Verkhnemakeevka. Holy Intercession Monastery. Sofyino


Svyato-Pokrovsky monastery in Kharkov

The history of the Holy Intercession Monastery in Kharkov is a living testimony of God's mercy and favor to our Slobozhansky region.
The foundation of the monastery was connected with the transfer of the Bishop's School to Kharkov in 1726 by Bishop Epiphanius Tikhorsky of Belgorod, which later received the status of Collegium.
In 1729, according to the decision of the Holy Synod on the accession of the parish church to the monastery, the Church of the Intercession became the main monastery church. Holy Mother of God.
History has not preserved the names of the builders or other information about its construction, it is only known that the temple was consecrated in 1689 by Metropolitan Abraham. The Church of the Intercession is the oldest building in the city that has survived to this day, an unsurpassed work of Ukrainian architecture of the 17th century.
At the monastery Collegium, the first library, the first choir arose, the ground was prepared for the formation of the temple of science - Kharkov University. Its foundation in 1805 was blessed and put a lot of work into it by the first Saint of the Kharkiv Diocese, Bishop Christopher (Sulima), a highly educated man, a reverent prayer book, a reformer of spiritual administration, a guardian of the planting of universal education. The Kharkiv Collegium was famous for its talented teachers, among whom a special place is occupied by the original Ukrainian philosopher and poet Hryhoriy Savvych Skovoroda, who taught poetics, ancient Greek, and Christian morality.
An unforgettable page in the spiritual enlightenment of the people was the long-term archpastoral activity of Archbishop Ambrose (Klyucharev) - the guardian of Christian enlightenment, who opened more than 60 churches, improved theological schools and founded the philosophical journal "Faith and Reason", adorned the monastery with a majestic temple.
Under his pastoral leadership, in 1896, a new twelve-domed church was consecrated in honor of the Ozeryanskaya Icon. Mother of God, and the side aisles - in honor of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian and martyr. Demetrius of Thessalonica, and also the lower church was created, where Vladyka Ambrose found his resting place, and also the bishops Christopher (Sulima), Apollos (Tereshkevich), Pavel (Sabbatovsky), Theophilus (Tatarsky), the hero of the war of 1812 Count Orlov -Denisov, family Kvitok. Also, the holy relics of St. Meletius (Leontovich), Archbishop of Kharkov and Akhtyrka, also rested in the tomb of the Intercession Church. Contemporaries remember him as a loving father-archpastor, unmercenary, strict ascetic, prayer book and fasting. Later, the coffin of the Saint was placed in the altar of the lower church of the Monastery. Many believers flowed to the holy tomb with prayerful hope in his intercession before God.
In 1978, Sainted Meletius (Leontovich) was canonized, his name was included in the All-Russian calendar through the efforts and cares of His Eminence Vladyka Nikodim, who tirelessly cares about the revival, preservation and continuation of the glorious traditions of monastic life and the perpetuation of the memory of the great lamps of the faith.
The main shrine of the monastery was the Ozeryanskaya Icon of the Mother of God, miraculously found and transferred to the Monastery in 1787. According to historical evidence, it is known that one of the inhabitants of the village. Ozeryanki, who was mowing the grass, the icon was cut in two and he heard a groan. With spiritual trepidation, the peasant picked up the dissected parts of the holy icon and carried them into the house, but when he woke up in the morning, he did not find them. With tears in his eyes, he returned to the place where he cut the icon with a scythe and saw it shining with a wondrous radiance. Struck, he gave the icon to the local priest, Father Theodore, at the Mother of God Church in the city of Merefa.
From that time to the present day, our people have in the face of the Ozeryansk Icon of the Mother of God their marvelous Intercessor before God.
Father Theodore ceded the land belonging to him to Archimandrite Sebastian, who built a temple and founded the Ozeryansk Hermitage, where the icon resided. Upon the closure of the desert, it was transferred to the Kuryazhsky Monastery, and after its abolition - to Pokrovsky, where it remained until 1797, when, after the restoration of the Kuryazhsky Monastery, it was returned there again.
The miraculous image, from which many healings and miracles occurred, was transferred twice a year with extraordinary solemnity and reverence to Kuryazh and back with an unprecedented confluence of people.
Other ancient shrines that had an enduring significance in the history of the region and were kept in the monastery were a gilded tomb, under the shadow of which was the Holy Sepulcher with evangelists located on the sides on pedestals, as well as ancient Gospels, decorated with enamel medallions of the finest jewelry work.
Crosses of the 17th century were of great value. with the relics of the Saints of the Caves and a carved cypress cross of the 17th century. The walls of the cathedral and the refectory church were decorated with beautifully executed monumental paintings on biblical themes.
The library of the monastery had the rarest editions - the Bible of the Ostroh seal of 1581, Oktoikhs of the Moscow seal of 1618, 1683, the breviary of Peter Mohyla of 1646, the Gospel of the Moscow seal of 1648 and much more.
It is known about the number of monastic brethren that in 1751 there were: 11 hieromonks, 4 hierodeacons and 10 monks.
Part of the brethren was engaged in teaching at the Collegium, the rest devoted their labors to the management of the extensive monastic economy, which included mills, distilleries, stockyards and land.
Thanks to the tireless work of the brethren and the sympathy of society for the enormous educational activities of the monastery, he quickly reached a significant spiritual and material flourishing.

