Eastern salmon always fatten in the sea, being there for quite a long time.

Red fish in cooking

Previously, as we have already mentioned, only representatives of sturgeons were considered red fish. Currently, salmon are also called so, since their muscle tissue also has a red-pink tint.

In cooking, there is a classification of this fish:

  1. I group. This includes sturgeons that live in the Caspian and Black Seas. These are beluga, spike, sterlet, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon.
  2. II group. This group includes trout, salmon, pink salmon, and chum salmon.
  3. III group. These are fish such as coho salmon, taimen, nelma and white salmon. These species are called salmon white species.

Red fish is highly valued not only because of the delicious juicy fillet and caviar. This fish is very rich in various vitamins and minerals. It is characterized by a high content of phosphorus and iodine, as well as calcium, fluorine, vitamins E, group B, PP, A, etc.

All types of red fish are highly valued by culinary specialists. It has been proven that people who often include red fish in their diet are less prone to cancer, less likely to suffer from hypertension, and have an excellent memory.

Red fish in its composition contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which nourish cell membranes and prolong youth. Eating dishes, for example, from salmon, is the prevention of various diseases: arthrosis, arthritis, heart attack, stroke, as well as visual impairment.

There are a huge number of dishes from red fish: sandwiches with caviar or smoked fish, a pie with salmon, trout, stewed trout with vegetables, red fish with beets, chum salmon with asparagus and rice - any gourmet will find a recipe to their liking. This fish can be eaten not only every day, but it is not a shame to put it on the festive table.

Salmon fish is useful, but it is worth remembering that a large amount of even healthy food can be harmful to health. A week is enough to include in your diet only 300 g of red fish, preferably boiled or steamed. Abuse of fried red fish can disrupt the digestive tract. With caution, it is worth eating dishes from this delicacy for overweight people, pregnant and lactating women.

A well-known enterprise engaged in breeding red fish for industrial purposes is Russian Salmon OJSC. The company breeds fish - Pacific salmon - in hatcheries located in the Barents Sea. The company is also engaged in the processing of salmon. Here you can buy almost all types of salmon family.

The main features of the family


The sturgeon family belongs to the class of ray-finned fish and to the order of sturgeons. Currently, there are only four species: shovelnose, pseudoshovelnose, beluga and sturgeon.

Species of the sturgeon class are common in the basins of the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas. Sturgeons are also found in the Aral Sea basin, but they are represented by only one species. This is a spike.

The representatives of the classes are significantly different from each other.

Shovelnose got its name because of the unusual shape of the snout. They have small eyes that can be practically atrophied, but they have a well-developed sense of touch. This fish lives in reservoirs with a very fast flow of water, so an important feature is the presence of large bone plates that look like a shell. And the flat, elongated snout helps the shovel-like ones to easily stay afloat in a turbulent water stream.

Shovelnose are found only in the Mississippi basin. Representatives are divided into two types:

  1. Common shovelnose, it can be found in the river basin quite often. This is a fish that reaches almost 1 meter in length.
  2. The white shovelnose is less common than the common shovelnose. Its length can also reach 1 meter.

Pseudo-shovelnose live in the basins of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya, but do not swim in the salty Aral Sea. All these fish are smaller than shovelnose and can only grow up to 55-60 cm. There are two types: a large Amu Darya shovelnose and a small shovelnose.

In addition to standard sturgeon widows, various hybrids may appear. In one reservoir, several species of sturgeon fish usually live, which interbreed with each other.

Reproduction of sturgeon fish

The value of sturgeon

salmon fish

Main features

The body of the fish is elongated and laterally compressed. The lower jaw is elongated, a cartilaginous hook appears on it during reproduction, and a corresponding notch appears on the upper jaw. The color of the back is usually gray-blue with black spots, and the belly is silvery. The general coloring of the fish may vary depending on the age of the individual, its habitat and other factors. Before spawning, the salmon darkens, the males become covered with red spots, and in very old males, the lower fins and the entire belly turn red.

The skin during the breeding season in salmon thickens, becomes rough. The process of changing individuals during spawning is called baldness, salmon in this period is called longshak or sucker.

During spawning, all members of the family become very thin, as a result of which the head of individuals seems to be much larger than the body. The fish fillet becomes tasteless, white and watery.

Salmon is considered an anadromous fish. During spawning, salmon enter the rivers from the sea, but the Ladoga and Onega salmon are exceptions, which live and spawn in closed water bodies. These lacustrine species are darker in color and have smaller eggs.

salmon habitats

salmon breeding

Salmon enter the rivers mainly in summer, rise along them, and can swim long distances. Salmon spawning takes place in autumn.

Depending on the time when the fish goes to spawn or returns, fishermen give names to salmon. The course of the Petrovsky and Uspensky sucker corresponds to the closing of the White Sea, they go to the rivers after the ice breaks - in early June. This fish has a lot of caviar, and it is almost mature. Assumption sucker is also called tinda or low water. They go to rivers in July.

In the off-season, caviar fish is also found, but its caviar is either immature or in small quantities. Spawning fish are especially common in Western Europe.

Salmon has a powerful tail with well-developed muscles. Thanks to him, she can jump over small ledges of rivers. Salmon can jump up to 4-5 meters. Therefore, it is very convenient for fishermen to catch salmon near small waterfalls.