The prosperity of the Holy Monastery was stopped by the godless authorities after the well-known tragic events of the beginning of the century. In 1922, the monastery was closed, many monks received a martyr's crown, having suffered for Christ, their remains were found in June 2000 during the cleaning of the foundation and are now reverently kept in a special reliquary in the altar of the Ozeryansky church.

The monastic property was looted, unique valuables, the library were destroyed, the tomb was desecrated. The monastery buildings housed a museum, warehouses, military enlistment office.
And only on January 15, 1990, thanks to the hierarchical labors and prayers of His Eminence Vladyka Nikodim, the authorities decided to return the monastery buildings.
And today, the splendor and spiritual strength of the reviving Abode are not only beautifully recreated temples, but also its inhabitants. The brethren, whose number is gradually increasing, strive to glorify the Name of the Lord by a feat of faith and labor in zealous obedience, mercy to the suffering, in unceasing prayer, sanctifying, invisibly guarding and strengthening the Orthodox people.
Among the brethren of the monastery there are higher education. The knowledge they have gained in the engineering, architectural and medical fields finds its application in obedience.

On April 8, 1990, the consecration and the first service took place in the Intercession Church, and on October 14 of the same year, for the first time after many years of oblivion, the patronal feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was solemnly celebrated.
Two years later, on May 27-28, 1992, on the territory of the monastery, in the building of the Diocesan Administration, the historic Kharkov Bishops' Council was held under the chairmanship of Vladyka Nikodim, who wrote in his "Historical Remembrance": blood of martyrs and confessors of the 2000-year feat of faith of grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
Preserving the canonical path of unity and purity of the Holy Church, the Council elected Metropolitan Volodymyr (Sabodan) of Kyiv and All Ukraine as Primate.
By the grace of God, holy prayers and the care of His Eminence Vladyka Nikodim, the Holy Monastery is now experiencing its second birth: the beauty and magnificence of the temples, shone with the brilliance of domes, has been restored, the monastery courtyard has been reconstructed and ennobled, the bright pearl of which is a unique monument to the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ. It was erected according to the plan of His Eminence Vladyka Nikodim, his labors and cares, as well as the monument in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Kharkov Diocese, consecrated by His Beatitude Vladimir at the celebrations in honor of this anniversary.
A well-proportioned ensemble of monastic buildings adorns the bishop's house, which houses the residence of the Metropolitan and the Diocesan Administration.
On October 9, 2000, on the day of the celebration of the memory of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, the building of the Theological Seminary was consecrated by its rector, His Eminence Vladyka Nikodim.
The monastery, once again becoming the spiritual and educational center of the region, is replenished with unique shrines. Thus, in August 2001, His Eminence Bishop Nikodim donated to the monastery a priceless spiritual treasure - a kivot with holy relics and stones from the Holy Land, including a Part of the Life-Giving Tree of the Lord, Stones from St. Mount Calvary, Mount Sinai, the Holy Sepulcher, Mount Tabor, the Sepulcher of the Mother of God, the stone of the forty-day prayer ... And also the Particles of the Holy Relics: the Holy Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist; St. app. Andrew the First-Called, St. Ap. bows,
St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregory the Theologian, St. Basil the Great, St. Vmts. Barbarians, Rev. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Vmch. and healer Panteleimon, Rev. Ambrose, Rev. kukshi,
and many others, more than 50 in total. All those who come to the Monastery with extraordinary reverence venerate the Shrine, feeling the grace-filled help and strengthening in faith.