Fish always spawn on small rifts with a fast current and a coarse sandy bottom. Basically, salmon spawn in the same place for many years. But the older the representative of the family, the higher he enters the rivers.

The reverse course of the fish begins in November-October. In the northern regions, the salmon spends the whole winter in fresh water and returns only in the spring. Thin and tired salmon roll back into the sea.

Salmon caviar is quite large, but it is smaller than that of other species. With age, the number and size of caviar increases.

The development of fish eggs is slow and depends on the water temperature. The fry hatch in 70-140 days. They swim with the yolk bladder for about a month. The fry have a large head and a small body, they feed on benthic organisms or zooplankton. The body color of young fish is greenish.

Salmon fry spend in the upper reaches of the rivers from one year to three years. After they take the form of an adult, the fish swim into the sea, where they continue their development. But before that, young salmon stop for several days at the mouth of the river, gather in large flocks.

Males and females of two or three years are already capable of reproduction. After the fish return to the sea, it grows, but after a few months the salmon go back to the rivers, only this time to spawn.

So the whole cycle closes and all this continues from year to year.

Fish, if possible, should be present in the diet of any person. It is especially important for children and pregnant women. After all, fish contains a large amount of protein, which is of great importance for the body.


  1. Doctors have long proven that fish is a dietary product. It is simply impossible to gain weight from its use. And all the useful substances that are contained in it are perfectly absorbed by the human body. The main advantage of fish is that it contains essential omega-3 fatty acids for humans. Their increased content is found in marine fish. These fatty acids are part of the structure of many cell membranes, regulate blood clotting processes, and promote the transmission of nerve impulses in brain cells. Omega-3 acids prevent strokes, prevent dry skin and hair loss. We can immediately say that fish is not only very healthy, but also an incredibly tasty product. And this is an extremely rare combination. Of course, it is impossible to name the most delicious fish, each person has his own. Therefore, it is worth talking about the beneficial qualities of fish.
  2. Nutritionists consider sea fish to be the most useful. An example is fish of the salmon family: trout, salmon. Trout has a very tender red meat, it contains a large amount of protein component and vitamins A and D. Salmon has good taste and useful properties. Most importantly, choose wild salmon species, not farmed ones. The second type can even cause irreparable harm to the body.
  3. Do not forget about the sea bass, which is very fond of many famous chefs. In this fish, bones are almost completely absent, and in terms of useful substances it surpassed many species. Omega-3 fatty acids have not only antioxidant properties, but also anti-inflammatory properties. Nutritionists recommend eating sea bass dishes for patients with heart disease, Alzheimer's disease. However, this fish belongs to the premium class, therefore it has an appropriate price. Yes, and it is quite possible to run into individuals bred in artificial conditions.
  4. River fish is much easier to buy fresh, and at a price it is much more economical. In a conversation about the most delicious and healthy river fish, first of all, it is worth mentioning the pike. It has very lean meat that bakes beautifully. Pike cutlets and meatballs will perfectly diversify any dietary menu. The main advantage of this fish is its anti-inflammatory properties, this is due to the content of a natural antiseptic in it.
  5. Of course, pike is not the only healthy and very tasty river fish. It is worth, if possible, including perch with its tender and non-boney meat and pike perch in your diet. They also belong to dietary fish, moreover, they do not lose their beneficial properties when frozen. Perch has a high content of phosphorus and antioxidants.

What is the New Year without red caviar on the table?! Red bubbles melting in your mouth, combined with the golden overflow of champagne, create a feeling of a holiday, a luxurious life. Which red caviar is the best, and what valuable qualities are hidden in it - let's take a closer look.

What is it and what do they eat?

This product is now considered a delicacy.

Red caviar is thrown by all types of salmon fish, such as trout, pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, etc.

The grains of this product are usually large, from burgundy and bright red to orange, there are bubbles inside.

The most common type is pink salmon caviar. It is this product that often appears on our tables, since pink salmon spawning is frequent and plentiful.

The taste of caviar varies depending on the type of fish. So, pink salmon caviar has a pleasant classic taste with a pronounced marine aroma; sockeye salmon and coho salmon - slightly bitter; chum salmon - creamy.

At the same time, in the store, of course, you will find an already processed product - mixed with salt, oil and antiseptics.

According to the method of preparation, granular and pressed caviar are distinguished. The latter is a puree, which is prepared from a mass unsuitable for the production of the first type.

By size, caviar happens:

  • the largest (royal) - chum salmon and chinook salmon (about 7 mm in diameter);
  • medium - pink salmon (5 mm);
  • small - sockeye salmon and coho salmon (4 mm);
  • the smallest is trout (2-3 mm).

If you are wondering which red caviar is better to choose, we advise you to pay attention to your own taste preferences, since these types of this product are almost identical in composition.

Production stages

If you have repeatedly wondered which is the best producer of red caviar, then information about the manufacturing process of this product will be interesting.

The bulk of fish for the production of red caviar is caught in Sakhalin and Kamchatka (Pacific Ocean).

4 stages can be distinguished.

  • Cutting: the fish is gutted, yastyks (bags) with caviar are taken out of it. Sort by type. A conscientious manufacturer will never mix a product in order to raise the price and profit from it.
  • Screening: raw caviar is taken out of the ovaries with the help of a butary machine.
  • Salting: takes place in a strong saline solution (brine), in time - 15 minutes, saturation should be 4%.
  • Packaging: caviar is "squeezed" in a special apparatus, after which the master adds vegetable oil, preservatives, antiseptics. At this stage, caviar is also translucent for the presence of foreign bodies (films, blood).

Then there is a layout in the appropriate containers.


When answering the question which red caviar is the best, a lot depends on how it was made and under what conditions.

Usually on the label you can find the following information: caviar, salt, vegetable oil, preservatives. As the latter, sorbic acid E200, sodium benzoate E211 are often used. Do not worry, in small dosages they do not harm.

Urotropin (E239) is no longer used because it is toxic - passing through the kidneys, it decomposes to formaldehyde, so this is also worth paying attention to when studying the label and choosing a product.

Red caviar is of the 1st and 2nd grade. GOST 18173-2004 gives indicators, depending on which it is determined.


First grade

Second grade

Caviar of one species, without films, clots, non-uniform color can be in sockeye salmon and coho salmon.

Mixing, unequal color, films, clots, etc. may be present.


The grains are elastic, slightly moist or dry.

Weak eggs, high viscosity.

according to the type of fish.


There may be a slight aftertaste of bitterness for sockeye and coho caviar.

The taste of bitterness.

share of salt

Other impurities

Thus, caviar of the second grade will look less presentable.


The container where red caviar is stored must be free of damage, rust (if tin), chips, etc.

When labeling jars, the type of fish must be indicated. Preservatives and vegetable oil may be present in the composition, and stabilizers and thickeners are best avoided.

If you choose caviar in a jar, remember that the manufacturer must indicate the type of fish, production date, expiration date, composition, grade, an indication of GOST is optional, but welcome. The date must be stamped on the inside.

If you buy a product in a glass container, carefully examine the eggs - they should not be crumpled, white spots may indicate damage to the product.

If there is a lot of excess liquid in the jar, then the caviar has been frozen or the expiration date has expired.

The product is stored at a temperature of -4 to -6 without preservatives for 4 months, with those - 12.


Red caviar is indispensable for its useful qualities, since it contains vitamins such as PP, E, C, B1, B2, A, D, E, minerals - fluorine, iron, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium , calcium; omega-3 fatty acids.

Basically, fish eggs consist of protein, which is absorbed by the human body more easily than an animal. Caviar can be used by children from the age of 3, and it is allowed for pregnant and lactating mothers only in moderation, since it contains salt.

Lecithin removes cholesterol, folic acid - the key to healthy skin and the absence of anemia. Also, the use of the product increases hemoglobin, strengthens the immune system, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, improves brain function.

At the same time, according to scientific studies, caviar is an aphrodisiac for men, as it increases testosterone levels.

This product will not spoil your figure, because 100 g contains only 240-260 kcal.

Many people wonder which month's red caviar is the best. Since salmon spawning usually occurs in July-August, then you should choose a product in jars that contain the date of this period, otherwise you can bring home caviar from frozen products, which is no longer so tasty.

Selection rules

What is the best red caviar? Here are the main points to pay attention to:

  • capacity - without smudges, drops;
  • elastic eggs;
  • the color is the same;
  • the presence of a kernel in the grain (light spot);
  • no sticking;
  • moderately salty, without strong bitterness;
  • dry (crumbly), that is, a minimum of liquid;
  • there should be no extra elements - clots, films;
  • preparation time: July-August;
  • the date on the bank must be cut from the inside;
  • the composition should not contain the preservative E239 (urotropin).

Many experts are convinced that in order to answer the question of which red caviar is considered the best, you need to find out what region the fish comes from. So, in Kamchatka there is an ideal raw material for the preparation of red caviar, since the climate for spawning is quite acceptable here, the salinity is not as high as in the open ocean.

Red or black?

You have already learned a lot about the first type of caviar, but black remains a mystery. Let's find out which one is healthier and tastier.

Black caviar is a product of sturgeon fish (beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon). It is now considered a rare dietary delicacy.

Black caviar is granular, pressed and oval, while red caviar is mainly valued only from grains.

This product is rich in amino acids, aspartic and glutamine, omega-3, contains leucine, lysine, minerals, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and vitamins.

Of course, the price of black caviar is much higher than red caviar, since the process of its production is more complicated. Only fish that have reached 10-15 years of age rush, they rarely go to spawn. And due to mass poaching, most sturgeon species are listed in the Red Book as endangered.

That is why red caviar is more affordable.

In taste, red caviar is inferior to black caviar, and in terms of value and properties, they are almost the same.

Test purchase

It is not so easy to choose a good red caviar. Which firm is better? Probably, many people know that Channel One has been broadcasting a program in the interests of consumers called "Test Purchase" for a long time.

So, on the eve of the 2016 New Year, citizens chose which brand of red caviar is better. The winner of the program that year was PARSAKH LLC, located in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Region. Their caviar is prepared from freshly caught pink salmon in accordance with GOST 18173-2004. The product comes in a metal can with a halographic key on the lid, and sometimes even with an additional lid for convenience.

In 2015, Russian Sea CJSC became the champion of the "red" one, in 2014 - Tunaicha Company LLC.