Birth locality Upper Makeevka belongs to the second half of the 18th century. The region was inhabited by runaway serfs from the central provinces of Russia and Ukraine.

In 1763 these lands are acquired by the landowner Colonel Vasily Ivanovich Ilovaisky. In those days, most settlements were named after the names or surnames of their owners. Vasily Ivanovich decided to name the farm in honor of his grandfather Makei - hence the name of the village of Makeevka.

The household life of the peasants was very unenviable, frequent deaths of livestock and crop failures, hunger, poverty and disease were the fate of the then inhabitants of many settlements.

Several dry years in a row are increasingly forcing peasants to turn to God for help. According to legend, Vasily Ivanovich had a dream in which it was clearly indicated to him that it was necessary to build a temple in the village, in one of the most beautiful corners of the village, on the banks of the Olkhovaya River. In 1784 The construction of a temple in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos began. As is known from the statement for 1839. stored in Rostov state archive: The church was built in 1794. By the care of the deceased Colonel Vasily Ivanovich Ilovaisky. The building is wooden, with the same bell tower, with a stone fence with a wooden palisade between the pillars .. There is only one throne in it in the name of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. Utensils are sufficient. The clergy according to the state is supposed to be: priests-3, deacons-2 and clerks-6.

There is no specially demarcated, legalized proportion of land at this church of manor, arable and hayfields, but the clergy and residents use it through a lane-surveying amount.

The clergy have their own houses, wooden, except for one semi-master's house, in which Deacon Nikolai Popov lives.

There are no buildings belonging to this church, except for one wooden guardhouse.

The distance of this church from the consistory is 200, from the Spiritual Board in 170, from the local Deanery in 60 versts.

There is no other assigned to this church.

The brownie in the parish of this church is not registered with any of the landowners.

There is an inventory of church property, issued in 1818. from the former Cherkasy Spiritual Board under the seal of the priest Vasily Rubashkin, who is present, and besides this there is a notebook issued in 1818. October 30 day from the same board to record profits, things.

Parish account books issued in 1835. from the Lower Cherkassy Spiritual Board with a cord and a seal, about the amounts of candle and church money are regularly kept and kept intact.

Copies from metric books from 1784 are kept intact.

Orthodox parishioners at that time numbered about 6 thousand people.

From the petition of the Board of Trustees to the Don Spiritual Consistory in 1897. Stored in the Rostov State Archive, it is known that: April 13, 1894. after the Paschal service, a great misfortune befell us, our wooden church with the main altar and its front part burned to the ground, and the foundation was left in a perfect refectory, separated by a main wall from the burnt part and the foundation ...

Further board of trustees asks the Don Spiritual Consistory to allow an extension to the surviving bell tower and refectory, the middle part of the church, on the site of the burnt one, on the foundation of bricks that remained intact, ... with two thrones in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and Chrysanth and Daria, according to the plan and the attached drawings, received by the trustees from the diocesan architect. This is the time of construction of the current wooden temple.