In this program, it is proposed to check the quality of red caviar in the following way: blow on eggs laid out on a dry flat plate. If they rolled out - well, the caviar is natural and cooked according to the rules, otherwise the technology is violated or the product is of poor quality.

Let's also check the popular reviews of red caviar - which manufacturer is better? Many "stars" were given by consumers to the Sakhalin Caviar Company, the aforementioned PARSAKH LLC, Sakhalin Fish, the North Eastern Company Krasnoye Zoloto, Orlando, and Kaites.

Royal treat

So, having decided which is the best red caviar, you can start creating culinary masterpieces and, accordingly, tasting.

According to almost 90% of Russians, on New Year's Eve there are white bread sandwiches with butter and caviar on their tables. How well they go with champagne!

If you are thinking about the figure, you can replace the butter and the roll with an egg, chicken or quail. In this form, the dish looks very elegant and festive, and there are much fewer calories.

Foreigners think that pancakes with caviar are an original Russian dish and truly admire it.

Basically, this product is used to decorate dishes, giving them "chic", but many people use it not only in snacks, but also in salads and soups.

Red caviar goes well with many types of foods, such as squid, shrimp, cheese, fish, tomatoes, herbs, carrots, radishes, avocados, mushrooms, etc.

In any case, no matter what dish you cook with her "participation", it turns into a royal treat.

Red caviar is a valuable and very useful gift of nature. Like any product, it will have a beneficial effect on the body when consumed in moderation. Do not overeat with it, because the composition still contains salt and preservatives.

At the same time, do not forget about the rules for choosing caviar, then you can always please your household with fresh and healthy "red".

How to choose a really high-quality product? Which caviar is healthier and better? Which one is tastier than pink salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon or coho salmon? What should you pay attention to when buying red caviar?

Not infrequently, these questions arise from buyers standing at the window and getting lost in the variety of delicacies.
To make the right decision, it is worth evaluating salmon caviar according to a number of parameters.


The most common red caviar is:

Pink salmon- the cheapest and most common red caviar. It differs from the chum salmon and chinook in size, approximately 3-5 mm. It differs from other types of delicacy in color (lighter only in chum salmon), incl. Seeing medium-sized light orange eggs, do not hesitate - this is pink salmon caviar. The taste is not bitter, most often lightly salted.

Red salmon- fairly small red caviar, 2-3mm. It is easily recognizable both by its size and its dark orange color. It has a pronounced fishy smell and a bitter taste. During production, color heterogeneity is allowed, incl. do not be alarmed if the color scheme of the eggs varies in orange-red tones (black and white, indicates a spoiled product). In my opinion, the most delicious of the types of delicacy available in the store. Its price is usually equal to pink salmon, sometimes higher by 100-200 rubles.

Keta- average in price, the largest and lightest caviar. And the chum salmon itself is much larger than coho salmon and sockeye salmon. Easily recognizable by its light orange, uniform color (color heterogeneity is not allowed). Eggs with a diameter of 5-7 mm. The fattest, with a delicate taste (when properly produced). It is often passed off as chinook because of the similarity in size, which is easy to determine by color.

coho salmon
– average price (more often equated to the ket price). Color dark red, burgundy. The eggs are approximately 3-4mm. During production, color variation is allowed. The taste is quite bitter. In taste and appearance, it is very similar to sockeye salmon caviar, with the exception of a rich dark red hue.

Chinook salmon- the most expensive red caviar, the price is 500-700 rubles higher than for pink salmon. Intense red color. The taste is bitter, slightly spicy. The size of the eggs is slightly larger than that of pink salmon. Previously, chinook caviar was the largest, but in the last 10 years, chinook salmon has become smaller, more and more individuals weighing less than 10-15 kg come across. Accordingly, the caviar in such a fish is small.

There is an opinion that the chinook is listed in the Red Book, but this is not so. In my memory, only in 2005 there was a ban on its catch, it lasted about a year. Now we continue to catch it on the shelves of Kamchatka, it will not be difficult to find chinook caviar.

In Russia, chinook is mined only in Kamchatka, so pay attention to the region when buying. There are a lot of fakes in the central strip, most often it is chum caviar with the addition of dyes. You can protect yourself by buying a delicacy from trusted suppliers, as well as by checking the product for the presence of a sharp aftertaste.


The most important criterion when choosing red caviar is the manufacturer. Moreover, there is no unequivocal answer, which salmon caviar is better. In my practice, there were both fairly large enterprises that, to put it mildly, violated state standards, and small manufacturers that produce products of really high quality.

Let's weigh the "FOR" and "AGAINST"

Quality assurance

Only a certified manufacturer can provide you with a guarantee. The production of caviar requires constant quality control, which is reflected in the accompanying documents. But the reality is not so rosy. Not all manufacturers with “white” documents are conscientious about their business and often in banks there is low-quality, and sometimes spoiled fish caviar. This is especially true for factories that work with confiscated goods, the rating is not important to them.

Small producers selling caviar by weight may also turn out to be “not honest” sellers. You will not receive guarantees, unlike factory products. Therefore, buying a delicacy without documents from dubious personalities, you are playing the lottery with your health. For example, I met “comrades” who use Domestos in their production. There is also a whole business of acquiring rotten salmon caviar, processing and selling. I think not a single plant will dare to do this, incl. if the seller of handicraft products is unfamiliar to you, I would not advise you to trust him.