Here, on the eastern side, it was proposed to build a crypt under the altar for the burial of clergy. It was built along with a new extension, but in the 60s the graves were looted, the entrance was destroyed and subsequently covered up.

In the 30-40s of the last century, when churches were closed one after another everywhere and atheistic propaganda was planted, the Lord preserved the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. The first divine services in the temple were performed by hegumen Paisios (Pavlov), who was appointed rector, but soon he was transferred to another place of service. Fr. Grigory (Keleberda), who served in the city of Millerovo. From October 1, 1992 to October 1, 1995, Hieromonk Alipiy (Filin) ​​served as rector of the parish; Hierodeacon Anthony (Denisov) served as a deacon, who was ordained to the rank of presbyter in October 1995 and was appointed rector of the Holy Intercession Parish, and Hieromonk Alipiy was rector of St. Nikolsky parish of the village of Kashary.

Monastic life in the parish was born gradually. First, in 1995. By decree of Metropolitan Vladimir (Kotlyarov), at that time the ruling bishop of the Rostov diocese, the Svyato-Pokrovsky Skete was formed. The first to be tonsured into monasticism was Nezhivoe A.B. with the name Alim, the second was tonsured by Bokov A.M. with the name Vikenty, and the third was tonsured as a monk Krinichny S. with the name Seraphim.

In 2003 With the blessing of Archbishop Panteleimon, the construction of a monastic building for 20 people began. The construction of the monastery fence and outbuildings is underway. It is planned to build a house church, a chapel at the Svyato-Pokrovsky spring, expand the refectory, medical center and office.

On August 17, 2004, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', on the proposal of the Archbishop of Rostov and Novo-Cherkassk Panteleimon, the Holy Intercession parish with. Verkhne-Makeevka of the Kasharsky district of the Veshensky deanery was transformed into the Holy Intercession Monastery. Hegumen Alipiy was appointed viceroy.

Five hundred meters from the Holy Intercession Monastery is the Pokrovsky Spring. According to legend, the source appeared when the Holy Intercession Church was built. The appearances of the Mother of God were repeatedly noted at the source. Many believers receive healing from miraculous water.

On May 17, 2004, the Archbishop of Rostov and Novocherkassk Panteleimon consecrated the spring. Since that time, processions of the cross and prayers for the blessing of water have been constantly performed here.

May the Lord multiply the summer of our newly created male monastery!

In the very center of Kharkov, a large and modern city, there is a place where the soul of any person can come to God. Holy Intercession Monastery in Kharkov - a favorite place for many Orthodox Christians for pilgrimage and prayer. The convenient location of the monastery makes it easy to get to it from anywhere in the city. Let's find out more about this wonderful place where people come to save their souls.

History of occurrence

The founding date of the male monastery in the center of Kharkov is considered to be 1726, when, by decree of Bishop Epiphanius of Belgorod, a theological school was moved to the city, later called the Kharkov Collegium. The parish of the Holy Intercession Church was attached to it, which has been preserved to this day and is the oldest building in the city of Kharkov. The monastery also received its name and the main patronal feast in honor of Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Interesting: The Kharkiv Collegium at the Intercession Monastery entered the history of the fact that G.S. taught there. Pan.

Having an excellent library with rare books and a brilliant teaching staff, the Collegium has released a large number of famous figures of science and religion, and the rector was also the abbot of the monastery, where in the early years about two dozen monks labored.

Intercession Monastery in Kharkov

With the formation of a separate diocese, a Spiritual Consistory was organized on the territory of the monastery. At the same time, the upper church became the main cathedral of the diocese, and the territory of the monastery itself increased significantly - the building of the Collegium, the house church, the Bishop's house, and the refectory appeared.