It seems that everything is simple here. The composition of salted salmon caviar according to GOST includes: raw, salt, water, oil, food additive Varex-2 (sorbic acid). But again, “BUT” comes out.

The fact is that factories during production cannot deviate from state standards. And according to GOSTs, caviar must contain 0.2% Varex-2. I'm not the only one who doubts its usefulness. Now few people argue on this topic, everyone has long come to terms with this need, but in 2005, discussions of this additive in the “caviar sphere” were serious. Starting with the fear of getting cancer , ending with the genocide of the Russian population . I do not want to scare anyone, but I consider it necessary to warn.

At this time, "shrubs" are free to choose preservatives. I know many manufacturers who add only salt to caviar, others buy Japanese preservatives. In both cases, the taste of the delicacy is not inferior to the factory one, the shelf life, subject to the technology, also corresponds to the norm. Of course, you should not trust everyone in a row, as the saying goes “trust, but verify”.

Storage and transportation

Here the undisputed leader are large enterprises. Any manufacturer is interested in making a profit, no one wants to lose both raw materials and finished products, therefore, at all large plants (I was personally at 4), they comply with the standards.

Things are much worse for small businesses, the Internet is full of videos where red fish caviar is stored in dirty cellars and unwashed containers. Yes, this is not uncommon in real life. It all depends on the consciousness of the manufacturer and the quality of the control bodies.


There is an opinion that caviar in glass containers is the best, and in plastic dishes it has the lowest performance. In fact, in the factory, storage is allowed in glass and metal cans, wooden barrels and polymer buckets. It is very important that no matter what the packaging is broken, dents, rust, chips are unacceptable.

How to choose caviar in a metal can

Everything is simple here:

  • We check the jar for defects (dents, rust, etc.), they should not be
  • We read the date of manufacture on the cover (no more than 12 months)
  • We choose a variety: there are only 2 of them, the salinity of caviar does not depend on the variety
  • We shake the jar, the contents should not gurgle
  • Storage temperature of granular caviar at retail trade enterprises +2 - +4 C. (International standard)
  • It is worth remembering that the delicacy in a tin should be consumed within 5 days from the date of opening.
  • Tin oxidizes strongly, so it makes sense to transfer the product to glassware

How to choose caviar in glass containers

We carry out the same points as with a metal can, as well as:

  • We determine the homogeneity of the mass by turning the jar over, caviar should not flow (according to GOST, the presence of brine (sludge), for a first grade product is unacceptable)
  • The eggs in appearance should be whole, we also check the absence of blood, pieces of film and shells of spatula eggs
  • The color of the delicacy must be uniform, with the exception of coho salmon and sockeye salmon

How to choose caviar by weight

  • The best part is that when buying by weight, you can try the goods, and you should start with this.
  • The taste should be pleasant, with a slight bitterness, moderately salty. Sweet and sour taste indicates the presence of a large amount of preservatives or spoiled products.
  • The delicacy from the refrigerator practically does not smell, a slight smell of fish is allowed in case of buying sockeye and coho caviar.
  • In appearance, the eggs should be even, not wrinkled. Orange or red (depending on the type of caviar), with one small patch inside (which distinguishes real caviar from artificial caviar). There should not be black and white eggs, the presence of one of these will infect the entire jar within a day
  • When chewed, the eggs should burst easily, a thick shell is a sign of “not fattening grain”. Also, if the product flows and there is a lot of liquid in it, you should not buy it, this means that it has been defrosted many times

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Red caviar is a wonderful, tasty and healthy delicacy, the main thing is to be able to choose it correctly. I hope the article did not scare you, but taught you the right approach to choosing a product. Eat caviar, be healthy, write reviews and ask questions (including on the topic of purchasing a product).

Nowadays, almost no festive feast is complete without such a delicacy as red caviar. In order for the celebration to be a success, and the guests to be satisfied with the proposed snacks, it is important to determine which red caviar is the best before the feast and purchase only the best-tasting product.

Not only tasty, but also healthy!

Red caviar, due to the presence of many useful substances in it, allows you to fight against premature aging, helping to rejuvenate the whole body, and also fight against sexual weakness. The protein of this product is absorbed much better, improving the vitality of a person, that is, the use of red caviar helps to improve metabolic processes in the body and a person feels a significant surge of energy. In addition to protein, such caviar contains iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The product also contains vitamins A, E, D, which help maintain human health and improve its immune system.

Delicious product from salmon!

This incredibly valuable and useful product is obtained from fish belonging to the salmon family, which are represented by pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, trout, coho, chinook salmon. In terms of protein content, usefulness and fat content, the caviar of these fish is the same, but its taste characteristics differ.

Therefore, each person decides for himself which red caviar is the best and most delicious, because some people like small caviar, and someone is a lover of large grains. But which of the salmon has which caviar - you should carefully understand this in order to be able to choose a product according to your taste preferences.

Chum caviar has large sizes (usually 5-9 mm). It is distinguished by its regular shape in the form of a ball and amber-orange color. Thanks to such a bright color, caviar is a wonderful decoration for any kind of dishes. Despite its high taste characteristics, not everyone likes it, but all because it has a very dense shell.

Pink salmon caviar in our country can be called the most popular. Its universal taste is liked by almost all people. The eggs of this fish have a not very dense shell and an orange color. In terms of the amount of caviar received, pink salmon is in first place, so in our supermarkets you can often find this particular type of caviar.

Sockeye caviar is not often found on sale today, since the number of this salmon fish is rapidly decreasing, and the taste of the meat of this fish is much better than the taste of caviar. The eggs of this fish are small in size, bright red in color and have a hint of bitterness.

Trout caviar is now massively entering the Russian market and gaining popularity among buyers. This caviar is the smallest, and its color can be from yellow to orange. Those who decide for themselves which red caviar is the best should definitely try this delicacy, because many people consider the taste of such caviar to be excellent.

Coho salmon caviar does not exceed 4 mm in size. Often it is confused with sockeye salmon caviar, but the main difference of this product is the absence of spicy bitterness, usually inherent in sockeye salmon caviar.

Chinook caviar is quite large (6-7 mm), has a bitter taste and a rich red color. However, it is not so easy to find caviar of this fish in supermarkets, since this salmon species is presented on the pages of the Red Book.

What is the best red caviar?

The best caviar will be only natural. Before making a purchase of red caviar, you should carefully read the label on the jar. The composition should contain caviar, salt and a minimum of preservatives. It is better to take a glass jar of caviar in order to better examine the contents. The eggs should be the same color and whole, and they should also be easily separated from each other.

It is also very important to look at the date of manufacture of the product - remember that caviar is mined in the summer (July-August). Therefore, if caviar is made in December, then you should think carefully before purchasing such a delicacy.

Once upon a time, red caviar was not considered a delicacy in Russia. She was on the table in every house, she was eaten for breakfast and she cost a penny. Currently, the situation has changed - caviar has risen in price and has become a real delicacy. Since we do not often buy caviar, we do not know how to choose it correctly. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers comply with quality standards. In order not to miscalculate, it is worth arming yourself with the necessary knowledge.

How to choose high-quality red caviar?

Before getting on the table, caviar undergoes a thorough processing process. First, the eggs are sorted by quality and degree of maturity, then separated from the film and washed thoroughly with cold boiled water. Then salted in a special solution and preserved.

High-quality processing and proper preparation is possible only in the factory. It is better to buy caviar in large supermarkets, where a thorough check of goods is observed. You should never buy a cheap product in the markets.

If the question is what kind of caviar to buy - by weight or in cans, the latter should be preferred. Bulk caviar is daily exposed to harmful bacteria, in addition, you will not know the date of manufacture and expiration date for sure, so there is a chance to purchase an expired product.

Caviar in cans is carefully protected from external factors, you will know the date of manufacture, but you will not be able to see the product itself - this is the main disadvantage. The only way to check the quality of canned caviar is to shake the packaging: if it gurgles, it means that there is too much brine in it.

A high-quality product has whole eggs, without crumpled sides, which fit snugly one to another. The total mass in the jar should have a reddish color, sufficient density without foreign residues (films, spatula, blood clots, mold and white sediment).

When buying red caviar in a jar, be sure to read the information on the label. There is always GOST for quality, and it is also written about the variety. 1st grade means that the eggs are perfectly matched in size. The 2nd grade allows you to mix eggs of different salmon fish, which makes the product less presentable.

On the label, the manufacturer always indicates the composition of the product. As it is correct, the composition includes caviar, salt and preservatives. Without preservatives, it can be stored for no more than 2 months, with preservatives, the product can remain fresh for about a year at the optimum temperature.

In Russia, sorbic acid (E200) and the antiseptic urotrypine (E239) are used as additives. The latter is a toxic substance, so it is not often used, changing to new methods of preserving the product. One of them is pasteurization (disinfection at high temperature). To retain moisture in the caviar, glycerin (E422) is added to the product.

There are general rules for choosing a product:

  1. Read the label carefully. The most expensive and high-quality caviar is granular salmon caviar, 1st grade;
  2. The jar with the product must contain information about the manufacturer, address, the presence of GOST, the date of manufacture and packaging, as well as the expiration date;
  3. Eggs must be whole, not wrinkled, without offal. They should fit snugly against each other;
  4. Caviar should not have too liquid consistency;
  5. The composition should contain caviar, salt, no more than 1 - 2 preservatives;
  6. The taste of red caviar is without sharp bitterness and medium salty;
  7. The size of the eggs should be the same, and the color should be uniform;
  8. When applying caviar to a sandwich, the eggs should be easily separated from each other.

How much does good red caviar cost?

In addition to the natural product, stores often sell artificial caviar made from protein products (milk, eggs, gelatin) with the addition of flavors, dyes and flavors. In order not to confuse artificial caviar with real one, you should carefully study the labels and analyze the price.

Real red caviar cannot cost less than 700 rubles per 1 kg. Although even for a synthetic product, prices are greatly inflated in order to deceive consumers.

Which fish caviar is better?

Valuable caviar is presented to us by different types of salmon fish: pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, trout, salmon, sockeye salmon and chinook salmon. By the amount of fat content, protein and degree of usefulness, all caviar is the same, but the appearance and taste are different.

Pink salmon caviar is versatile in taste, so most people like it. Pink salmon eggs are medium in size (about 5 mm in diameter), with a fragile shell, orange or light orange in color.