Read more about the temples of Ukraine:

At the end of the 19th century, in the former basement, which also served as a tomb, another church was consecrated, called the Three Saints. One noteworthy moment is connected with this construction: the relics of St. Miletius in the tomb were made open for worship, and a special kiot was equipped over them with donations from the parishioners.

Soon there was a strong fire, in which all the decoration of the tomb completely burned out, but the relics miraculously did not suffer, although the flame reached the very tomb of the saint.

Important! After the fire, the veneration of the relics of the saint increased, and many Christians began to believe that the monastery stands on consecrated ground.

In 1844, a very revered shrine appeared in the monastery - the Ozeryanskaya icon of the Virgin. The flow of pilgrims to it did not dry up for days on end, and the small upper Intercession Church did not accommodate everyone. Soon a separate Ozeryanskaya church was built and consecrated, which advantageously complemented the architectural ensemble of the Intercession Monastery.

IN Soviet times the entire huge Pokrovsky Monastery was closed, and various government agencies, even the district military registration and enlistment office. In the 60s, there was an attempt to start the reconstruction of the entire complex, but the work was not completed, and scaffolding was visible on the buildings until the end of the 90s.

available Orthodox Church The Intercession Monastery returned only in the 90s, when a large process of returning church property began throughout the country.

Fact: It was on the territory of the Intercession Monastery in 1992 that the Council of Bishops was held, at which the activities of the schismatic Filaret Church were condemned. A new primate has been chosen for the Ukrainian Church - Metropolitan Volodymyr.

The entire ensemble of the monastery was completely restored only by 2003. During the reconstruction, they tried to preserve all the ancient architectural monuments of the 17th - 18th centuries, which are still the decoration of the city of Kharkov.

Description and temple buildings

After a long period of stagnation, and then the restoration of the entire complex of the monastery, there are such temples in it:

  1. Holy Cross. It is located on the first floor of the Intercession Cathedral.
  2. Ozeryansky.
  3. Protection of the Holy Mother of God. To do this, you need to go up to the second floor of the Pokrovsky Cathedral.
  4. House church in honor of John the Evangelist. Located in the Bishop's House.
  5. Three Saints. It is consecrated in the basement of the Ozeryanskaya church.

For Orthodox parishioners, the Exaltation of the Cross Church is open, where services are held daily at weekdays, and Ozeryansky, where believers come on church holidays and Sundays.

In addition to church buildings, the monastery includes the administrative building of the Kharkov diocese and the Kharkov Theological Seminary. In addition, you can visit the unique museum, which contains both historical and spiritual relics that tell about the history of the entire city of Kharkov.

Completing the splendor of the entire monastery complex are commemorative sculptures dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as to the 200th anniversary of the entire Kharkiv diocese. In addition to invaluable spiritual benefits, the very architectural composition of the Holy Intercession Monastery is a real decoration of the center of Kharkov.

Shrines of the monastery

Of course, the decoration of any temple will be shrines, to which believers come to pray. In the Intercession Monastery in the city of Kharkov, you can venerate the following spiritual treasures:

  1. Icon of the Blessed Virgin "Ozeryanskaya". Unfortunately the original miraculous icon has not survived to this day, but in the Exaltation of the Cross Church you can pray in front of an exact copy of the original icon.
  2. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Tsaritsa". With the blessing of Metropolitan Nikodim, an exact copy of the miraculous image, the original of which is kept on Mount Athos, was brought to the monastery. Before this icon, they pray for a cure for serious illnesses and deliverance from difficult life circumstances.
  3. A particle of the holy relics of St. Iosaph of Belgorod. This is a revered saint of the Slobozhansky land, who helps everyone who comes to him to pray with a pure heart.
  4. Relics from the Holy Land. The Ozeryansky temple keeps a truly priceless gift from the Holy Land - a kiot with various shrines. There are particles of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, stones with Calvary mountains, Sinai and Tabor, particles of the Holy Sepulcher. In addition, all believers can bow and venerate the particles relics of John the Baptist, Apostles Andrew the First-Called and Luke, healer Panteliimon and many other revered saints.
  5. Icon of the Mother of God Yelets-Kharkovskaya. This ancient image was found almost 1000 years ago by St. Anthony of the Caves. The icon was restored in 2012 and is available to all believers in the Intercession Monastery in Kharkov.