Coho salmon caviar is distinguished by burgundy hues and a small diameter. It tastes a little bitter, so not for everyone.

Trout caviar is the smallest in diameter (about 2 - 3 mm). A distinctive feature is the color - from yellow to bright orange.

Sockeye caviar has a diameter of about 4 mm and a pleasant taste. Currently, you can hardly find red sockeye caviar on store shelves, due to the mass extermination of this fish.

Chum caviar can reach a diameter of 5 - 6 mm. Large eggs have a pronounced spherical shape, amber-orange color, a dense shell and a noticeable fatty speck. Often chum caviar is used to decorate dishes.

Chinook caviar is the largest in diameter and can reach up to 8 mm. It has a bright red color and a spicy-bitter taste. Currently, Chinook caviar cannot be found in stores, because this fish is listed in the Red Book.

Red caviar is a healthy delicacy product, which includes many vitamins and microelements. Despite the positive properties, it is still not worth abusing caviar, otherwise metabolism may be disturbed. To please yourself with a truly tasty and high-quality product, you should carefully approach its choice.

Useful properties and calorie content of red caviar. Sandwich with red caviar: calories

A few years ago, red caviar was considered a rare delicacy. Only people close to power and very wealthy citizens could afford it. But times are changing. And today, delicacies in jars can be purchased at almost any chain store. And at an affordable price. How useful is red caviar? How to distinguish a natural product from an artificial one? In what form should it be used? The answers to these questions are in the article.

We love many products for their pleasant taste, attractive aroma and other qualities. No less important is their benefit to the body. For example, meat is a source of protein. It gives energy and strength. How useful is red caviar? It, like meat, contains protein, but it is not so "heavy" for digestion.

Useful properties of red caviar are in its truly unique composition. This product contains:

1. Vitamin A. It helps to strengthen the immune system, improve vision and get rid of a cold as soon as possible.

2. Vitamins of group B. With their deficiency, there is a deterioration in the functioning of the liver, brain and pancreas.

3. Vitamin E. Normalizes the hormonal system, removes toxins from the body. Has an antioxidant effect.

4. Vitamin D. It is of particular importance for children, pensioners and people who have had fractures. Vitamin D contributes to the proper formation and strengthening of bone mass. Therefore, pregnant women can and even need to eat red caviar.

5. Folic acid. Essential for maintaining the immune system.

6. Iodine. Improves thyroid function.

7. Sodium, potassium, cobalt and other elements.

How to determine the quality of caviar

Chain stores and supermarkets offer a wide range of food products. And this cannot but please buyers. But how to distinguish high-quality caviar from low-quality? If it is sold by weight, then you can still conduct a visual inspection, and in some cases even taste it. But most often, red caviar is supplied in tin cans, which greatly complicates the task.

  • Remember one thing: a quality product (in our case, caviar) cannot cost a penny. However, too high a price is not a guarantee that you will receive a 100% natural product. Here we need a "golden mean".
  • The ideal packaging for caviar is a glass jar. It allows the buyer to clearly see the product. However, if you come across caviar in an opaque package, this does not mean that the product is of poor quality. Be sure to pay attention to the tightness of the package, the date of manufacture and the composition of the product.
  • If the caviar contains salt and sodium benzoate (E211) - it's okay, you can safely buy it. The presence of additional ingredients dramatically reduces the quality of the product and increases its calorie content.
  • One of the most important criteria for cans is the markings embossed on the inside.
  • Be sure to check the availability of the GOST standard. If not, then the quality of the product can be called into question.
  • To avoid misunderstandings and waste of money, we advise you to study the packaging in the store, and not at home.
  • The eggs should not be too large, tightly pressed against each other. Color - from pale orange to dark red.


There is no doubt about the benefits of red caviar for the human body. But this is only if you have purchased a quality product. In case of violation of technology, processing, packaging and storage, a delicacy beloved, if not by all, then by many, can greatly harm.

A concave marking on a tin can is a sure sign of falsification. Caviar should not contain urotropine (E239) and sorbic acid (E200). They are very dangerous. When opening the jar, you should pay attention to the condition of the eggs. If they are cloudy, with broken integrity and coating with plaque, then they should not be eaten.

Types of red caviar

A wonderful delicacy is given to us by fish of the salmon family: trout, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, pink salmon and coho salmon. Their eggs may differ from each other in taste, appearance and size. At the same time, they are all equally useful for the human body.


1. Chinook salmon caviar. It is considered the largest (7 mm). It has a bitter taste and a bright red tint. It is almost impossible to taste the caviar of this fish. And all because the latter is included in the Red Book.

2. Chum caviar. Used to decorate dishes. The eggs have a spherical shape and a bright amber hue. Taste for an amateur.

3. Pink salmon caviar (5 mm). It is very popular with gourmets all over the world. The eggs are painted light orange. They are surrounded by a loose shell. The calorie content of pink salmon red caviar is 230 kcal per 100 g of product.

4. Sockeye caviar (4 mm). It tastes like the previous version. This species of fish is on the verge of extinction.

5. Trout caviar (2-3 mm). It is considered the smallest in this classification. Eggs can have a different color, ranging from pale yellow to deep orange.