Icon of the Mother of God Yeletskaya-Kharkovskaya

Coming to bow to any shrines, you need to remember that they are not some kind of magical amulets for the fulfillment of desires. You can ask for God's help only with sincere repentance in your soul and the desire to direct your life towards the fulfillment of God's will.

Holidays and worship

In a large monastery, unlike small churches, services are held daily. For the convenience of pilgrims and in order to accommodate all believers, on days church holidays and Sunday, two Liturgies are served in the Intercession Monastery - early and late. The early one starts at 6:30 am and the late one at 8:30 am. On ordinary weekdays, the Liturgy is only early.

On the importance of church life:

As for patronal feasts, they can be judged by the names of the temples of the monastery. Of course, the main throne falls on October 14 according to the new style, when the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated. On this day, a large number of pilgrims come to the monastery, a bishop's service is served, bells ring solemnly.

In addition to the main throne on Pokrov, each individual temple has its own patronal feasts in the days in honor of which the temples are consecrated. On the day of veneration of the Ozeryansk Icon of the Mother of God (which is November 12 and June 29), festive services are held in the Ozeryansk Church.

In addition to the Liturgy, after which a memorial service is always served (the rite of commemoration of the dead), parishioners can pray at various prayer services. So, daily on weekdays at 9.30 in the morning you can order a prayer service for the blessing of water, and at 15.30 come to the prayer service with the reading of such akathists:

After the Friday evening service, which begins at 17.00, a prayer service is also served before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Tsaritsa”.

On Sundays at 13.00, you can take part in a custom-made prayer service to St. Nicholas, at which all parishioners will be anointed with consecrated oil.

Confession in the Intercession Monastery is held at the evening service on the eve of the day of communion, so be sure to come to the temple in the evening.

Finding the Intercession Monastery in Kharkov is not difficult - it is located in the very center of the city, on Universitetskaya Street, just opposite the exit from the metro station Constitution Square.

Holy Intercession Kharkov Monastery

The birth of the settlement Verkhne-Makeevka dates back to the second half of the 18th century. The region was inhabited by runaway serfs from the central provinces of Russia and Ukraine.

In 1763 these lands are acquired by the landowner Colonel Vasily Ivanovich Ilovaisky. In those days, most settlements were named after the names or surnames of their owners. Vasily Ivanovich decided to name the farm in honor of his grandfather Makei - hence the name of the village of Makeevka.

The household life of the peasants was very unenviable, frequent deaths of livestock and crop failures, hunger, poverty and disease were the fate of the then inhabitants of many settlements.

Several dry years in a row are increasingly forcing peasants to turn to God for help. According to legend, Vasily Ivanovich had a dream in which it was clearly indicated to him that it was necessary to build a temple in the village, in one of the most beautiful corners of the village, on the banks of the Olkhovaya River. In 1784 The construction of a temple in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos began. As is known from the statement for 1839. stored in the Rostov State Archives: The church was built in 1794. By the care of the deceased Colonel Vasily Ivanovich Ilovaisky. The building is wooden, with the same bell tower, with a stone fence with a wooden palisade between the pillars. Utensils are sufficient. The clergy according to the state is supposed to be: priests-3, deacons-2 and clerks-6.

There is no specially demarcated, legalized proportion of land at this church of manor, arable and hayfields, but the clergy and residents use it through a lane-surveying amount.

The clergy have their own houses, wooden, except for one semi-master's house, in which Deacon Nikolai Popov lives.

There are no buildings belonging to this church, except for one wooden guardhouse.