How to serve caviar

Do you have a big holiday coming up (anniversary, wedding anniversary or something else)? Don't know how to surprise your guests? A great option would be red caviar. You can serve it as an independent snack by putting it in a glass caviar bowl. But it is best to cook dishes with the addition of caviar. For example, a festive salad of salmon, onions and boiled rice. Mayonnaise of any fat content is suitable as a dressing. Pancakes and eggs are also stuffed with red caviar, rolls and sandwiches are made from it. Connect your imagination and create new dishes.

Nowadays, more and more people are beginning to eat right, monitor their health and figure. But even they sometimes want to try some delicacy. For example, red caviar. She looks very appetizing. In addition, at every step they talk about its benefits for the body. What then stops people adhering to a diet or proper nutrition? Most likely, the high calorie content of red caviar. But if you figure it out, then there is no problem.

An important role is played by the quality and quantity of the food eaten. The fact is that it contains salt, the excessive use of which leads to fluid retention in the body. The calorie content of red caviar is 270 kcal per 100 g of product. Indeed, the number is impressive. But if you eat no more than 2-3 tbsp per day. l., then it will not affect the figure in any way.

Product storage rules

Lightly salted caviar can be placed in the freezer. The main thing is that it be in a hermetically sealed container - a glass jar or a plastic container. If you bought caviar in a tin, then it is better to transfer it to a glass container. The shelf life of the product in the refrigerator is 1-2 days. Would you like to extend this period to a week? Then sprinkle the surface of the eggs with vegetable oil, and put two lemon slices on top.

Appetizer Recipes

We have considered the calorie content of red caviar and the rules for its storage. Now we offer some simple recipes that allow you to create mouth-watering snacks using this delicacy. Your family and guests will be delighted.

holiday sandwiches

Ingredients (per serving):

  • 10 g of red caviar;
  • 20 g of grain bread;
  • 20 g cream cheese.


We cut the bread. We spread cheese on each piece and spread the caviar. You can sprinkle chopped herbs on top. It turns out a very bright and appetizing sandwich with red caviar. The calorie content of such a snack is very small. If you eat a couple of sandwiches, then you certainly will not get better.

Pancakes with caviar

Grocery set (for 5 servings):

  • 200 g of buckwheat flour;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 st. l cognac;
  • 100 g of red caviar;
  • 1 st. l sugar;
  • 200 g flour.

Practical part

1. In a deep cup, mix warm milk and the same water. Add the yolks, grated with butter. Salt. Pour the specified amount of sugar. Whisk all these ingredients thoroughly using a whisk.

2. Add flour. Whisk the contents of the cup again. Add whites. Add oil and cognac. We mix. We should get a dough that resembles sour cream in consistency.

3. We bake pancakes in a hot pan, the bottom of which is greased. As soon as a golden crust appears on one side, turn the pancake over. The main thing is that it does not burn. Lubricate the finished pancakes with plenty of oil, spread them on top of each other, and at the end of the process, cover with a lid and put in a warm place for 5 minutes. Then we get them. In the middle of each pancake we put red caviar and wrap it with an envelope. You can use lettuce leaves or basil to decorate the dish.


Now you know how many calories are in red caviar, as well as what dishes you can cook from it. The recipes presented in the article are affordable and low-cost in time.

Fish and its various varieties are raw materials for the preparation of not only insanely delicious, but also very healthy dishes. However, some people mistakenly consider red types to be the most useful. Of course, they have many elements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the human body, skin and hair, but red varieties are not leaders in terms of benefits.


  1. The leader in its taste and beneficial effects on the body is the so-called ice fish. She is a real champion in the content of phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, as well as other vitamins and microelements. Icefish is also the most environmentally friendly variety, as it lives exclusively in the cleanest waters. Another plus of this product is a low calorie content against the background of high nutritional value and excellent taste (only 91 kcal per 100 grams of product).
  2. Other names for this species are common icefish, pike whitefish, and common white-blooded pike. It belongs to the Perch-like order and the White-blooded family. Another name for this variety - "sea pike" - is the cause of great confusion, since this name is also characteristic of barracuda. The habitat of icefish is the cold waters of Antarctica around the southernmost continent. Occasionally, she also sails to South America.
  3. Icefish is not a very large variety. maximum length - 66 centimeters and weight - 1-1.2 kilograms. The parameters of the largest specimen caught near South Georgia are 69.5 centimeters and 3.2 kilograms. This variety belongs to the commercial and not the cheapest due to the great benefits and "vitamin content". In addition to Russia, fishermen from Australia, Chile, Spain and Lithuania specialize in the production of ice fish. Earlier, back in Soviet times, before a detailed study of the composition of this species, icefish was classified as a low-quality product, along with blue whiting and pollock.
  4. An important culinary advantage of ice fish is the absence of a smell characteristic of such a product. It is this property that makes it a good product for people who need it, but who cannot tolerate the fishy aroma. Icefish meat is very dense and lean (fat content is about 2-8 per 100 grams), but high in protein (17%). There are few bones in this variety: there is only a backbone, there are no costal bones and small bones. In addition, the ridge itself, due to its low calcium content, is very soft and edible.
  5. Ice fish is usually cooked either steamed or boiled, but true connoisseurs of culinary masterpieces believe that the best dish based on it is aspic. The Japanese, knowing about the purity and environmental friendliness of ice fish meat, also like to eat it raw.