The distance of this church from the consistory is 200, from the Spiritual Board in 170, from the local Deanery in 60 versts.

There is no other assigned to this church.

The brownie in the parish of this church is not registered with any of the landowners.

There is an inventory of church property, issued in 1818. from the former Cherkasy Spiritual Board under the seal of the priest Vasily Rubashkin, who is present, and besides this there is a notebook issued in 1818. October 30 day from the same board to record profits, things.

Parish account books issued in 1835. from the Lower Cherkassy Spiritual Board with a cord and a seal, about the amounts of candle and church money are regularly kept and kept intact.

Copies from metric books from 1784 are kept intact.

Orthodox parishioners at that time numbered about 6 thousand people.

From the petition of the Board of Trustees to the Don Spiritual Consistory in 1897. Stored in the Rostov State Archive, it is known that: April 13, 1894. after the Paschal service, a great misfortune befell us, our wooden church with the main altar and its front part burned to the ground, and the foundation was left in a perfect refectory, separated by a main wall from the burnt part and the foundation ...

Further, the Board of Trustees asks the Don Spiritual Consistory to allow an extension to the surviving bell tower and refectory, the middle part of the church, in place of the burnt one, on the intact brick foundation, ... with two thrones in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and Chrysanthus and Daria, according to the plan and attached drawings received by the trustees from the diocesan architect. This is the time of construction of the current wooden temple.

Here, on the eastern side, it was proposed to build a crypt under the altar for the burial of clergy. It was built along with a new extension, but in the 60s the graves were looted, the entrance was destroyed and subsequently covered up.

In the 30-40s of the last century, when churches were closed one after another everywhere and atheistic propaganda was planted, the Lord preserved the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. The first divine services in the temple were performed by hegumen Paisios (Pavlov), who was appointed rector, but soon he was transferred to another place of service. Fr. Grigory (Keleberda), who served in the city of Millerovo. From October 1, 1992 to October 1, 1995, Hieromonk Alipiy (Filin) ​​served as rector of the parish; Hierodeacon Anthony (Denisov) served as a deacon, who was ordained to the rank of presbyter in October 1995 and was appointed rector of the Holy Intercession Parish, and Hieromonk Alipiy was rector of St. Nikolsky parish of the village of Kashary.

Monastic life in the parish was born gradually. First, in 1995. By decree of Metropolitan Vladimir (Kotlyarov), at that time the ruling bishop of the Rostov diocese, the Svyato-Pokrovsky Skete was formed. The first to be tonsured into monasticism was Nezhivoe A.B. with the name Alim, the second was tonsured by Bokov A.M. with the name Vikenty, and the third was tonsured as a monk Krinichny S. with the name Seraphim.

In 2003 With the blessing of Archbishop Panteleimon, the construction of a monastic building for 20 people began. The construction of the monastery fence and outbuildings is underway. It is planned to build a house church, a chapel at the Svyato-Pokrovsky spring, expand the refectory, medical center and office.

On August 17, 2004, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', on the proposal of the Archbishop of Rostov and Novocherkassk Panteleimon, the Holy Intercession parish with. Verkhne-Makeevka of the Kasharsky district of the Veshensky deanery was transformed into the Holy Intercession Monastery. Hegumen Alipiy was appointed viceroy.

Five hundred meters from the Holy Intercession Monastery is the Pokrovsky Spring. According to legend, the source appeared when the Holy Intercession Church was built. The appearances of the Mother of God were repeatedly noted at the source. Many believers receive healing from miraculous water.

On May 17, 2004, the Archbishop of Rostov and Novocherkassk Panteleimon consecrated the spring. Since that time, processions of the cross and prayers for the blessing of water have been constantly performed here.

May the Lord multiply the summer of our newly created male monastery!

Abbot of the Holy Intercession Monastery, Abbot Alipiy.

Verkhnedonskoe deanery website (